" take out of the legislature build- i ings any but personal Jocuments. 'them--one at a time--Thursday which this time is taking on sp THOUGHT FOR TODAY Many people really don't believe they are having a good time une less they are doing something they can't afford. oR he Osha Sunes WEATHER REPORT. Sunny and warmer Sunday, winds becoming light tomight and Sunday. | : Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy VOL. 89--NO, 147 OSHAWA, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1960 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa EIGHTEEN PAGES | Two Deaths Blamed On High Winds By THE CANADIAN PRESS | High winds caused two deaths and injured at least two people, Friday as storms continued their i | overnight toll of destruction and flooding in Ontario. E| An 11-year-old schoolgirl was drowned at Georgina Beach on Lake Simcoe when a sudden uall raised high waves, endan- fering dozens of picnicking pupils from Wilcox Lake Public School. Teachers rescued several pupils i from the water, but Barbara Ross was missed. She is believed to have been swept out by an undertow while wading near the shore. At Chatham John MacDonald, 26, a roofing worker, was blown to his death from the roof of a building at the Canada and Dom- inion Sugar Company. He fell 40 feet fracturing his skull on a metal pipe before hitting an as- phalt driveway. Winds up to 40 mph whipped Chatham and Toronto. The |strongest gusts of 59 mph was TORNADO IN PENNSYLVANIA | wind strength in southwestern Ontario was only about 30 how- ever. floor window at home of John | feet to a neighbor's lawn. Four W 5 Dickinson, of White Oak road persons in house escaped injury PINNED BY DEBRIS Gwynedd, Pa., Roof of home | as a score of trees were felled | was lifted off and blown 300 ! nearby last night. Flag Called pt Se Superficial © Nationalism over a partially demolished wall. Herman Vandermeuler, 27, of | Troy, suffered possible internal |injuries and fractures. His | brother Mark escaped with face MILFORD BAY, Ont. An appeal for genuine national] pride marked the beginning of the annual three - day summer conference of the Ontario Young | cuts. Floods occurred in the Timiska- ming district after heavy rains | Friday and the previous night. | Haileybury, Cobalt and New Lis- | keard were hardest hit. Liberal Asgociation Friday night Roy Frith, president of the On- |tario Liberal Association, told : |more than 100 Liberals the drive 3 counting of ro. 5 distinctive Canadian flag is post-election formality only a superficial expression of : Ei ne "| national pride. and ordered them not to issue] beca na : any ch or 1 ny os Significance To ol ne He also called for a probing tra until his ra-|ridings--has started and will be and mon-politically partisan look \ tion has been installed. | continued over the weekend. |at Canada's loyment prob- colder air had moved x 3 : x d Provincial police were given| |. :. {lem. lin to displace the twisters an strict orders, a Liberal spokes- Libergls have seiit legal advis-| The conference was to be ad-|end widespread tornado alarms. Auto, hoisted. by tornadn's violent winds, comes to rest against house in upright pos: tion, with rear nudging sccoud Quebec Liberals Guard Documents QUEBEC (CP) -- Removal of the main provincial government documents from the legislative buildings but all unguarded doors buildings here has come under were locked. Police normally strict supervision, a Liberal guard the main entrance of the spokesman says. legislature building every day of It was learned Friday that Lib- the week. eral Leader Jean Lesage, whose, A reporter checking around the 'resurgent party upset the 16-year buildings Friday noted the pres- Union Nationale regime in Wed-/ence of a police officer at the nesday's provincial election, has| door of the large building where tabbed the deputy ministers of|the premiers office, among sev- the government and high officials eral others, is located. of every government department. In many ridings He was reported to have called \yotes--a (CP)-- NEW YORK (AP) -- Tornado | winds pushed out over the Atlan- |tic today, leaving behind scat- [tered trails of damage in the northeastern United States. The weather bureau said of Washaways on Highway 11 be- tween Haileybury apd New Lis- keard closed the Toad to all but emergency traffic. At one time cars were backed up for distance of two miles. A washout at Thornloe, 13 miles AIRLINER LOST northwest of Haileybury, derailed | an Ontario Northland Railway]. passenger train, but no one was injured. Flood pressure disrupted the Haileybury waterworks and res- idents were warned to boil their water, any basements and roads were flooded and at least : one home was evacuated. | | SARNIA BLACKOUT : Sections of Sarnia were briefly blacked out when hydro lines were cut by falling tree branches during a windstorm. Power blackouts were reported in the Oshawa district and debris-| clogged drains flooded many streets. Lightning struck an Osh- awa home and a power sub-sta- tion at nearby Whitby, but dam- age was slight. | Widespread flooding of farm fields was reported in Kent,| Lambton and other southwestern| Ontario counties. Crop losses in the area from earlier rains had previously been estimated in mil-| lions of dollars. In Leeds and Grenville coun-| ties, however, rain brought relief after a month of drought. Douglas Todd, operator of the Hydro-Electric Power Commis-| sion station in Trafalgar Town-| ship near Hamilton, reported see- ing thousands of small green frogs around the station. | | Weekend weather is expected {to be sunny in all Ontario. Big Winds Hit ' Northeast U.S. | An emergency was declared in| NO SURVIVORS fa), Plane Crashes On Rio Flight RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) -- A|found the wreckage floating in Brazilian airliner with 51 persons| the Day Wi! De Jota 3 4:8 td : ith |queta, abou miles up the ba, (aboard, including several with from Rio's Dumont airport. Anglo-Saxon names, plunged into| yater the searchers reported |Guanabara Bay Friday night finding parts of bodies and pieces {while approaching Rio de Ja- of luggage that had floated up [neiro. Search teams found parts [on the beach. :|of 'bodies 'and wreckage but no| Among those listed aboard was {survivors. It was not possible t0|Newton B. Thompson, a native of establish immediately whether| waterville, Me., an official of the any Canadians were on the plane. |American Bond and Share Elec- '| _ The twin-engined Convair, on a tric Company. {600-mile flight from the new cap-| A spokesman for Real Airlines (ital of Brazilia with a midway|said the passenger list carried __ |stopover at Belo Horizonte, was|other Anglo-Saxon names, includ- w=" i|listed as missing nearly eight|ing George Pfistern, Janet S. hours, Latter and H. V. Lee, But the | The crash was confirmed early|line could not confirm their nas today when navy search crewsltionalities or give their addresses. Bombers Hunted After Plot Fails CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- side a green sedan parked in the President Romulo Betancourt, his| line, the sedan exploded with a |face swollen and hands bandaged |roar, setting the president's vehi. as a result of the bomb blast that|cle afire. He got out through the narrowly missed killing him, rear left door and escaped the {pressed a search today for those flames. behind the plot. Interior Minister Luiz Augusto Betancourt, back in Maraflores| Dubuc blamed the attack on sup- Palace after being treated in the porters of former Venezuelan hospital for injuries, told report-| president Marcos Perez Jimenez ers the attack was part of ajand "foreign enemies--concretely widespread plan to overthrow his|the (Trujillo) dictatorship of the PART OF HISTORY in the French-Canadian me- tropolis. Thousands lined streets to see the colorful parade. (CP Wirephoto) These Montreal youths in In- dian costume rode aboard .a motorized float in the "anual St. Jean Baptiste Day Parade | the Schenectady 'suburs of Rot-| {terdam and Woodlawn, were) | dozens of buildings vere dam- | aged or destroyed. \ | The winds destoyed buildings; {near Glens Falls, N.Y., skipped across southeastern Pennsylvania land hit near Jeffersonville, Vt. government and set up a new Dominican Republic," dictatorship. : - "The incidént shows "that the _ Sr v enemies of democracy, nationai and international, will resort to Municipal every possible means to try to| establish tyranny in the country," Betancourt told reporters. OH TO BE 70! Record Holder | man said, not to allow any min-| ers into several ridings to watch| {over the ballot check. There: has| been no official word of any im-| pending change in the results of| the election but Liberals say they expect they may pick up one or two additional séats, ister or government official to "Persons removing documents, whoever they may be, must show them to the police to show they are strictly personal," a Liberal official said Strychnine Death Ne roNsIEnITY" stration Settlement Made will assume no responsibility for any actions by ministers or ad- SUDBURY (CP)--A damages ministration officials during the settlement of $35,000 was made interim period between Thursday Friday in the Ontario Supreme and the swearing-in of the new Court action claiming negligence cabinet," he said. by the G. Tamblyn Company Premier Antonio Barrette and Limited as a result of the Feb. Mr. Lesage are expected to meet|17 strychnine death of Mrs. El- Monday to complete arrange- ear Roy, 35 ments for the resignation of the, Fernand Gratton, lawyer for Union Nationale government. The the Roy family, said minutes of the settlement must be given new administration may take over Tuesday. : final approval by a Supreme A spokesman from the pre- Court Judge because the Roys' four young children are involved Destructive funpels of wind hit and skipped in Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont Friday night. Alerts were posted in New Jersey, Connecticut and Massa- chusetts. But the weather bureau said that except for possible | fringe turbulence, the danger was past. dressed today by Ontario Liberal] Leader John Wintermeyer and tonight by Paul Hellyer, Liberal MP for Toranto Trinity. "Rather than talk about flags," said Mr. Frith, "why don't we make Canadians see we are one of the most successful countries in the world establishing two races under one government." The challenge of nationalism, he added, is to help assiffilate immigrants into the Canadian way of life, The unemployed must '"'sicken" at political talk which fails to get to the root of the unemployment problem. snares Te re- smashed buildings and power lines. No deaths we ported. SCHNECTADY HIT : Apparently hardest hit was the industrial area of Schenectady, N.Y. Unofficial reports said the damage might run to at least ~ | $2,000,000. Oshawa Drivel | Hurt In Crash | PORT HOPE (CP)- Roy Tax Revenue John The racing winds. ripped roofs, | | In Pennsylvania, the storm, | strong enough to throw a car on {the roof of a home, hopped {around like an erratic top. In New York state the tornado struck first in Rotterdam. It cut fi a swath three miles long and| from one-quarter to one-half mile} |wide in a northeastern direction| into nearby Niskayuna. It appar- ently blew itself out near the Mo-| could see all the wonderful things | hawk River, : |that are coming up," he says. | Many persons said they saw the He will be 86 Sunday. {black funnel and heard a gushing| gy, Uphill, a short, stocky sound as it whipped past them. {man, is still active, sharp-witted In Schenectady, the blow ripped | and healthy. He has been an in- the roof from .a beer warehouse dependent labor member of the and sent it crashing into a super-| British Columbia legislature for market 100 feet away. About 200| Fernie for the last 41 years, a customers were in the store. record in the Commonwealth, "It was mass hysteria," Mrs.| He came here from his home Edward Mallia, 28, of Niskayuna|in the coal-mining community of told a reporter. She said custom-| Fernie, which has elected him 11 ers ran to the rear of the building [times since 1920, and said. he in pani reaming and praying. |would celebrate his birthday VICTORIA (CP)--Tom Uphill gures he is good for another eight years in public office but would like to be young again. How young? seventy. "I wish I was 70 again so I In Legislature BORDERS SEALED Venezuela's borders were sealed off, air travel halted and some constitutional guarantees suspended to facilitate the search. Defence Minister Lopez Hen-| riquez, burned as he sat next to Betancourt when the bomb went off, placed the country's armed forces on the alert against any attempt to overthrow the presi- dent's three-party coalition gov- ernment, ¥ Three persons: were reported killed and eight were wounded in the blast, which marked: the third assassination plot against Betan- court, The explosion destroyed the president's car as he arrived for an Army Day ceremony outside Caracas. As-Betancourt's car drew along-| raway from his family but with |friends in Victoria. *I think I've got more friends here than anyone else in town," |he 'said in an interview Friday. "I meet them everywhere I go." | Mr. Uphill, father of six chil \dren, has sat in the House with seven different. premiers and un- der eight lieutenant - governors, sprinkling debates with dry hu- mor and serious appeals on be- half of labor. He arrived in Fernie in 1906 | from his native Wales. He served two years as alderman and three separate terms as mayor be- tween 1913 and 1955. | . His favorite 'subjects for legis- {lature debate are pensi beer land the' working man. Finances Featured CORNWALL (CP) -- Several resolutions to improve municipal finances were passed Friday dur- ing the last session of the Ontario Association of Mayors and Reeves convention. The association was also as- sured by federal Public Works Minister Walker that his depart- ment is well aware of municipal financial problems and is doing its best to combat them. Finance resolutions endorsed varied from a request to remove provincial tax from gasoline and diesel fuel used by public transit vehicles to a demand that all Highway Traffic Act fines go to municipalities. The association also asked to be relieved of the moral obliga- mier's office said the purses of stenographers from the premier's' A coroner's jury found Wed-|Harry, 60, of Trenton was killed office had been examined by po- nesday that Mrs. Roy died after Friday and two persons injured lice Thursday. taking a stomach powder pre- when his car collided with a "One sure -thing that the scription filled by the downtown pickup truck near this Lake On police attitude is very disagree- Tamblyn drug store here. tario port. or awa able," the spokesman said. "But, The prescription called for so-| In hospital are Clara Beatrice they are acting on orders." dium sulphate, but the bottle| Armstrong, 52, of Olds, Alta, a. OTTAWA (CP) -- Buoyant tax Friday only three police offi- supplied contained strychnine passenger in the car, and trucker revenues have left the federal cers could be seen at the doors of sulphate, a poison. {Edwin Clark, 44, of Oshawa treasury with a $149,100,000 bud- 2 : | getary surplus for April and May, [first two months of the current fiscal year. Finance Minister monthly treasury report issued |¥riday night showed a rise in | revenues of $90,400,000 over the | corresponding period of last year is Inquiry Finds Daley Fleming's p. Surplus |gxgp HEADS PosSE MINER'S MILK On beer, he once said: "To a | Moscow | Target F NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)| A man thought to be the son of | a Lithuanian refugee walked| calmly through a crowd of police- | © men Friday and hurled a raw|V miner it's like milk to a baby. Let's . have plenty of it for a happy, contented nation." Other observations: 'The world needs more men who can, tell whether a wheel- barrow is upside down." "Never be afraid of a woman with a gum. She will never hit is-| what she is looking at. A woman with a hairpin is something dif- ferent." | "If I could get some real good Keraluk {rum without so much water with Mayor or Egg Mayors Nelms and Miller ued a statement which said the gg did not actually hit the So-| iet official. Sqdn, Ldr. Editor Attacks TV Conferences OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadian television industry got an earful | Friday from one of the country's {foremost newspaper men - M. {Grattan O'Leary. He branded the so-called televi- [sion "press conferences" as |inquisitions, questioned the ade- Ww quacy of newcasts, and warned {that private TV will fail if ft {becomes just another instrument of entertainment by competing {with movies and newsstand trash. Acted In Good TORONTO (CP Ounlario, He said the evidence Labor Minister Daley was the deal was advanatgeous t: cleared of any incorrect conduct'the NPC, that a fair price wa { in connection with the Niagara obtained and that the law wa Parks Commission land sac-| complied with. tions in a rc commission re. The property port released Fri tained as part of a 46-acre farm Judge Ian M "ho hy the NPC in 1943 for $17,000.| the commission | heated oe fudge Macdonel] said that on| man, 'did n « sale to Schmon the property moral or imprope ht have been advertised, in-| acres of 'former ependently valued or sold by Judge Macconell : tenders his 'report that tne NPC did 1 He added: "TI think it is mow wrong in purchase or sale conceded by all that at least the Niagara Township property. Some of these steps should have Mr. Daley, NPC . chairman been taken, even though in all since 1944, bought the land near Probability they would not have Njagara-on-the-Lake in 1943 for affected the result." $12,000 from Arthur A. Schmon, The report said the transaction president and genreal manager|/ Was at least irregular, if not il- of the Ontario Paper Company!! when it was carried out Limited. Mr. Schmon had bought!because it was not approved by the property from the NPC for order-in-council It was later ap- 8,400 in 1945. proved hy a 1952 order-in-council A Ons which Judge Macdonell found NO COLLUSION ambiguous and recommended be Judge Macdonell found that at remedied. he time of the first sale "there! Attorney-General Roberts said vas no collusion and . . . Mr Friday night that this ambiguity Daley acted in the best of faith had been rectified by a Thurs. throughout \ day meeitng of cabinet. He blamed faulty draftsmanship for CITY EMERGENCY the 1952 error PHONE NUMBERS FROST €OMMENTS Premire Frost said the royal commission report was "a com POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 Showed) bk had been ob | cdonell said 0 plete vindication of Labor Min- istre Daley of Ontario and the NPC." "As I stated in the House, the matt was referred to a royal {commission due to the fact that| egg at the visiting mayor of Mos-|said it.struck him below the neck|t I wouldn't have this cold." Mr. O'Leary, 71, president of should not mean that he should L Faith |this outpaced a $29,900,000 gain in expenditures. J The two-month surplus com it was patently clear that cer- pared with a surplus of $88,600, ain members of the committee 000 a year eorier; Mr. Fleming's (on privileges) were prepared to March 31 budget forecast a token a are Dee oC 91$12,000,000 surplus for 1960-61. poliu onsiderations| "= A" jump in personal income tax above elementary justice," he|collections produced much of the said. {surplus cushion as they rose to "The fact that a man is a pub- $316,600,000 in the two months lic servant and a political figure|from $277,600,000 a year earlier The old age -security fund allegations, im-|which operates outside of budge! putations and innuendos . |. ary accounts, had a surplus of These things should only be done|$14,000,000 in the first two months on the clearest of evidence and|of the fiscal year compared with on the greatest of responsibil-|la $24,900000 deficit a year ear- ity.' lier. LATE NEWS FLASHES Woman Killed On Highway 401 BELLEVILLE (CP) One woman was killed and two men were injured today when the car in which they were travelling went out of control and crashed off Highway 401, five miles east of here. Police have withheld the names U.S. Defence Spending Debated WASHINGTON (AP) One of the biggest tug-of-wars of the 1960 congressional session started today as 13 senators and five members of the House of Representatives met to work out differerces on a $40,500,000,000 defence operating fund bill. Girl's Mother Charges Negligence WILCOX LAKE, Ont. (CP) -- 'The mother of 12-year-old Barbara Ross, who was drowned Friday in Lake Simcoe while on a school picnic, charged today that negligence caused her daughter's death. Barbara was one of 100 public school children from this village attending the picnic. be the target for a cow. jand splattered slightly on to Mr. Mayor Nikoli Bebrovnikov was|Bobrovnikov's sleeve. posing for photographers at a res-| Mayor Miller had earlier held taurant near the Horseshoe Falls back information on the grounds here when the egg was tossed, it "might jeopardize international spattering his party. He jovially relations." Will Mr. Uphill take a nip t {mark his birthday? P °|the Ottawa Journal, put forward "Oh yes, yes, yes! 1 have to|some of his own remedies as part {have one for my friends. Of|of an application to the Board of |course, I don't like it myself but|Broadcast Governors for the li- I need a little nip for my stom-|cence to operate a new TV ach." station here. helped municipalities with sured loans, federal - provincial projects for public housing, and tion to make building grants to public hospitals. Delegates were told that provincial and federal grants were often so inadequate that municipalities are embar- rassed into assisting hospitals. OUTLINES AID The federal government's finan- | cial relief program for municipal |ities was outlined at the associa- |tion's closing banquet by Mr, alker. He said about one-half of the 1,000,000 new dwellings completed in Canada since 1950 received government assistance. The government has also in- with grants for new hospital con- struction that account for more than one - third of construction costs. brushed the egg off his jacket while police picked up the cul-| prit, | Ein Ged Janusomis, 20, of this city, was charged with disturbing the peace. He was arrested after a| ! 10-minute chase through Queen Victoria Park spearheaded by| £' Hugh O'Brian, star of the televi-| ¢ sion program Wyatt Earp. | The Russian dignitary seemed| relatively undisturbed by the in- {cident and said he believed it was the work of a juvenile prankster. ACCOUNTS VARY Reports of what actually hap- | |pened varied. | Photographer Roy Crogan of the Niagara Falls, N.Y., Gazette, | {said a man pushed his way to within 10 feet of the mayor as| § spectators were making way for | ¢ Mr. O'Brian, took an egg.out of| | his pocket and threw it. : Witnesses said Mr. O'Brian] tried to block the egg, but de-| flected it towards the . mayor. | With Mayor Bobrovnikov were Mayor George Nelms of Ottawa. | Mayor Franklin Miller of Niag-| ara Falls, Ont.,, and Sdn. Ldr. William Keraluk of the RCAF, |acting as interpreter, | Mr. O'Brian, who headed the |posse that took after the egg {thrower, was in town to judge a beauty contest. Mayor Wic! Moscow (cere) viewed the 2 Bobrovnikov- of | visit to the Ontario city Friday. | famed Niagara Falls during a RUSSIAN VISITORS VIEW FALLS Niagara Falls, Dr, Amasasp Aroutunian, Soviet ambassador to Canada, Mayor Bobrovnikov, Shown here are: (left to right) Mayor Franklin J, Miller of EN Mayor George Nelms of Ot- tawa and Fred M. Cairns, vice- chairman of the Niagara Parks Commission. (CP Wirephoto)