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The Oshawa Times, 7 Jul 1960, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT lat the Whitby District High ers, Paul; Seymour, Carley. Examination Results Whitby High School PASS Agg, Bonnie; Alves, Alexander; Andrews, Nancy; Ashby, George; Augustus, John; Batten, Ross; Bell, John; Bloye, James; Bor- chuk, Linda; Bradley, Sharon; Bradley, Walter; Bremner, Ronald; Bronsema, Berend; Cornish, James; Daniel, Following are the promotions| Ross, Esther; Senko, Joan; Sev- Sheahan, Gayle; Shewan, {Susan; Smith, Sharyn; Spellen, FROM GRADE 9 TO GRADE 10|John; Spencer, John; Stone- HONORS house, Dixie; Stringham, Jeffery; Herder, Charles 92.2 per cent;|Sweigard, Marlene; Sytnyk, Ron- Nielsen, Marion 91.9 per cent; ald; Townson, Gordon. Eggert, Michael 90.7 per cent;| Vipond, Heather; Vokoun, Jil- S. e € Mitchell, Ruth 88.2 per cent;|lian; Weales, Sandra; Weaver, | Robert; 'Dennis, William; Dill- Schilling, Susann 87.4 per cent.|Margaret; Wick, Franklin; Wil-(ing, Bonnie; Dryden, Helen; Ed- Vanderhorst, John 83.0 per liams, Bronwen; Zayette, Ken-\wards, Rebecca; Fairman, Jean; cent; Evans, Stuart 82.2 per cent; |neth. | Fairman, Joan; Fallow, Margar- Glanfield, Susan 81.1 per cent;|FROM GRADE 10 TO GRADE 11 et; Felis, Roy; Bates, Malcolm 80.6 per cent; HONORS Fluke, Stephen; Gaudaur, Roy; Burton, Clarence and Gibson,| MacRae, Linda 87.1 per cent,|George, Mary; Gibson, Frances; Ross and Goode Barry (equal) Terlecki, Japhia 86.6 per cent; |Graham, Dianne; Graham, Mar- 80.4 per cent; Steffler, Francis coutts, Margaret and Cuddy. garet; Grander, Helga; Gray, 79.7 per cent. |Mary Louise (equal) 84.9 per|Michael; Gray, Sally; Green, Kostiuck, Robert and Hender-| cent, Gayle; Gross, Karl; ; son, Lynn (equal) 79.6 per cenl;| gay Eleanore and Orton, Rob-| Halton, Allan; Harding, Nancy; Bell, Sandra 79.0 per cent; Gif-| (equal) 84.3 per cent; Smith,| Heron, Faye; Hoag, David; fin, Iris and Robinson, Maryloyeryl 83.5 per cent; Stevens Holyk, Carole; Horack, Beverley; Lou (equal) 78.8 per cent; Rezel-| =. c anls ile |Hottot, Donald; Ing, Robert; A nt. Diane 81.5 per cent; Wills, , 4 man, Ruth 786 per cent; no "ig ter cent: Hall, Wil |Irvine, Douglas; Jack, David; O'Hagan, Daniel 78.1 per cent; feather 40.9 pe ' ' | Jack, Dorothy: Jones, Pamela: Lindsey, Scott 78.0 per cent. {fam 78.6 per cent, | Kahn, Catherine; Kollaard, Hartman, Lynda and Seto, Lin.| Winacott, Edward 78.4 per George; da (equal) 77.3 per cent; Spen-(ccat; Underwood, Jo-Anne 783| gi weranc Bernard: Lajoie, cer, Nancy 77.1 per cent; Lague, per cent; Burton, Marilyn and|yoan. vamp Rodney; Lee, Gor- Dale 76.9 per cent; Muck]le,|Steffler, Teresa (equal) 78.0 per gon.' McAdam, Raiph: McClel- David 76.7 per cent; Bloye, Pat-|cent; Arnold, Frederick 77.9 Peri 1and. James: McMahon Karen: ricia 76.6 per cent; Cross, David) cent; Hodowanski, Victor 77.6 per Mace, Madeline; Mackey, Ro- 76.2 per cent; Curl, Lucille and cent. |land; Menzel, Uta; Miller, John; School from Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 7, 1960 § Councillor Would Veto Metro Move One member of Whitby council|{their aims and I would like a has brought in a motion which thorough and complete study in fact asks the applications/made of the purposes of this in- committee to make certain that|formation on our pl no information will be released| "J don't think this is an insidu- by the town which will enable|ous scheme to suck us into, metro," said Councillor Paul Coath, p Mayor Stanley Martin said that nized or considered a area. -The motion to have the applica. tions committee study the pur- poses to which the information - may be put was passed by coun cl lanning Association which is not recog planning anyone to lay the fi ions for a metro system of government which would include Whitby, Councillor George Brooks said that he had no use for any metro system of government which would include Whitby. Following notice of motion served two weeks ago, Councillor Brooks moved that a resolution of council on June 20 be rescind- ed and the letter from the Plan- ning Board be referred to the applications committee for study and a report. The resolution of June 20 had dealt with a letter from the planning board asking council to authorize officials to release information or charts to the Regional Planning Associa- tion, and council had authorized | the engineer and others to co-| operate with the area consul | tant. "This is a serious matter," said Councillor Brooks, "it has | been thrown around by people in --- AT IN DINING AND ANNOUNCING INSTALLATION THE -- SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL BEVERAGE ROOMS Catering to Wedding Receptions and Ban- quets in our beautiful cool Banquet Room INDUCT ROTHRY PRESIDENT Handing over the speaker's hammer to the new Whitby Ro- tary Club president is past president Herb Cole, left, who | Moore was officially inducted into office. Handling the cere- mony were Rotarians Neil Mur- kar and Stu Roblin. | congratulates Terry Moore, In | an inauguration ceremony at | the Rotary Club's weekly | luncheon in 'the Whitby Arena | | auditorium President Terry Annual Field Day At Sinc Following are the results of the annual field day at Sinclair's School, SS 2, Whitby Twp. MIDGET GIRLS, GRADE 1 Dash Pamella Grylls, Sandra Hill, Susan Jay, Lindsay Mcintyre. Sack race -- Susan Jay, Wendy | Taylor, Barbara Brown, Three-legged race Hill and Lindsay McIntyre, Pam-| ella Grylls, Wendy Taylor, Susan Jay. Potato rate -- Susan Jay, Bar- bara Brown Erika Marlikowski. Running broad jump -- Erika Sandra|yonty Taylor and Lloyd Cullen Barbara Brown, ajan Arksey. lair's School Greer and Peter Makowchik,|GRADE 4 Monty Taylor and Lloyd Cullen. Dash -- Bobby Ashby, Reuben Potato race -- Danny Greer, |Ferlicki, Jimmy Green Monty Taylor, Peter Makowchik.| Sack race Bobby Running broad jump -- Danny Frank Jay, Randy Miller. Greer, Three - legged race -- Reuben Shoe scramble -- Peter Makow-| Terlick and Frank Jay, Randy chik, Lloyd Cullen, Danny Greer. Miller and Bobby Ashby, Wayne Wheelbarrow race Danny | Faulkner and Jimmy Green. | Greer and Peter Makowchik, | Potato race -- Peter McIntyre, | Frank Jay, Wayne Faulkner. | Brown, Running broad jump -- Bobby Ashby Ashby, | Champions: Patsy Shoe scramble--Reuben Ter-| lecki, Frank Jay, Peter McIntyre| Champions--Judy Ashby, Billy| Arnold, Susan Brault. Suddard. nt GR. 3, INTERMEDIATE Dash -- Ruth Bryant, GIRLS Wendy Marlikowski. Shoe Scramble -- Lindsay Me-| Intyre, Pamella Grylls, Pat Faw- cett. Wheelbarrow race -- Barbara Brown and Pamella Grylls, Wendy Tayler and Susan Jay, Pat Fawcett, ec MIDGET BOYS Miller, Eric Bryant. Sack race -- David Guest, Gary Miller, Eric Bryant. Three - legged race Bryant and Allan Arksey, David Guest and John Hoar, Gary Mil- ler, { Potato race -- Allan Arksey,| Gary Miller, David Guest. | Running Broad Jump -- Allan| Arksey. Shoe Scramble -- Eric Bryant, Allan Arksey, David Guest. Wheelbarrow race Eric| Bryant and Allan Arksey, Gary| Miller, David Guest and John| Hoar. JUNIOR GIRLS Dash -- Yaga Syzmazak, Bar-| bara Bryant, Patsy Brown. Sack race -- Patsy Brown, Devorah Taylor, Rose Beyen. Three - legged race -- Devorah Taylor and Patsy Brown, Sandra Miller and Marilyn Brisco, Rose| Beyen and Clarene Bell, ! Potato race -- Patsy Brown, | Devorah Taylor, Yaga Syz-| mazak. | Running broad jump -- Rose] Beyen, Shoe scramble -- Devorah Tay- lor, Mariiyn Brisco, Rose Beyen. Wheelbarrow race Sandra Miller and Marilyn Brisco, Devorah Taylor and Patsy Brown, Yaga Syzmazak and Angella Bell. JUNIOR BOYS ... ines Dash -- Peter Makowchik, Danny Greer, Monty Taylor. Sack race -- Peter Makowchik, | Danny Greer, Monty Taylor, | Three - legged race -- Danny' Eric| |] hik, D C hlin, Wend; | Bryant, Margaret Wigston. Dash -- Allan Arksey, Gary Sik, Depiie Melaug on yi Sack race -- Helen Makow- 12 YEARS OLD chik, Wendy Arnold, Debbie Me-| Three-legged -- Lorraine Bry-| Laughlin, . |ant, Margaret Wigston, Wendy Three - legged race -- Susan Dart, Karen Andrews. Brault and Debbie McLaughlin, Slow bicycle -- Lorraine Bry- Wendy Arnold and Ruth Bryant,|ant, Margaret Wigston, Wendy Patsy Turk and Helen Makow-| Dart. hik. Catch and throw -- Wendy Potato race -- Helen Makow-|Dart, Karen Andrews, Lorraine Shoe kick -- Margaret Wigston, i -- Susan Karen Andrews, Lorraine Bryant. Bo ig Word, Jum isan Running broad -- Wendy Dart, Shoe seramble -- Helen Mak- | Lorraine Bryant, Margaret Wig- rehi | ston, pweblk, Joyce Crawforth, Susan|®"c yard dash -- Wendy Dart, Wheelbarrow rate Lorraine Bryant, Karen Andrews, N Margaret Wigston. Arnold and Ruth Bryant. Hop race -- Wendy Dart, Lor- GRADE 4 raine Bryant. Dash -- Judy Hartman. High jump--Wendy Dart, Mar-| Sack race -- Judy Ashby, Judy garet Wigston, Lorraine Bryant. Hartman, Rosann Faulkner. GIRLS, 13 AND 14 | Three - legged race -- Judy| Shoe kick -- Sharon McQuar- Ashby 'and Judy Hartman, Gloria|rie, Karen Suddard, Karen Me-| Woodward and Rosann Faulkner,|Laughlin. | Heather Miller and Linda Mec-| 100 yard dash Anita Ver- Quarrie. faillie, Sharon McQuarrie, Karen Potato race -- Judy Hartman, Suddard. { Judy Ashby, Gloria Woodward. | High jump -- Anita Verfaillie,| Standing broad jump -- Judy| Karen McLaughlin, Sharon Mc-| Hartman, Judy Ashby, Rosann|Quarrie. Faulkner, Ball throw -- Karen Suddard,| Shoe scramble -- Judy Ashby, | Daine Parrott, Anita Verfaillie, [ | Judy Hartman, Rosann Faulkner. | Running broad -- Karen Me- Wheelbarrow race -- Judy Ash.| Laughlin, Anita Verfaillie, Daine| by and Judy Hartman, Gloria| "gi piovole _ Karen Suddard Woodward and Rosann Faulkner.|g,.on McLaughlin, Anita aa INTERMEDIATE BOYS, GR. 3 |faillie, Dash--Billy Sufldard, George| Three - legged race Anita Enling, Dennis Arksey. | Verfaillie and Diane Guest, Bar-| Sack Race--Peter Enling, Billy bara McQuarrie and Karen Sud-| Suddard, Jerry Morrison, |dard, Karen McLaughlin .and| 3-legged Race--Peter Enling Sharon McQuarrie, | and- Billy Suddard; Jerry Morri-| Catch and throw -- Anita Ver-| son and Dennis Arksey: Wayne faillie and Diane Guest, Karen| Hartwig and Andrew Brault. | Suddard, Diane Parrott and Bar- Potato Race -- Billy Suddard, Para McQuarrie. ! Peter Eenling, Jerry Morrison, |12-YEAR-OLD BOYS | Running broad jump -- Peter Ball throw -- Graham Zeisner, | Eenling. Bill Labanovich, Larry Ashby. | Shoe scramble--Jerry Morri-| 70 yard dash Bob er" Wendy son, Billy Suddard, Peter Eenling| arty Ashby, Graham Zeisner. Wheelbarrow race -- Peter Wheelbarrow -- Larry Ashby, Eenling and Billy Suddard, Jerry| Graham Zeisner, Bob Green, | Morrison and Dennis Arksey. | Danny Bell, Clare Fice, Bob] BROC Now Playing Last Sa Evening Shows at 7 and 8:30 \ CESARE DANOVA- JOANNA BARNES WL TES TED SOV, OR VIE ER AR WN ie CoMANCHE TRI STATION ham Zeisner, Larry Ashby. | Slow bike -- Graham Zeisner, Larry Ashby, Bob Green, f Three legged race Bill | Labanovich, Bobby Green, Larry Ashby, Graham Zeisner. | High jump -- Graham Zeisner, ------ | Morrison. Hop race -- Bob Green, Gra-| Phone MO 8-3618 Complete Show at 8:30 | McKenzie, Ross (equal) 75.8 per --Oshawa Times Photo (Bryant, Theresa. | tham, Gerald; Perry, Patricia; y! : r cent, cent; Scholten, Theodore 76.1 per| Aas) Thi AL cent; Fraser, Donna and Kivell, aslepp, ein; Abermann,|j le (equal) 76.0 per cent. Raivo; Agar, Gail; Archer, Mari. vie equal) 29 5 ve | lyn; Avis, Anne; Barker, Janis; | hy . | Barrell, Susan; Barrey, Paul. | Alexander, Geraldine; Alexan-| Barter, Shielah; Barton, Ron- der, Patricia; Batly, Gary; Bell, | ald: Bassett, Robert; Bedard, Dale: Bergstrom, Ingrid; Betty, | John: Bell, Bonar; Birch, Janet; Derek; Bilida, Gloria; Bradley, |Borg, Mary; Borg, Rita: Bow. David; Bremner, Suzanne; Cal-| |cott, Linda; Brownell, Audrey; der Joan. Campbell, Richard; Robert; Ciechano-| Clark, Ronald; John; Dalby, Arlen; Beryl; Davidson,| Burtinsky, Frances; Butler, W'¢% Michael; Christie, James; Coel- Coates, en, Alida; Como, Jean; Compton, |Dauncey, : Mary; Crawford, Brian; Craw-|David; De Groot, Adrie; Dennis, | tord, Rodney; Dair, Donald; Joyce; Doner, Brenda. ! Dalby, Bonnie; Deschenes, Duffhues, Bernadette; A ert. Audrey; Elliott, John; Fice,| Downey, George; Dyer, Marie; |Gary; Foote, Barbara; Galloway, Edgecombe, Colin; Elms, Mary; |Georgina; Gardner, Earl; Glen Evertsen, Evert; Fletcher, ney, Lois; Goldring, Peter; Gold-| Brian; Fox, Eleanor; Frith, Rob-|yin Thomas; Gray, Timothy; ert; Gardner, Frank; Gartshore Glen; Glennie, John; Goemans, | Peter. | Goodall, John; Goodchild, Law- rence; Gray, Anne; Green, Karen Rob- Harlow, Terence; Harris, Joan; {Harris, Wendy; Hawes, Cheryl | |Heron, William; Hewis, Sind y Civsantie Hill, Shirley; Holliday, Donna; Groen, Robert; Greenfield, Ju roliday, John; ~Hoogerdyke, Hachie, Donald: Hambly, Ar. Mary; Houston, David; Hunter, | thur; Harper, Donald; Henderson, Gordon; Jorden, Gerald; King,| Joan. | Susan. . : Hendren, Shirley; Heynemans, | Koenen, Gemma; Leman, Neil: Hickey, Evelyn: Hum.|David; Lick, Robert; Long, Doug: | phreys, Victor: Ing, Douglas; las; Lowe, Patricia; MacDonald, Inkpen, Martin; Jackson, Wil-|Reginald;, MacKay, Clayton; Mec- liam; Jeffreys, Richard; John- Donnell, Wilma; McGuire, Myna; ston, Robert: Kahn, Victoria;|Mcllwain, Anna Mary, Karssing, Ben: Knapp, Georgina;| Mcintyre, Katherine; McQuay, Kollaard, Lloyd; Korte, Betty; Donald; Mackey, Lillian; Martin, | Korte, Daniel. Robert; Maschke, Lloyd; Mat- Kortekaas, Agatha: Kortekaas,|thews, Richard; Mayall, Frank; Johanna; Lamb, Michael; Law-|Meader, David; Menzel, Kate; rence, David; Lawson, Peter; Le-|Metherel, Shirley, Von, Dennis; Liddle, Maureen;| Mitchell, Adelaide; Mitchell, Love, David; Luchka, Lubko;|Kenneth; Mitchell, Michael; Mor- Lunney, Richard; McDonnell, |gan, Karen; Mowat, Noel; Mun- Lloyd. roe, Robert; Oldham, Donna; McIntyre, Duncan; McQuarrie, | Ouellette, Isabel; Paplinski, Mar- Grant; Madill, Grant; Main, Jo-|Jene; Paterson, James; Powell, seph; Maschke, Vivian; Mason aine; Quan, William; R |{Roddis, Katherine; Saunders,| {ingham, ireen, Doris; Hambly, Wilfred. |. | authority in Oshawa on thoughts Mitchell, Donald: Newland, | of a metro form of government. Michael; Newton, Catherine; {I have no use for it. This informa- O'Donnell, Judith; Patterson,|lion now asked for could further] Eileen; Quail, Gary; Reardon, | William; Reynolds, Judith; Rich- ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS | ards, Gordon; ON PAGE 26 TENDER WANTED Tenders on stoker coal will be received by the undersigned not later than 12 o'clock noon on July 11th, 1960 for the season of 1960-1961 supply, by the Whitby Public School Board for their seven schools. Robertson, Janet; The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information contact Phone MO 8-3439 PR Margaret; Watson, Barry; Wil- lett, Gayle; Willoughby, Mary. Lynn; Maunder, Edward; May-| ock, Jolin; Merrick, Ralph; Met-| calfe, Terence; Miller, Douglas. Miller, Susan: Mitchell, Gary; Mitchell, James; Molyneaux, Thomas; Morison, Susan; Nes- bitt, Robert; Nichols, Roy; Nor- Robertson, Gail; Robertson, John; Rodman, Bruce; Roe, Bar- bara; Roper, Carolle; Ross, Wayne; Schnabel, Gundy; Scott, June; Shaw, Edith; Sheedy, Michael; Shewan, Gary; Smit. Kees; Smith, Carol; Stevens,| i . " 14. Dennis; Stevenson, Gail. prholad. Dian; Powel, Donalds PEI MSU, Shot, Koos: James; Roberts, Helen; Robert-| Stonehouse, Suzanne; Stuart, An: son, David: Roman, Beverley; drew; Suddard, Stanley; Switzer, ; (Richard; Thomson, David; Thorndyke, Edward; Townsend, | Bonnie. | Tutt, Bruce; Tweedy, Julia; a vy lv | Van Der Veen, Milton; Verriett, Wattr Henderson, Nell Xakels Noho ML, patna: we son, Neil Yakely, Deiter Merli- | bers Carolyn; Wensing, Johanna. kowki. | FROM GRADE 11 TO GRADE 12 Sack race -- Walter Henderson, | HONORS Neil Yakely, Edward Kulka. | Hamer, Kathryn, 87.3 per cent; Wheelbarrow -- Walter Hender-| McKnight, Helen, 86.7 per cent; son, Neil Yakely. |Cuddy, John, 85.0 per cent; Three - legged race -- Walter | Bradley, Curtis, 84.0 per cent; Henderson, Neil Yakely. Carman, Patrick, 82.9 per cent; Slow bicycle Neil Yakely, |Flim, Johanna, 81.1 per cent; Deiter Marlikowski, Edward|King, Elizabeth, 78.9 per cent; Kukla, | Campbell, Elaine, 78.2 per cent; Champions -- Judy Hartman, Price, Marion, 76.7 per cent; Walter Henderson. | Hermann, Carol, 76.2 per cent. Pogson, Larry. Hop race -- Walter Henderson, Neil Yakely, Edward Kulka. Shoe kick Edward Kukla SUMMER WONDERLAND SWIMMING POOL Bus leaves Whitby -- Opposite Legion Hall (Byron St.) Every Hour on the Hour (12:00 noon -- 6:00 p.m.) Leaves Pool Every Half Hour. CHILDREN 50¢ ADULTS 75¢ (Includes Swimming, Transportation and Park Privileges. Stops at Vigor Oil and Whitby Curling Club. OL 5-3375 | Bobby Green, Larry Ashby. Indian wrestling -- Danny Bell, | Bill Labanovich, Graham Zeisner | | Sack race Bobby Green, | turday Matinee 1:30 SET PR grey ey ut | Larry Ashby, Graham Zeisner. | 8 A NEW TARZAN | Running broad -- Graham Zeis- | in new exciting adventures! M2 ver, Bobby Green, Bill Labano- | VIC | Shoe kick -- Bobby Green, Bill | Lavanovich, Graham Zeisner. 13-YEAR-OLD BOYS | Running broad -- Bill Andrews, Murray Arksey. Robert Cornish, | 1 Hop race -- Cy Szymczak, Bill Andrews, Dennis Henderson. Shoe kick -- Cy Szymezak, | Robert Cornish, Dennie Hender- | son. | Wheelbarrow race -- Cy Szy- | mezak, Dennie- Henderson, Bill | Andrews, Murray Arksey, Paul | Cornish, George Eenling. | Slow bicycle -- Bill - Andrews, | | Cy Szymczak, Fred Ostertag. Sack race--Paul Cornish, Rob- | ert Cornish, Cy Szymczak. | Three-legged race--Cy Szym-| czak, Dennie Henderson, Robert | Cornish, Fred Ostertag, George Eenling, Paul Cornish. | 100 yard dash -- Bill Andrews, | Murray Arksey, Robert Cornish. | High jump -- Bill Andrews, | | Fred Ostertag, Robert Cornish. | | Ball throw Bill Andrews, | Fred Ostertag, Robert Cornish. BOYS, 14 AND UP High jump--Walter Henderson, | Neil Yokely, Deiter Marlikowski. | a MILLER as the NEW Tarzan ARNOLD'S 115 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY Just North of the Four Corners Fresh Cut From Tender Red Brand Beef Round Steak PRIME RIB BLADE OAST | ROAST BEEF BEEF 49. ww, 79° Mild Cured Cottage Rolls 49. c Ib FRESH YOUNG LAMB LEG ROAST Grade A Young Breakfast Turkeys | Bacon 49. 49: Sliced Fresh Country Style 20: | day, Canada stands 11th among Betty; | Sharman, Stanley; Smith, Barbara; Thornton, Mary; Tush-| Thomas: Tweedle; Meet At Church William; Woodward, Robert;| § Yeates, Patricia; Zeisner, Linda,| Of. Tuesday evening, the young HONORS |held their weekly meeting. The| Farquhar, = Carole, 81.2 per|group met at the church. Barry| Menzel, George and Tripp Mar- and o & + ' ar- a pened the meeting in pray- . ilyn (equal), 77.3 per cent; Maid-| ar Pl Coal to be delivered in school bunkers as ing, Nigel, 76.0 per cent. | The announcements were given PASS |and the offering received. Mr, . oh Barrons, | 2% Mrs. Thompson, mission- approximately 500 tons. "arole; Batty, William: Beecroft, | 2116S from Latin America, were Stuart: Beer, Nancy: Bird, Na visiting the FBYPA. Mrs. Thomp-| Ys Nara Bowyer.) tier which Mr. Thompson gave Carman, Betty: Childs, Ed- his testimony. They also showed Ronald; Correll, Robert: Cowan, | film was on the work done in| s Threddgeld, udrey; Dart, Carole; Evertsen,|Latin America. f 317 King Street, Gilchrist, Brian: Grand y,|Next week there is to be a base-| Charles; Guthrie, Eileen; Hinton, ball game against Dawes Road | Barbara; Jamieson, Brian; Kzan-|a wiener roast. oski, Walter; Larkin, John; | - Lick, Marjorie; Lindsey, Joanne; Locmelis, George; Lofthouse, David: McConkey, Danny; A : : | Madill, Maurice; Malinowski, han, Michael; Mitchell, Anne; Morison, Michael; Randall, Lor- i ' Call | | Grant; Snelgrove, Steven; Sonley, | F H h Y th Lloyd; Stevens, Murray; Sugden, | ait ou Gary; Ward, Madeline; Watters, | GRADE 12 TO GRADE 13 {people of Faith Baptist Church | cent; Moss, Fay, 78.4 per cent; Jones led the group in a singsong| low, Gary, 77.0 per cent; Schill-| . : : required. The amount of coal required is Atkinson, Virginia; jand cy; Borchuk, Patricia; r,|son delivered a short: message| ward; Clairmont, Bruce; Cooper, | 2 film called '""Partnership'". The Peter: Gale, Sandra; | Bill Wilde closed I prayer, | Whitby. David; Horack, Kathleen; Irvine, |Gospel Church to be followed by| Law, Douglas; Lawson, Gail; Jean; Lomax, Gary; Long, Joseph; Manson, Lynn; Maug- een; Samanski, Jane; Snelgrove, AT THE MOST TIP PLACES NINTH MUIDEN, The Netherlands (CP)--Canada's defending cham- pion Tip finished ninth Wednes- day in the second day_of the five-day Gold Cup championship yacht races. With a 16th-place finish Tues- Carol; 78 BOND WEST Stanley, David; Thornton, Telephone James; Tracey, Wilfred; Tweedy, RA 5-1109 | ' OSHAWA the 36 boats from 12 countries al competing for the world's crown. The Toronto yacht won the cham- pionship for Canada in Denmark last year. Ships from Denmark finished first, second and third Wednes- | day. The final race is Sunday. FARM TANKS AVAILABLE Clean of Entire Stock Starts Tomorrow WE ARE MOVING :@..0 +» « And we don't want to have to transport any more merchandise to olir new store than is necessary. You will find in our very complete men's wear stock just the items you are wishing for from suits and coats to all men's and young men's accessories. Just come in and look around and we are sure you will find just what you are requiring. EVERYTHING MUST GO!! DISCOUNTS 20% TO 50% OFF! OTTENBRITE'S MEN'S WEAR 114 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY MO 8-3621

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