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The Oshawa Times, 30 Jun 1960, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT GRADUATES AT COLBORNE ST. SCHOOL At Colborne uating class of the Colborne Street Public School on Wednes- day evening was Dr. Vipond of Oshawa. In the history of Whitby the graduating Grade 8 class of 169 pupils was never so large and they and their parents congre- gated in the Whitby United Church for the school's graduat- ing exercises. Introduced by supervising prin- cipal, Earl Fairman, Dr. Vipond began his address by congratu- lating the students for achieving another milestone on their way to a complete education. He said that he joined with the teachers and parents in congratulating the students in successfully complet- ing their public school education. Speaking before a record grad-| Claude | Dr. Vipond Speaker Graduation He said that they should look {at life in a new perspective in Ithat they could look at life and | reatize where they stood. Dr. Vipond said that Canada had a proud heritage that was carved by the early explorers and settlers, who had paved the way for Canada to become the richest country in the world. Ta said that the Whitby educa- tional machiné™Was the best in Canada and therefore the best in the world. He added that the stu- dents should be proud of their Canadian heritage and live up to the privileges that had been hand- ed down to them. Dr. Vipond concluded by sug- gesting that the students should eon themselves in a perspective that was relative to Whitby, Can- ada and the world. WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. Emile Cormier, of Dunn- ville, has returned to her home after spending a week visiting her sister, Mrs. Alice Fraser, of Brock St. S. Mr. and Mrs. G. Fraser and their sons, Graham and Tony, are now back from a week's holiday spent at a cottage in Haliburton. Mrs. Roy Fowler, King St., is having as her guests her mother, Mrs. G. L. Hurst, and her sister, Miss W. Hurst, of Montreal. Mrs. R. P. Foster and her youngest daughter Janice, have returned after spending one week in Hamilton ac the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Puskas. Mrs. Mrs. Frank Formosa, : {Charles Formosa and Miss Mary | i |Formosa atlended a bridal show-| i |er held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Barnes, of Oshawa, | in honor of Miss Diane Barnes| Miss Vicki Hardy, Harmony road, Oshawa, celebrated her birthday on Tuesday. On Sunday a party has been arranged in her honor at the home of Mrs. | Janet Visser, of King St., Whitby. | sir. and Mrs. A, C. Smith were | present at the marriage of Miss {Joyce Yenta, of Campbellford, and Mr. John Shannon, of Mar- mora, in St. Mary's Church, | Campbellford, and at the recep tion held at the Skyview Hotel in Havelock. Mrs. Fred Draper of Walnut !St., is in the Oshawa General [lospital with a fractured hip, the result of a bad fall. | Jailed Year For Break-In At Market Raymond Gallagher, 22, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 30, 1960 § » Union Boss gw - Criticized TORONTO (CP)--The leader of a movement for a separate Canadian division of the Interna- tional Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (CLC) Wednesday accused the union's Ajax, was on Wednesday sent to reformatory f = one year definite and six months indeterminate for breaking into Frank's Food Mar- ket in Pickering Twp. Gallagher, convicted nine days ago, was sen- tenced by Judge Arthur Willmott, in Ontario County Criminal Court, at Whitby. Evidence at his trial, given by Sgt. Reginald Rackham, of the OPP Identification Bureau, link- ed Gallagher tc the break-in by a fingerprint found on a piece of broken glass. told the accused that he had read a pre-sentence report prepared by the Probation Officer. He told nim that he concluded that Gal lagher had not had much help from his parents and had been in trouble for some years. "From your record," he said, "there is not much hope for you if you do not change your atti- tude towards life." Acting Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck told the court that Gal- lagher still faces a breaking and entering /Charge. His Honor set Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Squisseta, of which last week was July 14 as a date for that trial. Board Receives Go-Rhead On 'Blair Pk. School { Whitby Public School Board, told by Toronto, were guests on Sunday | council that new tenders would at the home of Mr. Glenn Forestall, of Byron St. N. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barber and and Mrs. have to be called for the con- | s'ruction of a school in the Blair Park subdivision, was Wednesday night given the go-ahead on the In passing sentence, His Honor | international president of reneg- ing on a promise to conduct a ballot on the issue among Cana- dian members. L. I. Brisbin, chairman of the general grievance committee for the central region, said H. E. Gil- bert of Chicago, international president, also failed to drop charges before a union commit- tee, as previously agreed, against members of the committee fos- tering a Canadian division. Senate Approves Veterans Pay Bill OTTAWA (CP) -- The Senate gave unanimous approval in prin- ciple Wednesday to legislation, previously passed by the Com- | mons, extending war veterans al- {lowances to needy veterans who |decide to live abroad™ Senator George White (PC-- Ontario), sponsor of the meas- jure, said the pensions now are |paid to 68,000 veterans, their wid- ows, and orphaned children of veterans, at an annual cost of $62,000,000. UPHOLSTERING A. ZAYETTE Recovering and repairing for old quality value with modern re-styling. Special low prices on any odd pieces (in ends) Mr. Brisbin this week obtained [launched last March, The Cana- an injunction to restrain the inter-|dian group withheld membership national from placing him on|dues from the international but trial before a union ittee| after a ber of conferences which, Mr. Brisbin said, was|and court actions the dispute ap- created without constitutional peared to have been resolved by sanction. a promise to hold a referendum The dissident movement was!in Canada. TOWN OF WHITBY APPLICATIONS FOR STENOGRAPHER Applications will be received until five o'clock p.m. on Monday, July 4th, 1960, for the position of Clerk-Stenographer in the Town Clerk's Office. Applicants should state education, typing and shorthand speed, age, marital status and salary expected. Address applications to the undersigned: E. PAUL COATH, B.A, Chairman, - Applications Committee, Town Hall, Whitby, Ontario. ANNOUNCING NEW AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATION -- AT THE -- SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL IN DINING AND BEVERAGE ROOMS Catering to Wedding Receptions and Ban- quets in our beautiful cool Banquet Room Phone MO 8-2344 GASOLINE AT THE MOST "REASONABLE PRICE Call VIGOR OIL 78 BOND WEST '* OSHAWA Telephone RA 5-1109 who is to be married to Mr. Jos| family, of Etobicoke, were BUEStS ton der accepted by the board. chairman of finance, Councillor | | The board had earlier received | At a dinner and graduating exer- Hegh - Lapronce: IC. John inital request for $233,000, ynmers: Grade| Marion Sugden; $216, {purn. |advertised, was advised coolest idea in King Size =~ SUTIMI1IEST. » Formosa, of Whitby, on Aug. 6 at on Sunday at the Jom o% oe | Council, following a joint meet- St. Gregory's Church, Oshawa. [Ross Vernon, of Brock St. N. ling with the board, approved a 2 gis CS IEEE motion that the town accept the " P ° T requisition for $216,600 for the|| Many Ir'1ZesS 0 William Davidson, be permitted to sit in with the school board in an effort to effect any construc- tion savings which may be pos- 1 The largest graduating class in| Grade 8A, Kathryn Cuddy; 8B, | council's approval to spend $195,- the history of the Whitby Public|janis Knibb; 8C, Fred Koster; 000 for the Dew. Sehoal. Jhuis fig- | rs is wi raduat- | | vas Tiv at followin | School system this week graduat- 8D, David McKay; SE, Johanna| meetings ati Dll me cise in the Whitby United Church, |7B, (McLuhan; 7D, Margaret Hare| But when tenders were opened land 7E, Sandra Gill early this month, the low tender od wi fl ' : for the construction of the school | rd winners ol| opps pNSHIP TROPHIES was $184,000. This boosted the Progress Prize larada 8 zunl: 8A, Hazel Bentley and John Parik-| 7" is During Wednesday night's {hal; 8B, 'Janice Greenlaw and Grade 7 boy: Andrew Soode 2nd! mesting, council which had been (Grade 7 girl: e [told last week no tenders were and Peter Neve; 8D, Dale Bry- is . . " |ant and Tim Reynolds; 8E, Isa: The = Citizenship trophies are tenders had been advertised in p N |belle Hill and Jim Nichol; 7A,|donated by the Whitby Kinsmen|three papers and three builders' % [Sharon Brady and Brian Winter; Club and are awarded to the boy | exchanges were also notified. FARM TANKS |Fischer - Anderson; 7C, Shar-|in the opinion: of their fellow stu- lline Ridley and Douglas Gal- dents, will make the best wwe FBYPA Blanks AVAILABLE braith; 7D, Joy. Harris and John citizens. ; : ; Johansen and 7E, Sandra Gill] Highest Standing Pupils | | The Progress Prizes are pre-|the House of Windsor Chapter, |sented by the Colborne Street IODE. The young people of Faith Bap- |Home and School Association. | Girls: First, Kathryn Cuddy tist Church met on Tuesday eve- | Social Studies Awards, present- and second, Elizabeth Pritchard. | ning for their regular meeting in Chapter IODE, {second, Fred Koster. | young people won the game 4 to 0 ; | over the married couples. Ge As Devotions were held in which 4 Barry Jones led in a singsong Go > i nouncements were given and the offering received. Z The speaker for the evening 2 was Graham Bagg from Oshawa. United Church Hall. The pupils | PARADE By GERRY BLAIR all graduated from one school, Colborne street, which is the io dee wi On Tuesday evening, the larg- est graduating class in the his- tory of Whitby's Public Schools was honored at a dinner in the new school and the Mayor and Graduatin | ing Class i a ua a a | sible. | Street School. ed from Colborge Street School Hammers; 7A, Roddy Barter;|board when the board made an as follows: Grade 8 boy: Jim Nichol; | Lota _astimated from $195,000 to |Tan Snow; 8C, Heather Beaton| | that |7B, Gwen Thompson and Alex and girl in Grades 7 and 8 that, | 8 - and John Bishton. |Grade 8 this year (presented » Married Couples led by the Viscount Greenwood Boys: First, Robert Allen andthe form of a baseball game. The and opened in prayer. The an- Elmer Andres closed in prayer. Next week there will be a mis- sionary from Latin America visiting the group. per photo are the Grade 8B, whose the school principal, Sarles --Oshawa ' Times Carmen | Photo | PAKISTAN GRAIN town's senior school. In the up- IOOF Has Last Summer Meeting The Independent Order of Odd|sure of business. All other broth- donate a shield for annual inter- Fellows (IOOF) held its final meeting until the first Tuesday in September. During the recess t'« signing officers will transact any necessary business. Noble Grand Brother Stevens welcomed brothers French and Lymer from Corinthian Lodge, Oshawa, also our own brother John Burtinsky who has been ah- \ sent for some time due to pres- ers were also welcomed. Vice Grand Bro. Swain, report- ing for the sick committee, stated brothers Gay, Clark and Northam were again in fairly good health Bro. Brown still working under some difficulties. Brother Magill also reported on Bro. Northam Bro. Mag presented to . the lodge a utility knife for use in the tchen in cutting some of Sis ter Wickett's well known and ap- BROC Now Piaying Bo \ \ THEG Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:25 Last Complete Show at 8:25 MEN STEVE REEVES | OF MARATHON WHITBY Phone MO 8-3618 NL as" \ I iy vd 1196 DEWONEEDT preciated cakes, ete. This present was received, with thanks to the donor, Noble Grand Bro.| Stevens on behalf of the lodge. | { Bro. French, president of the |dart baseball league, was official- | ly advised that this lodge would by district competition. This offer was graciously accepted by Bro. | French, who thanked the lodge | for their interest in this great | lodge game | DONATE SHIELD This lodge previously donated a shield for ar | competition between lodges of s district, to lace the one now in perma- ion of the lodge due] in three consecu-| shield donated replace the| also now in permanent n of this] lodge through beir von in three| consecutive years. This inter-dis-| trict shield will be known Cyril French shield" in apprecia- tion of the fine efforts put forth by this brother in promoting the game to such large proportions in this and other districts The next annual meeting of the| Dart baseball executive and all lodge team captains, co captains, | etc. was held at the home of| Cyril French on Wednesday, June 29 | Brothers Attwood, Wickett and| Crawford briefly outlined the ac- tivities that took place at the an-| nua' district meeting held recent-| ly in Port Perry. | Upon the closing of lodge, until |the first Tuesday in September, well proportioned servings of strawberries, shortcake, cream| and coffee were offered by Sis- ter Jean Wickett and her com- | mittee, well received and appre-| ciated by all. he evening inter-district to shield POSSessic ' SRR With Peter Sellers and Jean Seberg WHITBY DAY-RY-DAY SWIMMING Final START for the| Swimming registrations | Whitby Community pool instructions will take place lon Monday morning, July 4, at ' the swimming pool. | or---- Peterboro Junior Petes provide the opposition for Whitby Red Wings tonight at the Whitby Com- munity Arena, starting at 8:30 p.m. The Petes held the Red Wings to an 8-8 overtime tie in their last engagement in Peterboro, and appeared at that time to be vastly improved. A win for the Wings would elevate them back into first place, as they continue their see-saw battle with the current league-leading Brampton Excelsiors. Whiily are presently tied with Long Branch for second place, because of Tuesday's 12-11 victory by the Castrolites over the Wings, held in Long Branch. Whitby managar, Ivan Davis has formally protested to the OLA executive on the usage nf two Long Branch players, Bob and Larry Davidson, both of whom were supposedly inelegible for Tues- day's affair. They were assessed match misconducts in a game played in Peterboro one week ago last night, the result of which constitutes a one game suspension. The game with Whitby was to have been their design- ated time of repentance. Meanwhile the Wings have to concentrate on the matter at hand, namely the Peterboro Junior Petes, who are still in contention for a play-off berth. a slump by any one of the six OLA Junior "A" clubs could prove rather costly, with over half the schedule finished, and the first five clubs still crowding one another for priority positions come play-off time, The first four clubs qualify for the OLA Junior "A" play-offs, with the winner traveling to the west coast for Minto Cup ~ompetition. The fifth and sixth place clubs revert to Junior "B" status and a play-off series with each other. TOWN AND COUNTRY . . . Southern Ontario county league softball finds a tie for first position between the Oshawa Merchants and the Port Perry Merchants, each with 12 points. Wren Blair, Kingston Frontenac manager and coach, and Tom Williams, performer with ine Upited States National hockey club, the player Wren was in pursuit of in Duluth Minnesota, came to a suitable arrangement last week, Williams, still attending college and also wanting a shot at professional hockey, has been in- vited to attend the Frontenac camp this fall, being as he is on the Boston Bruin draft list. In order to retain his amateur status, in the event he doesn't make the pro grade, Williams must pay his own way to training camp and take care of his own expenses: incurred while at camp. Naturally if he sticks, he will be reimbursed for his total expenditures. Should he fail, he can still remain amateur and return to college and play hockey. Wren has spent the past three days at Kingston in preparation for the coming hockey season. This is only the beginning of things to come. pe A Pakistan's second five - year |plan aims at a food-grain pro- duction, mainly rice and wheat, (of 15,900,000 tons by 1965, an in- {crease of 21 per 6 cent over 1959-60. for travel gift or sachet guest tablets of YARDLEY lavender soap Hard-milled, quality guest soap by Yardley of London, in individual tablets for personal use or thoughtful giving. Yardley Lavender Guest Soap, 3 tablets for $1.15. the luxury soap of the world of Coca-Cola Ltd.--the world's best-loved sparkling Say "Coke" or "Coca-Cola" ~ both trade-marks mean the product Enjoy a real taste sensation... sparkling Coca-Cola with a scoop of ice cream! The coolest idea ever! Pick up a carton of King Size Coke and ice cream today?! drink. Cog, (alli MITCHELL'S Drug. Store 9 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3.3431 Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. Hambly's Beverages (Oshawa) Limited OHAWA, ONT.

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