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The Oshawa Times, 23 Jul 1960, p. 8

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AROUND THE CHURCHES The Minister Will Preach By ANGUS GORDON ee i: |ting across the same message In conversation with a minis-|, "pores no doubt some ner B THRE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 23, 1940 God Wants Steadfast Love ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ass. meus | VIOT@ Attention wy Given Healing By R. BARCLAY WARREN |[thee; for my strength is made The church is giving more at- perfect in weakness." Job event- tention to its responsibility in|ually recovered and the blind the healing ministry. More people man was healed. Elisha died and are following the exhortation of Paul became a greater man James 5:14,15; "Is 'any sick| through gndnrance of he Hors, among you? Let him call for It isn't always 's will to heal. ya the vA of the church; and Alcoholism, many instances of fer a few days ago, the question... able to present the old Word Jet them pray over him, anoint-/lung cancer and ailments from|°f paling agen inlevesting in a new, more challenging, and ing him with oil in the name of|intemperance in eating are the (E50 ; ho . a Lee the| consequently more acceptable the Lord; and the prayer of faith fruits of one's own habits. Many | iid i u Shure es were (ng |form. shall save the sick and the Lord of the strains which weaken the fue when gs gi i | NEEDS SUPPORT shall raise him up; and if he nervous system are due to self- the pulpit. Nhen the Meumben Te sre Taen, maintenance. of have committed sins, they shall|ishness. King Ahab sulked and|Presided, few but the old faithful| ~~ program for the better be forgiven him." [wouldn't eat because he couldn't/Were to b> observed. He hadi oo oo Gy vest Would impose "If" is an important word in|get Naboth's garden. Forgiveness been trying to find some other| pic in To others, it means (this statement, While there would|of sins and the cleansing of the|reason than "human nature be." 00 ion "5 ring of preparation. be no sickness if our first parents heart through faith in Jesus|ing what it is. | And there's little doubt that every had not sinned, yet not all sick-| Christ' will fortify us against Another strange phenomenon is| minister strives to keep hie ser- that the church cannot accom- mons consistently interesting, and [if possible, topical. "After two days will He revive us: in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight. . . . His i is pre d . . . and He y . ia going Jota ae (he rain So ness is the result of one's person- many stresses. 2 g i 4 . al sin. Job was greatly afflicted It is proper to commit our- modate the crowd which turns Hosea prophesied. Hoses js though he was a perfect and up- selves and all our needs to the out when the services are being| His efforts, it seems, become ~___|right man, one that feared God|Lord, There is no limit to His televised. increasingly better when his con- and eschewed evil, The blind- power. If in His sovereign will,| yet the following Sunday the gregation gives visible proof, by ness of a man whom Jesus heal- He enables the offering of the|congregatior may be composed|its interest. in his efforts. ed (John 9) was not the result prayer of faith, then the sick|of elders or stewards, Sunday| Like stage performers, the of his sin nor of that of his par-| will be raised up. Always We|cohool teachers and their classes. minister cannot give his best to ents. God willed to manifest His must pray, "Thy will be done." | an empty house. works in him. And we must act in the light of NOVELTY | Elisha, the good prophet be- the best knowledge we have. We, There is an explanation, of] came sick and died, Paul had a would be a happier, healthier course ... just plain novelty. thorn in the flesh. On his third people if we prayed more. The church is our oldest institu-| appeal for deliverance, the Lord] "What a privilege to carry {tion, The form of service does said, "My grace is sufficient for) Everything to God in prayer." not vary. Only two parts of the EI -- service change from time to beside Redwater River, tlie camp|time. The presentation from the |will be available, free of charge, pulpit, ani the music. So that (to any group wishing to take un-|only in this respect can any flag-| 'der-privileged children on a holi- ging interest on the part of con- day. The group must bring its|gregations be revived. own food, but a vegetable gar-| This is a!l a part of the day-to- den at the site will supplement|day life of the church, There are the children's diet. Redwaterjc hurches throughout Oshawa River provides safe swimming which are invariably filled with water for the holidayers. the exception of the vacation periods. The reason is not hard Mrs. Moffat says the camp-- to find. which has two sleeping cabins| Invariably the minister has and a building for cooking and|something of great interest to eating -- will ace dat 19) children and two supervisors. Holidays will range from one to] two weeks, and the camp will re- main open until September, "I will go and return to My place till they acknowledge their offense, and seek My face: in their affliction they will seek Me early. Come, and let us return unto the Lord: for He hath torn, and He will heal us." -- Hosea 5:15-6:1. "By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they 'break out. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwell- eth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls Said the prophet Hosea, "Hear 'the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a contro- versy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land." -- Hosea 4:1. = SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON MEMORY VERSE FOR BETTER HEALTH | Ancient Treatment Used | Rgainst Varicose Veins do it. Long - continued standing at work tends to allow blood to stagnate in the veins of the legs. |Chronic coughing may create Is a Memorial back pressure in the chest, re- t RVR > Gu flected in varices in the veins. I JEFFRAY, Alta. (CP) Perso. hesitate to mention it, because it al traged. in the family of Mrs. is not the most common cause, K€ith Moffat has resulted in a but an abdominal tumor may haven for orphaned and under- obstruct the flow of blood, and Privileged Chizen, Mrs. Moffat cause varices, Such varices may ate in June, Mrs Moiia occur in the veins of the stom. °Pened a holiday camp for such ach when there is obstruction of * oungsters, a project made pos- the blood flow through the liver. sible by money received in an I'REATMENT out-of-court settlement resulting : from the death of her daughter The ordinary cases of varicose veins in the legs can usually be in a 1957 traffic accident, relieved by fairly simple meas- Mrs. Moffat, who lives in this town 40 miles north of Edmonton, ures. One way is to find opportu- nities to sit down on d says her decision to use the Ls i ) standing| ney to establish a camp was - Hosea Lived - Tragic Life SOUTHMINSTER United Church 1109 CEDAR ST, By W. W. BAUER, MD There are numerous reports of medical progress against the major diseases, but often the less- er ones seem to be neglected Among these latter are the vari- rose veins which afflict so many elderly people. Yet modern medi- cine has much help for these annoying -- and sometimes seri- ous -- conditions. Varicose comes from the Latin for "dilated Vein" (varix), Di- lated veins may be seen in per- sons of all ages, all races, and both sexes. They are most com- mon and most annoying to older persons. Varicosities have been recog nized since ancient times, and Holiday Camp (days will He revive use; in the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight." -- Hosea 6:1-2. "Then shall we know, if we| follow on to know the Lord; His|# going forth is prepared as the morning; and He shall come unio us as the rain, as the latter and former rain upon the earth, Of Ephraim, what shall I do unto|} thee? O Judah, what shall I do} unto thee? for your goodness is|} as a morning cloud, and as the} By NEWMAN CAMPBELL In Peloubet's Select Notes, the Rev. Dr. Wilbur M. Smith writes: "The name Hosea probably means 'help,' and is derived from a Hebrew word meaning 'to save.' His ministry was almost exclusively not in Judah, where most of the minor prophets la. bored, but in the Northern King- dom, Israel He is described as the son of Beeri, of whom we know nothing further." The first words of our lesson 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP C. W, LEWIS "YOUR SOLITHEND WORSHIP CENTRE" WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH HARMONY UNITED CHURCH MEMORY VERSE I'nerefore thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and keep His charge, and His statutes, and His judgments, and His fl one of the modern remedies, or il at least it forerunner, was in vogue as early as the seventh if ccatury, when Paul of Aegina fl tied off the principal vein in the upper thigh for the relief of a vaticosity, CAUSES Veins become subject to dila- tation partly because of the inherent weakness of their walls, as compared to the tougher ar- teries. Veins dilate when circula- tion is impeded and the blood does not move along properly. Another factor is the absence of firm support from surrounding -- SSUES, commandments, alway." -- Deuteronomy 11:1. tell of Hosea's tragic history in|early dew it goeth away.'--Ho- his domestic life. Quoting again/sea 6:3-4. from Peloubet's Select Notes, we! Thus God, through his devout | read that "Hosea prophesied in ang wise prophets preached to the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz the people of Israel. We centur- | and Hezekiah, king of Judah, and jes away from those days are) in the days of Jeroboam, the son stil] plagued by sins and crime, of Joash. We should read our Bibles dili-|' The word of the Lord that came gently and ponder God's words unto Hosea was to tell His and the teachings of His Son, people: 'Hear the word of the Jesus Christ Lord, ye children of Israel: for . the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, be- cause there is no truth, nor Hosea, | "Therefore thou shalt love the Lord thy God, and keep His charge, and His statutes, and His judgments, and his com- mandments, alway." Deuteronomy 11:1, Circus Queen Tries mercy, nor knowledge of God in 7 r the Hah 8 Shooting Match | Karin Prieto, and members of These conditions occur most "By swearing, and lying, and : the Guards' champion small Usually in the larger veins lying killing, and berg tr bral With Guardsman {arms team. close to the skin in the lower out, and blood toucheth blood.| The circus queen put on a limbs. Deeper veins, supported Therefore shall the land mourn, OTTAWA (CP) -- A German sharp shooting display for the by surrounding muscle tissue, and every one that dwelleth Annie Oakley recently tried some guards. Sgt. Alynn Laycox of are not usually seriously in- therein shall languish, with the target shooting with the Cana-| Cochrane, Ont., was pitted volved. beasts of the field, and with the dian Army's FN rifle but found against her and fared well until, The cause of varices has been fowls of heaven: yea, the fishes it a bit rough after her light-|she started aiming with a rear attributed partly to heredity -- of the sea shall also be taken weight "shootin' iron." | view m which means to structure of the away." --Hosea 4:13, The visit of a large .ucus to| Miss ) tried the army's blood vessels -- but interference The Lord also said: "I will go Soest, base of the 1st Battalion,|7.62-mm rifle but after a few with circulation is the most like- and return to My place, till they| Canadian Guards, resulted in a shots gladly exchanged the FN ly. Thus an obstruction from shoot-off between her own .22-calibre target tight circular garters, once com. jobs if possible. Supporting hos- made sheer and good - and therefore inconspicuous Sleeping with the foot of the bed raised 10 to 12 inches, also may be helpful. Weight reduction almost always necessary, If such| prompted iery can be worn and this is now daughter looking, |i, "jess. for by She has taken initials for the name of the camp i --Jem"s Holiday Camp Memoriai Park. Located on a seven - acre site the Jean Emily, 25, showed rtunate children interest her| PENTECO her daughter's Dial RA 5- BYNG AVENUE STA! CHURCH 1318 simple measures fail, then sur-! gery is the probable answer. The surgery is not difficult or|sults are not always immediate, The choice of opera- and it may take a great degree or of patience and perseverence be- dangerous tion injection, removal -- must be typing - off surgeon who knows his condition t thoroughly. QUESTION FOR TODAY Dear Doctor Bauer: My prob- lem is this: My hair is falling made indi-/fore you are successful. vidually for each patient, by the case happens to be one of those inusual ones in |treatment does not then you may have to consider a Wig 11 AM. & If your medical results, which get EVERYONE 10 AM.--SUNDAV SCHOOL 7 PM REV. H. SHANK WELCOME out in bunches, and I'm sick over it. I can no longer keep it neat, but have to have it bushy to look as if I have hair. Isn't there any- thing in this world besides those expensive salon treatments that could help? Mrs M. B., New Jersey A.: Expensive salon treatments are not the answer to your fall- ing hair problem. Your chance | of getting results rests entirely PENTECOSTAL CHURCH £ 245 10:00 AM.- SIMCOE STREET REV. JAS RA 3-4477 Telephene --~SUNDAY SCHOOL Transportation RA 5-4558 PIERCE, MINISTER acknowledge their offence, and! friendly seek My face: in their affliction show's crack shot, they will seek Me early.' 5:15. Do we forget God and His Son Jesus Christ unless we are in trouble? We must love Them and show that we do by our daily acts and by our prayers to Them for guidance "Come, and let us return unto the Lord; for He hath torn, and He will heal us; He hath smitten, and He will bind us up. After two '--Hosea | The Christadelphians CHRIST'S BRETHREN -- SEE MATTHEW 12:46-50 Invite seekers after Truth to apply for Free Bible the, for 17-year-old model. | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts SUNDAY SCHOOL--11:00 AM SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. --SUBJECT "TRUTH" Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes testimonials of healing through Christian Science. READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE Monday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS literature NO OBLIGATION Write: CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA Post Office Box 121 Oshawa, Ontario GRACE LUTHERAN THE SALVATION ARMY SIMCOE AND JOHN STS MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers 11:00 AM, --HOLINESS MEETING 7:00 P.M. --EVANGELISTIC RALLY Music by Citadel Band and Songsters 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE CLASSES Tues., 2:30 p.m.--The Home League (Women's Meeting) Wed., 8:00 p.m.--Prayer and Praise Meeting EVERYONE WELCOME CHURCH 150 Albert St. Pastor: Carl A. Kartechner SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 AM 11:00 AM 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 AM Lutheran Hour: CFRB "THIS IS THE LIFE" Television 7:45 a.m.=Channel 2? 9:30 a.m.~Channel 8A.11 11:00 a.m.--Channel 5 BAHA'IS Believe in ... The Oneness of Religion Baha'is believe that all our present day religions are but different aspect of one faith a faith slowly unfolded to man by all the world's great Prophets: Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed back to the dawn of time. Real religion does not divide men. It unites them. The things which divide them are superficial differences in doctrine or ritual. We believe that the time has come when these can be set aside in order that all men may see mankind as one race and God as one Father. Today, all ver the world, this miracle of religious unity is being achieved in "THE BAHA'I WORLD FAITH", If you would enjoy an invitation to an vo discussion, or would like more information, please let us : hear | For further information Write 29 GLADSTONE -- PHONE RA 5.7578 12:30 a.m.==Channel 8-10-13 monly worn by both sexes, could with medical dermatologists. Re- 17 ERIE ST. FREE METHODIST CHURCH DIAL RA 5-3872 REV. R. E. DARGAN, Pastor Centered in Christ World-Wide in S¢ Interested in you ope « oo 11:00 AM. & 7:00 P.M. REV. GEORGE EWALD Tuesday, 7:30 P.M.--Young Peoples Wednesday, 8:00 P.M.--Prayer, Praise ond Preaching Thursday, 2:00 P.M.--Women's Prayer Friday, 8:00 P.M.--Men's Prayer We Extend a Cordial Invitation to Worship With Us 10 AM --SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP 7 P.M --THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR Pastor will. preach at both services You are always welcome at the Friendly Church of the Light & Life Hour. Listen Every Sunday, 9 a.m. -- CHML Hamilton, ™ Christian and Missionary Alliance Richmond 5t. E. ot Cadillac 11:00 AM. "PLEASING GOD" 7.00 P.M A PICNIC ON A HILLSIDE Another of the Summer FRIDAY 8 P.M. "THE SINGING FAMILY" From Regina Sask SOLOS-- QUARTETS AND ART DRAWING ~~ Rev. C. V. Freeman, Pastor Series King Street Pentecostal Chure REV, J. M. McKNIGHY N. T. Holmes, BA B.D, Minister Ross Metcalf, ARCT,, ACCM, Organist and Choirmaster 10:00 AM. Morning Worship NO SERVICE JULY 31st and AUG. 7th A Hearty Weicome To AN Rev. FLOYD ST. AT GIBBONS Minister: Rev. Wm. A. Gibb Marie Taylor ARLCT.,, RM.T, Organist and Choir Leader 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 9:45 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL SIMCOE. STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M. 11:00 AM.--"MAINTAINING THE GLOW" BROADCAST OVER CKLB The congregation of St. Andrews will worship with us during July, SUNDAY SCHOOL .M.--Junior, Intermediate and Young People .M.,--Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary Albert Street United Church REV. S. C. H. ATKINSON, Minister MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader 10:00 AM. -- THE MINISTER WILL PREACH 7:00 P.M.-- BROADCAST CKLB NO SERVICE IN THE CHURCH / P.M. DRIVE-IN CHURCH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE AT LOBLAWS SOLOS -- DUETS -- MESSAGE SERVICE AMPLIFIED TO YOUR CAR PLAN ON ATTENDING THIS THRILLING SERVICE Weather Not Permitting Service In The Church 9:45 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL For Transportation, RA. 5-1661 11.00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP AMPLE OFF-STREET PARKING--SUPERVISED NURSERY THE CHURCH WHERE YOU ARE NEVER A STRANGER CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A., Minister Mr, R. K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster 11:00 AM -- MORNING WORSHIP Theme: "Abraham, the man who passed through life's greatest trial', (Hebrews 11:17) Children's Message: ""Nature's Strength' EVERYBODY WELCOME GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU ST. SUNDAY 10:00 AM.--"REMEMBERING THE LORD" 12:00 NOON-----Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE, Speakers: 'George Gray and Graham Gunn, of Montreal, Que Ontaric Toronto, Wed. 7.45 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Listen to Family Bible Hour CKLB Dial 1350, Sunday 10:30 p.m A HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA 11:00 A.M CHURCH SCH the Ch Will meet in 11:00 AM No Evening Service Until A KNOX & ST. LUKE Presbyterian Church Combine Services of Worship "MY JUSTICE, PONTIUS PILOT & US" ST. PAUL'S KING ST. E' and WILSON Berek Allen, BA. 1.C.D. Minister 445 Beverley -- RA 8-6014 Frank Walter, Organist .and Choir Rev Mr Master 11:00 AM O0L MORNING WORSHIP urch "MY BELOVED SONS" sept. 18th All Carvary Baptist CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS ed with the Fellowship ot Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada REV. W. NIVEN AITKEN Pastor BIBLE SCHOOL -- 9:45 AM --""A BRIDE FOR THE SON" "AN ENCOUNTER IN THE DARK" -- ALL AGES 11.00 AM 7:00 PM SAT. 7 PM. | LAKEVIEW PARK "CALVARY ECHOES" CKLB, SUN. 9 AM MISS GLADYS AYLWARD "THE SMALL WOMAN" --WEDNESDAY JULY 27 at 7.45 NE OF THE MOST OUTSTANDING PERSONALITIES OF OUR DAY ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES inn Street United Ghurel REV. MERVIN A BURY M.A. B.D. Minister Mr. Rhyddid Williams. Choir Director and Organist ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Centre and Bagot Streets Cross, B.A, L.Th. TRINITY 6 9:00 AM. --HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 AM.----MORNING PRAYER--REV. C WILSON 7:00 P.M. --EVENING PRAYER--REV. C. D. WILSON Rev. Clinton D RA 5-2386 D CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary and Hillcroft Streets The Ven. H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M. Rector 5- 5795 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH urt and Barrie Streets, and Block East of Albert REV. H. G. D. RICHEY, L.th 8 & 11 AM, TO END OF JUNE Corner C ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE The Rev. R. A. Sharp -- RA 5.7064 8:00 AM 11:00 AM NO EVENING SERVICE UNTIL SEPT, umbent 4TH ST. MARK'S CHURCH >TEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE. THE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN, S.Th 476 Beurling Ave. -- Priest in Charge 11:00 AM. --MORNING WORSHIP Nursery and Church School 11:00. AM. Youth Department 11:00 AM. "WHEN GOD CONFRONTS US" Read: Genesis 32: 24-30 Soloist: Mrs. Alan Thompson ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH Northminster United Rev. H. A. Mellow First Baptist Church Rev. N. F. Swackhammer, B.A. UNION SERVICES DURING JULY mn FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (2 blocks North of Rossland Rd. W. on Hortop St.) 11:00 AM --"WHAT WENT YE TO SEE?" Rev. H. A. Mellow (Mr. J. Robertson, Organist and Northminster Choir) 2 3 Nursery and Junior Congregation ot Il a.m (Infants up to Primary) 7:00 P.M.--EVENING WORSHIP

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