THOUGHT FOR TODAY Sophistication is the art of rece ognizing a new joke and acting as if it's an old one. - a She Osharoa Time WEATHER REPORT Sunny today, variable cloudie ness Sunday 'with showers and thundershowers, warmer . and more humid Sunday. vi VOL. 89--NO. 152 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy Authorized as Second Ciass Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa EIGHTEEN PAGES Be ress Miama Meiro Allen has a tough assignment escorting the delegates to the Miss Universe the Miami airport With "Miss Dominion of Canada, | also officer Jack | ANADA OSHAWA, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1986°®' STAYS SILENT i&:: Canada Rejects «|= A Russian Charges OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minpis-/the negotiations," Mr. Diefen- EF. ter Dielenbaker has called on baker said. Soviet Premier, Khrushchev to! Such actions as the Soviet walk- resume Russian participation in out "stand in odd contrast with the 10-nation disarmament nego- your professed desire for genu- tiations. . ine negotiations, and scarcely re- At the same time, he labelled flect a recognition of the urgent Khrushchev's allegation that Can- and importance of the work of ada was merely following the line the committee," he told the Rus-| of the United States as a "lrans- sian premier. | parent misrepresentation of Can-' Mr, Diefenbaker's 1,300. word ada's position." letter said at one point: | Mr. Diefenbaker's statements "If your allegations against the were contained in a tirm letter to @anadian government are seri-| Khrushchev dated June 30, A ously meant, they constitute a copy of the letter, in reply to one transparent misrepresentation of by Khrushchev to Mr Diefen Canada's position. baker June 27, was made public today. % "The Canadian government has throughout adopted in the 10-na- The prime minister said he tion committee a strong and in- fails to understand why Russia depenllent stand in support of broke off the disarmament talks balanced concessions leading to- when it was aware the West was wards agreement, | MacVicar. Miss about to introduce new propos: .pyuripgrmores despite all set-| 10] 19ST 11] is als backs we have not ceased to ad- These proposals, together with yo... in oiher fields the continu- the Soviet plan of June 2. "gave noe of a policy of negotiation promise of bringing new life into, vith a view to the restoration of | QUITE A JOB Pageant from | Edna Dianne He is shown | Ne own (right, rear SPORTS EVENTS, PARADES Canada Frolicked ARMY TANK Soviet and western worlds, + + 1] STUCK IN MUD "The Canadian delegation | ORILLIA (CP) -- A 38-ton made detailed suggestions de-| igned to bring the 10-nation com- | mittee to grips with the task of| army tank that trundled off real negotiation, course during a training exer- the Soviet Union | still is did not respond lo these sugges-| other | tions or to a number of EE WB Soviets Sign Shipping Pact ATHENS, Greece (AP)--Greek confident they could acquire shipping magnate Stavros Niar- shipping either in the United chos has signed a contract with States or Europe. Ernestq Gue-- the Soviet maritime agency Sov-| vara, chief of Cuba's national fract to transport 2,000,000 tons bank, insisted that Russia had of crude oil from the Black Sea not only the petroleum but indi- to ports in Europe and Japan, the cated the Russians could ship it Soviet agency said today. in an emergency. The contract, the agency.said,| Guevara also made a point of was signed at Piraeus June 21, It referring to the takeover of re. {involves the' use of between 80 fineries as "intervention" and and 120 tankers. A spokesman for Dot expropriation. He said the the agency said the contract|g0Vernment was merely operat. would become effective in August| ig the refineries, but warned and would end in 1963. fhat _if the foreign companies a Bin continued to refuse to handle Asked if the agreement pro- pussian crude, the plants valued vided for the transport of oil to] at more than $10,000,000 would Cuba or South American ports, be confiscated. He Sopet agency spokesman said | The: American - owned Ctbap Bi LEE : | Telephone Company has been Greek shipping firms in Piraeus "intervened" since January, 1959 said they knew of no contracts | with no sign it will ever revert of any kind signed by Greek ship to its owners. owners for transport of oil to! Orillia unit of the Grey and Simcoe Foresters', became wedged between two stumps. When the driver tried to free ® e cise two weeks ago y stuck tread-deep in mud | The tank, attached to the By THE CANADIAN PRESS (long weekend saw 26 traffic] baad concerts as part of an Canadians with pageantry and deaths by morning today. |international freedom festival. pry * A worm | Sports days and pageants were . i amd Bon. nt passivitly, celebrate aay REMEMBRANCE DAY the order of the day across. the| i: the treads dug gen; into tion's 93rd birthday Friday. | Dominion Day took on a som- West although scattered showers) te we Soll. tte rave he The day was marked by sol- bre hue in Newfoundland where struck through the central! ey aliemp fo move yi may in Ottawa; sud Quechee uly 2 Oe soles day Wiprairies: ficials are wondering whether Western proposals to wards specific measures of dis- armament." Mr. Diefenbaker said the fail- ure of the summit meeting at Paris made other East - West {negotiations then going on even more important. | The West had found Russia's| revised proposals of June 2 worthy of careful study and had raised questions. about them, "Nothing in your letter ex- plains why, during the same pe- move t{o-| forced her to quit walking when | Cuba. | HAVANA (AP)--Fidel Castro's New Clues | States and Europe today in al | bid for tankers to avert what On Famous could be a disastrous oil famine | A ; i officials and petroleum techni- viatrix cians insisted they are capable of {claimed they could find tankers Amelia Earh to bring in the 60,000 barrels a|woman Sr ly ale Diatest mastle Dee ' cuted by the Japanese. u asiro's government ap- : act quickly" to The Columbia Broadcasting Dr. Barbara Moore, who is | a few miles outside the city. | minister told a TV audience June: i : walking her way across the | Her hiking rules won't let her |24 that Cuba had a 66-day supply| 8 her ill-fated flight around the after pebbles in her shoes | the end of her day's trip. --AP Wirephoto | COULD STOP POWER at least a dozen natives who re- government was reported wooing siipping circles in the United] for Cuba. | The reports spread as Cuban { running three foreign oil refiner-| NEW YORK (AP)--New evi |ies seized by Castro. They dence has been reported that day to fulfil the' country'y do-\years ago, may have been exe y -- WALKER IN AMBULANCE | parently. amt i was £ \ . | system said Sunday that she {hoad off disaster. The prime| "0 ach iand off Saipan dur. US, leaves an ambulance in | ride in private vehicles, hence [of gasoline and 24-day ration of front of a Washington hotel | the ambulance was called for fuel oil. y CBS said a special news team sent to the Pacific island '"'found An oil shortage could be disas- member seeing the famous avi. trous as the nation's power is at.r crash-land in the water in CUBA GRABS SHELL OIL ¥ 2 1 supplied almost entirely by fuel 1937, watched her taken to jail oil-operated plants. by the Japanese and then disap- The crisis threatened following pear." the government takeover Friday > of American-owned Esso Stand-| SECRETLY FORTIFIED o Sritbage "All the islanders," the report ard.and Dutch-British Shell--last 3 : ® ki repo! S | ! ow-D Own two oti oil refineries in|COEtinued, "believe Miss Earhart ation DR 3 Cuba. They were seized for re- and her navigator, Fred Noonan, record of failure, could have re-| KITCHENER (CP)--Re-opening!sion to resume production was| fusing to process state - owned Vere executed out of sight of the ported progress. of the strikebound Kaufman Rub- made the same day after a court|crude oil Castro had obtained in|local population. The Japanese "You suggest in your letter her Company plant Monday will|injunction was obtained limitingla sugar-for-oil deal with Russia,|Vere determined that no Ameri. can would ever tell the world By THE CANADIAN PRESS land, 38, Shannonville, Ont... his 2% traffic deaths in Wife Marguerite, 35, Terrance City but Montreal and Torento| remembrance for the day in 1916 In Saint John. N.B.. the Rus- they will have to dismantle In generally warm and clear at Beaumont Hamel, France held open house -with vodka ler weekend. Others watched sports diplomatic corps members, St. Lawrence River from the Drew, Canadian high commis- Mr. Diefenbaker said he had ham where sneral Wolfe fell Along the Nations General Assembly with a Rartied in Wolte's Cove, below A-iotal-f Brennan, 25, Lons dale, and John and at the guns craft carrier let the anniversary of Confeder- when 700 Newfoundlanders fell in sian oceanography ship Mikhail } : 4 a . , , BN e by piece before it lip by almost unnoticed. 'a First World War engagement [,; 7 tied ur arbor it piece ation slip by almost unn a First orld ngagement| Lamonosov tied up in harbor and] 1 £0 0 weather tourists rushed to lakes About 1,500 guests, including! the visitors. Ld and cottages for the holiday British cabinet ministers and rr | riod, the Soviet government and A . |its- allies began to give public] events and parades joined Canadians in celebrating | Ira 1C eat S {indications of an intention to 4 y ; " A 21-gun salute rolled over the Dominion Day in London. George break. off the negotiations. Citadel in Quebec City, on the sioner, and Mrs. Drew received) hoped the 10-nation committee, east end of the Plains. of Abra- the guests | ar 132] en rather than return to the United | Detroit River, citi-| 901 vears ago in taking New zens of Windser and Detroit hon-| France for the British ored the day in flag-raisings and the east end of the plains of the United States air- ered tandolph ans the salute SING IN COMMONS Members of the House mons stood in O in mixed English a Can and God Save the Queen Prime Minister Diefenbz rin troduced ill of rig the House as anot : thundered outside More than 10.000 turned out to watch the pa eantry, highlighted by trooping the color, unfold on Parliament Hill Montreal was except for a four-hour traffic jam at Mercier Bridge at the west end of the island Downtown Toront day-auiet but bars several stores rem There were few flag Along Canada's hi salute person relatively quie Page aniry 5 Manitoba and British Coi- a bag of feed on a farm id pus In Ottawa OTTAWA (CP) Ihe capital nearly "outdid itself Friday in celebrating the 93rd anniversary of ( Six A ) ] vy ritual, gunners 1 1 ( v crowd totall 4 nt Nn vide la of Parliz as a tour ist's delight Even Otta 18 accustomed to busbies and scarlet tunics and brass bands, ap plauded with vigor For sheer pomp and color, the July 1 celebration went down in the Ottawa records as one of the longest, finest, and best-attonded since Viscount Monck {a's y 6 d Dominion Das malted 10.000 lawns for the er ns alter monies, beginning with r ute and 1'2 hours of + from the Peace Tower car- ilfon and foliowed Ly the sive trooping the regimental volor CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 53-6571 HOSPITAL RA 3-22 § mpres American Bomber Missing Off Norway towards the 50 mz OSLO and 35 east, Earlier U.S. West Germany said they be- 17 miles from Winnipeg, Names multiple injuries received when| Head Of said eved the plane was down. Asked their car smashed into a parked SE The plant, only one among the $25,000 in security for any con-| needed to deliver enough oil to|disbelief around the world. A task mb the bleak way's coast for the plane the 2nd Battalion lian Guards The crowd swelled (o 12.000 fo; the evening ceremonies limbers onlo the law onal sunset nds then massed in a twilight cong LY from carilloneur Robert in the tower The ceremony is expected fo become an annual event, marking turned out in sport shirts and sun military offic |isters in 'striped tr IRCAF's CF-100 jets. Canada in the first 32 hours of ; A ls Dominion Day weekend Hannafin, 47, Reid. The truck driver escaped injury was not to be expected. My con- the or escape v } yushed the number of road deaths clusion is that there was every k predicted by hway Safety Severn in the crash of a car and of the committee's a dump truck were Lawson Mid-| .qiournment dleton of Charlton, near Kirkland Lake, the truck driver, and John will rind it possible to author-| win Anderson and Michael Marshall, '{, your representative to resume | fied both 19, of Toronto. rticipation in the vital work of It the Canadian Hi Council A Canadian Press survey from ying mission 6 p.m local times Thursday to 2 heard from directly a.m. EDT Saturday, showed at the Soviet Kola Penin-:least 35 persons dead in accidents a spokesman for the Nor- across the Dominion in Air Force said today. Six persons died in one Mani six-jet RB-47 plane, carry- toba accident Friday night (AP) An American sance homber which di red on a me another car-truck . collision near -- re r------------------ Parry Sound, where Alex Cherlin-| the spokesman. said. young boy, in a head-on 69 Air Force ficials 2 y, i Air Force officials collision of two cars at Lockport, Two Toronto-aiea men died of killed it might Have 'strayed were withheld. ight Have 'stray : E a { the Tron Curtain, a spokes- A family of four was killed in a pickup truck on Highway 4 near d "I don't think so." {Awo-=car collision three miles east Lucan, ahout 15 miles northwest] Ed ti t five 'h planes began arriving of Chilliwack, B.C. Police identi- of London, Ont Dead are Ronald ven 1S S city "Northern Norway to died them as Mr. and Mrs, Au-/H. Robinson, 24, Mimico and waters off Nor- brey A. Kronebusch 'and their Alexander Meeker, 22, Porl children Kathleen, 18 months and Credit, Kenny, six months. ONTARIO LIST GROWING Ontario had at. least 12 for his second term as president D. Eedy of Ar road 'night when he was pinned under sion being held here on the cam- London. Doctors opened the boy's lege. chest cavity and massaged his Also re-elected were heart but were unable to revive Klam, secretary - him. W. G. Soloniuk, director of Wel- Victor G. Wicks, Hamilton, fare, Sabbath School and Public . . died in Rice Lake Killed at Belleville when 'a car he was thrown from his hoat after and transport truck collided on starting a stalled outboard motcy Highway 401 were Patrick Gart-while it was still in gear. LM umbia six each. Cc 1 a ar The survey will end at mid- night Sunday. Ii includes all vio- lent deaths connected with week- end holiday activities. Jducational and Temperance de- ments and Youth activities; Mohns, the Cana: when the 1 ] i. Bishop. rolledsits 12-pound gums and ! n for the tra ceremony. Four assistant treasurer ly Myers of Oshawa were among | pig four laymen that were elected toa Brazilian Star Wins In Tennis the 11 member executive com- (a. WIMBLEDON, England (CP) -- Maria Bueno. the stylish | ¢ tho church throughout the con- tennis artist from Brazil, won her second straight Wimbledon |goonca' for the next crown foday 'by defeating Sandra Reynolds of South Africa |... 6-0 in the fin&l of the women's singles. Miss Bueno, who H. D. Henriksen holds the United States title, played well below her |g 0. 16 past two years 737 per- power in the first set. She apparently respected the | oo Conn Gdded to the member- Lo ceremonies was how the forehand of Miss Reynolds but once she had taken [o00 of (he 50 local hetler the first set she played with abandon and won en 7» fons which at the present num to the Abers 3415 in Ontaric and Quebec. and Traffic Piles Up . At Border "There was also an increase in| In SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (CP) -- Holiday (traffic con- [tithe to the amount of tinued "to pile up at this border-crossing point today with Ah " three ferries working non-stop carrying cars across the St. [Which brought the giving of the ter Mary's River. Long lines of cars were awaitihg ferry service members for the growth of the At on both the Ontario and Michigan shores. Tic Dominion Day holiday Friday and the Independence Day holiday: Monday have crealed long weekends on hoth sides followed by an encore Donnell proclamation of the British America Act in 1867 by 86 n Victoria n question r Center the most pai crowd se babes 1 15 and gsters with pet They min with the diplomatic: set, and cabinet min biennium with total offerings for an" 5 and silk . missions cameé to $282,000, Pastor Henriksen also | mented on the progress at com- A Atlas Missile Test Success CAPE CA AL. Fla | three million dollar Branson Hos (AP) The air force succe Atlas a 5.000-mile jwell a the missils chool of nursing 83 foot ne fired an ir ally-guided missile on recently range carly Pro- rocket achie L test re-entry body to a patch of water and took the I Also reviewed wilh st and a flyp: E t Is rep quadron of 12 of th cti in boosting in the South Atlantic, |campu 'ary College. that progress in the negotiations set the stage for a showdown on picketing. | The move is expected to test the manding a wage incre: |Royal Dutch Shell iate i a ; ; ; 5 g : ease and|Royal Dutch Shell associate in The three who died near Portichance for progress at the time strength in the plant of the United other benefits ere of the| Cuba had passed out of its hands. precipitate Rubber, 4 « Plastic Workers of Americalgarded as the main issue in the trol of the company's operation a White woman," added the re- "I hope too that on reflection| (CLC), which has been unable to dispute. I . plerap amily fi | Bl Other deaths included two in the 10-nation committee," of He fRorkers to the family firm| an old-fashioned roll-top desk and night --- headed by 75-) man, who has ehallenged the un- y5 ghjection to signing a contract | seizure of the American - owned ion's claims of employee support. with a responsible union i ng six men, gave its last position RCMP said the victims were €zuk, 32, and Julianna Kereliuk 1 pi : =a de ot - 1 ake die ghway he union may be the exclu- 73 degrees 30 minutes morth three women, two men and a Of Elliot Lake die d on Highway enri sen sive bargaining BY ee but whom | WON'T POST BOND they bargain for remains to be| seen in this trike," Mr. Kaufman contract closed Thursday after three days SES 1 E H. D. Henriksen was re-elected of picket-line wound up eating hot and I'. Connors as manager of The party the Book and Bible House to : Leonard Leatherdale and Mon- pritain, 16th - e mansion, and to bring out # mittee which directs the affairs|constable-Maxwell. '™ The hosts shared expenses of a a biennial more than $30,000. congrega- Paris, to don ball 000 ground _ outs music that over the previous two year period hardly be heard above the chat- church to $809,000 for the past threv the | pushed swimming pool. He climbed our pital operated by the church, as/drinpine and full of onened | debutante hit him over the head navigator Fred were recent improvements on the her husky of the Oshawa Mission- the nholographer back into the walter, Canadian Shell expressed re-| Although the strikers are de.|gret that management of its they were fortifying the island of Saipan. "One native said he had been invited to witn the hanging of loyalty of the 750 workers. Cork, Linoleum and ypion as bargaining agent is re-| This means that effective con- into the hands|port. "He refused to go." The blonde, boy is h-looking a woman with the soft smile had Friday captured the hearts and soaring imaginations of a whole genera. The move came two days after tion moving into the flight age. Ame ! For years she made headlines Texaco properties in Santiago de with her daring feats, including Cuba and ended virtually all|in 193 the first solo flight across normal ikports of Western oih the Atlantic after Charles A. have ended with the NOT ENOUGH TANKERS Lindbergh's. riday. | union's refusal to accept his stip. Russia has offered Cuba pet-| Her disappearance at the age E INJUNCTION ulation that both parties post!roleum, but hasn't the tankers Of 39 sent a wave of shock and v now has passed a contract since it was certi-| * Company president Kaufman,|of the Cuban authorities," the in 1945. z |who directs operations from an|Canadian company said in will also test the allegiance office in which he has retained|statement at Toronto ear-old A. R. Kauf-| 5, ynpight telephone, says he has Previous attempts to obtain a big rubber companies in the tract violations or property dam-|meet Cuba's requirements. force of 3,000 men, 10 ships and to refuse a union contract, age. | Government officials appeared|100 planes swept the Pacific, to ra -- ime shale FET 0 B uffles. The deci- Wayne Stanley Eedy, two-year- of the Ontario-Quebec Conference old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford of the Sevenih-day Adventist 2000 Attend died Friday Church at the 14th biennial ses- of Oshawa Missionary Cols Fabulous Party GUILDFORD, England (AP)-- treasurer; gomo 2.000 guests drank cham pagne and danced until Friday's dawn at iday when Relations; R. Knauft, heading the Paul Gelty, American oil mag- nate and perhaps the world's : richest man. Publishing secre-| put the . tary with A, Lennox as assistant; quck rn. a party given by J , caviar,. lobster and an out and the late comers dogs had a dual purpose warm Gelly's new home in century Sutton 18-year-old debutante daugh- of his friend, Capt. Ian stated that! FROM ALL OVER Guests flew in from New York, San Francisco, Bern and Madrid gowns or white tie tails for the party. the ballroom, four Angeles, Rome, bands could 3 a. m. some prankster v the main electric switch plunged the soizee into utter darknes newspaper photographer was into the illaminated fight Al AMELIA EARHART and Pacific Ocean, They disappear- [ a generator of a pre-World Noonan, right, | ed on July. 2, 1937. Standing be- | War Two plane which they re. posed at Lae, New Guinea, be- tween them is a miner named | covered off Saipan and which fore taking off on leg of 'their | Jacobs. Today a broadcasting | may be from the aviatrix' round-the-world flight headed { team and a reporter from San | craft, --AP Wigephote shoe and escort heaved her spike-heeled male | {pr Howland Island in the | Mateo, Calif., Tignes displayed