44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent 44a--Rooms For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 50---Articles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, July 23, 1960 15 45--Real Estate For Sale {47--Automobiles For Sale week, EIGHT - room country home, acre of FOUR - room house, at Bonnie Brae Point, at the lake. Phone RA 5-3827. FURNISHED room, per only. id Pine RA 3-2853. land, all modern conveniences, bus sex, vice to schools, close to Highways 7, THREE . room, d all conveniences, completely private. Apply 292 Huron Street. WILSON Road North at Li ----- $105, new two-bedroom sound - proof apartments, large living room, sepa. rate dining room, decorated to suit, stove and refrigerator, bamboo drapes, ample parking. Occupancy August 1. Call D. Hazlett, HUdson 986. 2241 Avenue Road, Toronto. THREE - room flat, private bath, hot water, adults only. ind 31 Albany Street Phone * RA | 3760. THREE - room apartment, with bath, central, couple preferred, close to hos- pital. Apply 418 Jarvis Street FOUR - room futlished house trailer. Telephone RA 8-821 UNPURNISHED apartment, central, one child welcome, newly decorated, new home, three-piece bath, heated, heavy wiring TV outlet, private en- trance. Call 467 Drew Street. MODERN four - room apartment, with bathroom, screened-in porch, garage, TV aerial. central business couple. Ap. Ply 209 Bond 'd East, sidedoor. FOR RENT In Whitby, six. room bungalow two years old, large base- ment, available August, Lease required Mohawk 8-226, + Whitby | APARTME T, good location, Phone room apartment, furnished heavy duty stove and refrigerator, built-in cupboards{ continuous hot water. three - piece bath, TV antenna. RA 3.4528 THREE unfurnished rooms. eunboards in kitchen, TV outlet. 8.3818 or 124 Tyler Crescent, room, kitchen and two bed. rooms, supply own heat, $40 monthly. 24 King Street West Apply Humphries, 5. sink and RA Boychyn and Hillman, 36% King Street | East TWO room vate bath, RA 5-1177 furnished available August 1 apartment. pri- | RA 5.9696 TWO - apartment house, private drive garage TV antenna, oil furnace,' cen tral location. Available immediately, $113 monthly, RA 5-0464. NISHED {two - room apartment, kitchen and bed - sitting room, stove, refrigerator, sink and cupboards close to shopping centre. RA 3-9551, room, unfurnished apartment, bed - sitting room and Kkit- chen, near hospital and GM. Bachelor or working couple preferred. RA 5.2134 THREE room apartment "furnished, stove, refrigerator, young couple, no children, central, available August 1 RA 3-4726, KA Drew Street THREE - room, unfurnished, ment. three-piece bath. heavy separate entrance, adults only, dinte possession $60 monthly RA 8.6115 THREE rate en monthly 5-6206 OFFICE SPACE OVER KRESGE'S FOR RENT AVAILABLE SEPT. 1st | 2600 SQ. FT. CAN BE DIVIDED RA 5-0732 PKWOOD MAIR basement apart wiring, imme Phone rooms and bath, clean, ance, chiidren welcome Apply 46 Russett Avenue. , sepa $50 RA HOUSE for rent, 714 Dundas Street West, Whitby, $110 a month. One child welcome. Phone OL 5-3746. FIVE - room bungalow with modern conveniences and large lot, three miles west of Brooklin. Phone OL 5-3 TWO room furnished apartment third floor, conveniences, heat, lights, cen- $60 Phone RA 3-9180. 7A and 12, $4000 down, avo niles from Port Perry. Contact R. Archer, Port Perry. SINGLE rooms, men only, Two min utes from town. 142 Celina Street. LOT for sale, I) x 200, between Whitby |'53 STUDEBAKER V8, overdrive, $350; and Oshawa. Elizabeth Crest Aventis, [82 Ch air sedan $435; '53 Chev, $1550. Apply 255 Athol East, coach, 53 Ford soavestible $575; PAINT, interior, exterior, All Oshawa Church Street RA 3-7624. $2.95 gallon. flat, gloss. Electric, Guaranteed, and colors, Hardware $385; | "83 Austin sedan, $250; SACRIFICE SALE, $12,900, large bun-inew motor, $695; '53 Pontiac, $350. galow with paved drive and two large | Phone RA §-6057. FURNISHED room with privileges desired. Continuous hot if f? t level, bingalow, water a RA 3.9895, {SEVEN _ room, split lev Fy three years old, lake trontage, 55 x 200. Full price, $12,800; $500 down. WH 2.6223, ROOM, for light ig vey very ceptral, bus, store at dcor. FIVE - room bungalow, sunroom, air- conditioned, aluminum storms, screens, awnings garage, hardwood floors, Ap- ply 151 Nassau Street. RA 3-33110. ONE furnished room, aud kitcnen for couple, Also one furnish: oom for gentleman, Apply 620 Simcoe Street pation, Jandscaped ron in base.| 97 FORD aulomatic, two-tone, radio, ment, suitable for office, plus recreas low _mieage, after § p.m. phone RA GLIDER Go-Kart, clutch, aluminum wheels with Timken roller bearings, 5.0508 or MO 8-4741. uphol- 50--Articles For Sale 52--Legal 3 HORSE power Wisconsin mortar|l Will not be responsible for any debts , mixer, | also five brick rods. [contracted in my name by my io, " MO 8 after this date, | stery, new Clinton 2% HP engine with good condition. RA tion room roughed in, and three-piece bath roughed in. Aluminum storms and screens and doors. Hurry for this one. Call John Bolahood at RA 5-6544. John | A. J, Bolahood Ltd., Realtors. CT four-door, good motor and body, snow tires. Phone RA 58723. 57 BUICK hardtop automatic, snow- tires Telephone RA 34117, $350 Dow. six - room solid brick |: i "DODGE Standard $300 and take t, private drive, | North. THREE rooms, second floor, ed, Shlidren welcome $50 mofithly. 7Y 30 FIVE room winterized cottage ot Bow- manville West beach, large lot, 845 per FIVE - room attached brick bungalow for sale, no agents. Phone RA 81774. Call after 6 p.m. ONE or two rooms suitable for one or two gentlemen. 116% Olive Avenue, Los 8-8630 r_ payments 78 Bloor V West. "DOWN payment, '54 Dodge. four- door, excellent condition, Must sell ful carries $80 monthly, three bedrooms, |° spacious living room, immediate pos- session. Call Toronto no charge, OX 9.9673, B Real Estate Ltd. with L- also '57 Ford Fairlane, fly , Suipped. Phone RA 85943 after 6.30, FOR SALE -- Spanish Electric Guitar, solid body, single pick-up, 4-months old old, Phone MOhawk 8-3440, Whitby. OUTBOARD motor, 5 HP, excellent for fishing $85. Lloyd' | baby carriage, Telephone OL 5- new, Pelephone WH 2-5634 or 20 Nelson Street, Ajax. 1960 CUSTOM made radio to fit Chev. #7. [niture 20 Church Street, Zofia on or July 23, 1960, without my written come BIG bedding sale, buy now and save, sent, --Roman Wiatrowski, factory clearance of spring filled m Ig AL Ruddy Behind Danger Sign some mis-matched some with headboards, clearout prices from i bunk beds, eight pleces complete, OTTAWA (CP) -- Warning te visitors in the mountain national parks of Alberta and British Col. * USED tires, most all sizes, 4 od up. B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA FIBREGLASS your wooden "oat for rooms private 1607, EE unfurnished THREE dro Bath centrally located. RA 5- shapeo living iy dining room, be. month, Apply 60 Hunt Street, Bo ville, wo way entrance, balcony, sink, cupboards, TV aerial 255 Edward Street RA 8-187 THREE room, upstairs s furnished apartment, use of hall phone, separate entrance, about five blocks north of General Hospital. $65 per month. RA| 8-3954 ji TWO apartments for rent, , tw ms on main floor, or four large roms on second floor or will rent together, Cor- ner of Prince and Bond Streets, also small store or shop, reasonable. Apply 26 Prince Street, RA 3.2512, or MO 8-5765. room apartment, private drive. heavy wiring, £45 monthly. 7. tween Whitby and Oshawa, large fenced tn lot, Low down payment. RA 8-0387 $500 DOWN. Solid brick three bedroom, full basement, NHA carries $86 month including taxes. MO 8-4274 after 7 p.m. FURNISHED room with two beds, shared with friends, cooking privileges, |frigidaire. 57 Montrave after 4 p.m. SINGLE room, board optional, central, | 8 minutes from Sowntowls, I Home priv- WITH HOUSE, one acre of land, resi- dential district, sewers, water, must sell ble for quick sale. RA 3-434 three-bedroom FURNISHED room with kitchen, suit gentleman. Telephone RA 3-9225. 45--Reol Estate For Sale $700 DOWN detached brick bungalow, (wo i Whitby, NHA mortgage at 6 per cent, sacrifice sale. Private. MO 8.5205, $1000 DOWN ~~ will "buy you a good home, best location. W. McCasley. Realtor, 26 Prince Street. RA 3-2512 or MO 8-5765. LOT 75 x mm Sewer and water, On G OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building. Centrally lo- coted In downtown area. Moderate rent. Leases now available. THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 44a--Rooms For Rent ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avall.| able in private home 82 Park Road North, 5-7 p.m. RA 8-8671 5 TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen, with refrigerator, built-in eup- boards and sink, All conveniences. Apply 887 Ritson Road South, ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, "aval: able in private home. 82 Park Road North, 5-7 p.m. RA 88671 F room unfurnished "apartment, 203 King Street West, couple only, avallabla immediately. FOUR room apartment, separate en: france, heavy duty wiring, vicinity King and Wilson, adults only. Phone RA 8-6279 evenings. RA 3-4992. TWO room apartment, for light house- keeping hii furnish, Phone after * p.m | TW TH or partly furnished | housekeeping Fooms, No children. Tele: phone RA 8-132 SINGLE and a rooms, newly de- corated, suit gentleman, five minutes from tour corners. Apply 135 Celina Street HOUSEKEEPING apartment, suitable for three gentlemen or girls, also single rooms available, RA 8.0852. 74 Oshawa Boulevard South. $11 WEEKLY, two cooking privileges, central. 180 Bruce p.m, TWO rooms for light housekeeping, will furnish Apply side door, upstairs. 165 Ritson Road South after 6 p.m. furnished rooms, also single room, Street between 4-5 APARTMEN, C ON SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD. & KING ST. DISTRICT) OPEN FOR INSPECTION Qtiet, residential street, Children welcome, 1 & 2-bedroom_ Apartments. Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, drapes, parking, etc Rents from $85 monthly E PHONE RA 5-7272 RA 5-5787 TWO large furnished rooms, frigerator, private entrance, very CLEAN furnished room, suit gentle: man RA 3.9225. TNISHE D large fr sirigerator, stove, etc entrances TV outlet. Apply 184 Beatty Avenue, stove, re- parking, central also furnished single room. 96 Centre Street. "furnished room. Apply 41 Osh- North, Mt spacious bedsitting room modern. furniture in clean home, one min 36 Fernhill 0 with Cooking facilities i fdesired, ute to Shopping Centre Blvd. RA 5-7295. NICELY furnished roof, very central, | suitable for one or two people, reason- able rent. RA 8-5526 WHITBY CLASSIFIED THREE - bedroom, unfurnished apart. ment, centrally located in Whitby. Ap-| Ritson Road South, RA 51841 Grade 12 Mathematics | two hours per week. Call MO| WANTED teacher 166 FURNISHED room, private entrance, in respectable home Call - MO 8-4257 HOUSE ANTED -- quired 3 bedroor grown fam rsidential section by August 15th mple 9-1461 Rouge Hill BUNGALOW, corner lot, MO 8.5179 FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms or light hous: g rooms with con- veniences. Apply 305 Trent Street West, Whit WANTED Day care of children while mother works, or while parents are on vacation. Apply at 1014 Byron | Street North, Whitby. LOST -- One air of dark rimmed | glasses in vicinity of Whitby reward if returned. Phone MOhawk 8 3109. FOR RENT rator Whitby WAITRE must ha Drive-in Restauran REPAIRS w g other appliances. Dealers for city and Kelvinator products Furniture, phone MOhawk MOhawk 8-5740 EXPERT otiling for gardens and lawns. Don't call unless you want the best. Dick Devnich. Phone MO 8:2614. | N office space in Whitby. 800 sq. ft, or less, parking lot facilities. Call Whitby Professional Building, MO 8 3731: evenings, MO 8-4003 Feb 12| TWO rooms and kitchen, light wiring, share bathroom. Also one furnished | room for gentleman. Telephone MO 8-4487 between 3a and 7 FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint and Wallpaper Store Byron Street South 8-5231 AUCTION: Sale of Househcld Furniture three bedrooms, full price $10,500 "garage, Owner -- Three-room and stove, Call RA for evening work nee. Ay David's MO 3 apartment, 213 Palace wanted 1066 "and Simpli Midtown B8-4981 or| to as machines ri The property of Miss Elma Richardson, 305 Byron St. North, Whitby, Ont., on Wednesday Aug. 3rd at 6.30 P.M. 1 Dining room suite (good), 2 bedroom suites, 1 piano (good); Numerous other articles. Ted Jack- | Highest Small | FOR RENT -- New modern apartment, two bedrooms, stove, refrigerator, TV |outlet provided, immediate possession. {$87.50 monthly. MO 8-2625. LIVF poultry, also feathers wanted, market prices paid, Jake Parker. MOhawk 8-3644 collect. |serTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary ay, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8.2563 HOME owners -- Shingling, siding, in. sulation, eavestroughing, vainting, cash or rms. Phil Harper, 225 fireen Whitby _Mo 8-4 4558 FURNISHED Three * room apartment Whitby apartment building. Vacant 1. Telephone RA 5.3214 in August FOR SALE ~ Rotten manure or com post, odorless and weedless for flow ers, shrubs, lawns and gardens. Phone IMO 8-4514 | HOUSE ana bungalow wanted, Good oun payments W McAuley Realtor 8 Oshawa RA 3.2512 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed Walter Ward 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563 SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freezes from only $279.95. For special prices on ranges, fridges, washers and dry- ers, contact Mid Town Furniture, The Newest Appliance Dealer in Whitby MO 8-4981 or Mo 8-5740 K.&M. CLEANERS will close for staff holidays, July 30th, re-open August - 8th, 1960 HOLIDAY EQUIPMENT Tents $10 per wk. Boats & cances $15 per wk. OUTBOARD MOTORS 5 HP $16 per 72 HP $18 per 15 HP $28 per wk. 30 HP $40 per wk. BOAT AND TRAILER WITH 5 HP $35 per wk. 10 HP $42 per wk. 15 HP $47 per wk. We also rent stoves, lanterns cots, sleeping bags, etc WILDE RENTALS Sales & Service wk. wk, son, Auctione 1415 Dundas E., MO 8-3226 r reet, overlooking Oshawa, 34600, halt down payment, Stephen sacko Realtor WILSON REALTOR Oshawa Shopping Centre PHONE RA 5-6588 $7,500 FULL PRICE Buys this compact home in the North-west area, oil heat- ing, oll conveniences, fenced in landscaped lot with lovely | bord maple tree, and private drive. For full particulars, Priced Please call RA 8-4661 FIVE - room, three - bedroom modern brick bungalow, garage, paved drive, Jandsedped, or t $14,750 full pri down be iss bedroom brick bungalow, in jill resi. dential area. Natural stain mahogany cupboards and tri throughout, only $12,500 for quick Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA 5-9870. payment , landscaped decorated, paved drive, aluminum windows and many other extras, $12,800. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA 5 9870 PRIVATE Three bedroom brick storey, fully modern, furnished basement apart- ment, almost central, good area, chandelier, many extras, $13,900 with $1,900 down. RA 3-3889. includes call today DEAL FAMILY HOME NORTHEAST AREA 158,950.00 FULL PRICE Two storey, six room, forced air oil furnace, nicely land- scaped lot, with garage ond private drive. Storms and screens, 1.V. antenna, nice just recently For full particulars oday. 1V2 partly 0 Have you a house to sell? For courteous, conscientious, ex- pert handling, call STEPHEN MACKO REALTOR 187 King St. E. RA 8-4661 Members of Oshawe ond District Real Estate Board Open Evenings ond all Day Saturday AFTER HOURS CALL: Bill Norris RA 5-7983 Dick Young .... RA 3-7183 Dave Donald RA 5-8522 Lloyd Corson . RA 3.2537 HAVE YOU SEEN OUR MODEL HOME AT HILLSDALE TERRACE YET? DROP IN THIS WEEK END Go East on Rossland Road, past' Ritson Road North to Central Park Blvd. PRIVATE SALE $1,450 Down (or nearest of= fer) -- 6% NHA brick bun- galow, six rooms, storms, screens, fence, landscaped, Full Price WILL, sell for cash '52 Wogaren con. vertiple, body in perfect condition, new paint, radio, skirts, ww tires. RA 8-0569, 51 PONTIAC sedan, one owner ear, good condition. Dial RA 5-2872, "50 CHEV., with custom radio, motor, |h) rear end, transmission A-l offer Private Sole -- Three - bed- room brick split-level, very attractive ond clean, many extras, including colored G.E. refrigerator and range. Full FOR sale, one 9 x 12° broadloom rug, ar $140, sell for $75. Phone RA 8-4714. BOAT, 16-foot, cruiser type cabin, home built to Fad decks , like fully"eq oo seen at "Gre Marine, Port P mushroom color, one ye old cost boating or we will do the job for you. We carry a complete line of materials, plus easy to rollow instruc. tions. Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron Stree: South, Whitby, MO 8-4511. e price $58. Smooth top mattresses made by famous makers, $19.95, Wilson Fur. umbia: Beware of bears with red ' backsides. This is the danger sign plans, well, Evinrude electric 25 uipped, hn. Mat price $12,100 -- downpay- ment $2,300, one NHA mort- gage for full balance, $65.00 takes it away. Private. RA 8.0216, VAUXHALL Wyvern, needs repairs, Will sell as is or sell pi Good radio, heater, etc. RA 8-5072, BOAT and motor together or a 15 ft. moulded plywood, ~quipped, tires ge motor, 12 like ew, best offer. RA 9865 or HA 59712 50 CHEV, 4-ton pick-up, good condi tion, $150, Tlephone RA 5-4047, 49 CHEV. one ton stake rruck; '47 Chev. car in A-1 condition; also used car and truck tires and parts for sale. Phone RA 3-22C1. monthly principal end in= terest -- MO 8-8094, FOR SALE hd yr To (a division of Market appliances COlfax 3-2241. Beatty Bros) now sold at Paddy's at hard to beat yrices, POWERFUL amplifier, capable of OR FOR RENT 495 SIMCOE STREET NORTH A DISCRIMINATING buyer has the op- portunity to own this beautiful "58 Olds- mobile "98" two-door hardtop. Fully power-equipped, low mileage, the car s in immaculate condition. The cwner will consider any reasonable offer, Call RA 3-2124 be ween 5 and 6:30 p.m. plete with record playing equipment, volume for large hall, com- microphone etc., for rent. For reser- vation phone Meagher's RA pun. AL oll farm scenes, 16 x 20. an Ideal for gifts, RA 5-1238, Hampton. A complete line of Wi dopted by the parks branch of UNPAINTED bookcases only 99 cents,| tho national resources ith the purehase of depart. painter firmture, Chest a rirawers. ment to wars the public against ; desks $14; cases, 5.99; van- bears that have become "'overly ity dresser, $26. Wilson Farnitare, 20| friendly" with visitors. Under into ef- regulation ELECTRIC razor repairs, parts and|fect in 1958 and po? ined in the beam. Phill-shave. Ronson. Fast efs| Commons Friday by Resources: Minister Alvin " Hamilton, such" ent service, Meagher's, 5 King Street est. bears are removed to "very diss' {tant spots" ayy he have their pos. Seslors painted red KEEP your basement dry with a de- humidifier from Parkway TV, seven | day free home trial. 918 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3043, If they reappear in parts of i furniture? We'll buy it. Re- {park f bl by the pul frigerators, Vv 5, washers, pianos, they are removed permanently, stoves, ete. For top cash offer, Son {Mr. Hamilton said. tact 19 P P) | ho? 5 eines Street, Phone RA 8-1131.| He rejected a suggestion by 3 cre spe bicycle, good | Mr. Hamilton said. '56 PONTIAC two door hardtop, condition. Best offer, after six. 157 crest Drive, Whitby, MO 8-4215. $2,000 DOWN PAYMENT CARRIES FOR $85 MONTHLY This family or income home is worth seeing. Close to all schools. Featuring a spacious living room with 'natural fire- place, dining room, modern tiled kitcnen, screened sun porch, 5 bedrooms, tiled bathroom, fully decorated, hardwood flooring through- out. Oil heating. Landscaped lot 50' x 150°, A-1 ill BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) | RA 3.4494 . 5.5574 Reh Non P AKESHORE Auto Wrecker | for I Wresiing. Highest prices paid © HOUSTON! S GARAGE cars p LLOYD "AYERS REALTOR--RA 3.2254 $10,500 FULL PRICE -- 6- room brick home on Park Rd. S. near King St., forced air oil heating, 4-pc. bath, gare age, spotless condition. $1,600 down. $13,500 FULL PRICE -- 6- room ranch - style bungalow with attached garage, extra large lot, a beautiful home and must be seen to be ap- preciated. Asking $3,700 down. $2.200 DOWN -- NHA re- sale, completely decorated and landscaped, spacious 3. bedroom brick and stone bun- golow. Reason for selling, owner transferred $4,300 CASH PRICE -- 2- room cottage, newly decore ated, on lot 40 x -148 ft. right on Simcoe St. S. BANCROFT AREA 200 acres with 2,000 Scotch pine and 2,000 red pine -- no buildings. Asking $650 down, MO 8-5783 $989 DOWN ONE MORTGAGE FALL OCCUPANCY While they last, new N.HA, bungalows, very limited num- ber to be constructed this year. DON'T BE TOO LATE! FULL PRICE $11,995 RA 5-883] W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS -- INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-6544 APARTMENT BLDGS. 14 245 acres bordering on small loke , good hunting area, no buildings, Asking $1,000 down 9-r suites -- fully leased, $98,000 ultra modern ,000 suites -- near shopping centre -- $65.200 Park $40,000 leased, modern bldg. $19,900 11 suites 8 m insul brick home and 100 land, 75 acres workable, barn, machine shed. Only $500 down. 100 acres hardwood and softwood bush, good hunting area. $500 down. 50 acres wood | acres 5 suites Road Duplex, Houses of all types, loca- tions, sizes and prices, Call Jack Appleby RA 5-6544 or RA 398 Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board hardwood and soft- and about 1,900 ft. of lakeshore property (no buildings). Asking $2,000 down, BRAEMOR GARDENS STEVENSON RD. N. AND ANNAPOLIS the presents BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL ARNWOOD' 6 Rooms-Split-Level-Dream Kitchen FULL PRICE UNDER N.H.A. $12,999 | FULL DOWN PAYMENT $949 "GRACE & SPACE BY GOLDELL One of Oshawa's foremost builders of low and medium priced homes MODEL 'HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION OVER WEEKEND Inquire about Goldell's exclusive money-back guarantee in Custom Built Homes | AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. RA 3-7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens pald off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. | RA 3-942] rw 1960 © Tiling i STUDEBAKER radio, whitewalls, wheel dash, electric wiper LARK 5 miles per gallon door Sedan Delivered Fully Equipped at AY §2485.00 and n p b SABYAN MOTOR SALES offer. RA 5-3710 VOLKSWAGE eld washers, LIMITED 334 RITSON RD. S. Dial RA 3-3461 Apply 168 ||50--Articles For Sale Heights after 5 PRIVATE sale tiac, automat er, Can be fin cabinet with sink and taps, two end tables, man's bi rm doors with screens, J ir built-in, RA 5-7003, or ainting Avenue SALE Molded "plywood 14 14-48. equipped, suitable for 40 hp motor e MOhawk 8-2975 Whitby "ABIN 19% ft. $500, | App! ly jarage King Street I ERN : HOLMES 204 King St. E., Phone RA 5-2363 or RA i, Rep Oshawa | 5-6382 resent 47--Automobiles | For Sale | | i VROLET, new car condition 53 BUICK, RA 5-2783 "52 FORD, radio, front and back ef, new motor. RA 5-2743 51 CHEVROLET conditioned engine, 86785 58 RAMBLE autor ing seat 3 payments 55 DODGE ments, $27 good condition peak- | ri lio, extras, re $150. Phone RA ti reclin , radio p t WHiteha all 2 $25 dow a n, month RA 5 good condition, oh Two job in wind sell a ven Harmony 30 p.m ge, one own Phone RA 8-1583 real good motor, one owner 1852 PONTIAC Packard coach in very good Must sel. RA 5-5 53 PONTIAC, A-1 condition, fully equipped two ton tinted glass, custom under seat heater, 8-120 '53 PONT Phone RA '55 BUICK four 24,000 miles sedan delivery, 1953 -andition, ra aut 213 FoR condition, | b I natic, ete, RA "coach, good "terms. Cast. all makes cruiser, Ted's, C USED arts and repairs fo: of wringer type hers, 4 hp motors guaranteed reconditioned | Padly's Market, Motors, 18 PONTIAC, completely refinished, $200 guaranteed. 1952 PONTIAC, two door good running ' condition 48 PONTIAC, refinished, $200, "55 PONTIAC and white, rad battery, i 5 Celina RA WRECKING '50 sae RA 3.9940 5 SIMCA deluxe, A-1_ condition |g ion Soo ghout, . Phor RA 8.0921. Fina t ne Service, 449 Ritson Road South, | + = [ONE ¥ 1850 oF ¥ "CEDAR strip boat with. Tee-Nee | and Johnson 3.9 Cidll RA 3.96 Oriental radio, | 11' i. trailer in sedan, RA 820 eb RA entian sedan, cora ater, new tir n Apply complete! guaranteed Tug, 9 x 12. wool bedroom suite, dinette ite, et, swivel rocker chair, refrigerator, completely RA 3.2570 after 5 p.m. or WALNUT ha Street Meteor, all parts for IHOUSE TV, in good con. bout four years old with al. ew _Plcture tuk RA 3.3954. Bit, pram "ding u once, Apply 61 Rosehill Blvd. |CHESTERFIELD suite, reversible foam cushions, self-covered back, solid |hardwood frame, walnut trim. Spec. ~ | 8199. Kelly Furniture and Appliance. eX" 132 King E must RA | REFRIGERATOR | mos Ford, | | '50 Che y "Stew" at Mike Starr's. RA VOLKS WAGE N, condition, Best 51 celleni be sold. 71 deluxe model, many extras, he ofier accepted e, new 1960 big | fi. family size. Five year war. ; Kelly's special price, $189. Roh, RA 8-5153 '53 CHF VROLF T dition, very an 56 "ol DSMOB 83" ed. Bes: offer HA FORD autom? tie, fordor, owner, $1895. Telephone RA 52802, 5 © ADIL LAC power equipment, Wilbak Motor , 137 '54 BUIC K "spec al coach, dition, clean inside and out. Cromwell Ave Bo CHEV, | RA excellent con. | Street. | - "owners, special on new 1960 built-in oven and oe Kelly's. 32 King East, per "Te lephone FRIGIDAIRE, Westinghouse, Kelvina- tor, MecLary, used fridges, washe ranges, sale from $49. King Fast Sixty Special, Full reduced to $1475. | King West, | excellent con Apply 131] : Kelly's, 32 CAPE-COD "Colonial chesterfield suite, reversible foam rubber cushions, ruffl- HR ---_|ed removable valance. Special $359, "good condition, Cal) (save $50. Kelly's RA 7.5153, OADLOOM, » | P! 08, Wil- | mark, | coach, |BR giftware, wall room dividers, Imported, Den- Finland, Italy, Portugal, Indit, om $0.50, Two floors to serve you. Kelly's RA 8-5153. KELVINATOR, - -- lamps, 19 YUTH; Rood dition Apply liam Street West 18 PONTIAC five 53 OLDSMOBILE Mary Street. | frosting ever, . | freezer frig, "56 PONTIAC four door hardtop, excel. | 8.51 lent condition, cash or r wheel discs, window washers. 29. AIR Chev 112 passenger couple, or holiday coupe, Food Aroma, no de- upr combination two iba Kelly's RA conditioner, portable $49 up, de. Fe ek - | humidifier. automatic humidastat, han. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up 10] dles 13,000 cu. ft. 5-year warranty 20 per cent. Six months to pay, For|ia 20 ro personal service at your home call RA y - King East. eo p------------ 2802. HAY fever allergy sufferers, new por- table electric filter removes 99.5 per cent air borne dust and pollen, $39 up. Kelly's, 32 King East. RA 8-5153 OCCASIONAL tables by Peppler, 5 ply crosshande veneer, solid walnut | ofl finish, no polishing, step, |end cocktail, $29.95. RA 8-5153. DKW | DINING suite, 9 pieces, save SALES & SERVICE |s100. F Provincial fruitwood, | buffet, cabinet, drop leaf table, 408 KING W., OSHAWA six sha 2 King East. ------------| One set of Wilder Metal Shears, One Crimping and FOR YOUR CAR Beating Machine, One Gas Propane Solder Pot, VAN HEUSEN MOTORS One Circle Cutting Ma- 149 KING ST. W. chine, Black and Decker Electricc Hammer, Rudd WILLIS MOTORS Water Heater Gas, One For Your Metal Scaffold of Metal Tubing, Used Furnace AUSTIN CAR GOOD ASSORTMENT Forced Air, Used Qil Bur- ner and Controls, One USED CARS TAUNTON RD. E. ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ room ench china k Punch and Shears, Tar Pot Complete on Wheels, Set of Platform Scales. MOSIER HEET METAL 292 KING ST. W. S WOOD'S Umbrella tent, 9° x 9, two gots good condition, Apply 17 Greta Street. ADMIRAL (television, late model, 21- inch, in perfect condition, $99. Terms. Meagher's, 5 King Street West. ORIE TAL 1 Tugs one 7% by 9, 27 inches and Matching, 5-98: like new, 9 by 12' hall runners, 16° by 4 by 27 inches, all large tricycle. RA Also ip, also typewriter, only $40. RA 136 Simcoe | OFFICE desk snap, like new, cash register, 8-1211, nights RA 5-9748. Street South. KITCHEN suite, chrome, wood stove; jacket hea tent: high back sink; ice cordit.on, reasonable. Phone RA SHEPHARD inboard runabout 17', gray Marine cylinder, good condi. $2100. RA 002 | 59 VOLKSWAG 7000 owner, four lawn chairs, German hi-fi set two months old, floor .amp, excel lent condition. Phone RA 5-086 16. FOOT plywood cabin cruiser with controls. Excellent condition, cheap Telephone RA 5-0132, TV antenna, four 1 ponte a, sell for half price. P Phone RA 8-1 "ROOMS 5 of furniture a. $299. This chrome set bed step and boudoir arid table ps, pillows, ete. $25 down delivers! *'Guar- anteed best value!" Barons' Home Fur- nishings, 424 Simcoe Street South SEE one of Oshawa's largest transis tor radio displays. All the leading makes, Large variety of sizes and prices to choose from, $29.95 for a six transistor radio. Meagher's, § King/| et West "HEAVY DUTY electric Roxborough Avenue. ou ITBOARD 'motor, new Scott 3.6 H.P 20" reversible electric fan, 3 speeds Phone OL 5-4836 $25 TO $100 worth of free gifts with the | purchase of a chesterfield, bedroom suite or dining room suite. for a limited time only Casy terms Barons' Home Furnishings, "424 Simcoe Street South ", GOODRICH Stores -- tires, Kelvinator refrigerators, Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-454. bicycle with accéssories. 19 miles, one includes chesterfield, room suite, mattress, spring, coffee tables, range. bat. DU RA Therm space oil burner, auto-| RA 3 252 used furniture, Pretty's Used Furni- Store, RA 3-3271. 444 Simcoe § South, sleeping "bags, PECIAL! wll sized while they wast, $4.95. Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, BABYLAND bargains, new styles 186 baby carriages, converts to cor bed, lowest prices In town, $27; large, ful Springfilled crib $9.88; playpens, $8.88; strollers, $5.88, Church Street. mattress, high chairs, Wilson Furniture, ings, clearance of terns and cottage, reduced for 25c per foot; borderless |squares, 6 by 9, only $2.95; vinyl coat joa linoleum, oot; ends of wall coverings, clearout ih 37c per foot. Wilson Furniture, 5% Church Street, . 6 HP AIR conditioner, ome or office, discontinued pat suitable good condition, Can RA 53117 FRIGIDAIRE stove, washing machine, drapes, wool blankets, ' dishes, lamps. chairs swivel chair, dresser, type- writer, desk, mantel . clock, mirrors, Axminster rug, all-steel convertible couch, and day couch, bed chesterf eld, everything less than half price and in| good condition. RA 8-8845 GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. TENTS, camp stoves, camp cots, paulins, sleeping bags, lanterns, sales nd rentals. Oshawa Hardware and lectric, 8 Church. Street, RA 3.7624. | tar- mer cottage, rates by the week or the month. Meagher's, 5 King Street West RA 3-3425, TWO chesterfield suites, kitchen chrome set, upright deep-freeze, refrigerator, stove, oriental rug, fireplace equipment, two bedroom suites, wardrobe, kitchen cabinet, coffee table and hostess chair, portable record player, baby erib, scat. ter rugs, highchair step stool, Westing- house automatic washer and drier, everything in good condition, selling as owner is leaving country. Telephone WH 2.6223, FOR SALE -- Household furnishings, including 'fridge, stove, kitchen suite, lamps rugs and tables, washing ma- chine, MO -8-3069. SPECIAL! 14° 6° moulded pl Sl boats five-ply, mahogany, long deck, seat backs, Regularly $495, clearance price $349. Terms $35 down, $25 month ly. No outside financing. Apply Domin. ion Store. 48 Bond Street West SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial 5-5332 ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 SALE Aluminum Products of 'the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed Double hung windows only $18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. ALEX VAJDA RA 3-9851 Niagara = Sheet Metal RA 5-0331 OSHAWA | ice. RA 8- 0591 anytime, |5T--Swap & Barter 204 '| ~Dick Offer good | tele. 159 matic fan, used only one season. Phone | WE pay Highest prices in the city for |11_ Stories of the Century Apply Dominion panel cribs, % price clearance, $19.88; | $7.88; 20{ 6--High FLOOR coverings at tremendous sav- | many cheerful designs for home quick sale, linoleum special clearout, 45c per for be seen operating. Phone after 9 p.m. | |RENT a television set for your sum. | A 8.1160 after 6 p.m.| Bind He rejected a suggestion . by BOAT, 14 runabout, mahogany rr] seats, etc. Must sell. Make offer. Tele- Eldon Woolliams (PC Bow phore MA 37051, 11 a.m, to 7 p.m. (River) that "reliable people" VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, Permitted to carry fire . arms parts, attachments, brushes, guaran the parks to protect themselves. teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free. gre Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. culprits were. 334 She atest {bears or fail to dispose of gare AWNINGS, pl ain colors o or gay gay "st ly, thus encouraging ri Prompt service. Free estimates. O: Rar hage proper {now for early delivery. Chair and table hears to 'come around human rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, habitations. ANCIENT MINES Coal was being dug from the surface around newcastle, fu northeast England, even before {the Roman period. bath sets, pressure er, motor, trailer; Austin, power unit ks, cabinets, plumbin Chinn, Park Road South garage doors, supplies. H, at Hillside. TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11---Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronts | WKBW-TY Channel 7---Buffalo WROC-TV Channel S5--Rochester | WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale --_---- SATURDAY EVE, 5:00 11-6--The St | North | 5=Movie 4-PGA Championship 2--Twilight Theatre 5:30 11- 6--Cartoon Award The 2--Twilight Theatr 6:00 P.M, 11--Dennis The Menace 6--Reflections Clark 4--Wrestling 6:30 P.M. 11--=Leave It To Beaver. 7--Derby 5~The Law Man Mr, Fix-It 2---Casey Jones 6:45 P.M. 6---News: Sports 7.00 P.M. | 11=The Rifleman 7--Sports 6~--Dennis The Menace S5--Highway Patrol | 4=U of B Round Table 2--This Man Dawson | 7:30 7---Bowling Stars 6--"8it Back With Jack" 4-Film Feature 2--Family Playhouse 1:15 P.M. 11--Queen's Park Report 1:30 P.M. 11--Rev. Oral Roberts 11-6--Country Calendar 7--Playhouse 3-Fanily Playhouse 2:00 P.M. J yr In 33 Concentration 4--Seri Drama 12:00 NOON 11--Bugs Bunny 7--Restless Gua 5-2--Truth or Consequences 4--~News: Weathep 12:15 P.M. 6--Matinee 4--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M. 11--News 7--Love That Bob 5-2--It Could Be You 4--Sarch for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M. 11--Movie Matinee 4~Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. 7--About Faces §--Feature Movie 4--Meet The Millers 2--Mid-Day Matinee 1:30 P.M, 7--Divorce Hearing 4~The World Turns 1:45 P.M. 6--~News 2:00 P.M. 7-Day In Court 6--Adventures With Noddy v 52--Queen for a Day 4~Drama Series 2:30 P.M. 11--Movie Jost fart, retta 4--House Party Theatre 3:00 P.M. 7--Beat The Clock 6-5--All Star Baseball 5-2-Young Doctor Malone 3:30 P.M. 11--News 7--Who Do Ydu Trust 6--Baseball 5-2--From These Roots 4&--The Verdict Is Yours P.M Lawrence ction e--Jumor Magazine 5--Leg ga 7-Music of the Season 2--Family Playhouse 11_Roller Derby 7--Open Hearing 6--Good Life Theatre 5--Bengal Lancers 2--Family Playhouse 3:30 11.6--Country Calendar 7--Our Miss Brooks §--~Pro Football 4:00 P.M, 1 -6--Hollday Sdn | 7=Dick Clark § 6. Caribou Country | 5-2--Bonanza 4--Perry Mason , A Good Look PM 4--PGA Championship 2--United Fund 5:00 P.M, 11-8---News Magazine 7--Roy Rogers Show 5-2--Film Feature 4--Film 5:30 P.M. 11--Stories of the Century 7--Lone Ranger 0 | (1=Sea Hunt | 7-High Road || 6=~Man From Interpole | 8:30 P i [11=In the Law 7--Leave It To Beaver Road M an and | 52 --Wi The | Dead or 9:00 P. M. 11-6--Great Movies 7--Lawrence Welk 5-2--The Depu 4--Adventure Ser! | 9:30 P.M. S5--Republican Conven- | tion 4--Have Gun, Will Travel 2--Republican Conven- tion 10:00 P.M, | 7=Jubilee U.S.A. | 4=Gunsmoke | 10:15 P.M. 11-6--~King Whyte | 10:30 ".M. [11.6--Twilight Zone 7--Johnny Staccato | 8 he Rebel 4--Law and Justice 2--Harbor Command 11:00 P.M 1.7-6-1-2--News: Weather Sports 5--Rescue 8 Fr ather Knows Best | 2=Award Theatre 11:15 P.M. {1--Late Show 7--Playhouse 7--L. 6--Feature Panorama . 19:00 00 P.M. | = yl P' 11-6 Ri 4--Playhouse 5 Tue Rebel " 5-2--Chevy Show 2--Award Theatre 4-GE Theat | 1:00 AM. 9:30 P.M 7--Mr. and Se 4 hid SUND Aired lteheock | 8:00 AM. . 10:00 P.M. | T-ghutan In he Home | 1_gan Francisco Beat 6--Hotel De Paree 2-Christian Science 5-2---Loretta Young 8:30 A. 4_Lucille Ball and 1 of T Arnaz --Sacred Heart 10:30 P.M. | 8:45 A.M. 11--Saber of London 2---Man To Man 9:00 A.M. |11--Rev Oral Roberts 7 Worship --Bar.5-Ranch i Popeye Playhouse 2--Farm Home and Garden AM, 9:15 7 Worship 2--Morning Gospel 9:30 AM. 11--This Is The Life 7--Mission 2--Cartoon Playhouse | 10:00 A.M. 11--The Christophers 7-The Living Word 5--Christian Science 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Cowboy Theatre 10:15 A.M. S--Industry un Parade 10:30 . .M, 11--Brave Theatre 7--Maorning Show 3---Christonhers 4--~Uncle Jerry 11:00 A.M. 6--Church Service his Is The Life 4--Film Featurette 2---The Big Rascals 11:30 A.M. S--Lets Look at Congress 4--~Camera Three 12:00 YOON 11--Bugs Bunny 7--=Roller Derby 6--Musical Interlude S5--Family Playhouse 4--Film Featurette 2--Gene Autry 12:15 P.M 6--Dateline UN 12:30 P.M. 11--News f--Good Life Theatre 4--Bozo's Cartoon 2__News Conference 12:45 P.M, 11--Assignment Ottawa 2-Newsreel 5--Felix The Cat 4~Face The Nation 6:00 P.M. 11--Bob Cummings Show 7--Brave Eagle 6--Disney Presents 5---~Meet The Press 4--Republican Conven- tion 2--People's Court 6:30 P.M. 11---Mr. Adams and Eve 7--Frontier 5--Maverick 420th Century Walter Cronkite 2---Man Called X 7:00 P.M, 11-6--Father Knows Best 7--Broken Arrow 4--Lassie 2--Overland Trail 7:30 P.M. 11-6--Hatful of Musie 7--Maverick §5~U S. Marshall 4--Dennis The Menace 8:00 P.M. 11--Sunday Showcase Ed Sullivan §-2---Music On Ice 8.30 P.M. 11--Festival of Faith 7--American Bandstand 6--Baseball 5--The Thin Man 4--Serials 2--Comedy Theatre 4:30 P.M. 11--Popeye S5--Buckskin 4--Edge of Night 2_Checkers and Can Can 4:45 P.M. 6--Baseball 11--Family Theatre 6--On Safari 5--Fiayhouse 4--Bozo's Cartoon Story Book 3~Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. 4--Big Mac Show P.M. 7--Captain Gallant 6--Cartoon Party 2--Woody Woodpecke 11-6--~News 7--Early Show 4--Western 2--Highway Patrol Yu North 7--He uth S 1--Family Theatre 6:45 P.M. 11-6-4-2-- Weather; News S--Huntley-Brinkley rt 7:00 P.M. 6---Tabloid 5--The Four Just Men 4--Death Valley Days 2--The Vi 4--What's My Line 5--Phil Silvers Show 2--Lock Up 11:00 P.M. 11-7-6-5-4-2--News; Weather; Sports 11:15 P.M. 11--Late Show 7--Playhouse 6--Camera Three 2--Award Theatre 11:30 P.M. 5--Movyie 4--Theatre 11:45 P.M. $--Movie 12:00 MIDNITE 5--Movie MONDAY 8:00 A.M. 7----Buffalo AM, 11.6--Don Messer Show 7~Cheyenne S-Republican Conven- tio Republican Conven- $--Riverboat 8:00 P.M. 11-6--Ann Sothern Show 4--The Texan 8:30 P.M. 11-6--River Boat . 7--Bourbon Street Beal §-2--Republican Conven- tion 4--Father Knows Best 9: . §-2--Peter Gunn 4&-Danny Thomas 9:30 P.M. 11.6--Swing Gently 7--Adventures #3-Republiean Convex. on 4--Drama 10:00 P.M. §-2--Innocent Years 4--~Hennesey 10:30 P.M. 11.6--Robert Herridge heatre 7--Mike Hammer 4--June Allyson 11:00 P.M. 11-7-6-5-4-2 -News; Weather, Sports 11:15 P.M. 7--Playhouse 6---Sports 2-Sports Reel 11:30 P.M. 11--Late Show 6_Philip Marlowe $-2--Jack Parr Roundup 8:15 AM. 4--Captain Kangaroo 18 M. 7--Fun House : 0 11~Romper Room 5--Ding Dong School 4--Popeye's Play 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2-District Attorney 9:30 A.M. 11--Movie 7--Romper Room 5--Burns and Allen 4--Life of Riley 2--Checkers 10:00 A.M. Dough Re Mi 4--Decémber Bride 10:30 AM. 7--Morning Show your Hunch rz 5.2 Jane 'Gray Show Price Is Right ublican Conven- tion 11:30 AM. Every job guaranteed. 11---Bob McLean Show 1:00 P.M. 11--This Is The Life &--Mystery Theatre