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The Oshawa Times, 24 Jun 1960, p. 5

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[ caLL.us FoR FUR & WINTER The results in this class arel| Recovering and repairin | { standing, using .22 calibre rifles. | g as follows: h i Special low prices on any odd pieces (in ends) Stan Landymore (S636); 3%:|WIFU British Columbia Lions Jim McQuay (586-27); and 4th:|say they will not share Empire A i i {prone, kneeling and standing at|couver. Officials expect to sign Prepares For Whithy Rifle Club held its an, yards was Don McQuay (383-9).!an agreement with the Pacific 3 i ) , door range on NN i & Camp Opening is proud to announce that the| beginning point and that very con. way. Whitby, Many members and their|OrY With 383-4 and third was| Businessman Peter Graham an. The last meeting of Viscount .,renousing company, Powell|" : y Los : | The Landymore Art Studio tro-|of men who have applied for a Greenwood Chapter IODE for the | Transport Eimited. has purchas- will occur. This applied not only this new development and wider | In addition the club extended hing isd nT to the win-| Vancouver AFL GI ee summer months was held on Wed-| 4", "Splendid two-acre site with|!0 his own company but in rela-| diversification of employment op- ia; invita"ion to the SImpson-\,ers of each class | - |nesday afternoon in the United|oyoellent frontage on the east|tion, too, to the whole of this out-|portunities within the town of Sears Rifle Club in Toronto to! . F. W. Browne presiding. i i _|can so readily be developed. Fur-|ly. Yet another new industrial gq; : It was decided to donate a if, one of the Resiricied Bic ther industrial growth now .tak-|plant is to be built on a nearby 5 Six Eee aruptel in the the Oshawa General Hospital and |; < ger factories jn the near future|ther employment. The land has » a prize for the Sa'ety Yer ast| OF, Susi, fine piste ee. tigt of will lead to further expansion of| already been purchased. Be Was Day Camp are complete and will ft I Manufac.|and in warehousing. In the latter date of beginning of construction open Monday July 4 with official [RAS Lofthouse Brass companics|he is already having to plan for of the Matheson Company's plant | day, July 5 at 10.30 a.m. ites in this| creasing enquiries. pected to be released within the J for old quality value wit oS ee ] plete purchases of sites in this Hl pec : hdd 1€ 1st: Linda Lamory: (330-3); FULLY INSU Balls of colored wool, colored pn, ct attractive planned industrial| Actual construction is expected next few days and building willl, Cott Dowie pk ard. || modern re-styling. REFRRA TE URED OF asked for and may be left at the some preliminary work has al-| Mr, Powell expressed his ap-|Jean Connelly (287-6). and 4th: cgent's. home, Mrs. F. W.| The general manager of the 2dy been done in levelling the preciation for the assistance of Marg Smith (275.0). LTD. d hat hi : 5 150 COLBORNE E., WHITBY Mrs. H. C. Phillips is replacing|{0daY that his company was very|"y, "powell expressed himself|and the realtor, J. J. vanHerwer-|the men's class, prone, kneeling| Phone MO 8-2344 tron Tio 8.0343 2 trial growth and impressive de- i . | Apes : Result: follows: owing to personal reasons has elopment of the town of Whith lent road improvement program desirable location here. esults are as follows: relinquished that office. Mrs, H.|Veiopment o e n 3 " - ™ ™ Rifle Cl ] THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 24, 1960 § Wi 11 1 B Y And DIS | RIC I Trans ort Firm Will | 1st: Jim Fraser (500-27); 2nd:| WON'T SHARE STADIUM Has Shoot VANCOUVER (CP) -- The ® ® ' | H 1 Max Barker (579-31). {Stadium with any American Greenwood Chapt. | [,ocate On Whitby Site Annual Pienic Pe oii co, a ii hari Whitby Industri! Commission firm belief that this 'was just aon Hopkins street so well under nual outdoor picnic at their out-/5e ond place went to Helen Lat} National Exhibition next week. rapidly growing trucking and|iioovie further development| Further details and pictures on|gamilies were in attendance , |Ccol Cartwright with 321-7. | nounced earlier he heads a group Church Hall with the Regent Mrs. | Gide of Hopkins street here. This standing industrial area which| Whitby will be announced short-i.y oot for the Landymore Art wheel-chair to the new wing of| gy wing = already accommodat- ing place and even more and lar- Whitby site, providing good fur- {three position events on the 20 UPHOLSTERING Rodeo. Plans for the Summer), orican Steel Equipment Co. his business both in trucking! An announcement of the actual oy Tr DY Enethine: and A. ZAYETTE opening the following day, Tues-ij.ue bought or are about to com- fyrther expansion, because of in-|on Watson street in Whitby is ex- hs buttons and colored socks were, .. to start in mid-July, although then start forthwith. WHITBY CLEANERS |Browne, 504 Dundas St. w. "|company, W John Powell, stated land etc. Whitby Industrial Commission There were 13 men entered in Mrs. K. Lunney as treasurer who| impressed with the rapid indus-| pg" gratified to see the excel-|den, in acquiring this uniquely and standing at 20 yards. land was even more optimisti T. Fallaise is Empire and World about its future. He felt that this Affairs convenor, and Mrs. S. 2 ; v Pid y p particular site was quite unexcell- Murdoch is a councillor, | ed -- of all the many examined -- | Mrs George Anderson, Ser-| . vices at home and abroad, re- fob aH the purposes he had in | ported; 2 quilts, 6 sweaters, ining % [pair booties, 12 pairs Korean Immediate plans. are for erec- |socks and 5 bonnets and 1 scarf|tion of a 4000 square foot depot {have been sent to headquarters. for the large and increasing fleet DE Diamond | of tractor-trailers -- which has | 1 Sejcente Px pha one grown to 17 from just two trucks, cently in Toronto. Mrs. F. W.|less than seven vears ago, and Browne spoke to the impres-| continues its rapid growth. In ad. a # |sive opening with parade of 123 dition, a 4000 square-foot public standard bearers with their Chap- Yorehonse wi Siso be op di AUTHOR MAKES WHITBY VISIT fer's Standary and of the newly sistent demand for public ware- On an official visit to Whitby [| While visiting Colborne Street Robinson. 2s I highly quali- housing which has been evident in on Thursday, Mrs. Peg Stuart, | Public School she was un- |gog for that position Whitby over the past few years. Provincial Secretary of the | expectedly asked to speak to | The meeting closed with the | Provision for enlarging the space CCF, stopped off at the Whitby Library. to show Local 494 executive Tom Edwards a copy | some of the students and did |ginging of the National Anthem. | in either or both buildings will | so by speaking on the Life of |wfrs, H. T. Fallaise and Miss W, D¢'made so that it may be effect. Agnes McPhail, Canada's first {Boys were tea hostesses. fed with a minimum of dislocation. of her book, "Ask for a Quar- woman MP. Mrs. Stuart was | ---- Ma Sonsuliation With Industrial ter'. Muring the day Mrs. Stu- | co-author of the book with 7 ommissioner arles H. Chay- art visited many CCF party Doris French of Ottawa. ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS tor, Mr. Powell expressed his members in the community. --Oshawa Times Photo Murray Silver Council Feels Quit Named President. Whitby Kinsmen Conservation Group [rnoueesme ed its annual duty of electing the Whitby has become the second ment as a recreation area. and had paid $3000 and he thought ind for the following Rins- member municipality to - notify Mayor Stanley Martin asked if it that a little steep. A lively meeting marked the the Central Lake Ontario Conser- were true that the municipalities| "Are we setting up parks?" elections in the Spruce Villa vation Authority that they do not enjoyed a 50 per cent subsidy | asked Councillor Paul Coath, who Hotel in Whitby wish to continue with 'the out- from the province far the plan [asked Field Officer McCauley to Assuming the duties of last lined conservation program. On or did the municipalities involved define conservation. Yesr's president. Al Schatz will Thursday evening, councillors sa' subsidize the provincial govern- He said that conservation was be 1s Drosk Marrs v Silve hv WE down with members of the CLO- ment in one of its plans. the wise use of our renewabl Th first vice ond t A CA in Whitby and approved a| o. .ove pasion natural ReSotees, He fad that| 0 ARB a A otion that th ithority be ad-|* NLS |the purpose o is scheme was T. . To a eB ot wish to Mr. Owens replied that the g0v- to attract the interest of the peo- Jim Gartshore. George Wilkes ernment does not advise on plans|ple of this area and have some|Was elected as club secretary, and had nothing to do with this place where they could see vi¢ Wilkes is the new treasurer proposal. He said that the farm | proper conservation practices. and Malcolm Hampson assumes chosen was picked from three Mr. McCauley said that this would the duty of club registrar. |and selected because it was ideal- not be a park as ordinarily con-| The four members elected to sit ly suited for the purpose. jceived bot would a nature| 01 the brane difeciors are Reg William Davidson | rails, three ponds, probably ' " received a request from William reported that at one point this Stocked Wilk from fora fish an Puce Hewson and Lawrence Spel- Owens, chairman of the CLOCA, year the Minister of Planning and 1 CL, ona . . for council's yes or no answer on| Development had said that he| benefits, he said, are secondary,| i a ae = wi whethet or not they wished to was unaware what was planned This description of what was ave 0 s gw D, del e proceed with the authority, Bow- for that farm. He said that this| Planned in Scheme 1 touched off t ays, on atu a as wag, es manville council sent in a no an situation was ridiculous and he a debate among councillors which 0 a Sonvenkion, ; hey Fon Pup swel. Whitby, at the conclusion suggested that council withdraw AME, McCauley could not quell Fay Si ver Rept, act oe of their meeting, also sent in a/from CLOCA until the depart-| When he told the meeting that he bi So, Jin d ans ore, 8 ae ie no but qualified it by stating that ment knew what it is doing. TO ne 10 Be hii eve 2 AR TL en, they would approve if council The CLOCA chairman replied on 5. Was showplace nid wives hag ore control over the purse that the minister has been sup: piri siber Ervest Dest N Srogs. nin plied with a brief. 'At one point, | cajled for support by CLOCA by| WILL CONTINUE he said, the minister had not yet pointing out the problems Toron-| Presbyteens Host Slthougs Whithy and Bowman: been so supplied. to now has with the Don and| ville have voted against continu-| a : Humber Rivers because no such! iug in the CLOCA, this does not REPRESENTATION plan for conservation had been Toronto Group mean that the authority will fal-| Reeve Everett Quantrill ob- practised Mr, Owens reported that jected that three members of the NOT FOR SHOWPLACE | St. Andrew's Presbyteens held {lieve is no provision in the act/CLOCA, Pickering, Reach and "ij, "7" conservation." said their last meeting of the season o allow dissolution of an author- Clarke Twp., supply about $150 \. Co" neo E00 R90 on June 22,'in the form of a ity. Now, he said, if all members Per year each to the authority novo . Ne Buk hs pot luck picnic held at Lake On- Laurentian £-Door Sport Sedan indicate that is their feeling, the Yet each member had one vote, ono i was hard to find. But that| 1370. The Presbyteen. members A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE authority's plan to purchase a while Whitby, which this year is not what T want to pay for." leach invited one of their friends. Whitby Twp. farm for $50,000 Pays $3840, has only two votes,| "me scked Reeve Heron if he| The Queen East Christian Endea- will be abandoned, probably, and'on the authority a .| vour group of Toronto also attend- thcught that $50,000 was a fair ed at the invitation of the Presby- the authority will just 'poke The reeve also said that he ,.i cto nav for this farm. Reeve : ' » believes 3 "DOS onserva- v ui : ens around", believed the purpose of conserva-| gay n ¢aid that he thought it was, = a Auending the meetin were +10n was fo take land that is use- (4 much but said that the prop- The evening opened with a few 7 % CLOCA chairman Owens, and less and 'reclaim it and make|o ty had heen appraised. 0 games 38 yuien gveryone partici. : members of the executive, Gor-| something out of it. He said that ng. nec auley told the meeting Dated as 0 vided Ye Hl ; 4 don Corner, of East Whitby Twp.,|if t's property is worth $400 per| (nat 'while this major project] ma cers or RIOVA y ihe . w > proj members the Presbyteens. - « - ' proceed until the act constituting authorities has been revamped to give member municipalities more control over the authority's bud- get. « The meeting was arranged by . Whitby council who last month| Councillor . of arke Tw _|acre, it must not need much re- ; BY "LOCA | : of | Bist ent, of Clarke Tu, WI ace, 1, mu oo, ee, uch 1 would be dor war, the CLOCA| Folin he amr mor games oo Coley Tro iil YIIDY | must be some creek land which Suey g aekle yn er projects, were played and to end the even- Pontiac has scored again with the style sensation of the Tag Mii Bevin, nee mit be, ol nt wh HC ll acini be sr, wee ren sh Toe 5 wtp Bondi ses 5 ! Zoli "3 50 ster. ain s ember 0 ristian En- io. This i ; ; partment, J. T. McCauley. could be purchased at a lesser hank erosion in other places in! desvonr vii e 5 n leadership. This is the car that will retain the freshness Despite 'the final motion, the PFI¢€ Pontiac is enjoying its most successful year because it has proved you can have luxury and economy too. Not : y only is Pontiac low in price but it's way up on no-cost Sor "or! t.| 7C area A devotional service followed of its appeal for years. Pontiac's flair for design makes : extras. Luxury features--including had meeling was quite amicable Gordon Commer od the meet As the discussion ended, Coun- led by Sheilah Barter. A short your investment a lasting 'one g ory 5 t es: Ing dual » Council members complained hy ha ie v apie vi on the cijlor Davidson introduced the| discussion was held entitled . , Step-on parking rake, cigarette lighter and many more that when budget time had ai- larm NS Eo oarmed or Some motion that council's representa-| 'God's Gift in Nature" led by v --are standard on Pontiac, rived 'they found they were ask ope yo at So 0 AKEN tive on the CLOCA be advised,Miss Barter. Everyone.-enjoyed ed lo spend $3840 for conserva- ha by on that fiers was that council will not proceed with|themselves and the members of tion and did not know what the CE Ey . CLOCA until the statutes govern- Presbyteens hope that next Sep- CLOCA was planning, It was sug lang Joith of Bowrasvilie whieh ing its operation are revised to!tember the groyp will be enlarged | ? NEW SUPPLE SUSPENSION TO SOFTEN YOUR RIDE. Pontiac's famous all-coil gested by council members. that roe oh ot $150. to $200 Tor dord Nant member municipalities fember the group will be en-| councils and the CLOCA couid| "vA pretty good price for use. or authority and control. arged. | HT) suspension gives you a supple smooth ride . { . adds to your comfort, cuts down driving fatigue. BETTER meet prior to striking budgets joss land." sc y- re Y and j me - fom an; emen 16 2 and 58 Dey BRAKING TO INCREASE OUR SAFET Y . Pontiac has air-cooled True-Contour brakes. Aire Main bone of contention was man ¢ joi eting. ous . ie sae OF comin he pr mes of he Joint meeting | ww Ta NGINE RING cooled drums and grooved linings dissipate heatfast and promote longer brake lining life. THRIFT Y ENGINES chas ar ar 0 « y neil ha 8 - e of a farm near Brooklin county council had recently pur-| : TO SAVE YOU MONE Y. In six and V8 engines, Pontiac offers valve-in-head design that builds up for $391 per acre and develop-' chased 100 acres for reforestation reir Sb mAat-- { ; JACK TURNER ADVANCEMENTS extra torque, adds power and cuts gas consumption. BODY BY FISHER TO PROTECT YOUR BRO C WHITBY CITIZENS INVESTMENT. Body by Fisher adds the final touch of perfection. To assure quietness, Pontiac has Unisteel Phone MO 8-3618 ry DIRECTOR OF construction. To assure factory-fresh appearance longer the exterior is protected by Magic-Mirror Finish. ' ya WSTOMER 1 . Evening Shows at 7 and 9 P.M. . ? ..ELATIONS Now Playing Feature Starts at 7:15 and 9:40 SAYS: Saturday Matinee \ "This season we suggest | g oe N J Ey aan Kee YY OTRIKE a bargain CITIZENS" -- = with your DEBBIE Res u "Thinking of gifts to buy, holiday expenses : . . and Sh wondering how you will meet the costs? As a Citizens REYNOLDS ARAN budget counsellor travelling throughout Ontario, I meet P many who are worried about holiday bills. I'm pleased J in AN AVON PRODUCTION to Sigg the friendly, convenient Citizens loan j » service. Call today, see how quickly Citizens arranges 3 - 08 'THE GA 1E [1] loans of $50 to $2500, at terms to suit you best." See Jour local Pontiac dealer st co-starring" Ih ao CARL REINER fx. a QUITIZENS Ke mosis Rr 4 { WITH ER LVTE 35 f win JOHN McGIVER Jf wie poe iad pit 30 LITTLE GAZEBO * % F i M fn NC Loans made in Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering | ow ---- k ff Tam CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED ---------- | WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED som or GEORGE WELLS sopoes GEORGE MARSHALL seseers w LAWRENCE WEINGARTEN || Loan Offices in all Principal Cities ing Ww Tes ot tnt Raiitgie 4 ! 266 King Street West, Oshawa y hitby, Ontario \, 4

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