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The Oshawa Times, 6 Jul 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 6, 1960 § HITRY Vote Of Confidence Waits Sentence __™ === =n vee WHITBY and DI STRICT Follows Complaint False Prefensesis = ou init im iiass ue bn toe : ice: s Mc {kept the remainder. The state-|of film. Another cheque for $40 'Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Donald James McDonald, 17, of : Another heave for $0 | Tel. MO. 8-3703| In a rare move, Whitby coun- Cole was the only firm we knew|14 Silver St., Bowmanville, has nea Joe op TR Shed a Sashes y pL a i an Tuesday ni 3 3 hi i i been remanded in custody for one i lei! on Tuesday night gave a vote|of which had a price list. If other for sentence on three| same store but had been advised lof confidence to a special com- companies would do the same week : ; ; mitiee which accepted tendersithey would stand a better|charges of * false pretences in- by Je Clark that they no longer} {for furniture for the new town chance." volving a total of $105. McDonald eas Be a $45 was cashedi 4 |hall. The vote of confidence came| Councillor William Davidson | Pleaded pay Ha Fue' three q ' $ | |after discussion, at two success-|qaid that he thought the commit: fa ooo Roce NV agsira i20, i $ {Ebbs in Whitby police court on) | i | Mana~er: Lloyd Robertson Family Monuments live meetings, of a letter from a tee had made the selections in a 5 I ERE : Hei 2 1 T . " . (Whitby furniture dealer objecting incere manner but he said that| uesyay. Sgt. Gerald Robinson, of) DON'T FORGET io fue furnizire purchase, he would quarrel with the com-|ine Whithy Police Dept., said thatl] THE KINSMAN'S oF Cregtea To / Two w i adopt BBE, nividuo o weeks ago, council adopl-piice. awarding the contract 0/he had questioned McDonald and CARNIVAL Reauirements ed a report of the property com-/an out-of-town firm to saves had received a statement. In the Joi se Ht Rew furglinee, ap of hundred dollars statement, McDonald said that he at $7000, be purciasec Deputy - reeve Warren Mowai had written a cheque out for $20 STAFFORD BROS. | Press and Walmsley and Magill |, ggested that some impartial payable to himself, at his home| CENTENNIAL PARK M tol Worle {Objecting to the Jeisiag of the 5 testing organization could advise{in Bowmanville, then came by WHITBY onumenta orks [contracts was ais ousseau, Ol 0 town whether or not they had bus to Whitby and cashed it at] JULY 12th % 16th 318 Dundes East May ss iy 2 shell Rous made a wise purchase Ra T = MO 8-3552 |seau complained that the quality] 'We spent until 12:30 one night ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS|] Come and have fun of the furniture purchased did not Settling this matier m commit: ON PAGE 18 Imeet the standards of the furni-|iee."" said. Mayor Stanley Martin, |---------------- a ture he had offered in his tender,| We toured the manufacturing He said that the supplier of the|Piant and saw the furniture being furniture purchased manufac. Made. The chairs have a lifetime tures all or the greater portion guaraniee. Whai more are Wei. "ya Jost The committee of it in the U.S. and he further supposed to do?" * then reported no progress and in suggested that council should] "Nearly $10,000 has been saved faot no report. have given greater consideration by doing it this way," he said.) «p am disappointed that some : to local dealers in letting the con- *'It is an asinine suggestion thal| embers did not see fit to take F JACK tract, Walmsley and Magill are after the tenders have been ac- ih. definite %stand in open council ¥ in Oshawa firm but Carlyle cepted that we go and ask an un- that they took in committee," TURN ER Press is a Whitby firm, biased opinion on which is better commented His Worship, as he] Councillor Paul Coath, after And that is exactly what is being resumed the chair . council went into a committee of suggested." On Tuesday evening, Deputy- : SAYS: the whole on the letter, said that I don't blame Mr. Rousseau yeeve Warren Mowat moved the council sShould mot discuss the for claiming his furniture is bet-'; (ier from Rousseau be filed and Rousseau letter without hearing ter said His Worship, "he would (na committee be given a vote of the opinion of the other bidders. be a poor agent if he did nol. . .eid6.6 This motion passed in| ing of further discussion," Councillor Davidson. The motion by Councillor Hast- | Reeve Everett Quantrill said But I am not the least bit em: on council "wy . 3 that the committee had exam-| barrassed. SR : . Y ' . ' at ined the furniture in detail and) Councillor George Brooks said our vaca 10M S Its wit, pe bed § i it had been purchased subject to that the letter claimed the new £14 " {the personal approval of the (urniture is made in the U.S. anc SOFTBALL . al v 4 mayor, clerk; chairman of prop-|ciaimed that he did not know qulc CASH from ' 3 : | E74 "7 |erty and the engineer whether it is or not GAME . . . : | Councillor Joyce Burns, whose| Councillor Robert Hastings said Il DE SUMMER DAY CAMP OPENS | property committee had made|that he had been on the commit- TONITE 5 CITIZENS" the selection from the tenders tee and Rousseau had received a rs For the past street, caters for over 60 girls | cially opened on Tuesday morn- | and Mrs. R G. Langtord, He | submitted, said that she did notlgreat deal of consideration, But, SE ; 5 / is desig i / Mayor Stan Martin a originator of the camp. deat rink the Cole firm, who manu- he said, better combinations were | f- > ' "In my job as Customer Relations Viscount Greenwood Chapters § and 50 boys and is designed to | ing by Mayor Stan Martin and aD a | firm, @ said, better eon HS We 4 y | In ner Relations Counsellor for of the IODE have organized a { give them healthy entertain- = executive members of the are Be Joa Calder 16 factures he Yurpjue: oul te Oifered BY lhe Stes WAO Teutives 4 . ] Citizens, 1 soe many families who appreciate extra help a i a store Kahiin. ge, 1; -alder, 19, happy to hear the letter. She the contrac ; - / ! | of vacat hs ' h day camp for the young girls | ment during July. They are IODE Chapters. Standing left | Marg weedy, 17, and Sus Rey- [iq that the committee had been ture is not made in Canada, hel] gd oer. 4 I im Spahees. Citizens is pleased to offer quick, and boys of the community guided by a director and four to right are Mrs, J. C. M. Kirk, | nolds, 17. advised that 70 per cent of the|said, the supplier has misrepre-| <0 . tod y oan service to everyone, Call us or The day camp, on DiHillier { counsellors. The camp was offi- | camp director, Mayor Martin, | ,--Oshawa Times Photo (coie" furniture is made in Can-|sented himself to council. Hel me in today. You'll be agreeably surprised at the RR SR ada and she had, with other moved that Rousseau be asked to Oshawa Merchants - oc amange Ioans of $50 to $2500 at terms to suit our budge! * LJ LJ i Imembers of committee, toured offer proof that the furniture is n WHITBY the Cole plant in Toronto and ob- made in the U.S vs. Olul 1C1 alin al oS served furniture in process of "Unless all the boxes were ABNER'S ESSO { manufacture empty and the pieces on the con- 1 Whitby Plaza, Whit MO 8.582% ° DAY-BY-DAY "I thought we had done a good|veyor belts were dummies, it is| (WHITBY) ITIZENS Open 9 AM 1c 5 PM Mon thru Thurs job," she said, "and I don't see made in Canada," said Mrs, % 0 ri ol 9 i - | x de hawa, Ajax, Pickering nser vation S tand iD how we can change it now that|Burns 8:30 P.M. ot FINANCE oomph A James Maguire, 57, of 317 Dun- we have awarded the tenders. "I can see nothing good com- CENTENNIAL PARK . An attempt to put Whitby back, giervation until changes are mide. Burns asked that Mr. Winter be 10p street west, Whitby, was WHITBY Loan Offices in all Principal Cities as an active member of the Cen- lie said that as the law now commended for the work he had Tuesday fined $10 and costs or | tral Lake Ontario Conservation §tands, council has no protection. done for CLOCA, both manually 10 days each on charges of being Authority sgely by 5 Be Councillor George Brooks sid and mentally ; i intoxicated and having liquor in motion passed last month, failed phat he was not in favor of the] Deputy-reeve Warren owat % SA ; E KIND TO ANIMALS Brantford, wt Ked that all inv h o nil ie hat : 4 ih rey 3 . a place other than his residence B N ANIM | Brantfor who askec at on Tuesday night and council on g,ay the authority is operating. wondered if Mr. Winters could be PC Fred Baker, of the Whitby Following a request by the On- municipalities honor their senior fl co its sta at > 83 ths ap av be s BRED. i " . Side Prey a' split vote kept it and that| gle said that there may be Spots persuaded to change his mind Police Dept told Magistrate tario Society for the Prevention citizens with a senior citizens they would not support the py Ontario where conservation iS| He said that he may have resign- F. S. Ebbs in Whitby police court of Cruelty to Animals, the week week . CLOCK TH) hist oiag 2 gat io no -- !led in a moment of haste. Coun-|;;'i he had found the accused of Oct. 3 to 9 will be declared Be Yeca on 4 sive p *ipali- ¥ i that t 1g, y % . HRY s L a of : or FE 'E 3 0) amended to give the municipali-| gppeared that the biggest degree cillor Robert Hastings said that asieep on Mary street, on July 2, Kind to Animals Week in Whit- OFFER SILVER TROWEL ties more control over 'the au-| of conservation was machinery pe nterpreted Mr Winter's hy . 3 arts The silver trowel used in lay- i ; 3 inter I 5 Po by by Mayor Stanley Martin. The : z thority. Also during the meeting,| set up by. the Ontario ZOVern-|resionation as meaning that he ". 2 part bottle of wine under-| o ruest was' atsthis week's ing the cornerstone of the On- Aon : __ neath him y ; gs council accepted with regret the| yent to build parks for the On- was not prepared fo go along | council yas Tuag dis: tario County building in 1853 has " resighation of one of lis repre yiyrio government with council's policy on conserva- FINE UNCLE, NEPHEW id Sete | been offered by Composite Lodge SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY sentatives, J. Harvey Winter. In the north, he said, are sand tion, : siberian JOINT DEPARTMENTS {AF and AM to be used to lay i 1 Coath intro- . salvaged by| Se A Patrick McGann, 16, of 1010| The committe rotection to|the cornerstone of the new town | 3 a that council i 108 Which Sud De Mayor Martin put the motion Byron street north, Whithy, was Mldipn a study a|hall in Whitby. The offer, od BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT " ne |to accept the resignation and it fined $10 nd costs when he resolution - from Peterborough | cepted by council, came in a let-| WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. reverse an earlier stand. He said jx >come parks. Ireohel te cor. ! hat council's action at that time, | 3 h te : p pleaded guilty to being intoxi- asking that the statutes, be ter from the lodge. - in withdrawing its support of the|, Tey pry Te sip voted to accept the resigna- cated on April 30. His uncle, Rus- amended to permit combined ad-| FFERS UE Current Range of Products include: CLOCA was a retrogressive step.| on ervation but did object to the| y it sell Walker, 113 Brock street|ministration of police and fire de- OFFERS PLAQU He said that it had had unsatis-| | "0c the 123 acres proposed as| If he sees fit to resign," he north, was fined $50 and costs or| partments. A copy of the resolu-| 'Ronald Armstrong, 305 John St. ® SEPTIC TANKS ® CURBING factory repercussions in that two! , park site. "They wanted a defi- said, "I am not going to defy his one month for supplying liquor| tion will also be sent to the Whit-| W., has offered to supply the new ° DURA STEPS ® WALK S ABS members have resigned. Mem-| so on wer? he said, "and they| Wishes. I can only reiterate that to a minor. Both appeared be-/by Police Commission {town hall with a wooden plaque, | L bers of the CLOCA executive who Zot one." dd 4 : pounills Tepreseistives on these fore Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in VIGHTHOUSE FATE beanng the town's Seal of i ® RAILINGS ® WELL TILE t wi ouncil on June 23, he ; x boards are exactly that." Whitby police court on. Tuesday. | x SE FATE n a letter to council he said tha oy HS comme) when the| Reeve Everett Quantrill said y ir y. | The property committee will{he would commission Whitby ar- ® PATIO SLABS ® CHIMNEY CAPS motion passed that he still supported council's follow up a Chamber of Com-|tist Claude Taft to execute the He said something should be: bune motion. He Said that as the| so merce request that something be plague. The offer will be discuss done right now about the situa-|' £1.00 Is now Sstalllished: tree! " ek a p done to preserve the 125-year-old ed by council at another meeting. | tion. Council, he said, should get small sections of the authority] PIP, WHITBY. |lighthouse, now . resting on one . i h ho the Ontario Legislature to| can outvote the larger ones. He} 7: =~ | side in" the harbor. Councillor] BU 8 LINES APPLICATION | e get more autonomy for munici-| 2sked for representation ad ov {William Davidson told the coun-| Chairman of the application | palities. sy population or assessment | : 4 lcil that the building is the prop- bg Councillor Foul Coat 3 | y f£ Vhitby yacht , r or" at S yas Councillor Harry Inkpen said | PLEASURE PARK 2 j erty of the Whitby Ys h Club, on a wal SPECIALISTS IN that he, too, felt that council took Sedides. te said. the govern {and they are now waiting for AS IN s t y es y 1 , the 2 . 2 wrong step. He said that he 1 hent representative had made it bus service. He said that one! CUSTOM PREC T G ter Church to establish a town| had spent a day recently at the a na, : v servation Author- ¢ fear that this scheme was for a Bv y Y BLAIR | SR. CITIZEN WEEK meeting has been held with H ree sa "it is the | Reasure park. Other land could y GERR LAI Mayor Stanley' Martin will|Church and a future meeting Ph. OLiver 5-3311 3 for conservation pur- study and report on a request would be held before any report | property on which to locate it. sort of place Canadians should bel » used ; ; i ue ii J you « aYie to go 874 see sn enjoy Ary Se ud phe glo > The first rpajor announcement of the Whitby fom ald. 'Herman Hozgle, gi/is made to sonnel), TOO SEVERE swimming pool. Dunlops was made today by general manager Wren | » "I agree we should have more "'Conservation for pleasure --| Blair, that being the appointment of Gar Peters as D M G h control over CLOCA" he said, ip" he said 3 bench coach of the 1960-61 edition of the "Dunnies". | onna darie Id am but we should have done it an-| Councillor Burns said that This . the fir 4 the h . +3 other way. To withdraw was ae ery year council is approached| is marks the first time in the history of the club, . little too severe." byr organizations seeking money|.. 'hat such a capacity has been employed on the Dunlops. I S B d Councillor Joyce Burns, Coun-|sp pleasure purposes, of the ac-| Up until this year, playing-coaches were engaged by | S ummer I'l e | cil's other representative. on. type Manager Blair, Gar playe: ith hawa Ge 1 f CLOCA, said that she had no *What is the 0 E 1ager B . G played w the Oshawa Generals Many out of town guests at-|feta with a pink satin sash,| objection to council petitioning). nding money for at the beginning of their successful era, in the early |tended the marriage of Miss matching hat and shoes and she| the legislature to, have changes)... ion" ghe asked. * 5 3 40's. He was a member of two successive Memorial [Donna Marie Graham which took | « ed a nosegay of rose and made but she yirfed Sonucl to! cam not play baseball or skate." | Cup winners at that time. We hope to interview Gar [place on Saturday, July 2, at 2.30 white carnations i % - " ag! ( t g J p : | St 'sU 'hure! . ® " " still stay in CLOCA Tiles A! Does council plan the CLOCA| this week regarding his personal experiences, memories PM: at St. Paul's United Church,| Mr, Robert Brimbecom acted : Whitby and Bowmanville hav ely "46 nothing now until the and other informaton pertaining to his Rev. a3sec Ajax, to Mr. James Alan Bentley. as best man, the ushers were withdrawn, she said, the munici-|, 0 "20 0 oi" che asked nd oth 'on pertaining to his hockey assoCi- RlThe bride is the daughter of Mr.| Mr. Walter Hird and Mr. Robert | pality which led the dispute ha e 'added that every conserva ations and they will likely appear here on Thursday |and Mrs. Milton R. Graham, of Bentley | done poping js Qramstie BE that tion authority in the province is evening. Gar has many memorable events to recall, |Whitby, and the beidegroom S| For the reception held at st.| av p artin said that{" © in i 8 : é 's. Jack 2 's Ul : OE ne er planing a park similar to, so it should prove interesting {fie Son * Mm 2] Vis Tack A.|paul's United Church the bride's 5 ) ; hn '| CIK)CA'S scheme 1 [oente, IC ng mother received wearing a sheath fi an William Owens'| ~.% - % Sg : C g a she former Chairman a }3or motion to rescind the "ed O'Connor will gssist Gar in. the coaching d | Rev. T. Rex Norman officiated | dress of cinnamon peau de soie letter. illor B uggested that|e@ ier resolution failed, with) al : 35518 i he coaching de- (af fhe ceremony and the wed- with a lace overskirt and match-| Conn) or aerial a 5 only Mr.. Burns, and Councillors] Partment, thus giving him more opportunity to come |ding music was played by Miss|ing accessories and wore a cor-| 2 portion to Cl OCA be res- Inkpen and Coath supporting it centrate this season on his hockey abilities, of wifich |Clarissa Edwards who -accom-| sige of Talisman roses. She was| withdraw tld Co incillor Coat} served h Te . . . ib Sn ¥ panied the soloist, Mrs. Jean assisted by th brid: rel cinded and replaced w Coun Co incillor Coath then serve e (Ted) has many to contribute to the club, The 03 e bridegroom's | cil is in favor of nservation|notic e that he will introduce al hiring of Peters as coach became necessary when the Sevels gid gp Sse a sheall fess tot i avor "he: ' tion at a later meeting asking : 1 = : : : The bride, given in marriage of peach peau de soie and lace, | but not in favor of Scheme 1 mol a i g g Stam hE " ob - Ohirae # i; : ; She was advised that the whole the iclerk to send a letter to the Boston Brine Signed Wren Blair 10.2 contrac) 85 iy ber father, wore a gown of) With white accessories and a cor | motion would have to be rescind-| legislature asking that the sta-| Manager and coach of the Kingston Frontenacs of the | white silk organza "over satin sage of pink roses and stephano- | ed and this she moved tutes be amended as soon as pos-| EPHL for the next three seasons. Up until this year, [with an Spire bodies and Sead tis. SUMMER SHOES Councillor William Davidson Sith, 1 Wren handled the club from the bench for the majority pearls Sure Se genply sal For eis Wedding i Jo Oi. claimed that council's motion did A letter of resignation from J.| t ihe ia iy g Tt : : Sain a d nec a, Neo J as|wa ontreal and nited States| : of the games, this now will be handled by Gar Peters, appliqued on the long sleeved|the bride donned a white lace! not state that council was not in/Hai vey Winter, the town's rep- ae , Ie s 3 ap 3 favor of conservation but rather resiuwative on CLOCA, was ac- He and Wren will be in constant contact with each [bodice and also along the edge of (over pink satin sheath dress and neil did not support con-'cept®d with regret. Councillor] other by telephone in regards to the problems at hand. [the billowing skirt which fell into| matching duster with pink hat ' that council Dr ¥ | 1 A 4 0 selon dite ddd lou lini kind ------------| Tt should prove to be an interesting year for the |& chapel train. Two long satinjand white shoes and bag and a Whitby, Oshawa and district fans with the possibility streamers caught by a double|corsage of pink and white carna- 0 : |satin bow fell to the end of theltions f WHITBY of new "blood" coming into the OHA Senior "A" [chapel train. Her veil was held] On their return the couple will - | league, possibly Galt and Welland. Kitchener Dutch- |by a crown of seed pearls and reside in Whithy, | ¥ Phone MO 8-3618 men, although informing league officials of their [She carried a cascade of pink ' LAST TIME . o :2 intentions to operate, have a serious problem to con- | roses, stephanotis and ivy. | t r Y Cs Evening Shows at 6:55 and 8:25 § | Matron of honor, Mrs. Nadean | u Y u Y TODAY Last Complete Show at 8:25 tend with. The New York Rangers organization have |ponald. wore white embroidered | HE TOOK J entered a Kitchener club into the Eastern Professional {nylon over pink taffeta with pink| ANOTHER 7 Don't Miss ! Hockey League, having switched their Three Rivers [picture hat and shoes. She car-| " / franchise to the Twin City. Ob sl al liffic < Tried a bouquet of roses and white| . . MAN'S NAVE / n City. Obviously many difficulties (763 8 bol DON'T DELAY, 2, Special Sale of Air Step Summer Styles -------- : oilIVED #1-G-M presents his NEW hit | would arise should two major clubs operate in the Bridesmaids were Miss Norah| ANOTHER 4 | same city. Our guess is the Kitchener Senior club will [Wood and Miss Margaret Gra-| IT NEVER PAYS | QO; MAN'S LIFE ALEC GUINNESS i~ Switch their players to Galt, but only time will tell |ham, sister of the bride. They Pp z h, 7 00 t © 54 .. LOVED | ? : lwore blue embroidered nylon| ATR BY ME : 7 LJ [ «] ® 5 ; T% real answer, | ~-- / ANOTHER 7 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER he real answer over blue crysialette with match-| 4 NARROW AND MEDIUM WIDTHS IN THIS GROUP IN AN AMAZING DUAL ROL £ ; wired Rats a andl ' $ ~: y AW YRy 3 ing picture hats and shoes, and os k 5 ' The SCAPEGOAT TOWN AND COUNTRY . .e Whitby Red Wings re- a Nek ES white ibn] | / . VALUES UP TO 15.95 we Gi wh 1 | ceived a helping hand from the St. Catharines Ath- [tions. {17 a 18 Nant Miss Sandra Willson, cousin of / DAPHNE OU Mn | letics, when they defeated the Brampton Excelsiors, the brid as flower gir] wear 7 7-5 on Saturday night, to prevents the Excelsiors from line iii a 3 1 ; | VACATION LUGGAGE--McBRINE TRAVELGARD overtaking the Wings presently in first place in the |---------- Rohe fied OLA Junior "A" lacrosse circuit. Whitby Red Wings | | a & | host the Fergus Thistles on Thursday night starting Cuban Ambassador | UP TO 259, OFF PLUS--SECIOND FEATURE at 8:30 p.m . . Dave Nicholishen last year with | . | JL warrine | Whitby Hillcrests just recently returned from a prom- To U.S. Resigns ising trial at the Toronto Argonaut rookie camp. He | gavANA (AP)--Jose Miro Car- NCE " will line up again this season with the Oshawa Imps |dona, Cuba's ambassador desig- football club. We asked him about his hockey plans [nate to the United States, has for the coming season, but at the moment he's un- (resigned and taken asylum in.the| gi RADIO-TYV 119 BROCK ST. WHITBY MO 8-3476 decided. He hinted that he would like a trial with the Argentive i npassys Yblomarie " Whitby Dunlops, with whom he played two games last {his formal resignation in a letter APPLIANCES { OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. season, and gave a very ereditable showing. lto President Osvaldo Dorticos. | WABI ILAT TIE B82 : PR

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