TORONTO -- The weather of- fice says mainly sunny skies will cover Ontario and Eastern WEATHER FORECAST Idea Of Destroying Empire Shocks By TOM HENSHAW | CLEVELAND (AP) -- Million- | aire industrialist Cyrus S. Eaton. |the best known capitalist frienu |of Soviet Premier Khrushchev, |has an office on the 36th floor |of the Terminal Tower. The view |is symbolic. Two windows look out over the {fiats, the industrial heart of | Cleveland, where the dirty brown Cuyahogz River winds its way linto Lake Erie through a maze {of busy mills, factories and | power plants. lidol and mentor, John D. Rocke- | feller, founded Standard Oil; |there's Republic Steel, the cor- | porate giant pieced together by | Eaton and lost during the de- | pression. Chesapeake and Ohio freight % |cars roll by and ore boats of the "% | Cleveland - Cliffs Iron Company, carrying ore from the Steep Rock Lake, Ont., mines, i | from the lake through a gap 1 the breakwater. Each is a living Eaton's industrial empire. | p's terrifying to think one bomb could wipe out a tario and Quebec will rise to the mid-70's today. (CP Wirephoto) OBITUARIES | Canada today and Friday. Over- night temperatures that dropp- ed to the 50's in southern On- that Little Change | Friday' TORONTO (CP --Official fore- casts issued at 5 am. EDT Synopsis: The prc mainly sunny today and Friday. Temperatures fell to the mid-50s in Southern Ontario and to the| mid-40s in the north during the night, and will rise today to 75 in the south and 70 in the north Regional forecasts valid until midnight Friday Lake Erie region, Windsor Mainly cloudy this morning. Sunny this afternoon and Friday Little change in temperature. Winds northeast 15 becoming light at night Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Ni- agara, Georgian Bay, Haliburton, wince will be [this," he tells a visitor. *'T don't The Canadian - born Eaton, a sprightly 76 with 50 years of rugged capitalistic infighting be- hind him, has his own sugges- tions on how to avoid such a calamity. UNPOPULAR VIEWS Many of his views are unpo ular and controversial. He be- lieves: A nuclear war late nine out of and "finish everything that the United States has developed in its brilliant history." The Soviet Union wants to end the cold war. When Khrushchev says he would "rather money on better and industry than armaments, believe him." "powerful influences' United States, particularly Pentagon and the Atomic ergy Commission, must shoulder DR. ROY W. GRAHAM The funeral service for Dr . |Roy W. Graham. who died at V |Oshawa General Hospital on Sun-| 1eW {day, July 31, was conducted at the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral , Chapel on Wednesday, Aug. 3. at 3.30 p.m., by Dr. George Telford day. Little change in tempera- of St. Andrew's United Church. ture. Winds north 15 today, light|Burial was at Oshawa Union tonight and Friday. Cemetery. Forecast Temperatures Honorary pallbearers were Dr. Low tonight. High Friday. B. A. Brown, Dr. Andrew Hard-| Windsor ing, Dr. 0. G: Mills, Dr. W. W St. Thomas .. Baldwin, K. H. Braithwaite, and London Harold Lee Active pallbear- Kitchener .. ers were R. W. Bassett, Dr. R Wingham .. Clarke, Dr. John Brock, Dr Toronto E. M. Culp, R. H. Vickery and Trenton oi Dr. R. Ross. St. Catharines ... | : Hamilton | MRS, SAMUEL TINK Muskoka . Funeral service for Mrs. Sam-| Killaloe * uel Tink, formerly of Columbus, Earlton Ont, who died in Huntingdon, |land Lake regions, North 3 Sudbury: Sunny today and Fr would = Ee bi = |" There's the spot where Eaton's nose in|peace, n | most inf! fragment of 1 11 his interest to avoid war," want to see all this destroyed." KNOWS A PHONEY | p- a phoney annihi-| bristles r : 10 Americans imagine anyone taking him in. j has taken Cyrus Eaton. spend i homes, schools] @IS4 I ; 1| ability to acquire (1) money injcf * in thejemnies the and En. across all social strata. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 4, 1960 3 Eaton clear warfare would destroy|Steep Rock Lake and get at the mankind chilled Eaton. iron deposits beneath its surface. He won. WIFE SHARES VIEWS His friends are a mixed group. In December of the same Jear| Among them he numbers educa- he married Mrs. Anne Kinder|tionist Robert Hutchins, Labor. Jones, a vivacious red - haired|jeader John L. Lewis, philoso divorcee half his age. The new pher Bertrand Russell and scien- Mrs. Eaton, once a teacher of tjs{ Tulian Huxley. He prefers| general semantics at Cleveland) philosophers to businessmen. He College and something of an has little use for politicians or| | idealist, shares her husband's|military leaders. views down to the last eomma| "The politician is a very pli- and period. Ja able man," he says. "He cannot| The Eatons have visited Khru- stand up against public clamor. | shechev in Moscow and - have|Military men? There never again | toured other countries behind the can be a military hero. He'll| Iron Curtain. He prefers to calllpe a Luman monster." { them "socialist states," mot Com-| For relaxation, Eaton ikes| munist satellites. In turn, the| reading and quiet. These tastes] Eatons have entertained Soviet!are refiecied in his home, 800- Deputy Premier Anastas Mi-| gdd-acre Acadia farms in North- koyan at their farm in North- field, about 20 miles from down- field, Ohio. town Cleveland. The main "build-| "I'am one who firmly believes ing is a 160-year-old farm house. | that Nikita Khrushchev wants| The staff of some 20 people in- says Eaton. "He is the/cludes about a dozen e in uential single individual|charged with caring for his herd in the world--a man of his word. of purebred, registered Scotch believe he means what he|shorthorn breeding cattle and one| says." man to look after his Troika, a| "It sounds cynical but it's toldistinctiv e)v Russian car-| adds riage presented to him by] Khrushchev. | The Ontario Agricultural Col- Occasionally, Acadia farms is! lege, Guelph, recentl laye livened by visits of the 13 Eaton 3 "to 10 pi Tn y played Is 'it possible that the Pains grandchildrro. Eaton likes 10| judges and ranchers, attending PLAY HOST TO BREEDERS | ideal and standardization of | type in the Shorthorn Breed. The | school visited "Scotsdale Farm", Georgetown, owned by | Mrs. Eaton. urer; John Lance Beath, vice-president, Oshawa, Rickard, Newcase tle; second vice-president and: first. . S. G. Bennet, whose herd sire was at one time "OAC May- flower Ransom", of the college herd. Seen left to right exam- ining "OAC Louada Orange Leaf" are E. H. Crawford, Oro | Station, President of the On- tario Shorthorn Club; Mrs. C. C. Gove, Guelph, secretary-treas- Optometrist HARE OPTICAL JOHN A. OVENS} 8 BOND ST, EAST, RA 34811, Can you?" of business, at rare person who the field it is a In least, CITY AND DISTRICT DRIVE TO he are being taken in by the 4 i ot rls / |rpr-p with chem, including ski| Shorthorn Judging School "I've been around a. long cn oC : { time," says Eaton. "Time malies| Sol, Plays lemi/e and has a court Department of Animal Husband- | > ry, OAC, and Harold R. White, | "There's no brain living that | could use Cyrus Eaton as a tool," tion. Purpose of the school was c to determine more uniformity of COLUMBIANA, Ala. (AP)-- grand jury Wednesday indicted a young he . listinguished primarily for his|Negroes and the flogging of one (TAS (Cp) Bran Regier] STREETS CLOSED | | : The following streets will be in considerable numbers mentioned a 'number of mass hill of rights that identified the TONIGHT (3) friendships that cut|whippings" in the area in recent supremacy of God with the rule geauValley viets: that they're being used as trips to another Eaton farm in el EE Po some things plain. I think I know manager and secretary of the White Charged Mrs, Eaton. "I can't| g I | yy» ,/ Rights Preamble | Before he began to dabble in white man on kidnapping charges them last weekend. objected Wednesday night tol |closed for construction today: {months of law, {northbound traffic from Rossland] tools? , iz J Upper Blandford, N.S. At 76, he .,.'; E. Raithby, head of the when I see one | Canadian Shorthorn Associa- "gn Words Criticized nternational affairs, Eaton was in abduction of two large amounts (2) business en-| The grand jury's report also wording in the preamble of the Simcoe street north, closed to Starting from scratch, he was| Indicted was Thomas L. Kelly, He told the Commons that both [Porth to Robert street; Wilson| Jonge, - ; foi Reo yr worth $1,000,000 at 27; $100,000,-134, of Gadsden, Ala., one of tw Sunny today and Friday ittle change in temperature. Winds northeast 15 becoming light at night : Timmins - Kapuskasing, Sudbury Pa., on Saturday, July 30, was North Bay ... held Wednesday, Aug. 3, at the Kapuskasing McIntosh - Anderson Funeral White River 3 Home at 2 p.m Kirk-| Peterborough . The service was conducted by -- -- | Rev. Fletcher Tink, of Hamilton. Interment was at Groveside Ce- metery, Brooklin PURARugy . GAMBLES PAY OFF Pallbearers were Bruce Tink.! His ideas -- and his outspoken| He was a lad of 23 when his| Stanley Weber, Earl Taylor, Ar-| exposition of them--have brought| poss John D. Rockefeller Sr. lie Cowle, Frank Richardson and|Mim such diverse rewards as a sent him to Western Canada to Howard Grass. Lenin Peace Prize from the So- hyuild a power plant. He lost his to | viet government, which he re- packers in the panic of 1907 so conviction in Alabama. ceived earlier this month at his|ye borrowed money and built the Mrs. Annie Ellen Hall, birthplace, Pugwash, N.S., and a| pjant himself. Then he sold it at and his 13 - year Kent street, Whitby, died early|Subpoens from the fionse a profit and was on his way. |David, were abducted Saturda [this morning at the Oshawa Gen- of aie tee On mo enty years later he still was| Nght by six white men. un-American acuvities. | gambling when he bought control eral Hospital. She had been in fail- | n Henry ing health for about a year. |PEACE IS LOGICAL of a shaky Trumbull Steel Com-|Henry pany with a personal cheque for| Born in Whitby, she was the| Eaton, a hard-headed business- daughter of the late William and|man with a Midas touch, doesn't) $18,000,900 ae ough, mergers! EY anc to visit tha {Harriet Ashby. Mrs. Hall married|think of himself as a starry|and acquisitions, turn nto Mexiee I i Ries tion. in 1907 in Port Whitby and was a| idealist. With him, peace and | Republic Jisel third largest in a visit would put him in North| ASK PLEBISCITE lifelong resident. coexistence are simply matters ; Mii iy Sates. ambled n| America a few days before the] PORT ARTHUR (CP)--A fed-| She was a member of Alllof cold logic. His frequent And, a , he gam 0 opening here Sept. 20 of the 1960. eral plebiscite to determine Can- Saints' Anglican Church and was| speeches and interviews are much of the responsibility for the 000 cold war. : Private enterprise Is preferable to communism for the| United States but "we can't de- stroy communism; its here to stay," 'so let's learn to live with 1-3 or vastly dedication, he fashioned a new|cident. one out of the pieces. His hold- CAPSULE NEWS Mexican Visit For Khrushchev UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP)|About 5000 drivers in Quebec Diplomatic sources said Wed-|province were affected by the nesday night Soviet Premier Ni- bankruptcy of the Taxi Owners' kita Khrushchev has notified Reciprocal Insurance Associa-| $2,000,000,000. cauga, released on $1,500 bond. MRS. ANNIE ELLEN HALL said, and he was tied t and beaten with belts and Henry said the white men tol him: "We don't want any at 48. His empire crumbled|men jailed Tuesday on kidnap 4 y : 3 : saa) {have s . in 1929 but, with characteristic|warrants resulting from the peiiove Sought in the past 10 clos The grand jury postponed ac-\phe added, the rule of law has not ings now are estimated at tion in the case against Emmett|heen identified with the suprem-|road north from Nipigon street to} YOU ON IV. Leverette, 42, of nearby Syla-|acy of God. Both Leverette and Kelly were| preamble weakened it. The refer-| Kidnapping carries a penalty of | cnecial Common: i two to 10 years imprisonment on Studied the bill ® sonliee thet Henry Jones, 20, told police he - old brother, | They were taken outside town,| Russia. a tree, stripped to his underwear, | peimm-- knotted rope. David wasn't hurt. Negroes boring a 2,000-foot tunnel through working at service stations in| {road south, from Olive avenue, to Dieppe avenue; Dieppe avenue,| closed at Wilson road . south; | ol a: 3 ] | dictatorships and democracies FOUR SEASONS Stevenson road south from Gibb| TRAVEL |God. Yet more often than not,|" treet to Champlain avenue; Park| CONFIRMS {Annapolis avenue. | He said the wording in the bill's ence to God was inserted by the | Did You Know . .. In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you con have a Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95¢. Works Minister Walker de- fended the wording and said that | y|any country that has forsaken | |God is short - lived--including | ARRANGEMENTS RA 8-6201 Of ere es ae Se Ae SA SS Semi-Annual a d | United Nations General Assem-|ada's desire for a distinctive|an active church worker in her|sajted with such phrases as: (rock to drain 60 - square - mile |Harpersville. i v " inion"' | S i | capitalists is that they want to| into a summit con-| tion of the word "Dominion The deceased is survived by a|capP § 1s 3 Pes» furn mio a s from all forms of government daughter, Dorothy. of Whitby; and| make a profit. There is not much Wx [0] BY = NN bly, which the Soviet Union pro- Canadian flag and the elimina-|younger days. "One thing you can say about RISTOW 3 RF £574 usage were asked in resolutions|three sisters, M M. Kerr|to gain if the United States) WILLING TO ACT : Ni Canada. The Native Sons' 27th| (Eileen) both of Whitby: and| f {only blow us all up. i as a guinea pig for other muni-| ocqay night cipalities in enforcement of ani might. fay Roy 18 Tesi at the Town of the world, and to incite and| imera 2p 1tby, for Ser-| mote the destruction of all] passed by the Native Sons of|(Fdith); Mrs, E. J. Humphreys|spends $3000.00 a vear on TORONTO (CP)--Metropolitan armaments which ultimately will Woronio wold be willing 10 act national council session, held Mr. R. Irwin (Gladys) of Toron-| "M desiiucth is in. di |here this week, wound up Wed- to. Her husband predeceased her.| Nass destruction '8 'n CS | | | cordance with the ethical sense anti-noise bylaw, Metro Council GIVES FAREWELL ; Chairman Fred erick Gardiner, oTTAWA (CP) in the Chapel, Saturday,| .. skyscrapers and magnificent | said Wednesday. But first the motor vehicle noise research committee will have to define what constitutes "undue noise," he told the six-member provin- cial committee meeting at Queen's Park. The commitiee W ill Aug. 6 at 2 p.m Conducting the service will be ; : | make sense. the Rev. Stanley Armstrong. In-| terment will be at the Union "emetery, hawa. i . : 4 c y, Oshawa cation to material things is man- Friends are requested not toly: o _ & 2 Sih i call atthe chapel Lil Friday Sp fist Job Mo desi. SL | servicemen bring credit to their country wherever they go, Vice- Admiral Harry DeWolf, 57, retir- ing chief of naval staff, said Wed- nesday in a farewell message to the fleet, eat three times a day, an appli- HEAT IN NORTH KILLS ALTA, Norway (AP) -- A 60- : : . 4 . year-old man died of a heat REPLACE LIGHTSHIPS stroke 300 miles north of the WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Arctic Circle. Olaf Groette was| United States Coast Guard, with stricken while bicycling in this a twinge of nosta announced northernmost province, Finmark, Wednesday its picturesque light-\ where the mercury has hit 90 de- ships that have guided sailors grees since 1820 are going to fade al-| most into oblivion. The red-hulled! report to Transport Minister Yar- emko on the bylaw YACHTSMAN BETTER citernoon. CHARLES BASCOM Charles Bascom of Toronto died Wednesday, August 3, at Sunnybrook Military Hospital. He was 64. Mr. Bascom was the son of the|tion, date from July, 1957, when] late Sheriff Horace and Mrs. Bascom of Whitby. The deceased was a veteran of | attention to is success. It may |be a hard thing to say, but it's {one of the cold facts of life." Eaton's fearsthe word "ter- IT'S A DATE | industrial enterprises doesn't] I "In a world where you have to| | | | | rifying" pops up frequently in| his conversation -- and his pre- occupation with nuclear destruc- he played host to a conference of nuclear scientists, some of them |from Communist lands, at his | ancestral home in Pugwash. Departing a little from our regular trend in this column, we want to extend an invitation to join us for a personal inspection of the twe, furnished Dream Homes, built by Kassinger in Beau Valley. If our enthusiasm for this local builder and his fine homes seems Towns Clearance Sale of especially genuine it is because we know from past experience that each Kassinger-built home has produced a pleasant experience in better living for the owner furnished models incorporating materials nad designed to provide for . . is best told on location. Each year about this time you are invited to inspect completed, the newest . gracious living with economy. The Beau Valley story, like a Kassinger home, is a "best seller" and A conservative bungalow in typical Kassinger quality and good taste and e four-bedroom family style home are SHOES CONTINUES THERE IS STILL TIME building trends ond what every home-owner is looking vessels will be replaced by fixed. AMSTERDAM (Reuters)--|First World War and a life long offshore lighthouses, similar to Walter Windeyer, Toronto yachts-| employee of the Bank of Com- the unglamorous-looking skeleton- man who was taken to an Am-|merce until his rétirement in 1957 Meet beamed Texas Towers used by|sterdam hospital July 10 after a He leaves two sisters Lucille = eee oil and sulphur producers. heakt attack, will be discharged Bascom, Toronto and Mrs. Mar-| a: riday, a hospital nurse said jorie Bronson, Ottawa, Ww HALTS ON BRINK Wednesday. She said Windever Loonie. Joseph, a nal TORONTO {CP)Turee feel intended to go back to CanadalStephen of Ottawa. girders stopped a Toronto Transit ph: la n ser o i Commission bus containing 40 Y plane we. ters) W we » be passengers, frem tumbling into a MAPLES HIT | Uxbridge hig WE iy All be 30-foot subway excavation in cen-| ORILLIA (CP)--Maple trees inlin Uxbridge Ermey deh e iral Toronto Wednesday. The bus Orillia and the Lake Simcoe dis-|Aug. 5 > ih skidded on wet wooden plankingitrict are slowly dying from a dis- : pe) : over the excavation and broke ease with no known cure. Hugh| through restraining barriers at McPhee of the provincial lands) | The scientists' "unquestioned | featured tvs yeor | conclusion" that unrestricted nu-| US 'ot Beau Volley between 2:00 o'clock a CREE we'll be looking: for you. and 9:00 o'clock Relax in Comfort TALLY-HO ROOM AIR CONDITIONED Hotel Lancaster TO SAVE UP TO 50% ON FOOTWEAR FOR THE FAMILY Ladies' Casual Shoes 200 PAIR . . SPECIAL 1.98 the 'edge of an exposed section of the excavation WILL ASK HELP MONTREAL (CP)--The city's ailing taxi industry will ask the provincial government to create a commission to govern its opera- tions, Joe Lanza, president of the Welfare Association of the Taxi Industry, announced Wednesday. COMING EVENTS NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $120 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door prize $15 EASTVIEW PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC BINGO scheduled for Thursday, Aug- ust 4th at the Avalon, has been CANCELLED for this week only. Our next regular Bingo will be Thurs doy, August 31st. | the Turkish military forces and forest department, says the| disease is a form of maple die- back which in three years turns a tree into a barkless hulk. OPENS CONGRESS MUNICH, West: Germany (Reuters)--Some 100,000 Roman Catholics from all parts of the world attended the ceremonial opening of the 37th Eucharistic World Congress here Wednesday night. It was formally opened by | the papal envoy, Gustavo Car-| dinal Testa, as a "statio. orbis catholici"--an event embracing | the whole Catholic world. HITS HAMMARSKJOLD MOSCOW (AP)--In its strong- est attack yet on the United Nations secretary - general, Pravda charged Wednesday that| Dag Hammarskjold was acting in the Congo as a pro-American agent. The Communist party| newspaper said Hammarskjold | was playing a "strange role" in | Belgium's former African colony. It said the authority of the {United Nations was being! | "trampled in the dirt" as a re- sult | SHAKE UP FORCES | ANKARA (AP)--Turkey's mili- | tary rulers Wednesday night "re- | tired" 235 generals and admirals in a major armed forces shake-| lup. Military leaders who over- threw the regime of former pre- mier Adnan Menderes in the coup d'etat of May 27 said the move was taken to "rejuvenate| "» 75 KING E. -- OPPOSITE HOTEL GENOSHA 350 PAIR. SPECIAL 2.98 3 300PAIR . . SPECIAL 3.98 §) Special Prices on all Women's Summer Dress and Casual Shoes SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON ALL MEN'S DRESS AND SPORT SHOES CHILDREN'S BROWN : LEATHER SANDALS .. 1.98 Many other children's shoes at similar savings OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS ON SALE MERCHANDISE BURNS GO. LTD. CORNER Ki KING AND SIMCOE STREETS 19 ATHOL ST. WEST OSHAWA Ee ee Se Ps ASR a gg a a ae