FIREFIGHTERS GIVE CHEQUE TO MANOR The Oshawa Firefighters' As- | are, left to right, William Twee-, | surer of the OFFA; Alderman die, president of the Oshawa Firefighters' Association; Jack Foreman, chairman of the ex- ecutive committee of the OFFA | a television set for the home, sociation Wednesday evening presented a check for $250 to Hillsdale Manor, the new home for the aged, on Rossland road east, Seen at the presentation | Palmer Knight, secretary trea- | which will begin taking in re Syd Hopkins; and Douglas Jolins, superintendent of Hills- dale Manor. The check is to buy Religious Upbringing | | 1 Decided By Provinces | By JOHN VOJTECH Canadian Press Staff Writer Manitoba's controversy the . religious upbringing adopted children could happen elsewhere in Canada. Most other provinces have laws| similar 'to Manitoba, where child may be placed temporarily inn any home provided he allowed to practise his own re- ligion. faith provided he is brought up in his own religion. This is not mounted by over a legal adoption, though it's pos- of | sible this obstacle could be sur- submission of a private member's bill to the leg- islature. Legal adoption in mixed unknown. iS| OTHER FAITHS a| marriages homes is practically Ontario procedure compels all Roman Catholic and Protestant However, a cross-Canada sur-| children from an institution to be vey by The Canadian Press shows| adopted by a family of the same that all provinces prefer adopted | faith. Children of other faiths are children to be placed with fam- to be placed "where practicable" ilies of the same religious faith with a family of their own re- wishes about his religion when old enough. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta all require a child to be placed in the care of a society, or family of its own faith, except! in temporary placements On a temporary basis children may be | placed in any home provided they | are permitted to practise their own faith, In Manitoba the law also states that only Protestant] or Roman Caholic children may| be given homes with organiza- tions of these faiths British Columbia has no spe- cific regulations governing re- ligion in its adoption statutes.| ! dents Aug 15 and will be of- ficially opened early in October. Hillsdale Manor will house 200 of Oshawa district senior citizens. QUEEN MOTHER SENDS LETTER An Oshawa woman has re- ceived a letter from Clarence House, residence of tie Queen Mother. Mrs. Bessie Brown, of Halliday Manor, Richmond street east, Oshawa, sent con- gratulations and a birthday gift to the Queen Mother, who celebrates her 60th birth- day today, and received the following reply: Dear Mrs. Brown, I am commissioned by Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, to thank you for your good wishes on her forthcoming birthday, and for the delightful handkerchief which you have sent. Her Majesty is much touch- ed by your thoughts for her. She also sends congratula- tions on your coming 80th 4 Tourists Are Injured Car Upsets BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Four U.S. tourists were admitted to Bowmanville Memorial Hos- pital today when the car in which théy were riding failed to negotiate a curve at the CPR overhead bridge, at the west en- trance to town, and rolled 20 feet down an embankment. Seriously injured is Mrs. Mil- dred Irene Merrill, 58, 531 High- land south east, Grand Rapids, Mich. She suffered serious neck injuries and scalp lacerations. hye Osharon Time SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1960 PAGE ELEVEN Bed Fire Is Fatal For Oshawa Man Others injured include her) husband, Fred Merrill, 57, who, suffered bruises; Mrs. Lula Kel- fer, 58, 511 Highland South-| east, Grand Rapids, who suffered neck injuries and scalp lacera- tions, 'and her husband Francis Keller, 68, who suffered hand and knee lacerations. | Police Chief Bernard R. Kitney, | assisted by PC John Bird, in- vestigated. ° 'Man Hurt | By Tractor John Gijbers, RR 4, Uxbridge, is in satisfactory condition in the, |Oshawa General Hospital follow- ling a tractor accident Wednes- day afternoon. | At the time of the accident Mr. {Gijbers was driving a tractor, owned by Robert and Thomas {Sutherland of Uxbridge, along |the Brock road in Reach town- |ship, when the tractor went into [the ditch. Mr. Gijbers suffered {torn shoulder ligaments and| [brush burns, | The accident was investigated by Const. Ernest Collinson of the | Whitby detachment of the OPP. Officer Denies Congo Attacks TRENTON (CP)--Air Commo- dore F. S. Carpenter, command- ing officer of RCAF Transport | Command, who recently returned | from the Congo discounts reports {of incidents against United Na- ) - . END SESSION Lieutenant R. E Gutsole, second in command of the On- tario Regiment's Student Mili- tia Training program, which will conclude Friday with grad- uation ceremonies to be held in the Armories. Forty students attended the five - week course "| in the Oshawa Armories under | Captain William Clarke. 'SOLINA Flowers For D.G. Hold Daily 'Bible School | The Salvation Army are hold- ing a daily vacation Bible School at the Citadel starting Aug. 15 to |Aug. 19. Every morning from 9 a.m, to 11.30 a.m, The theme of the school this is "Pioneering With Christ". There will be classes for all ages with a capable teaching |staff. The Nursery and Beginners |will study, "First Steps With |Jesus". The Primary are to 2o/| |""Adventuring With Christ". The | {Juniors are "On The Trail With| |{Christ", and the Young People |are studying "Pioneers of Faith". |These lessons will all be por- | |trayed with the help of "Visual ' |Aid Charts". | There will also be interesting] {handwork, games and singing. | | On Friday evening, Aug. 19, at| 7 p.m. will be the closing pro- |gram when the parents or any ove |interested, are invited to attend. The different classes will take| part in the program and there will be a display of handwork and the awards will be presented. | The program will close with {an Indian pow wow. | | On Altar Morrison Victim Found Dead In Kenneth Wiggins, 53, of 179 his sister Helen in his gutted bedroom at 6.50 a.m. today, The victim had apparently been smoking in bed when the room caught fire during the night. Mr. Wiggins was an employee at Fittings Ltd. and former taxi driver. His sister tried unsuccess- fully to pull him from the smoke- filled bedroom before calling for assistance. He previously had one leg amputated. When Miss Wiggins attempted to call for help, she became Room After 10 minutes of unsuccessful | Prince street, was found dead by|attempts to 'phone the fire de- partment to come to the scene, She ran to a neighbor's house for elp. The victim was severely burn- ed around the chest, arms and face. Dr. R. C. Ross attended and declared him dead at the scene, The Wiggins home is a small freshly - painted white frame bungalow on Prince street, at the southeast corner of St. Gregory's Church auditorium parking lot. Patrol Sgt. J. H. Taylor, Osh. {excited and was unable to dial.lawa City Police, investigated. FOREST CARETAKER Writer Stresses Value O The following article on the subject of wood was written by Ed Youngman, caretaker of the Durham County Forest It ap- pears in the current weekly re- port issued by the district office of the Department of Lands and Forests at Lindsay. How many of us notice the things that are made of wood, and try to guess the amount of that material required by our civiliza- tion? We must not forget the fur- nishings of rooms and offices, nor fail to take count of the matches f Wood said that, in order to supply just one of New York's great daily newspapers, it is necessary to cut several acres of spruce forest every 24 hours. This means, that if someone smarter than the writer will do some fancy figur- ing, the answer will "tot up" to an awful lot of newsprint, re- quiring a corresponding amount of forest. Isn't this a pretty heavy de- mand upon the available supply? The foregoing does not repre. sent anywhere near the full as their natural parents ligion. However, the regulations In Winnipeg the Children's Aid do not apply in a municipality Society sought the return of a|with only one children's aid so- five-year-old Roman Catholic lad, ciety. : ; g Bobby, who since the age of nine] Normally an Ontario child is months has been taken care of| considered to have the same re- by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hallas. ligion as his father, unless both Protestants. | parents agree that he follows the mother's faith, Illegitimate chil- LAW INSISTS dren follow the mother's religion. The society said 'that under But there is also provision for a provincial law it is compelled to judge to consider the child's own hand Bobby over to Roman Cath-|- ee -- . olic foster parents, The Hallas! KEDRON Sunday School Picnic Success last 'eight years, 'are also caring for two infants under this "'tem- porary" arrangement. | In Newfoundland the law stip-| ulates that courts shall try to determine the religious per- suasion of a child up for adoption KEDRON (Staff) -- The Sun: kins, Gloria Woodward, Mar, day School picnic was a popular| Maidman. and well attended event last] Boys, 12 and under Donald week. The committee included Werry, Tommy Ogle, Larry Hop- Derek Barnett, Mrs. A. Wilbur, | kins. and, if possible, select foster par- ents of the same religion or ones and Albert Wood. Prize-winners| Girls, 11 and 12 in races were: kins, Dale who agree to bring him up in his Four years and under Wood own religion, Nova Scotia requires adoption Snowden, Carrie Thomas, Girls, 3 and Richard Melch. Wood, Lynda agencies to place all Protestant and Roman Catholic children in homes with corresponding reli- gion. There is no law governing private individuals who wish to place their child in a - foster home. 0 Prince Edward Island and New Boys, 6 and under Brian Maldman, od Brunswick also insist that child Starr, Jeff Thomas, David Snow- Wood. al 2 welfare agencies place children den. Notinan hares in homes of the same faith, and Girls, 6 and under Gloria) Girls, 15 and over in mixed marriages the : child Mountjoy, Di a nn e Barnett, Di-| Frauts. Carol Thomas must follow the same religion as ;..0 Mountjoy M * i, the father. In New Brunswick ~~ - : _ | Maidman. Boys, 7 and 8 -- Brian Jamie-! Boys' wheelbarrow, under 14 -- son, David Love, Ralph Barnett. | Ralph Barnett and Donald Werry, Girls, 7 and 8 -- Lynn Frauts. |Jeff Thomas and Donald Tregun- Boys' wheelbarrow, 10 and na under--Donald Werry and Ralph Tie and bow race Ted Maid- must be placed with foster par- Barnett, Charles Love and David man and Dorothy Barnett, Peter ents of the same religion, but on Love, Larry Hopkins and Peter Melch and Joan Maidman occasions the youngster may be Nichalus. amount of the constant drain upon our forests We have to add de. struction by fire, wind. lightning, ice, insects, matural decay, the grazing of stock among young trees, carelessness, ignorance, and the waste of ordinary lum. bering -- though the latter is improving. It is possible that our legitim- ate demand for forest products will increase annually, with our population increase, so it be- hooves everyone to safeguard one of our finest assets -- our for- | ests. Dog Bites Oshawa Boy ODESSA (CP) -- Eleven stitches were required to close wounds in the face of a young Oshawa boy bitten by a dog Tuesday in this ' community 30 miles west of Belleville. John McInnis, 6, was attacked |by a dog which may have been rabid. Liberals Won't birthday. garel -- Linda Hop- | Thomas, Sylvia Gary and a2 14 Rowan, Marlene Marie over Thomas, Albert Ted Grace Joan R sometimes there is agreement Quebec law states that a child Egg toss -- Peter Melch, for the child to follow the moth. cared for by parents of another Girls, 9 and 10 -- Brenda Hop-' Tregunna er's religion. Lois ® will J. Knox an the Malcolm Ralph Craw-| or be a NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FOR SCHOOL BOARD | is located in a house on Sim- | vltra-modern and spacious in coe street south, This has been | design and will be one of the the site of the administration | finest buildings of its kind in building for several years. The | this district. new administration centre is Oshawa Times Photo were Construction is proceding on chedule for the Oshawa Board of Education's administration building the corner of | ure expansion was kept in mind and Rossland road, | when the biulding was planned which is shown above in this | The present board headquarters exterior view. The completion date is scheduled for December 14, Board officials say the fut THREE WEARY MEMBERS | al the Raglan Training Centre this page. The Ontario of the Ontario Regiment's Sum- | They are, left to right, Trooper mer School for cadet Stuart Buchanan, Trooper John ies. They tell about their exper- after their recent 15-mile re Aker and Trooper, Allin Booth iences on the route march in a march to their summer school | The summer school concludes | story in an adjoining column on " x this week with a special passing out parade and other ceremon- hears all adoption cases, gives |ing the Congo airlift. By GLADYS YELLOWLEES | Mr. and Mrs E. Cryderman|and pencils in our pockets. Mul mount in placement. Clarence House, S.W., lift and supplies for Irish troops bread, who has been conducting] Miss Helen Hope, Port Perry Consider the many other items iv ly vin gh "To my knowledge," said the|a Christian?" Maxine and Debra Wray, Great Lakes, as well as from the UN planes will be fired on. It|L. Kellett | Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Yellow-|ial and as finished articles. And suffocated Wednesday | | genuinely friendly not only to the bread and Miss Marilyn Muldrew| Mrs, H. and a thousand other things. boy's face for more than a few| Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reynolds, lumbus, spent the weekend at] the baby's crib, into which 3 |the homes of Jack Harvey and| Tink, this week. : Congratulations and best dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. | through Western Ontario to God- ye Sylvia Wood and Lynda Rowan, Eh By |Darch entertained several little : | shawa; Mrs. i 0} enjoyed and finally a game of| story was written by three . | Ochava Js. Louise Horton, b. Mrs. H. Pascoe: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor William Huzar, 1337 Sharbot his holiday, but services will be| Aker, Stuart Buchanan and : ; |Gary Pascoe stayed with his| On Monday several from here Pass Up Te t iho Saudavs ot S6F SCHL at Ne Hag Anita Attersley, 18 Jackson H. Gannon. The vocal duet by|l0NE time hence in the ranks of| visited at Mr. and Mrs. Tom |visiting at Mr. and Mrs. E. R.| ©r; Gary Colline, 305 Osh- Teports is party might not con. ; he & :ore| 'The fun began shortly before | i i music by Vacation School Juniors and, Friday, with their family| Taunton. Linda Badgley, 144 Wilson |Will be no deal with the Con- ay Fivi ] . lowed a 10 minute rest, but no| Mr. ? : " Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thomp- " their birthdays each day will |& Liveral candidste. * heavier, the hills steeper and| Mr. and Mrs. SE. Mrs. Evelyn Whillier, Toronfo,| attraction is "Hercules Un- Conservative A. R. Herbert. © us and tingly sprinkled a few!/awa. Be service at Ballyduff on Sunday. | hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m. jess. ran through our minds as we|ford's at Whitby. {Owen Sound and Mrs, Herb reduced to attract industry to "The miles passed very slowly| Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and|R. Charlton, Mt. Vernon, Ohio:| A number of children are at-|examine the freight rate struc- from memory. into a ditch and collapsed from "A few hardy souls managed to that kept our morale up was that | couldn't quit if they were still | the next hill (in other words about discontent began to sweep the when to our surprise there came "Ten minutes later we Regi nree ranks and were marched Fa amT 4 (Signed) ; ; sav] og y re anying Miss Jean |tiply these few staple articles by "d recognition" to arents Cha. : He was questioned Wednesday| SOLINA -- There was a large are accomp ..2 v | Sv ey re : er eos usually fins the Sharon Raklin, |, reports that an RCAF North | attendance at the church service Cryderman and George Bittner several billion and it represents < i July 13, 1360, i i : ices i d Gail Stainton, Enniskillen, |for which wood is necessary, and Ruby McKay, child welfare |seized by natives when the con-|services here during the 'month and : , A 3 Bertendom for the social wel. |tingent was despatched to police|of July, chose as the subject of| visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Ket h{think of the amount of wood that Child Suffocates . : ; a. § | days with Atlantic to the Pacific; of the have the child raised in the faith commodore, "none of the UN air-| The beautiful flowers at the|Oshawa, spent severa days with ; of its natural parents." : craft have been fired upon and|altar were in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman wood and wood products exported ¥ : : ane A re ! fami isi | how about telephone poles, tele- TORONTO (CP) A four-| just didn't happen." PICNIC GUESTS {lees and family visited Saturday 0 : Seider,| "It was clear to me" he said,| The Three M group wasevening at Mr. and Mrs. E. graph poles, railroad ties, fence piastic bag. E. Tink visited the T Fire Capt. W. Martin said the|Canadians, but to all members|as guests at their picnic on Sun-| Elford's at Islay. | Nor must we forget paper! It is minutes. The bag, used by a Toronto, were weekend guests|Bruce Tink's. CELEBRATING dry - cleaning firm here, had| with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs.| Linda Harvey, Scarboro, is hol- fell | Wes Yellowlees [ M d M B Tink d ell. "=u S. | r. and Mrs. Bruce Tink an : i Te Te I t Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grills and|yr. and Mrs. Bruce Ormiston,| Wishes to the following resi- et A Pl 1 | ' dents of Oshawa and district Girls' three - legged -- Gloria Wes Yellowlees and sons, i i Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook; of Brant. |eTich over the weekend. Wanda T. Kotynski, 144 Dale Thomas and Lynda Hop- e Nassau street; Karen Sud- kins. | Wes Yellowlees'. =) t f their daughters 'on . Mrs, Charles Smith, Oshawa, Diaymales of sir Jsughters o : k street, Mrs. all fo conclude a splendidly| young members of the Ontario Wa a Park Js. Gres arranged picnic program. Regiment's Summer School Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe, and family and Mr. and Mrs. : y Beverley and Brian, spent sev- Bruce Montgomery attended the : yy au oF street; Mrs. Jack Allin, 335 conducted as usual the first two| Allin Booth. It gives their im- i ini | King street east; Susan Val- Sundays in August, with the last] Pressions of a recent 15-mile |grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Har-|2ttended the Taylor picnic at ' 1 | 5 Pascoe. Orono. = . : ' ' a 3 # 5 t: Roy SKEARD (CP) --On- Yreativ Sly rs Training Centre.) and family, Bowmanville; Miss|visited on Sunday with Mr. and| Streei: Roy Woodcock, 206 NEW LI Greatly appreciated July solo-| |, | 3 H SS ) 3 a real + ists have a HR Mrs. T. Sobil, Wednesday, July 27. was a|Helen Baker, Toronto and Nor-|Mrs. E. R, Taylor. King street west: Mrs. B. (tario Liberal Leader John Mrs. R. Nesbitt and Mrs kan the Ontario Regiment Summer! Bakei's. Taylor's. awa boulevard south; Mrs, ol in km Hiding Pro. Marshall : and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker] Marie Flett visited several Frank Reid. Courtice; Mrs, |Vincial byelection. 3 tno TE 2 p.m. when we left the Armor-| A Were also July music highlights. (jos'and in no time at all reached|and Mr. and Mrs, J. Smaak of Several from here attended the, road south. servatives to drop out of the : Vice family picnic, on Saturday, The first five persons to in- |Face. . It would be a bad ik water. Leaving Five Points and | family, Cameron, visited on Sun- ~ heading north it wasn't long be. day with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac|son and Mrs. N. Yoilowices | receive double tickets to The hs date has been set for the |Bowmanville, visited at Mr, and| Regent Theatre, good for a |byelection, made necessary by the sun hotter with every step we Miss Anne Werry were Sunday took. |dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten. chained". ; ine Libera] Jeader os ter. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten and| Reports on birthdays {viewing Prospective candidates in drops of rain only to add to our, Mr. and Mrs already screaming thirst. family attended y 4 8 % Little Donna Wotten attended | Wednesday 2 Lass, conference : marched over the cool, dark,| Gary and Glen Crawford, Whit. ford at Taunton, a bubbling springs that ran through by. are holidaying with Brian Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oborne, Cameron, Tyrone, visited at Mr. Northern Ontario. He said a Lib- eral provincial government would and our feet were so tired and in| children visited Rev. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Ethelyn Bone, Frederick-|tending swimming classes at|ture, and establish a department many cases so blistered that it| Sherwin in Belleville. {town, Ohio; William Kivell, Mr.|Cedar Park. lof northern affairs. "A few found it physically im- possible to continue the march! sheer exhaiistion, only to be pick ed up by a smiling sergeant in a sing a few songs from time to time (not in tune mind you, but the officers marched every step| of the way with us and we| walking. "At 5.30 p.m. we were told the two miles away; and our pace quickened at this bright prospect, | ranks, "Six o'clock saw us at a corner | a report on the newscast that we had left Oshawa that afternoon plodding on again still anxious to! see what was over the "next hill' floriously through a wooden gate and info a large field. Somehow The B.C. Supreme Court; which tions aircraft or personnel dur- child's best interests are para. Lady-in-Waiting |gtar was fired on during the air-|last Sunday morning. Don Whit-|on a motor trip to Saskatchewan. | quite a lot of timber. fare department, said the "prac- (" Congo's Bakavu province. [an interesting sermon, "What is|Cryderman. is used from the Arctic to the em Under Plastic Bag | we have no reason to believe anv|D. G. Morrison, father of Mrs. and children. |to other countries, as raw mater- month-old ' boy, Robert PP ee 3 under a|"that the Congolese are pleased to welcome Don Whit- Larmer's, Blackstock. |posts, fuelwood, buildings, ships bag could not have been onthe of the UN Force." day at Waltona Park, Newcastle.| Barbara Anne Ormiston, Col-| been draped over a door pear] Ralph Davis. They also visited at|idaying with her cousin, Dianne BIRTHDAYS Carolyn. Valentia, were Sunday Sov i | . 3 | Columbus, enjoyed a motor trip ; 4 I id Woodward and Norma Woodward, | Tho B18 oVleprating birth h ford, visited on Sunday at J. and| Mrs. Wes Hills and. Mrg. WW. | : | dard, G , y Following races, contests were (The following compose | JP ay male h vid ayer Yusd DR 3 |spent several days with Mr. and their birthdays in July. Rev. R. H. Love has left for| for Cadets -- Troopers John Dl Lgor Younz, 281 Buena Visti eral days at Horseshoe Lake, Ferguson picnic at Hampton. i ' entine, 1462 Tremblay streaky two Sundays of the th as| Toute march to their sum- a ri} Wo Sundays of the mon as Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormiston, Mr, and Mrs, John Mills, Ajax, | x Eee ; (day that will be remembered a/man Willson, Edmonton, Alberta,| Mrs. R. Sherwin and David are] Brown 620B, Haliday Man- Wintermeyer Wednesday denied Zion: Mr. F. Densham, and Mrs Pham | School students. i i of Barrie, and the spent several days at Coboconk, |days with Jacqueline Wood - at, Mary Cook, 240 Burk street; Mr. Wintermeyer said "there Five Points where we were al- Oshawa, were at Balsam Lake. A and Mrs. Alvin Mark and at Beaverton. form The Oshawa Times of |thing for democracy to not run fore the packs and rifles grew Hardy and Stanley. Werry and nro FE. Hockaday's, four-week period. The current |the recent death of Progressive A dark raincloud passed over| George Werry and family in Osh- 5 ie . A be received only between the [this town and fouring industrial d Francis attended Decoration Day Many a thought of "mutiny" |family picnic at : Cir a birthday party for Gail Gif- and Mrs. J. Kivell and family, Railway freight rates should be the countryside. nox. |Lakewood, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs.|J, Kivell's. seemed at times that they walked|-------------- eee | and one trooper walked straight station-wagon | it kept our spirits up). One thing | "Promised Land" was just over | But five miles later a murmur of | consuming carbonated beverages | and were on our way Suddenly we were ordered intr ~Ochawa Times Photo !we had made it." A ment's Summer School for Ca- reiax 1 at dets is an annual affair nte Sievepson's