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The Oshawa Times, 28 Jun 1960, p. 17

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COUKBURN = Mr. and Mrs, William Cockburn (nee Marilyn Huffman) are happy to announce the birth of a son, 7 Ibs. 15 ozs., on Saturday, June 25, at the Oshawa General Hospital. FAIRBROTHER -- David and Bar bara (nee Stubbs) are happy to an ir dav) the safe arrival of gh tet, Penny Jean, on June 25, at Grace Hospita I, Ottawa. 3 GRYLLS -- Bill and Dorothy (nee Barlow) are happy to announce the) afrival of their daughter, Donna Jane 7 1bs., 13 62., Sunday, June 19, 1960, ab the awa General Hospital. A sister for Pam, Debbie, and Sandra. MEADES = Bunny and Harold ure happy to announce the arrival of 1 sis- tet for Susan and Richard on Tihes- day, June 28, 1960 at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. MERLIN ~ Earl and Agnes Ince Wihlidal) are happy fo afnounce the arrival of their son, Gregory George, ® Jbs. 15 ozs., on Saturday, June 25, $odb at Oshawa General Hospital. MILLINGTON -- Mr. and ors, M. J. Millington wish to announce the arrival of a son, John Gregory, on Sunday, Jutie 26, af the Oshawa General Hos- pital: Many thanks fo Dr. Anderson and nursing staff. OSBORNE = HRpymond and Rae (nee Johnston) wish te announce the arrival of their son, Richard Earl, 7 Ibs. on Wednesday, June 22, 1960, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A | for Deborah. Many thanks to . Morris. SEVERS « Bill and Lynn (nee Fiee) #fé happy fo announce the safe arfival theif son, Scott Kevin, 6 Ibs. 7 028, on Friday, June 24, 1960 at the Osh: wa General Hospital. A little brother jot Shawn. Many thanks fo Dr. Stas. ley. SMEGAL «= Viki and John are hafpy to announce another stellar event in- volving baby brother at the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, June 2¢, 1960, weighing in at 7 Ibs. 13% ozs. and in fine 8 Mother and dad in his eorner and figure he should go the dis: tance. Many thanxs to his handlers in- cluding Dr. Morris, at ringside. Deo Gratias. WRIGHT -- Paul and Cathérine are happy to announce the arrival of their son ff the Oshawa General Hospial on Monday, June 27, 1960. Many thanks to Df. Ross, ® DEATHS GANGEMI ~-- Entered in' rest at TORONTO 11 AM. STOCKS By The Canadian Press rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) INDUSTRIALS Abitibi Alta Gas or Alta Gas 0 Th 17% 136 1 70 3 Hi fin $3014 $934 53% 53% $58 390 390 1% A% " 4" Bowater pr Brazil B BCE 4% pr C Forest IC P BC Phone Brockville Burlington Pow Pow § m € Collieries C Curt W C Ind Gas Cdn CPR €dn Tire Coclishutt Con Gas Corby B Crain RL 300 Creative Tel 2232 Dist Seag Dom Elect Dom El wts 225 D Fndry 220 4 Dom Tar xd 295 $13% 13% 13% the family residence, 245 Olive Av. enue, Oshawa, on Sunday, June 36, 1960, Joseph . Gangemi, beloved hus bad of Grazia Paterno and father of Mrs. L, Zappio (Laura) end Mrs A. Sasso (Annie) of Windsor; Mrs, E. Fuseo (Graee); Mrs. J. Grainne (Mary); Patrick, Donald and James, all of Oshawa, in his 80th year. Rest ing at fhe Armstrong Funeral Home, with High Requiem Mass in Holy Cross Church, Wednesday, June 2) at 9 a.m. Interment St." Gregory's Cemetery, HEFFERMAN « In Oshawa Hospi tal on Monday, June 37, 1960, Elizabeth Ellen Cotter, beloved wife of {hie late Patriek Joseph Hefierman, and loving mother of Mrs. D. Dumais (Josephine). late Mrs. Hefférman is resting at elntosh + Anderson Funeral Home. equiem Mass in St. Gregory's Chirreh of Thursday, June 30 at 10 a.m. Intel ment St. Gregory's Cemetery. Tr. McCARTNEY, Willlam Arthur -- At the Oshawa General Hospital, on Mon- pA June 27, 1960, William Arthur Mc- ,_ aged 80 years, beloved hus: band of May Louise Coeman, Apt. T10, Court, Ajax (formerly of Brant , Omf.); dear father of Norman Wobert McCartney of King City, Ont. CORSAGE FOR THE LADY Corsages were presented to the ladies at the annual 25- Year Club dinner for General Motors employees at the Royal Toronto Stock Exchange--June 28 (Quotations in cents unless marked § _----Fleet fg #-0dd lot, Xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--HE#e Stock Sales High Low 11 am. Ch'ge 200 938% 984 38Y -- % i] 315 8101% 101% 101% ~ % 600 970 =5 3% --~ 1% $27% 20 as ~ 820% 4 20% = % Stock Fam Play 560 $19% 300 52 Ford US 50 $66 $35% 25 $43% 4 56 Net pe vi 297 Gr Wp 38 wt = Greyhnd H Smith xd 50 imp OI 1073 Imp Tob 625 Imp Tob pr 1 Ind Ace: 125 Inland Gas 400 Inind Gas 100 ~185 --% -% Lafarge A Lafarge wis Lakeland Laura See LobCo A LobCo B Locana MB ind PR 2140 M Leaf Mill 1235 Mass:F 00 MassF 6% p 20 205 250 225 109 100 215 100 700 675 100 210 3500 240 495 150 $29 250 600 2 1 Bf Overland pf Page-Hers Pow Corp Premium Pres Elect Roe AV 5%p 210 Royal Bank 210 StL Corp 540 $17% $97 $27 275 10 410 $15% 15 $69'3 69 York Hote! Saturday in Toron- to. In picture above H. Pellow fastens a corsage on his wife. --GM Photo. and Arthur W, McCarthey, 18 York Street, Ajax. Resting at the New Wn E. Sherrin Funeral Chapel, No. 3 High way, Pickering (just east of Harwood Avenue North, Ajax). Private service PRODUCE PRICES PATTERSON TOUR NEW YORK (AP) =~ Cus D'Amato, manager of Floyd Pats | ny Erskine sodas 2; Dunbarton. MORRISON; Angus «= Suddenly, at Ajax, on Sunday June 26, 1960, Angus Morrison, béloved Husband of Kather- ine McNeil of 61 Ambassador Street, | Ajax, and dear father of Celie (Mrs. W. Francis) of Guild Street, Picker. ings Gerrard of Oshawa; Herbert pf Ajax. Mr. Morrison is resting at the MeEaehnie Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Road West, Pickering, Funeral on Thursday, June 30, at 945 am, fo St, Bernadette's Church, Ajax, for re- im mass at 10 am. Interment St. 'rancls de Sales Cemetery, Pickerin 1 POOLEY ~ At Marnwood Nursing Bowmanville, on Monday, June 7, 1960, Sarah Prout in her 83rd year, wife of the late Richard Toolsy and dear mother of Doris (Mrs, Charles Carey) and Ross, both of Oshawa; dear gister of Dora (Mrs. Thomas Not. ton) Markham, and Alex Prou: New: castle. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, in the Chapel on Thursday at 2 o'clock. In- terment Bowmanville Cemerery, OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of all types. 1435 KING ST. E. Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price, yet within reach of all. Bowmanville. Service reported unchanged today. TORONTO (CP) | prices: Ontario new potatoes, 75 tempts are being made to ar- pound bags, $2.80 off truck. | To the trade: Ontario new pota- |toes, $3-3.25. TORONTO (CP) -- Churning|terson, said Sunday the heavy- cream and butter prices were weight champion plans a Euro | pean exhibition tour "within a Potato month or so." D'Amato sald at- The egg market was reported] |firm with receipts light for a geod demand. Country dealers are quoted by the federal department of agri- culture on Canada grade egg delivered Toronto, in fibre cases: A large 40; A medium 33; A small 25; B 23; C 20. Butter prices: Canada, first grade: Ontario tenderable 63; non |tenderable 61%-62, in light trad- ing: western 62% (nominal). MANY TALENTS Andras Fay, the Hungarian poet and playwright who died in| 1864, was also the savings bank. s.. Your Medical Costs | The price of medical care is | cost , . . and four other import- founder. of a| a long book condensation. range exhibitions France, Germany, Italy, 6 Ways to Cut in England, Sweden and at an all-time high. In July Reader's Digest you'll find many timely tips telling you how to handle doctors' fees i. . what an annual check-up should ant ways to save you money, You can reduce your medical costs! Get your copy of July Reader's Digest today -- 42 articles of lasting interest plus RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 IN MEMORIAM DENYER -- In loving memory of a dear son Brian Anthony, who passed away June 29, 1956 But still the empty chair Reminds us of the lace, the smile Of one who once sat there. --Always remembered by Mom Barry. and DENYER -- In loving memory of a dear brother, Brian, who passed away June 29, 1956 We cannot, Lord, Thy purpose see, But all is well that's done by Thee. --Always remembered by Des, Don and sisters-in-law, Myrt and Joyce. CARD OF THANKS JEFFERY '-- I would like to thank all my friends, neighbors, Dr. King, Rev. Bury, and Armstrong Funeral Home, for their kindness, floral trib- utes, and efficient services, during our recent bereavement, ~Gordon and Clarence Jeffery. WILTSHIRE -- I would like to ex- tend a most sincere thanks to Dr. J. A. Patterson, nurses and staff of 2D, Osh- awa General Hospital: also to Rev, 8. . . Atkinson, members and friends of Albert Street United Church and Sunday School, Mr. J. Taylof and ® Refreshing 2-day boat trip ® Fare included with first class train ticket fr © Between Port McNicoll and Fort William, Cruise! memgers of Corinthian Lodge I0OF 61, UAW 222. I assure you one and all, pour kindness to me, while a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital was much appreciated "Joseph W. Wiltshire.| GOING W BY Xk WATE Visit beautiful Banff and Lake Louise . east or west by travelling part of the Yoyage ta the Great Lakes! By day: resh-water breezes, deck sports and lounging in thes night: dancing, promenading, sing-songs and Ih now to enjoy the pleasures of a: Canadian Pacific Great Lakes Sailings twice weekly from June 11 to Sept. 10. *Meals and berth extra. Westbound Wednesday and Saturda i w from Port McNicoll Eastbound Tuesday and Saturday from Fort William. INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS FROM ANY CANADIAN PACIFIC TICKET OFFICE OR YOUR OWN YRAVEL AGENT Canadian Grcific PS a gp wo ve vod ki NSE Go WE EST? R! + « break your rail trip way with a relaxing scenic beauty, cool, Net Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Steinbg A 8 Propane Suptest ord Switson Texaco Can Tor D 19% + % 20 52 qh i 66 110 35% : 43 0 $16% West A wis Wood J A Cutd Asbestos Can Ving xd 65 CG Inv xd 30 C Ingersoll 150 100 2% Paper 175 Dupont xd Nef Sales High Lew 11 s.m. Ch'ge $18 18 300 914s 14% $13: 13% 25 270 270 2 250 $49% 49% 51% 36% 16% $8% 12%4 3% 13% 3 $51% 36 13% 35 BY 14 z135 $23% 150 $39 105 §: OILS All Rox 1000 Aszmera 500 Bailey S A 400 Bailey 8 pr 175 C8 Pete Dav-Pal 1 "mie Fargo i. sete pr Home Oil A Home Oll B HB OIG Melal Midcon Mill City Pae Pele Pac Pete w Place Ponder Provo Gas Royalite Sapphire Sarcee Submarine 1000 W Cdn OG 1400 W Cn OG wt 100 Wsburne 1000 2560 2000 500 30 500 - 1% 1700 «=18 140 ¥% 15% 1s 631% 46 540 Stock 18 Wstates 100 120 14% + % oo 13% 70. «10 49% -- % 515% -- Ja 36% -- % 16% 8% 12% 13% ~% bE] 36 13% 35 BH + HK 135 725 29% $17 $46 $535 9% Hollinger Hud Bay Int Nickel fn Irish Cop ot Sales High Low 11 3.1m, Ch'ge 1 Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange Stoek J Waite Jacobus Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ob'ge 120 8 +5 Ral + 5 ES slzyelsucio..s seslozsssye.s Seoul Ri soBuBal... seoduuelo..s sxslozussge.d $s8ssualast = =2 £3 9% g3838 - oe = glum Ei] Ld + 10% 10% 10% 850 880 "a © " 9 31-11 - 44 1 SECS EH 1-33 ns 8 -3 -% -t wey 338 3838s 9% 9% $23% 1K 1% 130 130 130 610 610 610 41 17 116 116 41 Yukeno 3h IH IW Zenmae 10% 19% 19% 41 Sales fo 11 a.m.: 320,000. 5 +3% Ya % Wiliroy 2800 © i Joo 53% 53% ~ % 9 42 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 28, 1960 15 i FLOOD OF FALSE BILLS MONTREAL (CP) -- Fifty counterfeit Canadian $10 bills were seized by the RCMP dur- ing the weekend, « the total picked up since June 1 in the Montreal area to about 300. Supt. Rene Belec of the RCMP said Monday the police do not know where the bills are being made. STEEL HARD HIT NEW YORK (AP) -- A 25,000 U.S. steelworkers Press survey disclosed Mond#y: Thousands more are reported op: short work weeks. A further de- die Ia the indlairys operating expected to add to the American Growth Fund Appointments Williom Samet AGF. Management Limited (the Mutual Fund offiliote of * Fry & Company (Investment Management) Limited, distributors of American Growth Fund, are pleased of rate is totals. sv J. Charles Balfour ment of Mr. J. Charles 'Fallout Shelter Building Costs Parliame General Mr. Roberts, | basement. "1 intend to proceed with its|than a doll's house," he said. construction in my own home nt Roberts said Monday. he would build necessary our home Buildings, Attorney: |even though I confidently believe the average of who officially| world leaders in the 20th Century {opened the concrete block ghelter|will be such to make its use un- TORONTO (CP)--A total of 70, t0 the public, said to 80 man-hours and $400 to $5008 similar shelter in materials was required to build the model basement fallout ghelter in front of the Onatrio in his own|years hence in the basement of The shelter could be left stand- ing amon, Queen's Park as a intelligence of pened." other monuments at "tribute to what was feared but never hap- mutual fund field. Mr. and its existence 50 SALTY AIR of no more significance cubic mile of air. Ordinary sea winds may carry from 10 to 100 pounds of salt per p the app Bolfour as Resident District Manager for Oshawa ond surrounding orea. many old and new clients, successful past experience in the alfour will be working in a group directed by Mr, Williom Sometz with Regional Headquarters ot 321 Bloor Street East, Toronto. Both Mr. Balfour, who is resident in Oshawa, and Mr, Sametz, who will major part of his time in this area, are well qualified to assist individuals in sound financial planning and also to work with companies on pension and profit-sharing plans. Mr. Balfour brings to hig be devoting a cars driver's seat. in a motor car. MODEL ILLUSTRATED: SIXT¥-TWO SEDAN much of a journey. But even a brief 'acquaintance with the *car of constitutes a revelation in the wonders of modern motoring. You sense this the instant you settle into the For comfort and spaciousness and luxury have never been more beautifully combined And then you turn the key--press your toe to the accelerator --and the seat cushion presses against your shoulders to announce you're off ! The car rolls into the city's traffic in silence. The wheel moves as if your hands had been blessed with a magic touch. Then, as the city streets blend into more spacious can ONTARIO Visit Yowr Local Authorized Cadillac Dealer MOTOR SALES LTD. boulevards, Cadillac's magnificent riding qualities come more keenly to notice. You seem almost to float over the highway. Any flaws in its surface are simply absorbed before they make themselves known. The car moves with an incredible feeling of sub A GENERAL MOTORS VALUR Where Ten Miles are a Revelation! As far as distance is concerned, It may not sound like stance and solidity--and with an inbred sense of mastery over the roadway. Ten miles, did we say? Well, we won't deny the temptation to travel on. But we believe that's all you'll need to catch up on the wonderful things that Cadillac has done to motoring this year. Why not visit your dealer this week--and see for yourself? He'll be happy to lend you the keys for the ten most memorable miles of the year | 140 BOND ST. WEST

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