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The Oshawa Times, 21 Jun 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY There are bigger things than money---bills, for instance. ~ Oshawa Time WEATHER REPORT Cloudy Wednesday, showers Wednesday evening, little change in temperature, winds light, southeasterly. J VOL. 89--NO. 143 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy "OSHAWA, TUESDAY, JUNE 21 , 1960 Authorized as Second Class Post Office Department, Mail Ottawa TWENTY PAGES = gated PLEAD GUILTY Joseph Dockstater, 38, (left) | ing to pass phony and Theodore Dockstator, 40, | $20 bills in the Port. Huron, fright), walk with averted | Mich,, area. Secret Service heads in the Federal Building | agents said the bills were not corridor in Detroit today, after | good reproductions and were they pleaded guilty to possess- | similar to others passed in ing counterfeit currency. They | Wellspurg, W. Va. All face sen- were two of six Canadians | tences up to 15 years caught over the weekend ftry- --AP Wirephoto SPRING SURGE + American ] ; | u o Iz 1 ( : i ed 32 dispatchers couldn't reach most : of the flyers to give them assign-| npioyin Lie Tests Used On Employees TORONTO (CP) -- Many Tor-|But lie delectors are not infal- onto business firms use lie detec-|lible, he said, and judicial meth- tors to investigate the honesty of ods offered protection. : employees or reveal thefts, a lie Mr, Jurens said no subject who detector operator said today. | has taken the tests has ever com- John Jurens said in an inter: Plained and often the polygraph view his tests resulted in many helped to clear up 3 cloud hat employees being dismissed. One| 2Y over everyone in a depal firm, he said, had only to threaten using a lie detector, or polygraph, to reduce inventory tives who became part of the {losses by 95 per cent work force and spy on their fel- Unions have complained about jow employees. Union officials said some Cana- dian industries use private detec- EDRIFT 5', DAYS Two teenage cousins. Harold NMiclntyre, top, 16, and = Mar- shall McIntyre, 14 (potiom), both of Fair Haven, N.Y., were back on land at Sackets Harbor near Watertown, N.Y, today af er spending 5% days without food adrift on Lake Ontario in a stolen cabin cruiser, AP what was proposed, co- A United States business maga-|a crippling, 10-day wildcat strike. | able." of Pan American World Airways | such tests being used and officials om Pilots Back operated fully and insisted the employer fire anyone who was zine recently reported the A National Airlines strike set| lie-detecting business is growing for tonight was averted when the| Lawyers, E. B. Joliffe, counsel Eastern said 35 of its Miami for 'sevepal/ unions, said industry pilots telephoned for flight orders of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (Ind.) have said . guilty. Two confessed when it was ter tr e shown they were lying." rapidly in the U.S. (union agreed to resume contact| But all Canadian banks denied|negotiations with management was pfititled to protect * itself Monday night. against pilfering [amd thievery.| Eastern's flights out of Miami they will 'fight it into the Major uses of the polygraph! MIAMI (AP) -- Eastern Air using the tests. One reported that|with a federal mediator sitting dwindled from a normal 55 daily Wirephoto 'Second Suitor Hint In Killing MINISTER AND CRITICS DEBATE UNEMPLOYMENT OTTAWA (CP) -- Liberal Paul Martin today described Canada's mid-May unemploy- ment -- announced earlier to- day as being 399,000 -- as "higher than any correspond- ing period since the great de- pression." Mr. Martin, MP for Essex East, asked in the Commons how the government intends to deal with "this most dis- turbing national situation." Labor Minister Sarr report- ed that the situation is only half as serious as it was in 1935-40 when the Liberals were in power. Mr. Martin would find that the govern- ment "will find ways and means to rectify the situa- tion." Mr. Starr noted that the re- port on unemployment showed that the number of persons with jobs had risen by 250,000 between mid-April and mid- May and was 140,000 more than a year earlier. The labor minister declined ed a request by CCF House Leader Hazen Argue to esti- mate whether this year's un- employment situation will be- come better than last year. "It's going fo get worse," Mr. Argue said. Mr. Martin suggested that Commons members should be given an opportunity to co- operate with an unemploy- ment study launched recent- ly by a Senate committee. New Threats To Bomarc-B WASHINGTON 'CP) -- A new| political fight threatens the Bo-|tors | marc-B missile as a select group|doors Wednesday to thrust and from a heavy calibre rifle, of senators and congressmen pre- parry on their conflicting defence {pare to battle on how much the proposals and finally try to ne- DIED AT SAME TIME | United States should spend for gotiate some compromise which| defence in the fiscal year open- can be approved by Congress and| couple died at the same time. Po-| | ing July 1. will meet behind | the White House. Congr ground." However in one instance, Mr. Jurens said, "the union investi are said to be banks, shipping Lines pilots were returning 'to firms, warehouse operators and work today, under pressure from door-to-door sakes organizations. their union and the courts to end "we would never consider such jn, invasion of private interests." An-| A wave of sick reports by pilots other said the tests were "intoler-| continued to hamper operations to none when pilots struck at mid- cig {night June 10 fo protest at having ° | federal flight-check inspectors sit [ting in the third-pilot seats. A 19 nn Federal Court judge ordered all pilots back to work, but Eastern's ments, predicted victory for Quebec In Climax Stage The Air Line Pilots Association.) MONTREAL (CP) -- Liberal, 000,000 b -pass route if the Union which said it had not sanctioned y..der Jean Lesage Monday J his | power. Nationale party is returned to ous probing." Five congressmen and 13 sena- In passing a $39,300,000,000 de- found on the kitchen table among fence appropriations bill for 1960-| 61, the House had eliminated the! U.S. Air Force's 10 = base Bo-|recorder also found at the scene marc-B program and substituted! contained a conversation concern- 50 F-106 fighters, thus throwing|ing Kivell's business with a Tor- ent the walkoff, ordered pilots back night Monday. Liberals 'as ihe end of Quebec's! The Liberals would Slain Woman Jilted, Report two teen-age children. They are in the custody of the mother. NEWMARKET .(CP) --Rela- {tives of Marian Bagshaw, 36- {year - old tabulating machine] He roomed in a house next door | operator shot fo death with a|to Miss Bagshaw, and drove with {male friend in her home 'duringlher to work each day. He had the weekend, said today she|been friendly with her for a cons |broke up with another man six siderable time. {months ago. |, Miss Bagshaw was born at a | Relatives told police the dead|farm at Pinedale near Sunder- woman was suddenly dropped by|land, 60 miles northeast of Tore a man with whom she had been onto. She worked at Medical Wel- keeping steady company for more fare Plan for 18 years. than a year some time after she Hh ich Haris Kivell, a Set \ " Johansson C mgm» riticized and the man's lying on the floor. In Sweden Kivell, 46, married and sep-| arated, was also shot in' the| weekend rifle slaying in the) blood-spattered kitchen of a farm-| house near Newmarket, 30 miles| north of Toronto. Both were shot| An autopsy Monday night} STOCKHOLM (AP) -- AR showed that Kivell was hit in the| Sweden is wondering what hit back of the head with two bul- Ingemar Johansson Monday lets, while another bullet is be-| night. lieved to have ripped off an in-| Most of Johansson's country- dex finger on his right hand. Miss men, confident he would retain Bagshaw was hit in the face and his world - heavyweight boxing in' the head, with the woman's| body found slumped in 3 chair,| closed neck with at least twe bullets erown, went to bed before the radio broadcast, which began at 3:30 a.m. Swedish time. Floyd Patterson unloaded a left hook that flattened their champion in the fifth round at New York. In Goteborg, Johansson's home The examination indicated the, lice believe the rifleman must| George Mahon, have stood in an inside doorway! Texas Democrat and head of the and sprayed the pine - panelled tows, Newspapers daid hey be- House of Representatives team, kitchen with bullets. The slaying| predicts a tough battle in which had a *'professional touch." the Bomarc "will get very seri- gan receiving calls about an hour aft the fight. The callers were openly critical of the dethroned native son. "This will finally put an end to the disgusting ballyhoo around that boy champion, id said one' Cllaen, Hei Ingo Xpressen, ding Loe thom AE Hn Provincial police inspector] | Adair said a fragment of a note some unwashed dishes is '*'not | considered of significance at this time." Several tapes from. a tape onto drug company. see that. : ' h, |into jeopardy Canada's air de- tol k s| In a dispateh from New York, fence plans which are based de. od IW. pvc he adds: "I think this was Inge- partly on two Bomarc-B anti-dir-|lives in suburban Willowdale. A Tar Jotausson is last Bex ng craft squadrons. native of Windsor, Ont., he had ake imsel LATE NEWS FLASHES + tl Officials of, the Pilots Assocla-| election campaign approached. | Montreal re mained Canada's 's un- {per cent when the labor force steel and other industries. Unen-| 4 | i Ay on in Miami discussed the pos-| Mr. Lesage told 10,000 Mont-| metropolis despite competition ployment, { alling. slowly, | sibitity of a Pan Ameritan strike realers the "scandals" and '"'cor-|grom esi P pet Tar ol alien 6.186.400, ined higher than the M ¢ y to} main igher than e ay| on s 399,000 on May 21 as an above |634.891 AT NES level of the last two years, but auuounced 'no action; - Some| ruption' of the Dion Nasiouales Mr. Barrétte said he has col- normal 250,000 persons found jobs The government also reported] The bureau of statistics esti- overseas flights of Pan American party would be was 4 out of , © jected records on a + of in the period, the government | today that 634,891 persons were mate, based on a labor force Were cancelled in the rising tide| province in Wednesday's elec- |; cidents during the campaign-- estimated today. {registered for jobs at National|survey of 30,000 households, said|of sick reports from pilots, whotion. | traffic jambs to block opponent's | Employment Service offices on| employment in Quebec rose more also object to federal inspeetors| Premier Antonio Barrette, meetings were an example--and May 19. This represented a drop|than usual for the month while|riding in third-pilot seats. A fed: |speaking to an overflow crowd of| he would submit the material to clear in his head again, I would advise him to do it. What hap. pened to Ingemar last night was such a serious thing that any boxer in his position should put More than half of the decline in unemployment from 517,000 On| of 152,364 from a month earlier, i A Quetipr. But but was 49,498 higher than a year higher than the 334,000 unem. Carlier. ployed a year earlier. The report by the bureau ol statistics said the number of persons with jobs increased by 250,000 in the month period to 5,992,000. This was 140,000 higher| than the year-earlier figure of 5,852,000. The rise in employment was larger than the increase in the corresponding periods of the last Jwo years. He Suredu said, hci dustries. Auto employment was 74,000 in numbers of job-holders| higher than last year, but several in' the previous month layoffs were reported in iron and of unemployment since it includes (an unknown number of persons seeking to change jobs and others who have found work on their own since registering. In Ontario, employment rose by an estimated 56,000 to 2,268,000 at mid-May, up 86,000 over the year, Much of .the gain was in construction and associated in- The NES registrations figure is| ¢ not considered an accurate gauge| normal. In other regions, employ-|eral judge in Chicago ordered thei 2,000 in a school hall at Louise i : the seasonal average. {flyers back to duty. ville, said "never has there been Apes Sexwrd Dion 30d Louis increase in the labor foree during, National 28 its pilots have a campaign so perfidious, i three per cent--was the largest been at s over pay, working slanderous and so pernicious as| : | gain in two years. conditions, and retirement bene-| the one that will be ended this vumulated th he lucie and MOSTLY MEN ' |fits, The strike set for tonight by| week." He blamed the Liberals./ The ab . i | Of the 399,000 unemployed at/ National's 300 pilots was can-| Mr. Barrette and Mr. Lesage|| e abbes published a French- May 21, 350,000 were men and|celled when the pilots group lead parties contesting all 95 ngage book of essays on 49,000 were women. About half of| agreed to a resumption of talks. seats at stake. Two new seats| Political morality early in the the unemployed had been seeking | were created since the last elec-| "@mpaign. (work for less than three months. . - |tion--Duplessis in northeastern PREMIER'S VIEW Another one-third had been = Quebec and Bourget near Mont. . : again Another one-third had been un-| Economic Austerity au | Mr. Barrette said the Liberal work for more than six Mouths P I P 1 d Standing at dissolution April 27 sible" oy 3 atever means pos- In addition to the unemployed| & 10gIAM 10 "Olan was Union Nationale 71, Liberal eral part Be Fer ho Lib. total at mid-May, another 19,000 WARSAW (Reuters) -- The rul- 17, Independent three vacant 2. dg ot We ho take Power persons were on temporary lay-\ing Polish Communist party's| : g y fC ODS. Val ying the prov-| off, 1,000 fewer than a year earl central committee opens a two- BEITERS PLEDGE [face oF Quehes, iaylien Fh led ier. | day session today to debate a new| Mr. Lesage said the province gram will en to do Lear than, Most of the new hiring took place in seasonal industries. | Farm employment rose to 675,000 from the April 23 level of 641,000. Non-farm employment increased te 5,317,000 from 5,101,000. Employment on May 21 repre- sented 6.2 per cent of a labor force of 6,391,000 as compared with the year-earlier level of 5.4 Princess Grace's # Father Dies | PHILADELPHIA (AP)-Thou- sands of persons today joined government and civic leaders mourning the death of John Kelly Sr., 70, father of Princess Grace of Mpnaco. The businessman, civic leader and former Olympic champion | oarsman died at home Monday of intestinal cancer after receiving' the last rites of the Roman Cath- te Church. His wife, two other ghiters and his only son, John B.; Jr., were at his bedside. Princess Grace, former movie star Grace Kelly, had been here when her father underwent abe dominal surgery recently for the second time within a year. Bul after he was discharged from the hospital lagt Weeki Leturiied to Monaco y ' , wthe princess and Prince Rain: | dew plan to fly here today follow- i a memorial mass in the pri ae chapel of the Monaco pal age. The principality went into official mourning. vRelly, lifelong resident of Phil adelphia, rose from bricklayer to found the John B. Kelly Co, in 1919. It grew into one of the largest brick work contracting firms in the U.S. "CITY EMERGENCY |<== "PHONE NUMBERS Se ---- Donald Douglas, Jr president of Douglas (left), Aircraft, POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 gives the monarch of Thailand, the company's Thor missile as I& toured the Thor assembly KING GETS MISSILE line at Santa Monica, Calif. The. roposed by party leader Wladys-| would take on the entire cost of N Sop oo hg ml ly y the east west Metropolitan | the Union Nationale. a, He recently called for drastic|Boulevard across Montreal Is-| Mr. Lesage, has criticized gov- | investment program for heavy|land if his party is elected. He|ernment members for holding| industry, mining and agriculture said Mr. Barrette had promised] shares in the Quebec Natural Gas| Ito pay half the cost of the $125, corporation, which purchased a | gas distribution system in Mont. que from the publicly - owned Russian Visitors Like Drive-Ins | OTTAWA (CP) -- After a full|ple's Soviet told a meeting of day of visits to civic projects and the 20-member city couneil Man- landmarks in the Canadian capi-|day night the elements of civic tal, Moscow Mayor Nikoli Ivano- progress lay in water and land vich Bobrovnikev has hit upon resources. Quebec Hydro Power Commis- sion. He said Monday night Premier] Barrette was shown by the cor- poration's registry list to have purchased shares worth at least | $24,500. ' The party leaders were to re- turn to their home ridings--Mr.| Lesage to Quebec West and Mr.| | Barrette to Joliette--to wind up| | their campaigns. $0 brochure on all that I have ac-| Wife Of Employee Raps CPR TORONTO (CP) -- The wife of a Canadian Pacific Railway engineer, fined Monday in Oshawa for blocking a street Cross- ing, today criticized the CPR for not paying her husband's fine. Michael Antonette, 53, and Louis Russell, 62-year-old CRR con- ductor, were convicted under the Canada Railway Act of blocking a crossing for more than five minutes, the legal maxi- mum, and fined $25 each. They both refused to pay the fines and said they will serve a 10-day jail term instead. "I think it is a dirty trick by a railroad -- not paying his (her husband's) fine and not supplying him with a lawyer," said. "The union didn't do anything either," she said. '""All they do is collect dues." She said she feared her husband might lose his job over the incident. A CPR official, commenting on the case, said there was nothing the company could do. He said "the onus is definitely on the employees." Ingo Wants To Fight Again NEW YORK (AP) -- Ingemar Johansson, world heavyweight crown by Floyd Patterson Monday night, said today he would like to fight his conqueror again for the title "the sooner the better." freshed after what he called a good night's sleep. The only visible mark on him following his fifth-round knockout was a sligitly puffed eye. Murder Charge After Shooting ST. THOMAS, Virgin Islands (Reuters) -- Harold Norman was charged with first-degree murder courtroom shooting of a taxi-driver who was standing trial for the rape of Norman's 14-year-old daughter, fired five times at the taxi-driver, Henito Cline, during a recess in Cline's trial Monday. Cline died in the hospital Monday night following an operation. the gloves on the shelf." NEW YORK (AP) -- Ingemar Johansson slept off the effects of Floyd Patterson's swift left hooks in a New York hotel today, ap- parently none the worse for the punishment he absorbed. Ingo's physician, Dr. Gosta Karlsson, said the ex-champion "must rest for a few days," but otherwise is perfectly all right. "He was thoroughly examined, by New York boxing commission doctors" Karlsson said... "They did a very. good job . . . there are no signs of anything more than just being knocked out." Mrs. Antonnette Queen Of Bulgaria On Canadian Ship KINGSTON (CP) -- Ex-Queen Giovanna of Bulgaria was one of the tourists aboard the Thousand Islands cruise ship Miss Kingston Monday. "I have been about a month here in Canada" the ex-queen said. "I came to Canada especially to visit my daughter--and my new little grandson." Her daughter is Princess Maria Louise Leiningen, wife of Prince Karl Leiningen, who is in the brokerage business in Toronto. shorn of his The dimpled Swede looked re- today following the Carol. Norman greenery, water and drive - in My - Brovonikov said a pre theatres as Ottawa's prime fea- gram in Moscow is trying to tures. remedy the imbalance of having| Heading the eight - member 5,300,000 persons with access tof Russian delegation, which is an average of only 15 square| King and dueen spend 10 days in southern ¢'alifornia be'ore going on to Washington. This |v; King BRuminbol a model of picture was taken through the shell of a Thor ~AP Wirephoto making a 10-day good wili tour yards each. of Southern Ontario, the chair-| Not only was water plentiful] | man of Moscow's Executive here "but it's good too----we've Committee of the working Peo- heen frying it out." | psy | A burst of laughter and ap- | - plause from some 150 visitors Chile Fears and aldermen in the council| chambers was caused by the|l" | visitor's reference to 'the excel-| | lent condition of roads in the New Quakes TOUCHY ISSUE SANTIAGO, Chile (Reuters) --| As the audience' roared {Floodwaters swirled through the Jaughter and Mayor George| {south Chilean city of Valdivia Nelms reddenéd slightly, the| | today as thousands of citizens left| gyccian saw he had hit on a hot! | sheif homes in fear of new earth- joe. issue--potholes | Three earth tremors in 24 hours | That is not what I had in {brought down buildings damaged Mind." he said. "I mean the] in last month's devastating earth. |oVer - all road problem here is auakes and temporarily cut com-|Peing resolved not badly at all." { munications. A weekend landslide] Then ne gave Mayor Nelms a |about 50 miles east of Valdivia |urcerstanding' smile: "A mayo: killed 18 persons. requires patience and time to At the same time, torrential resclve his problems." rains caused the nearby Calle- After his talk Mr. Bobrovnikov, | Calle River to flood about a third|and his pany left for - short * |of the city, already threatened scheduled visits to a downtown {with inundation from a lake|movie house and a drive-in the-% which burst its banks in theatre, after which they were to! valley. above Valdivia. Floods attend a private reception at the were also reported from other|Soviet Embassy. pevts of southern Chile | The drive-'n proved a hit even Faced with this triple threat.|before the featured western be- vians fled to the hills or gan. This type of open-air en- gathered in main squares. Of the|tertainment is not known in Rus. : i original. 80,000 population, only sia and the mayor thought it an| An explosion of undetermined about 25,000 are left. The rest excellent idea for family relaxa-| °rigin blew up a filling station, have been evaguated. tion. EXPLOSION IN KANSAS / ven newspaper today in Haven, Kansas. Six injuries were re- | 2 hardware store and the Ha. ported, Red Cross units and | arrived at the sgene to begin immediate clearing of the wreckage to determine whether any more persons were trap- ped. ---AP Wisg Phote civil defence units from Wichi- ta, Hutchinson and Reno County

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