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The Oshawa Times, 4 Jul 1960, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 4, 1960 3 Ba minister, Rev. Elwood ny 54, was shot and killed Sunday night before the eyes of his horrified parishioners. His son-in-law, Gerald Griswold, 28, was held for investigation. Police said friends told them old and his wife were having difficulties and Griswold thought his father-in-law was interfering. WEATHER FORECAST Mainly Sunny, Continued Cool be mainly sunny today and Tues- day in the North. Regional forecasts valid until midnight Tuesday: CAPSULE NEWS Jobless Up In Hamilton TORONTC (CP)--Official fore- casts issued at 5 a.m: Synopsis: Skies remained clear GREAT PORT i ANCA EXECU B. M. Gordon, controller of | attained 25 years service with the ANCA Pharmaceuticals, a | the company. Mr. Gordon, left , division of the Wonder Com- | is accepting a gift from G. K. { pany of Canada Limited, was | Schlimme, right, vice-president honored, Thursday when he | and general manager of the | known as the Anglo -Canadian Druz Company and was found- TIVE HONORED BY FIRM company. Mr, Gordon's father originated the company in St. Catharines. The company was | | | | | ! | business operator in Ontario and overnight in Southern Ontario and fine, ids weather is forecast to| Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake continue today and Tuesday with Ontario, Niagara regions, Wind- temperatures in the low 70s. Con-|sor, London, Toronto, Hamilton: siderable cioudiness persisted as| Mainly sunny today and Tuesday, far south as thg Muskoka region| continuing cool; winds northwest overnight but except for general|15. cloudiness near and just south of, Haliburton, White River region James Bay skies are expected to Georgian Bay, North Bay, Sud- (bury: Sunny with a few cloudy periods today and Tuesday, con- tinuing cool; winds northwest 15. Timmins - Kapuskasing, Kirk- land Lake regions: Cloudy with Trucking Business Operator, 48, Dies la few light showers today. Tues- day mainly cloudy, clearing by STONEY CREEK, Ont. (CP)--|ayening, continuing cool. Winds Joseph Peter Veri, 48, trucking|,,.hwest 15-25 today, becoming | westerly 15 tonight and Tuesday. Forecast Temperatures Western Canada, died of a heart attack in Port Arthur on business : : Saturday, it was learned Sunday. | Low tonight, High Juenioy, | ed here 22 years ago. Mr. Gor- dc 1 is beginning his 26th year ih the company by having short holiday. --Oshawa Times Photo w a Born in Italy, Mr. Veri came| Windsor here in 1942, He was president St. Thomas . of Dalewood Transport Limited London ... of Hamilton, Thomas W. Sale Wingham Transport of Brantford, the Ex- Toronto iene eter, Ont., Produce and Storage Kitchener ......sie Company, and Exeter Ontario/Trenton ........ Central Storage Limited, Winni-|St. Catharines | Hamilton ... peg. v | He leaves his wife and five Muskoka . HAMILTON (CP) -- National Employment Service figures re- leased here Saturday show male police said Syrian soldiers and| Israeli border police exchanged fire for 10 minutes in the Beit gstSul eas 4 seaport, Ss sw IR from King John in 1207. unemployment in Hamilton is Katzir area on the southeastern double what it was a year ago. shc.e of the Sea of Galilee at There are 7,154 men seeking work| dusk Sunday but no one was hurt. now compared with 3,702 a year agc. Unemployed women here; TO REPORT RED SHOTS number 4,466, compared with 3,-) HONOLULU (AP) -- Russia 781 a year ago. has sent a fleet of three tele- metry ships into its announced] FIND MAN'S BODY target area 1,000 miles southwest BURLINGTON (CP)--A diver| of Hawaii to report on its rocket- searching Saturday for the body| missile test shots beginning Tues- FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL a ed L. - [maa 4 of a man who leaped from the day, Burlington Skyway June 15, found HOLD 8.8. COLONEL the body of another man missing since June 17. The diver, hired] BONN (Reuters) -- West Ger-| by the family of the man who man police announced Saturday | leaped from the bridge, re-\the arrest of a fornfer Nazi S.S.| covered the body of Gregorio' mel suspected of complicity | Kulezyekyj, 50, who failed to re-\in the destruction of Warsaw's turn home after going out for a ghetto and mass killings in Tre- walk. belinka concentration camp. Ex-| Col. Ludwig Hahn was said to| {have been head of the Nazi se- curity police in Warsaw for some| real estate agency, has launched '"¢ during the war. a $287,000 damage action against the CBC on grounds that the| SUES CBC MONTREAL (CP) Accra Investments Co. Ltd., a Montreal sons. | Killaloe Te op ROSES EXHIBITED at # OWL SOCIAL NOTE " L PARIS, Ont. (CP)--Apout 30 corporation improperly backed 1s decided to roost on tele- out of a studio-building project phone wires and trees in the last year. north end of this community Sat- GOOD FOOD Business Men's Lunch 12 - 2 Daily Air Conditioned DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER F. Richard Black, 0.0. urday night. The owls, about a TRY TO REFLOAT foot high and grey-colored, took QUEBEC (CP) -- Engineers of| \ ", jti00 of [ocal residents who Branch Lires Company of Sorel, Is pleased to announce the open- ing of his office for the practice of OPTOMETRY came to inspect them. They all Que, started building a 70 - foot| oft early Sunday morning. ramp on the beach of the Island of Orleans Saturday in an effort UNVEIL PLAQUE to ,refloat the minesweeper] BATH, Ont. (CP)--A plaque to |Lamna which has been sitting commemorate Rev. John Lang-| high and dry 25 feet from the| horn, one of Canada's pioneer re-| | river bank since running aground ligious leaders, was unveiled Sun-| May 14. day in this village 12 miles west | ] of Kingston. John Langhorn was BERNIERS GATHER the first Anglican clergyman in CAP ST. IGNACE, Que. (CP)--|the Bay of Quinte region and the More than 800 descendants of|second in what is now the prov- Jacques Bernier, who emigrated) ince of Ontario. He lived at Bath| to New France from Paris in when it-.was known as Ernest- I®| 1655 and died in this. community| town. # in 1713, gathered Sunday for a| family reunion. Annual Show At Brooklin By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT |Thompson, Mrs. Charles Wilson, BROOKLIN -- The number of Mrs. Norman Alves. exhibits at the June Flower Show| One bloom, red Mrs of Brooklin Horticul 1 Society Wick, Mrs. Sydney Lockyer held Monday in the Christian] Single, any color Education Building here out-|Mrs, Burnett Jamieson, numbered last year's showing Alves The 124 exhibits made 2 Container of ful display, and blooms were of any ( Mrs good quality, in the|Sydney Lockyer Rose Show Heron R. J. Branton Mantle judge, commented 5 3 the fine display, prizes as follows: Red, (one bloom non Wilson, Mrs. Sydney yer, Mrs. W. A. Heron White (one bloom) - ney Lockyer, Mrs, W Mrs. Cyril Wick Yellow (one bloom) Sydney Lockyer, ~ Mrs, Davies, Mrs, R. V. Young Pink (one bloom) Mrs Green, Mrs. Cyril Wick, W. A. Heron. Peace (one bloom)--Mrs Thompson, Mrs. W. A. Mrs. C. Wilson Bi-color, other than peace (one 174 Harwood Ave. S., Ajox (In Shopping Centre) For appoint- . axamina. ment please call tion of eyes, fitting of glasses and contact lenses, visual training long distance Oshawa Zenith 2-1640 (no toll charge) (evenings appointment) Cyril one bloom -- Mrs Norman color any variety, s Hall, Mrs Mrs A Hor INSTALL RELIC STE. ANNE de BEAUPRE| | (CP)--A huge procession of pil-| |grims watched today as a relic| of Saint Anne was installed in|§ especially W CHESTERFIELD CHAIRS end AUTOMOBILE UPHOLSTERY Expertly Cleaned PHONE RA 8-4681 Mrs Mrs Oshawa, the rably on awarded arrangements Anne Howden HOLD COMMITTEEMAN LOS ANGELES (AP)--Louis- iana national committeeman Ca-| ' | mille Gravel, 45, co-chairman of A T the Democratic convention's ore.| STINE 20 niles Horth OF Queber| dentials committee, was booked Hk C eI, eons: id ol on a drunkenness charge Satur-(20, 2} poh Pog ith 5, day after arrest at Los Angeles I a bone from the forearm pel International Airport. An airline Saint Anne, official said Gravel had caused a : ONLY TWO disturbance on a plane and the pilot had radioed the airport for] LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP)--| Alcoholics Anonymous wound up help. its 25th anniversary convention DESERT SHAKEN CITY |gunday with a report of only two SANTIAGO, Chile (AP)--TWwo fallen brethren among the esti- more earthquakes shook Valdivia| mated 12,000 who attended. And! Saturday. No damage was re-|poth returned to the fold. ported. Valdivia has had 48 trem- ors in the last seven days. Its ROB TOBACCONISTS favor and arrangement -- Mrs Mrs. Ver Mrs, Burnett Jamie- Lock-'son Arr moth >» for new Cyril Davies Mrs. Norman Mrs. Syd A. Heron, Mrs Cyril classed -- Mrs. Eric Green, Mrs Vernon Wilson, Mrs, Chas. Pil- key "Best rose in the show" was| won by Mrs. Sydney Lockver| bringing her two tickets to the International Rose Show. HOLD MEETINGS Eric . iil ae " | Te COULTER MANUFACTURING COMPANY VETERANS HONORED left to right are: Art Jeffrey, | facturing company; Amon | Ont, is 67. Mr. Toms, original- Union representative, UAW | Thoms, retiring after 15 years; | ly from Highland Grove, Ont., 222; John Laroque, retiring | and Al bert Cocherton, union is 68. after 15 years; Ken Coulter, | representative, UAW 222, Mr. C.8 Heron, Two employees of the Coulter | Manufacturing Company were | recently honored on their re- tirement after 15 years of serv- The June meeting of the so- ciety was hela following the show | with the president, Mrs, Norman Alves, in the chair. It was an- |nounced that the district annual Heron, Mrs. Sydney Lockyer | meeting of the OHA will be held | Container of three roses (va-!Sept. 23 in Christ Church Hall, riety) -- Mrs. W. A. Heron, Mrs.|Scarboro. and the International Sydney Lockyer, Mrs. C § Rose Show, with an exhibit of Thompson. more than 130,000 blooms, will Container of Polyanthus be presented at Casa Loma, To- Mrs. Vernon Wilson, Mrs. ronto, Oct. 1 - 4. Green, Mrs, Cyril Wick. I. R. H. Branton of Oshawa Container of Ramblers, any showed colored slides of prize-| color -- Mrs. Svdney Lockyer, winning exhibits at Oshawa Show bloom) Mrs. Cyril Davies Mrs. Sydney Lockyer, Mrs, R. V Young. Any other color (one bloom) -- s. R. V. Young, Mrs. W. A, Eric ice with the company. From | treasurer of the Coulter manu- | Larocque, originally of Field, ~--Oshawa Times Photo AT BROOKLIN 22 Graduates At Ceremony |concluded at Bethany College, 100,000 inhabitants have practic- ally deserted the city. CITY AND DISTRICT BEECHAM ILL LONDON (AP) -- Sir Thomas Be:cham, 81 - year - old British ON DEAN'S LIST |avenue; Olive avenue from Ver- Richard Moffat, of 52 Simcoe qun road to Wilson road south; street south, Oshawa, has been cy t i named to the dean's honor fist] Saadburm Sons closed at Olive for the semester which recently aq south closed at Olive ave- Bethany, West Virginia. An- ed at Olive avenue: Highland Park boule tor, was reported "very ill" Sunday. BOLT HITS CROSS CUNEO, Italy (AP)--A bolt of {lightning struck a cross today sons sheltered below it and in- nue; Cadillac avenue south, los, 200 DIONEH: desth to four par] ORILLIA (CP)--Thieves Satur- day night made away with al pickup truck and cigarets valued at- $5,500 after breaking into aj | warehouse of George Beck Lim- | ited, wholseale tobacconists, PASTOR KILLED i BELLEVILLE, Mich. (AP)--A NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS 174 MARY STREET By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT the outstanding student; highest nouncement was made today by BROOKLIN -- Graduation ex-| academic, Grade 8, Carol Mac- Dr. Bernal R. Weimer, vice-presi- lercises for 22 students of Brook- Kenzie; highest academic, Grade dent and dean of the faculty. Ric (lin Senior School were held on|7, David Thompson {ard will be a junior for the rd | Tuesday at Meadowcrest junior, Rev. S. J. Hillier, of Brooklin 1960-61 academic year which be- Mrs, Sydney Lockyer. ay United Church congratulated the gins in September. DELPHINIUMS Principal, John Wallace, presi- gradu and Linda Spencer pre.| ded for the ceremonies and. pre-| sented "the valedictory address. COAL PILES GROWING MISS ELIZABETH C. ARGALL |gented diplomas to the gradu- The coal piles at Oshawa Har- The funeral service for Miss ates including: |bor are continuing to grow in | preparation for the winter sea- | son. juries to 30 others during a Ro- {man Catholic pilgrimage to the top of nearby Mt. Bisalta. EXCHANGE FIRE JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israel Mrs. C. S. Thompson, Mrs. and scenes from Allan Gardens, R. V. Young. Toronto. : OBITUARIES Eric Green, Mrs. W, A, Heron, FUNERAL OF avenue, closed at Olive avenue; La Salle avenue closed at Olive avenue; Luke street, from Rich- mond east to Colborne street east. | 1 ~--Mrs.' C Eric Joel THEY RE-GREW HAIR! One spike (white) Elizabeth Charlotte Argall, who illilam Appleton, Tom Agar, Willia pp On Sunday the collier," SS Bryant. One spike (blue) -- Mrs | : glizabeth : Brakeman Inherits ¢ ied at the Os a General Hos- | John Bailey, Douglas Batty, i [sc : ollie B long ness. was held Sauda Leonard Burgess, Sandra Cocke, Fryerligh BaronetCy |roion pad a visit to the wor Green, Mrs. Les Hull, Mrs Aldred. One spike (lavener) -- Mrs ; yan 1 Wilson a long illness, was held Saturday joan Fowler, Richard Greening, = he Mc ntosh Anderson Funeral Ned Greer. Carol Hawkesleo | RAMSACE. Seek. {cP bor and uiloaded a cargo of coal. ome } p.m fvde 1ary 4 AMSA , Sas : | : ea The service was conducted by Se AJ nston, Gary. Kemet: nobert Ernest Willams, 36-year-| DANCERS ENTERTAIN om IREWO0C, J) So 'lold railway brakeman, think-| A group of Ukraiziea Mk- provided Cc - Mrs One spike (dark violet) C. Bryant at Iris, one spike (any color) R i y Mrs. Joel Aldred, Mrs. W. A. Rev. J oftat, minister ol al g C MacKenzie, I Heron, Mrs. Norman Alves Simcoe Street United Church. Ir Dovaid Long, Carel Nackemse. ing about a trip to England but dancers from Oskawa, terme in St. George's An-| yare on Pacaoe, Robert he is net sure whether he can| part of the entertainment at the emetery at Newcastle ion, Kare ascoe, = "afford it | 10th anniversary of the Ukrainian »arer 3 Powell, Linda Spencer and Shar- 3 niin ; arers were S. Cook of Democratic Youth Association on Walls. He inherited an English baron- £ Canada, Sund The C : etcy Saturday with the death in| Of Canada, Sunday. The Congress PEONIES One bloom, white E. Sandford and : Mr. Clifford Johnston, presi-|® ; J was held at Kiev, a Ukrainian dent of the Home and School England of Sir William Law Wil- community centre, . about three Wilson, Anne Howden, Mrs Asociation, presented the gradu-| | miles east of Palermo. was Pal Morrison McMurtry FUNERAL OF Mrs Ww C A w R Heron One bloom, pink -- Mrs C.S liams, a second cousin MRS. MABEL McKESSOCK ates with pins, | Promotions At | Burketon | BURKETON (Special) -- Lela M. Knight, teacher at SS No. 7 Darlington, at Burketon, reports the following promotions Grade 5 to Grade 6 -- Jackie Vandenberg, Edith Holroyd, Gaye Hubbard, Patsy Gatchell Gerald Beech, Georgiz chell. Grade 4 to Grade - Eleanor Smith, 3illy Sirclair, Calvin Ste- phenson (recommended). Grade 3 to Grade 4 -- G 3 Grace, Janice Marchand, ian Lane, Phyllis McCullough, Gwen Stephenson, Brian Van Dam (re- commended), Bobby Laing commended). Grade 2 to Grade 3 -- Patsy Lowery, Judy Beech, Judy Alli- son. Grade 1 to Grade 2 -- Sidney Irons, Wallace Ramsay. COMING EVENTS | ) KINSMEN BINGO (ty 6 JUBILEE PAVILION TUESDAY, JULY. 5th FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos . 57 and 56 WOODVIEW PARK MONSTER BINGO $1,300 PRIZES $100 DOOR PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. | (53-55) TONIGHT RED BARN | l Ce re-; The funeral service was held July 2 at 2 p.m. for Mrs, Mabel McKessock, who died at Oshawa General Hospital June 29, follow- ing a short illness. She was in her 85th year The service was conducted in Eldad United Church, Solina, by Rev. F. J. Reed of Eldad United Church, assisted by Rev. M Bury of : Street United Church, Interment was n plot at Hampton Dr. Guthrie T. Grant, chair- man of the School Board present- cd field day awards as follows: Seniors -- Linda Spencer, Bill Hunter, Intermediates -- Roberta May Lockyer, Wayne Davidson. Juniors John Stevenson. Linda Spencer Oshaw family metery. 2 behalf of the students Glady Pugh led Grade 8 pupils in musical selections ACADEMIC AWARDS Presentation of academic awards was made by Archie Campbell, to Linda Spencer, Pallbearers were Alec sock, Frank Pascoe, Harold Pas- coe, Hilton Tink, Arthur Blan- chard and Robert Halliday McKes- TOP RANK The title of field marshal, the highest ran\ in the British Army, establishe¢ in 1736 by King ge II Dine In Good Taste AT THE GENOSHA HOTEL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT How health and harmony are obtained through understanding the supremacy of God was brought out in the Lesson-Sermon at Christiarice Science churches on Sunday, July 3. The Golden Text was from = Deuteronomy (11:1): *"Thou shalt love thy Lord od, and keep his charge, and his statutes, and his judg- ments, and his commandments, Our coffee shop and main din- ing room completely air-con- ditioned, Garry Wiseman, land, | and Douglas a Batty made speeches of thanks on manor horses and half the village Stevenson alway." PHYSICIAN To supply professional services as required for Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa's new Home for the Aged. Interest in geriatrics desir- able. - For further details apply before July 15th, 1960 to D. FLEMING, Personnel Officer, City Hall, OSHAWA, Ontario } » Mr, Williams, a Canadian Na. | tional Railways employee for 16] years, has never been to England and has no idea of the extent of the land holdings, property and family seat that is his inherit. ance. A report from Braunton, Eng said the estate included hundreds of acres of Devon hills. dozen farms, cottages, three of Wrafton STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed for construction today and during the weekend: Oakes ave- nue from Richmond street east to Colborne - street; Hillcroft street from Jarvis to Ritson road north; Somerville street, from Byng to Wayne Avenue; King street west, from Gibbons to road; Wilson road south from Olive avenue to Dean IN 12 MONTHS Before you purchase or renew a special low rate if: there are no male the family. (2) Your car is not us purposes, (3) You have been acc (4) You have been acc You may budget your premium desired. For Service Day and Night, Call Schofield Insurance Associates Lid. 6 Simcoe North REG AKER e DON ELLI SCHOFIELD INSURANCE "ASSOCIATES LTD. (1) You are ot least 25 years of age and Hair Specialist OTTAWA, Ont. New home treatment methods for saving hair and improving its growth will be demonstrated in Oshawa, July your auto insurance we have 5th at the Genosha Hotel. Trichologist: F. R. Cartwright will be in charge, representing the dynamic Roberts Hair & Scalp Specialists organization. He will sersonally examine hair - worried men and women from 1:00 to 8:00 p.m. drivers under 25 in ed for business This new treatment is neither "mail order" nor "cure-all." it is adapted to the individual after a personal examination and pro- gress is checked ot regular ine tervals by a Roberts Specialist, Who Can Be Helped? Will the new Roberts treatment cure baldness? "No!" For we cannot help men and women who are slick-bald after years of grad- ual hair loss. But if you still have fuzz and your scalp is still creat- ing hair you can at least save and thicken what you have. Some cons ditions, such as "'spot baldness' {usually have complete coverage if caught in time! ident free for 3 years ident free for 5 years s over 3, 6, or 9 months if RA 3-2265 SON e JACK MOORE Other condtions that usually sring on excessive hair-loss--dan- | IN 3 MONTHS Here Tuesday Will Show Men and Women How To Save Hair and Prevent Baldness ness, follicle clogged with sebum or seborrhca--can be corrected by the Roberts home treatment if caught in time. "DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE." Baldness won't wait for doubt- | ers to be convinced, you're going to keep right on losing hair 'til you're bald--unless you get your scalp in healthy, hair-growing condition again. Examine You Free We want to make it clear that you incur absolutely no charge or obligation by coming in for an examination. Your only obligation is to your- self. We do not accept cases that will not respond. Guarantee Satisfaction The Roberts Specialists will give you a written guarantee that| you must be satisfied within 30 days or it will cost you nothing. For a free examination and dis- cussion of your hair problems ask the desk clerk for Mr. Cart| wright's room number. He does not make appointments, so come in at your convenience. | Examinations are given in pri- druff, itching, over-oiliness or dry- vate, | There's No ] Like A New Home. . « . . and no better place to plan your new home than at BROWN'S LUMBER modern plans, superior materials, and will take care of the complete construct too. ALL STYLES OF H TASTE! We have many styles of Interprovincial Summer Cottages. One of them is right for your family I - As little as $31.00 a month for mater- ials to build an Interprovincial Sum- mer Cottage !! SEE YOUR HOMETOWN DEPENDABLE PERSONALIZED SERVICE BROWN'S & SUPPLIE 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH Dial RA 5-4704 Home . . > & SUPPLIES. We have ion. Financing is arranged OMES . , . FOR EVERY Our fine Summer Cottages feature modern panelized speedy erection. See them now 0 construction for LUMBER DEALER FOP LUMBER S LIMITED Oshawe, Ontario

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