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The Oshawa Times, 29 Jul 1960, p. 13

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I { i 44--Houses, Apts., Flats |44a--Rooms For Rent For Rent LARGE clean furnished room with [45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale |47--Automobiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 29, 1960 13 BRAN %, three.room apartment, kitchen, central, suit Phone modern "Kitchen, "available now, park.|RA 3-9225. Ing. RAS3928. ~~ ° |TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, TWO room furnished apartment, third for couple without children or single floor, conveniences, heat, lights, cen-|person. 62 Montrave Ave., or RA 5-8898 tral, $60. Phone RA 3-9180. after 5.30 p.m. THREE - room apartment on second FURNISHED room, board if desired, floor, available from August 15, very|contral, Phone RA 8-4094 or 201 Elgin central, kitchen sink, cupboards, heavy | Street West. wiring. Phone RA 8-8464. ro a pre SIMCOE Street South. third floor. fur.|ONE single, furnished room, able SIMCOE Street South, third floor, fur. for lady or gentleman, close to hospital nished apartment, vacant August 1, for and bus, North General: Motors. RA one or two adults. RA 5-5662. 86307, . THREE-roomed apartment, with pri-|---- vate entrance and three plece bath; ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail also bulltin cupboards, refrigerator able in Private home. 82 Park Road and stove in kitchen; bus stop at door. North, 57 p.m, RA 8-8671. 623 Olive Avenue, ne ONE large and kitchen, also THREE-room apartment, heated, hot boar wanted. Good home, English water, parking space, adults preferred speaking preferred. 51 Colborne East, t baby welcomed. North Oshawa. RA 5.7687 After 3 p.m. RA 51953, FURNISHED front bedroom, private THREE . room apartment, apartment home, quiet, good locality, central, RA building, modern kitchen, TV outlet, |5-5748. $75 monthly. RA 58215, TWO rooms, with refrigern- THREE-bedroom home, available Aug-|tor, and cupboards, suitable for couple ust 15. MO 8.4552, Whitby, evenings. or bachelor, close to Duplate, Apply FURNISHED throe.room flat, built-in 553 Howard Street. cupboards, private entrance, all con-|NICELY furnished room, very central, veniences. RA 3-7091 suitable for one or two people, "eason- MODERN 'hree room apartment, |4Dle_rent. RA 8-352, : ground floor, near North Simcoe School,| FURNISHED room with two 3 private bath, kitchen, cupboards and|sharal with friends, cooking privileges, sink RA 8-0445. frigidaire. 57 Montrave after 4 p.m. TWO -room furnished apartment, pri- ONE furnished room, and kitchen for vate bath, available August 1. RA 5-9696 couple. Also one furnished -oom for THREE - room apartment, furnished, North Pply 620 Simcoe Street heavy duty stove and refrigerator, |. n built-in cupboards, continuous ho t/TWO or one room for rent, suitable water three - piece bath, TV antenna. |for single man. 46 Mill Street, After RA 3-4528 16 p.m FOUR . room apartment, close to SGM. FURNISHED room and small kitchen, self-contained, bus close, Apply 301 stove, refrigerator, TV inlet, parking Cordorva Road. Apartment 3, RA 5-4252 space, walking distance South plant, THREE - room apartment, heayy duty RA 57824 after 6.30 p.m. a wiring, cupboards in the kitchen, bath- LARGE furnished front room for two room, large hall. Apply 164 Grenfell responsible girls. Phone RA 5.0575. Street, close to Shopping Centre. ight partment, private bath, 45--Real Estate For Sale -in curboards, reasonable ---- rent, Phone RA £-0263 = FOUR . room, unfurnished apartment, | To nna sumer. NORTH END Apply 91 Celin side door 6 room brick ranch bungalow tment, second floor,| with attached garage. Large bath, sink, cupboards. livi ith t I st t. RA 80144 | in room wi na ura $ one wed rooms, sink and| fireplace. Good size dining en. TV outlet. RA| area," sunny kitchen and 3 Crescent, a ! bright bedrooms, Large land- $60 MONTHLY, one bedroom, modern scoped grounds with 3 shade kitchen. bath, sun-deck, near school and shopping. Phone OL 5-3394 trees. Schools and bus only 1 pe Be rr block away. 1200 sq. ft. of i - room apartment, 3 i AN rivate, ground floor, newly decorated,| living area in a residential newly land Manor sub-division, large kitchen, four-piece tile, room, with vanity, ments may be made. RA 5-1053, MODERN, five - room brick bungalow, "ops now. Write Mr. A, Jakeman, Box 41, bath. | Orono _or phone Orono 1738. stained cupboards LOT, 60 by and woodwork, $3500 down or arrange- gaved road, full price $600. Port Perry,|ance on mortgage, OUR room bungalow, oll heated, gar-| NEW income home on 2 acres or less o and if desired on No. 7 and No. 13 Hwy. Commercial zoning area, 15 minutes from Oshawa, 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, permanent awnings. $5000 cash, bal. 150, good view 'of lake, pre Phin vice to schools, close to Highways 7, Phone RA 5-4513. 7A and 12, $4000 down. Two miles from Port Perry. Contact R. V. Port Perry. Write Box 842 Oshawa Times. WITH HOUSE, one acre of land, resi- dential district, sewers, water, must sell Reasonable for quick sale. RA 3-434. ply 151 Nassau Street, RA 3-3110. FIVE - room bungalow, sunroom, air. conditioned, aluminum storms, screens, awnings garage, hardwood floors, Ap- METCALF carries $80 monthly, three bedroom spacious living room, immediate session Mr, Lauzon thour Real Estate Ltd, $350 FULL DOWN, six-room solid brick bungalow, full basement, private drive, ammediate Pos-| 40 KING STREET E. REAL ESTATE LIMITED Dial RA 8-4678 8 monthly, RA 80669 or 466 Albert| district. Call Henry Stinson, ry Street. oo __| evenings RA 5.0243, day- THREE - room furnished or unfurnish- time. ed apartm central, bright kitchen, : mediate possession. 'RA| SCHOFIELD INSURANCE boards, immediate possession 128 ASSOCIATES LTD. room furnished basement RA 3-2265 apartment, sink and cupboards, stove and refrigerator, private bath and en- trance. Apply 111 Windsor Avenue or RA 3-9379 R A APARTMENT -- four rooms, central, self-contained. Telephone LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER BRAND NEW DUPLEX TWO furnished room gentlemen or ladies. Available now. RA 8.0626. THREE - room apartment, with bath, FOR central couple preferred, close to hos. pital. Apply 418 Jarvis Street UNFURNISHED four - room apartment, on bus line, King Street East, heavy duty wiring, hot and cold water sup- plied, heated. parking for car. Avail. able. RA 5.5373. WILSON Road North at Lansdowne -- $3,000 DOWN $3,000 Features, completely decorat- ed, wall to wall broadloom, electric heating, upstairs suite rented for $100 monthly. Lo- $105, new two-bedroom sound - proof cation 2 blocks off Simcoe apartments, large living room, sepa- S N. Ph Bill "Mill rate dining room, decorated to suit, treet N. one Bi ar at RA 8-5123, LLOYD REALTY LTD. REALTORS stove and refrigerator, bamboo drapes, ample parking. Occupancy August 1, Call D. Hazlett, HUdson 9.7986. 2241 Avenue Road, Toronto. T, good location. Phone RA 8-5123 -- RA 8-5124 RA 8.5125 101 SIMCOE ST. N. T! room upstairs apartment with kitchenette, full bath, separate en- trance, $65 monthly. 93 Agnes Streot between 7 and 8.30 p.m. FOR RENT vy 4 room bungalow in the vil- BOLAHOOD lage of Leskard. Large lot. LIMITED (Appreciate references). $28. @ month, Phone Orono 1 ring 16. or write Hamilton Insur- ance Service. Orono,Ont. STORE FOR RENT Ajax Shopping Plaza -- rea- REALTORS--INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-6544 LOTS $2,500 PRICE sonable rent -- lease with renewal option --= size €0" % 4 to chose from on Banff St., : : ¥ N.H.A. approved. Phone now 15'--good location--avail= for Jock Appleby of RAS able. August 1st. . Phone. oF qc ard Ml i 6544 or RA 3-3398. RESALE N.HA. 6% Glencastle, 6% N.H.A. mort- gage. Only 10 months old. Owner transferred to Calgary. 6 room ranch bungalow. Brick and stone construction. New- ly decorated, sodded front and back. Large rooms, low down payment, and carries for $99 a month. Interest, principal and taxes combined. Phone now to inspect for Jack Whitby MO 8-4881 44a--Rooms For Rent LARGE furnished room, for single per. son, cooking privileges. 317 = Glidden Avenue, RA 5-160] $11 WEEKLY, two furnished rooms, cooking- privileges, also single room, central. 180 Bruce Street between 4.5 p.m TWO large furnished rooms, stove, re- frigerator, private entrance, parking, central also furnished single 6 Centre et. furnished roo North. 1. Apply 41 Osh- 1} awa Blvd TWO furnished ns, bedroom and built-in cup- kitchen with 'refrigerator, boards and sink; all conveniences.| Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA Apply 887 Ritson Road South 3-3398 FURNISHED, single, nice, clean room, with or without light housekeeping, Members of Oshawa and central, close to hospital. Phone RA | Se 8-5984. District Real Estate Board WHITBY CLASSIFIED GRASS cutting. Have power mower |FOUND -- One budgie, owner may will travel. MO 8.4025 have same by proving identity and pay- LUNCH room for ot, all equipment ng Lr this advertisement. Phone MO art 2 5 and living qu White Rock, a Sa North Wh 0. 12 Highway. SEPTIC TANKS cleanea the sanitary John Ka re. _ way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, FOR RF rooms or light 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563. housekeepin with conveniences. | HOME HOME owners -- Shingling, siding. in. | sulation, eavestroughing, valnting, cash wrms. Phil Harper, fireen MO 8-4558 .E ~ Rotten manure or com Apply 305 Trent West, Whitby 203 Byron / post, odor'es: and weedless for flow FOR RENT - , clean furnished ers, shrubs, 'awns and gardens. Phone bed.sitting roon kitchenette with MO 8-514 refrigerator, sink d stove, private en- | gay ny trance, reasona adults. 821] SuSE and bungalow wanted. Good (down payments W McAuley Realtor |MO 8-323], Oshawa RA 3.2512. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed Walter Ward, ams [208 Chestnut West, phone MO 8.2563. wanted |SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freezes from only $279.95. For special prices on ranges, fridges, washers and dry $6.95 (regular °rS contact Mid Town Furniture, The oil shampoo Newest Appliance Dealer in Whitby stylist. MO MO 84981 or MO 8-5740. Dundas Street 1': STOREY Colonial house in nice set ting with attached garage. Phone MO 83198 between 9 and 5 p.m. LIVF poultry, also 'feathers Highe« narket prices paid Parker MOhawk 8-3644 collect CREME: cold wave $12.50) includes style, cut and set by imaginative 124 WANTED -- Grade 12 Mathematics teacher two hours per week. Call MO 82466 BUNGALOW, three bedrooms, garage, | corner lot, full price $10,500. Owner | MO 8.5179 EQUIPMENT FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms or light housekeeping rooms, -with con- veniences. Apply 305 Trent Street West, Yenien FOR RENT EXPERT tor gardens and| Tents $10 per wk. lawns Don't call unie vou want the b Dick Dev Phone MO 82614 Boats & canoes $15 per wk. NEW office n Whitby 800 sq ft, OUTBOARD MOTORS or less arkir or facilities. Call 16 Kk. Whitby Professional Building. MO 8 $16 per wk. 2731. evenin MO 8-4003 Feb 12 ve. $18 per wk. oe. $28 per wk. TWO rooms and kitchen, light wiring, | share bathroom. Also one furnished] 30 HP NE .. $40 per wk. room for gentleman. Telephone MO 8:4467 between § and 7. BOAT AND TRAILER WITH 0 SH ....... $35 per wk. FOR Ii 10 HP vo. $42 per wk. Can 15 HP. .c... $47 per wk. We also rent stoves, lanterns Dodd & Souter cots, sleeping bags, etc. : Cit od Wolle WILDE RENTALS Sales & Service 107 Byron Street South per Store | UNDER CONSTRUCTION Large seven room ranch bun- galow on spacious corner lot, two. car garage, two baths, two fireplaces, built in oven and counter top range, in one of Oshawa's most exclusive . subdivisions. RA 3-9207. OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS TOWN LINE NORTH 5 room home -- garage and natural fireplace -- hot water with oil heating -- $10,000.00 with $2,500,00 down, TAUNTON ROAD WEST $1,000.00 down = 5 room home with ottached garage = $6,000.00 -- total price. After 5:30 call Joe Maga at 5-9191.. PRIVATE SALE $1,300 Down (or nearest of- fer) -- 6% NHA brick bun- galow, six rooms, storms, screens, fence, landscaped, near school. Full price $12,840. MO 8-5783 PARK ROAD SOUTH Beautiful large 5 room ranch bungalow with natural stone front and attached garage -- Stone fireplace between living room and dining room, large modern kitchen, tiled bathroom , fi large bedrooms, which could be converted to 3 easily. Beautifully de- corated and landscaned, Call for further particulars, DUPLEX $2,000 DOWN $12,900 On Byng Ave., Simcoe North or Dean Ave., Wilson S. cus- tom built new 3 bedroom brick bungalows, large living room, kitchen with dinette, sashless windows, many ex- tras. RA 5-6031. Live free in this one -- double house -- 5 rooms on each side -- total price only $13,500.00 taxes only $218.00, Complete == after 5:30 coll Joe Maga at 5-9191, OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH $2,000.00 down -- 6 room family home -- garage storms, large rooms modern kitchen, chestnut trim. Truly a lovely home. Asking only $12,500.00. Call at once to inspect. DON HOWE REALTOR--INSURANCE RA 5-7732 MASSON ST. Lovely 5 room bungalow in excellent repair, beautiful landscaped lot 50° x 134': Large living room, dining room, good size modern kit- chen, recreation room. Ine cluded with price, piano, stove, drapes, T.V. aerial, hall rug. Payments of $80 month ly, 1 mortgage, asking $14,- 300. Please contact Rolande Tierney RA 5-5207, COTTAGE CAESAREA -- nearly new modern cottage Completely finished and winterized -- furnished -- patio -- barbecue -- 12' x 12' cabin, also 16' boat. included in low price of $4,500.00 with $1,000.00 down. RICE LAKE BUILDING LOTS Lokefront lots -- 75° x 200' treed lakefront, $1750.00 -- $2250.00 Back lots -- 75' x 200' close to water, drinking facilities, beau- tiful lots at $700.00 with $100.00 down. $1650.00-- AFTER 5:30 CALL Lloyd Metcalf 5-6983 Dick Barriage ..... 5.6243 Marion Drew ...... 8-4678 Everett Elliott ..... 3-9290 5-9191 Joe Maga . WILSON Realtor Realtor and General Insurance NEWCASTLE Phone 3341 200 ACRE DAIRYFARM, as going concern, good hip-roof- ed bankbarn, bulkcooler, drive shed, etc.; 8 roomed brick house, full line of machinery, pure bred cattle. Asking $30, 000. Terns. 200 ACRE DAIRYFARM, lo- cated 5 miles from Oshewa, large bankbarn, with stable cleaner, machine shed, bulk tank cooler, etc.; 8 roomed stone house with all modern conveniences. Price and terms arranged. 200 ACRE DAIRYFARM, 140 acres workable, L-shaped bankbarn, water on tap, drive shed, etc.; 8 roomed brick with all modern conveniences. Price $25,000. Terms. 200 ACRE DAIRYFARM, lo- cated 12 miles from Oshawa, as going concern with cattle, machinery and crop. Modern- ized L-shaped bankbarn, drive shed etc.; 8 roomed home, all modern convenien- ces. Price $36,500 Terms. 92 ACRE FARM, 87 acres workable, 2 farm ponds, silo, drive shed, garage; 8 roomed house, water on tap. Asking $16,00. Easy terms. 40 ACRE FARM, No. 2 high- way west of Bowmanville with over 9000' highway frontage, good barn etc; 8 roomed house, all modern convenien- ces. Consider income home as down payment. 200 ACRE FARM, near Beth- any, good hip-roofed bank- barn, silo, drive shed, etc.; 9 roomed brick home, furnace, water under pressure. Price $15,000. Easy terms. 200 ACRE FARM, 160 acres workable, large stream, bank- barn, drive shed, etc.; 8 roomed brick house. Asking $14,500. Terms. d 120 ACRE FARM, near Mill« brook, all workable, pond, L- shaped bankbarn, waterbowls, steel stanchions, drive shed, etc; 7 roomed brick house all modern conveniences. Asking $14,000. Terms. TURKEY FARM, west of Bowmanville. Cold storage ond freezing plant. Housing and runs for 2,000 birds year- fy; 7 roomed home, all mo- dern conveniences. Asking $18,000. Terms. ORCHARD FARM, near Bow- manville, 78 acres, 40 acres in orchard, 110' x 30' bank- barn, all machinery, sprayer, truck, etc.; 7 roomed house, electric water heater, 4-pce. bath. Price and terms arrang- ed 50 ACRE FARM, near Ome- mee, 36' x 24' bankbarn, hen house; 7 roomed house, hy- dro. Asking price $6,500. Terms. 50 ACRE FARM, 6 miles north of Port Perry, 40 acres workable, stream, large bank- barn, drive shed; 8 roomed brick house, furnace, run- ning hot and cold water. Asking $12,500. Terms ar- ranged 3 bedroom home on Ritson Road, with furnace, 3-piece bath, electric 'water' heater. Asking $7,700 with $2,000 down Donald H. Mountjoy MA 3- 3950 Frank Hunter, RA 5.2974 MO 8-5231 1415 Dundas E., MO 8-3226 » L. A. Perrault, Clarke 2231 JOHN F. DE WITH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 OUT FOR A DRIVE THEN SEE THESE WILSON EXCLUSIVES 206 Clark St. $10,900 full price. 4 bedroom home. 268 Guelph St. $11,950 full price. Large lot asphalt drive. 298 Division St. $8,950 full price. Quiet area. 137 Keewatin St. $19,500 full price. Prestige home and area. 617 Wychwood St. $1,400 down. 5 room brick bungalow. 596 Wychwood St. $2,700 down. Walkout base- ment. 376 Humewood. $3,000 down. Basement garage, recreation room. 524 Fairleigh. $7,200 full price. 4 room home on treed lot, 505 Fairleigh. $12,700 full price. Brand new 5 room bungalow. 596 Finucane $14,500 full price. Beautifully land- scaped. 316 Walmer Rd. $14,500 full price. 5 room bunga- low, close to bus. 282 Bloor St. W. $1,000 down. Balance $65 a month, 1337 Minden St. $12,575 full price. Immediate possession. 397 Philip Murray. $2,200 down. Walkout base- ON YEAH And don't forget our Model Home on Central Park Blvd. North in Hillsdale Terrace Open Evenings and All Day Saturday J. J. VAN HERWERDEN REALTOR ' down pay » Call 5, Macko Realtor, RA 8-4661. KENDALWOOD area. This six-room large, custom- is situated on half-acre picturesque lot.{in A 1. condition, Natural fireplace, attached garage |RA 5.9477, budstitul View of i] pe Must be|'5s AUSTIN convertible, in good condi- sold; w a cel 1 price. Call §. Macko Realtor, RA 8.4661. 1.00: Telephone RA 3.3204 MODERN storey-an-half brick on Huron Street, Beatifully kept home, situated on 70-foot frontage. Grounds|pa nicely landscaped on Srl trace aud flower 8. vallable immediately. Can be bought with only $1500 down |in good condition, $200. MO 8 payment. Call 8. Macko Realtor, RA |; NASH hydromatic, radio, 8.4661, walls, sacrifice, best offer, can finance. le, $10,990. Stor. (MO 8-4762, MOhawk 8-5778. reasonable. 55 CHEV PRIVATE, house for EIGHT - room country home, acre of 1950 MERCURY, customized two door, land, all modern conveniences, bus ser-| radio, '53 motor, in excellent condition. 48--Automobiles Wanted Archer,|'54 CHEV, Bel-Air, immaculate condi tion. Will take older model car as down payment, take over low monthly pay- '52 CHEV., good condition, $175. Phone '556 METEOR coach, radio, whitewalls, built modern bungalow 3 pe '46 FORD two ton truck Jit platform, 50---Articles For Sale CHROME kitchen suite, five piece, ex tension table, $25, in good condition, RA 5-1801. CASH PETERBOROUGH car fop boat, Evin. ATER E ranch Je, bungalow, ments. Apply 178 Arthur Street afer 4. rude 7% HP motor with a Cruise-a-da lege. Six. rovmb four-piece solored|'S7 PONTIAC deluxe, coach, radio, low asi Try 4 Sp fem. B bath with builtin vanity, three bed- mileage, one owner condition. Tele. FOR YOUR CAR dd . rooms, six per cent on $2900 | Phone RA 5-7285. a FOR sale, davenport, good condition. Phone RA 5-8506. 17" WALNUT console model Admiral TRADE UP OR ov with doors, built-in radio, thorough. y DOWN Phone RA 34680 after 6.30 p.m. LIENS PAID OFF WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator for sale, reasonable. Phone RA 5-7469, : mt egm-- i $60 FOR both refrigerator and heavy station wagon, two doors, WILB AK MOTORS duty stove, in good working condition, s, new metallic paint job, also living room drapes, extra. MO er. Phone after 5 p.m., 8-8125. ONE set of Americana encyclopedias 40 books, with book case, unused. Five months old. Phone RA 8-0900 for more RA 5-0732 "is. |50--Articles For Sale information, i5 FT, cedar strip boat, lights, wind- OUTBOARD motor, new. Scott 3.6 HP... ciyeld 'controls, 25 HP motor, plus trail. fot, fret mortgage 9% er cent, cart ot, first mortgage 5% per cent, carries|swner Appl joo month, principal, interest nd ends, ue Mc Avenue. axes, - Fully serviced isi" CHEVROLET in good condition, one | Phone OL 5-4836. anytime except week- electric fan, 3 sp2eds. ler, one year old, sell $850. Apply 148 Brock Street East. VIKING auomalle Sryes, one year old. | GAS conversion burner for sale, cheap, A 8-5391, stores, school, churches. For appoint-|'34 FORD coupe, '48 Mere, ment call WH 2.2026. THREE . bedroom bungalow with 49665 after 8 p.m. tween motor, chromed, extras on engine. Phone RA |ADDISON combination shaped llving and dining room, be.|48 CHEV, Fleetline sedan, fully gulp. RA 5.1823 after 6 p.m. TV, record| CCM racing bicycle, first class condi player and radio, large crib, playpen|tion, compietely refinished. Apply and high chair. All in good condition, |Harrison and Kinsman Hardware, 337 MO 8-8737, Simcoe South. RA 3-4425, Whitby Oshawa, large|ped, perfect shape; also borne East, Apply back door. rail. fenced tn lot. Low down payment. RA |er, can be seen parking lot, 155 Col-|KEEP your basement dry with a de-(3's HORSE 8-0387 wer Wisconsin mortar humidifier from Parkway TV, seven Mixer, al; live brick veneering rods. t |dition, will finance from 6 to 9 Igtht.re e, fi TO ode, Tour bedroling, 145 Albert Street. water heating. Write P.0. Box 146, Bow: manville, CENTRALLY located in Bo A '53 CHEVROLET sedan, excellent bi North, RA 3-3043. LAKEFRONT cottage, View Lake, fur- tr Wer a 8 Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner nished, four rooms, sun: , boat, [800d tires, low mileage, excellent gon: |; . Price "$2100, terms." Marvin. Nesbitt, dition Apply 37 Fairbanks Street, ice. RA 80591 anytime. Nestleton, Blackstock 44 11, Fred gy VROL day free home trial. 918 Simcoe Street|MO 8-5034. BIG bedding sale, buy mow and save, 8, [factory clearance of spring filled mat. tresses, discontinued ticking, Priced VACUUM cleaner repairs, all" make! brushes, guara parts, attachments, sg PLYMOUTH V3, four doors, radio, | Pia®, it" ii, Estimates free. [for quick sale, $16.88 up, Continental Repair Serv-|{beds some mis-matched some with |headboards, clearout prices from $24; bunk beds, eight pleces complete, sale ROLET stationwagon, auto. AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. |price $58. Smooth top mattresses made matic tr radi Cook Realtor Ltd, window washers, 5000 range trade or terms, 47--Automobiles For Sale |ranse trade 'or' te 53 PLYMOUTH goupe, very good con-|Frontenac Avenue. dition, private. Apply 751 Stone Street - or RA .5-5535. ALLSTATE Auto private sold, § $225, cae. nn Call after 5 surance. Save up to wa treet. Sey. TIAC Laurentian, 17(000 % BIMCA deluxe, A-l throughout. Phone RA 8-0921. 9 Ritson Road South, reduced prices and easy Will sell as is or sell parts. Good tires radio, heater, ete, RA 8-5072. gm-- Si A DISCRIMINATING buyer has the op- portunity to own this beautiful "58 Olds. mobile "98" two-door hardtop. Fully power-equipped, low mileage, the ear|}' 's in immaculate condition, rhe cwner|% ton pickup, . *55 Pontiac hardtop, "50 Chev Try "Stew" N' ' pe sedan, in excellent condition, with [3-253 Port Perry, ~~ automatic transmission, radio, ete. RA['59 CHEV, hydromatic, low mileage, condition, two tone paint, excellent Pho R after 6 p.m. A e deal, '57 deluxe Pontiac coach, radio, low mileage, one owner Telephone RA 5-7285. IAC sedan, MO 85110, '57 deluxe Pontiac 53 CHEVROLET autom car, in real good condition. Must sold. MO 8-8594. A private deal, SABYAN MOTOR |i private a SALES LTD, | ty. SW STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN [re sonably priced, A-1 Soudan. App SALES and SERVICE Pr Sues, Bowmanville, 51 PC 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH 53 STUDEBAKER Champion, good OSHAWA, ONT. condition four new tires, $325, MO Tel.: RAndolph 3-3461 4596, '59 PONTIAC Parisienne two-door hard- top, automatic, radio, 16,000 miles, one owner. RA 8-4184 after 6 p.m. HARLEY vidson 47-74, windshield, saddle bags and buddy seat, good ru ning condition, $250. COlfax 3-2369. '54 METEOR sedan delivery, in good condition, any reasonable offer consid. ered, RA 5.8313, '46 CHEVROLET, very good condition, $45. RA 5-1053, 57 METEOR A-1 condition, country, must sell MO 8-2646, Phone $495 '54 MERCURY SEDAN, 'radio, good tires and mechanical 2? condition, Terms. or trade. Varcoe's Rd. North BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN p.m. owner. Price $550. RA = | USED parts and repairs fo: all makes tions. condition | Hampton, CO 3-2241. Fina " , used -» '53 Rambler, '35 Ford, |gsg "pp01y 61 Rosehill Bivd. at Mike | CHESTERFIELD leaving [solid body, single pick-up, 4-months old |¢.p1e anytime with the exception of 5 to 7| ELECTRIC razor repairs, 54 CHEVROLET, real good ator, one [beam Phili-Shave 5-2647, Prompt service. Free estimates. Order|by famous makers, $19.95. Wilson Fur. 0) *|now for early delivery. Chair and table miles Can ar. |/Cotals, Cleve Fox, 4i2 Simeos North, |L.uire 20 Church Street. 95. 342 USED office desks and filing cabinets, B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5.4543. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up, slicer, grin d scale, coffee Teal ier STder ai scale, colt RREGLIRT Your Woodsh grinder, adder, typewriter, cash hoot for RTRs CA Te '52 FORD, in good sendition asng ster. Mus! be sold immediately. OLiver |carefree boating or we will do the job p.m. Apply 5-3469, for you, We carry a complete ine of materials, plus easy to iollow instruc- Sportsman's Corner, HEE 105 Byron persona Servic it your Some ¢a1) Ba oP car condition, will take iin o wingel TD % hp motors |gireer South, Whitby, MO 84511. " 50 VAUXHALL Wyvern, needs repairs, $1995. 369 Drew Street. RA 58132. |l.chors and stoves. Padly's Market,| UNPAINTED bookcases only 99 cents, with the purchase of any piece of un. = ainte¢ furniture. Che: of drawers, New allwonl Oriental rug, 9 x 12. HH 'desks re Th 5.99; van MO 8-4116, ONE 6-1t. van- 'ty dresser, $26. Wilson Furnitire, 20 once, | Church Street, TWO-picce chesterfield, _ continental reversible | bed, double mattress. RA 8.0612. pram dinghy, suite, foam cushions, self-covered deck, sold |CoINS, '8. 646, tamps, collector's supplies will consider any reasonable offer, Call| Starr's. RA 5-5646. eee | hardwood frame, walnut trim, Si hd s ; ; ' : SPCC. (hought and sold sat Royal Coin and RA 3-2124 between 5 and 6:30 p.m. 51 PLYMOUTH sedan, excellent con- ' A y FONTIAC Laurentian Touv-goox |ditton, Jo ilcage, $200 cash, YUkon $190, Kelly's Furniture and Appliance, |Stamp Store, 64 King V Wanted SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re-|Pennies, 1922 to 1926, nickels, 1925, If frigerators, TV's, washers, planos, (far six, also Victoria coins in good stoves, ete. For top cash' offer, con. | condition, tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. | MAYTAG, world's largest m fac reel anufactur« GAS conversion burner for sale, cheap, |er laundry equipment, automatic wash. RA 5-1823 after 6 p.m. ers, from $249; dryers $179. Now on -- display at Kelly's, 2 floors, 32 King CLEAN, 11 quart baskets, suitable for |circet" Rast. RA 8.5153. local produce; also some bushels, |- Stroud's Food Market, 84 Simcoe Street (PIANO -- good condition. Telephone North, Oshawa, RA 3-4508, low mileage, one owner |i my 755 johnson, excellent condi- RAINY interior, exterior, $2.05 gallon. tion, $250. Phone RA 3-7043. 11 colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss, TE ome |Ogshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 15 FT, mahogany ply. deluxe run-about|Church Street RA 3.7624, complete, beam 62 in, depth 30 in, |--- Best offer, Barons', 426 Simcoe South.|RENT a television set for your sume RA 3-2263, mer cottage, by the week or the lea, Street West REFRIGERATOR vals, new 1960 Big | Ra osazs oo » © King Street Wes 10 cu. ft. family size. 8 yr. warranty, Kelly's special $199, 2 floors RA 8-5153, |BROADLOOM, lamps, giftware, wall plaques, room dividers, Imported, Den. BUILDERS and home owners, special| mark, Finland, Italy, Portugal, India, discounts on new 1960 built-in oven and from $9.50, Two floors to serve you, cooking tops. Kelly's. RA 8-5153, Kelly's RA 8.5153, 32 King E. FRIGIDAIRE, Westinghouse, Kelvina-| KELVINATOR, Foodarama, no de- tor, MecClary, used friges, ranges, |frostin evi upright ombination washers, $49 up. Kelly's, 32 King East. freotogtris, 'two doors. Kelly's, CAPE-COD Colonial chesterfield suite, AIR conditioner, portable $49 up, de. h at, han. reversible foam Abber i iY % ed removable valance, Speci 359, | 4 X ft ven VAT! 4 save $50. Kelly's RA 8-5153. Hes 2 Oi Ring Fast, Tey FOR SALE -- Spanish Electric Guitar, |gAY fever allergy sufferers, new pore lectrofilter removes pel cent air borne dust and pollen, $39 up, parts and|Kelly's, 32 King East. RA 8-5153, Schick, Remington, ---l T old. Phone MOhawk 8-3440, Whitby, service for Ronson. Fast effi. 4 ply crossbanded veneer, solid walnut E0t service, Meagher's, SKing Street|{ ames, ofl finish, no polishing, stop, end ot ktail, $29.95. RA 8.5153, 53 PONTIAC sedan, good best offer. Telephone RA 5.6656. MOTORS offer, RA 5-3710. "08 CHEVROLET, excellent condition. Will finance from MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 6 to 9 pm. 145 Albert Stre WwW W. '55 CADILLAC Sixty Special, Full 408 KING 4 OSHAWA power equipment, reduced to $1475. RA 3-7132 Wilbak Motors, 137 King West, four-door hardtop, D) $100. t save French Provincial 53 E converti fruitwood, 507 KING ST. ~ OSHAWA |? CHEV. wivertible, radio, ack SEE HOME APPLIANCES buffet, china eabinet, drop leaf table, ust Eost of Wilson Road) [56 Hillcroft Street. RA 5.6195, LTD, six chairs. Kelly's, 32 King East. 59 CHEV Belair sedan, powerglide 90 SIMCOE SOUTH SEE one of Oshawa's largest transis. RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 [iaiy, whitew is vaoas ai ite) tor radio displays. All the leading : Jagio, ty washers, Getting FOR FRIGIDAIRE makes, Large variety of sizes and i IA 5-8008, SALES AND SERVICE prices to ehoose from, $20.95 for n six ' 25 miles per gallon, RA 5 5008 N oe transistor radio, Meagher's, 5 King ANDY NAGY S 's8 CHEV. good condition, body work Domestic and Commercial Street West. BODY SHOP be 'appreciated Selling for $98 of Des RA 5- io WF Seat Affwater ouibosrd motors with controls, in excellent condition. Apply 107 Cadillac North, ROTARY POWER MOWERS ONE good used forced $37.95 up ; Sass WHITE garage door complete with all MARINE STORAGE : air furnace. 48--Automobiles Wanted CASH shocks, 16 ft. beam, $110. One 74 HP Elgin outboard motor with Crulse-a-day tank, $100, RA 5-7638. fixtures, $25. Phone RA 8.1159, ONE. Arnson boat trailer, double & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens pald off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. RA 3-942] 47--Automobiles For Sale For Your AUSTIN CAR GOOD ASSORTMENT USED CARS TAUNTON RD. E. RA 5-0331 741 KING STREET E. OSHAWA RA 3-447) ONE OF THE FINEST FARMS' IN THE DISTRICT, 5 MILES FROM OSHAWA CHRISTMAS TREE FARM -- Only $10,500 with $2,000 down for this 100 acre farm, 65 acres workable, sandy doam soil, with 29,000 Christmas trees of which part ready to cut next year. A good house and barn. Low payments. e 200 ACRES DAIRY FARM, 3 sides along paved and gravel roads, clay loam, good slopey land, never-failing creck, drilled well, 3 painted barns with hydro and waterbowls, main barn with electric gutter-cleaner, steel implement shed, 2 cement silos, Bulkcooler 36 cans, milking machine, milk contract 12 cans. all conveniences, (modern kitchen, furnace, bathroom, hardwood ell conveniences (modern iktchen, furnace, bathroom, hardwood ond tile floors), aluminum storms and screens. No repairs and no improvements needed. A REAL SHOWPLACE. Ask for in- formation. TRY WELLMAN'S '58 CHEV'S = $1587 '55 CHEV'S ~~ $845 WELLMAN'S NONQUON RD. RA 3-4431 220 Acre Farm near Newcastle with lake-frontage, creek and springs, barn with water and hydro, hen house, 10-room stone house, with hydro, heavy wiring, bathroom, hot water tank. Full price $32,000 with terms. 75 Acres Farm with lake frontage on Scugog Lake, paved road from Oshawa till-farm, 8-room house with hydro heavy wiring, bathroom. Ideal location for Summer resort, sale of small fruit, etc. Full price $19,000 with low down payment for responsible party. A nice small farm, 30 Acres, near Uxbridge, good barn, spring creeks, possibility for pond or swimming pool, excellent horse- farm. Modernized house in good shape with all city conven- iences. Full price $15,500 with $4,000 down. 130 Acres Farm, 8 miles from Oshawa, on paved road, 120 acres workable, 8-room house with heavy wiring, bathroom, hot water tank. Asking price $35,000 with terms. 44 Acres Farm, good land and buildings. $15,000 with terms. 25 Acres Farm, scenic, located 11 miles from Oshawa. $7,500 with terms HOUSES AND LOTS S-room house, with heavy wiring, oil furnace, tile floors, 2 bathrooms (upstairs: 2 pes. and cupboards), double garage. Full price $10,700 with reasonable down payment. Luxury 8-room (4 bedrooms) SPLIT LEVEL HOME on Highway 2 near Whitby, 5 years old. Finished recreation room and office. Excellent location. Lot 75' x 200, full price $19,000 with terms. In Whitby, 5-room bungalow in A-1 shape with bathroom, oil furnace, hardwood and tile floors. Full price $10,500 with low down payment 1 Acre Lot on Trull's Road, $1,350 with terms. Your Austin Dealer Have you test driven the amazing new 850? You won't believe it until you do. Complete, Only . .... $1295 $1995 $1895 The A40 dual-purpose Wagon. Dependable work horse, and yet styled for beauty. Only $1645 There are many makes and models of used cars to choose from. All are priced to suit your individual budget. Willis Motors TAUNTON RD, E. -- EAST OF FIVE POINTS Nice Lot near Garrard Road, 125 x 120. $1,700 with terms. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want Wi ICH Stores -- tires, bate ars for wresking. Highest prices paid - ' FOR YOUR CAR Ig imme QL 5364) ren. Toma tse Pn Rs WE pay highest prices In the eity for VAN HEUSEN | HOUSTON'S GARAGE | pump Socks of the [EB » E50 his BA MOTORS AND SERVICE STATION best quality at the best |SPECIAL! ull sized sleeping bags, PLETE BRAKE SERwICE | Brices." fully guaranteed ani they ast, $45 Appls Dominios +49 KING ST. w. MOTOR TUNE - UP AND S5ybia, hung Windows only BABYLAND bargains, new styles 1960 GENERAL REPAIRS. Lymer Aluminum Co. {lowest Drices ii town, $37: large, 'fot 67 KING ST. W. m . anel crib rice clearance, $19.98 WILLIS gE RA 8.5385 tf pie" anc, Si 0 T 0 R S Foner a Wa re 5s M SPOT CASH Now is the time to [Church Street. y have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in FLOOR coverings at tremendous save Ings, clearance of discontinued pate terns many cheerful designs for home and cottage, reduced for quick sale, 25c per foot; borderless linoleum squares, 6 by 9, only $2.95; vinyl coat. . . ed linoleum, special clearout, 45¢ per town. Quick service. foot; ens of wall coverings, clearout price 37¢ per foot. ilson Furniture, ALEX VAJDA 3) Church Street. : RA 3-9851 Every job guaranteed. 6 HP AIR conditioner, suitable for home or office, good condition. Can be scen operating. Phone after 9 p.m. RA 5.3117 GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup. plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 65-6511. Good used refrigerators, stoves, ranges, and furni- ture, also washers, all |TENTS, camp stoves, camp cots, tar ' ' paulins, sleeping bags, lanterns, sales fully guaranteed. Also [and rentals. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3.7624. parts available for fridges, stoves and wash- ers. AJAX BARGAIN BOAT and motor together or separate 15 ft. moulded plywood, ~quipped, 1% HP motor, like new, best ofier. RA 5-9865 or RA 5-9712, DOMINION Appliances (a division of Beatty Bros.) now sold . at Paddy's Market Hampton. A complete line of CENTRE appliances at hard to beat prices. COlfax 3-2241. Just off No. 2 Highway on [POWERFUL amplifier, capable of ' y sufficient volume for large hall, com. Harwood North, Ajax. Phone WHitehall 2-6410 plete with record playing equipment, microphone ete., for rent. For reser vation phone Meagher's RA 3.3125. 3 ROOMS of furniture, only $299. This yincludes chesterfield, chrome set bed. room suite, mattress, spring, step and coffee tables, boudoir and table lamps, pillows, etc. $25 down delivers! '"'Guare anteed best value!" Barons' Home Fur nishings, 424 Simcoe Stree h All aluminum products = Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers," paving. One contract, nothing down. . For free estimates call-- $25 TO $100 worth of free ith the purchase of a chesterfield, bedroom ALUMA SEAL CO. [suite or dining room suite, otter soot Hi ishings, 424 Si RA 59365 ANYTIME IStroee. Hime Pumishings, £4 Simeos ~~ ONTARIO SPRUCE LUMBER SPECIAL -- CLEARANCE DRESSED 2" x 6" x 16' LONG (DRY) $80 PER 1000 BOARD FT. CR 8 CENTS PER LIN. FT, MILL VALLEY LUMBER CO. Lid. 66 RUSSETT AVE. (OFF 1264 SIMCOE N.) RA 35-0331 RA 8-6264 8un-|GCCASIONAL tables by - Peppler, 5. Ea rt ------

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