= 7] lof blaming you when he leaves! Dear S.P.: This kind of suffer- A D bl D t T 1 ] th FABRIC SIDE ; ) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 4, 1960 © MARY HAWORTH S MAIL | half-hungry. M.H ing is all in the mind. The cure ou £- u Y ab ec 0 When the table is being set for| . | HOW TO CURE FEAR? i . le. discipli 4 an extra special occasion, use the| . | Dear Mary Haworth: I am 14 is to conquer, overrule, discipline fabric side of the cloth--the ace-| tub, using warm soap or deter- often given manufacturers real . . ar | a +18 . 2 Shibip : ; . side § . Asks If Ordering A Sandwich |: ie = tori cer eas on of exsence sous weranet Jo 9 Handy Thing to Own ae side. The same print pier) 80 side Eo pee ye g and death; and become terribly bad habits of morbid thinking. | shows through from the plastic] While the manufacturers say it ¥ > om se Jot | washapany . nervous when I 'have to see a prill yourself to think positive By ELEANOR ROSS ities. It serves nicely for every- side. But the colors--the entire has heen machine-washed suc-| (1 Moo we to our wasn- Is Wrong When Dining Out | S55 es me anacs, havpy optimistic. thoughts: and 1s simply' wondertul how our day us and can aio dress up Pi chi serve n- reaty Coil, Iboratory tet. thy chins Then, when reals are g g thelic--a needle Hy io which to pray (little one-sentence Pray: domestic Dsmulagryrees anyich tiie able jor special occasions. | harming background for your SH recommend wash a5 bY al we expected, we blames he Dear Mary Haworth: After two are alone. Then I really catch it freezes a section of my mouth, ers) as an instant method of elim: pale fio Eo requirements, e secre Sh best china and silver. hand, Shain to] A he manufacturer rather an our- clatal mistakes" in etiguetie--to/ for being "so stupid." 1 feally but he Presa a: si 45 Be io s| So we welcome a new table- oa 90 Se 5 1 2 ao Laundering this two.sided cloth a good a job as hand-washing * This had made many a com- Juote my husband's Words] am don't hunk ; wii 4 3 again, but) PC, iy days and weeks. through her column, not by mail cloth that has just come on the|use. Just swab it off with a sudsy iS no problem. When the fabric|does. . |pany leery about saying an item Is Are ne her if three ol den a oid ng BL , id Please help me overcome thislor personal interview. Write her market which leads a double life, sponge after every meal and the side shows signs of use, just| Incidentally, we might point is machine-washable, when actu- more persons go to lunch odin ly gre g hig problem, S.P. in care of this newspaper. for it has two different personal-'surface looks like new. ash the tablecloth in basin orlout that we women have all too ally it is just that. in a restaurant, and one orders a| HADN'T HEARD : : r---- a - nr Sabin sandwich, then all must?--even| Dear V.L.: This is the first I've though they would prefer a plate heard of the ruling your husband lunch. | talks about. It seems to me that I don't know how I could have| common sense and kind consider- forgotten this, after our first ation for the feelings of others scene; but I did. I ordered a are the substance of good man- roast beef sandwich and my hus-|Ders. | band said later I nearly starved Jf three or more persons are| him to death, as he wanted more|lunching together, say man and than a sandwich. wife and a family friend (or rel- He never states a preference ative), and the husband is the : until everything's over and we host, in terms of paying the bill, | " --| he is supposed to take charge of| the ordering. | & RB 3 AT " , : He inquires of the others--ask-| N . ing his wife first, perhaps, if the & 2 : ol uy | third person is male--what they would like. It is polite of him to call attention to choice items-- 4 (usually the more expensive) on AUG U T the menu, and urge their consid-| \ eration. | | | " § ORDER WHAT YOU WILL | If the wife positively, abso-| - | [] | J : | 4 lutely wants a roast beef sand- | wich, she may mention it apolo- | | getically, asking the others not| |to be swayed by her odd prefer- lence; but to order the filet mig-| non (or whatever main dish the men are likely to favor). If her husband is a decent sort, he| : i ix . : ; tir 2 8 3 SS i 3 FET ii 48 : 4 will say in effect: "Go ahead, | & a [a i ; i & : ; hh I /] d S . Molly; have your beef sandwich; | ard 4 i: 1 - vo ; : nc u es pring- but as for Joe and me, we are : f § 3: 3 : ; having the pickled pigs' feet and all the trimmings." : # ft i i i 4 5 . - | Joe may speak for himself at : sos 5 3 i 4 ; F Il d M tt : | that point, informing his host the 4] BE 3 6 Fo) : 2 I é a ress chef's salad, or bacon and eggs, : 3 \ : | or some arrangement of fish or | fowl will suit him fine. | The only reason I can imagine, H 1 #i dd oh ; i why you might have a supposed : it a ; One low price completely furnishes your bed- | obligation as hostess, or wife of ! ; i A : § ; {the host, to eat a plate Junch : w i ; room. This ensemble includes panel bed [ J i e i 3 § bis - . x " os lo Sanity" Toa he wasn a : vo ; IEE h g : : ; with spring?filled mattress and resilient A % penny-saving octasion. Theoretic- : 4 4 i "~ |ally, the guest might fancy that : : EY i : spring, modern dresser and matching chest, x FP ° sconowy. was the objective, 1 : ii - i " pair of pillows and cases, pair of boudoir you lunched on a sandwich, when |i oi : 3 {of i fh : J JIFFY KNIT more lavish fare was available. fff ; " ie ; ; 3 lamps and shades, plus a 5-piece ashtray He might feel constrained to fol- | : gz . a By ALICE BROOKS [low your lead, to keep down ; ? ; : F dis set | Goes everywhere -- tops, costs, as a diplomatic nicety. i 3 dresses, skirts, slacks! See how | cables accent smart, bulky look. | SELF-CRITICISM : Jiffy-knit -- inches multiply] It is my impression that your quickly! Contrast - trim Chanel- husband is making you the scape- in "orv. goat for his dissatisfaction with Jon jacket tegme With every: his own behavior after these thing, De I ction restaurant visits, He probably sizes 32-34, 36-38 neluded. | feels uncomfortably that he acted} Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS rather cheapskate, or was judged (coins) for this pattern (stamps "cyinfiint by others present; and cannot be accepted) to The Osh-|;q quarrelling with memories of awa Times Household Arts Dept., his own shortcomings, and trying Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly, whitewash them, when he lam- NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN pacts you. NER 1 Our New 1960 Whether as host or fellow guest Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book| When in your company in a res- contains THREE FREE Pat-|taurant, it is his prerogative to terns. 'Plus ideas galore for please his palate, rather than home furnishings, fashions, gifts, copy your example, in ordering toys, bazaar sellers -- exciting, from the menu. And if he were unusual designs to crochet, knit, an open-handed fellow, . cordially | : ' sew, embroider, huck we ave, willing to pay the going price for| ? 3 Rs rl LE c 7 quilt, Be first with the newest-- | restaurant meals, he would do A 2) send 25 cents now! just that, and eat is fill, instead) : TOP VALUE A ----------T-- BURNS \ us CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. moswr 4 KROEHLER ROCKER You Save $20 Built to give you years of comfort. Features "'cush- Engagement Ring ionized" spring construce 00.00 I : nn EE tion, durable fabrics in ma ny exciting shades, $150.00" wg é 2 -- : MW . smooth rocking action. Wedding Ring ¢ ! 4 Engagement Ring $50.00 ; : $100.00 ; = i he 2 : 2 i ai : Only 1.95 a week 2 Sl i 4 JUN S$ 4 THE ENCHANTING Char, WANE snes 7 They ore the newest Masterpiece creations Save $60 On by Bluebird . . now on display in our window . . ond of course every Bluebird Diamond Ring i i g is guaranteed flawless and insured free for one This ig Sot year against loss or damage, P) 77 A FOR HAPPINESS 5-Pce. CHROME or BRONZE ARBORITE DINETTE WITH WOODGRAIN INLAY Shop early for this dinette suite and save $15 on regular cost. This modern set has a large 30" x 40" x 48" table with mar-resistant top, 4 well-padded 13 chairs, and self-levelling glides on all pieces. Choose gleaming chrome or You get a big 21" picture and distortion-free sound with this new 1960 Mar- ALERTED coni set. Features 19 tube bronze finish. Both need only wipe-off care and feature the distinctive performance, tinted re- woodgrain inlay design. : Regular 14.95 AAA PAY ONLY 10% DOWN movable safety glass, signal monitor, Honderubi Use Your Credit! No Money Down -- Only 5.75 A Month BURNS i OSHAWA SHOPPING CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. |(§ "pm Ee | | CENTRE Tel. RA 5-3519 A 4 32 KING ST. WEST + RA 3-7022 Shop Daily 9:30 'til 6; 4 : | Friday 'til 9 P.M. No Extra Charge For Credit Store closes Wednesday at 1 P.M. FURNITURE WN