16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, July 23, 1960 i - JIMES A HOME DESIGN NO. 253 This split level with its un- cluttered wall spaces and floor areas 1s a comfortable, labor- sacing home which every fam- ly will enjoy. The three levels, divided into work, living and dléeping areas are planned for easy traffic circulation, With the large garage designed for the lower level, the first level includes to separate entry, fire- place in the living area and a terrace opening off the dining room and kitchen. The plan ealls for two bedrooms and a study which could also be used as a third sleeping area all including ample closet space. Note also the vanitory, partial basement, wide overhang on the exterior plus the lovely planting box. This will truly be "the" home of the neighbor- hood. Standard Builders' blue- prints costing $9.75 a set are obtainable in Canada for this Design No. 253. Now available at The Oshawa Times office a new and enlarged 1960 Book of House Designs entitled 'A new Selection of Low Cost Homes for . Canadians," price $1.00. Contains 114 designs including one - storey, 1%2 - storey, two- storey, and split level homes, plus much useful information HOME 0 wm fy Angola Put On The Map LUANDA, Angola (AP)--Under the relentless pressure of African upheaval, the centuries-old isola- tion of Portuguese Angola is fast /| coming to an end. It is being replaced by a new kind of isolation, Instead of ob- scurity -- an obscurity that has made this southwest African ter- ritory one of the great unknowns of the continent--Angola is taking gion a lonely and unwanted prom- inence. Together with Mozambique, its| sister Portuguese province on the| African East Coast, Angola is emerging as the last hig strong- hold of traditional European co- lonialism south of the Sahara. "Thus far and no farther"-- this is the answer to onrushing black nationalism that Portu- WEE a 16x9-4 LIVING = 8-7 x 15-3 [owe [EL] 9x94 H KITCHEN guese officials repeat here with regularity. They concede that the trend of | events seems to be running hard| against them. But they contend that the Portuguese are different | from the other European colon izers who came to Africa. STIFLING DICTATORSHIP Portugal is a dictatorship which stifles political opposition not only in the overseas provinces but ii the mother country as well. Press | censorship, a widespread network lof informers and rigid clamps on |education all discourage (he| growth of ideas about democracy | and self-determination. | BED RM. 12-4 12-1 DEN |" BED AM. 9-693 11%12.8 §D- 253% 1Z57 SQ. FT. 18,187 CU-FT the precepts of liberty which, to] Sixty members militia at Camp Niagara, Ont., Africans in Angola and Mozam.| are enrolled in a National Sur- bique have little chance to learn) vival program to learn how to the Portuguese way of thinking,|™ ermine tn atrica. "| CIVIL. DEFENCE T LEARN CARE OF SURVIVORS care, and feed survivors of an | atomic attack. In charge of the cook's training course is War- rant Office Val Alcock (left) of Kingston, Ont., shown here in- PS of the | Because of Portugal's eradledo] the - grave thought control, ob-| servers in many parts of Africa pelieve that organized black na-| tionalism movements are prac.| tically nonexistent in Angola and| Mozambique--at least so far. When the slightest inkling of subversive activities is suspected, the authorities crack down hard. | GARAGE The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Leopoldville area where a sizable group of Angolan expatriates will The real threat to continue Por-| ¢juding | tuguese rule appears to come the farming problems caused from outside, especially from the| py nuclear fallout. remain This is the third and con- release dealing with in- How To Handle Farm Fallout (gency supply of food and water| yoy have been exposed to a high at all times, and store it in the|concentration of fallout. basement. (f) protected 'place you can find in pottled foods, as well as food or near your home for a shelter.) protected by storage and refriger- as and beans are safe to use moving the pods. eating. | value. form subjects for future discus- rect your question to: Emergency Measures Head- quarters, Suite 201, 360 King street west, Oshawa, Ont. Policy." pods would be contaminated; He, Quebec Could ear rubber gloves when re-| Wash hands thoroughly vetore| TOIN On Roads OTTAWA (CP) -- Quebec, now Wear protective clothing -- hat, |jeaning more heavil y toward par- coat. boots," gloves, etc. -- theltisipation in various federal-prov- first few days you work outdoors. |incial programs, may - If you are plowing or cultivating|ottawa's road-to-resources plan. dry land, or if you are harvest- ing corn, wear a dust filter over|jiton gave the Commons this in your nose and mouth; even|dication Friday when he re- a handkerchief will be of some|ported Quebec is "seriously on enter Resources Minister Alvin Ham.' working out with us a proposal Readers are requested to sub-|to join in this roads - to - re. mit questions on Civil Defence to|sources program." Mr. Hamilton made only fleet- sio. in this column. Please di-|ing reference to Quebec partici. pation when stating that the gov- ernment now has firm agree. ments signed with the nine other provinces for the program, under which the federal government pays half the cost of such roads up to a federal maximum of $7. Next week's column will be|500000 a province over the life entitled "Family Protection|of the rr | The agreements involved a BREAK CAMP today and return to their Cana- onto next Wednesday. dian National Exhibition home grounds for a Sunday workout. between Englanc and Wales was Their first exhibition game is|built by the Norman baron, with Calgary Stamneders in Tor-|Rorer de Lacy, in the 11th cen- | emendons amount of detail. He estimated that more than 1,000 documents soon will be tabled in | AURORA (CP) -- Toronto Ar-| t gonauts of the Big Four football the Compions at fie request of league break training camp here OLD CASTLE Ludlow Castle on the border tury. | CROSSWORD PUZZLE structing Privates Arthur Long | CROSS and Bob MacDonald of the | 4 ACTON Royal Regiment of Canada how | 6. Maples to slice 20 turkeys into 650 por- | 11. Existing tions in an hour. 12. Make. 2. Fourth caliph Lposs?) 8. Jumble the most 5. Indian weight pleceof 8 6. Whirl step around 14. Insert ¥. Trans 15. Burned mitting residue 8. Comfort 36. Commands 9. Always 37. Valuable 10. Places rock 16. Fetish 20. Czech capital (var) 22, Speed as cloth near the farmhouse and keep| 38. Upright them covered. DURING AND AFTER FALLOUT Remain indoors until you are {told by Civil Defence authorities {that the danger from fallout is | over, | Wash hands and face and change clothing immediately if 38, Non- believers 39. Regret Used packaged, canned and 4. Adam's wife 23. Resi $0, Dance step 21. River dents ININLI NIE ' [71D] TEXAN] [HIAILILIS] OIDIEIS (g) Make a list of the things youleration; they are least likely to lvery doors until the danger from fall- \ s out has been diminished. When would need during a stay of sev-\he contaminated. If it becomes on building terms and require- ments. Order your copy today. Also included in this Design Book is full information on how to order the blueprints Oshawa, Ontario, 'Paradise' Mav Be On Your - Have The - Oshavsa Sines Mailed To You... Wherever You Are! It will be just like getting a letter from home when THE OSHAWA TIMES arrives every day, bringing you all the news, plus your favorite comics. There is no extra charge for this service . . . Order your vacation subscription now. See your carrier boy, phone the Times, RA 3-3474 or return coupon below to -- VACATION RATES be able to operate openly now you are advised by Civil Defence eral days in the shelter; place as| necessary to use other goods, Homes For Canadians." (Please make remittance payable of the former Belgian colony, and to The Oshawa Times.) Kwame Nkrumah, president of wearing boots, coat, hat and necessary {not been exposed to fallout. May _|gloves. If you work with live- ppw HOURS' WARNING be safe to use if cows have been MONTREAL (CP) -- A doctor | backs safety of your family and your-| Eggs--Safe to use even if poul- pronounced Bob Cleroux, of Mon- self. try have been exposed to small eet een -- | 7 FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE, Sound tote SEE Se BARB ECUE CART |i0 ; ound | heavyweight hoxing vil hid best Ziotgction for him-| Bring feed into buildings, orito use if they are washed and Th CE By ROGER C. WHITMAN ymatc onirea 's lslorimier se. & 5 amily. {cover it with tarpaulin if it is|peeled. trainer, has asked the athletic|when you hear them. sible for livestock, especially if|-- cabbage, lettuce, etc. Before ceiling is covered with insulating| dentally spattered on an unfinish-/ments for bilingual counting by|a Civ aster fir A nigh : rd § $ gua yv|a Civil Defence disaster first-aidlor streams or through water|the outer leaves, and wash the tiles. They were installed quite|led wood cabinet. How can the the referee in the event of knock-| kit. (b) Learn how to use it (e)| mains. Cover wells and rain bar- hearts thoroughly. Wear rubber: them? : intai | J ANSWER: Sometimes a light|lish. (e) Maintain a seven-day emer-'equipment indoors or store them! Peas and Beans -- only the ANSWER: That type of celling| co nding with fine sandpaper will 4 . RST paper cleaner, This is a dough-| : "| penetrated the wood too deeply. like substance, rolled and knead Or try washing the spattered sur-| 't work k thick t , hs or yard. The lower tray may {doesn't work, make a thick paste Es i top makes inf drag be ammable spo mover and on ee 1 e ran er EER size cutting guides is 50c. It also| with a door leading from the kit- powder and repeat the treatment s one or four full-size patterns in|chen. During the heating season it|if necessary. ; . al i esi l= » + Wherever You Address orders to The Home summer the door $wess an QUESTION: We are using wall- iia : i Workshop Dept., The Times, Osh-|can't be closed. How can we pre-|y,, 4 to partition off part of the the door and causing it to swell:|walls with a paper rather than | probably the upper or lower|paint. Is any treatment neces-| shellac or varnish) completely|so that the paper can be removed | over all surfaces to prevent the|at some future time, apply a coat coat the wallboard with pure, LEAKING POOL fresh shellac or varnish size. QUESTION: 1 built a small with adjustable sun shade has a|Can I repair the leaks? {basement floor is wood and be- | marine plywood bottom. The| ANSWER: : Make the cracks|8inning to rot. What do you rec- chart are given. Everything ocm- Brush out all loose particles and|usually rot. I recommend your plete on pattern 306 which is 50¢.| wet the inner surfaces with water. [putting down a concrete floor. | {the patches damp for several Grand Ave., Chicago, 10. If you days to allow slow curing. | prefer a wood floor, it should be | {burner has caused black stains| 3 | ss saturated felt. Probably, it would on the chimney. How can we stop be best to remove all present ture used in the oil burner may| QUESTION: We repainted the | require adjusting: have your ser-| window frame in the kitchen and | water then scrub with a mechan- moved? | ic's hand soap coming in paste] ANSWER: A new quick stain| an interesting yard or garden clear water. If the top of the|foor covering dealers. It is eas feature. This full-size roofed|chimney is not sloped from thet, ;;5e and is safe on Ahi » ag tend six inches to eight inches i : the garbage can. Pattern 284; ] A remain only long enough to sofien| which shows construction steps above the chimney top would ihe paint for removal; if left too Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of that the Congo has black govern- : 1 ment. They have the support of officials that it is safe to work many of these as possible in the|the following information should outdoors, you may be asked to shelter. (h) Know how to practice be helpful: THE HOME , |. | stock, touch them as little as pos- exposed to fallout, but are being treal, and Texan Roy Harris in| WHAT CAN BE DONE NOW? Have about a two-weeks' sup-| amounts of fallout. [Stadium Wednesday night." Learn official Civil Defence left outdoors. Green Vegetables--Choose gar- SOILED CEILING TILES GREASE ON WOOD a few years ago and now look| spots be removed: We want to|downs. Harris understands no|Practice fire-safe 'housekeeping! rels gloves when removing the outer tile can be cleaned with wall-| By RUTH W. SPEARS ed over surfaces, not rubbed. ; Load this cart with food from sod face with naptha, being very| ° Most dealers in wallpaper and careful of the fire hazard. If this | drop-leaf top makes a useful|pgg LLS nonflammable. spot remover and | able. Paftern 443, which gives SWE |spread a thick layer over the| the Aids for Outdoor Dining|fits the frame and is easy to awa. vent this happening again? | attic and want to use it as a guest | edges have been left unfinished. sary for the wallboard first? | Remove the door from its hinges] ANSWER: In order to make | entrance of moisture. This should|of wallpaper sealer, available at | be done while the door is in a nor-| most paint dealers and wall- concrete pool for fish and plants. WOOD BASEMENT FLOOR | Several cracks developed in the] QUESTION: WE have just] oungsters will be delighted with|deeper and wider, using a ham-|ommend? the jolly whale at each end, for mer and cold chisel, keeping the] ANSWER: Wood floors in di- Address orders to Tre Fione Then fill with a patching cement For detailed instructions on lay- | Workshop Dept., The Times, Osh-/or latex concrete, using a fairly|ing concrete floors write to Port- | SM 2 STAINS ON CHI {put down over a concrete floor, | SMOKE STAINS ON CHIMNEY | To has been dampproofed |tne smoking? Can the stains] 3 | be removed? {wood flooring. | vice man check the burner. The didn't notice some paint spots| smoke stains can be removed. on the linoleum until they had | i | " | By RUTH W. SPEARS form and containing fine sand. | remover for floor tile is now) model is made with a gate and ajopening to the outer edge, make|yiny] and asphalt tile. If not ob- hidden shelf. It may be used for| this slope with cement mortar. In-|{3inaple, use fine steel wool and and lists materials, is 50 cents. 3lso help reduce the possibility|jong it may affect oils in lino- This pattern also is one of four (Of smoke stains. leum. House Designs entitled "A New Selection of Low Cost Patrice Lumumba, new premier take certain precautions, such as| emergency sanitation measures if Milk--Safe to use if cows have WORKSHOP Address BILINGUAL COUNT sible: fallout may be on their] Make arrangements for the| fed uncontaminated food. "tip - top shape' Friday for their] Determine what shelter area ply of food in the house. Potatoes and Root Cronegare) Meanwhile Billy Gore, Harris's| action signals, and what to do| Store as much water as pos-|den vegetables with solid hearts QUESTION: Our living room| QUESTION: Grease was acci- commission to make vig Prepare your home: (a) obtain/the water is coming from ponds eating, remove several layers of] dingy. Is there any way to clean finish the cabinet. French and Cleroux little Eng-|(d) Learn to fight small fires.] Move farm machinery and|leaves. {do the trick if the grease hasn't the house and wheel it into patio| some hardware and paint stores § llustrated directions and actual-| QUESTION: We have a pantry|spots. When. dry, brush off the Packet 58 -- all for $1.75 |close. But in humid weather of PAPERING WALLBOARD ANSWER: Moisture is entering/room. We want to decorate the and apply a finish coat (paint, |the wallboard moisture-resistant, | mal state. paper dealers. If not available, lean 11 and water leaks out. How| moved into an old house. The | which painting pattern and color|gides of the groove perpendicular, rect contact with the ground will | | stiff but workable mixture. Keepljand Cement Association, 33 W. | Question: Smoke from our oil] ith liquid asphalt and asphalt- v ANSWER: The air and oil mix-| PAINT ON LINOLEUM Wet down the masonry with clear| hardened. How can they be re-| An old-fashioned well curb is Rinse thoroughly afterwards with available at large hardware and| toring flower pots, tools or even|stalling a piece of flue tile to ex-| paste paint remover, allowing to o ing sct Packet J 2 S in the Building Projec |KNOTTY PINE WALLS FILMED GROUTING CIRCULATION DEPT. all for $1.75. Address orders to| The Home Workshop Dept., The Times, Oshawa COAL CHAMPION LONDON (CP) -- Sir James Bowman, retiring chairman of the national coal hoard, was asked recently if he would like his portrait painted. "Not if it's in oils," he said FINE CENTRE PETERBOROUGH, England (CP)--A youth centre to be built in this Northamptonshire town QUESTION: We are consider- ing knotty pine paneling in our living room. Does this wood dark- en? Is it difficult to finish the walls? ANSWER: All wood, regard- less of the type of finish, will darken with age there is no way of preventing such a change. In order to obtain a good finish for the paneling, smooth the surfaces )y rubbing with a "00" sand- paper, then with a '0000". or '00000 sandpaper, and wipe off all dust The wood can be finished with a clear lacquer-type of coat- ing, or with a couple of thin QUESTION: We had a glaze ceramic tile floor installed in our] bathroom. The grouting is black, | the tile tan. It looked fine when laid, but the contractor then washed it with a muriatic acid solution, making a haze on the| tile and the grouting is covered | with a white film. It has been| gone over three times and still comes back after a day or two. How can we make the grouting stay black? ANSWER: The acid wash may | not have heen neutralized to re- | move it completely. All traces of | the acid should be removed by at a cost of £85,000 will include coats of pure fresh, white shellac washing the grouting with a solu- a theatre and facilities for indoor thinned half-and-half with dena-|tion of one pint of ia in| track and field events. tured alcohol, The Oshawa Times will be mailed to your cottage or re- sort at the regular carrier rate of 45- PER WEEK! THE NAME VACATION ADDRESS ..... START DATE Ch vain au sh ey HOME ADDRESS .. STOP DATE .. OSHAWA TIMES two, gallons of water,