0 TROT ABNER, CHER THE POLICE. . : DEPARTMENT CAN'T SOME PRIVATE CIMZEN, WITH WILLING TO TAKE ON THIS FEARFUL RESPONSIBILITY, AT HIS OWN EXPENSE. AND SoS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 10, 1960 17 Tudge Acquits : 2 Sugar Firms WINNIPEG (CP) -- Chief Jus- tice E. K. Williams Monday found two British Columbia sugar firms not guilty of violating the Combines ' Act. The case against British Co- Jlumbia Sugar Refining Company Limited and B.C. Sugar Refinery Limited, charged with forming a combine by acquiring control' of Manitoba Sugar C y Lim- ited, opened March 21 and ended DONALD DUCK April 21. Since that time, Chief Justice Williams has been writ- [ees THERES SOMETHING PECLILIA _ ON [TTT THIS IS THE AJAX " & ~~ YELEVISION Axa 1" SURVEY | 1S ANYONE IN YOUR HOUSE [NO--BUT I HAVE ONE MAN ASLEEP IN FRONT Fd = alll GF 2.0 5 EL) Ae ing his 130-page judgment F. 0. Meighen, appointed by USUALLY COSTS HIM the Jederal government fo Hote cute the companies, sai e NTY DOLLARS! ' would have AR the judg- ment before deciding whether to appeal. Food Offence Fines Listed OTTAWA (CP)--A total of 76 {drug stores and 62 dairies or | meat stores have been convicted land fined for offences against {the Food and Drug Act since {Jan. 1, 1959, Health Minjster CAN'T BE COWV/CTED F/ES AGAINST YOU. 1 COULD MIRE A MAN TO Monteith informed the Com. Kiel HIM FOR LOTS | mons Monday in a return for | Frank Howard (CCF--Skeena) | Nearly all the fines against drug stores were for selling cer- [tain drugs without a prescrip- | tion. | Most of the fines against dair- ies and meat firms were for adulterating butter and saus. age. Seven meat firms were fined for putting horse meat in their sausages without saying so on {the label. einai sot nc * [Farm Worker Given Remand SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont, | (CP)--Paul Bordeleau, 25-year- old farm worker, was remanded {to Aug. 15 when he appeared in Imagistrate's court Monday charged with murder in the rifle- slaying of two teen-agers. The slim, fair - haired young man did not speak during the brief hearing. Bordelean is charged separiat- | ely with the slaying of Jacqueline 19, both shot in the head last Thursday night on a lonely road near Bruce Mines, 40 miles east of he FOR DRIVING COMFORT AND DEPENDABILITY [Choose A Goodwill Used Car FROM THE An armed posse of provincial | police arrested Bordeleau Friday 'after an all-night manhunt Iran's Prince CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD, | JustTourist |dorreza Pahlavi, brother of the BUZ SAWYER JANE ARDEN LD YOU, LIFE CACKLES 15 ALWAYS ) ADWVIRALZ DON'T YOU WORRY, BZ GNRISTY AND GIGGLES AT Ol ™ D BOY, YOU LOOK WP E "JOLLY "ROGERS, LY INP TLL HANDLE THE HEADACHES MICKEY MOUSE SS ZA ROY ROGERS WHERE'S THAT BLASTED LEACH, THE HORSE BUYERT I WANT TO GET RID OF THESE N THE HORSE BUYER'S TURNING OFF THE ROAD] HELLO, HOW WE SEE WHETHER BREEZY! RIGHT MY HUNCH ABOUT HIM ON TIME, I SEE! MEETING WES ANP KEGP (T DOWN! WHAT ARE YOU TRYIN' TO PO... TELL THE WHOLE COUNTY? | =~ --t "= BRICK BRADFORD YEAH, I HADA PAIR JUST LIKE 8M ONat Shoh of Iran and an unofficial visitor to Canada, walked around Toronto Monday virtually unno- ticed. The prince, 36, who arrived from Ottawa Sunday, explained that he was "being less of a prince and more of a tourist" on this trip. He planned to visit Niagara Falls, Ont., today before | going to California. | The prince said the shah and | his wife, Empress Farah Dibah | are looking forward to the birth of their first child. "The birth, sometime this No- | vember, will make them both | very happy and the Iranian pen- | ple too; especially if it is a son." _ he said. NEWS IN BRIEF SPUTNIK INTERFERENCE HYDE, England (CP) A | United States satellite in orbit Is {blamed for radio - controlled | model planes falling down in this ! Cheshire town. The radio signals are on the same frequency as used by model aircraft enthus- iasts. FEWER ACCIDENTS LONDON (CP) -- A 30-per-cent drop in fatal and serious acei- ------------------ dents was recorded in the six | months which followed introduc- |tion of a 40-mile-an-hour speed |limit, says the Road Research Laboratory. ATOMIC APPOINTMENT LONDON (CP) -- Dr. Robert Spence, a Briton who worked on the Atomic Energy Research | Group in Montreal and later in {Chalk River, Ont., has been ap- | pointed deputy director of the | United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. | SALLY'S SALLIES 0961 POAIIY WMyUBY prac OGIO ASuwi(y ne "Can you s0e.me better now 1" IRINKERS CLEANERS Dre RA 5-119 "Champagne bubbles! We must be in Texas!" || "The Best In Town" Dumond, 16, and William Brechin. is Tey