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The Oshawa Times, 24 Jun 1960, p. 18

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50--Articles For Sale 12 FT, Pace ship, Teenee trailer, 5 HP good 50--Articles for Sale ONE 6' glass showcase, reasonably pric- ed. Apply 31 King St. W. Bowmanville. (Johnston motor, in condition, SUNSHINE. bis wacom low: aca cheap. Telephone RA 5-0725. HIN) al cai je, yellow ET i GE HEAVY duty range, push-button Dhits, very good. condition, 35. RA, ir hoht, Mach ry tion - dition. Phone RA 5-6876. UNDERWOOD portable typewriter, ex- cellent ke new, a real bar- gain, $75 or nearest offer. RA 8-0830. Mel Lakey, NE Brooklin OL 5-3618. 0 new boat trailer for sale, in ex-| HFT twi Cg Tou cellent RA 8-8124. - 01 speeds. ake os ors MO|ONE nearly new combination stove,|take over full 8-3620. refrigerator and sink, of heav, 50--Articles For Sale HEAVY duty fully automatic Moffat range, like new, double oven storage drawers; steel venetian blinds, white, new, two * wide, one 35" wide. Will consider offer. Call RA 35-3735. MAYTAG washing machine for sale. Telephone RA 5-9617. 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, June 24, 1960 |47--Automobiles For Sale |'55 FORD, custom radio, whitewalls, excellent condition, $695. Easy terms. | Try "Stew" at Mike Starr's RA 5-5646. | | '55 BUICK hardtop, custom radio, dyna- | flow, whitewalls, two tone, very clean and reliable, $895. Easy terms. Try "Stew", at Mike Starr's, RA 5-5646. '53 CHEV, automatic, one owner, just like new, must sold. RA 8-0286 or MOhawk 8-8594. |'856 CHEV. Bel Air, two tone custom radio, whitewalls. A good one, $895. {Easy terms. Try "Stew" at Mike Starr's, RA 35-5646. '55 CHEV. convertible. Apply 17 York Street, Ajax. '54 VOLKSWAGEN, new motor and transmission. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. Apply 38 Colborne Street W. 8 FOUR door yne Chevrolet, 16,000 miles, $1950. RA 5-9865. . 2% 1953 Mercury Tudor, metallic green, Pusii-lution radio, Call RA URY Dic ition. | 5-8136 between 5-7 p.m. '55 MERCURY pick up, good Reasonable. Telephone RA 5-7119. 1949 CHEV. 1 ton stake truck; phir 3 PONTIAC four-door station wagon |liac sedan, good condition, new 4 ti with powerglide, radio and other extras, | 7 Chev. sedan, good tion. New Congo Independence tr 1 EVISION LOG Stands On Shaky Popl (So, om, iimtie mit cum, wes WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buftale WROC.TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale By NIGEL RYAN political propaganda during the LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters)--|recent election campaign. When some 14,000,000 Congolese, How much responsibility must' F RIDAY > va _self-government| Belgium bear for the confusion| . °5% n-T6 electric type. MArket 3.5030. une 30, they. will have at their|and chaos threatening the Congo? |'s Minnow on the Say 0 oe, BABYLAND bargains! New style 1960 disposal 12 senior civil servants, sel (Continued from Page 15) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 47 -- Automobiles For Sale '58 MERCURY hardtop automatic, pow- er steering and brakes, low mileage, one owner, phone Bowmanville MA 3-2438 after 6 p.m. 54 PONTIAC, radio and automatic, excellent condition. Must be sold. Best offer. RA 5-1038. '80 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door hard- top, high performance V-8 with stan- dard drive, loaded with extras, phone RA 5-8465 after 4 p.m. PRIVATE '59 Pontiac convertible. York Street, Ajax THREE piece bedroom chest and bed. RA 5-1546. MASON - Risch piano, 52 inches high, suite, vanity, oil farm scenes, 16 x 20. for gifts, RA 5-1238. SPECIAL! 14° 6° moulded plywood boats five-ply, mahogany, long deck, seat backs. Regularly $495, clearance price $349. Terms $35 down, $25 month- ly. No outside financing. Apply Domin- ion Store, 48 Bond Street West. COMBINATION door in good size 2'8" by 6'8". Apply 83 Warren Avenue. RA 5-4419. LADY'S bicycle, good condition, $20 Apply 126 Burk or phone RA 5-2469. heavy duty wiring, $10. Ideal EVENING N 1:30 P.M. 11--Roy Rogers Show 6-4--Feature Film 2--Matinee 2:00 P.M. 11--6-5-4-2--Baseball 6--Feature Film 5--This Is The Life 4--Baseball 2---On Deck Circle 2:30 P 7--Buffalo Bandstand 6--~TBA 2--Baseball 3:30 P.M. 11--Movie 6-5 Pin Bowling 2--Baseball 4:00 P.M. 11--Cartoons 7--Baseball 7--Morning Show 5--Christopt 4--Uncle Jerry 11:00 A.M. 6--Church Service 5~This Is The Life 4--Film Featurette 2-The Big Rascals 11:30 A.M. 5--Lets Look at Congress 4--Camera Three 12:00 YOON 11-Bugs Bunny 7--Roller Derby 6--Musical Interlude 5--Family Playhouse 4--News; Weather one single beds, radio, 7 piece chrome kitchen t, ladder, 867 Ritson Rd. South, RA 8-0512. LEAVING Oshawa, Must Sell! Living room, dinette, bedroom, kitchen suite piano, stove, refrigerator, mirror, inet, sink combination, sacrifice, call after 6, 133 Cadillac north. JOHNSON 5% h.p. outboard motor with tank, bamboo fly rod, reel and acces- sories RA 5-5636. |MEDIUM sized child's crib, car geal: rocker and seat, 17" CROSLEY TV, console model, A-1 all in good condition. 71 Ritson N. RA condition, ideal for cottage or recrea-|8-0489. Ba) Toul: Must be sold. Telephone RA |GVERSTOCKED on awning material, Phone RA 3-2281. 4 speciai prices now in effect. Rainbow pri 17 FT. boat and trailer, $550. Phone Awnings, Canada's finest, manufac- '54 FORD tudor, radio and good tires. 4 » . tured locally, For free : MO Must sell, $125 or reasonable offer.| WHitehall 22723 Ajax. tured locally, RA 8-1164 after 6 p.m. ONE baby good '56 FOUR - door Buick hardtop, hydro-|21s0 one playpen. RA 5.9216. matic, radio, two tone, low mileage.| FOR Sale: Piano, electric range, con- Phone COlfax 3-2026. tinental bed, davenport and chair. and '59 OLDSMOBILE four door sedan, other articles, in excellent condition. fully power equipped, real buy at $2995. | Tlephone RA 8-0466. Phone RA 3-2932. EQUIPMENT complete for small groc- '56 FORD V8 Sunliner convertible, ery or butcher, sold as one unit or sep- , fully with power arately, reasonable. RA 8-2463 es. RA 5-3359. TWO $3 each. Telephone RA 8-0065. sal 12 A Belgian missionary who has| 3--Playhouse baby carriages, converts to car bed.|16 university graduates, and 1655) spent 30 years in the Congo told| "nleity Abvst Lowest prices in town, $27. Large, full|than three years of political ex- | gp oemeraay panel cribs 3 price, clear out, $19.88. | perience, |this correspondent: 2-Big Rascals Spr ib $9.88; i oo izi 8 M. Playpens, $8.88. highchairs $7.88, stroll- There are an estimated 250 Ye: have been edlonizing, the Sry ers $5.88, Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church native languages spoken among| Congo for just over half a cen- 6--Follow Me ONE RA 5-2014. 14% FT. mahogany Nipissing boat, *59. model, well equipped, must sell RA 5-6992. 1 6 11---News 6--Good Life Theatre 4--Bozo's Cartoon 2_News Conference 12:45 P.M. 11--Assignment Ottawa 2--Newsreel 1:00 P.M. 11--John Collingwood Reade 7--Bowling Stars 6--"Sit Back With Jack" 4--Sunday Afternoon Playhouse 2--Family Playhouse 1:15 P.M. 11---Queen's Park Repor 4--Baseball 1:30 PM. 11-6--Country Calendar 7--Playhouse 2--Family Playhouse ce. r Private. Phone RA 3-3034. '58 BUICK 4-door sedan, automatic, 1100 miles. Private. RA 5-8769, 758 FORD Fairlane tudor, automatic, radio, heater, white walls, $200, take over payments. RA 8-1203. | 'sé METEOR Niagara, special sedan, in perfect running iti five good . $500 cash. Phone RA 5-4525. '58 MG CONVERTIBLE, radio, wind: shield washers, adjustable tee-nee boat trailer, large. Centre BA Station. RA 8-0741 "58 FORD convertible, good condition, good top, radio, white walls and wheel dises, Will trade. MO 8-5670. "49 AUSTIN sed: t 11--Roy Rogers Show 5--Film Feature 2--Baseball SATURDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. 11.6_Cartoon Party 5--Riverboat 4--Film Feature 2---Twilight Theatre 5:30 P.M. 11-6--Outside Broadcasts 5--Award Theatre 4--Feature Film 2-Twilight Theatre 6:00 P.M. 11--Dennis The Menace 6--Reflections 5--Dick Clark 4--Wrestling 2--Buffalo Showcase 6:30 P.M. 11--Leave It To Beaver 7--Derby 5~The Law Man 6--Stan Leonard 6:45 P.M. 6---News; Sports 7:00 P.M. 11~The Rifleman 7--Ted Mack Amateur Hour 6--Dennis The Menace 5--Highway Patrol 4--U of B Round Table 2~This Man Dawson 7:30 P.M. 11--Man Hunt 7--Dick Clark 6--Hancock's Half Hour 5-2--Bonanza - 4--Perry Mason 8:00 P.M 11--Sea Hunt 7--High Road 6--Man From Interpole : M. 11--Lawrence Welk 7--Leave It To Beaver 6--High Road §5-2--Man and The Challenge 4--Wanted, Dead or ive 9:00 P.M. 11-6--Great Movies 7--Lawrence Welk 5-2--The Deputy 4--Adventure Series 9:30 P.M. 5-2--Journey To Understanding 4--~Have Gun, Will Travel 10:00 P.M. 7--Jubilee U.S.A. black, fully $2195. | | | accessori "0 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. WEST biles Wi FOr [LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want (cars for wresking. Highest prices paid | RA 5-118! = PONTIAC sedan, two tone, equip-| , 36,000 miles, t: 8 tires, - | cellent condition. RA 33300. | HOUSTON GARAGE 75 HALF-TON International pick-up. In| AND SERVICE STATION EA a nid hater) BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM. after 5 PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. RA 3-7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR €ood, cleon cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 CLEAN CARS WANTED TOP PRICES PAID LIENS PAID OFF TRADE UP OR DOWN Wilbak Motors 137 KING W. RA 5-0732 50--Articles For Sale ELECTRIC cream separator, in good Fre: {Road North of Airport. |CBS Columbia television, blond finish --_-- | 190 PONTIAC Laurentian, Powerlige, | warranre on ooreire tunne patron positraction, radio, two tone blue, |g25) per week. Meagher's, 5 King clock, wheel discs, 13,000 miles. . Pri- | g¢; Wi vate. Call RA 8.8775 after 6:00 p.m. or | oor Veo: Saturday morning FAREHOVEE Qearance of odds and TT ends, some slightly marked: two-piece STPONTIAC, four-door, very good |deluxe style chesterfield suite, foam Sondition, radio 2nd maby extras, forc- cushions, attractive rubberized boucle sell because of illness. Apply 330 ri ant Stroh ator 1 upholstering, reg. $269, slashed for [auick sale, $148. Three-plece bedroom SPOT CASH suite, spacious Mr. and Mrs. Dresser PAID FOR with tilt mirror, four-drawer chest, bookcase bed, reg. $219, big saving, close out, $119; Space Saver attractive |durable covering, reg. $69, axed to Good, clean cars. Trade up |846; arborite topped desks, close out, or down. Liens paid off | DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] 7--News; 7:30 Ps 6--Bachelor Father 7--Disney Presents -2--Danger Is My Business 8:00 P.M. 11-6--Country Hoedown 5-2_Head of the Class 8:30 P.M. $30. | | 4 » cheap, motor and ires in perfect condition. Apply 517) Park Road South or RA 5.0746 | "4 CHEV. four door, radio, heater; also '55 Prefect, both in very good con- | dition. RA 8.6485 after 4 p.m. 54 PONTIAC Laurentian; '51 Chev. hardtop, fully equipped, just like mew. Apply 248 Toronto Avenue, Shoe Kick --Boys: Wayne Wil- son; Girls:: Donna Johnson. Sack Race -- Richard Lowe. 11--Roller Derby 6--Junior Magazine 2:15 P.M. 7--The Legion Salutes 2--Family Playhouse 3:00 P.M. 11---Roy Rogers 7--Canisius College Forum 6~--World Stage S5--Bengal Lancers 2--Family Playhouse 7--Presidential Mission 5--Pro Football 4:00 P.M, 11--Stories of the Century 7--Our Miss Brooks 6--Film Playhouse 2--Public Service 4:30 P.M. 11--The Church in Actior 7--Roy Rogers Show 6--Outside Broadcasts 5-2_United Fund 4--Film Featurette :00 suit- cot- refrigerator, summer 2 four door Hillman. le Ave. 55 PONTIAC sedan, deluxe with V-8 motor, $1,100. Private. Telephone RA 38-5080. 52 MERCURY seda tion. Telephone RA 8-3 '58 CHEVROLET, four door station wagon, excellent condition, privately] owned, phone RA 3-3218. Pudi tine ns - -- - |48. A ud, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to| per cent. Six months to pay. personal service at your home call 5-2802. Apply dio, A-1 condi- 3 7 sod SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed. Double hung windows only $18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 11-6--News Magazine 7--Matty's Funday Funnies 8-2--Las Vegas Golf Tournament 4--Face the Nation 5:30 P.M. 11--Tennessee Ernie 7--Lone Ranger 6--Science 4--College Bowl 'S5 FAIRLANE Ford, radio, automatic, white walls, 2-door sedan, rebuilt motor in December, good tires. Call RA 3.6711 '58 FORD four door station. wagon radio, six cylinder, excellent condition. | MA 3-5115, Bowmanville '51 MG sportscar TD, $550 full price. RA 8-8407. 52 CHEVROLET % ton pick-up truck, in good condition, RA 5.7488 AN Sedan, very good condi- » "53 Hillman Station Wagon, needs some work, $200., RA 8-0616. "55 MERCURY four door mine passen- ger station wagon, good condition, pri- vate, will consider trade. RA 5.6853. 53 B.S.A. 650 CC motorcycle $250 RA $7233 NICE clean '54 Pontiac. Phone RA 8 0735. SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Bomestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 ry 8-3156. | 2--Ramar of the Jungle dition, Telephone RA 52411 after 5 and no army or police officers. |... inalicm witcheraft, ignor-| 4-Feature Film CHOLD re- bamboo huts, wear only bark Ore of the highest standards of household furniture. RA 8-8141. Phone RA 8-0735. 6-5-4-2--News ditions washers and stoves, Paddy's appliances at hard to beat prices. COI | graduates. There also were about] Some Belgians here have ex- $550. Also 10 hp Johnson with remote cents with the purchase of any piece 3 n |plete dependence on Belgian ex- --in 1958 immediately after Gen mons Beautyrest box spring and mat. |teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. | divider, $22; d, RA 8-4011 complete with attachments, has just | 01d: $85, good condition; . School Holds g |day free home trial. 918 Simcoe Street 7-Man From {large cabinet suitable for linen closet. id imately five times, good as new. hove} | ELECTRIC range, 4--Western Series machine, snap; new Smith Corona cash (2nd remote controls Also .303 and 30.06) Pearson; Masquerade -- Mrs.| 7_77 sunset Strip plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent|0Utboard. Call RA 8-5924. |MOFFAT 30" stove, in good condition r 5. | COURTICE -- -- Following are Cowle and Winnie Walter; Mrs.| 5" masquerade Party RA 3-7624. space savers, pianos, roll-away beds, Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. ONE Gurney, good iti Ki : g i 4--Twilight Zone class condition, $125. 117 Court Street. |bottom and roof, Mahogany deck and| Relays: Pass Over, Bob Wal.| Kinsman: Mrs. Joan McKnight. | bh = and| 5--Home Run Derby clothing, size 14, all in excellent condi- PETERBOROUGH boat, fully equip: Race, Bob Gulin's team. | Beatrice Stevens. 5-2--Jackpot Bowling '59 SCOOTER for sale, $300 cash. Apply Evinrude electric. Price $625. Apply 303 Three.Legged - Race (Boys): Shoe Kick -- Mrs. Grace Ar-|11.7.6-5-4-2--News; Sports vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 53-4543. | " i H . OrhEWE uve Sn Duane, SONG Donna Johnson and Mrs. Alice Herron, Mrs. Jean 11:30 P.M. A i | &--Big Mac Show Street. scores of tribes. The only com. tury. The British colonized the ig Mac 5 10 HP al " 1 Tin conditioned, $240. Phone MOuaWE | hy most Congolese in big cities| Possessions for many more years x Rin Tin {but by a minority elsewhere. |than that. motor, used 20 hours. RA| | 6:00 P.M. | . I. EATONIA washing machine, good con.| Ye.» Do doctors, no engineers, ".ymeon we came here, we found, 11s noys : , pam, Some of the Belgian Congo's|;,.."Gisease and hostility. 2-Highway Patrol RA 5-9865. [their paleolithic ancestors, in| have f : : | 6:30 P.M frigerator, stove, washing machine,| 54 string and make a living by living in the African continent. It 11--Family Theatre piece oak dining room suite, and other thing must be sold. Leaving coun, | hoot {kept them back. What Belgium 6:45 P.M. iti n u USED parts and repairs for all| DOMINION Appliances (a division of In contrast when British Ghana|has achieved here in the pas 7:00 P.M. motors, $5 to $10, guaranteed recon- Market, Hampton. A complete line of|{hare were scores of university iS @ near miracle." 5-77 Sunset Strip Market, Hampton. CO 3-2241. fax 3-2241. . . y . z 11,500 Ghanaians in senior grades pressed the view that their gov- electric starter and generator, like new, | ings, bg bonus offer, bookcases only 99 ; hy In spite of the Congo's com- dependence to the Congo earlier MAN'S bicycle, tank, $150. RA 8-1203, | of unfinished furniture. Chest of draw- ; i sis: |perts for its technical and cul-| Charles de Gaulle made his tour FOR Sale. Light oak double bed, Sim. [Parts attachments, brushes, guaran: (¥ dressers $26; record cabinet, $18: {ress, excellent condition, $50. Phone Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser.($15. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. | cals were main targets forldependence from France. SEWING machine seamstress consul, KELVINATOR refrigerator, three years distributor for Filter Queen Vacuum 4 : one plywood 0 TU. been overhauled |boat, $45. Apply 239 Cordova Road {11-6--Four Just Men x Beatty | humidifier from Parkway TV, seven | ELECTRIC incubator, used approx. | table and four chairs |g RA 3-3043. > | WA PICNIC Blackhawk MA 3-5058, Bowmanville RA 5-6987 after 4 p.m. | Field Da | Courtice WA held a picnic at teries . = |: |able for apartment or y Tuesday. TYPEWRITER $35, electric adding 14" LARKECRAFT boat with centre deck; . no 3.5333, Geneva Park: Tuesday 2--Friday Night Special register $125; also check writer. RA| DIED power rifles. DE . [BABY CID: Sarge, Hor Sale. fdoq con Bean guessing -- Mrs. Lucille, o 5/0 Tote 5 123 Church Street. GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup. Dod", like new. with a 35 Evinrude Lark | Ruby Warburton and Mrs Betty| 4--Playhouse . . | ook. P |down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon By MRS. ROBERT COOK Potato Hold -- Mrs. | 6--Tennessee Ernie Church Street 8| suites, spring mattresses, refrigerators, e rg i ME La iture. Pretty' itu; " S i com-|Joan McKni an rs. Be . used furniture. Prefty's Used Fumiture 30-inch electric stove, | televisions, Pretty Furniture, RA 3-3271. the results of the field day g od 10:00 P.M. | S . | Bowl the Orange -- Mrs. Lou| 7--The Detectives ONE electric Coca Cola cooler, in first|cruiser, Nelson craft with fiber glass Sotoel hisld on. Wednesday 2 ®% | trim, foam rubber upholstery. Whitby ||er's team: Bean Bag Throw | Patch sewing -- Mrs. Martha > P9}% ONE GE refrigerator, electric stove, er's team; n 8 8 Whitby. mont; Mrs. Vera Adams oy ae s rden tools, la ver, lady' = i vard' : » A » ner, garden 5, lawn mower, y's David Edward's team; Obstacle --Porsen To Pern tion. Call RA 5-9461 after 4. ped, 25 HP Johnson motor, perfect con- : | = 3 1. MArket 3-3970, Bow Wheelbarrow race: Tom Simp-| Lucky Spot Mrs. Myrtle Se 11-6-Jim Coleman Show B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5.4543. steering, lights, 18 HP| Allen and Robert Muir. | Sydney Balson. 11:00 P.M. 222 Annis Street. . Avenue | Tom Simpson and John Raczkow-| cher, Mrs. Audrey Estabrooks. 11:15 P.M, teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele All . colors. Guaranteed, flat, loss on MacGregor, Mrs. Rhea Wilkins, | 6-- Viewpoint 15° BOAT, 1959, 35 HP Evinrude motor. Church Street. RA 3.7624 | . triad 11--Late Sh A 5.7917 |Mary Ruskay: Jo Pullen and Stainton, Mrs. Millie Vetzal and ate Stow equipment, best selection, easy terms. |522 Ritson Road South Pp Mow Theatre : Toronto in September 3 Lowe, Darryl Somerscales. Girls: | . {dential Fi Duncan Phyfe dinning room table, 3 ' 7--Confidential File |drawers, baby carriage, chesterfield] Eating race: Vickie Reynolds, CRU ISER By MRS. ALLAN FISHER comma wi RA 3.7045 after 4 pm. Lucky spot: Ronnie Vandewal- y ( d i 11 LASS boat, hardware, in- used one season. to close es- " . ,3 , . Boys, 6: David Johnson, Lau home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Sobil 8:30 A.M. ne 2--The Three Stooges Ana Goodman and Mrs. F. J. Reed. They were Osd Bri E 7--New Horizons en, Brian an, i SALE SALE SALE {08 ym | month tour of the British Isles! ¢ Cartoons X ' | Zion Sunday School picnic will sizes and colors at your re y p l1--Joindre Les Deux od * : Ker, The Doubles Club is holding a 9:30 A.M, Telephone Benches, $11.95; 3 June 29, in the church, commenc- Cis Reclining Chairs, 3-piece 4--S8cience Museum celebrated their 25th wedding an- $24; 9 x 12, $55; Kit- :00 P.M. 11--Bob Cummings Show 7--Brave Eagle 6--Disney Presents 5--Meet The Press 4--FYI Series 2--People's Court 6:30 P.M. 11--Mr. Adams and Bve 7--Frontier S--Maverick 4~20th Century Walter Cronkite 3-Bishop Sheen 20 hours All aluminum products = Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving One contract, nothing down. For free estimates call -- Aluma Seal Co. RA 5-9365 ANYTIME Mark 28 RA cover etc. Mercury All in excellent condition. boat motor, 3-2400. USED 17° TV sets, for vour cottage Trio television. 171 Bond Street East BABY carriage, eight months old, in perfect condition, grey and white, 'Thistle Venturette". RA 5-8079. AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes | Prompt service. Free estimates. Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. | Ten yy Ee on] VACYUM cleaner repairs, all makes, + : i parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. GOsick, Valerie Simmons. |teed rebuilt machines. Estimate Hopping -- Boys: John Racz- | Rentals Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. | kowski, Richard Lowe, Morley fee. RA 8.0591 anytime L pid ' petal st ----------------r---- iscum. REDUCING stock, aluminum doors $25 and up; windows $10 and up; sizes; limited amount. MO 8.5861 CLEARANCE OF NEW FURNITURE 299 SIMCOE ST. S. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY ft 11-6--Twilight Zone 7---Johnny Staccato §5--The Rebel 4--Grand Jury TL Catlo '58 VAUXHALL station wagon, tutone, radia, extras. Very good condition. $1350 RA 5-8185 after 4.00 p.m. "54 BUICK hardtop, fully equipped, cheap for quick sale. Can be seen at 72 Cadillac Avenue South after 4 p.m. "57 PLYMOUTH Savoy, automatic, well kept, must sell. RA 8-0642 *54 DODGE, radio, new paint job, new tires, very good condition, cheap. Sell or trade for older car. Apply 314 Elgin West TRADE °53 Volkswagen and cash for larger car. Prefer Chev, After 6 p.m. 210 Park Road South 7 PONTIAC, V-8, two « 7:00 P.M. 11-6--Father Knows Best 7--Broken Arrow Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. ALEX VAJDA RA 3-9851 Every job guaranteed. 11:15 Pl 11--Late Show 7--Playhouse 6--Feature Panorama 11:30 P."- 6--Wrestling S--Movie 4--Playhouse 2--Award Theatre 1:00 AM. 7--Mr. and Mrs. North SUNDAY 8:00 A.M. 7--Church In The Home 8:15 A.M. 2-Christian Science 8:30 A.M. 7--Herald of Truth 2--Sacred Heart 8:45 A.M. 2--Man To Man 9:00 AM. 11--Rev. Oral Roberts 7--Worship S--Bar-5-Ranch 4--Popeye Playhouse 2--Farm Home and Garden 9:15 AM. 7--Worship 2--Morning Gospel 130 A.M. 11~This Is The Life 7Mission 2--Cartoon Playhouse 10:00 A.M. 11--The Christophers 7--The Living Word 5--Christian Science 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Cowboy Theatre 10:15 A.M. S5--Industry un Parade 10:30 /.M. 11--Brave Theatre A.M. chrome kitchen table, two chests of Eleanor Wilson, Bonnie McGhee. ZION | 7--Commonwealth Of 40 H.P. Scot-atwater, 1959 ATT Ker. 7--The Christ Monday for a party for Rev. e Christophers Boys, 7: Tommy Simpson, Fred | 5--Rumpus Room Ktchen Chairs, $5; Tables, '| starting the trip July 5. Bouts Girls: Donna Johnson, Shirley Strawberry social, Wednesday Chrome Rocking Chairs, $15; 2--Junior Auction 9:45 A.M. 11--Let's Talk 10:00 A.M. 11--Stories of the Century 5-2--Howdy Doody 4--Cartoon Show 10:30 A.M. 11-TBA 7--Morning Show 5-2--Ruff and Reddy 4--Mighty Mouse 11:00 A.M. 11--Gene Autry Show 5-2--Fury 4--The Lone Ranger 11:30 A.M, 11--The Living Word 5-2--Circus Boy 4-1 Love Lucy 11:45 A.M. 11--The Living Word 7--Cape Coral. 12:00 Noon 11--Quick Draw McGraw 7--Soupy Sales 5--Kit Carson 4--Sky King 2--Roy Rogers 12:30 P.M . li--News 7--Komedy Korner 4--Rural Review 5--Wrestling 12:45 P.M. Wood- | 11~Wrestling 3 | i 5:30 P.M. tor, re. mon language is French, spoken| Gol' Coast and other African| ! Te There are no Congolese law- 3.7945 after 4 p.m. |ONCE CANNIBALS 7--Early Show 59 12 HP outboard motor, like new.| 50,000 pygmies still live, like 6:15 P.M. is | pye "Today, the Cc : . | pi - p : i 5-4-2--News; Sports ELECTRIC stove and refrigerator, 8-|piano, chesterfield, chairs, etc. Every shooting game with bow and iS absurd to say that we have makes of wringer type washers, % hp Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's became independent in 1957, | and especially the past 10 years,| g_ tabloid ; | wr = 58 MERCURY 60 hp outboard motor, UNPAINTED furnitureat fabulous sav of the civil service. ernment should have offered in- Telephone RA 8-6357. WALLACE Vacuum Service, all makes, |©'® $17 desks $14, bookcases $5.99, van tural development, Belgian offi-|of French Africa, offering it in- MO 8-2847 vice. RA 8-0591 anytime. "WAY Rug Co. has been appointed . |KEEP your basement dry with a de- must sell this week, $59. RA 5-259]. REFRIGERATOR, bookcase, we 5-2--Great Movie Mys- i wi i . Following were winners: 9:00 P.M. avs bot, ik ie ~~~ Bt Courtice {Phone RA 5.837. | 4 «Nfs Street West. RA 5-6511. A1' colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. JUNE sale, office supplies, Kitchen Phyllis |11--The Bright Century WE pay highest prices in the city for |OShawa Hardware Ja Electric, Hue titions at Courtice Highway|MacGregor. |11-6--Cavalcade of Sports Phone RA 5-5577. CABIN cruiser, $905, brand new, 16 | Lo g1wayi | : 10:30 P.! 5 St Ni sm : ' \ . radio, dresser, end tables, drapes, can. | wins, "Port Brock Street North myn, 7 aritsky's team; Leap Frog, Penfound and Mrs. Bertie La 10:45 P.M. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up, | ition. MArket 33970, Bowmanville. | Hoos t birthd 4 i As. "| 11 FT. Peterborough boat, fiber glassed | son and John Raczkowski; Rickey |B ens; nearest birthday -- Mrs. B. F. G ICH Stores -- tires, bat-| ayn --jrteror exterior, $295 gallon | ski: Tim Zaritsky and Wayne Wil- Match Box Relay -- Mrs_ Betty | 7--Playhouse 7! | Fo ry duty. 6--Wrestling | ROTO-tiller, Chore Master, heavy duty, : leeping bags and camping |best offer. Apply Envoy Restaurant,| Debbie Vetzal. Maree, Betty Cooks p ringre 5-2--Jach Parr 34 South, Chinese Hop, boys: Richard ns were made for a bus tr Dominion Tire Store. 48 Bond West. |GHESTERFIELD and chair, nearly new 2--The Unexpected 9Y2-FOOT SATURDAY and chair MO 8-5386 |Marion Ellis, Donna Johnson, | JORNSON motor, used Cheryl Fulton ZION -- A large number of the 4--Captain Kangaroo congregation gathered at the 2--Rumpus Room tate. rie Gay, Gordon Graham. Girls, 6: Pamela Vetzal, Jane PH. YU 5-2689 Go ea : J 9:00 A.M. presented with a piece of lug- !1--The Living Word gage before leaving for a two- Girls, 7: Margaret Fraser, Bonnie McGhee, Jo Pullen. PIC a: Boys, 8 and over: John Racz-|, eo Park aS i008 quirement; Coffee Tables, kowski, Wayne Wilson, Bob Wal. 2¢ Iiday in Geneva Park. $12.95; Step Tables, $12.95; 7--Fun House 5--Cisco Kid {ing at 4.30 p.m. Sectional ¥2-Sofa, curved cen- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Perrault tre; Rugs: 4 x 6, $14; 6 x A Girls: Jo niversary Saturday. Neighbors odd | bilen. {and friends called from Newcas. | Shoe Scramble -- Grade 1,|tle and Oshawa. Margaret Per- |boys: Hugh Snider; girls: Char-| rault, Morrisburg and John Arm- lene Archer. Grade 2, boy s:| Strong, Winchester, were also | Wayne Wilson; girls: Jo Pullen. |2mong visitors. | | F. J. Reed, | | Rev. and Mrs Hampton, were guests of Mr. and - |] i. » [50-- -Articles For Sale | Mrs. C. Bradley Monday evening. FOR SALE -- Chesterfield and 2 chairs,| Mrs. C. Naylor entertained her |Chrom kitchen set, '57 Meteor. Phone piano pupils, mothers and grand- ek re ________ mothers, at her home Friday. 113" C foot deep freeze like new, hy i |reasonable. American people's En-| he and Mrs. Archie Jones and family, = Ennismore, Marjorie | bookcase, never been used, reasonable.| Blewett and Isla Barker, Osh- Margaret Fraser, chen Chairs AY... HONEST MIKE'S at Unbelievable Prices 184 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | Or Call RA 8-6053 between 7- 9 p.m. recovered, $3. /-8, two door, hardtop, immaculate condition, radio and white. walls. 353 King Street West. RA 3.9311 or RA 38-5466 '54 PLYMOUTH hardtop, ly and engine in good condition, radio, heater, good mileage. MO 85-2586 after 1] 9:00 P.M. 118---Encore SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial 7<The ' Alaskans 4--Alfred Hitchcock 10:00 P.M 1--8an Francisco Beat 6-4--Jack Benny 5-2--Loretta Young 10:30 P.M. 11--Saber of London 7--Not For Hire 6--Fighting Words 4--What's My Line 5--Phil Silvers Show 2--Lock Up 11:00 P.M. 11-7-6-5-4-2--News; Weather; Sports 11:15 P.M. 11--Late Show ' FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Complete lines of meats and groceries. Savings of up to 30%. Let us prove to you as we have to thousands of others how we can save the cost of the freezer with our proven plan. Canadian man- ufactured freezers, guaran- teed by Good-Housekeeping. Government inspected meats. Well khown branded pro- ducts, all part of our plan ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 CLEARANCE SALE NEW AND USED INVENTORY MUST BE REDUCED BY 75% FOR SUMMER MONTHS ONE FULL YEAR WARRANTY LOW DOWN PAYMENTS UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY 2 to choose from. V-8 '56 METEOR 4-DOOR RANCH WAGON, $795 Brillion light blue finish, ideal cor for the larger family. Don't miss this buy SPECIAL $1095 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 Sedan, sharp, medium blue finish, loaded with equip- ment. Best buy on the lot. SPECIAL $1995 PONTIAC Deluxe Coach, immaculate light green finish, with matching in- terior -- runs like a new car. SPECIAL $595 Electric Refrigera- $199. 9 cu. tor $19; End of line coffee tables and |end tables, $5. Continental headboards |cash and carry, $5. Wilson Furniture, {20 Church Street '47_--Automobiles For Sale Continental beds, full only size $45 Floor lamps, reg. $24.50, now only $10 Lloyd convertible carriage, V2 price 3 Two piece bed davenport suite $189 value now $99 i HT CAT ATE TE AIL AIMCO SIHIA RIE] IRIEIGIAIRIDINOIM] 1 IT} AXIEMRIOIGINPELS] woe Ga [AICIEIS] wi 44. Barly invader of Spain DOWN 4. Destitute person 2, ---- Boleyn 3. Girl's name 4. Dry, as wine §. Ship's warrant officer (var.) &.Dry 7. Cover 8. Mislead 9. A restraint 11, Citrus fruit 15. Slice A A oT A Al (Ry HO|DR IDE [TNE ARROW IRIc IA TASTES All the latest HITS. Priced to save you money. CHERNEY'S RECORD BAR (Oshawa Times Bldg.) SINGER'S Wright iron dinett, e suite | Va price . PLYMOUTHS Smooth top mattress, full size reg. $59.50 now only $35 Axminster carpet, 4 ft. 6" by 714.6" $15 or 6 cylinder only METROPOLITAN Hardtop with radio, < SPECIAL $595 transmission, ' lady previous owner 58 ONLY BUICK radio, whitewalls SPECIAL ONLY with automatic |cyclopedia, 20 volumes, complete with Js Bond East, side door. = |awa, visited Mrs. Norma McMas- ONE Allis Chalmers B tractor, double |furrow plough, 10" bottom, Massey teh Suey Gl visi |Harris, in good condition, $375. RA Mrs. T. B. Glaspell visited |8-8651. a Ralph Glaspell, Tyrone, Sunday. | CHESTERFIELD, rugs, dishes, lamps,| Mr. and Mrs. E. Down, Larry fother sman articles. Apply 341 Divis- and Roger, Ebenezer, visited P [Io imam 2 VW, 'Davidson, SGnday Box Spring, full size( Soiled) {THEEE pianos for sale. Al condition. Charlie Bull, Vancouver, B.C.; y [Ra +o, 18 Fizin Street Bast. Pliove/1s "visiiing Mr. and Mrs. O. 10 eat better for less. Phone Room divider, Roxatone fin- Bull. > J ' | JANG furniture? We'll buy it. Re- y EA 5-3709. No obligation. ish, V2 price $25 [erigerators. TV's, washers, pianos, Mr. and Mrs. Herry Dart and reezers $189 up. Compare |stovés, ete. For top cash offer, contact| Ken visited Fred Dart, before. vou buy. |19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. | ville, Sunday. : M. |BIG bedding sale -- Buy now amd| Mr, and Mrs. N. Leach were 7--Cliff Hanger Club save! Factory clearance of spring-filled | ¥ of 1 4--Cisco 'Kid R mattresses discontinued tickings, pric. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.| 3 Matinee |ed for quick sale, $16.88 up. Continental | Art Youngman, Tyrone, and at- 1:15 P.M. : |beds, some mismatched, some with tended the Decoration service at| 5--Matinee Singles, Albums head boards, : clearout prices, from | Bowmanville cemetery. ; Bunk beds, eight pieces, com-| L d R Dow All Speeds [plete sale price $58; roll-away cots,| arTy bE oe own, Eben. air foam mattresses. Special $19.95. | ezer, visi . W. Davidson Mon- at the Wilson Furniture, 20° Church Street. | day, CROSSWORD PUZZLE | day | |NEW Saxophone, tenor, reasonable. 179) Mrs. John Gerry and Philip, LOWEST PRICES Waverly Sree), RA S035, |Mr. and Mrs. David Gerry, To- [SPECIAL 21" cabin sruiser, 100 HP. |ronto visited Mrs. F. B. Glas- ACROSS IN TOWN Five piece kitchen suite, nat- | Sichansn motor and trafler Excanent| W. Sunday. | . Chums eS 25 c n. Apply George A, Loring, M aM CT 4 5. Hairless ' u nisi |Orono 34R12 r. an Mrs. . erry an 4 Call in and browse around. | : : 2 | S 1 ; |SWAPS are tops in Oshawa Times Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Da-| ® Camper's ee our selection . . Twelve piece diving room fi : ced | ' 9 Classified. Read the regular swap|vidson visited H. Abbott, Burke- boat COPAY | Tom B25 wake, rovir fo ma rey Bw & Lig, Spturiey. 20. Bay : Mae SELLING furniture? weil buy it. Re Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Web. Yow frigerators, TV's, washers, planos, ' Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs. | 12. Of Teutonie stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con-| Gordon Fisher, Roy and Jim, characters Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131.| Oshawa, visited A. Fisher, Sun-| 13.Move EST prices paid for used furni-|day. sidewise |ture, also sell and exchange. Contact z F i | Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe at 3 id | Street. Phone RA 8-1131. tended the Pascoe picnic in - Cow's AWNINGS (canvas). Estimates without| Hampton Park Saturday. rechewed [obligation. Write Wm. Cressman, RR 3,| Mr. and Mrs. Don Prout and| food | Uxbridge. Phone Port Perry, YU 57572. | Donnie, Bowmanville, visited| 16. Murmured TENT Sleeping bags and camping| Russell Stainton Sunday. | interjection uipmen , easy terms. | r Dominion Tire Store, 4 Bond West,| Mr. and Mrs. W. Cameron at-| 17.New VACUUM cleaner Very good shape | tended Maple Grove anniversary England Telephone RA 3.3735. |and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. state LAST call for tra (abbr) 30. Coupled CHEVROLET Biscayne, very low mile- SPECIAL $1795 MERCURY Tudor Hardtop, tu-tone white and yellow, radio and automatic, motor in good condition SPECIAL $795 METEOR SEDAN, light green metallic finish, very good motor and tires SPECIAL Ro $245 MONARCH SEDAN, tu-tone turquoise and white, radio and automatic SALE PRICE $395 FORD Custom Sedan, spotless, medium blue finish, radio ond automatic. The Buy of the year. SPECIAL $795 radi CHEVROLET Deluxe Coach, beautiful 4 dark blue finish, mechanically excel« $395 SPECIAL «+ $1495 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM SEE YOUR FORD DEALER BELOW VAN HEUSEN MOTORS SEAWAY MOTORS 149 KING W. 200 DUNDAS ST. W. OPPOSITE THE BREWERY 1 BLOCK WEST 4 CORNERS " OSHAWA WHITBY 55 age, like ONLY LYMOUTH V8 sedan with radio, re- po $1588 FORD Customline with radio. Reduced to ONLY $1795 METEOR SEDAN with radio, just traded in on Renault. ONLY $495 FORD Coach with perfect in every way new" throughout 53 sion, balance owing 53 35 58 Customline pe dav: | Morley Flintoff. in b , 2 days fleld suite. odd] Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Stain- 18. Bweet roll MID-SUMMER SALE reductions up to $70 TWO WEEKS ONLY only! 2 piece chesterfield suite, $19, odd chesterfield chairs, $5. Coffee tables and end tables from $3. Beds, springs, mat- tresses, $5. 2 piece chesterfield suites, | $29. Modern drop leaf dinette set $45. | | Wilson's Furniture. 20 Church St. |BARGAINS in kitchen chrome or ette sets. Warehouse clearance of odds| |and. ends. Apartment sized sets, $29. | [Lovely beige and brown inlaid set| |table and 4 chairs, reg. $89, slashed to| ($50. 5 piece black and white arborite VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME WINDOWS $17.50 INSTALLED STORM DOORS $46.50 INSTALLED No middle man to pay. Estimates on awnings and patios. No part time salesman. Direct from the fac- tory to you. All work guaranteed. CALL ART MORTON RAINBOW PRODUCTS 515 BROCK ST. NORTH TELEPHONE; MO 8-5861 MO 8-5088 WHITBY sets from $48. Clearance of odd chrome] chairs, values to $12.95, 18 only. $5. I week only see our window display, | Wilson Furniture, 20 Church St 51--Swap & Barter | '59 AUSTIN Cambridge ASS in new con-| dition, private; or will swap for small |delivery truck or station wagon. WH 2-6410 Ajax. | 52--Legal | I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, | Beverley Ann Brown, on or after this date, June 24, 1960, without my written | consent. -- Elmer R. Brown, RR 3,| Port Perry |T will not be responsible for any debts |contracted in my name by my wife, |Mrs. Iris Alexsandra Vanderbij, from this date forward. Meindert Van derbij. | | { family visited the Quinte District ton, Laurie and Marla were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walters at their cottage in Min- den. | Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs Keith' * Stainton attended the Decoration Service at Wick Cemetery Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissber- ger, Mr. and Mrs. Art Dart and Cattle Breeding Association| farms, Belleville. Mrs. C. Naylor and Mrs. Ray Cameron attended a Presbyter- ial meeting in Whitby United Church Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Donnie, Bowmanville, Ra: Cameron, Saturday. . and Mrs. G. Knapp and Jean, Brooklin, visited A. Knapp| Tuesday | Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa, visited Mr. Stewart Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Knapp visited L. Knapp, Pontypool, Sunday. Don Prout and visited Wilmer Fice, and Mrs. H.| | 19. Fuss 20. Kind of hedge 28. Baking 35. Derby 36. Twinkle 38. Franco's country 40. Scope 41. Chopped 42. Performed 43. Communists

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