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The Oshawa Times, 4 Aug 1960, p. 16

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sssgrenne LEAR LIPERRTS NISC ORE EINES ER NNR I RENERARIRRTRRRRRRINTRIRRT 0 meREne. 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 4, 1960 45--Real Estate For Sale 45---Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale $1,500 DOWN home In Bi , | months old, fi ,|sonable. Phone RA 8-3893. NORTH EAST Oshawa -- Grandview of oom Kas- im. |singer built bungalow, landscaped, nine ed rec-room. Rea- Split level bungalow, solid masonry construction. Mary extras, including colored G. 'frige and range. 6% N. H. N.H.A. RESALE Meadowcrest Subdivision, Brooklin, 3 bedroom ranch type brick bungalow. $87 monthly includes principal, interest ond toxes. $1650 down, full price $11,825. 39 Ferguson Ave., OL 5-4485. full price. § per cent ond mortgage available LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER A, carries for $65 monthly, plus toxes. North Whitby. MO 8-8094. : 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Redl Estate For Sale |47--Automobiles For Sale 47 --Automobiles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale ATTRACTIVE ranch type bungalow, \located near Oshawa Missionary Col- lege. Six rooms, four-piece colored bath with built-in vanity, three bed- rooms, six per cent on $2900 LOT, 60 by 150, good view of lake, Javed soud, sul} price $60, Port Perry, LOT for sale, 78 x 200, between Whitby and Os beth Crest Avenue, Call S. Macko Realtor. RA 8-4661. WITH HOUSE, one acre of land, resi- dential district, sewers, water, must peli for quick sale. RA 3-434. $305 FULL down, six.room brick bun- galow, NHA resale, carries $84 month- PRIVATE SALE IN WHITBY .Fiveplex--Nearly new, com- pletely rented. Dont' miss this $1,000 DOWN $1,000 ON CADILLAC 5 room brick bungalow, live ing room ond master bedroom with broadloom, paved drive way, lot is completely fenc- ed and landscaped, home has been recently decorated. Phone for Bill Millar at RA 8-5123. LLOYD REALTY LTD. REALTORS BROOKSIDE ACRES Large seven room bungalow, two car garage, two fire- places, two baths, built in china cabinet, with poss through, landscaped, decor- ated throughout, built _ in oven and counter top range, nearing completion. 101 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3-9207 RA 8-5123 -- RA 8.5124 RA 8-5125 excellent income property. Just the investment for a retiring couple. Two blocks from shopping centre, close to arena ond schools. Sub- stantial down payment requir- ed. Would consider a well located private home in Whit- by as part payment. May be seen by appointment only. Phone MO 8-3762. ly, full basement, Fiivate drive, only two years see it today. Mr. Lauzon | 9%, RA 2041 Brethour Real Estate Ltd., TRANSFERRED Three bedroom bungalow, Eliza $1700. Apply 255 Athol East. $1300 DEPOT full price $12,840 three storms a re fenced, sodded, landsc: mear school. No agents, MO-8-5783. FIVE - . room bungalow, sunroom, air- conditioned, aluminum storms, screens, 1960 GMC half-ton pick-up, $500 down. Phone MO 8-8574 Whitby. '57 BUICK hardtop, automatic, snow tires. Telephone RA 3-4117, OUTBOARD motor 5 hp recoil tak ; Lloyd bi awnings, garage, hardwood rs. Ap- ply 151 Nassau Street. RA 3.3110. KENDALWOOD area. Lid six-room 'S58 CHEVROLET BelAir, good ogudition, Apply 149 Banting Av- enue. 5-3805. one owner, '9 VICTOR station wagon, snow tires, carrier, windshield washers, many extras. Phone RA 5-4925, 1, tom-built m be Seuated on half-acre picturesque lot. '8 CHEVROLET Impala. RA 3-2156 after 5.30 p.m. BATTERY, tires, sealed beams and all parts for "50 Austin for sale, reason- Natural beatitiful iow of the Hy. " ain 9 Phone RA 5-1956, w be bought a sola! Call 5 "Macko Realtor RA No SMALL frame house, oil heated, lot » x 112, four-car garage $3600 cash best offer. 288 Courcellette. RA, THREE . bedroom bungalow with L- shaped living and dining room, be. Whitby and Oshawa, "large inca in lot. Low down payment. RA TWO years old, three-bedroom, brick |8-0387 bungalow, landscaped, fenced garden, large. lot, $2000 , take over pay- ments. Carries for $68 a month. Owing on mortg; five years old, self cor basement apartment rented ot $70: Aluminum ownings and storms. $800 down or best offer. One mortgage. Full price $14,500. Private. No agents please. RA 5-9995 $9500 private. MO 8-306, SEVEN - room house, two kitchens, garage, large lot, full price, $9000. You decide down payment. 497 Ortona 8-6922. Avenue. RA PRIVATE _split-level three-bedroom bungalow, completely decorated, alum- inum storms and screens, fmshed NEW income home on 2% Sores or less if desired on No, 7 and No. 13 Hwy. Commercial soning area, 51 VOLKSWAGE lent condition, $800. RA 8-0137. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to = cent. Si 3 minutes |20 per ix months to pay. For '55 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radio, very ced | good 3 '55 FORD coach custom radio, silent tires, new slips, very clean le, $5§ down to responsible Try "Stew" at party. Full price $695, Mi 5646. Starr's RA at your home call RA from Oshawa, 2 permanmt awnings. $5000 cash, bal. ance on mortgage, reasonable inl Write Box 842 Oshawa Times. 's8 BEDFORD 5-2802. , in excel able, Ti RA 8.5888. "50 AUSTIN for sale, Jest ¢ offer. Apply 451 Wilson Road North or phone RA 5- A '59 DKW "1000" hardtop, as new, fully equi $2660 new, sell for $1660. Take older car. RA 8-1610. 53 STUDEBAKER, champion, condition, four new tires. Must Offers please. MO 8-459. n, good sell, for carriage, $7. OLiver " 5 4836. lovely Aw WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, condition, reasonable. 399 Pine enue. RA 469. DROP leat table, floor lamps, kitchen and dining room tables, arm chair, mantel clock, ode walnut chairs, other RA items. MO WHITE cook ave, 'Wingham, m, in good e RA 3-4242. EE Ee a storey, seven.room, house to be taken down and rem price $180. Write Box 747 Te. | Stores -- | 0 PONTIAC risie two doo: hardtop, automatic, ate 16,000 "miles, one owner. RA 8-4184 after 6 p.m. or nearest offer. FOUR room bungalow, oll heated, gar. lent hind RA 8-5187 Tc 8 am. and 5 5 p age and now. Write Mr, A, Jakeman, Box 41, Orono or phone Orono 1738. ng room win walk out Ph to JOHANSEN CONSTRUCTION College Ave., Oshawe, 2 bed- room bungalow, completely remodelled and decorated. 21' living room, oil heating, $10,000 with $2,000 down. Call Audrey Mcore at MO 8-4088 or MO 8-5853. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL RA 8-4678 OPEN EVENINGS & SATURDAYS TOWN LINE NORTH 5.room home -- garoge and natura! fireplace -- hot water with oil heating -- $10,000 with $2,500 down. TAUNTON ROAD WEST $1,000 down -- 5-room home with attached gorage -- $6,000 total price. After 5:30 call Joe Maga at 5-9191, DUPLEX $2,000 DOWN Live free in this one -- double house --. 5 rooms on each side. Total price only $13,500, taxes only $218.00. Complete. After 5:30 call Joe Maga ot 5-9191. NEW STORE -- ond apartment in modern new Shopping Centre; stone front, modern throughout, 20' x 50' store plus 20' x 50' apartment complete for $17,000. Contact this office for fur- ther particulars BUILDING LOTS AT RICE LAKE Lokefront lots -- 75' x 200' treed lakefront, $1,650, $1,750, $2,250. Back lots -- 75' x 200', close to water, drinking facilities, beau- tiful lots et $700 with $100.00 down V.L A. BUILDING LOTS 2-acre building lots on paved road, 1 mile from Oshawa to Highway 401, Total price only $2,000 AFTER 5:30 CALL-- 8-4678 5-9191 Close Marion Drew .... 5-6243 Joe Mago H: GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 31 BOND STREET EAST RA 8-5161 DOWN $500 DOWN S-room brick bungolow, with 3 large bedrooms, located close to the South General Motors plont. Is five years old ond com- plete in every detail. Moderately priced for a quick sale DOWN $500 DOWN Another S-room brick bungalow going for a low down pay- ment. Ultra-modern in design ond located close to schools and shopping. The asking price is low and you con have immediate possession os the property is vacant at present FULL PRICE $7,500 FULL PRICE 4-room modern bungalow, well kept and cosy. Located on Drew Street, close to downtown. Asking a down payment of $1,500, balance on one mortgage with easy is payments FULL PRICE $7,700 FULL PRICE 5-room bungalow located on Ritson Road South. This is a sacri- fice sale os the owner is leaving Oshawa. Has 3 bedrooms, and the down poyment required is $1,950, CLARKE STREET 4-room brick: bungalow, has oil heating and complete in every detail. This is 0 good home for the small fomily. The asking price is only $9,000 with easy monthly payments. LIST YOUR HOME WITH US IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT IT WILL BE SOLD THE SAME DAY AFTER 6 P.M. CALL-- Som Goldstein--RA 5-6782 Mi®% Dubyk--RA 8-5690 Bert Peyton--RA 8-5161 WHITBY CLASSIFIED SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8.2563 '50 PLYMOUTH sedan, good running condition. Phone MO 8.2244 anytime. Also '55 Chrysler equipped. ROOM and board in Telephone MO 85146. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563. FOR RENT = Sieeping rooms or Tight Dick Barriage Everett: Elliott NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq or less, parking lot facilities Whitby Professional Building, 3731; evenings, MO 8-4003 Feb 12 | MODERN two-bedroom apartment -- stove, frig, TV outlet, $87.50 monthly. Immediate sion, Phone Mo 8 8-2625. HOME owners -- Shingling, siding. in. sulation, eavestroughing, vainting, cash or terms. Phil Harper. 225 Green Whitby. MO 8-4538. FOR SA Rotten manure or com- post, odorles. and weedless for flow ers, shrubs, 'awns and gardens. Phone MO 8-4514 SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freezes from only $279.95. For special prices oh ranges, fridges, washers and dry ers, contact Mid Town Furniture, The Newest Appliance Dealer in Whitby MO 38-4981 or MO 8-5740. HOLIDAY EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents $10 per wk. Boats & cances $15 per wk. OUTBOARD MOTORS 5 HP : $16 per wk, 72 HP ..... $18 per wk. 15 HP $28 per wk. 30 HP . $40 per wk. BOAT AND TRAILER WITH 5 HP per wk. per wk. per wk. We olso rent stoves, lanterns cots, sleeping bags, etc. WILDE RENTALS Sales & Service 141% Dupdas E., MO 8-3226 ft Call private home con , wil Apply 305 Trent "West, Whitby, FOR RENT -- Two-roomed cabin fur. nished, suitable for one, For particu lars call MOhawk 28-3423 Whitby. FOR SALE -- Attractive brick three- bedroom bungalow, some extras, Pri- vate ave attached garage, $3000 down, street, near everything, hn oy MOhawk 8-4734 Whitby. CREME cold wave $6.95 (regular $12.50) includes style, cut, oil shampoo and set by imaginative stylist. MO 12 STOREY Colonial house in.nice set- ting with attached garage. Phone MO 8-3198 between 9 and 5 pm. | FOR RENT -- Sleeping rc rooms or light| housekeeping rooms, with con-| veniences, Apply 305 Trent Street West, | Whitby, | EXPERT rolotilling for gardens and| lawns. Don't call unless you want the| est. Dick Devnich. Phone MO 8-2614.| HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good| lown payments. W Meguley Realtor | MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3.2512 {WO rooms and Kitchen, light w wiring. | tare bathroom. ' Also one rnd: vom for gentleman. Telephone Mo | +4487 between 5 and 7. FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint and Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-523] | MO 8. heat supplied. | posses | Fairview Drive, Whitby. 6 room ranch bungalow featur- ing 13' kitchen. Master bed- room 15° x 12', 10' dining room. Ceramic tile bath, attached garage. Built on a 75' lot in an exclusive area. Call Mildred Bilida, MO 8-2167 or MO 8-5853. Co- op listing Reynolds St.--7 room ultra modern bungalow featuring large living room, fireplace, family room, bath with von- ity, broadloom, drapes, wash- er and dryer included, car- port. This house must be seen Call Phyllis Thorndyke at MO 8-4743 or MO 8-5853, Co-op listing o Brooklin, Body shop ond 2 apartments, centrally located Full price $7,000.00. Call Mildred Bilida at MO 8-2167 or MO 8-5853 4 room bedrooms price $10,5 bungalow, 2 heating. Full brick oil 00 Bell Drive, owner applicant---- orders now being taken OLIVE HOWE REALTOR 130 Brock Street North | Whitby--MO 8-5853 |] Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board JOHN F. DE WITH Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone 3341 40 acre farm, all workable, located 115 highway, 100' x 30' bankbarn, hen house, etc; 10 roomed brick home with furnace, running water, lino floors. Asking $11,000 with $3,000 down, 50 acre farm, 6 miles north Port Perry, 40 acres work- able, stream, large bank- barn, drive shed; 8 roomed brick house, furnace, running water. Asking $12,000. Terms arranged 92 acre farm, 87 acres able, 2 farm ponds, silo, L- shaped bankbarn, drive shed, garage; 8 roomed house, run- ning water, - heavy wired. Price $14,000. Easy terms. work = 20 acre farm, 8 miles from Oshawa, all workable, barn; 8 roomed brick house with all "modern conveniences. Extra 5 roomed bungalow with oil furnace, etc. Asking $16,000. Terms arranged. 100. acre farm near Bethany, with large barn; roomed frame house. Asking $15,000 with $5,000 down 200 acre farm near Bethany, hiproofed bank barn, water under pressure, hen house; 9 roomed brick home, furnace, running water, Asking $15,- «000 with $5,000 down. 95 acre farm on highway near Lindsay, all workable, stream, 100' x 30' bankbarn, drive shed, etc; 9 roomed brick home with oil furnace, running water. 000, Terms. 185 ocre workable, 120 acres shoped farm, stream, L- bankbarn, waterbowls, steel stanchion drive shed, hen house, aqarege; 7 roomed | brick house all modern con- | veniences. Price $17,000, | Down $7,000 200 acre Dairyform, located 12 miles from Oshawo, stream, L-shaped, modernized bankbarn, drive shed, silo, etc.; 9 roomed home with oll modern conveniences. Price $28,500 with $5,000 down. | 200 acre farm, 160 acres | workable, large stream, bank- barn, drive shed, hen house, etc.; 8 roomed brick house, heavy wired: Asking $14,500 with $5,000 down. 100 acre workable, barn, - running water, drive shed, etc.; 7 roomed home with 3 piece bath, running water. Asking $13,000. Small down payment farm, 65 L-shaped acres bank- 3 bedroom bungalow with all modern conveniences, hard- wood floors, garage on 5 acre land. Price $10,500 with $3,500 down 5 roomed house, hardwood floors, heavy wired, with chickenbarn for 2000 broilers. Asking $5,000 with $2,000 down. 2 bedroom bungalow in Bow- manville with all modern conveniences, hardwood floors, full basement, Price Asking $20,- - | BUILDER OF BETTER HOMES present the better- built semi-bungalow and 2-storey brick-- featuring: ~dining room ----modern kitchen ~--3 bedrooms --4-piece bath ~--1 N.H.A. mortgage --Low carrying charges Priced at-- $11,425.00 for the bungalow $12,250.00 for the 2-storey All services--water and sewer | Located: Near the Oshawa Shopping Centre. Sales office at 683 King Street West, Oshawa Exclusive Agents OLIVE HOWE REALTOR 130 Brock Street North __Whitby--MO 8-5853 ZION $9,000 full price -- 5-room clapboard bungalow on large lot 70° x 390', right across from school; forced air oil heating, low taxes, about half cash required RANCH STYLE One week possession on this large 6 rocen bungalow with attached garage on large lot 70' x 225', (extra land could be purchased if necessary), near Seventh Day Adventist College, close to bust stop. Full price only $13,500, with $3,700 down. Owner is moving out of town and very anxious to sell SIMCOE ST. N. Large 6 room, 2 storey brick home situated on a large hedged lot, oil heating, 3-pce. bath, garage, upstairs pre- sently rented. Not o new home, but in good repair. Full price only $12,900 with $2,900 down BAPTISTE LAKE $600 down, large 2 bedroom cottage plus spacious living room and kitchen, combined, cupboards and sink, full screened in porch, completely furnished, good swimming and fishing LLOYD AYERS REALTOR RA 3254 RALPH VICKERY REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 46 KING ST. W. RA 8-6228 Ranch bungalow with attach- ed gorage, living rom 30' x 13', with large picture win- dow, southern exposure, beamed and acoustic tiled ceiling, stone fireplace, spac- ious modern kitchen with din- ing area, utility room, three large bedrooms, pierson win- dows, located just three miles from city limits on three acres of land, offers the best in modern living at the lowest cost, call Ernie Allin evenings RA 5.1442 for further partic- ulars, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 22 storey, 8 room brick house, good dry basement, centrally located, ample park- ing facilities, could be easily converted to professional er business offices and apart- ments or triplex, reasonable down payment from respon- sible party, terms arranged. Call Evelyn Walker, evenings RA 5-1442 for further infor- mation. 5 room bungalow, $5,000 down payment, brick fully in- sulated, lot 82" x 264', low taxes, Pierson windows, and awnings, fully landscaped, front and back, picture win- dow in living room, ceramic tile bathroom, walk out base- ment, Louvre Doors front and back, attached garage with overhead doors, call and make an appointment to in- spect this property. Pat Done- van evenings RA 3-7313. $9,500 with $2,000 down, cosy 5 room frame 14 storey newly modernized, quiet loca- $8,500 with '$1,000 down. H. Donald Mountjoy MA 3.3950 | Frank Hunter RA 5-2974 IL, A. Perrault €larke 223 | tion, close to south G.M. and oan lakefront lot. One mortgage, low monthly payments. RA 8-3873. WILSON EIGHT - room country home, acre of land, all modern conveniences, bus ser. vice to schools, close to Highways 7, 7A and 12. $4000 down. Two miles Sos Port Perry. Contact R. V. Port Perry, Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 $12,575 FULL PRICE For this 3 year old 6 room brick bungalow situoted on qulet street. Excellent finon- cing -- just $1,475 down -- 100 ACRES good soil, six . room house, three - piece bath, hydro, good barn, mobile power 58 Olds- egg hel truck, in excel A TOTHINAING buyer has the op- portunity to own this beautiful two.door hardtop, Fully the car F. r Po DRICH tires, bate Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543, Eo $35°T0 $100 worth of tree gifts with 14 '59 IMPALA sports and white, V-8, fully eivved, tele. phone RA §-1274 after § CLEARING at Yeduesd Fi ry easy suite or ding. To m suite. Offer for a limited time only! Easy terms. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. terms, '51 Chev., *55 Chev, '55 Pontiac hard '50 Chev. ¥% ton pickup ay "Ste at Mike Starr's. RA 5-5646. low 4 implement shed, 120 rods on hig good line of tractor implements, some hay, all included, at $16,500, Good terms or exchange for good city erty. Tindall Real Estate, 43 Street West, RA 5-0429, The cwner will consider any reas: nable offer, Call RA 3-2124 between 5 and 6:30 p. 5) deluxe Pontiac one owner |be A private deal, mileage, RA 5.7285, coach, radio, low in real F. |'58 CHEVROLET automatic, one owner car, good Must be '9 SIMOCA deluxe, A-1 condition hy A 8.0921. Fina sold. MO Ba30d, 46--Real Estate Wanted WANTED -- Small Bugalow for To- ronto client, around . Jones Real Estate. RA 56412 or RA 8-1566. WILL pay $9000 cash for home in Osh- '53 CHEV. hardtop, radio, etc. RA 8-0970, '55 CHEV, four-door deluxe, late, one owner. Phone RA apply 264 King Street East. LS rear speaker, back-up awa, Apply Box 905 Oshawa Times. 47--Automobiles For Sale '55 CADILLAC Sixty power equipment, Wilbak Special. otors, 137 King West. 39 SECOND series Vauxhall, 11,400 miles. Like new. Best offer. Telephone RA 5.0728. CER 54 CHEVROLET, % ton pickup truck. | Real good condition. Apply 30 Elena | street. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3-7132 ood condition, lights "immacu- 85-7693 or Full reduced to $1475. MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA one payment for the balance. Don't wait and be late -- call today. V.L.A. BUYERS $10,500 FULL PRICE For this 10 year old 4 room bungalow. All the convenien- ces of city living. Many ex- tras -- garage -- chicken house 32' x 14'. All this sit- uated on 6 acres of land. To inspect this property . call today Open Evenings and All Day plant, 'ideal for retired or business couple, see it today. Ernie Allin, evenings RA 3- 3053. Saturday JOHN A, J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS--INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 APARTMENT SITE Centrally located, close to Simcoe Street South. Asking only $9,500 with terms, size 139' x 118. Phone now for Jack Appleby ot RA 5.6544 or RA 3-3398 Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board OVER A QUARTER CENTURY | OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REG. AKERS, Pres. BILL McFEETERS, Vice Pres. $7,500--$2000 DOWN BALANCE ON TERMS $50 monthly for 5 frame bungalow and 2 acre of land. Equipped with aluminum storm windows and doors." T.V. aerial, two oil space' heaters, electric hot water heater, pressure water system, etc, Located west off Simcoe St. N., call' Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5.0243. NORTH END 6 room brick ranch bungalow with attached garage. Large living room with natural stone fireplace. Good size dining area, sunny kitchen and 3 bright bedrooms. Large land- scaped grounds with three shade trees. Close to school, shopping end bus only 1 block away. 1,200 sq. of liv- ing space. Residential district, 14-SUNES--T4 | | (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res, 5-5574 WILLIS MOTORS For Your | AUSTIN CAR | | GOOD ASSORTMENT | | USED CARS TAUNTON RD. E. CASH : FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST, W. one Service, 449 Ritson Road South. '50 VAUXHALL Wyvern, needs repairs, Will sell as is or sell parts. Good tires radio, hi ot - "PONTIAC sedan delivery, wy radio, solid front seat, 2S hauically sound. "0 2 windows, motor, tires RA 3-3405 1950 MERCURY, customized two door, TV antenna, four Tonths va, sell for half price. Phone RA 8 HP AIR hen Ti for home or office, good condition. Can seen operating. Phone after § p.m. RA 53117 GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup. plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5.6511 TENTS, camp stoves, camp cots, tar- paulins, sleeping bags, lanterns, sales * and rentals. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3.7624. 008 | Go KARTS, demonstrators, as low as 151, complete with motor and oupte me 9 am, » 9 p.m. Handy Andy, RA radio, "53 motor, in Phone RA 53-4513. BOAT and motor together or jepatate 55 METEOR coach, radio, whitewalls, in A 1 Tien, reasonable. Phone RA 5.9477. | 55 AUSTIN convertible, in good eondi- tion, Telephone RA 3-3284. 55 CHEV. station wagon, two doors, radio, signals, new metallic paint job, . moul plyw! HP motor he aw, best offer. RA 58865 or HA 5- BROADLOOM, LE giftware, wall plaques, room dividers, Imported, Den- mark, Finland, Italy, Portugal, India, from $9.50. Two floors fo serve you. Kelly's RA 8.5133, 32 King E. best cash offer. Phone after 5 p.m, RA §-1923. '58 NASH hydromatic, radio, white. walls sacrifice, best offer, can finance. MO 8-4782. 34 FORD coupe, '48 Merc. motor, chromed, extras on engine. Phone RA 34-9665 after 8 p.m '53 CHEVROLET sedan, excellent con- dition, will finance from 6 to 9 p.m. 145 Albert Street. '52 BUICK, very clean, asking $250 or best offer. Phone RA 8.5468. '60 CHEVROLET statichwagon: auto. KELVINATOR, Foodarama, no de frosting ever, upright combination freezer-frig, two doors. Kelly's. ATR conditioner, portable $49 up, de. humidifier, automatic humidastat, han- dles 13,000 cu §-year warranty, Kelly's, 2 floors, 32 King East. 3% HORSE power Wisconsin mortar mixer, also five brick veneering rods. MO 8-5934. BIG bedding sale, buy now and save. factory clearance of spring filled mat- tresses, discontinued ticking. Priced for quick sale, $16.88 up, Continental beds some mis-mafched some with prices from $24: {matic tr SABYAN MOTOR] SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel.: RAndolph 3-3461 RA 5-0331 TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR ONLY $149.50 DOWN '56 CHRYSLER Windsor Power steering and brakes, automatic and radio '56 OLDS. 98 SEDAN Power steering and brakes, radio end automatic. '57 PONTIAC COACH Standard. One owner, '57 PLY. WAGON Vacation special. One owner. '57 DODGE SEDAN Six cyl, eutomatic, radio CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES 331 Park Rd. S. RA 3-2284 | TED CAMPIN MOTORS HOLIDAY SALE ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED '58 OLDSMOBILE =~ Super "88" 2.dr. Hardtop -- automatic, power steer ing, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, etc. "Ted's Driver: Now for Sale". BUICK 4-4. Sedan -- automatic, radio, etc. Actual mileage 3,300. call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5.0243. List Co-op Through This Office Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 STEPHEN MACKO REALTOR 187 KING ST. E RA 8-4661 Modern 5 room brick bunga- low on Huron Street; nicely landscaped - grounds. This home is now reduced, can be bought with $1,500 down payment and reasonable monthly payments. Ranch type 5 room modern bungalow with three bed- rooms, attached garage and breezeway. Situated on half acre nicely landscaped lot, several fruit trees, Exception- ally good value ot $13,300 with $2,500 down payment. Owner leaving city. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY King Street East. Grocery and confectionary business, also large living quarters. Must be sold, owner is retiring. This is a thriving business with ex- cellent turnover. Owner will take a clear property as down payment. After hours please call RA B-4661 RA 3.3775 Steve Macko Jack Sheriff Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board CHEVROLET Coach -- "One Owner Like New'. METEOR Station Wagon --"A Real Beauty". CHEVROLET Deluxe Coach. "Lovely Condi- tion"', CHEVROLET Coach automatic "Lady's Choice." CHEVROLET Deluxe Se- dan radio "In Good Condition". CHEVROLET Bel - Air '6' Coach -- "'Sharp-- Sharp--Sharp" CHEVROLET Coach radio. "A Real Dandy". FORD Deluxe Sedan -- radio. "'Excellent Buy", KAISER Sedon--""Waork= ing Man's Special." CHEVROLET Coach -- radio. Transportation', FORD Coach--""Hoilday Special' CHEVROLET 1a Pick-up--radio Deluxe "Good '55 « Ton Easy Terms--I. A.C. or Niagara As Low As 10% Down TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. EAST (Just East of Wilson Roa RA 3-4494 RA 5.5574 ) |) Business Residence SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE TERMS TO SUIT YOU 52 Chev, Deluxe Sedan | with radio $295 '53 Meteor Sedan with '56 Ford Fairlane Sedan automatic transmission, radio, power steering etc. $1195 '53 Meteor Customline with overdrive, etc. $545 | 52 Ford Mainline with | radio, real clean $295 '54 Ford Tutone Brown and beige, only $595 '59 Ford Fairlane 500 Hardtop, automatic trans- * mission, power steering, radio, etc. ...... $2495 '55 Chev. Deluxe really clean, mechanically perfect ......... $895 '55 Plymouth Coach, one $695 owner car only '56 Plymouth with V-8 motor will really '57 Buick with automatic transmission, radio, white walls, etc. only .. $1295 '55 Ford Customline with automatic, radio, '54 Pontiac Laurentian with radio '53 Pontiac Hardtop with radio .......... $695 Van Heusen Motors 149 KING ST. WEST Window washers, 3000. mies. CAN ar: |range trade or terms, private. Will |sacrifice. Must be sold, $2605, 3 | Frontenac Avenue. 42 by famous makers, $19.95. bunk beds, eight pieces complete, sale price $58. Smooth top mattresses made llson Fur- niture 20 Church Street. {75 PONTIAC Laurentian, 17(000 miles, {new car condition, will take trade $1995. 369 Drew Street. RA 58132, 46 CHEVROLET, very good condition, $45. RA 51053 A Awionbilos Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wresking. Eighest prices paid RA 5-1181, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3.9421 HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. | MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS. 67 KING ST. W. RA*3-7822 | CASH 'FOR YOUR CAR TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS RA 5-0732 | 50--Articles For Sale | GAS hot water tank, 30 gallon, white enamel, never used, $50. RA 2-2041. POWERFUL amplifier, capable of| sufficient volume for large hall, com-| plete with record playing equipment, | microphone etc., for rent, For reser | vation phone Meagher's RA 3-3425, | HAY fever allergy sufferers, new vor. {table lectrofilter removes 99.5 per | cent air borne dust and pollen, $39 per Kelly's, 32 King East. RA 8-5153. |ed, factory built, 1059, used little. | ing price $750 cash or terms. RA 5-6650. FLOOR coverings at tremendous sav- ings, clearance of discontinued pat. terns. many cheerful designs for home 504 cottage, reduced for quick sale, 25¢ per foot; borderless linoleum squares, 6 by 9, only $2.95; vinyl coat- ed linoleum, special clearout, 45¢ per foot; ends of wall coverings, Seaton price 37c per foot, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. '| FIBREGLASS your wooden host for carefree boating or we will do the job for you, We carry a complete line of materials, plus easy to tollow Instruc- tions. Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byrom Stree) South, Whitby, MO 8-511, UNPAINTED bookcases only 99 cents, with the purchase of any plece of un ainted Chest of HE desks $14; bookcases, 5.99; van- ity dresser, $26, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. COINS, stamps, collector's supplies bought and sold at Royal Coin and Stamp Store, 64 King Vest. Wanted nnies, 1922 to 1926, nickels, 1925, 1826 ar six, also Victoria coins in good condition GAS conversion burner for sale, cheap. RA 5-1823 after 6 p.m. OCCASIONAL tables by Peppler, §- ply crossbanded veneer, solid walnut frames, oil finish, no al ning, step, end or cocktail, $29.95. SPECIAL! rll sized Fan eT 5s while they rast $4.95. ot Tire Store, 48 Bond hind PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.9! = on. All colors. Guaranteed, flat, How, Oshawa Hatduale Foi Electric, Church Street 3-7624. RENT a television mer cottage, rates hey the ween | a fs Meagher's, § King Street W RA 3 FT, rr strip boat, lights, wind- hier controls, 25 HP motor, plus trail. er, one year old, sell $850. Apply 148 Brock Street East, MAYTAG, world's largest manufacture er laundry equipment, automatic wash- ers, from $240; dryers $179. Now on display at Kelly's, :, floor, King Street East. RA 8-515 CHROME kitchen i $20; easy chalr, $20; three rugs, $43; small tables, $4 each; iron, $4; kettle, 84; clock, $1.50; spring with legs, ideal for col tage. MO 8-3060. CABIN trailer in ad JSondiiion, res sonable. Whitehall 2-379 RANGETTE Frigidaire, d. Phone RA 8-4998. TRING cabin trailer, fully 24u;pp. lke five months GOLF clubs, $35; Encyclopedia Brit. annica 31 vol, $85; new Encyclopedias Canadiana 37 vol, $100 off: baby car. riage, $5; bassinet, $3. RA 8-1610. DINING room suite, 9 pieces, save $100. French Provincial fruitwood, buffet, china cabinet, drop leaf table, six chairs. Kelly's, 32 King East. BRIDESMAID or party dress, worn only once, mint green silk organza Deer Pilots. Accessories. Size 9-10. RA |SEE one of Oshawa's largest transis tor radio displays. All the leading makes. Large variety of sizes and prices to choose from, $290.95 for a six [transistor radio. Meagher's, 5 King | Street West. WE pay highest prices In the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furni. ture Store, RA 3-3271. 444 Simcoe South, BABYLAND bargains, new styles 1560 baby carriages, conve: to cer bed, lowest prices in town, $27; large, full panel cribs, % price clearance, $19. 88; Springfilled crib mattress, $9.88 playpens, $8.88; high chairs, $7.88, strollers, $5.88, Wilson Furniture, 20 | Church Street. 3 ROOMS of furniture, only $299. This includes chesterfield, chrome set bed. room suite, mattress, spring, step and coffee tables, boudoir and table lamps, | pillows, etc. $25 down delivers! "'Guar- anteed best value!" Barons' Home Fur- | nishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. | DOMINION Appliances (a division of Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's {Market Hampton. A complete line of | |appliances at hard to beat grices. {roa 3-2241. err 15 cu, ft less than two years old, in excellent condition. Rea- sonable, RA 3-9052. GLADIOLI MIXED COLORS $1 PER DOZEN Phone RA 3-4179 759 KING ST. WEST OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR RENT MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY Ltd. Brooklin Ont. OLiver 5-3641 [ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best | prices, fully guaranteed Double hung windows only $18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. ALEX VAJDA RA 3-9851 (Opposite the Brewery) | Every job guaranteed. All dluminum products -- Doors, windows, shower doors, ownings, TV towers, paving. One contract, nothing down For free estimates coll-- ALUMA SEAL CO.| | RA §-9365 ANYTIME FOR SALE NEW 18' OPEN RUNABOUT BOAT 7' 4" 'wide beam; * sturdily constructed with 42" deep plywood hull, oak frame, mahogany and California redwood deck and trim, com- plete with all hardware and special windshield. Motor: New 40 hp. Scott, electric start with generator. Capacity: 6-8 adults com- fortably, will sleep 4 to 4. Terms: $500 down, balance arranged 'if desired. Can be seen at Lake Scugog. J. ORDE MARINE PORT ,PERRY YU 5-2351 or call G. WEHNER A 8-6264 until 5:00 p.m. RA 8. 6896 after 7: 00 0 p.m. (Continued on Page WN) § H 3 i!

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