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The Oshawa Times, 21 Jul 1960, p. 26

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50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale {4 y .| WE pay highest prices in the city for| PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. 38 PONTIAC fous Boor hardiop, exeel used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni- All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. on, a ER La ture Store, RA 33271. 444 Simcoe South.|Oshawa Hardware and Electric, ECIALY rll sized. 3 Church Street RA 3.7624. '60 BELAIR Chev. four door haritop, SPECIAL! wll sized hags, 2 a3 powerglide, radio. Many other extras,| While they ast, $4.95. Apply Dominion GLIDER Go-Kart, leatherette uphol- immaculate, 5000 miles. MO 8-402. Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, stery, new Clinton 2% HP ge, with 35 IMPALA four door hardtop; also 760 | PABYLAND bargains, new siyies 1560 | Cll lumimum wheels with 7imken {two-door Belair hardtop, - Phone WH |50--Articles For Sale 150--Articles For Sale 150--Articles For Sale ELECTRIC stove, also roll.a-way bed, | LARGE our piece bedroom suite, five 8 HP AIR conditioner, suitable for clean like new, reasonable, Telephone |Piece kitchen set, china cabinet, ard home or office, good condition. Can 8 RA 5-8045 after 6 p.m, | sewing machine. RA 8-8749. {be seen operating. Phone after 9 p.m. | 31" WESTINGHOUSE TV, in good con. | 0A 53117 . dition, about four years old with al-| FRIGIDAIRE s most new picture tube. $95. RA 3-3954. drapes "wool bla s, dishes, |chairs swivel chair, dresser, One set of Wilder Metal 52--Legal April 28th, 1960. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO |47--Automobiles For Sale 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, July 21, 1960 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 25) Colored TV R.C.A. Victor 21 inch, brand new, finest made, roller bearings, good condition, RA |writer, desk, mantel clock, mirrors, 5.0508 or MO 8-4741. baby carriages, converts to cor bed, | Axminster rug, all-steel convertible 47 --Automobiles For Sale 47--Automobiles For Sale |2-0144, lowest prices in town, $27; large, full panel cribs, % price clearance, $19.88; matic radio, "51 METEOR, needs motor repair. Best offer. Call RA 5-8552. ment rear. |'52 PONTIAC sedan, clean, good con- | dition, $350, 75 Charles Street, apart Springfilled crib mattress, $9.88; playpens, $8.88; high chairs, 87.88, strollers $5.88, Wilson Furniture, 20 window washers, 5000 miles. Can ar- range trade or terms, private. Will sac- rifice. Must be sold, $2695. 342 Fron- tenac Avenue. '47 FORD sedan in running condition, ? two new tires and battery,|20 per cent. Six months to pay. For ood body Hy Telephone RA 5-9748 after 5 p.m. personal service at your home call RA "52 PREFECT four-door, good motor and body, snow tires. Phone RA 5-8723. WRECKING '50 Meteor, all parts for > sale. RA 3.9940. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up fo Church Street. FLOOR coverings at tremendous sav- ings, clearance of discontinued pat- terns, many cheerful designs for hone and cottage, reduced for quick sale, *57 BUICK hardtop automatic, snow- tires, Telephone RA 3-4117, '53 DYNAFLOW Buick, A-1 MA 3-2720. 48--A tomobiles Wanted 25c per foot; borderless FOR SALE -- Spanish Electric Guitar, solid body, single pick-up, 4-months old old. Phone MOhawk 83440, Whitby. OUTBOARD motor, 5 HP, excellent for fishing $85. Lloyd baby carriage, Telephone OL 5-4836 1960 CUSTOM made radio to fit Chev. new. Telephone WH 2-5634 or 20 Nelson | Street, Ajax. squares, 6 by 9, only $2.95; vinyl coat: *57 DODGE Standard $300 and take over payments. 78 Bloor West. NO DOWN payment, '54 Dodge, four- door, excellent condition. Must sell also '57 Ford Fairlane, fully equipped. Phone RA 8-5043 after 6.30. Ki) '58 VAUXHALL Super, radio, a economy car, $995. Wilbak Motors, 137 SA 5-1181. '52 HILLMAN, spent over $100 on overhaul. 337 Coch rane Street, Whitby. MO 8-5782. |LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want real| cars for wresking, Highest prices paid ed linoleum, special clearout, 45¢ per foot; ends of wall coverings, clearout price 37c per foot. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. ng West. good condition, just HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION 57 MORRIS Minor convertible, good CLEARING at reduced prices and easy terms, '51 Chev., '53 Rambler, *55 Ford, BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- 3% HORSE power Wisconsin mortar mixer, also five brick veneering rods. MO 8-5934 FOR sale, one 9° x 12' broadloom rug, mushroom color, one year old cost $140, sell for $75. Phone RA 8-4714. BOAT, 16-foot, cruiser type cabin, home built to rigid plans, mahogany trimmed decks, rides well, Evinrude electric 25 hp, like new, fully equipped, $1200. Can be seen at Orde Marine, Port Perry. BIG bedding sale, buy now and save, tactory clearance of spring filled mat- tresses, discontinued ticking, Priced CRINOLINE, full length, medium size, with hoops only worn once. Reason Regular $895. NOW ONLY $695. Go-Kart demonstrator as low as $149. complete with motor ond cushion. Beating Machine, Fibreglass boat, one piece construction, Chris-Craft Capri, regular $1198. NOW ONLY $990. Windshield, steering, running lights, deck hard- ware, upholstered seats, gos controls, speedometer and compass. 60 H.P. Gale Electric Starting brand new from Outboard Marine Peterboro, regular Tubing, ner and Controls, Niagara Sheet Shears, One Crimping and One Gas Propane Solder Pot, One Circle Cutting Ma- chine, Black and Decker Electric Hammer, Rudd Water Heater Gas, One Metal Scaffold of Metal Used Furnace Forced Air, Used Oil Bur- One Metal Punch and Shears, Tar Pot |couch, and day couch, bed chesterfield, {everything less than half price and in | good condition. RA 8-8845. | » ammunition and hunting sup- | pt s, new and used, terms 10 per cent {down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond | Street West. RA 5-6511. | TENTH es, camp cots, tar- paulins, sleeping bags, lanterns, sales {and rentals. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. 7624. RENT » television set for sum- mer cottage, rates by the week or the monch Meagher's, 5 King Street West RA 3-3425 TWO chesterfield suites, kitchen chrome set, upright deep-freeze, refrigerator, stove, oriental rug, fireplace equipment, two bedroom suites, wardrobe, kitchen cabinet, coffee table and hostess chair, portable record player. baby crib, scat- TO WIT: UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Fieri Facias to me directed, issued out of the County Court of the County of Ontario, wherein INTERPROVINCIAL BUILD- ING CREDITS, LTD., is Plain- tiff and DAVID C. DOBBIE and JOYCE DOBBIE, are De- fendants, | have seized and token under Execution, and will offer for sale by Public Auction in my office in the Court House, at 416 Centre Street South, in the Town of Whitby, in the County of PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W, RA 3-7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens pald off, DODD MOTOR SALES able. Phone RA 8-4058 after 5 p.m. BOAT and motor together or sen. 15 ft. moulded plywood, equippe HP motor, like new, best offer. 5-9865 or RA 5-9712, TRAILER, used lumber doors. Telephone RA 5-196 DOMINION Appliances (a division of Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's Market Hampton. A complete line ol appliances at hard to beat prices. COlfax 3-2241. POWERFUL amplifier, capable of sufficient volume for large hall, com- plete with record playing equipment, microphone etc., for rent. For reser- Ontario, on Thursday, Aug- ust 11th, 1960, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, all the right, title and equity of re demption of DAVID C. DOB- BIE and JOYCE DOBBIE, to, in and out of the following londs, namely: ALL and SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of lond and premises known as all of Lot 4, Plan 498 also known os part of Lot 17, in the 5th Concession of the Township of East Whitby, All ~f Lot 17 is 300 ft. by 100 ft ARTHUR WELSH, Sheriff, County of Ontario Complete on Wheels, Set of Platform Scales. MOSIER SHEET METAL 292 KING ST. W, OSHAWA 50 Chev at Mike $980. NOW ONLY $795. OPEN 9 AM. to 9 P.M, HANDY ANDY Lansdowne Shopping Centre (Opposite Camp Samac) RA 8-4] 1 55 Chev. 55 Pontiac hardtop, % ton pickup. Try "Stew" Starr's. RA 5-5646, '57 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe model, ex i many extras, must] offer RA for quick sale, $16.88 up, Continental beds some mis-matched some with headboards, clearout prices from $24; bunk beds, eight pieces complete, sale price $58. Smooth top mattresses made by famous makers, $19.95. Wilson Fur- niture 20 Church Street. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-454s. FIBREGLASS your wooden boat for carefree boating or we will do the job for you. We carry a compiete line of materials, plus easy to rollow instrue-| tions. Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron| Stree South, Whitby, MO 8.4511, UNPAINTED bookcases only 99 cents, with the purchase of any piece of un-| |ter rugs, highchair step stool, Westing- |house automatic washer and drier, everything in good condition, selling as owner is leaving country. Telephone |WH 2.6223, FOR SALE -- Household furnishings, including 'fridge. stove, kitchen suite, {lamps rugs and tables, washing ma- |SPECIAL! 14° 6" moulded plywood |boats five-ply, mahogany, long deck. |seat backs. Regularly $495, clearance -= | price $349. Terms $35 down, $25 month |ly. No outside financing. Apply Domin. PO Pl A R ion Store, 48 Bond Street West. | 314 PARK RD, S. me RA 3-942] vation phone Meagher's RA 3.3425, 51--Swap & Barter painted furniture. Chest of drawers, HOLIDAY trailer, Glen Dette deluxe REE Be fossure $17; desks $14: bookcases, 5.99; van. | cabin cruiser, p | mouth, 51 Austin, power unit, garage { 16', sleeps five, in new condition, ' {50--Articles For Sale ity dresser, $26. Wilson Furniture, 20 motor trailer a ---- - |doors, sinks, cabinets, plumbing ' used only once. RA 5.5329. " hes Church Street. | LLOYD carriage, pink and white, with : sup-| and! pad, converts to car bed, perfoct con-| | plies. H. Chinn, Park South at Hillside Remington, Sun-|dition. RA 8-0549. | | am -- m------------ Fast _effi-| | | "lof wringer type washers, % hp motors| ELECTRIC razor repairs, paris $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned [Service for Schick, un, F Rouson, Fa Fis ORIGINAL oil paintings, landscapes, " . : WATERPROOF ROOFDECKING Gosdwill 4' x 4' SHEETS -- N.H.A. APPROVED Feeling By | washers and stoves. Padly's Market, beam, Phili-Shave _ lor gifts RA 5.1238 Best Quality, 38" Thick Canadians he Hampton, CO 3-2241. ent service. Meagher's, ment dry with » de $1.20 PER SHEET WINNIPEG (CP) -- Canadian our two countries." SEWING machine sale, zig.zag auto. ETE for 3 matic, makes button holes, embroiders, [KEEP your ment &ry With 2 de VAINUT Geis mie Sutie 3nd] 918 Simcoe strect buffet, swivel rocker chair, Westing-| stationed in West Ger-| (Canada an exceptionally | | {many play a bigger role as good- strong moral partner with West condition. $575. RA 8-0741, After 7 p.m. RA 5-8567. 4 WILL sell for cash '52 Monarch con. vertible, body In perfect if , new paint, radio, skirts, ww tires. RA 8-0569. '51 PONTIAC sedan, one owner car, good condition. Dial RA 5-2872. FOR SALE -- 1953 Plymouth, excel. lent condition. Call Beverley Howe, MOhawk 8-5853 thy. *50 CHEV., with custom radio, motor, rear end, transmission A-1. Best offer takes it away. Private. RA 8-0216. '50 VAUXHALL Wyvern, needs repairs. Will sell as is or sell parts. Good tires radio, heater, etc. RA 8-5072. 50 CHEV, %-ton pick-up, good condi tion, $150. Tlephone RA 5-4047. '51 CHEV., good running order $200, or best offer. Phone RA 5-4935. , 12 RA Best and garage 9. '53 CHFVROLET coach, excellent con- dition, very clean. 299 Drew Street. '56 OL E "Super 88" equipp- ed. Bes: offer, Telephone KA 5-8504 '59 FOUR door Biscayne Chevrolet, 16,000 miles, $1950. RA 5-8865, '59 FORD automatic, fordor, owner, $1895. Telephone RA 5-2802 '55 CADILLAC Sixty Special. Full power equipment, reduced to $1475 Wilbak Motors, 137 King West. |'50 PONTIAC, good ruani 1g condition -- eee. | radio. Best offer. Must se'l. RA 579 '49 CHEV. one ton stake ruck; |r Ch in Ad oo. ase [510 Sterling Avenue, ev, car in -, 3 3 - eee car and 'ruck tires and parts for sale.|'58 BUICK special coach, excellent con- Phone RA 3-2281, dition, clean inside and out. Apply 131 DISCRIMINATING buyer has the op. | omwell Ave L 3 buy TIE OF) res pre o----a--s dh to own this beautiful '58 Olds-|'51 CHEV. coach, good condition. Call mobile "98" two-door hardtop. Fully RA 88154. SS --§=------$>@ power-equipped, low mileage, the car|jo5 PLYMOUTH; also '51 Chev., in 's in immaculate condition. The cwner|good condition. Apply 112 Wil will consider any reasonable offer, Call |jiam Street West. RA 3-2124 between 5 and 6:30 p.m BT "58 CHEVROLET in good condition, one |'53 OLDSMOBILE holiday owner. Apply 149 Banting Avenue after Mary Street. 4 pm eee PRIVATE sale, '57 Plymouth Savoy, two tone, automatic. 78 Churchill Ave- nue. RA 8-6483. Son 51 FORD % ton pick up, good condi- tion, must be sold this weekend. Apply 1239 Meadowvale Street. 52 PONTIAC sedan deluxe, very good condition. Phone RA 3.9603 after 5 p.m. one THREE bath sets, D parts and repair Reasonable understand the way of life--the way of thinking ~--of its citizens," he said in an interview during a visit here. The ambassador said the Ca- nadian contingent with NATO forces in Germany would not be of great military value in a case emergency. But they are "of decisive political importance for bilateral relations between make friends, WOOD'S Umbrella tent, 9 x 9, two s, good condition. Apply 17 Greta ef etc. For top cash offer, con t 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131.| cot stoves, 47--Automobiles For Sale |i: KEITH'S CAR MARKET =~ [meri gms ac condition. Call RA 8-1160 after 6 p.m. BOAT, 14' runabout, mahogany deck 512 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MO 8-8621 YOUR SPORTS CAR HAVEN coupe. 355 ADMIRAL television, late model, 21-| inch, in perfect condition, $99. Terms. | Meag| 5 King Street West | ele. | = phere MA 3.7051, 11 a.m, to 7 p.m ORY gs, like on y 9, 'hall KENMORE. automatic 30-inch electric |27 inches and 4' by range, oven window. Used eight months, | matching, Also large like new. Call RA 3-2881. 5-9823 LARGE blond wood crib, pink plastic OFFICE desk snap, also typewriter, mattres in excellent condition. MA ike new. cash register, only $40. RA 3-52 nights RA 59748. 136 Simcoe VACT Street South. Ga 3 parts, attachments, brushes, guaran-| KITCHEN suite, chrome, four r teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. wood stove; jacket heater; child Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv-(tent: high back snk; ice box: ice. RA 8-0591 anytime. V6 L ru new by § | troops is 195? PONTIAC, two door sedan, rz good running condition. RA 8.2044. '48 PONTIAC, completely rebuilt and refinished, $200, guaranteed, RA 3.9973 '55 CHEVROLET sedan, reasonable sews on buttons, over-casts, blind hems, | humidifier from house refrigerator, completely auto. | {will ambassadors than as a mil-| Germany in efforts to prevent does many decorative stitches. While (day free ome Atrial they last! Only $99.50. Elna Sewing|North. RA 3-3043 - [ matic. RA 3.2570 atfer 5 p.m. or Satur itary force, says Dr. Herbert the cold war from turning hot, Siegfried, West German Ambas- he said. re, Oshawa Shopping Centre. RA |SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re-| day sador to Canada. "Canada is in the unusually frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, "It is of great value to both|lucky position not to have any n's good | 66 RUSSETT AVE. -- (Off 1264 Simcoe N.) price Telephone COlfax 3-2148. '52 FARGO half-ton pick.up, $200. Tele- phone RA 8.0818. 47 CHEV. coach, good running order, all good tires, and battery. Phone RA 5-2392 after 5 p.m. : "55 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, coral and white, radio and heater, new tires, battery, exhaust system. Apply 325 Celina Street SPECIALS '58 FORD FAIRLANE, auto- matic transmission, one owner. Very, very PLYMOUTH four - door cutomatic transmission, radio, windshield wash- ers, one owner . $1095 DODGE DARTS Fully equipped ready for the road $2495 This Week ROBINSON MOTORS (OSHAWA) LTD. 574 RITSON RD. S. Open Until 9 P.M. BUYING A CAR TRY WELLMAN'S TOP DOLLAR FOR TRADES WRITTEN GUARANTEE EASY TERMS "HOLIDAY SALE", '60 VAUXHALL 4 DOOR STATION WAGON, White walls, two tone 1 owner $1965 AUSTIN STATION WAGON, finished in gleaming black with white walls and radio 1 owner $1445 HILLMAN MINX, ride in style for less per mile. Sharp $1295 PLYMOUTH SAVOY, radio, full chrome discs, 2 tone, like new = $895 MONARCH, finished in a beautiful metallic green with new tires $995 METEOR NIAGARA, white walls, economy "6". A family buy $995 FORD FAIRLAINE V-8 radio, white walls, 2 tone, wheel discs, Sharp . $895 CHEV. 2-DOOR Deluxe V-8, white wolls, new paint in immaculate condition $945 CHEV. 4-DOOR Deluxe Automatic "6", low mile- age, reduced STUDEBAKER, automatic, clean FORD CUSTOM, finished in gleaming black with a spotlight $395 '50 CHEV. DELUXE 2-DR Reduced . . . $47 '50 PONTIAC DELUXE 4- DR. Reduces $87 YOU ARE INVITED TO SEE ED & KEN AND TEST DRIVE THE 1960 HILLMAN OR THE 1960 RAMBLER "RIDE IN STYLE FOR LESS PER MILE" WELLMAN'S NONQUON RD. Open Till 10 P.M. RA 3-443] '55 '54 '53 IN AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITES NOW OPEN TO SERVE YOU We have a full line of 1960 Sprites, new Austin A55's, new amazing 850s, and the Austin A40. All new cars carry a full 12 months warranty. Trade-ins welcome. IN USED CARS WE HAVE A WIDE VARIETY OF THE BETTER CLASS Our Opening Spécial For This Week Only 1958 DODGE CRUSADER With less than 9,000 guaranteed miles, One owner (name on request) for only $1695.00, We now have in stock 3 - 1958 Austin A55 4-door sedans in immaculate condition, the best offer over $1100.00 drives one of these beauties away. See if you can find another 1956 Chev. Bel Air Convertible V-8. Automatic with radio, in the same condition as this one. 2-tone green and white with whitewall tires. Only $1695.00. We have 20 other models to choose from. ATTENTION! We are the authorized dealers for travel homes fully equipped to go any place, anytime. Full weight furnished Ibs., for as low as $995.00. We have Fleetline and Glendale trailer homes ready for immediate delivery. A 50 x 10' deluxe home fully furnished ond delivered for as low as $5,000.00. Im- mediate finance on mobile homes and cars. See us for demon- KEITH'S CAR MARKET 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY stration, Prompt service. Free estimates. Order |g, rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. ndition, reasonable. Phone RA 5.3914 ray M now for early delivery. Chair and table 'jon, $2100, RA 3-7002. runabout 17°, good condi- inboard 6-cylinder, RA 8-6264 |Germany and Canada that young traditional enemies in the world. |Canadians come to the country|The effect of this fact is great {their fathers fought against 'and prestige." RACER bicycle with accessories, 139 Agnes Street. $25 TO $100 worth of free gifts with the purchase of a chesterfield, bedroom suite or dining room suite. Offer good for a limited time only! Easy terms Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat. teries Kelvinator vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA SINGLE beds, end § very clean end good value, small tables, chairs, »nd mis- cellaneous articles, Apply 309 Centre Street '59 VOLKSWAGEN, 7000 miles, one owner, four lawn chairs, German hi-fi set two months old, floor lamp, excel: lent condition. Phone RA 8-0860. 16 FOOT p controls, Excellent Telephone RA 5-0132. STEWART electric guitar, like new RA 3.9677 after 6 p.m. TV antenna, four months old, sell for half price. Phone RA 8-1801. 3 ROOMS of fewniture, only $299. This includes chesterfield, chrome set bed. room suite, mattress, spring, step and coffee tables, boudoir and table lamps, pillows, etc. $25 down delivers! *'Guar- anteed best value!" Barons' Home Fur- nishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. SEE one of Oshawa's largest transis- tor radio displays. + All the leading makes, Large variety of sizes and prices to choose from, $29.95 for a six transistor radio. Meagher's, 5 King Street West. FABULOUS savings on chesterfinlde and sofa bed suites large selection of high quality smartly designed su'tes, all clearing at one low price, $169. See our window display. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. 22" HEAVY DUTY electric range. 204 Roxborough Avenue. OUTBOARD motor, new Scott 3.6 H.P,, 20" reversible electric fan, 3 speeds. Phone OL 5-4836. wood cabin cruiser with condition, cheap AUTHORIZED AUSTIN SALES, MOBILE TRAILER HOMES WILLIS MOTORS -- Just East Ritson 5 Points Taunton Rd. YOUR AUSTIN DEALERS FOR: FAMOUS HEALEYS AND SPRITES ROOMY A-55 SEDANS HANDY A-40 STATION WAGONS DELUXE 6-CYL. AUTOMATIC A-99's AND THE NEW AMAZING AUSTIN 850's Increased sales of Austins have forced us to enlarge our facilities. To give elbow room for building we must reduce our stock of Used Cars. So prices on all Used Cars are deliberately set LOW. Here are examples: '54 JAGUAR SEDAN. Automatic. Radio. A-1 con- dition. Black $1,495 '58 AUSTIN A-55 SEDAN. Low mileage. Mechani- cally perfect. Sharp. $1,295 '60 AUSTIN SPRITE. Good White with white walls. $1725 '57 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE. Automatic. V-8. Spotless... ve: 31.,295 '54 OLDS. Automatic. Good condition. .... $695 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. SOME PRICED AS LOW AS $50. EASY TERMS -- YOUR CAR ACCEPTED IN EXCHANGE as new. Radio SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed Double hung windows only $18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. ALEX VAJDA RA 3-9851 Every job guaranteed. All aluminum products Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving. One contract, nothing down. For free estimates call ALUMA SEAL CO. RA 5-9365 ANYTIME " TORSAE PONTOON BOAT Deck 8 by 16' in very fine condition, powered by 1959 18 H.P. John- son motor, electric start- er, remote controls, price $795. Ask for: MR. WILSON ot " RA 5-6501 WOULD HAPPEN VHAT IF ALL ADVERTISING STOPPED Stores would begin cancelling orders. Very quickly, manu- facturers would close down plants and lay off millions of employees. Volume production would be a thing of the past... and so, prices would rise fast. Within a week most radio and television stations would close up shop for lack of revenue. The ability of many newspapers and magazines to perform their full, vital functions would be seriously impaired. And the cost per copy would zoom for those that tried to keep running only on circulation revenues. This alternative to advertising can hardly be the goal of the critics of advertising. Without advertising our national economy, our national life, would be bleak indeed. In many ways, advertising is the power plant of our soiety. MORE CUSTOMERS FOR MORE PRODUCTS -- American crea- tive genius and wonderful ability for organization have resulted in a tremendous flow of goods of all kinds. This creates a crucial need for masses of people anxious, willing and able to buy and consume these goods. Only a society with a constantly rising standard of living can provide the customers. These customers have to be sought, taught and often persuaded to move higher in the scale of living. This is the job of advertising. Advertising not only gives people news about new products, but provides the urge for people to own and enjoy these products. The wider and deeper the penetration of our products into the life of America, the greater the need for more production. This means more jobs. More jobs mean more people able to enjoy what we make. More people buying means more, still more production. And so on and so on. The result is that more Americans can enjoy more of the fruits of their labor than people in any country anywhere in the world can enjoy theirs. ADVERTISING LOWERS PRICES--Does advertising raise the cost of goods? On the contrary. Through newspapers, television, magazines, radio and billboards, an advertiser can talk to a pros- pect for a tiny fraction of a cent. Advertising is the quickest and cheapest way of reaching large numbers of people. It enables the advertiser to reach his market (customers) inexpensively and thus increase his total production, thereby reducing the cost. of making and selling each unit. THE CULTURAL EFFECTS OF ADVERTISING -- It's because of advertising that our mass media of communication can afford to | command the finest talent for bringing to the 'American people; information, stimulation, entertainment and education which inj 'NOTE: Reprints of this message about the meaning and significance of advertising available on The Advertising Council, 25 West 45th St., New York 36, N.Y, 2 Rrinted in the interest of wider understanding of advertising other countries are available to just a very few people. Advertising makes its cultural contribution in another way. Advertising is in large measure responsible for better living, less drudgery, more leisure for more people. This creates opportunities for intellectual and spiritual activie ties equaled in few, if any, other countries. While millions and millions of dollars are being spent by Americans for cars, boats, sports equipment and the paraphernalia of leisure, there is a growing hunger for improvement of the mind and for aesthetic enjoyment. WHAT ARE THE "NEEDS" OF THE PEOPLE?-- Critics of adver- tising sometimes indict it for creating dissatisfaction in people's minds with what they have, and persuading and cajoling them into buying what they neither need mor want. But what are "needs?" The "needs" of people in undeveloped countries are' not the same as our needs. Our needs of 50 years ago are not the same as they are today. We don't actually "need" electric razors, electric refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, television sets, shampoos, beauty treatments, packaged goods, or even automobiles. But would the critics of .vertising stop encouraging people to want a better life? Would they have the millions of people who create, produce, and market the so-called "non-essentials" thrown out of jobs? Do they want us to go back to the more primitive living of other countries? ADVERTISING -- PUBLIC SERVANT --Frequently, the advertising industry is called on to direct public-service jobs--for the Govern ment as well as for private public-service organizations. This it does through the Advertising Council, a non-profit organization supported by American business and advertising media. Here's what President Eisenhower said to the Advertising Council in Washington several months ago: "For eighteen years you have been stimulating the nation's cone science in areas where the voluntary work of great numbers of people has been necessary in order to promote worthwhile causes, 1 know you have been in such fields as conservation, organized charities, safety, prevention of accidents, and more recently in giving your efforts to the job of pointing out to our people the need for self-discipline if we are to avoid debasement of our currency and prevent inflation. "And I think no other body has done more in this regard in 'trying (0 inform America across the board of these thin, "The Advertising Council," ~~ re than your request 1

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