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The Oshawa Times, 3 Aug 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY WEATHER REPORT For many of us the cost of live Sunny on Thursday, becoming ing has been decreasing for a cooler and less humid, with decade or $0, as it costs us so light winds. much to exist that we have less and less money for living. VOL, 89--NO. 178 Wn OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1960 Port Office" Department, Ottawa SIXTEEN PA Er pormen, GES us cain |i | SSE BATTLE THREAT WASHINGTON (CP) The shchev would not hesitate to sign ; | United States sees a new storm the peace pact, it would be an- | brewing in West Berlin but plans other matter whether the East no major action to prevent that Germans would attempt to block- storm from beiling up ade West Berlin. He seemed to A high U.S. authority says he feel the East Germans would must conclude that Soviet Pre. not go this far although Khrush- mier Khrushchev will make good chev made clear that if the peace # 4 . his threat to sign a se » pact is signed, parliamentarians' , U K St d , on 0 rovince ea peace treaty with East Germany in West Berlin would require a w 4 1 . o an | a immediately if the West a visa from the East Germans Germans hold a parliamentary to get back to the main part of ] Trri a es a 0 : 0 0 ' meeting in West Berlin next West Germany. ; iy 2 ' t t PP! nN: S t September as planned The attitude of the U.S. official During a recent visit to Aus- in viewing the new threat with 2 tria, Khrushchev said he would rather cool disdain seems to be . 1 1 ELISABETHVILLE, The Congo|people of all Katanga, that Kae consider such action a provoca ine with the generally tougher i . ussians 2 (AP)--Premier Moise Tshombe |tanga will oppose with force if tion although the West Germans enhower administration policy ¢ 4 gL » a . announced today his government nece sary (the entry of UN have held parliamentary sessions nst the Communists. . : d MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Russia has ordered mobilization of all|troops). . in the Red-encircled city once his toughter p olicy Is _e 4 complained today that Britain able-bodied men in Katanga prov-| "The mobilization . . . is being year to symbolize Berlin's role flected also in the views of yice ; a was taking "a very strange posi- ince to oppose the scheduled ordered without further delay, I as the German capital pre ident Nixon, the Repu ican 4 tion" on the Soviet shooting down "agg entry of United Nations troops call on all the inhabitants of Ka- Kipshcney gal ht 3 this pre Sideniisl candidate w uf says 1 of the American RB-47 reconnais- ad Saturday. ; |tanga, whatever their national ore Ely ung eh at grand offensive for world sance bomber July 1. 2 4 Tey, wil have to fight their gn or their race." rate peace treaty with E ast Ger- freedom, short of war. Ignoring fhe facts of The ease; afte . Tome og ait i Katanga froops Will wot Hire i eaty with East Ger- ), ¢ Britain was thinking only. of how : after hearing a broadcast of UN first, and we do not intend any many for six or eight montl best to help the United States. Secretary General Dag Ham- aggression," said Tshombe, The West maintains such a sepa- y n r : Iain; Was made marskjold's. announcerne ; rate treaty would be a breach of A I'ne Soviet complaint wa J nt that whose government has declared the four-power Berlin occupation wo arge | B® | ad in a note handed to British ' UN forces will take over from Katanga's independence of Pre- act and therefore illegal po " Charge d'Affairs William Barker Belgian troops keeping order in mier Patrice Lumumba's central by Deputy Foreign Minister Vla- y this rich mining province in the|Congo government. dimir Semyonov today. southeast Congo. "But if UN troops try to land ha NOT U.S. DECISION | : fa | The U.S. authority said West In Robbery | " It was in reply to a British note 4 Y The Katanga radio broadcast here that will be an act of ag- Germany has not yet decided | pd : 4 of July 19. ial a wk orders for all men to report for gression and we will oppose it." whether to hold the parliamen- . . 4 gry . a 4 RA 3 The note to Britain followed ; mobilization. Tshombe said he tary meeting. But he emphasized k M JOSEPH TILLMAN | lant and daughter Edith, 6, dow, fired one shot and fled. Russia's repetition Tuesday night has support of tribal chiefs in the NOT INFORMED the decision is for the German al ruc GALLANT holds her two chil- | were sleeping in a ground floor | Eight-year-old Roy was asleep |of its emphatic protest" to the decision to mobilize. He charged The premier said he had not to make. not the U.S dren close to her, afraid the | bedroom with the victim when | in another room of the farm |U.S. over the alleged violation of | that a UN entry would constitute|Peen officially informed of the t QUEENSVILL,E Ont. (CP) --| killer who shot her | ; oi 1t Khr husband | the killer poked a 22-calibre | home Soviet air space by the RB-47, : decision: to send UN is ity felt Khru- : i i . aggres s sen N t s to Wile tn § author Iy. felt Khu Two men were charged Tuesday might strike again. Mrs. Gal- | rifle through the screen win- ggression { 00D) --- --CP Wirephoto |shot down over the Barents Sea. PREMIER TSHOMBE The premier's threat of a fight Katanga, announced in Li 1d. night in connection with a mail A note handed to American] was discountal by Bolgion aut. ville Tuesday night by gi robbery here last week. | Charge &' Affaires Edward Freers " orities in Elisabethville, w h o|™arskiold after the Belgian gov I on, Y es They are William Lowe, 35, of VILLAGE TERROR r - rejected as "unfounded fhe noted that his current military €rnment agreed to pull its troops ' i azZ rav. American contention that the| 0 1C ures [torecs are slim. A general qy in Katanga back to their base Newmarket, Ont and Leonard : car contention at, the ane did not violate Russia's fore p ization, however, would stir up|C2MP. Tshombe said he also had Gauthier, 55, of Toronto. Both : do Russin's it space. and was shot dow | on, I'sho; A provincial feeling, whatever its|"® notification from the Belgians Ji Exchange Jobs will appear in court here today. Y th S t | spate gud was she . A group of bandits grabbed ! internatio . ng f " CLEVELAND (AP) --The $43,000 4 bank deposits last ou uspec | Followed Sources said Russia's new note| But Inquiry effect on the military picture. of leis change of Beart Cleveland baseball club an- Thursday when they waylaid a | to Britain charged that Britain | ANNOYED WITH UN Wl er, shom| said he nounced today it has released mail truck on the Keswick road| 1 W i H | B Ch was interested ouly in giving = . . In Brussels, a source eloce to Youd welcome the arrival oL.UN Joe Gordon as field nag ust north of this Lake Simcoe sistance to the / > e ; =oow ig bod ) . y the team and will hire . ny Ae community. nn 00 S unt | Y arges regard of the facts, Continuin the Belgian government oe being sent by Jammarskjold to Dykes, now at Detroit ( The hijacking was similar to ; Se --------------------------------------------- {pre is 21joYalcs 3 Re decis |Elisabethville Friday to &rrange will succeed Dykes as manager one near Brantford Wednesday, ABRAM'S VILLAGE, P.E.L| "He'll hear our name on that wo DOR P "A yearold 0 ] ubli TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario swiftly, This a. -- y fe entry 2 te UN troops. The of the Tigers _|but provincial police said they (CP)--A farmboy's threats which|little radio of his," one said. np I pL ith uescay Vote n ep 1C {attorney I's d likely to open Katanga t "the|n ler said he wanted to dis- The announcement came while doubt there was any connection no one ver took seriously| At least a third of the 400 vil- was. charged wi h Yie sYjemipied M 12 orney genera oF epsririent] umumba Pe itator ne d ! Slousy his government's position the team was in We ston. between the two gripped this community in fear|jagers moved to friends' homes Jur er ola 2 year-old Detroiter In South Ririca {bas finished searching through: 2 } ors a pro-jwith Bunche, A club spokesman said Dykes In both cases the trucks were|today as the boy--now a murder | in neighboring communities Tues- Sonne srahised during the Windsor {more than 2,000 divorce files Eu o} Pai eisen eT8: fight off (n Paris, Finance Minister who last year succeeded Bill Nor. raided and driven to a gravel|suspect--continued to elude PO-|day night as 20 RCMP officers {2tena jazz riot Monday night PRETORIA, South Africa without finding photographs oft uropean technicians and doc-|\Jean Kibwe, who is heading a man, had been released by De-/pit. The drivers were bound be. lice who police the island's rural He is Alphonso Eumphrey, who! peyters)--Prime Minister Hen-\the woman who caused the ge ._ (delegation to gain support for troit and has accepted the Cleve- fore the robbers selected the The husky 15-year - old boy, area and a tracking dog con-| 2° remanded without bail until| gicx Verwoerd, announced today |gaarch shombe, who has proclaimed|Katanga's independence, asserted land job. mail they wanted. equipped with an intimate know-| tinued a round-the-clock search. today ; that a referendum on the ques-| a . {Katanga's secession, told report-|Tuesday in a Reuters news Gordon bcame the Tribe's| The $43,000 was being taken 50 ledge of the woods in which he is ug he iiadi throats aid The cha names the injured ion of South Africa becoming af ttorney-General Roberts or-'ers after a cabinet meeting: |agency story that if UN troops manager in late Jaf of 1958, suc-{ miles south to Toronto from the| believed hiding, a .22-calibre re- 4 re ne mage £ Feats, said| man as Willie Bred, of Detroit, republic will be held Oct. 5 | dered the search after Joan John-t "Katanga" Is "independent and entered the seceded province fit ceeding Bobby Bragan. Bank of Nova Scotia in Sutton,|peating rifle, 200 rounds of am- one ied But we never took who is suffering a serious chest! Verwoerd said if the referen-|SOn appeared in¢ognito on a CBC will remain independent. Katanga|would be "a declaration of war Cleveland currently is in fourth 12 miles north of here. The ban- munition and a transistor radio, ; SLY. wound and is under medical care.\qum showed a majority in favor | television program claiming she|refuses to allow on its territory and the UN troops would have place, seven games below the top|dits 'missed $42,000 from the Ca-|is the subject of Prince Edwardigoy was FIRED | Two other youths have been|of a republic the prime ministers Was a professional divorce co-re- troops other than the friendly|to kill every soldier in Katanga." rung and Detroit is in sixth, 12% |nadian Bank of Commerce at Island's biggest manhunt, now in|" The hoy threatened one man| charged by police, and four|ef the other Commonwealth coun- spondent. Later she said her (Belgian) troops it has itself| French Foreizn Minister Maurice games off the pace. |nearby Keswick. its fourth day lafter the man dismissed him others are being held for ques- ries would be formally ap-|story was false. {called in. |Couve de Murville refused to I REE TCT Police are. counting on the from a farm job. Another was HOMIDE in connection with the proached for approval for South! Queen's Proctor Elliot Pepper, "The UN . . . does not have|meet the delegation.) . | pesky blackfly to end the search.|ihreated after he told the sus. 'iot in which both youths and Africa to remain a member of assigned to investigate divorces, the right to enter our territory] The UN announcement stunned | The suspect is wanted in con pent to stay off his property. A|Police received injuries. the Commonwealth. said Tuesday the search of the so long as order reigns and|the whit lati i 1vorce ee Rers nection with the rifle - slaying) pig "finding out that his 13 vo | The. two charged are Earl| If continued membership was files has not satisfied him against our will." . n w le population of Elisabeth- |early Sunday of farmer Joseph 14 Gaugher had been al Thomas Dawson, 21, of Detroit, refused, the government would po ob Loc 00 Secessaty in| "I wish to affirm solemnly on 2d rete) fo nop. Tillman Gallant, shot as he slept by the suspect, also was threat-| Who Was remande d until today on proceed with the establishment ofl each case for a photograph to be behalf of Ty government and the of he Belgian oy. e pro on hd ' i A VEar- y x b . Reside is wife and six-year old| ened Residents say the fourth $2,000 bail on a charge of having|a republic outside the Common: | ented with the divorce action aughter. | man threatened 'was Gallant. an offensive weapon, and James wealth. 24% : |and the investigation is still con- Davis, 18, also of Detroit, who Only white citizens will be per-| THREATENED FOUR The boy's parents moved to 1 tinuing ry 5 T! / residents here S arside, 16 miles fr ro Was reme lay on $500 mitted to vote in the referendum. 5 | OTTAWA (CP)--As Parliament| The Howard-Peters team says| The boy, who residents here| Summerside, 16 miles from here Was T¢ manded until today ; in S | sed i : S says : 1 : ha S ta rar, y groes have outh| The search of files at Osgood moves cldser to prorogation the divorce blockade on the 455(Say had threatened at least four after the shooting. A resident said ball on 8 chstge. of Sintierly Noe hyve do Voie, 8 |Hall was made by big hourly: 455 men and women divorce bills now. on the order|Mmen, 1s believed holed up in athe parents 'were a little fear-| conduct. i and women seeking to shed their paper remains in effect until 40-square-mile area of fly-infested| ful" of their son. --- --r---- |tusza, 24, of the attorney-gener- mates face uncertainty over the they are able to state their case|Wwoods where he has played since] The boy spent two years in a U q C * t as bi jou shal Mystery Probed Fy andida es alr ce 1s sn Trade istop. hi » was a child. With plenty -of{provincial home. He is- fate of their divorce bill wnen Trade Minister Chutchill, he was a child 1th 'plens P 0 e was dis |nor Cass, a North York teacher, The two CCF MPs whose de- government leader in th | Wild blueberries to eat, he is ex-/charged when he was 11. Offi h : # i House, (J ted to be driven out eventu-|cials said he was not considered yore used a5 evidsice in three) TORONTO (CP) -- Pathologists| Police said the car still was " ctions. laying tactics this session have moves adoption of the report. 1 " g 2 i resulted in the big backlog of di-| Such an opportunity was one| 2 by the blackflies. | "a mental case. |today are trying to establish|gear and Pappas' body was found vorce bills say they will main-'of the alternatives the two MPs| Residents of the community, | Tuesday night two residents] The attorney-general's depart-|whether a suburban North York|in the back seat, although the tain their blockade until certdin offered the government earlier|™Nich has a church, general rushed to a meeting of villagers Y ment said the pictures were used public school teacher died of foul driver's side of the car was not of having a chance to state their|for lifting the blockade against store, schoolhouse and service and police, yelling that they had without Mrs. Cass's knowledge. |play before a level-crossing acci-|damaged. Train men said the case fully for removal of di divorce bills from residents of Station but iss, =u Jacorporsied Sger the boy Starving ot te edge| WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice-|feelings about the Democrats' | Mr. Pepper said Mrs. Cass|dent July 9 near Bolton |was stopped on the track ac r p r 1 : illage, are so afra L ct|o ods with a rifle Ss ! OFA i resi i ic +i clai were! . . vorce from Parliament Quebec and Newfoundland, only yilags ae Sp a 8 SUSpout Dae hg RE on his President Nixon prepared to fly|vice - presidential pick, Senator) © Bimey Je Photographs were| The body of Socrates (Scott)| Dr. A. M. Steins of Bolton, first : An avenue for such a debate provinces without courts that) May S'iKe é ge anes To Te clues. alth oh the toe king dog to Hawaii today to become the Lyndon Johnson of Texas. Reu- | eques e rom her by the 1aw- Pappas, 24, was found in the rear medical man at the scene, said is open on the Commons order handle divorce fuse 10 give hen names re OS ues 3 ac Hi dog first presidential nominee to go|ther has long supported Kennedy, | yer who represented her in her|seat of his car after it was hit| Pappas' body was lying stretched paper and Frank Howard (CCF oo= 0 = porters. A nt Ho uct 1 ked up 2] vote-seeking in the new state. ~ but friends say the labor leader own divorce two years ago. py a freight train at the crossing. out in the back seat of the car. - ) ; Pater o < | s st it i amps : ? i Sw: iat é : > sing. jou , coats) 20d Amol Pos Sl The other EES nats . iE | Shortly after the meeting broke, John Kennedy, the Democrats ok 2 dim view of Johnson 8) Theodor Nasimok, a Toronto|Police said Pappas might have|His head was on the left side and a ; a) ling) say they! The otaer alternatives wers RULE CHANGES lup a box of 22 shells wag found choice for president, planned a selection. (lawyer, faces three charges of been dead before the collision. [the feet were on the right, he a emp Jo jollow i ino a|action he 2 Swine 0 Fe: | behind the building hop to the islands early mext| In another move, Kennedy 2 ghsiuring the course of justice] The attorney-general's depart-|said. -8C resentation of their Move divorce iron arliament, Hetuhismbaibuoiiiin a month nounced formation of a civil|by misrepresenting the identity ment ordered the bod: exhumed | "W a8 ; aviiamantan r ; , 2 ieee} . 5 i inl 5 e should hav. . case against parliamentary di- ni promise to do aL ih SEEM CERTAIN Nixon Tuesday accused the Tights section of the Democratic | of co-respondents in the cases. {Tusday y tion id gg fia orce. y also have said that i e Roos an, ee % ng ai ganizati el Wasi = Pravin : | is They government made an effort to ROME (Reuters) -- Mayor Channel Defeats Democrats of having paid with campaign yeizaten Soule Nasimok, free on $5,000 cash| Provincial Police Inspectoriseat, and in that position," he 4 y Mrs. | A {bail, is to appear in ecourt|James Harris ruled out any pos-| said. "I, myself, could not ex- see as the springboard . . 1 : Trhe wioatil: is a »ir party platform for the en- y a motion on the order paper for Keep parliament in session Urbano Coicetti is having their party pla : zie Law Washington lawyer 9 orsements they are getting from|2i€ Lawson, a Washing Yer Aug. 22. ibility of suicide. i ime." dors y 8 B who is general counsel for the -- CAA Is y of suicide plain it at the time. adoption of the report by a solely to deal with the backlog some second thoughts about Toronto Swimmer | 1at hief, hor chiefs. commons. committee that studied of divorce bills they would dis-! the city's new traffic rules | National Council of Negro rules of Pruosize : collins, he blo kade. des gre Joan, Heun CALAIS, France (Reuters)-- NO SURPRISE | women. A r e's rec- Mr rel says are is ing > Ol) > Games. ole pe Tay 7 Among the committee's rec urehi ys there is no in ympie 4 Helge Jensen, husky 23-year-old Union leaders have lauded the| . ommendations is one that : .'commitment to give the two The mayor followed the [mo ays ; * : ator "von <aid| WILL GIVE ADVICE ps 3 bodily 5 ay ™ ley n onto marathon swimmer, to- Democratic platform. Nixon said| : g : ilar body be established next MPs their day in court on par- rules Tuesday and become day gave up his attempt to s he was not surprised at the labor Kennedy said the unit will work session to carry on » 1 liamentary divorce. However. hel hopefully lost in a maze of oll +n pt lo swim ly k : .:1 |on organization and research, ad- 4 : : , Ne {ostreet the English Channel with only backing for Kennedy, but said,|%" 95 oil Th i study "including the procedure regards the opening for debate! Sidestreets Hour miles to's YI41 will not pay that price." He]Vise him on civil rights and aid on private bills of divorce which on the rules committee's report He telephoned a traffic of- ri wy pound steel. | said no pre ident should owe his|iR preparing material on cam- ; a © ittee has } ed a [ : r ficial for instructions on how X-three,. «4(-pol Siee'-| 3 ¥ , «5 "| paign issues. the committee has been asked a affor them the opportun- ) ons on ho worker was hauled out of the icy election either to "captains of in-| Paign issues. 5 I] "oI rin ity fi . . to fi vay bac sity : > ; i and is willing to consider inso- ity for f stating their reasons Jind his way back to city waters after seven hours because dustry or leaders of labor." Nixon's running mate, Henry ' 8 |Ccabot Lodge, and the Democra- far as the problem is capable! for opposing the current divorce i api ) i ce no " DB od of bad weather cond y: le , alter P ST > .. Procedural solution Procedare choppy water ! Hons ang Wi unedy javited Walter Py Re tic leader in the House of Rep- ~The Danish. - bora swi ther, president ol the LNIed| esentatives, John McCormack of he Danish - born swimmer|Auto Workers Union, today 10 nzraccachusetts. were in a word {who won the European swim- what aides said would be a dis-pat1e over whether Lodge ought Ar i) P ming championship in 1955 and cussion mainly about unemploy- | ¢ quit as U.S. ambassador to the 1m {1956, was the third person to be ment in the auto industry. United Nations now that he is the {beaten by the turbulent channel| The meeting also gave Ken- Republican vice = presidenial lin 24 hours, nedy a chance to sooth Reuther's nominee. | McCormack saw a conflict of 2) os oC | interest between Lodge's two pos-| itions. |E LATE NEWS FLASHES satis UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) Assembly = convening Sept. 20. however, that it was going ahead be inappropiste for me 10 talk The Sout bloc campa ned to- (Britain France and Canada with its proposal for the commis- iid le he sh hoes De ay for a ge 1 boycott of the have frowned on such a meet- sion meeting even without the 1] si until after N dis | 82-nation United Nations disarm ng.) Russians. Press officer Lincoln Steelworkers Get Equal Opportunity TE i Ament pommission File ! ir The ( mmuni t argument went White "said in Washington any TORONTO (CP) The Ontario Labor Relations Board he could not predict 'when 'this i 98 ket % y the United States for hat the permanent UN delegates government head--including So-| has ordered Anaconda Iron 'Ore (Ontario) Limited to allow would be. 2 4 vg S. ; oe . ho make up the disarmament vie' Premier Khrushchev--could| United Steelworkers of America (CLC) equal opportunity with Ee ---- Ci Repress ntativ from th i on have authority to do attend the commission meeting] an employee's 'association to "'distribute propoganda and en- . . Col unis legations are re than engage In time- if he wanted to, and that com-| gage in electioneering" prior to 'an ORLB certification vote |B 1 B k visiting Asiar ; oF: ari the Y X debate, W ile the heads mission discussion did not pre-| at the company's Airport Lake property. Airport Lake is in the ur ington nec missions 1 at of. gov nment have full power to'clude a disarmament discussion Thunder Bay district of northwestern Ontario t t they stay away f 1. thé meet- conclude agreements. by the General Assembly Plan Des IO ed f it w alle ™ "yr ~ y M 3 3 i HAD AGREED BEFORE White added that the Soviet Wave Warning On Lake Michigan Y BURLINGTON, Ont. (CP)--A e Com StS So Ell Diplomatic sources said most proposal for. an outsize summit T JOSEP (AP ations had agreed . in-| conference was '"'a Soviet tactical, _, >. a Sera Mich AF 5 Residents of low-lying pron fire which sent flames 3: to the Aug. 15 meeting manoeuvre to divert the dis along the JAaKe ichigan shore here were alerted today rooming i or 1 i : : ' g man I t . A - . A oming 100 fee! 0 UN membe a during the Genera fore commission chairman i: mament commi fr against the possibility of waves four to six feet high moving OV Bost ine ick £0! 45 2 F: t ymmission from] tron the' lake. The waves apparently. are: s destroyed the Burlington Brick Lu Padilla Nervo of Mexico considering the question of dis- : y : 8 Waves apparenly are 4 phenomenon Company 'early today caused by a sudden change in barometric pressure over ™ x tH, I'he blaze swept through the roposed it formally Friday. armament." CITY EMERGENCY p oe. re orm ally Frid BY Bat armament . Piviz the lake. It is known as a seiche on inland lakes. , : : : ma were reported reconsider Diplomatic informants said 4 company's brick-making plant in : because of the Soviet stand.! Yugoslavia was trying to ar- suburban Hamilton, Three com- PHONE NUMBERS : a 8 i Man Arrested For Bomb Report panies of volunteer firemen feeling in some delegations/range a compromise agreement o be that a disarmament for one short meeting at which WASHINGTON (AP) -- FBI agents in Reno, Nev., today 2 ir i : F : SH N (J ag ono, Nev., today |fought the fire helped by teeming x BO 0 T POLICE RA 5-113: witho ut one of the the commission Would sal for| arrested a taxi driver on a charge that he falsely reported [rain UND F R ROUBLED CONGO 4 ) » big armed campos new disarmament talks. These! a bomb had been concealed on Vice-President con's west Firemen said they suspec g ir Ci in } >. h ned cam! disarm 3 These ' 2 r I . € sé v suspect that Air Commodore F. 8S. Car- | Russell of four (transport) op- i FIRE DEPT. RA 53-6574 | ) ! an . Te ol Ch Gi pA | id Ja Binh is gale rata Li ound La mpelgy (Lane. : FBI Dire tor J. Edgar Hoover |a boiler may have overheated penter, (right) air officer com- | erational training unit il Se A rewminodere Capen ) ef 3 Ss an hekhar Jha had pro- oday disclosed that shortly before the Reno takeoff, a man |and touched off the blaze. No| manding air transport com- | O ' > ! FO M18 5 d the mmunist 0S that the ¢ mis A 4 roached ight , ¢ 1 i AW iy i bt. Wh 7 ; ; HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 and the ( ; IDs! posed that the commission meet, approached flight personnel and said, "Your airplane is |estimate of the damage was| mand, gives last la in- | the st i een Sfipela iy ni Viste Je arked on Cor | The state department said, just before the assembly. not going out today. I just put bomb tr | i ions to Win; | ion to 3ir_operalions | gojese pir uberations y. I just put a bomb on it. available. | structions to Wing Cmdr. B. H. | organization being set up in the | (CP Wirephoto from Nat Def.) "

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