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The Oshawa Times, 4 Jul 1960, p. 7

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cently at Birchcliff United Church, a Scarborough, with the Reverend THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 4, 1960 7 Ralph C. Williams officiating. | Given in marriage by her step-| P E R S 0 N A 1 S father, Mr. Kurt Nebel, the bride {wore a floor-length gown of silk chiffon over satin, A scoop neck-| 1 Bonnie Hart, pack leader, wasyat a linen shower with Mrs. Don. line and short sleeves styled Dom ie assistants at the 3rdlald Leask and Mrs.. John Mar- the bodice and the bouffant skirt| Oshawa Brownie Pack pienic|zhall as co-hostesses. Mrs fell into.a chapel train. A pear] held recently at Camp Samac.|Thomas Gould entertained at a crown-held her elbow-length veil | miscellaneous shower and was as- 22d she carried white roses and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pleau and|gisted by Miss Donna Gould in stephanotis. sons, Rene and Daryl, spent the serving. Mrs. Efnest Rashotte! Mrs. Gary Alton was the holiday weekend as guests of MI.| was hostess at a miscellaneous matron-of-honor in blue printed | and Mrs. Paul McMulleh at their{ power at her home in Bowman- taffeta and chiffon. She wore al lodge in Hastings. ville. Mrs. Francis Lee assisted. lowered headdress and carried | You are invited by the Social| "rs. Ronald Riekaras arraiige) a pink roses and stephanotis. Department to send in any little|S10Wer at her home on inal Mr. Andrew Wilson acted items of interest. News of teas,|Street. Guests vere, members of best man, Ushering were Messrs sufprise parties, showers, anni- the General Motors oifice staff. Joseph Podehl and Max Weiss ? versaries and comings and go- From te silice stays of General A reception' was held at the * , 4 x " h # ings are always very acceptable heirloom bedsoread 2 miixette Guild Inn. For the occasion the % g & 4 4. % . lini a" and for which there Is so charge, and 2 bath us py Mrs. W. J bride's mother wore navy blue lease write or telephone / i tho hrideoraam and white with a matching coat. "4 g CHARTER MEMBERS, UKRAINIAN FEDERATION AUXILIARY Bigs wie EEE Bh von 2 wie vio main sot * pale blue » | Weiss-Podehl The marriage of Elizabeth D. Podehl, daughter of Mrs. Kurt * 'Nebel and John A. Weiss, son of| 4 Mr. and Mrs. Max Weiss, all of| . Scarborough, was solemnized re-| Four charter members were | awa Women's Auxiliary of the | sented by Mes Anirew Zar { Mrs. Anastasia Tureski Mrs Miss Beverley Isabelle Gould- at her home in Bowmanville i i hk gr ve By r 25- ¢ an F rati ast | ats, vice-president of the ' Marie Hraynyk and Mrs. Kath- whose marris to Mr. Robert Jter the couple left for a wed-| presented whic. their Toryesr Ukrainiap Federstio) Yeld las Ukrainian Women's Organiza- teen Czetev atv. John earrings place in Trinity Mrs. Morley Canning, Mrs. ding trip to Acapulco, Mexico, DANNY certificates at the silver an- Saturday Picture D/CIng hel tion of Canada, are (from left oi United Church, Bowmanville, on A. 8. Whattam and Mrs. Roy and Florida and on their return : niversary dinner of the Osh- | certificates which were pre- | 4 right) Mrs, Maria Zielinsky, Oshawa Times Photo | ga¢urday afternoon, July 2, was White attended. the opening per- Will live in Oshawa. For travell- All ready for play is Daniel | Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McKes, . "entertained at pre-nuptial parties. formance of Midsummer Night's ing the bride wore a gray suit Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William Leask was hostess Dream at Stratford last week. (with white accessories. The newly Meredith McKee, Port Perry. | oc. Graham. Brooklin. : / 4 : i o air iv, gi ~ | Danny, who was one year old GROUPS CLUBS AUXILIARIES : : 4 1 1 bf 4 # esi pair will live in Oshawa on May 2. is the grandson o | : --Photo by Hornsby NUPSE -- - plan for obtaining a religious $8 : , Z L : 1 ; : KEEP IN TRIM 5 Friends Honor Wed in Gooderham bouquet of pink carnations and lilies of the valley. The Ladies' Auxiliary of Local movie for a fall project. 50 of National Union of Public The executive will meet during ! ' 3 ; Swimming, Perfect Exercise Anniversary Pair To Live in Oshawa ak. Roy._Judson aie 2s ext Service Employees held its fina the summer to line up the fall ald Rittwage, Peterborough, and meeting until fall last week at program. Mrs. Whiting will con- b. ' i : Married in Newcastle United (Oshawa will be the home of Mr. Murray Hunter, Gooder- Simcoe Hall. tact the executive members re- i ) ys * A Tones Muscles Helps Posture Church, Newcastle, twenty-five Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Edmund ham. a p ri ok » » vi p i i Ei : 2 axe ; E . ichmol str east, nized recently in Go i i 11. For t re Lacidas, presided. Repirss Were on October 6 at the home of Mrs LL LT By ba JEAN RAY a West Rote sions a in stroke were guests of honor at an anni- United Church, Gooderham Rjamoun: Legion Hall. Kor he oe nard Crawford and the treasur- Whiting | t you feel fab a Jour ght re Hl > i Al OE oi id side Yaar panty at Simcoe Street The bride. the former Miss beige and brown nylon chiffon er. Mrs. Robert Corneal. Of spe- Refreshments were served by . 7 4 A a i as ave voli eloide ou Use fi Why Si : United Church memorial hall. on porothy Elaine McColl, is the with beige accessories. The bride- cial interest was the presentation Mrs. Derek Allan assisted by " % y ' fhe EX Wi Me a uD with so vou "swi ; ng along aun Wednesday evening, June 29. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas groom's mother was in aqua a ey Mooi of articles Mrs. Ernest Smith i a : gk So ; is : ia) gone, AT 0 You Swim or, « Arye mal ing Mrs Daniel is the former Miss McColl of Gooderham and the|pique with white accessories. of clothing for welfare use. Mrs PMA CLUB ot . : Swimming you'r 4 on, nn ae > no AINE to heat: t1e breast Bertha Cowan. daughter of" the|pridegroom is the son of Mr. and| Both wore corsages of salmon ng X I EE MA CLLU i swim. Swimming is all round per- stroke. It may be a bit old- late Mr and Mrs. Alonzo Cowan Mrs. Fredrick Ingle, Furnace!pink gardenias. John McLachlan made the pre: Fhe last meeting of the season Z fect exercise . tones little and fashioned but look what it of Newcastle and Mr. Daniel is| Falls, Ontario pint 22 entation of the Pleasant Monday After- : big muscles, improves posture, did for Grandma the. Son. Mis: Fri iol 6 gy ea] Cass As the couple left for a wedding i " q , a. 3 J y : ie son of Mr red Daniel off The Reverend David W. Staples he bride was wearing a vas announced that a er noon Club was held recently with 5 picks up your spitits--and cools water gymnastics are excellent O-hawa d the late Mr. D. : P'€3 trip the bride wa B ) BI cnet Iuion CID Nas hed ree Y yin T 8 astics are excellent Ochawa and the late Mr aniel. | officiated assisted by Mr. Cecil beige suit with matching acces- 1 : h . J F Ee {you too. Hang on 'to the edge of the The guests were received by|pawson. The wedding music was sories. and their hy ands ang 2) apo presiding p ; There isn't anybody who doesn't poo' and pedal into action with Mr. Roland Daniel of Whitby, played by Mrs Gordon Barr of : vid -- Rie 2% Janne ho ne pa call was read by Mrs He to win 3 i leg'and thigh muscles, pushing brother of the bridegroom, and|Gooderham. r 0 . hilip Bell and showed a very : ic like it 1€ Des Ul g ge back and forth through the water. Mrs. Edward Warburton of RR 4, Given in marriage by her NC good attendance, The. soyintire ; fg Swe IS oe Re water ae The practice of this action will!Oshawa. sister of the bride father the bride wore a floor- JESSIE PANTON AUX. Jessop wa read by s. Elwood j i : Naor ih you | pas you! af Sm Hing and Abdomen. Or, if The highlight of the evening, length gown of silk lace and net| The Jessie Panton Missionary, The secretary's and treasurer' 4 ford perfect exercise? Again, it's| flabby sw hig N muscles are was the presentation of a silver|gver satin topped with Fl long-| Auxiliary met at the home of re I Ey d as . vy wa a the water. Water offers resist- ce 5) ng legs In 4 side-to- tea service and a handsome gift sleeved bolero.. A tiara of tiny rid) 2 Boat. Sine sirect reports were given and the cor » Nice and resistance: makes side motion, criss-crossing the of money to the honored pair. opalescent leaves trimmed with Mrs Waiam vip Fig Staeet respondence read ADDING "THEIR SIGNATURES an SRE Ble hey water The presentation was made by sequins and pearls held her el- east, lor the la mee ne ° Birthday greetings were sung IE Azstisanson'crswimusiit nas If you don't swim you miss half Mr. Charles Cowan, brother of how-length veil and she carried season held in the form of a pot fy. Mrs Leonard Fisher, Mrs Married recently at North- | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. as Sons od vour figure the fun of the good old summer the bride and Mr. Roland Daniels cascade of American Beauty luck supper Benjamin Jacklin, Mrs. Olive [ogo United Church were = George Russell and the bride- |ooke Jump J ib Jon't let time of Whitby, a brother of the bride-|roses, ferns and streamers. A short business meeting was Harrison, Mrs. Frank Dolley 2 looks lumpy and bumpy, 'don t 'e groom: Mr. Cowan and Mr. Dan- | conducted by Mrs. W. F. Manuel, Mrs. Margaret Johnston. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Robert James groom is the son of Mr. and that discourage ygu from getting fol were also. the ushers at the Mrs. Roy Judson, of Peterbor. president. The treasurer, Miss Bessie Brown, Mrs. George Cox Eagleson. The bride, the former Mrs. William Leslie Eagleson, . in the mm Go out ang uy LODGES AND wedding twenty-five years ago. J re: as sy vg 2, < pr uy : ew § j. S 1.3 ' 1 y =01= : » be the Adenine Thy il and Ms 4 amb. Members Miss Isabel Jane Russell, is the | ali of Oshawa - find oe that does something for Mrs. Roland Daniel of Whithy eq in ice blue. She wore a ban- of t g I " re Mr hn C n , \ There are suits to flatter SOC E read an address of good wishes,|jeau of flowers and carried a iliary for a recent wedding in St. were Mrs. John Callison and Mrs ou There are Sup. 10.0 8 55 IETI S which had previously been auto- dean of Sh Andrew's United Church Frank Dolley every figure type 1e prince \ » 1 S i jest skirt is the granhed by the 100 guests present. Contests were conducted by the Final plans for the picnic were Science Facts And Fun vie wih 3 Modest 8 Also attending the 'party S y . best fashion for concealing figure SUNSHINE REBEKAH 2 { Was g-- 0 v various ghoups Sul LEE hs hg Bag baba . ' : faults bet for Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No. fe bridal snendam 3 Te md: Be IN won hy rs amilton Collins Rl : ; | 1 Which swim stroke is best for 222 held its regular meeting in| O.P8: Miss iby B= Miss Nellie Scorgie and Miss July 12 for Pie hiuge Park. il Rouse C ldren S Interest figure fixing? They are all fine. the lodge rooms. This will Pe te Cowan and Mr. Nelson Daniel| EH mt, Grace Anderson. : For office workers and home last meeting before the s who was the best man. be held on September 12. Re- J ares y o ; : ir ¢ 3 ie 4 e summer i Best wishes were extended to freshments were served by the By G. CLEVELAND MYERS (relationships and natural laws In- makers, the back stroke is ex- recess, and the next meeting Mrs. Charles Cowan presided at ANd TVR aves Mrs. J. H: Hunter on the date executive. There's widespread interest in volved. J cellent, for this movement coaxes night will be the first Monday in the piano for fhe sing song of od 4 being her wedding anniversary " science and in stimulating scien- (My 'ulletin, Letting Baby and your shoulders back into lovely September : er SBrotnd ilsie was Pe f Ronald Bilsky, D.C. aso to Mrs. W. F. Manuel, presi- ARVILLA McGBF X. tific interest in children early. Tot Learn may be had by sending line. We do most routine tasks by The charter was draped in t 3 for 4 f - a hi tor dent, who was celebrating her The closing eting of the sea- Last Christmas an enormods|? self-addressed, U.S. stamped reaching forward with the arms memory of Sister Cora Bennett, oa 51awa, rome Y ord oe R 30 <Chiroprac birthday. on of the Ary illa McGregor Mis- variety and quantity of scientific envelope to me in care of this and the back stroke counteracts who died in June, Sister Bennett TN i Je J ny The president closed the meet- Swonaty Susiliary " Kod De : units and gets for 'children over [PEWspaper ) for¥gng bending: iri pie Huaucial see a nephew. Mr, ward War. od SCIATICA ing with a vote of thanks t6 Mrs. |," °@ Crush ye on hy eight or ten--microscopes, tele- PARENTS' QUESTIONS : HIT A RHYTHM Noble aT a May Skea, burton was master of ceremony. | Bear for her hospitality and "0c O° : : 'scopes, chemical sets and the Q Why are most school prim- yf you can float you can swim precided. assisted by vice-gre Mr. and Mrs. Daniel have one WIFE PRESERVER > op Colborne street east rom aila ers so dull and drab? ack. 6 . . presided, assisted by vice-grand ; . ) When any sensory nerve 1s wished everyone a very pleasant __ like--were sold. Available, too, hd the back stroke. Hit a rhythm . ./Sjster Greta Drinkle, who gave a S00. Neil. The committee for the itot dis. holiday A pot luck supper was enjoyed are kits for studying almost every A. Because they are writien go an Esther Williams. By the jengthy sick report party was Mr. and Mrs. R. Dan-| A partially used can of paint/] under normal frrtaton, is In the garden followed by a short; aot of natural science, from Wish word hat Bre Used ner way, before this boii star took Sister Jenny Perry and Sister ield of Whithy, Mr : and Mrs. [should*be sealed air-tight. Re- gomion 1s prasen eo verve of Siness 63 OY, es are tual rock to the weather a over Sgain 3 In ih Re up swimming serious y, She was Florence Johnston gave the an- C w. Cowan of Newcastle, Mr place cover tightly, turn can up-|| pain, the discomfort is pain and will meet again in the, "¢ "io pale Miss Madeline Strong pressures are exerted on ks to: the "prevailing +100 ne fig Th on 4 wal report on the Teheksh Asian Nr rt - Ly side down for a minute, then|| The degree of pain will depend Chapel on September 27 for the gi 1m. "0 tied able high school students to elect than 5:10 2 evans OR because her figure wasn't good sembly, and Sister Victoria Ma- Mrs. Norman Daniel of Oshawa : : vill (|| upon the degree of irritation. Fall term cls ry O rvice was con. courses in biology, chemistry and an ; say method of teaching enough? awl 'is: the. fastest and Gee reported for the district right side up; the paint will ac ducted by Mrs. Bert Montgomery Physics, and there is a marked "6248 ie crawl is the fastes Te firs Bight of DOmInatons OLD STANDBY as a self-sealer. i The sciatic nerve is the CALVIN EVE. GROUP who read the scripture and Mrs. | emphasis on science in the ele- ro ass ie 1220 further Om Ie World production of tea largest nerve trunk in We body. The Gavin Evening group oy Charies English who gave devo meligry Eraties More and ope pt Partial Se were peace! y Sseotd L5671.400,000} HOUSEHOLD HINT Wien 2.8 Jarcen oe nerve St. Paul's Presbyterian hurch 4 reading "High Calling". 800d elementary science yoks i PORN bbs pounds in 1959--enough for 334, an 4 : held its last regular meeting of ag Rin offered the and other science materials for Tage renin id Bor Odd. 280,000,000 cheering cups In the battle against moths, it Funk ere undis initgtion. we the season at the Manse, Beverly prayer » young children are appearing 3 : fellows and Rebekahs at Rarrie, is vital to thoroughly clean and} tion of pain might extend down treet Tentative arrangements were One of the magazines for chil- wh : 3 . Ls the bus to leave for Barrie at TINY START disinfect clothes closets. When|| the entire leg, even into the Mrs. Ernest Whiting presided made for the fall Thankoffering. dren, 12 and under, carries sev or > gos 3s 1.30 p.m An adult kangaroo may reach foot. and opened with a reading fol- zr.s A J McDonald gave a cap- eral articles in each issue on Hr aE 7 pio : 3 Sister May Skea and her com-| eight feet in length, including ¥ ' lowed by prayer and roll call. 1a report on the address of! various aspects of science within ; : A y x mittee served refreshments in| tail, but a new-born kangaroo is|coats of shellac to seal eloset's It is interesting to note that, The minutes were read by the yp. Aones Gollan, missionary on the reach of this age range : 3 i the lodge banquet hall only about an inch long surface. over a period of years, there secretary and Mrs Merv furlough from Nigeria who spoke 3 #7 1 2 i vis Ol - - |} has been a great change in the Cairns gave t ie treasurer's re- at Ashburn recently EASY TO UNDERSTAND fe ? 1 8 # general attitude of other pro- port. Mrs. Whiting reported on "fe oi brought the meet. One of its regular features PRA 4 { : bi fessions toward the chiroprackic the sale of cards oy : thse with Prayer "Things You've Wondered About" Bs; ; SS SP Gry | . concept of the cause of sciatica It was decided that the present ing iJ i is written by an eminent scientist ot Ch J : Twenty-five years ago, 42 executive would remain in office La who explains basic scientific phe- # Wigs % 2 i ey i | even nose [ecently, jhe Ai for the coming year. It was also SAFETY NOTE nomena in a way that even a i rir . gl : I oar a A the Tonner decided to offer the group's serv Cosmetics, especially for hair youngster, eight or ten, may un- ya ii hie " id bot irritated the sciatic ices to the Clerk of the Session coloring or waving, may contain derstand and verify for himself 4 4 ; id nerve constituted the principal to help in the nursery school ingredients harmful to children if by some simple experiments| §% , 5 I} couse of sciatica, was pooh Plans were made to have a they swallow them, so keep them hich are presented 4 poohed by members of other rummage sale on October 21, also out of reach of youngsters A number of fine: books wav Ay dg Ht professions. Today, although be found -in any good public A $A jay the word "chiropractic" might: hibrary of each experiment that 3 #0 a @ no Spear, 8 chiropractic ox elementary children can perform oy s a pe i ll gion lo using equipment at little or no 4 ] En y 7, tic literature. 7 Members will work on article for the bazaar during the summer dry, fill. in cracks and apply thin | cost $ we TV programs give rich 4 CH y 4 4 / And, what could be more scientific information and explan- ars : fogicart The lowey back io . ; +4 | requently straine A ¥ on of basic scientific principles fs, { q my achin' back' has become a within the interest and wunder- 4 > y + Fi 2 : \ \ by-word. ; to) standing of childrex of high 3 / 4 ; y 1 ) The. shinol-_ nerves. which school and the upper grades, even N - Z enter into the formotion of thie 4 sciatic nerve have their origin obvious that scientific interest ow . 3 i i in the spinal cord and pass can be stimulated in children, Ta, Sh, EERE ; | EY Shraugh openings po een the and scientific-mindedness encour- 04s LI $ 4 z ; if bony segments of the spina aged IB k ih : column. In sacroiliac strains, BONELESS -- FULL SLICE |] as well as lumbo-sacral and However, children may get the other lower. spine strains the . glamor without the scientific prin-| § y wx y distortions are frequently of ciples. They may fail to appreci-|] E 1 ich b. & . such nature as to irritate and ate the patient, careful, hard p ig | C set up inflamation in the work by the scientist in making y 4 i Ib sciatic nerve and cause pain his discoveries, They may sup- , a throughout the length of the pose any course in science is full b sciatic nerve of glamor until they are faced . . BONELESS, SOLID MEAT I € : I . with the mental toil needed for 3 4 hh . bo e hs learning the basic scientific skills, 1S [4 vy for a Crt OD -- as when they tackle a high school cs ill > % il . |] ination to determine the extent or college course in biology, phys-| of the lower back displacements ics or chemistry $ ga . A SEA SEALD that might be the only causa- i . er ie i 4A on I] tive factors and thten tot have STIMULATE CURIOSITY 25 2 || chiropractic correction of those Too often in the fier grades Hb pkg [4 |} displacements the child sees demahstrations, or hy v " 3 vipa i of some younger children, It is Pres Cr SR oh is led to do experiments, without While always sympathetic deriving casual relations. While toward persons who suffer it's fine for teachers and parents IMPORTED, NO. 1 GRADE from sciatica, the chiropractic to stimulate the child early in AY 4 |] profession is proud of its record observing things and phenomena a h a of recovering people from this in nature, they also need, as -~ 5 ! Ra YELLOW FLESH quart box ¢ affliction and happy in the early as possible, to arouse the ¢ & vad { thought that it has brought | child's curiosity in the "Why", in " a s comfort and new happiness to seeking to find the causes and BR f these people TO LIVE IN BOWMANVILLE | scasrcosrow | CLEVER CO-ORDINATES RET One fal series of articles pub. ' Vv ; fabric ue , " ished in the public interest to Pictured after their mar- | the bride is the daughter of Mr. | Clasping of hands was part of Colton knit is the fabric used | tle coat features a gilt bution U [ 8 a rkets |] explain 'and illustrate the practice riage recently in a double- | and Mrs. Hatcher Foster of the ancient Hindu marriage cere- for these co-ordinates that are | closing, short sleeves and a of scientific chiropractic, by Ronald ring ceremony at Kendal Unit- | Kendal and the bridegroém is pictured as a two-piece dress. | ¢ neckline. It is piped in a bh 19 doctor ad Shifpractic, "Ing cere ye iB ry LE an sciial ractiv " 'a o ade & office is local a ed Church are Mr. and Mrs, | th son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil brid apd ; en af They are equally Rit active contrasting shade Below is a SY AaP MEANS DEPENDABILITY King Street East (Ploze Theatre Robert Russell Carruthers. For- | fred Carruthers: of Bowman- ° 1anged han as. a of when mixed-malches vith | slender. skoirt to match the Building), telephone RA 8.5156 merly MissaPatsy June Foster, | ville, | friendship. | other tops and skirts, The Lt- | jacket By TRACY ADRIAN. mony, and the early Romans ex

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