Canadian Policy BLACKSTOCK Seen As Example LONDON (CP) "-- A British specialist on foreign affairs says Britain shéuld take a leaf out of the Canadian notebook and adopt a more consistently internation- alist policy. Kenneth Younger, a former minister of state for foreign af- fairs and now director-general of the Royal Institute of Interna- tional Affairs, urges that Britain make herself a protagonist of in- ternational co-operation in all its forms and in every area of the world. "It may be said that mo real impact could be made even if a more cpnsistently internation- alist policy were pursued, but this pessimism is belied by the Canadian record during the years when Lester Pearson was in charge of Canada's foreign af- fairs. "Canada is a less important power in most ways than we are but by sheer consistency in he support for: the use of United Na: tions @machinery, for new tech: niques of international concilia tion and for coliective organiza: tions of various kinds, includin| NATO, Canada eame to have ii fluence in Washington, in Londo and on the coniment of Europe, which was disproportionate to her national power." Britain is bigger than Canad and if she were to act similar; her influence could be consider- ably greater. Younger discussed Britain" role in a changing world in a Fabian Society pamphlet pu lished recently. The society aim: He argues that Britain needs more consistenéy and drive promoting international co-oper- Too often Britons still "| McArthur jon, which one hopes is unre- peatable, one finds, for instance, British officials to accept the in- ternationalizing of aid to British oionial areas, even when tories approach independence. "The sorry history of the Brit- ish attitude to the Cyprus base is a product of similar thinking, while from time to time United ingdom officials in the United "| Kingston. to foster through research and§Nations have shown a suspicion discussion a serious and infof any attempt to extend inter- formed approach to internationalfnational authority which has |aftairs within the labor move-§been short-sighted and damag- ment. aging." ENNISKILLEN By MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN ENNISKILLEN--Mr. and Mrs G. Irwin visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott, Newtonville. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, H. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill at- tended Decoration Day at Zion and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid. Mr, and Mrs. P, Ellis and fam- ily spent the weekend at Cordova Mines. Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin and family visited Manford Muller, at Batiste Lake, and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Jess Morgan, Fen- elon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lamb, Port Credit spent the weekend with Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Mrs. Sandy Moore, attended the Hart- man - Taylor wedding at Enter- prize United Church. Carole and Bruce Bagley visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stundun, Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. N. E. Wright have returned after spending a month with their daughter, Mar- guerite Wright, St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton and family, = Washington, Mr. and Mrs, Herb Stainton, Hampton, and Wallace Stainton, Toronto, called on W. H. Moore. Harold Spry, Rochester, N.Y., spent the weekend with E. Wright, Mrs. H. Stevens and Gordon visited Mr. and Mrs. R. C, Wal- ton, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Brock, and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haass, and Ronny, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Piper and girls, Maple Grove, visited K. McGill, Mr, Mrs. H. Stainton, Hampton, Mr. W, Stainton, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. C. English, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stainton and family, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton, and Lynne, Tyrone, Mr. Belleville Truckers and Mrs. J. Stainton, and fam- ily, Seattle, Washington, Mr. and Mrs, H, Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryderman visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton. Mrs. Verna Forsyth, and Ron- |ald were weekend guests of R. |J. Ormiston. | Mrs. C. Mills, Maple Grove, Mrs, L. Stainton, Mrs. E. W. | Begley, attended the 50th anni- |versary of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raines in Port Perry. | Mr, and Mrs, L. Stainton, Gail |and Doris attended a family |party at the home of Mr. and |{Mrs. H. Stainton, Tyrone, Satur-| |day | Mr. and Mrs, John Griffin, and |family, attended the Wotten pic- (nie Sunday, and called on L. Grif- |fin, Blackstock. | Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cook, Mrs. |Effie Lutes and Gary, Scarboro, | visited C. Avery. 'Safety Legislation Rapped By Expert TORONTO (CP)--A labor ex- pert on safety methods Tuesday criticized the Ontario govern- ment' safely legislation and said "the only way to make progress is through tragedy." R. J. Lamoureux, director of the safety and health division of the United Steelworkers of Amer- ica (CLC), has completed a sur- vey on industrial safety for a proposed Steelworkers' brief to the provincially-appointed royal commission on industrial safety. The commission was estab- lished as a,result of widespread protests, following the death of five workers last: March when fire broke out in a tunnel at Hogg's Hollow in suburban North York. i v 1/7 1:54 jo v (ala ~-- LA 3 CW TNED - We've got the air conditioner to fit your needs and priced so you can afford it! Frigidaire Air-Conditioning By MRS. R, C. HILL BLACKSTOCK -- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bradburn, Brenda and |Linna, Scarboro, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McMahon and Wes. Lotus were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ted McMahon Sun- day. Several teachers commenced |summer courses Monday -- Betty is completing her course in commerce in Toronto; Josh Venning is taking an art course at Ontario Art College; Neil Bailey is completing indus- trial arts at Western Technical; Gordon Paisley is at London and Joyce Graham is at Queen's in Joan Venning and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gunter spent the weekend at the Turners' cottage, Coe Hill. Dr. John and Mrs. Mellraith, Julia and Maire and Mrs. A. D. McArthur, Toronto, visited Dr. John McArthur Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawrence and Sylvia, Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lawrence attended the wedding of Walter Lawrence Jr. and Carol in Toronto, Saturday. Mrs. McDougald, St. Mary's; Sharon Knott, Carlingford; Marian Ross, Science Hill; Elaine Shenson, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mes Glenn Larmer at the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Guildwood Village, Scarboro. Ray Mountjoy and Floyd Kyte |are spending this week at Camp Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Devitt, Barbara and Neil, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Devitt, Bow- manville; Gilbert Magill, Janet- ville; Mr, and Mrs. Ed Harris and giris were guests of Mrs. Carl McLaughlin Sunday, Mrs. Wesley Bradburn, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn and family attended the<Wptten reunion in Bowmanville, 7 Visitors to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry and Mrs. W. Bradburn during the weekend were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carter and fam- ily and Mrs. Pollard, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Henry and Linda, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb and family, Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Wot- ten, Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. George Wolfe, Brian and John attended the Ca- nadian Keswick Conference, Ferndale, Muskoka at the weekend. . Peter Chaperlin and Peter Barnes, Toronto, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. G. Wolfe. Mrs. G. Fowler spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. G. Rutherford, Oshawa. F. Allen and Mrs. M. Pritchard visited Mrs, V. Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey Friday, Jean Ford and Doris Griffin, Toronto, spent the weekend at their homes here. r. and Mrs. J. W. Cunning- am, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mre. Neil Malcolm Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow visited friends in Bolton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, H, Martyn and boys and Ted Glover visited friends at Sturgeon Lake and Quin-Mo-Lac. Minden Friday. Ministers May Drop All Duties OTTAWA (CP)--Justice Minis- fer Fulton said Tuesday the cab- inet has power to drop customs duties without consulting Parlia- ment if the ministers are con- vinced a protective tariff is hav- ing the effect of continuing a combine after it has been 'a flood of correspondence from hind which the combine was THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 13, 1960 17 built. Mr. Fisher said he wanted the whole matter put on the com- mittee record because he has had the Lakehead from workers in the fine papers mills there who fear for their jobs it the protection afforded by the tariff is removed. Although he made no specific Choked In Sand Cause Of Death --Asphyxiation from sand caused the death of Mrs. Anna Winkel hardt, 32, attractive German im- migrant found Sunday night near the water of Jim Lake, an au topsy shows. Epilepsy may have contributed to the death. No hint of foul pla; has been indicated, CAMPBELL'S BAY, Que, (CP)|Quebec Provircial Police officers S Tuesday. The woman's body was found by her husband Karl, 33, who had left her only a few mention of the fine papers case, Mr, Fulton left no doubt with the committee that he wants the con- vieted firms to cut their prices {0 a reasonably competitive level, or lose the tariff protection they have. quashed by the courts. He was asked in the Commons banking commitiee by Douglas Fisher (CCF--Port Arthur) to long | comment on reports that he had warned manufacturefs of fine papers products in Canada that he might recommend the aboli- tion of the tariff protecting that industry. Relax in Comfort TALLY-HO ROOM AIR CONDITIONED Mr. Fulton refused with a smile to confirm or deny it. Instead, he traced the tangled legalistic interpretation of the anti-combines law which permits him to demand that convicted combine members show cause why the government should not remove the protective tariff be- DRIVE TO | peau Valley, TONIGHT 926%: SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-6451 or RA 3-4131 OSHAWA ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY GET... RAYBESTOS "BONDED BRAKES" HOUSTON'S Service Station AND GARAGE Bonded Brake Service RA 3-7922 67 KING ST. W. OSHAWA Tools Paints Hardware Wallboard Millwork Garden Supplies Floor Coveri Electrical Fixt Dry Lumber Porch Columns Window Sash Aluminum Screen Doors ng ures Here's To Make Your Present\Home Look Like New Again ...™ @ Replace Your Roof ® Add Insulated Siding ® Paint Inside and Out USE YOUR VACATION BETTER YOUR LIVING How ® Make Needed Repairs YOU BENEFIT WHEN YOU MODERNIZE YOUR HOME Leave It To Us . . . FREE ESTIMATES MATERIALS We'll let you know the cost chead of time with no obligation on your part. Roofing Fencing Guttering Plumbing Fixtures Insulated Siding | Ladders ; Carports Flower Borders Varnish Dodrs Plywood Return To Work Aluminum Screen We'll help you select the right quality and quantity of materials. To Make Your Home More Efficient and Convenient . . . PRICED FROM $225 (installed) BELLEVILLE (CP) -- The 40 employees of the Smith Trans- port Limited terminal here who went on strike Tuesday morning, returned to work after meeting company officials. The workers, members of Local 938 of the Teamsters Union 90 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH (Ind.), were protesting against Free Surveys and Estimates KOME APPLIANCES (Oshawa) OSHAWA RA 5-5332 "unfair working conditions." A FOR SUPER VALUES 36" DOLL All vinyl, fully jointed, rooted saran hair, complete with dress, slip and panties. 11.95 OSHAWA 3 USE OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN 2 Stores To Serve You Better DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE vi EEL KRESGE'S Windows Drain Tile Picnic Tables Garages Cottages ® Modernize Your Kitchen ® Re-do Your Floors ® Modernize Your Bathroom To Make Your Home Roomier and Mere Comfortable .". . ® Add A Bedroom Or Den ® Enclose Or Enlarge Your Porch ® Add Storage Space ® Replace Your Screens LABOR will look after the complete PAYMENTS ® Add A Bathroom your purchase if you wish, If you wish our Home Improvement Division for you regardless or how small or how large. We will be glad to arrange easy terms for Panelling Mirrors Kitchen Cupboards Rotisseries Garage Doors building job | MODELyour KITCHEN Come in and see us today. Take advantage of our 29 years in the business and the "know-how" obtained during this time. OSHAWA WOOD "PRODUCTS LTD. 84 SIMCOE ST. S.--RA 8-1617 9 Telephones To Serve You Bowmanville -- MA 3-2130 DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 PM. Main Office and Showroom COURTICE--RA 8-1611 Ajax ZEnith -- 2-9600 ALL ROADS LEAD TO . .. OSHAWA Wenn PRODUCTS Highway OSHAWA 'WOooD PRODUCTS | | Base Line - Ebenezer Church No. 401 Highway : Wc a tas ei ee rR pam ~~ { stat Jd = SE 4 SE Bae mae Be Woes BoB Sr anny, eB eet