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The Oshawa Times, 14 Jul 1960, p. 5

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HIS HOPES ARE HIGH One of the highlights of the | Here David Dwyer, 5, of 152 14th Annual Local 222 Picnic, | Easthaven street, whose father this Saturday at Lakeview | is a GM employee, \is seen Park, will be a draw for two | depositing his father's ticket in automobiles. During the = me drum which will decide the week thousands of tickets have | winners. been sold at the Union Hall. --Oshawa Times Photo OBITUARIES J. SAUL CARDINAL WILLIAM SINNOTT The death occurred at the Osh-| In poor health for six years, awa General Hospital this morn-| William Sinnott, of 73 Cromwell ing of J. Saul Cardinal, of 739|avenue, died at the Oshawa Gen- Cedar street. The deceased, who eral Hospital on Wednesday, July had been in poor health for 25/13, He was in his 66th year. years, was in his 70th year. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Born at Valleyfield, Quebec, william Sinnott, the deceased Oct. 28, 1890, the deceased had), porn at St. John's Newfound. been a resident of Oshawa for Xl iand, Dec. 16, 1894. ars, He was a plumber by) 4 boris and was a member of the] A resident of Oshawa for 12 Roman Catholic Church. |vears, Mr. Sinnott was an elec- He is survived by a brother, |trician and telegrapher. He was Joseph Cardinal, of Montreal asa member of St. Mary's of the well as a number of nieces and| nephews. The remains will be at the Me- War, he served in the Royal CAPSULE NEWS Life Jackets To Fit Snugly OTTAWA (CP)--Canadian par-| ents were warned Wednesday against buylmg improper life jackets for the small fry. The transport department said in a statement parents should "shop around" for life jackets which, to be effective, must fit the body snugly. ' WATER LEVEL LOW SARNIA (CP) Dwindling water supplies in many south- western Ontario areas have brought the threat of prosecution for those who ignore lawn water- ing restrictions at Sarnia, the worst eorn crop of recent years at Watford and dry, shallow wells throughout townships in western Elgin County. DROP IDEA LONDON (Reuters) -- Labor party leader Hugh Gaitskell Wed-| nesday abandoned his eight-| month struggle to tone down a clause in the party's constitution calling for full-scale nationaliza-| tion of industry. The leader's| | proposals were strongly opposed | within the party. It was an- | nounced Wednesday night that SEEK LOWER RATE BELLEVILLE (CP) -- City council Wednesday night ap- pointed a negotiating ittee to bargain for a lower interest rate on a $450,000 debenture is- sue it plans to raise to retire its municipal debt. A deficit was re- vealed last year by a judicial in- quiry into municipal administra- tion which found that city funds had been used to support the Belleville McFarlands hockey team. JAPANESE MEET VANCOUVER (CP) -- Japa- nese consular officials from across Canada met here this week for what was reported to be a major reappraisal of Japan's business position in North Amer- ica. The talks followed a similar U.S, discussion in San Francisco 24 DOGS, 5 CATS AS COMPANIONS NEW YORK (AP) -- One woman, 24 dogs and five cats are not too many occupants for a two-room apartment, 'ruled the magistrate. He went and saw for himself. The ome woman is Mrs. Helen Lopez, 49, who got bored with studying dentistry, then with running beauty parlors, and finally decided she could be happiest raising dogs. But an agent from the Amer- ican Society for the Prevention WEATHER FORECAST THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 14, 1960 § Thunder Gone Sunny Friday TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts, Northérn Georgian Bay, Kirk- issued by the weather office at{land Lake regions, North Bay, 5 am. EDT: : Sudivry: Stay and sol today; Synopsis: High pressure and|rriday mainly sunny and warm. cool air brought clearing skies to|Clouding over Friday evening Ontario Wednesday night, drop- with chance of showers. Winds cesessenees Muskoka Killaloe . Earlton .. Driverless Car Kills Toronto Man TORONTO (CP)--Albert Chal- mers, nine, was killed Wednes- day night when he was struck on he sidewalk by a driverl in the east end of the city. driver of the car, Leonard Ward, 24, fell out when the car door sprang open as he rounded sees Fall From Balcony Kills Small Boy OTTAWA (CP) -- Daniel Car- 16 months, was killed Wed- ly 15 today, light tonigkh ping temperatures to the 50s in|norther southern Ontario and 40s through|and west 20 to 25 Friday. the north country. At 4 a.m. the] Timmins-Kapuskasing: Sunny dest temperalure in the prov-land warmer today. Friday vari- of Cruelty to Ani that 29 pes in two rooms were too many, and took Mrs. Lo- pez into court. He also charged her with failing to have li- cences for most of her pedi- greed toy poodles. After listening to Mrs. Lo- pez' lawyer, Magistrate Walter Bayer paid her a visit. He found the place in good shape, well ventilated, and the dogs "well fed and happy." "The~ ruling of the court is that everything is in order," said the magistrate. last week. N ince was 36 reported at White able cloudiness with a few show- River and Armstrong. ers in the afternoon and evening. The area of high pressure|Continuing warm Friday. Winds centred west of Lake Superior|westerly 20, shifting to northwest will move down across the Great 20 late Friday. Lakes today and Friday, giving sunny on os to all but the Forecast Temperatures more northern regions. Low tonight, High Friday Regional forecasts valid until) Windsor midnight Friday: St. Thomas . Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake|London Ontario, Niagara, southern Geor-|Kitchener . gian Bay, Haliburton regions,| Wingham .... Windsor, London, Hamilton, Tor-|Toronto onto: Sunny and cool today.| Peterborough . Sunny and warmer Friday. Winds| Trenton northeast 20 today, light tonight|St. Catharines . and west 15 Friday. Hamilton BREE R22LRY ssssssssss nesday night when he fell 20 feet 'rom a balcony to the ground be- ow. DRIVE TO peau Valley TONIGHT BIG PRODUCER OF U.S. OIL In 1901 the first ofl well was brought in near Jen- nings, La. And the State of Louisiana is still the great- est producer of oil, acre for acre, in the U.S Your profits will gush in when you get The Oshawa Times Classified Advertising habit. Phone RA 3-3492 now for complete information. Relox in Comfort TALLY-HO ROOM AIR CONDITIONED Hotel Lancaster CE ILUIE - (the Labor leaders had decided to| drop the idea of changing the| | constitution. | EXPELS THREE | HAVANA (AP)--Cuban author-| |ities ordered three American newspaper men expelled 'Wed-| Inesday after releasing them from | jail. They were taken there Tues-| |day. They are John Hlavacek, a eopie Roman Catholic Church. part-time correspondent for the | A veteran of the First World|National Broadcasting Company, | and Time magazine; Judson Good- Special GOLDEN RIPE 5 Intosh - Anderson Funeral Home Navy as a wireless telegrapher.| ing Life magazine reporter from FOR SUMMER FOODS \ Freck asa Daiey' until Friday morning. Requiem| Mr. Sinnott is survived by his mass and interment will be at|wife, the former Irene Butler; Valleyfield on Saturday, July 16. |four daughters, Edna, Marie, |Rita and Patricia and four sons, WILLIAM HARRY (HAL) KING piyard, Gerald, William and Following an illness of 1liCharles. |Stamford, Conn., and William G. {Moeser, outdoor editor of the {Miami (Fla.) News. They left Cuba later by air. | MORE TB REFUGEES OTTAWA (CP) -- Immigration WISE F SHOPPERS months the death occurred at the| Ajgo surviving are two sfsters,| | ( Oshawa General Hospital this|a1ay and Elizabeth, and a bro- Minister Fairclough announced| morning of William Harry (Hal) , King, of 151 King street east. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry King, the deceased was born in Oshawa and received his education in the Oshawa schools. Following his graduation from the University of Toronto, |ther, Lionel. | Wednesday that a second group) The remains will be at the of 112 European tubercular refu-| Armstrong Funeral Home for|gees will begin arriving in Can-| high requiem mass in St. Mary's|ada Wednesday, July 20. The of. the People Church at 9 a.m. movement will increase to 212 the| Saturday, July 16. Rev, N .J.|[number of TB refugees brought| Gignac will sing the mass. Inter-|tc Canada at federal government ment will be in St. Gregory's expense as a contribution by this THURSDAY & FRIDAY Special! BRIGH T'S FAN he taught school for 17 years in Brandon, Manitoba. Returning to Oshawa, follow- ing the death of his father, Mr King taught for some years at the Oshawa High School prior to his retirement about 1930. Cemetery. |country to World Refugee Year. DISBAR TWO TORONTO (CP)--Toronto law- CITY AND yers Kenneth Albert Glancy and Kenneth Sidney Murton have DISTRICT been disbarred for professional { misconduct. The Law Society of Mr. King was a member of 3. Upper Canada, which took the George's Anglican Church. 5 AMBULANCE CALLS action, found that Mr. Glancy He is survived by his wife, the! The ambulances of the Oshawa|converted to his own use a sum former Helen Mackenzie and a Fire Department answered five belonging to clients, and that Mr son, Mackenzie King, of Peter-|routine calls during the past 24/yp uo "¢onaq 10 keep books and borough. Also surviving is a hours. eon P grandson, Roger. STREETS CLOSED accounts: The memorial service will be| que following streets will be] SEES WRONG EMPHASIS at the Funeral .1oced for consiruction today and MONTREAL (CP) -- Anthony during the weekend: Park road|Nutting, former foreign affairs north from Nipigon street to An-|minister in Britain's Anthony be papolis avenue; Duragm street,| Eden 2 Soveriaient, 25d Wednes from street; utting mi in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Radisson avenue, closed at So ijday hasi ye pr 8 ae am street; King street west,|pj nd n . REV. A. C. LUFFMAN rom Gibbons to Stevenson road: fis av et "803g 90 agVae COBOURG -- Rey. A. C. Luff-\ Wilson road south, from Olive man, who retired less than two avenue to Dieppe avenue; Olive SEEK CHEAP RATE weeks ago after 11 years as min-| avenue, from Verdun road to Wil-| LONDON (Reuters) -- Britain ister at Baltimore United Church, | son road south; Chadburn street died suddenly here Monday night, [closed at Olive avenue; Central He was 70. |Park boulevard south, closed at Mr. Luffman was in Cobourg Olive avenue; Cadillac avenue serving a summer relief supply south, closed at Olive avenue: for Rev. E. C. Kelloway at Trin- Highland avenue, closed at Olive jiy United Church. He leaves his| avenue: Stevenson road south, wife. from Gibb street t Plans called for Mr. Luffman| avenue; La Salle Le ama to serve as permanent relief sup-|at Olive avenue: Luke street, ply at Alderville Ciurch on Sun-| from Richmond east to Colborne ay. . street east; Die Vv A native of England, he came closed at Wilson i uve; to Canada as a young man to| PORT PERRY TOURNEY serve -as a missionary in the 3 west. He was minister at Mwy Mr. and Mrs. J. Morrison, of|from exhaustion. Gary, at 26 wood, north west of Oshawa, be.|O1aWa, With a score of 58 and a|Bing's oldest son, cancelled the fore moving to Baltimore. * Plus of three, won the mixed|singing appearance and checked The body is at Bowes' funeral 90U bles lawn bowling tournament|into the hospital Tuesday. home here. Service will be held | at Port Perry on Wednesday. In| at Baltimore United Church at second place with three wins| ATTRACTS 26,821 £2 p.m. Thursday. were another Oshawa pair,| STRATFORD (UP)--The Strat- Home at 2 p.m. Saturday, Jul 16. Rev. Donald Wilson, of St. George's Church, will conduct the services. Interment will Commonwealth countries soon on the possibility of a cheap Com- monwealith telephone rate, Post- master-General J. R. Bevins told the House of Commons Wednes- day. GARY MUST REST SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) --Gary Croshy, who was sched- uled to open a new act on Cat- alina Island Wednesday night, is in hospital, instead, suffering |will start consultations with other| Ll BE GREEN BEANS..2 ' M ONTARIO Nol LEAMINGTON-NEW CROP NEW POTATOES Special! AYLMER NS WITH PORK Special |. YORK CHOICE CUT Special! MONARCH REGULAR ARGARINE... 2 Special! ALE RRE7.7,1131 BUTTER ECLIPSE BRAND BS 1-1b PRINT Special! COLDSTREAM LY. 8 (eo) CY RED SOCKEYE AT HALF SIZE TIN 29 urd' al] POWER € SETA MEATS GOVT. GRADE 'A OVEN READY FRESH TOMATO JUICE Special | WESTFIELD FRUIT DRINK 2 GRAPE 'ORANGE CHERRY or LEMONADE } |George Read and Mrs. J. Bid:|sid Shake spearean Festival's " COMING EVENTS dulph. E. Carswell and Mrs. C BINGO at the Avalon Thursday, July 14, North Oshawa Park. $6 and $10, Oatway, of Oshawa, were high for two wins. There was a full] entry. | | CARNIVAL TONIGHT first two weeks of the 1960 season has attracted 26,821 persons. To- tal attendance since the festival began seven years ago now stands at 965,802. 10:43 ICKENS BEAUTIFUL HEAVY BASE 9:25 ng 9° Bij" PICKLES | 27" Rain, on Wednesday night can- celled the last half of the annual ELECTRIC HAZARD carnival held hy St. Gertrude's| TORONTO (CP) -- More than Roman Catholic Church, King|iwo - thirds of 27,424 homes street east, but the carnival will|checked by the Toronto fire de- be held again tonight in response|partment last year have been de- to many requests. More than 300|scribed as fire hazards, In its an- {attended the dinner in the early|nual report issued Wednesday, Seven $40 jackpots. | NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M. ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert ond Jackson Sts.) Gomes $6, $12, $20 U.S Nol SWEET. JUICY-SEEDLESS GRAPES... U.S Nol RED CUTTING WATERMELON 69 25 FRYING ROASTING Ib. orBARBECUE 2t031bs AVG. 'FILIGREE LACE' DESIGN TUMBLER | ONE FREE FOR THE | gor | part of the evening. $500 DAMAGE Damage estimated at $500 was |caused in a two-car collision, at May be doubled or tripled $170 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 BINGO Fri., July 15, 8 p.m. AT ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner of Bloor and Simcoe 20 Games $6 ond $8, { Five $40 Jackpots ST. GERTRUDE'S CARNIVAL TONIGHT | streets, {involved were William Kenehan, {645 Barton Rd. and Frank Dewey |Savers, 93 Brock St. W. OVEN BLAZE Mrs, Kemp Smith, 45 Ritson Rd. S., had a slightly burned {lunch today. Firefighters were called to. her home shortly be- fore noon to extinguish a small blaze in the oven. The fire was out before they got there and only a smoke ejector was used. TICKET DEADLINE Malcolm Smith, president of Local 222, UAW-CIO, said today that refreshment and car tickets for Saturday's big Local 222 pic- ni. at Lakeview Park would: not be avaflable at the lake that day. They can be picked up tonight at THURSDAY, JULY 14 690 KING ST. E. the UAW Hall on Bond street un- til 8 p.m. and at the same place (Rained out Wednesday, July 13) until 8 p.m., Friday night. WHITBY LIONS CLUB BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH FRIDAY, JULY 15th-8 P.M. Bus Leaves Oshawa Terminal 7:30 p.m. -- 25¢ Return 20 Regular Games at $10.00 a Game $150 Special $10. each Horizontal Line, $100 Full Card SHARE THE WEALTH 5--$20.00 Gomes DOOR PRIZES B80 Cents Admission with One Card {the corner of Simcoe and Bruce jor hazard, Wednesday, The drivers| the fire department said almost {half of the fire hazards consisted Frozen Food Specials! MAPLE LEAF LEAN MILD CURED of overloaded fuse boxes. Faulty |extension cords were another ma- LEADS CHESS BUENOS AIRES (AP)--Samuel |Reshevsky of New York drew {with Wolfgang Uhlman of East |Germany in 15 moves Wednes- day night in the 15th round of an international chess tourna- ment. Reshevsky leads in the tournament by a half-point over Viktor Korchnoi of Russia. DROP CHARGES TORONTO (CP) -- Charges of abducting an 18-year-old Mont- real girl against Joseph Reeves, 27, and Douglas' White, 30, both of Montreal, were dropped Wed- nesday, when Crown counsel Her- bert Langdon stated the girl had "vanished." He said there was no way the prosecution could pro- ceed on the charges. Cleland Township Man Under Charge SUDBURY (CP)--Olavi Johan- nas Kauppi, 33, of Cleland Town- ship, was charged Wednesday with eriminal negligence in con- nection with the drowning Tues- day night of Jacques Richard, 18, of Cornwall, Richard was drowned in Deer Lake, 15 miles southeast of here, when he was thrown from his rowboat which was struck by a motorboat operated by Kauppi. His body was recovered today. BOTTLE PER POUND Wednesday, 200z ELM Wednesday, NO DEALERS ORANGE JUICE 2:::65 LEMONADE © WHITE or PINK THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 50 GOLD BOND STAMPS With the purches of BAYS ASPIRIN Coupon Velid te Next THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 50 GOLD BOND STAMPS With the purchase of 0 3-0Z, BOTTLE OF STOPETTE DEGDORANT Coupon Valid to Next Wednesdoy, July 20th THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 25 GOLD BOND STAMPS With the purchase of Cut UP CHICKEN Coupon Valid to Next POWER HAL R.J. LUCAS RINDLESS BACON. SHOPSY'S ALL BEEF SLICED BOLOGN MAPLE LEAF 6zTIN : BIG 8 WIENERS. THIS COUPON GOOD ? % TIP TOP With the purchase of 0 oF 100 20 BLADE DISPENSER OF PAL RAZOR BLADES Coupon Valid to Next July 20th Wednesday, July 20th ----------- =] THIS COUPON GOOD | FoR 50 GOLD BOND STAMPS ONE DOZEN 'PETER POWER' DOUGHNUTS (SUGAR: CINNAMON or PLAIN) the purchese of en ECONOMY SIZE TUBE OF STRIPE TOOTH PASTE 20¢ off Deal (LILITITY | Compon vera to nee [OR IREN, as2 IGT | THis coupon Good FOR 25 GOLD BOND STAMP: 'PETER POWER INSTANT * COFFEE 0+ 350 A59 With the purchose of a 150% TIN OF BRAVO I | MEAT i BALLS Tin of PARK July 200m A63 ¢ COTTAGE ROLLS 89' 52 239 WITH THE PURCHASE OF A 100z JAR EL 'stamps FREE! NEXT TWO WEEKS | CLIP OUT THIS COUPON_, uu" ) oe This FREE ! PON ce pESiEt - - - We 10 A s ] THIS. COUPON GOOD | POR 25 GOLD BOND STAMPS With the purchase of & 9-0Z. JAR OF ED. 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