Presbytery WA | Holds Busy Meeting Names Committee ! Mrs. L. F. Richardson ' pre- sided at the June meeting of the | Oshawa Presbytery WA recently held in the Whitby United Church. When the roll-call was taken it showed a perfect attendance of] | committee chairmen. It was decided to have mes- sages from these chairmen go to cich local WA ahead of the fall rally which will be held in St. Paul's United Church in Ajax. The plans for the fall rally will be taken care of by a special committee. Mrs. W. C. Sturtridge! from the Dominion council WA! will be the speaker. During the executive meeting, Irs. Percy Pascoe of Almonds onducted a worship period. Mrs. M. CT Fisher, a member of the executive and also a mem-! ber of the WMS, gave a brief re- port oi. the Bay of Quinte Con- ference especially in connection with the proposed federation and asked that the WA name a com- mit'ee to meet with a similar committee from the WMS to plan for steps towards the 'federation. F a- Ta After this committee was " named, Mrs. Richardson played i --- 2 - a tape recording of a panel dis- Mary. Lee, president: Miss Ma- | director; Miss Sally Parker, | secretary; Mrs. R. J. W. Mac. cussion on this same subject. deline Kelly. immediate-past- | recording secretary; Mrs. W. | kie, director; Miss Viola Mc- Tose 9 he pane) were Dr. Nor. 4 president. Back row, from left | H. Jackson, treasurer; Mrs. | Dougall, director man McMurray, chairman of the ; 2% i A : 4 right: rac i y 4 i _Oshaw, special committee working on) to right: Miss Grace Winnell, | Olive Petley, corresponding shawa Traeration: rs 3H Heber) T I's 4 secretary of the committee, i. mai E. E. Long, president of the Do- tated after their warris Oshawa Soroptimist Club CE ago el mtr ar he marge - Kinnon, president of the Domin- orial Anglican Church are Holds Installation Dinner ic Council WA, and questioned my; 'and Mrs. Edward Barry {by Nancy Edwards. Cockburn. The bride, the for- The annual installation dinner stalled the officers for the com.| of the Soroptimist Club of Osh-|:ng year as follows: The recording answered many ne. \iss Gail Marie Hamilton, | questions which had arisen in the i awa was held at the Hotel Gen- President, Miss Mary Lee; osha, vice-president, Miss Evelyn minds of thes members. At the lend of the business meeting the following members of the Whitby Visitors were present from Sor- Moore; recording secretary, Miss WA served afternoon tea: Mrs. optimist Clubs of the EasternSally Parker; corresponding sec- Canada Region, and head table retary, Mrs Olive Petley: treas- BA -- - . guests at which President Mary urer, Mrs. W. H. Jackson THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 24, 1960 7 B. C. Roper, Mrs. Will Ellison, Lee of Oshawa presided were Directors: Mrs. W. H p E R S 0 N A HOUSEHOLD HINT A > of their 50th wedding anmiver-|Mrs. Frank Gusbrooke, of Toron- Mrs. Charles Broughton, Mrs. Erle ,Bond,- and Mrs. Abbot Miss Myrtle Sargent, secretary wick, Mrs. R. J. W of Eastern Canada Region; pres-/Miss Viola McDougall. The regular meeting of the Nu-)guest of honor at a stag party at| Next time you hammer a nail| to and Mrs. Julius|in the plaster to hang a picture, - - a Price, under the leadership of | Mrs A. E, Sturgess. ident, Sadie 'Warrington of North|Grace Winnel! Toronto-North York: Pres. Doris| Chairman of committees and and Mrs. Higgins (the for- mer Ella Foley) were married ( lmIViam§lumIMamSloaMo allo aMoaS Loans Summer Coverage in frosty white boucle ONLY 25.00 A coat you'll find indispensible for summer travelling, end those cooler days. It lends an ensemble look to your sheath dresses and o gale look to evenings Obtainable in beige, black, navy or gold This and many other lovely styles at Black's Sizes 8 to 20. ha AF Lea oe > Se a iaemiy, pk - »- - a ey PICTURED ABOVE are the new executive: Front row, from Jeft to right: Miss Evelyn Moore. vice-president; Miss Photo. Time LIVE AT KEDRON is the daughter of Mr. and Wis. Russell John H3gjlton and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. | and Mrs. Chester Cockburn, all | of Oshawa | --Photo by Peter Ellins | Mr. And Mrs. James M. Higgins Honored On 0th Anniversary guests included: Shop in air-conditioned comfort, Open Tonight Until 9 o'clock Blacks LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-1912 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hig Out-of-town gins, Charles street, were honor- Mrs. William Davidson, -Belle- "led on Sunday evening at a fam-|ville; Mrs. M. Hartney, Mr. and ily dinner party, on the occasion/Mrs. Tom Hartney and Mr. and| Best- Mackie, Miss Bvers of Scarborough; preident, representatives ways and a: is 4 a Siguts ithe I g Mr J . Cre-lmeans. Miss Grace Winnell: Phi-Mu chapter of Beta Sigma the ome of Mr. 2, Huey Trin ad education. Miss Phi was held at the home of Kiss, Crerar avenue. Team-mates first apply a small cross patch ! "J ' 3 = 4 .__ | Miss loyd New commit- of the Hungaria Soccer team ol|of cellcpha t t : 4 dan of Cobourg-Port Hope; and|Evelyn Moore; program, Miss pris iy Bom i fail which he 2 Ee hacer, nit. - ig Hg hv Fg re on June 21, 1910, in St. Gregory's vice-president, Phyllis Braund of {Madeline Kelly: constitution and and a dance will be held at/ted him with a purse of money. cracking Itoman Catiiolic Church, Oshawa, Peterborough bylaws, Mrs. W. H. Bestwick; { py the late Reverend Father| Cline. With the exception of al 'ew years in Belleville, their en-| tire married life has been spent] OR Er was Miss Leah Gardpiblicity Mrs J. Walker: flow.|Caesarea on August 6. The next | SOCIAL NOTICE in Oshawa RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. daughter, son-in-law, dauvghters-in-law toast- parents and thanked years of love and devo-| 0 8 » Ey PICNIC AND COTTAGE Miss Sharon Gail Rieger whoie. . is to be married tomorrow fo Mr. Piano Recital Frank Pupp has been honored during the past weeks at several Delights Audience showers Mrs. M. J Rieger. Howard| On Tuesday evening, June 21, street, gave a troussean tea for'a piano recital in McLaughlin Li- her daughter who honored her brary given by pupils of Jose- maid of honor, Miss Mary Zmud-|phine Parrott, ARCT, RMT, de- ski, and her bridesmaid, - Miss lighted a large audience. i Constance Stradeski, with a pre. People from Grade II to ARCT sentation of a pearl pendant | performed. Each one displayed ! eac e bridal theme was car. musical talent. . RE Travelling Overseas ried out in arrangements of Of particular interest were the| vellow flowers and decorations. |€nsemble ncmbers. Many duets) Miss Rieger poured tea assist- and trios gave variety to the pro- 'The . modern way to travel is by air.' % z », Dr. and Mrs Roger Inch and row who was accompanied by ers, Mrs. W, W. Park; interna-| GE Wii ba fad & we homme daughter of London, Ontario, have Mrs. George Fleming tional goodwill, Miss Viola Mc-|i. ber 6 been spending a few days with Miss Sargent in an inspiring|Dougall; social and hospitality, fember: 6 Mrs. Inch's mother, Mrs. Walter address preceding the installa-\Miss Ida Arnott; finance, Mrs.| The Junior Group of the Castle Terry, Wood street ENGAGEMENT They have one daughter, Ber tion of officers reminded the/W. H. Jackson; civil defence, Chapter Alumnae held its June : Le Crud N Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Payne, ve Wan r je = I members of the responsibilities|Miss Mary Lee; historian, Miss meeting at the home of Mrs Path Mais) ine Miss of Oshawa Wish (0 annonce the 2¢¢ : it one ta 23 Po and opvortunities given to Sorop-|Helen Robertson; bulletin, Miss James Carnwith Sr. in Brooklin, | Ta® ers you, A engagement of their daughter, | a Tain timists and. pointed out the signi- Grace Winnell. A buffet supper was enjoyed spending a va | Marlene Claire, to Donald Wil-| OO =ohn Ani EH ; icance that at this time a club The annual meeting was held|after which a social evening was 0 po 00 liam Gaynes of Ingersoll, son of Dopa oe 8 Broly ou 4 3 hi of| has been formed in Tokyo whose earlier this month when reports spent with many prizes and mucii E18: © ot BOE LE GME and Mrs. William Gaymes of| Oshawa. a So: Sernar I le oe members share the samme high were received which reviewed the hilarity. This being the last meet- |" Airport on the start of a two-|Saint John, New Brunswick, The uly. 1949 ey are i > ideals, The Flame of Soroptimism past year's work. ing until Septener, Miss Dons nth lide a England and|marriage is to take place on Sat.{Proud ramipgrents of 24 grand- was lit by Miss Sargent who in-| Miss' Mary Lee, who has now Batty the Henig on 1l|Treland. They will be visiting |urday, July 16, at 11 o'clock in|Children bn A peen installed for a second year| Plans for a bridge A e Fall ends and relatives in London|St. Gertrude's Roman . Catholic] Theil! : . hy t hanked 'the members|? all business pending was wi Reh Tl y {Church sons and Sharon Gail Rieger| or aa they had shown| Completed = este : [ [ed their ner during the preceding year| Mr. Frank Pupp whose mar- You are invited by the Social| ini ia |them for Yo! To Wed Tomorrow [hich had proved so successful riage to Miss Sharon Rieger is to Department to send in any little Shows, leading 10 ne use of Hon, aid presesied them with (¢} e 0 and thanked the guests who had/take place tomorrow, was the items of interest. News of teas]. Sati i by the; Sie amps and lables, | P come from so many clubs to | surprise ' parties, showers, anni- dishes, iste Sos by te They were recipients of many { 4 " a Sl ings " a ifts flowers. o Honored By Friends|oring their good wishes. | Heattior Hatom. 'David James, SO ines ornamental buffet had been mv heutite. gifts, ren Barbara Holland, Jean Fraser, for which there is no charge. insted oF hasted with Canadian! shawa and out of town who Juitey 2 liveen, Pasy Lynn| Please write or telephone RA|yi." y "Ajdwinkle and Mrs. Bar. Wish them many more years of ampbell, Mary enkeiman, | 3.3474 Jocal 18. bere sis health and happiness. Mark Henkelman, Anne Henkel- pai SA ZI 4 Wan { man. ; Food editors of press and radio Marilyn Major, Lynne Dickson, were entertained at a luncheon Ruth Britton, Dianne Yule, Claire at Regency Towers, Toronto, on Westley, Eleanor Wescott, Ann Wednesday. A film on the culti- Sinclair, Mary Lou Lockwood, vation and processing of grapes Sharon Dale. in the Niagara Peninsula was ed by an aunt. Mrs. C. B. Mc- Bram. y x : At the close of the program a (iY t Was . : Cure Craige of Seattle ashing gift of appreciation was present- ed to Mrs. Parrott by the stu- Mrs. 5 street, assisted by Mrs Prown and Mrs, Clarence John- son, arranged a miscellaneous| shower for relatives and friends Richard Baxter, collection was taken for the Red Cross Chile Relief Fund and over thirty dollars was donated. | Among those taking part were: An honored guest was Mrs W.| Patsy Fisher, ion By Werry, G. Sager of Belleville, grand-|Glenda Slessor, Joanne Parkhill, mother of the bride-elect |Lynne Dickson, Lucille Lyzan- In the absence of the bride-ichyk Katherine Kashul, Ellen groom's parents, Mrs. James|Skinner, Carolyn Hayward, Torok, Ritson road south, held a|ponna Gilkes, Carolyn Faint, shower at which the bride-to-be| janice Faint. was honored by a group of Hun- Douglas Barr, Peter Graper, garian ladies. Laurie McKay, Katherine Miss Mary Zmudski, Simcoe Maroosis, Gabrielle Kassinger, | street south, held a miscellan-| Donald Werry, Stephen Cowley, eous shower at her home for Elizabeth Cowley, Bruce Smith, | close friends of Miss Rieger, and| Frances Maroosis, Kathryn following the rehearsal this even- Krantz, Joan Sargeant, Ruth ing, the bridai party will be en-| Young, Lillian Hayward. tertained at the home of the! Diane Turton, John Krantz, nride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karen Gray, Peggy Schofield, M. J. Rieger, Howard street Catherine Bassett, John McGuirk, For information regarding any form of travel . .. DIAL RA 3-944] We have o direct Toronto telephone line for prompt Airline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE | Owned and operated by Thomas Meadows and Co. Canade Ltd. 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3.9441 1.98 V2-Gallon Jug -- Red plaid metal insulated to keep your favourite beverages cold. About 10 inches high. Metal handle. Smart for picnics and boating trips. 2.98 Insulated!--Sturdy "Vinyl" picnic bag in attractive striped designs. Fibreglass insulated. Heavy-duty car- rying handles. Washable. Long-wearing. SLING-TYPE DECK CHAIRS 3.49 Sturdy hardwood with durable striped canvas Easy to fold. Designed for summer comfort and can be Carefree . . Cool and Comfortable «+. . That's the story in a nutshell. They are bight in weight, fold easily and eompactly and can be purchased separately or as a maiching two piece Set. CHAISE & CHAIR frames set up practically anywhere out-of-doors. Similar to style sketched. Zeller's Thrift Price, LY, / WHA PLASTIC PICNIC SET 98¢c PICNIC HAMPERS 1.79 Zeller-Priced For Thrift -- . & i Fulfilling Your Dreams . . . CAMP STOOLS 1.29 Folding canvas = stools, Waiting to turn into the Loveliest Bride in the world! A perfect gown of floating "Norganza" appliqued with lace and bows, topped with a pearl and sequin trimmed top quality weatherproof saran webbing. The comfortable wood- en arm has a maple finish specially. treated to resist weather. CHAIR Ouly $40.95 See owr selection of summer furniture -- better quality hnes designed %o stand wp for many years mn the swn. Carefree Mving for camp, cottage, city and country. rs Open "Tonight til 9 p.m. A smertly/ styled folding eonstructgdd of 1" polished aluminum tubing. X matc] the chair shown above, with taper- ed batk, wooden arms and top quality saram webbing. i adjusts to fowr positions -- opens to a full 73" in length. CNAISETTE ONLY ... $19.95 chaiselte sturdily ---- lace bodice -- Sizes 9 to 17 Of course o wide maids and mother of the Bride 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH banded and bowed -- empire fashion selection of G Fittings and Consultations in complete privacy Blacks Ladies' Wear Lid. Open Tonight Until 9 O'Clock $49.95 Brides- s for the PHONE RA 5-1912 hardwood frame. So use- ful and easy to carry to picnics or beach. Thrift Priced acs Just right as ao food and beverage "'Carry-All"'. Dur- able metal in gay plaids. Size approx. 13% x 934 x 8Y2. Complete with hinged lid ond carrying handles. Super Value!--Sturdy plas- tic in bright "speckled" colours. Set consists of four knives, spoons, forks, sec- tional plates and mugs. Smart for home and cottage. USE OUR CONVENIENT ""LAY-AWAY" PLAN A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE UNTIL NEEDED. ZELLER'S WILL GLADLY CASH FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUES DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3.2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. S. PHONE RA 3.2209 AST T ASTUATTTL ASUNASLUA