EVERY HUMAN BEING IN THE COURT LAUGHED WHEN | NEARLY FRACTURED MY SKULL=BUT-THIS MISERABLE SNOW-HAM RUSHED TO HELP ME /~THAT PROVES IT HAS SE OF HUMOR! IT's JUST AN ANIMAL 77 ) (/" JULIET JONES es ad Tax Set-Up » Overhaul - Suggested CORNWALL (CP) -- Claude Jodoin, president of the Cange dian Labor Congress, said Wi nesday federal 'and neal » governments should accept a larger share of municipal costs. He told delegates to the annual I 3 [ESRISIN MUGGS AND SKEETER convention of the Association Ontario Mayors and Reeves Dominion - provincial - municip: tax conference should ove: the tax structure as it aff municipalities. oy The subject was expected to be the delegates' chief concern toe day as they moved into the sec. ond session of their three-day conference. yin Mr. Jodoin said governments should fill the needs of the people in housing, hospitals and schools, He suggested a federal, provin- cial and municipal investment program for such gervices. Opening sessions were cone cerned with a variety of topies ranging from the freedom of THAT SOUNDS LIKE } = 5p BRIBERY! TLL UNE | 0 THINK ABOUT IT... 4 THE LONE RANGER V 777 waconeERS WiLL KiL, | | WOT 77 7 LEAD 7HEM TO. B Vol FOR ABDUCTING ME! or HOSTILE INDIANS/ 9 En = h limits on municipal coune cils to modern detergents being a nuisance in sewage systems. SEEK LIBEL PROTECTION The resolutions committee gave preliminary approval to a St. Thomas resolution requesting provincial legislation for full pro. tection from libel and slander, It was supported by Mayor R. M, Simpson of Arnprior, who said protection should extend both inside and outside the coun- cil meeting. Mayor V. A. Barrie of St. Thomas said civic prob lems in the Toronto suburb of York Township might have been revealed earlier if individual members had not feared law- suits. U'{ ONE MOMENT, g 4 PLEASE = I'LL CALL BLONDIE AND ILL CALL HER HAVE A LITTLE CHAT TO THE WITH HER -- 'WIVES GET LONESOME S AT HOME ALL BY THEMSELVES SECRET AGENT X 9 16 BIGGER THAN JUST SCORPIO AND SOME HIDDEN BANK LOOT! I KNOW HE BAI Municipal Affairs Minister War. render said councils do not need such protection. Approval was given to another St. Thomas resolution proposing legislation to overrule religious objections of parents in cases where_a blood transfusion is ne. cessary to save a child's life. The committee rejected a reso. lution from Paris that a $10 a year poll tax be levied on all single women over 21, The come mittee said this would be going too far in search of revenue. Space Research IN A SAFETY CHECKED GOODWILL USED CAR GET SET FOR YOUR SUMMER VACATION port =: CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED NOBODY WILL IDENTIFY TERY Soa WELL, WERE GOES ONE LAST TRY... A SHOT IN 'THE DARK... THAT NAH, THAT'S HOMER DON'T ARCRAFT PLANT VERE HOMER WORKED S14 YEARS AGO, Berra iG] | | WoT omer J/Soure \ HAVE RED WORE A TOUPRE. IF NOBODY THGRE CAN IOENTIFY hid wipe, | | \ Tew. MLWET, | HAR. Vn <eE NO! "WD HE HAD = ONE BRON EYE AND ONE GREE! © 1988, King Features Syndicate, Inc, World rights reserved. EXPECT] | YOU'RE TAKING ME TO DINNER TONIGHT, AREN'T YOU TOM? DADDY WON'T MING . HAVING DINNER [@ LET'S GEE A DRIVE-IN Y NAW! IVE MOVIE, MERWYN? ff SEEN ALL THE GOOD ONES! Yi ROY ROGERS TAKE IT EASY, T'S RIGHT , MA! MISS PENTON ! THE ve a BOT BEAR |S TAME ! : + ESPRCI THEY'RE WORKING | [75 Kory he? Th UP AN ACT WITH | [E84 TAKING Him APE I GEE, BILLY, WHY AN LET ME PLAY TH' SHUCKS, I IT DUST DON'T YOU BE TH' GOOD FELLER FOR A A DOZEN TIMES TORY, d BADMAN A WHILE... CHANGE ? ALREADY / BRICK BRADFORD THE SUPERINTENDENTS MBN ARB GIVING UPL, BUT HE'S TRYING TO {GET AWAY| Tops In Canada PENTICTON, B.C. (CP)--Ca- nadian-designed instruments now | measuring cosmic radio noises in outer space may vault this coune try Into the forefront of space technology. ne The instruments are only tested but the venture is fg achievement for Canadian pe search, This was the view of a of 50 Canadian and Americ; scientists who wound up a two- day astrophysical conf er ence Wednesday night at nearby Lake Observatory, site of Cane ada's largest radio telescope. Donald T. Hasen, radar instal lations director at Prince Albeft, Sask., said the instrumented sts ellite launched as part of a dou. ble-headed United States rocket Wednesday is a preliminary ex. periment to make measureme before a main Canadian satellite is launched in 1962, ¥ EXTRA-TERRESTIAL LIFE The astronomers agreed gener ally that it would be difficult to substantiate any theory that other life existed in the Earth's solar system. All believed, however, that some form of life may exist outside the system. Dr. R. M. Petrie, director of Saanich Observatory, near Vie- toria, sald radio-astronomy is ex. pected to spur considersble ad- vance in space research and Canada's "big ear"--the new 84. foot, $750,000 radio-telescope at White Lake--will make a major contribution in man's quest fof knowledge, SALLY'S SALLIES LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY YUP- THiS 15°B0U THE BEST ROOM IN THAN N'Y WHAT ID LIKE 10 DO 1S MOVE BACK ON iid s ! ull BOARD OUR BARGE --BUT I'VE ONLY BEEN MR.DOBIE ~ I'LL MAKE J SEER. ON PAROLE ONE DAY AN'T DONT OUT FINE HERE = LONG ENOUGH, I'D HAVE 3 FPR BE) WANNA PUSH OUR LUCK= N MOSS GROWIN' y . TWEEN MY TOES =~ : TET oN 4 "Tm closing the account bee cause I've so many outstande ing checks" RINKERS CLEANERS RA 5-1191 "The Best In Town" Di Fratutions 1 World Rights Reserved 624 ! Distributed by King Features Syndicate. ERNIE CAY'S HOME PLANNING DEPARTMENT FREE ESTIMATES & BOOKS PHONE RAndolph 5-0122 53 ALBERT SJ