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The Oshawa Times, 25 Jul 1960, p. 8

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8 es OSHAWA TIMES, Mesto Jo 25, 1960 D onna D odw ell, ] ames Ww. H a TiS | | Are Married at Christ Church Donna Lynne, daughter of Mr | honeymoon at St. Thomas in th and Mrs. Frederick Cecil Dod- Virgin Islands, West Indies, an well, and James William Grant return to live at 873 Simcoe stree Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. John|north, apartment 3. | | Edwin Harris, all of Oshawa, For travelling the bride chose | were united in marriage on Sat- la pink Italian silk shirtwaist | urday afternoon by the Reverend dress with white hat and acces-| |W. J. Goodswan. sories. | The ceremony took place in Christ Memorial Church and Mr. | | Ronald Kellington played the | wedding music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of| | white embroidered silk organza with short sleeves and a chapel | [train. A pearl erown held her | elbow- length veil and she carried |an all-white bouquet with ivy| trails. The matron of konor was Mrs, A. Grant Hoy, Oshawa and the| bridesmaids were Miss Janet Daw, Toronto; Miss Joan Crutch-| field, Shawinigan Falls, Quebee; | Miss Errington Mackie, Hamil-| ton. They were dressed alike in! blue and white floral polished cot- ton, draped at the back, with matching bows for headdresses. They wore white accessories and| carried white bouquets. Mr. William Grant Harris of | Port Arthur was best man and ushering were Frederick Harris, | Ronald Bilsky, D.C. Oshawa; Anthony LeMoine, Mon- Chiropractor g treal; Neil Swann, Ottawa, and John Preston, Oshawa. i A reception followed at th HOW T0 SLEEP 4 home of the bride's parents. T 4 bride's mother received in An important educational @ a & 1 draped pink chiffon with a pink |} ¢oqture in which a Chiropractor 3 re] flowered hat and accessories. The A ' 5 i n how [ bridegroom s mother was in aj "9" instruct his patient is Ah 4 PRIVATE WEDDING | green and white. printed dress] to sleep. Many people sleep on M d Mrs. Hugh Frederick | tk N El with green and pink hat. their left side, right side, on r. and Mrs. Hugh Frederic he = former ancy Eleanor The _ couple will I spend their o Be Gorin of Oshawa exchanged | Pearson, daughter of Mrs. H. back, or on stomach, Best way is Mr. to sleep on your back, next on wedding vows recently before | A. Merritt and the late Reverend John Smith at the | Wiliam Pearson, and the | Blind Bowling Club | either side, but one should bridegroom is the son of Mr. NEVER sleep on his stomach. home of the bride's uncle and | . J Gor and. Mrs D. aunt Mr and Mrs W. A Joun | orin and rs Enjoy Afternoon | If patient sleeps on either side, or Smith of Whitby. The bride is --Ireland Studio he should build up intervening SE ™ At Garden Party |} space between thickness of CHILD GUIDANCE On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. [| shoulder and neck, with proper =] ee] James McConrell and her daugh- |] thickness of pillow, so that the ter Patricia, William street east,|l hood does not sag. This will held a garden party for the Hu- very according to distance be: B 4] ] How To Get Youngster vedo garden Fu to ei fry according odio be their escorts and the drivers and To Take Re ular Na |coaches. patient sleeps on back, some g p Guests at the party were the |} should be done by building up By G. CLEVELAND MYERS let the youngster, five, four or nev: fh Milroy, his mOMEF, | soc petween shoulders and he well-gui 7 oven three. discontinue the T ilroy and Wo sons, : The well-guided youngster gets even three, discontinue the after "David and Peter, Mr. and Mrs neck-line, with pillow. an afternoon nap until school at-/noon nap. But he needs the nap D. Tt M Mare Myers i] pe tendance interferes. Well - prac-| very much I omas; Tl ars oyers If patient sleeps on ticed in this routine, he can be| Suppose you want to get him and Mrs, Vilmer isher of stomach, it becomes necessary held to the nap to a much later| back on the afternoon nap, especi- Advisory Board CNIB. . {to tum head to either side in 2 y Contest and prize winners} oder to breathe. This twists ge. all; during summe You must EO y ) Indeed, where there are two or| make it a daily routine and be|We€Tre Mystery Person, Miss Ada|l the neck, relaxing muscles on McDonough; number of beans, warm bed side, and causes a more children as old as six or|there to carry it th or have D ¢ Mrs. Guy Campbell; ball stricture of muscles on upper Peter Milroy ; gate prize, Mrs. J. cold side of neck, torqueing seven in a family, a regular daily|a competent substitut nap during summer is very de-' Be decisive. Reqt m to lie A sirable. down and be quiet ter he is in Westlake; iawn bowling, Miss} neck, putting it to a more or If they know without doubt that bed be within prope ance but i Sialox wh ple pisle How, less permanent strain they must remain quiet in a hor- no in his room. Thé moment he Mr. Charles Lovell, Mrs. Mary : izontal position until the clock gets up, even } ,/ Leach; hand span, the Rev. R. B.|} As you sit, so should you rings, at the end of about an run about, smac < Milroy, 'Mrs, W. Suddard; larg. || sleep. As you sit you do not hour, they are pretty sure to fall sound! : est shoe, Mrs. O. Lint, Mrs.|| lop your head down . Jept asleep. It's the inevitability of the! Repeat this as ofter Mary Myers; number present, |} Or lS ght shoulder; neither should requirement that is most effec- sary until he ) Mrs. W. Suddard; oldest person, || YoU sleep that way. As you sit, tive do.m and be still v nothing Mrs. A. Milroy; youngest per-|{ YoU do not drop your head fore OLDER CHILDREN QUIET about sleep sons, Miss Norma Forrest, David Or nb oo If there's a youngster under Effective training or retrainit Milroy; oldest blind persons, ¥v. Leach « w Sud. |] some people do prop head for- four or five still taking a nap, May require seve ns, Mrs. Mary Leach, Mrs. W. Sud ward by building up too many slightly older children of the fam- but thereafter he may enjoy a|dard; birthday, Mrs, Reg Pike; : 3 fly can and should be required to| daily nap. special prizes: dancing, Vera| a en, end, head, ; Every Store remain very quiet and not move As you can see, naptime hardly Siblock; singing, Mr. Charles] head back between shoulders. about. No time for TV or radio has a fear pro Lovell; centre piece draw, Mrs. Some people 1 built y 3X " . ef 1¢ y y a or people are very we ui ; then. If they wish to read, very] (My bull Sleep 1s John Westlake between shoulders and back of and ave \ isp aying e with ay } 1 A hr . 3 iv ; well, with Children" ma by! A picnic supper was given byl [oT 1, sleep without any Now in order to carry out such|sending a self - addressed, U.S./Mrs. Reg Pike for the Humor- pillow behind head is to let a program, a parent or other re- stamped envelope to me in care esque bowlers, Mr. Rufus Lam-\} yo 4" 405 back on. bed be- e sponsible person must be on-hand of this new I ) I for the drivers and Mrs. | 4 cen shoulders. You should A at th and it must be a daily procedure. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Myers for the advisory cleep with head in some rela- ; e QUIET PERIOD Q: What percentage of those Poard. tionship to body' as it is when 5 Furthermore, most children un- enter he mar n 196( EE GR "|| you sit upright. NEVER sleep Zo der ten or 12 should be held to a wi school gr tes? on stomach; no matter what H I . quiet, non-running period for a A. ut : p t Can Wear Coat you try to do with pillows, head HE few afternoon hours daily during|------ is always in torque twist. Sa | : : p EN NT summer, when playmates are not | 3 . [] \' playmates ) Back To Front While sitting upright, try Displaying The 1% ¥ itted. Thi gr. als f- [2] admitied is program aso @ New ig Dres SS LONDON (Reuters) -- Women |] to lop your head to-left or right fords a needed relaxing time for soon have the choice of wearing | side, or back between shoulders, ill h fot will be offering | the mother. Li k Ch T A problem some mothers have 1Ke ristmas T€€ | their coats back to front if manu- | and you will note what a strain § | Ap nN § 'S have : 4 dae . Shiatrss k. i this, especially in summer, is with) FLORENCE, Italy (Reuters)- Jeter Sdopt a idea Shows i, 4 | children who play nearby or out-| The fashionable woman of 1961 vel ne cay : %y ar Creed, |§ you i i } i side the open window of the tot's may have a Christm ee look, [One of Britain's leading coutu- i & | "EX : RA bedroom. Often this can be. cor-, The coniferous } te wa One of o series of articles pu®- rected through persuasive ap-|launched Wednesday "back-to-front look" was {| lished in the public interest to | 1 ' id : i >, I I o explain and illustrate the practic peals to the playmates' parents.| Guidi of Florence at the cur ont ot I oy oY = d in a collarless, of scientific chiropractic, by Ronald If the tot; say from two to five,| Italian fashion show here, ay n hee wey Lost ret with W. Bilsky, doctor of Chiroprac 8: i 1) allowed to go out and play|silk ses een taffeta vening 1e coal was shown first wi whose cffice is located at ) [ "2 the buttons at the back and the|| King Street East (Plaza me | after lunch he may be hard to| dress. front falling straight and com- Building), telephone RA 8-5156. corral for the nap or to quiet » skirt was made of two down for sleep when brought in |1a ge cowbell-shape d t cs, - one pletely unadorned. $ A gl the vear-around nap-|on tor of the other which, topped SE 5 ! | time right after lunch is more|by the slim, st less bodice, (WV VW WVWVVY } i : - Praphc ; ne thers are too ready to priced the tes tree Shop DAILY and SAVE at . i Ti ~ GLECOET | Sports Mn oe i 4 > i 174 Ritson Road South c"o*v : ® Bathroom Problem 2 6 Crveen Ver Specials For Mon., Tues., Wed. ¢ a ure oxygen, but. ever BEEF ® ronary Insufficiency / B L CHOICE SLICED 1¢ Q. | have seen advertisements Q. Please explain coronary in- NA in sports magazines for yellow- sufficiency. Is such a contin 3 tinted glasses that are supposed dangerous? Can it turn into consi MAPLE LEAF to improve the hunter's sight, .o/? WIENERS » 0 especially on cloudy or overcast A. Th hea r 1 18s. days. Are such glasses helpful? eo hao! sly A. Yes, they do help llow- C oreties f on ; ee } SAUSAGE voli PORK «39° 4 tinted glasses tra ) ve partially or com PKG transmit light rays unchanged, down the short-wave rays of blue spas Yh er y Me FIRST GRADE and green. When used on cloudy con get through y TTER LB B64: | or overcast days, yellow rc see lessened. As a re through the glasses become - artery. delivers. at f SWEET SUNKIST 163's $ tively brighter than the blue of amount of blood to the heart 3 } ORANGES 3 1 green. As a result, yellowish f or e expression, DOZ. onimals can be seen more dis- vy ir 1c } e- tinctly by hunters who wear such of lor =: de. } POTATOES NEW 50-18. 1 9 1 = Te wanes 1 TO BE ISSUED ON Q. This is wot a very wice sub. The, coronary blood flow | BURNS 1-LB. ject, but what is the best way °° [e's 1 di R LARD PKGS. 33* b oronory insufficiency to sterilize toilet seats? pid oe 4 A. The most practical way is by " ly flow COTTAGE use of soap and water and a / ond | flow t . 3 ROLLS S$ suitable antiseptic solution is a disease 1 nd \ TOILET TISSUE 1 1' 1 \ To Q. What is the medical opinion > : x ¥ regarding use of oxygen by When submitting questior athletes? ers are requested NOT to p close 3 . A. There is little or no scientific elf-addressed .envelopes, "Ques- evidence that use of pure oxygen tions are incorpo to these SHOP and "SAVE at $9.0 Y by athletes is helpful. Most qu- oli s when pos GLECOEY' : ; | V . OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M. 4 We » | | , Bing $1 ERA 34621 Oshéwa OPEN DAILY TO 10 PM. § Pa L DDD DALLDALALAADL

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