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The Oshawa Times, 25 Jun 1960, p. 13

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#1--Room & Board 44--Houses, Apts., Flats Am Hoves, Apts., Flats 1" por Rem r] 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent 45--Beal Estate for Sale §5---Real Estate For Sale 45---Real Estate for Sale $800 DOWN Six room NA seails, 800M and board, good meals, ver; | For Rent contral. 'Apply 180 Bruce Street after 5| Surry uy conta Tra BE AOOM APARTMENT, and senool; tin pM. | apartment, refrigersfor afd stove ifi- Cw diately A for young 7 and 8. Hox itehen, 3 b s huge living family ja\Foun B loom ofl he i emia, available |k carries ly $64 monthly, Mr. Lauzon, MO 88311, Heal Estate Lim- ly sot. phone MA 5.3940, MODERN theee room SPATmonE "jov- ely location, couples only. Ajax, White: nal 35131. . IGHT room House for rent, heat and Sedro included. Children Phone RA 8.9463. g E onfarnisned. ated 100ms, i ty: Phote RA THREE - Toom usfrnished spa riment, ave bath, suitable for couple RA B44 Diew gees MoE room apartment, pri- | NEFRACHIVE, Two_- room seariment bath ana entrance, glose (6 bu: vate 1 Greenwood Aveune. GRE Street, Whithy. $9,500 - $3000 down for this two-bedroom brick bun. galow, Has modern kitchen, gice living room, and 3 piece bath, Full basement with fitianed recreation room. See this home a most convenient Joeation and ie an offer. Call Henry § son, evenings RA 50243; pi iy Schofield Insurance Associates Lid RA 3.2265. oy dren. A ar. GROUND floor apariment, built in oup- ik, ipa tr ey ail heat: beards, if Nor, kitehen an wih Wh fefriger- ater, stove, handy to id file. Call RA sed soars, | 36349 between 9 ind 5 THREE - room PATER], privale en. trafice, sink and cupboards in kitchen, children welcomed, elose to Catholic and Public Schools. Apply 561 Oxford Street off Mill reliable room pric 42. |vate bath, Available July 1. Also five. Apply 150 TWO - furnished apariment, | room unforni Wo Tidies 0 share furnished apart merit. FULL 195 Simeoe 8. RA 39433. | gal Cosy, bun- FIVE mily | landscaped room brick bungalow, faily and decorated, close schools and bus service, $1500 down- payment, RA 56782. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, June 25, 1960 15 FAMILY dweting, 24 storey brick, {iow upkeep, consider smaller Home a6 4 down payment. Call RA 55207. 47--Automobiles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale '54 Re w two-door Laurentiap, 6 PIVE-toom bungalow with garage, paved drivavss, close to south GM, school, bus. payment. sandra bun- | Street, RA 5- EXCHANG) ranch bus house W 51179. Hed in y Oakville for similar paws + Whitby area. RA apartments, now lose to Shop. pag Centre, al price, "17500, low in eignborhood, reason able price. Dial RA 3-2567. stove and refrigerator ete. In new {ri we fooms and kilehen, private bath shower, stove, Call ser R's ov 5 i ha 8. E 1m apariment, share bath, Wad only, 175 Athol DITBIE gang cemirally located, suitable for storage. Phone RA 8-139. 31 room self eoniaised apartment, downtown simeoe = quiet, parking, aduls, 845. RA 80300. THREE bedroom bungalow, near Lake, borne |lanseaped, newly decorated, aluminum storms and doors, on bus route, near! sehools, low down payment, RA 59402, PRIVATE sale, nine rooms, brick house suitable for two or three apartments, hot water heating, oil furnace, rea- sonable down payment. RA 8-67 FOR BALE -- Seven acres, house with cily eonvemiences, new barn, paved road, commuting distance Oshawa or Toronto, five miles Joa » J ridte on Seott Fred baits. Ulster Goan Evenings or BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Apartments, elecs trically equipped, best loca- tion. $100. Apply: 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 15; RA 8.8676. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Only 2% miles away from this ated apartment building, bal- paved parking, full room, modern, centrally loc+ conies, equipped laundry Rents start at $85. PHONE MO 8-4547 THREE foom _apariment, suitable , eentral location, vacant ment, all privileges, RA 59630. FURNISHED toom in bachelor apart éotiple Soe 181. $65 monthly. Phone OL 5-495. FOR RENT - x One and two Bedroom ipaitmente, tundty facilities, {ele LX a, ie Craydéon Whitby, 8-422] APARTM darn gett! contaitied, Nested, ¥ w. 9. Carnet, ort Perry, Phone YU 5-2513, SHALL two room colin, partly for HE stitable for one of wo light housekeeping. RA 8-8125. FIVE room bungalow, three "Gediopmiy available, Jay ist, $80 monthly, phone RA = aa rooms, light house. keeping, private entrance, ground floof, close {6 north A and P store fond, TWO furnished Housekeeping rooms, 44a---Rooms For Rent all gonveniences, in private home, 63 Cadillac Avenue South. RA 5 HOUSEKEEPING apartment, ed, suitable for thrée gentlemen or iris sles single rooms available. RA 0852. 74 Oshawa Boulevard South. SINGLE and double rooms, newly de. corated, suit gentleman, five minutes from four corners, Apply 135 Celina Street. ONE furnished housekeeping room for iad Bees close {0 gation Rd. school. RA 3.2439, ov nting Av, possession. Apply 22 orenardview or 92 Orehardview: NICE dry three room basement apart: ment, private bathroom, for rent or free rent lo anyone who would be ing ook after children. RA 5-417 to MOVERN upper duplex, large -- dining and bedroom, kitchen and bath tiled, new 'frig. and stove, plenty eup- boar" 6, AN rooms newly painted and| decorasd, laundry TV, parking space, soparnie entrance, sundeck, lawn and shade trees. For appoinimént phone RA 3.9114 or HA 3.7202. $95.00 monthly. THREE room basement apartment for rent. Kitchen, sink and cupboards, liv. ing room and bedroom. Washing fae. ilities and storage room. Private en- trance, driveway parking space. One % child weléome, near school. Fort more information phone RA 8-1990. THREE - room furnished apartment, builtdn eupboards and sink. Private entrance. Available July 15th. 205 TWO rooms in nice and quiet in pri King West LARGE light housekeeping room, able for ene or two, near hospital nd Motors. RA Abstainers, housekeeping room, all conveniences, separalé entrance, very central, girl | preferred. RA 3.9503. ONE single room, Neht housekeeping, on main floor, private entrance. 218 Celina Street. RA 8-5253. | BED sitting room, private bath, | broadioom, cooking privileges, in better |home, lady preferred. RA 5.3003 TWO furnished bedrooms, one large and small, abstainers only. Apply 106 Elgin Street East after 6 pm. RA 5-2056. HOUSEKEEPING room with fridge, private entrance. One large URGENT We need homes for sale, any area. Cash clients waiting. Act now! Phone RA 5-8831. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE RANCH BUNGALOW ONE MORTGAGE $1450 DOWN-=$69 MONTHLY Decorated in oils, large open basement with recreation room windows, Sodded front ond back. W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. RA 5-8831. $400 DOWN Large Brick Bungalow Pierson Storm Windows Decorated Huge Kitchen Only 3 Yeors Old W.T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. RA 5.8831 ing room with fridge. One room fur ssati, Phone RA 8.3153. om modern brick of ed, partially furnishéd, doudle drive, two blocks south off King East, Ref- erences. Apply Box 742 Oshawa Time THREE-rooom apartment, privat te trance, cupboards, sink in Kitehon, child welcome. $75 monthly. RA 53151. | THREE - room furnished basement | apartment, private bath and entrance, [ee entral, available Immediately. RA 3-9800 after 6 p.m. ONE large furnished room and kitehen, suit eovple, Also single furnished room for gentleman. Apply 620 Sifncoe Street North SUBLET two-bedroom apartment for Jund, and July. Call RA 52161 or RA 5-578 ROOW and board a. for r gefitiemen, lose cluded TV ouflet, good foest bo ml Pr ciose iy north plant, lunch paek-|, oe, Suis 1) or middle-aged couple. sh: 4 3008 ements Apply 91 Ritson Road North. ROOM and Pai for gentlemen, trict. RA 513 FOUR iarge room, self-contained, ROOM and board wanted for elderly Phone UL 5-3364 TWO + room furnished apartment, with 43--Wanted To Rent Street, SMALL apartment house Keeping | LWREE - room, self - contained apart- - foom house, avaliable July 15. one respectable widow. 544 They wer type home, good distriet, oil Oshawa Times. nt with private bath. Stove and district, also three-room self: Fria rator Thetuded. Rent $65 to $70.|apartment, ¢lose to downtown. RA tance of Oshawa Missionary College. of Houdaille Faetory. Apply 846 Sylvia Apply M, Blackwood, 87 Beverly| | Street. SARTRE del? Redes cep LARGE fw6 - room apartment, furnish ed, washroom, pefrigerator, stove, pri- MANOR APARTMENTS - Siméde St. North, Apt. 15; _RA 8- 8676. space; 2nd floor facing On- tarie St. at corner of King Torénts, Mr. Melvin, EM 8.7681. MOhawk 8-4928; Whitby. 8-4215, Whitby. TRANSPORTATION wanted: Young FOR rent: 2 bedroom apartment, 4491, Whitby. | other appliances, Dealers for Simpli- WANTED: Woman wan! city and Kelvinator produets. Call MO 8-4257. In reibectably home Col ow women for housework, thrée to four hours daily. Monday to Friday, July FOR SALE -- 21 Philips Console TV after 4 p.m. Se ---o-_-r $150; 7% HP Johnson Motor, new cond} | FOR RENT -- Two "comforiably fur. FIVE . room private apartment, also three decorated. Apply 730 Simcoe South, welcome $55 monthly. RA 5-3151, » downtowr and North GM. RA 8-3643, parking space. Phone RA 34245. oy fin ives East, COZY, newly décorated, four-room soon nd boara for gentlemen To apartment with private enfrance snd to onl, Fein: | newly MODERN four.room Ot Appr share, nome away from home. 97 Albert | eo" ciove, washer, dyer, TV ™w out Street, RA 34211. let, parking, $92.50 monthiy. North d 42--Room & Board Wanted conditioned, unfurnished; basement apartment, vacant July 23. Apply 39% ~ Pine Avente. RA 5-5363. ROOM and board wanted, man and fwd school age boys, t nd et ds, ate On: Write Box 934 Oshawa Times. 115711 ident to Duplate, "sultatle for couple or ba¢helor. Apply 5 3 Howard en at 'Shop. sion, Lear $ and bathroom with kitchen privil-| ment, immediate posses oh ground floor with guiet adults. | ems ng Cefitre ahd bus. RA 5-6106. 'Abstainers. North section, 'suitable for|EiyE heating, nieely decorated, HOUSE wanted fo rent with option "to!to schools, buses, shopping, buy. Write Box 638, Oshawa Times. whanits only need apply. RA 5:53 pris Ade hes lo. AD SELF - CONTAINED {nrc bedroomed |FIVE . foom bungalow in residential RA 8-0368 after 6 |5-4344 after 5 p.m. ROOM wilh twb single beds, for {wo TWO room basement _apaftment, ladies, for three nights, walking dis- plus bath, heavy wiring, one Block east Street, Galt, Ontario. 44---Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent vate entrance, parking. Also Single furnished room, 96 Centre Stree BUCKINGHAM 2-bedroom Apartments, elec trically equipped, best loco- tion. $100 Apply: 498 Oshawa, 175 <q. ft. office St. $40 monthly. Call Mr Gutsell, RA 3-4523, or Chartered Trust Company, PRIVATE room, good food, mgar St. WANTED immediately 3 or 4 rooms John The Evangelist Church. Phone on ground floor, Adults, Phone MOhawk | lady wishes transportation to Spadina available August 1st. Phone MOhawk per § Adelaide Streets, Toronto, Work. (8-2786, Whitby ing hours, 9.4.30, Phone MOHawk B:-|REPAIRS to washing machines and Woman wants housework in v. Furniture, phone MOhawk 8:4981 or Whitby, live in. Toone he 8 Hip iAP iy FURNISHED room, i wr FURNISHED room, private entrance, oom mE WANTED -- Wanted by July 30, two) or three-bedroom house, unfurnished. |and August, Weekly salary if preferred. Reasonable rent. MOhawk 88414. Referénces exchanged. MOhawk 8-2905 tion, $150. MOhawk 8-023 ____ |nished rooms, small k "rig FOR RENT «= 2, 3 and 4 - roomed | stove. Suitable for ecotiple. 308 Perry | apartments, close to schools. Reason Street, Phone MOhawk 8-470. apart: , close fo schools reason- FOR SALE -- Lady's roller skates, able rent, Phone MOhawk 8.2828 after | white boots, size 7, worn twice, price 6 pm |990. Call MOhawk 82549, g, | THOM THREE - room basement apartment in apartment building, Apply 103 Wil- son Road North, Apt. 3. room private apartment, newly | Street | THREE room apartment, t, private en trance, cupboards, sink in kitchen, child nished. 13 Elgin Street Kast. RA 5.1497, LARGE rc room, twin beds, cooking facil- ities; also furnished apartment; cen. tral to bus and shopping. RA 8-8402. FURNISHED bedroom, hot + water year around, central, Gentleman, abstainer, $6 weekly. 73 Gladstone Avenue. RA 3.981 18 NICE furnished large room, light house- keeping for one or twe persons, very central. RA 8.0764, 104 Athol St. E, TWO furnished housekeeping "rooms, kitchen with sink, cupboards, refriger- ators, range, suit two girls or couple without children. Apply 23 Drew Street off King East. Five minutes to four corners. GIRL'S small furnished apartment, private bath, ideal for two responsible girls, also large furnished front room, Phone RA to share with another girl. 5-0575. TWE furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen, with refrigerator, built-in cup- boards and sink all conveniences. Ap- ply 887 Ritson Road South. Two bedrooms and Kitchen, for two or thre: close Lots For Sale Fully Serviced N.H.A. Approved Jones Sub-Division (King East at, Athabasca St.) See Our Furnished Model Home U. JONES, Realtor Modelaire Homes BY FRED R. JONES RA 5.6412 RA 3-3383 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED to Centre, 63 Grenfell Street. RA 5.8721. THREE -room apartment, upstairs, unfurnished, near South GM, one child tolofilling for gardens and|FOR SALE: Dining room suite and lawns. Don't call unless you want the bedroom suite, GE washer and elec. best. Diek Devnich. Phone MO 83614. |irieal appliances. Phone OL $483, YOUNG man desires room, with cook. | Brooklin ing privileges, Phone MOhawk 8-3023. BRICK, block and cement work, For FOR RENT -- Two unfurnished rooms, free estimates call MOhawk 82294. grounc floor, with garage; suitable for| 1110 ) Centre Street South, Whitby. eouple. Phone MO 85149. 53 STUDEBAKER Champion, very SOD, 20¢ square yard. Delivered to good condition, good as new motor and Port Perry, Brooklin, Whitby, Oshawa, Paint job. Phone MOhawk 8-3361. 118 Bowmanville, AJax, Pickering, West | Hopkins Street. Hill, and surrounding districts. Phone goom and board MO 8-3015 Whitby. {901 Walnut Street. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Lady [THREE bedroom unfurnished apart wishes position as housekeeper, part ment, centrally located in Whitby. Ap. time. Phone MO 8.2466. ply 272 Ritson Road South, RA 5.1841. for gentleman at now, Phone RA 5:8439. TWO four-room apartments, also store for rent on Ritson Road. Phone RA 5.0349. FOUR - room Apartment, heated, hot water, self-contained, suitable for eou- ple, downtown location. Available Au- gust 1. Apply 72-74 Simcoe North. THREE -room fully furnished apart- ment, private bath, central, immediate possession. RA 5.3531. RA 3.3867 even- ings. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail able in private home, Park Road North, 5.7 p.m. RA 8.8671 TWO rooms for light housekeeping, will furnish Apply side door, upstairs. 165 Ritson Road South after 6 p.m. HOUSEKEEPING apartment, suitable for three gentlemen or girls, also single rooms available, RA 8.0852. 74 Oshawa Boulevard South. TWO rooms, partly furnished, ung and Ritson Road. Phone RA 5-9870 FOV - room unfurnished FITC TTA 203 King Street West, couple only, avai'abla ly. FURNISHED three-room apartment, utilities paid, plus use of hall Phone; MODFRN six-room bungalow for sale CREME cold wave $6.05 (Reg. $12.50) or rent, $120 monthly, near high school. !includes style, cut, oil shampoo and Appl; Bowmanville, MA 32512 set by imaginative stylist. MOhawk SOD, 20c a square yard delivered fo 8-514. Port Perry, Brooklin, Whitby, Oshawa, gGOM and board Jom atviie. Ajax, Pickering, yest Wa oM nd. [Bpard; fo gentleman at 50) and surrounding districts. Phon MO #3015, Whitby ba i tie SOPDING and landscaping, rofotllling. 549 Mary Stre Free estimates. Call WH 3-513, Ajax, Ry hy mie, Bast, after 4.30 ee -------------- WANTED by July 1, 3 or 4 large Ee poultry aap feathers wanted | oom apartment, centrally located in Highe:' 1 Whitby, hand; Parker, MO 68-3644 collect. | aity, handy. +o, schou) Phone MO NEW office space in Whitby. 800. sa. ft., RENT -- One., and two-bedroom riments on Mary Street East, Ba or less, parking lot facilities. Call Whitby Professional Building, - an" $100 Adult referred 3731; evenings, MO 8-4003 PM 3 FURNISHED single room in private home. Telephone MO 8-4364 hefore 7p, PE bmp R» TWO rooms and kitchen, light wiring, post, odor! share bathroom. Also one furnished erg shrubs, room for gentleman, Telephone MO|me g.4514 *|sinais furnished light housekeeping entrance. Apply Phone MOhawk OR RENT -- Small cottage. Apply 840 t East, Whitby. Rotten manure or com- s and weedless for flow lawns and gardens. Phone $85 monthly. No children. RA 8-6332 7 and 11 p.m. SIMCOE North location, available July 1, self one or t apartments, ground and second floor. Washing facilities and parking, new sink, stoves and refrigerators, close to hospitai, schools welcome. RA 5.4452, TWO three toom furnished spariments, one newly remodelled, with private bath, gas stove. Abstainers, Adults. Priv parking, RA 5 FURNISHED bed - sitting room and kitchen, fully equipped, built-in cup. boards, stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, bus stop Business couple. RA 3 4967. MODERN, two-bedroom "apartments, available July 1 and August 1, lease required. Montrave Apts. RA 3.4379, RA 0191. TWO . room furnished apartment, pri. vate entrance, parking apace, central. Apply 43 Nassau Street. 5-0 and parks, ehildren| FOUR - room apartment, separate en- trance, heavy duty wiring, vielnity King and Wilson, adults only. Phone RA 8.6279 evenings. RA 3-4002. THREE unfurnished rooms, suitable for couple. heat, light and water In. cluded. RA 5-1454 SINGLE room for gentleman, 38 Nassau Street. TWO partly furnished housekeeping rooms, couple preferred, Apply 48 Drew treet or | RA 3-4152 after 5 p.m. tiled shower, and RA 3.4641, Genosha central bath, maid service, Hotel. TWO furnished bedrooms, also kitchen for light housekeeping. RA 3-5683 or 261 Celina Street. ONE, two - room apartment, also one single and double room, central and quiet. Gentleman preferred. Apply 174 Church Street TWO room apartment, for light house. Keeping will furnish. Phone after f p.m. RA 28-1584. THREE-room, unfurnished apartment, 8-487 between 5 and 7. FAOUSE EMPLOYMENT wanted -- Day cate | on wn pa ew a for children if mother must work or 59 /MO 8 $231, Oshawa RA 3.2312 to hospital. Phone MOhawk 8-475 x . Whitby. | SEPTIC fe iy id we nitary mas == |way, new tanks installe alter Wa Tom RENE Fors STL SP chit Wor, Shoe MO $458 a month. Available July 1st. Phone M0| SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freezes 8-5709. |from only a For special prices| Br lon ranges, fridges, washers and 0. FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom brick bunga-|o 9 low, recently bullt and well located close i ner MORawk. B41 in Whitby. APply|Mo 8.1981 or MO 8.5740. wpe FOR SALI room. ATTENTION [pletely finished and landscaped. on HOUSEWIVES Let us do your shopping for you, the modern way with the HOME ECONOMICS FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN. Approximate cost for family of three as little as $13.80 per week, including food and freezer. For Information CALL BAILEY MO 8-5381 No Obligation Approved by Good Housekeepi ng HOLIDAY EQUIPMENT FOR RENT $10 per wk. $15 per wk, 17 afte rs 118 Hopkins Street. Phone MO 8-2261. BUICK, two tone, 4 door, fully pow- equipped, will accept trade. Phone wk 84704 after 5 p.m. FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South | MO 8-5231 GRAVEL Cement Gravel -- Driveway Gravel coarse or fine -- also fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. n n ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND ! CLIMBING ROSE 'TRIUMPH' bright blooms, all summer through late fall. Regular $1.50, SPECIAL 75¢ 10% OFF On all Evergreens hrubs Shade Trees PICKERING NURSERIES on Highway No. 2 1 mile west of Dunbarton, | MO: Tents Boats & canoes OUTBOARD MOTORS 5 HP $16 per wk, 7% HP $18 p ISHP ... $28 per wk. 30 HP $40 per wk. BOAT AND TRAILER WITH 5 HP $35 per wk. 10 HP ...... $42 per wk. TSHP ... $47 per wk er wk, We also rent stoves, lanterns, cots, sleeping bags, etc WILDE RENTALS Sales & Service couple, adults only, heavy wir. ng, heated, central. RA 5-2817 after 6.30 pm TWO room furnished apartment, quiet district, central location. Child care for working mother if desired. RA 8.6034. ONE apartment, suitable for two ladies Whitby. | FOUR room basement apartment 1a | 5-422. accept building lot for down payment. MODERN three room basement apart- | SAGUENAY AVENUE 1415 Dundas E. MO 8-3226 Phone TEmple 9-2111 {or couple, refirgerator, stove, heat, lights, water, very central. Apply 128 Elgin St. E room sink, wiring, TV Telephone RA| cupboards, heavy duty |outlet, close to S.G.M. ment, sink and cupboards in kitchen, own washroom, close to school and bus. bus. Relephone RA 3.2322. PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON (PARK RD. & KING ST, DISTRICT) OPEN FOR INSPECTION Quiet, residential street, Children welcome. 1 & 2.-bedroom Apartments, Stoves, 'frigs, T.V, outlet, drapes, parking, etc Rents from $85 monthly PHONE _RAS57272 RA 5.5787 _ OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building. Centrally lo- cated in downtown area. Moderate rent, Leases now available. TWO furnished rooms, sink and re frigerator in kitchen, central, suit couple, $13 weekly. RA RA 5-0230 45--Real Estate for Sale ™0 service lots, each 60° frontage in in city, Joseph Bosco, Realtor RA 5-9870. HIGHWAY NO. 7, 40 work able acre farm: Clay loam. Valuable location near vil lage of Omemee, 812 miles east of Lindsay and 16 miles west of Peterborough. 1,400 feet highway frontage, 9 room buff brick house, mod- ern conveniences, heavy wir- ing and good water supply, barn 28' x 60', litter carrier, chicken house 15' x 90', both steel roofs, double garage. Good bus service. 400. S __S. Dickey, RR. 3 h OPEN HOUSE THIS EVENING 2 P.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. AT BEAU VALLEY Just West of Ritson On Rossland Road E. SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD 12 Pince St. RA 3.2265 WANT TO SELL? LIST WITH US! WANT TO BUY? CALL US! We specialize in farms, businesses. sults, call: JOHN DE WITH homes, For re- THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Realtor--Insurance NEWCASTLE 3341 OSHAWA F. HUNTER RA 5.2974 BOWMANVILLE D. MOUNTJOY REALTORS--INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 STOP BUY AN INCOME Good size store, full price only $8,900 with low down payment. Stock and equip- ment included. For further details ¢all and let us show you this really outstanding buy. Ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 8342, SACRIFICE 7V2 ROOMS Brick construction with gar- age. Must be sold, gleaming hardwood and tile floors. All good size rooms, modern kitchen, just steps to shops, schools and bus. This won't last, call now and ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342 BUY NOW & SAVE 3 bedroom brick bungalow in top location, close to schools and bus. Ceramic tile bath, large step saving kit- chen, plenty of large closets, plus many extras. Stil NH. A. financing at 69%. Call now for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342. ONE ONLY--NEW Full down payment only $1, 600. Ranch style bungalow, 5V2 rooms, must be seen. Close to shops, schools, and bus. Call now and ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342, APPLE HILL 3-.room brick bungalow with finished rec-room. Storms and screens oll around. Exhaust fan in kitchen. Plus many other extras. Full asking price only $13,990. Must be sold. To view call Bjll Swar- brick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342 IT! Will be a pleasure to show you this lovely home. Only one year old, this beautifully decorated, 52 room bunga- low can be yours for only $2,700 down. One 69% N. H. A. mortgage corrles for $68 monthly. Fully landscap- ed. A home to be proud of. Interested? Call Ted Cunning- ham aot RA 5:6544 or RA 5-2358 Members of Oshawa and __ District Real Estate Board MODEL BRAEMOR STEVENSON'S Phone RA 3-3474 MA 3-3950 ' BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS---INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 APARTMENT SITE R-3 zoned, lot size 139' x 118'. Con take 14 suites. Close to Simcoe Street South, sewer and water. Asking only $9,500 with terms Phone Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board SEE and SAVE The lost brand new RANCHERS with 6% NHA Mortgages NOW Beig Sacrificed in Meadowcrest Development BROOKLIN (Northwest corner Highway 7 ond 12) Completely decorated. Fully equipped with aluminum storms and screens, 3 bed- rooms, oil heated, all on large lots. Down payments from $1,000, only $84 monthly with taxes. W. P. MITTLER Broker OL 5-3745 Imperial Esso Service Station only 3 years old on | acre land, situated on No. 11 highway, lunch counter and other business attached, fron- tage all asphalt, annual turn over approximately $100,« 000. Owner selling due to ill ness. For further information contact Ozzie Addison RA 3- 2254, Oshawa, Ont. RANCH STYLE Large 5-room ranch bunga- low, extra big lot, attached garage on Nash Rd., large living room, dining room, 12 x 12 kitchen, 3 bedrooms, loads of cupboards, utility room, forced air oil heating, 4.pce. bath. Priced rioht for quick sale at $13,500 with $3,700 down. N.H.A. RESALE The work is all completed so move in right eway and take it eosy. Large 3-bed- room brick and stone bunga- low completely decorated and landscaped, only 1 year old, owner transferred, reason for selling. Down payment only $2,200 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR--RA 3-2254 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board ~~ Board 'Wilson Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MODEL HOME OPEN THIS WEEKEND ON CENTRAL PARK BLVD. N. AT ROSSLAND RD. E. WE HAVE NEW N.H.A. BUNGALOWS 5&6 RooNs ALL SECTIONS OF THE CiTy $12,900 FULL PRICE Phone one of our courteous salesmen Lloyd Corson RA 3-2537 Dove Donald RA 5-8522 JOIN THE PARADE THIS WEEKEND TO SEE THE AT ANNAPOLIS FROM 2 P.M. UNTIL DARK Bill Norris | Dick k Young . INCOME home wii fou four, Sell contained | ¢ bathroom hot water good condition, vate. 761 Stone. Street of RA HEAVY daty fully automatic Moffat range, like new, oven norage , double .|drawers: steel venetian blinds whitey '$1 BUICK two-door hardiop, $1450, or best offer. RA 5-5072. '50 PONTIAC ae station wagon, new, two wide, OF | Will consider offer. "call RA sa73s, ORIGINAL oil paintings, landscapes, farm scones, 16 x 20. Reasonable, Catholic and Protestant ply 468 Stevenson Road PACKAGE dea deal, i. Bimaeoe Sirest Norih, lot 50 x 330° plus building oe Ot machines ped with peivio nd motors in dition, plus approximately ank lumber plus trim, Bik is makes a real builder's special. Price Call Henry Stinson, evenings RA vr or Schofield Insurance Associates LAd., or radio 3 | many $, Low sale, cat RA 3-3034, Av |G CUSTOM VOLKSWAGEN, OX, yado ote. 3x FoNsli0 Va, four door sedan, with Can be fin priced fof wick window washers, 12,000 miles MO 8-3069, '$9 CONVERTIBLE. Chev., equip ped. 9,000 [miles | oy. ~Ca sh, tade, of terms. RA 81715. 90 3019. i Jdeal for gifts, RA 5-1238. SPECIAL! 14' 6" moulded plywood boats "five-ply, mahogany, long desk, seat backs, Regularly $495, Kodo price $349. Terms $35 down, ly. No outside fisaeng "Aprty Dorie fon Store, 48 est. LADY'S a Fo condition. #28, Apply 126 Burk or phone RA 5-2409, ONE rangette, heavy duty wiring, RA 52014, , ONEY, gui automatic transmis sion, radio, low niileage, one owner private. Phone RA 59156 RA 32265 daytime. TWO lols 82 x 260 on Taunton Road East, close to achootr RA 51986 be-| oro fore 4 and 5 p.m, good after 4 p.m. KJ OLDSMOBILE two door hardtop, Al private. Call Orono 1-1312, BEAUTIFUL 5-room ranch 2 bedrooms, large rooms, brick and natural stone, attached garage. 484 Lowell. RA 58769, MUST SELL! 35 Chevrolal, V8, $200 and bri Avenue, RA 85-1421. OWNER leaving for USA. and must sell five room modern bungalow, At- tached garage, breezewa os natural fite. place in living room, Nice quiet su Exceptionally Jarge 14nd: seaped lot, fruit and shade trees, Ask. ing $13,300 with reasonable Sewn y ment. Call 8, Macko Realtor, RA THREE lots on Farewell Avenue, ty 3055, OLiver 8 Five Nha approved lots, 50 by 100, to 3 per oen* down, balance on 6 mortgage for one year. RA LARGE building lots at Courtice, elose to public and high schools. Bus serv fee. RA 8.5679. Approved, EXCELLENT building lot, between Oshawa and Whitby, 78 x 200, view, $1700, Apply 9258 or Dimer $8500 SPOTLESS three-bedroom bn- galow outside Oshawa, decorated, full divided basement, oil furnace, land. seaped, garage, % aore land, Taxes $167. Excellent terms, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. RA 59870. NHA RESALE priced under market value for quick sale, well kept six- room bungalow, aluminum storms and sereens, decorated, aved yr oent| York Street, A gory. (over payments. RA $8 MERCURY hardtop automatic, Jou. or steering and brakes, low miles owner, phone Bowmanville T2438 after p.m. over payments. See after 4 p.m. 66 tinenta 4% FT. mahogany Nipissing boat, '50 model, well equipped, must sell, RA 17" CROBLEY TV, console model, A-1 condition, ideal for cottage or recres. tion room. Must be sold. Telephone RA "auto | 5-1053. FOR Sale: Piano, electric ra 6, pi tal bed, davenport and el other articles, in excellent rer Tlephone RA 8-0466. EQUIFMENT compete for small groe ery or her, sold as one unit or sep. arafely, r RA $2469, 84 PONTIAC, radio excellent condition. tas be sold. Best offer. RA 51006, '60 PONTIAC Parisienne, two dot hard. top, hi performance V8 with stan dara drive, loaded with extras, phone RA 5-8465 after 4 p.m. PRIVATE "55 Posiine convertible. 36 ax. TWO rangeties, $5 each. Telephone RA 8.0065. FOR Sale. Light oak double bed, mons eadlyron spring and _m han Ako ent condition, $50. Phong pub d "ashing seamstress Sonful gom ete with attachments, has '6 FORD Fairlane tudor, automatie, radio, heater, white walls, $200, take 8.1203, '4 METEOR Niagara, special sedan, in perfect funiiing condition, five good tires, $500 cash. RA 5-4525. ition: must sell this week. RA 5.2801, ELECTRIC incubator, used approx. imately five times, 0) as new. Phong MA 3-5088, Bowmanville. ti 58 MG CONVERTIBLE, radio, wind: shield washers, adjustab) TYPEWRITER oo electric snap; new Smith Corona e: Tegisler $125; also eheck writer. steering; 3-4 tee-nee boat trailer, , Centre BA Station. RA 8-0741, Sap eream separator, in goof 58 FORD convertible, good condition, good top, radio, white walls and wheel discs, Will trade. MO 8-567 '490 AUSTIN sedan, cheap, motor and tires in perfect condition. Apply 517 Park Road South or RA 5-0746. Fred Road North of Airpert. CBS Columbia television, blond finibh with doors, looks Itke new, one year warranty on pieture tube, $149, Terms $2.50 'ver week. Meagher's, 5 King Street West, i P drive, $77 monthly includes taxes, $12,- 900. Joseph Bosco Realtor. RA 85-9870. PRIVATE Sale: Two S-roomed bunga- lows, Whitby town line and Dunbarton. Low down payment with one mortgage. Phone Mr Green, MO 8-5680 evenings VETERAN'S VLA two acres, land. seaped, three-bedroom house, just min- utes from Oshawa, approved veterans only. Write Box 836 Oshawa Times. FOUR year old modern ranch low, three bedrooms, attached Nineteen thousand, nine thousand down. 2i Churchill Avenue. RA 5.7964. | clock, 47 --Automobiles For Sale '52 PREFECT, four-door, good motor and body, snow tires. Phone RA 5.8723 /_ four door, radio, h also "55 Prefect, both in very good dition. RA 8.64385 after 4 p.m. '4 PONTIAC Laurentian; '51 Chev. hardtop, fully equipped, just like new, Apply 248 Toronto Avenue. i matin 5 0 Tr Hillside Ave 5h PONTIAC sedan, deluxe with V-8 melot, $1,100. Private. Telephone RA |x 8-5080. 58 MERCURY sedan, Fadi, A-1 condi tion. Telephone RA '58 CHEVROLET, { four wagon, excellent condition, owned, phone RA 3-3218. oor _ station privately door © |Easy terms. s, RA §. '52 four door Hillman. Apply 4 'ss FORD, custom radio, excellent condition, $695. 'Easy terms. Try * "Stew" at Mike Starr's RA 5.5646. 755 BUICK hardtop, custom radio, 0, dyna- flow, whitewalls, two tone, very clean and reliable, $895. Easy terms. Try "Stew", at Mike Starr's, RA 35-5646. CHEV. automatic, one owner, just DEW: Sot be sold. RA 8-0286 or '55 CHEV. radio, whitewalls. 4 one, $895. good "Stew" at Mike '55 CHEV. REL Apply 17 York Street, Ajax. '54 VOLKSWAGEN, new motor use transmission. Must be seen to be a preciated. Apply 38 Colborne Street Ww. 1 Alr_ two tone custom [$46 WAR of odds and ends, some slightly marked: two-plece deluxe style chesterfield suite, foam cushions, attractive rubberized bdoucle upholstering, reg. $269, slashed for quick sale, $148, Three-piece room suite, spacious Mr. and Mrs. Dresser with tilt mirror, four-drawer chest, bookease bed, reg. $219, big saving, close out, $119; Space Saver attractive durable covering, reg. axed fo. rborite topped d nd of line coffee tables and s, $5. Continental headboards cash carry, $5. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street, GUNS, ammunition and hunting np plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent .|down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5.6511. '59 FOUR door Bissayhe Chevrolet, 16,000 miles, $1950, RA 5-986. $395 1953 Meroury Tudor, green, push-button radio. 5-8136 between 5-7 p.m. 1940 CHEV. 1 ton stake truck: '53 Pon- good condition, new paint; edan, good transportation. 281 'metallic Call R ns Phone RA 54 FORD tudor, radio and good tires. Must sell, $425 or reasonable offer. RA 8-1164 after 6 p.m. A|{USED parts WE pay highest prices in the eity fof used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Store, RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South. afl and repairs for makes of wringer type washers, % hp motors $5 to $10, guaranteed recom ditions washers and stoves, Paddy's Market, Hampton. CO 3.2241 58 MERCURY 60 hp outbo electric starter and generato: Also 10 hp Johnson with mots tank, $150. RA 8-120, WALLACE Vacuum Service, all mated, parts guaran. '56 FOUR - door Buick hardtop, Jyéro- matie, radio, two tone, low Phone COlfax > 20 59 OL an, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For pefsona) service at your home call RA 2802. 55 PONTIAC sedan, two tone, Squip. ped, 36,000 miles, extra snow tires, e: cellent condition, RA 3-3390. '56 HALF-TON Internati good shape, new fire Telephone RA 3.4790 5. 8010 aft 5 , In ind Batery: RA ek Ll b afternoons. 56 FORD four door station wagon radio, six cylinder, excellent condition. MA 3.5115, Bowmanville, fully power OE go foor at io Phone RA 3.2032. SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 52 CHEVROLET % ton Pickup truck, in good condition, RA 5-7488. '52 HILLMAN Sedan, very good condi- tion, $275., '53 Hillman Station Wagon, needs some work, $200., RA 8-0616. 55 MERCURY four door nine passen- ger station wagon, good condition, pri. , will consider trade. RA 5.6853, 53 B.S.A. 650 CC motorcycle $250. RA 5-7233 NICE clean '54 Pontiac. Phone RA 8: 0735. 3% VAUXHALL station yayon, tutone, CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. WEST 48---Automobiles Wanted radio, extras Very good $1350 RA 58185 after 4.00 p.m. 'St BUICK hardtop, fully equipped, for quick sale. Can be seen at chea 7 Cadillac Avenue South after 4 p.m. '54 DODGE, radio, new paint job, new tires, very good condition, cheap, Sell or trade for older car, Apply 314 Elgin West, TRADE '53 Volkswagen and cash for larger car. Prefer Chev. After 6 p.m. 210 Park Road South. 31 PLYMOUTH hardtop, clean, body and engine in good condition, radio, heater, good mileage. MO 8-2588 after 5 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian, Powerglide, positraction, radio, two tone blue, wheel discs, 13.000 miles. Pri- vate Call RA 8-8775 after 6:00 p.m, or $ rday morning. PONTIAC, four-door, very good PL radio and many extras, fore- ed to sell because of illness. Apply 330 Conant Street after 4 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-942] ANDY NAGY"S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3-7132 '59 CHEVROLET Convertible, $2,650, mileage 17,000. Can be seen at BOB SKITCH TEXACO RITSON RD. S. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res: 5-5574 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wresking. Highest prices paid RA 5-1181. -|teea rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Sess vice. RA 8-0591 anytime. KELVINATOR refrigerator, three yea: old, $85, good conditi one Re ed boat, $45. Apply 239 Cordova Road, it LAKEORAFT boat with centre deck and remote controls Also .303 and 30.08 nigh prwer rifles, 313 Olive Avenue. 15% FT. mahogany plywood bost, like new, with a 35 Evinrude outboard. Call RA 8.5024. PAINT, Interior, Exterior, $2.95 gallon, Al colors, nteed, flat, gloss, Oshawa Hardws and Electric, § Church Street. RA 3-7624. ONE Gurney, 30-inch electric stove, good condition. Phone RA 5.5577. ONE electric Coca Cola cooler, in first class condition, $125. 117 Court Street, ONE GE refrigerator, electric stove, , radio, dresser, end tables, drapes, cans ner, garden tools, lawn mower, lady's clothing, size 14, all in excellen tion. Call RA 5-9461 after 4. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and wp. B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-454 : 59 SCOOTER for sale, $300 cash, jr 232 Annis Street. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat: teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, teles vision, Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 85-4343, i BOAT, 1959, 35 HP Evinrude motor. A 5-7 HOUSTON GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE- UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W, RA 3.7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 CLEAN CARS WANTED TOP PRICES PAID LIENS PAID OFF TRADE UP OR DOWN Wilbak Motors 137 KING W. RA 5-0732 50--Art 11 FT. bo: WHitehall 32- ny hia cles For Sale $550. Phone Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. ALEX VAJDA RA 3-9851 Every job guaranteed. HOMES GARDENS RD. N. AND 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK Two-door Sedan Delivered Fully Equipped at SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 $2485.00 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LIMITED - 334 RITSON RD.'S. ROTARY POWER MOWERS| $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO TENTS, leeping bags and camping equipment, best selection, easy terms, Dominion Tire Store. 48 Bond West. THREE piece chesterfield, $40, Tele: phone RA 5-2782. SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality ot the best prices, fully guaranteed. Double hung windows only $18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 All aluminum products == Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving One contract, nothing down. For free estimates call -- Aluma Seal Co. RA 5.9365 ANYTIME SALE SALE SALE Ktchen Chairs, $5; Tables, sizes and colors at your re- quirement; - Coffee Tables, $12.95; Step Tables, $12.95; Telephone Benches, $11.95; Chrome Rocking Chairs, $15; Reclining Chairs, 3-piece Sectional V2-Sofa, curved cen tre; Rugs: 4 x 6, $14; 6 x $24; 9 x 12, $55; Kite chen Chairs recovered, $3. Al... HONEST MIKE'S at Unbelievable Prices 184 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH r Call RA 8-6053 between = 9 p.m. hiiied FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Complete lines of meats and groceries. Savings of up to 30%. Let us prove to you as we have to thousands of others how we can save the cost of the freezer with our proven plan. Canadion mane ufactured freezers, guorane teed by Good-Housekeeping. Government inspected meats, Well known branded. pro- ducts, all part of our plan to eat better for less. Phone RA 5-3709. No obligation. Freezers $189 up. Compare before vou buy. Dial RA 3-3461 OL 5-3641 (Continued om Page 16)

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