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The Oshawa Times, 27 Jun 1960, p. 18

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 27, 1960 17 mets__| Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange |p thc onion roe TORO! 11 AM. STOCKS Net Net by promising economic improve. ORONTO JM. A 13 Net . RT] chard) are happy fo amnounce {he ' .m. Cb' .m. Ch' Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge ments which never materialized. Richard William By The Cavadian Press Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge Stock J Sales High Low 11 a.m (1) cf ales Hig oy a ] ; 'Toronto Stock Exchange--June 27 . . Craig Bit 200 190 150 190 $70% 70% 70% + % A Arcadia 1000 37 36 3 +1 L Dufault 1000 Before the Communists took 26, 196), at the > Os al Hos (Quotations in cents unless marked L$, Creative Tel 850 $12% 12% 12% 4] us | % Atl C Cop. 200 125 125 --10 1. Shore 100 U5 348 Y ecourse over, he said, conditions were nol pital. A baby brother for Alan. Thanks 2---0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- Di al 70 $28% 28% 28% Ya La Luz 100 i : Yo Dr. Togd, rights, Xw--Ex-wartanis.) J aging =» poi 41% 41% bet a + J | 2 Langis 3500 8 LONDON. Ont. (CP»-The only 202% \ = ¥ i --% Ak Latin Am 21300 recourse for a people under Com. MOREY -- Debra, Cindy and Eliza- Dom Tar "Hu Base Metals 1 : 3 £8 wig 4 beth are happy to announce the arrival 4 INDUSTRIALS Dom Tar pr 230 19% > $25 2% -- % B-Duq 500 MacLeod 650 munist domination is rebellion, a| of their baby brother, Douglas Guy. Net Emeco 2% 9% 51% 51% Bicroft J 1050 Roman Catholic archbishop from born on Saturday, June 25, Jaa at the stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Fam Play 9 2 4 "BE Bouzan - 5 India said Sunday. GET ital. A 5 ; ! Daliang Sengral Hospital. Mother 209. > vim 18 8 ig ikl ME 4h Bunker fi 6 yon. Ske Most Rev. Joseph Attipetty, A Abit pr 1] G 2 44 Camp 5 : 5 i WEIR -- Fred and Carol (nee Fos- Acad-Atl 10 10 50 450 Wesst A wi C Tungsten 5 ' 2000 3 first native Indian to be made For Less t east A wi Calart 3 ; an archbishop of the Roman ter) are happy to announce the birth Acad-Atl A 19% 19% p . Zenith 200 H C og ao 0 : ! ; | ; of their twin daughters, 6 lbs. and 5 Ibs, Alta Gas 17% Gr Wpg vi 50 $8% 7 i 3 1 ip Catholic Church, said the 2. MODERN V 30 3 month rule of communism in 3) | PIKE -- Bill and Audrey (nee Pri- 2% ozs. on Sunday, June 26, 1960, at Alg Cen 65 e Greyhnd e Asbestos the Oshawa General Hospital. Mother| Alta Gas pr b 4 H Dauch 30 354 54 ; 0 Zassiar h v New Hosco_ 2300 home state of Kerala proved that A as wt 38 380 \ 00 $9% 3 i 3 New J . . i UPHOLSTERING and babies fine ig » p i a . Va 3 "hib J 2 New Jason 300 on on BT communism and democracy can- Alumini 30% 60 MacLaren $99 9 josh N Senator 500 3 3 3 not co-exist. Argus 5% gl 5 463 Coniagas ; Nipissing. 1300 Kerala, a small vet densely] 926%2 SIMCOE ST. N. Atlas Steel y 2 : Con-Key Sa Norand: 500 $38 38 1 I + | DEATHS Bank Mont $52 3 g Disswy oi BE N' Coldstrm 725 97 populated state, voted a Commu-| pA 8.6451.0or RA 3-4131 a Bank Ne 30 3 : Alminex 5 Haine N Rank" s00 nist goverment: lp office 1) OSHAWA GANGEMI -- Entered in'o rest at| Bnk NS Rts 15 ' : > : y 1 GE i Northsp 1200 - 1957. Last year, under prodding Bell Phone L 9 2 $8 1 Norvalie 1000 i ini \f H the family residence, 245 Olive Av- , 53 C Mosher 200 s vr 5. a of Prime Minister Nehru, the enue, Oshawa, on Sunday, June 26] DowAter Pr 2 by Kelvinator 300 jr To : ; 3 Con Nichol 1000 O'Brien Bo Communists were ousted ONLY 10% DOWN "| Brazil 440 elvina J Si O'Brien 55 55 55 4 0 ists e ousted. UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY 1960, Joseph Gangemi, beloved hus Br Tank pr Lakeland 3 23: 5 § : 3 3 Con Sud 7000 3 F. 4 Archbish Attipetty said the ' band of Grazia Paterno and father of BA Oi : 3 ; Cop-Man 2057 Opemiska Pele : Arc bishop Attipetty said fhe Mrs. L. Zappio (Laura) and Mrs. A. BCE 5% pr p 50 13° 5 3 500 Coptand 700 121 - Psisko : p ; Communists succeeded in gaining Sasso (Annie) of Windsor; Mrs. E.| BC Forest Dynamic : Coulee 1000 3: 3 Payman 3 ! BE - (Grace); Mrs. J. Graine BC Pow 500 0% : Fr Pete pr Crestaur 1000 aver trick, Donald and James, Brockville 8 1 Home Oil B E 5 3 Deer Horn 2000 3 3 3 Portage J , in his 80th year. Rost Brown 4 300 HB G 5 5 Denison 300 ¢ 0 900 presim 375 3 3 f ing at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Burns y: 1 Nogueat 300 B Dome 300 $174 + Ridiore 1 y 2 A CERTIFIED with High Requiem Mass 'n Holy Cross Cal Pow : : Mid-West ac Pete East Sull 170 13 ! Rayrock Church, Wednesday, June 23 at 9 a.m. Can Cem 4 26% Mnt Trust 3 Ih tt hg pr - Fidrich so 3 i 1 Rexspar p Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery Can Cem pr 4 Moore % Vi ' n , " alco i pa ; 4 6 5 Can Malt pr 225 NO NGas Prove Gas 7 7 Frobisher. 2500 RE 3: 3 PUBLIC ACCOUN MORRISON, Angus -- Suddenly, at| C Pack A 5 $46 46 Ocean Cem Royalite 4 Geco Mines 210 % + Rockwin ) Ajax, on Sunday June 26, 1960, Angus o 4 4 Overind pr L Spooner, r 6 1% Genez S00 a San Ant 5 E :, Morrison, beloved husband of Kather- > > ie 5 A + pt . 4 y ' 3 Sherritt 535 2 ine McNeil of 61 Ambassador Street, 3 5 35 % 5 Thad oil 4 Granduc 500 13: 5 oo R : DURING JUNE AND JULY Ajax, and dear father of Celine (Mrs. 2 N G k. wn 0G 106 106 g - Gunoar Voi RE ts Sunburst 00 2 : 5 ile: Yo in Hacky € Collisries 56 0% | 8% -- ; % 00 3 Windfall "9% Hondwsy "350 250 250 20 Teck-H : 1 The Certifield Public Accountants Association of ing: erra of shawa; erbe: : iy s Mag f Curb * pir Trans Res 4 . : : : t 4 of Ajax. Mr. Morrison is resting at the| ~C Hydro Car 200 $10 10 Heichold , 109 : SW Pete 50 150 Hugh 30 wr 3 : Ventures 35 | Ontario will consider applications for registration as MeEaehnie Funeral Home, 23 Kingston. = py ' val Bank 4 or 1s0 500 Villroy : 3 13 a students in the five-year course leading to qualifica- Road West, Pickering. Funeral on CPR . 25% Royal an ~ J Wait 1000 3: 3 Yale Lead 5 5 5 Jb ¢ Si Thursday, June 3, at 9.45 am. to| C1 CS G10 ss ey 1 : MINES dacor 90 105 "105 10: Young HG tion as Certified Public Accountants. Training com- St, Bernadette's Church, Ajax, for re- Ca 4 - Selkirk A 90 390 Abi 1000 28 28 28 2 Jellico 1600 9% Me -- Curb Lo 5 . . : fi ear rse auiem mass at 10 am. Interment St. Copel G00 iD im Shawin 7 2 Abacus 10 Be Pw mum ig PT ll) Bulolo 100 435 435 438 prises satisfactory completion of a five year cou Francis de Sales Cemetery, Pickering.| comp vi 100 1% -- % Southam Anglo Hur 235 775 775 7715 Labrador 2 $17% 17% Sales to 11 am.: 297,000 conducted by the Department of Extension, Univers- MANSELL, Elien -- On Saturday, ity of Toronto plus concurrent acceptable practical June 25, 1960. at Toronto, Ellen REPORT FROM MOSCOW |dent Eisenhower a man of peace, formed. They often would ask, Festival Final experience in business or public accounting fields of ash, 31 Vanderioo! averse, wile of Russians were eager to believe Jn your choice. the late Henry W. Mansell; mother of "Why oes the United States In Sight For Toronto Ernest, Rio de Janeiro; Roy and Mrs, But in the Communist party, the Soviet Army and among want war?" J. Booth (Marjorie) At the funeral chapel of A. W. Miles, 30 St. Clair Av- particularly TORONTO (CP)--Plans for the J LJ : -- Mie OF mar Mount Compunist allies, 1 This time the refrain. was; Dominion Drama Festival final, | A ing at o'clock. Interment ount inese, certain ele-| « : : : a re : Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. 1V1 | ) al 1 a { the Red Chinese Coa cher qo ¢ "2" Peace, Just as youliy be held in Montreal May 15.20 The Certified Public Accountants : gad | next year, were discussed by the Association of Ontario, re i TY to| : alia i i 1 OSHAWA Deare campaign as dangerous 0) mp, oy. Russians elimination festival's national executive Sat- t world mov . 3 ht : of dangerous tension means hope|yrday. i ildi 2 loo! reet We MONUMENT COMPANY The U-2 incident provided an|that a higher living standard is| The matier of a new sponsor C.P.A. Building, 228 Bloor St West, J] [ opportunity to backtrack on the|ay attainable goal. That's why|to replace the distillery firm Toronto 5, Ontario SPECIALIZING IN ny i 1: Thy |to . rep _ distillery M oe Markers { overdose of peace and smiles. Al they want to believe in better(which withdrew its financial sup- onuments, Markers, high levels, the cold war was on|rejations with the West ort this spring, was di d " Memorials, Cornerstones . __|again, At lower levels, Russianggp---- port Sus Sprang; - Statutory. of all types William L. Ryan has re- (But my experiences, coupled with| There can be little question| were * reluctant to accept, 1435 KING ST. E. visited the Soviet Union after |samplings by eompetent Westerh) shout this: Russians hope for alidea Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 an absence of seven years. observers in the capital an {higher standard of living. They| When I was in Russif seven This is the first of a series countryside, indicate the major [relate this hope to better rela-|years ago, Soviet pegble had of stories in which the Rus- ity of Russians do not wan 0 tions with the United States. seen little of Americ{us. Only GERROW FUNERAL | sian - speaking news analyst |believe all that Khrushchev is|™o, =~ 'on oo 00 5 000 basi violent ae iol them Tn. CHAPEL | of The Associated Press comn- [telling them today. i: When Bhrusheliey called Presi- Violen Propaganda ep pares the Russias of Stalin p EE and Khrushchev. Ryan wrote COMMON MAN FRIENDLY Kindness beyond price Torrents of abuse have been Me i ' thes: ncensored dispatches - | yet within reach of all. Sicse --. Moscow. .. ...|poured on the United States by| go) raed Bo SC 2-7 3 ine | 2 NEW YORK (AP)--The citizen Moscow's propaganda machine] yA RA 8-6226 of Moscow, expert at spotting since the U-2 spy plane incident : ll V// 2] FS741F 390 KING STREET WEST foreigners, approaches you shyly.|and the collapsed summit con-|j Se OL a ' You say you are American, (ference. But Russians remain ~~ ~~ LOCKE'S FLORIST {The shyness vanishes. He Rreds cordial aig friendly of petiave into a broad happy smile and|more ever -- io | Funeral arrangements ond (showers you with questions. Americans. How To Sell Your House Faster floral requirements for all The pattern was much the Russian popular opinion did occasions same in many an encounter dur-|react to the American confession || 2 an ae 19 Jee vs the ster day ene sid ue Set OSHAWA SHOPPING ing long walks in Moscow's hot of spy flights over Russia. The | So naw Job in another vt of the 'counts CENTRE summer sun. reaction amounted to a feeling || 2 LG NI" 7 By glad to handle the deal for him, 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE The smiles are tokens of one of of hurt and disappointment pu as soon as we inspected his house, we had to point out RA B-6555 {Premier Khrushchev's big wor-|rather than one of anger. The] shat we could help him a lot more if he would just take the ji ries. Many Russians are not will- attitude seems to reflect genuine time to do a few little inexpensive maintenance and repair {ing to believe all he tells them|fear that Soviet-American rela- jobs before we put the house on the market. | ing IN MEMORIAM |about the West, Lions hii] bring back the jeje) That is a factor behind the days e cold war, in contrast f Th ; |Kremlin's strenuous eampaign to the warmth generated by] i is man's ease was typical of a lot we MeQUAID -- In loving memory of to vilify American leadership. Khrushchev's United States visit. | ' encounter. People often start to let a house oF 4 GEER: get run down os soon es they plan to sell-- For further information write to: 'William away June 27, 1947. ~Always remembered by daughter the time they should be doing enn ee eer « SOMaliland Rule nliiiminding ton Janet Rorison who passed away June more attractive. ", 1957. i ~Ever remembered by Lou Dionne PAUL RISTOW LJ LJ zur. mx cov By British Ends Nr wife tnd Wether, Yioiet_Tavior, who Y complete redecoration job, es a rule, but Just when your life was brightest, AEE : ; . ; you can interest buyers more readily if you Just when your years were best, ~~ HARGEISA, Somaliland (Reut Yuiied Nations (rusteeship next yg up the lawn and flower beds, keep the Sorrow ers)--A blue and white starred Friday. windows, wells end woodwork clean, ond Toa home of eiemal rest. flag was raised Sunday after all- Delegation leader Adan Abdul-| look after any little things thot need mend- UY Kingsley, Gary, Joan night celebrations ending 80 ion, pedi become. pres ing or replacing, such es leaky tap washers, Fe : + oy ' S| . Savion Vil, ine memery of 2 Tears of British he in hon cheered during a noisy motor.|| 'eose door knobs or cracked window pones. CARL OLSEN away Jung 27, 1954. African territory at the sou end cade from the airport. Tidy rooms with furniture well arranged ond personal O happy hours we once enjoyed " , How sweet thy memory still, of the Red Sea. Abdullah told the crowds there belongings all in place will, of course, give a better impression But death has left a loneliness The new premier of independ- were difficulties only in detail be-| than a clutter-looking house Th id fill i i " Rk te by Phyllis, Ronald ent Somaliland, Mohammed Haji fore the union and '"'there is no Of course there are many other perfectly honest and and Bud { doubt . that these will be re-| sensible "tricks of the trade' in selling a house; and we'll Ibrahim Egal, took an oath onl solved." be telling you ebout more of these in future columns. d A o ge Bg of Violet the Eorap ou 2 polo field, But there were reports of grow ear u T, er al » - ibid : s Ay - Taylor, who passed away June 27, 1956. | Nearly 1,000 British - trained |; ; po) 8 YOU BE THE JUDGE Her sudden death surprised us all; Somaliland troops were handed ing uneasiness on the Somaliland Close to G.M. north plant, a six-room, two-storey brick house Quichly and ddemty. came the call oun to the promics by the re-|POTder with Ethiopia, where al fo, only $9,900. This Fore Toso lorge' modern kitchen Dearer to memory than words can. p y frontier dispute has long existed i i tiring commandant, Brig. 0. G 4 o L, finished recreation room, and an almost new Good Cheer oil 'The loss of ome we loved so well. joe ' '|over the grazing rights of Som- furnace. With a down payment of $2,000 you con have one pve membered by Dud Eveiyn,, : {ali herdsmen. open mortgage for the balance 2 'Alyn, Mayme aad Maralyo. JUNION SOON Ethiopian troops were said to 44, ACRES RORISON -- In loving memory of, Egal earlier welcomed a dele-|have established - patrols in the Ya ACRE 9 ROOM HOME : 3 Ideally located on Thorntons Road South. H I- Jessie Rorison, who passed away June 3 wh y id 0 u ome is in exce 2. 1957. gation from neighboring Italian Haud area ere large numbers lent condition throughout, forced air oil heating, garage, small An. while she lies in peaceful sleep Somalia, scheduled to unite with|of Somali tribesmen were graz- barn, can be purchased with low do ent d Her memory we will always keep.|Somaliland to form a republic of ing cattle on land over which the] mortgage for the balance Wn. payment. and one pr ig remembered by Peggy andy g) 00) when Italy gives up her|Ethiopians claim sovereignty DOWNTOWN STORE | BORISON -- In loving memory of |BIG CELEBRATION Very centrally located, bright, roomy store premises, full base my dear wife, Janet Rorison, who PRODUCE PRICE | Somaliland's independence] ment for storage. Fixtures, counters, etc., suitable for a variety Loving and n all ways {came at midnight Saturday night | of businesses. Good lease available ot $200 monthly, Upright and just fo the end of her |amid singing and fireworks. Re-| days, TORONTO (CP) -- Churningjoicing po ons throughout the INCOME HOME Sincere and kind in her heart and) n.oam and. butter print prices night in the 68,000 - square - mile | Five-room brick bungalow, attached garage, three-room hase mind, 3 What a beautiful y she left be. Were reperted unchanged today. ment apartment. Two-piece washroom and shower in apart- au memory she left be po; 4 y |territory. ment. Price $14,200 with terms. ~ A faithful wife, one of the best, TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale| The celebrations wind up to-| ® [ | ay Ged an her tral ay" [fruit and vegetable prices were day, which has been proclaimed|l oo, | SO MMERCIAL PROPERTY : : ® df % i i ' rey building, 5 RORISON -- In loving memory of a Neporied unchanged from Wed-|a public holiday. H for offices. Lot 60' x 150'. Listed jr a $38 000 rit | dear mother and grandmother, who y Queen Elizabeth sent a mes-|} terms ' n | : passed away June 27, 1957. TORONTO (CP)--Potato, prices Sage ot good wishes to the new | WELL PLANNED Since death its gloomy shadows cast were reported unchanged from "7 said: | Upon our home, when all was bright, Tuesday. I, my government and my Oe in un PETIA stores. One small bedroom down, two large up. Well kept | When your GM Dealer hands you the key to your We miss that light and ever will, The egg market was reported wish you well on this day of in- and with many extras. Listed price $11,500 with terms | Her vacant place there's none c 5 ; : : new car--he hands you one of the finest bonuses i fill, "" steady with receipts barely ade-|dependence. NORTH WEST WHITBY : : i . ; ONE-STOP Down here we mourn but not in vain, quate for a fair demand. | "The connection between our | Situated in the finest location in town, this spacious ranch- the automotive business... your Owner Protection ¥or up in heaven we'll meet again, Amine remtmbertd by Mare ari Country dealers ave quoted by people Boos back some 130 veers | 7 De 20% SI [0% SPERMICTE vou coud desire, Mover | Potiey! Use this important document to protect your FEATURED SUM | : MER SERVICES and grandsons Tom, Bob and Ricky.|{he federal department of agri-|: - - I look forward to a continu-| immense recreation fi ROBISON _ In loving memory of Culture on Canada grade eggs, (ink and enduring friendship be- | aon, covered patio double garage and circular drive. Sev- [investment in your GM ear. The best way is through I esia) Mona mY wa passed, delivered Toronto, in fibre cases: [tWeen our two countries." eral acres of beautifully landscaped grounds with valley and i : . y . away June 27. 1957. I I : river included and a superb unrestricted view to the west. his recommended Guardian Maintenance services. aves and remembered always, Alex small 24: B 23: Cc ' See for yourself the broadloom, the panelling, thermopane and *» COMPLETE QUALITY LUBRICATION: Fo assure elyn 8 ' ' . IMPROVED ROADS three beautiful fireplaces. All this and more for only $49,- | the long life and quiet operation of moving parts. Butter prices: Canada. firsti LONDON (CP) -- A total of 500. : . . . i : RORISON In memory 5 4 . ) 5 EO oem a pad grade: Ontario tenderabie 63; |£55,954,000 was spent in the 1956 LARGE FAMILY HOME | Guardian Maintenance 3 qualisy srvice 4 2 Jair price + BRAKE INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT: Pro- vides safe; sure, silent stopping. ~ ¥ passes on, months have passed Storey and a half with bathroom adjacent to back door and away June 27, 1957. Also Sto. 1st Fob. non tenderable 61%-62, in light|g0 fiscal year on mew construc- $12,800 full price for a large seven-room, two and @ half by factory-trained servicemen. And your GM Dealer ert (Bob) Rorison, lost at sea July 1L |{rading: Western 62% (nominal). |; : 4 ot : < . tion and major improvements on storey brick home on Drew St. close to K h i A aa Tenibere by Edith and] CHICAGO (AP)--Grain futures British roads, says Transport has all large rooms and is in very yg gone has genuine parts and modern equipment to keep your i |prices showed a light sprinkling] Minister Marples. include oil heating, venetian blinds, awnings, frame garage, |/GM car or truck ranning and looking "like new' longer. * FRONT-END ALIGNMENT: To restore steering lof weakness at the opening today ee tere] paved drive, patio and valance box geometry, lengthen tire life. CARD OF THANKS of the board of trade. ' SNUG AS A BUG Wheat dealings slow, wheat| QUICK RELIEF | A loa) doll's house, much roomier inside than you'd think | Refer to your Owner Protection Policy and take your * QUALITY APPEARANCE SERVICES: Keep that SEIT Lrtad eo she is S22 J SA5% 3 bite loner fo 8) FROM Sais and oh bedegoms ond bom in. ean onward [ car or treek to the man who knows it best ... your gi eigh- ; B81%-%; © - u X a maa ; bors for flowers, fruit, cards and let. changed to Ee SorverTs % to % ment. Tip top condition, close to bus on Quebec Sireet," OF. | General Motors Dealer for Guardian Maintenance! ters and all other acts of kindness du- |] fered at $9,900 with low d ing my stay in St. Michael's Hospital, |lOWeT, July $2.10%-%. TORMENTING PILES ! No Bn. Bgyraent, one mortgage terms Toronto. 2 |- -- ------------ $9,800 CASH f "Edith Barnum | (with pain or discomfort) will buy this six-room, two-storey home on Oshawa Blvd. N. | RICE -- Our grateful thanks to Dr.| Oil heated, garage, deeper lot. Be wise to make an appoint Fulton and Dr. Shaw, also the nurses For generations, regular Mecca Ointment ment to see this good bu y. in the Oshawa General to the kindness has brought comfort and healing to literally CALL RA 8-5107 LJ 3 of friends and neighbors in our recent {millions of people. < : i 1 l bireavemen!. Margaret Rice and boys, and Inch now Tube to ole Irom the After Hours Call: CADILLAC : BUICK > OLDSMOBILE Gu rdi 1 WILSON -- We wish to express our| Many marriages are ked or [tant ob ey ) piles: Sut 50 fy Jp Newt Hodgson RA 8.6408 Audrey McConkey RA 5-6140 PONTIAC y CHEVROLET . GMC TRUCK 4 Li " blighted because of a single | n p ] ° sincere thanks for the many notes of| Mecca Ointment--plus many other special, Ray Lathangue RA 8-5108 Roy Flintoff RA 5.345 ymp : by 5. |medical ed |i ents f ki § R - - 4 . . / ~ our eof i auring; hidden cause. In July Reader's and shri ng painfel Piles, and bestowing Hilde Ri ov iy Se Carl Olsen RA 5-4312 * VAUXHALL BEDFORD TRUCK ENVOY L al tel 1allce 1n / "oo vx r | Digest a frank article by a well- ng comfort. q w | foal aml Family, Say Family, ua de. Purdy known woman nig A late yy suai Files Poul Ristow RA 5-815 Kehth Lunney MO 8-2650 Marion Hilliard, M.D. dis. [tho sew improved tubs oe > ¥ GREAT HOSPITAL cusses this intimate problem . . . MECCA PILE REMEDY Ne. V | The Walter Reed army medi-| and tells what to do about it. Get [Make sure you ask for MECCA and get Rislow and Olson { A TORS BEST KIND OF CARE FOR THE BESY KI c centre at Washington includes| your July Reader's Digest today |Lisccs Tie Rema He Ton, fokef that] ; 3 a di KIND OF CARS AND TRUBKM nospital with an average of|...42 articles of lasting interest ! | 1,600 bed patients. nbmn.a Jone hook. sondemsetions : 7H08 Fd ATHOL ST WEST OSHAWA RA 8-507 |

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