WA DISTRICT FAIR OPENS ll Plan Concert After an absence of two weeks the band of the Ontario Regiment | returns to the McLaughlin band: shell on Sunday, | The concert will consist of se- lections of music chosen with the 2 (time of year and the Oshawa Fair in mind Despite the holiday and extra rehearsals for the forthcoming Canadian National Exhibition competition, the Regimental Band has prepared a program to delight the audience of music lovers which gathers in Memor- ial Park for these concerts, | The Regimental Band has won| top place at the CNE band cham- pionships for the last two years; | with the approaching competition oa Sept, 1, intensive rehearsals are taking place to prepare for a third attempt to become Can- ada's best band { Last year, the band also cap |tured the trophy for the best | musical performance on CNE| music day. The supporting artist will be a | well-known local vocalist, Dor-| {othy French; band conductor | and master of ceremonies will be| Lt, Francis J, Francis, | Bushmen | | Junior NCO | will qualify him CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and District who are celebrating birth days today: Jerry Forrestal, 585 Vet erans avenue; Richard Ste phen Krupop, 228 Marquette; Paul Burk, 1220 Simcoe south; Mrs, Gordon Sher- lock, 274 Sharbot street; Wil- lard Spencer, 362 Division street; Madeline Gladman, 38 Cadillac north; Stan Soban- ski, 151 Rosehill boulevard; Joe Sobanski, 458 Nipigon; Linda Gay, 126 William east; Gail Martinson, Warren avenue; Neil Corby, 164 Sta- cey avenue; Marian Haens- gen, 1 Oshaws houleysrA south; Wayne Tromley, 167 Nassau streets Glen Hess, #4 Garrard road, The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four - week period, The cur. rent attraction is "Psycho." Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 am, | Beatrice street, AT NCO CAMP Trooper Earle Merlin of The | "Cars driven by David W, pert that no-one sees or is even hye Oshawa Times | | SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1960 PAGE NINE Oshawa Fair Opens For 3-Day Session Damage $30 |Jostling Crowd On Midway In 2-Car Crash | Kg Colorful Show Starts Damage was estimated at ap. proximately $350 in a two-car co Vision at the corner of simeoe| ¥airs are colorful events, and street north and Adelaide street everyone loves them, But per- af 420 p.m. Thursday, haps the best part of all is the | A youngster's three tries for a vide were of a discouraging quarter failed to win him a cel length, but nobody minded-they liloid kewpie-do'l, and he almost just went to the end of the line cried, Bo did his mother, {to await their turn, A few lost {their merve and turned away Graham, 21, of 275 Kaiser cres- aware of except the officials, the Hott, 69, of 156 participators, and the hordes of cent and Harry intersection E [attempted to turn onto Simcoe Damage to the Graham vehicle monly known as setting-up day. as Hott collided was estimated at approximately $200 and to the Toit vehicle at for the Oshawa Fair, approximately $150, Neither driver was injured iv 530 p.m,, but the crowds had not the mishap B lclung to a cable at the hub of in the small boys who are magnetized apparently by any type of unusual activity, This part is the beginning, com- setting-up day Prepara- comple Thursday was tions were almost Y yet begun to arrive, [LONE WOMAN |! | In the baking and fancy-work| building, a lone woman was gent-| {ly dusting the long, white counter| draped in red, white, and blue, and waiting for the exhibitors * arrive, By 9 o'clock she would {have lots of company, The coun-| ter would be laden with goodies, and the proud creators would be| FUN-HOUSE | Outside a converted {trailer which claimed in huge, bold signs to be a fun-house, providing) excruciating laughs for all who would enter, the ticket-man dole fully read the evening paper, while a radio announcer with a suitably mournful voice told what the modern world is coming to. The resder-listener seemed fo be the saddest person on the prem- ses, | By 8 pm, the Oshawa Fair was not the same place, Where ving and trallers had been, cars were now jammed together at uch close quarters that they looking rather pis after hearing the screams of the girls on the wilder of the rides, The cooks in the hot-dog stands were going frantic, as were the ladies in the hortieuls tural building, laying out displays of beautiful home-grown flowers and extremely healthy - looking vegetables, YOUNG GIRLS More and more young girls came away from the booths bear- ing ridiculous stuffed pink poodles and blue pandas, and new hopefuls stepped up, Musie blared and pop-guns popped, cemed alarmingly per They also lined the streets around Alexandra Park for blocks, It was no longer possible tol Barkers scr d in their tradi- tional attempts to out-do each other, Children screamed with traditional excitement, The men milling about, surreptitiously eye-|stroll down the midway and look in the livestock building were still ing each other's entries and keep-| for human interest stories, A gay, brushing their horses, without the ing their fingers crossed, A little farther along, a blond lad in a gigantic Stetson hat ithe ferris wheel and checked its Imechanics, all the while convers ling with the men below in a spec- tacular but realistic southern jostling crowd surrounded every| booth, and the line-ups for each) radio now, quietly, The Oshawa Fair was under way. Supersonic Jets Ontario Regiment, Oghawa, Is | the Centra Course at Niagara as the lone representa~ tive from the regiment, Suc. cessful completion of the course to hold the rank of Corporal in the Militia Each candidate Is marked on general military knowledge, in- structional ability and leader. attending | ship, Want Decent Living By ERROL FRIEDMANN 8 KWE | Africa (AP)--Bushmen in south |west Africa--among the most {primitive people in the world--|a special {have appealed to the South Afri. |can government to help them live like other people, | "We have no possessions and| iwe have no permanent place to| {live, We have nobody to take care | {of us and to guide us," they told the South African minister of| Bantu (African) administration, Michiel de Wet Nel, | ourselves for Christ' King. don Mrs, W, F', Young led the jun- for women in Bible study, This year there are 56 young women | They have viewed the Bible as 1) A source of inspiration and| guidance; 2) A record of Josuy'| promises to me; 3) A history of the lives of great Christians who| GIRLS HAVE FUN IN SAUCER SPINNER AT FAIR 'Evening With Missionaries Climaxes Talks For WMS The Evening with Missionaries was the climax of a wonderful WMS School for Leaders held this week at Whithy Ladies' College In her introduction Mrs, M, C, Fisher, Président of Oshawa Preshyterial referred to a guest minister at a 50th anniversary after listening to all the accom plishments and great things the congregation had done through the years, he commended them heartily and then asked 'Has there not been at least one per son from the congregation In those fifty vears who has given themselves for the Church?" There are many similar congre gations throughout our church to day but in the Oshawa Preshy tery there has been more than one, This vy Miss Muriel Stevens, Reg. N. was appointed by the WMS to serve in Africa a8 a missionary And at thi meeting she was presented with a gift by the Oshawa Preshy terial. To hear Miss Stevenk' own tes timony of how she decided to be a church worker and how God guided her, step by step, through her years of high school and training, then her working exper fence, training in midwifery in New York and London, Eng. and back to the United Church Training School in Toronto, from where she graduated last June stirred the heart of every one The sincerity of this young woman is something wonderful TRAINING PROGRAM As Miss Stevens leave Training School for oversea Jean Carr from Walle enters. Miss Carr has been te ing public school and she goes to prepare herself for wider service, Mrs. Gordon Avery, President of Lindsay Preshyterial, intro duced Miss Christina Baxter, re cently retired Principal of Teach ers Training College, Indore India, Miss Baxter events that had hap very place through t was at a summer conven she first thought of becoming 4) An account of God revealing Himself to men, The theme has been Royal Law of Love" missionary and she too was led|Service was held in the chapel| that Jesus gav step by step, to her field of en. and he brought us into the mood|e: deavor by the Great Master, of worship by rendering "Pachel-| revealed in the study of scrip: Miss Baxter was asked at a bigibel" by Von Hemmel Hock, ture and lively discussions fol. women's conference in India to Bach; "Alle Menschen Mussen|jowed, The class had charge of! bring to the women of Canada|Sterren," Handel: 'Prelude to|the closing service of worship on| their message of gratitude for all| Fuge in F Minor." Wellen:| Thursday evening when the fol.| that has heen done in India by| "Scherzo" on the organ lowing girls assisted: Betty Bar| groups here In Canada J APR: ot . um, Haliburton; Frane yreen, | After "3968 years of service in COLLE E CHAPEL a IHton; Prato Oran India she has many things to tell The very beautiful chapel with gaeville: Joan Brummel, Belle about the Church in India and Its stained glass windows gave an! je. : their communes. She paid tribute atmosphere conducive to Wor amps Mellow's Mission Circle to her employers (The WMS) hy/ship. The scripture was read by group was very small but saying she had been around the Pawn Bromley, one of the 51 yar valuable time was had in world six times and had not found teen-age girls attending the (ho hourly studies each day. a better "firm" to serve school, Mildred Martyn gave the| The Mission Bands and Explor- She found the, children in|/Prayer which was followed by a ers, departments of Mrs, 0, Bert:| schools in India were no different ¢horus entitled "Sweep Over My|pand and Mrs. Charles Hadden! from the Canadian school chil. Soul" sung by the girls had for their councilor Rev, Cath. dren except their skin has a deep. "White Birds," a story told by apine McKeen, Dominion Board er "sun tan", They love to sing| Miss Netta Brownlee, and un- Secretary for younger groups and have some beautiful songs folded in the telling, the reason The theme is "Into All The and choruses way some prayers reach the world with The Bible." Fifty wn throne of grace and why some do jeaders are ending Darl INDIA NEED not, The heart of each individual|gome Hi od ing RM lime permitted her (0 give must be in tune with the Infinite, projects, songs and games, so ally glimpses of events of the before our prayers will reach|htat hoys and girls the world wrch and she stressed the need! God ; |over may come to know they are it=tlesire of the Indian people The delegates transferred to the! really brothers and sisters. for more missionaries from our Assembly hall where Audios! hull Ee anni le he atl country, The people of India need Visuals were reviewed. Here to know that we trust them and again Dr. Oshorne gave his as are confident that they can carry| sistance. Also Mr, Oliver Hey: on the leadership of their Church wood operated the projectors of Christ in India, Mrs, D. R. Moffatt showed a Mrs. Ralph Collins, Missionary home movie of the school of to Africa, who has been with the other years and Miss Frances School all week, whom we love Bonwick from the Toronto office and appreciate, pronounced the showed the film 'Household of benediction in English and then Faith." The Oshawa Community Chest| n Umbundu Each evening a worship serv. reports very favorably on the The deep appreciation of the ice was conducted. Mrs, J. WH. [1959-60 campaign as it nears its delegates was extended to the McKinny's service was based onl close this fall, Almost all pledges Wf the college. Dr, and parts of St. Matthew's gospel have been paid off, and the re. Mrs, Oshorne, principal and his Where Jesus and His diseinles ex- mainder are still coming in wife, Miss Betty Bone, Dean, Perienced wonderful fellowship. | Very Miss Ruth Kerr, office secretary, Peter, James and John were in | without Miss Marion Bellman, dining Vited by Jesus to go with him up| Doyle, room hostess and her staff, Allon the mountain where they wit-/hranch have contributed to the comfort hessed 'the great transfiguration.|Some, of the women and created a pp ) » STRESSE beautiful environment for we| FEMLOWSHY STRESSED. = school here hd i "i i ire firm through which the pledge Each morning the chapel has|oarry away with us? will Ve be was made, A fow just forget, and been available for private wor more effective = witnesses for pay up willingly when reminded. ship where everyone may go for Christ? Mrs. McKinny referred to] The Community Chest office meditations With the ry of the little Sunday|sends letters to all unpaid pledg- hay wonderful Soh irl whe a great re-lors every two months, stating I { o cruiter for Ci and asked "Can the amount of the pledge, the gave his full time we carry the little girl's zeal payments made to date, and the Wednesday evening. The vesper home with us and do something balance semalning. This is not in-( of th | Miss Island \ now few pledgors fail to pay good reason, reports A, E director of the Oshawa since March of this year, | of course, are unable to {pay because they lose their jobs, | move out of town, or leave the va Oshorne $ at al PAN, Southwest areas of the Tsumbkwe Pan, a | -| payments The minister, touring remote st southwest Afri can trust territory which is ad- ministered by South Africa, made rendezvous with the Bushmen in the lonely desolate desert plain more than 100 miles from the nearest civilization, HARD TIMES With his party, through sand and bush to the historic meeting the first oe- caslon on which a government minister has come face to face Nel treked {with the nearly extinct Bushmen, declc Clad in loincloths and with bows strung across their backs, about 100 of the tiny shrunken men were there, the largest gathering of the tribe ever witnessed by from 16 to 20 years attending white men, Waving poisoned ar:| rows, they welcomed the minis. terial party before squatting shyly on the ground, One rose rather apologized for the small number solved problems, sometimes present, saying others were far| made mistakes, overcame' diffi- away in the desert searching for|11 papers had an average mark culties and finally triumphed and|food, In effect, their plea was|of 76.2, She is Judith Norden, this: "Times are hard, seasons are "The dry and game is scarce. We can. ents, Rabbi and Mrs, Norden, The love not go on living as we do, Teach| e to the world and us to do something we can dol xpects from His followers Was ourselves as you do with the | fir Bantu so we can live like other people, We speak not only for ourselves, but for all Bushmen scattered far and wide in the territory," The minister sald he had heard of their difficulties and had ap- to induce Bushmen to abandon their nomadic way of life and adopt a civilized and settled mode of living, The commissioner, Claude McIntyre, has for some time been virtually living with the Bushmen, First fruit of his work| was the meeting here, Hitherto all attempts to get the Bushmen to accept civilized standards and settled life have failed, But long periods of drought and diminution of game in recent years have made life extremely hard for them and they are slowly dying out, The South African government wants to pre vent extinction of the race----con- Community Chest Pl Are Almost All Paid Off tended to be a bill, and unpaid sums are not considered to be debts, The notice is meant merely as a help to the pledgor who wishes to keep a record of his and as a reminder to the forgetful, Oshawa has never reached the point of needing, like Toronto, a full-time CPA with a complete staff under him to handle millions of dollars in pledges. Most local firms do the collecting themselves and remit through their own ac. counting systems The Community Chest at pres. ent has 16 member associations, and applications are being re celved from other bone fide agencies who have acceptable programs. The advantage of the united appeal is shared by eitl Ontario |} Camp | Girls Excel In Grade 13 Exam Tests It was Oshawa's Ble who 7 e Tee Sinton. First in the eity Is Carol | Phipps, a graduate of Central | Collegiate, who had an average {mark of 80.5 per cent for the nine papers she wrote, Carol is the daughter of Mr, Ca avenue, At present she is in Loa. don, Ont,, visiting a brother who owns an air charter firm, and adding to her achievements by learning to fly, Her mother sald Thursday | morning that. Carol had not yet led what to do as a career| but that she might go to uni. | versity, The O'Neill Collegiate and Vo- | cational Institute graduate with the highest average mark is Jud- ith Broadbent, Judith had an average of 80,2 per cent for her and Mrs, J. Phipps, 3438 Jasper) drawl, A hoy watched intently, absently swinging an empty pop bottle about by a string tied about his neck, much to the peril of all Worry Airlines By M, McINTYRE HOOD dustry, But the Americans may passers-by, Special to The Oshawa Times go for higher speeds when the In the livestock building, most] LONDON -- Gordon McGregor, B70 bomber prototypes have of the stalls were still empty, but head of the Trans-Canada Alr- proved themselves, at one end of it, two men were|lines, and one of the world's most| "I think Mach 2.2, just over the industriously grooming a pair of influential and successful airline|speed of sound, would be about Belglan horses to the strains of leaders, sees trouble ahead for|right, especially for the world's rock-and-roll music from a tiny|the major airlines if supersonic busiest routes over the North portable radio, A man with a|airliners are ready for use in less| Atlantic to Canada and the Units curry-comb entered a stall con-|than 10 years from now, In an|ed States," sald Mr, McGregor, taining three shetland ponies, al-|interview given while on a visit|"That speed would be fast lowing his little girl, no more than to the United Kingdom, he said|envugh to give us economic utile four years of age, to pass be-|it would be most embarrassing ization of the aeroplanes, and fore him, With a shriek of Joy,|for all airlines if these huge, Much 8 would not enable us to she embraced the nearest pony,|faster than sound machines are|operate more efficiently, But the who continued his placid nudging ready before the early 1970's, |longer a supersonic airliner can of one of his fellows, Mr, McGregor discussed frank-|be pos the better the air Only the hamburger stands|ly the problems now acing the lines be pleased," fi . AIR TERMINAL h ed, and most of thelr| majority of the world' oontere oom or tamilien | avtional alia i TRMATINAL PROBUEN 0) trailers which Tom oe os FL the fair-|GROWING DEMANDS {cerned about the time wasted in grounds, This was a far cry from| Most of us are already in the|geiting to and from the airports the mobs of hungry teen-agers|jet business," he sald. "While/and at the airports themselves, and others who would swarm|there Is an evergrowing demand Lie feels that wherever railways about the same booths later in|for Jet flights, especially across are reasonably near to airports, the evening, |the North Atlantic in summer, it|spur lines should be built to link Everywhere there were chil. Will be financially impossible to down-town centres with the aero dren, Three gaped at the toy|depreciate the new aircraft to drome, London airport, for ine train, and the oldest boy seemed their residual value of 15 per|stance, might be linked with the to gulp several times before he/cent of their cost in less than 10| Underground system, and Idle. bravely told his little sister, Years. {wild with an extended New York "Sure, I'll ride on it when they| "The problem is a complicated Subway. He has the idea that pas. get it going, What do you think|one," he added. "If supersonic engers could be issued with their I am, scared or something?" He airliners are ready for operation|!!¢ ¢ts and documents as they couldn't have been a day over within 10 years the airlines will|Fide to airports on specially dee five, be in serious trouble, If the air. Signed short trains, One solitary wee chap in shorts|craft manufacturers do not pro-| From my own experience the and a tee-shirt stood at a respect-|duce new aircraft within the next|00ly place I know where a sys ful distance from a shiny new|years, they will be equally in(tem such as Mr, McGregor sug blue and white truck on display,|trouble. The aircraft position is{8ests 15 actually in operation is | nine papers, | She is holidaying wiht her par ents, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Broad. and the gleam in his eye signi: progressing so rapidly that we|!n Brussels, An electric train line fied a dream of the day when he have recently had to ider| carries passengers from the mid. would drive just such a truck, what aeroplane we shall need to|toWn terminal out to the airport, € timidly and| pont' of 9 1 Lauder road, Oshawa, |in Florida, | A student of OCVI who wrote] formerly of Oshawa and now liv. ing In New York with her par- First in her class at the Done- van Collegiate Institute the st Grade 13 class at the school |= was Carol Davidson, Carol had {honor marks in geometry and [trigonometry and an overall helpless mass of blushes and wistfulness for that distant time, Four giggling girls had reduced the red-headed, freckled 12-year: old in the ring-toss booth to 4 an replace one which has not yet even been delivered to us," PRESENT AIM Mr, McGregor feels that de. signers should aim at an aircraft riding on tracks entirely ap.rt from the highways with their dense traffic, I have used tnis electric train when travelling to and from Brussels, and find that it takes only a few minutes to which will fly at about twice the|reach the centre of the eity, bes speed of sound, This agrees with|cause it has a clear non-stop run present thinking in the British in-/from the airport. mutters and felgned scorn, In the booth next to him the hapless Jopridtor finally lost his temper with the never - ending stream of curious little boys ask. ing curious little questions, and' his roar of 'Quit buggin' me, boys!" could be heard the length | | | average of 70.6 | Carol's parents are Mr, and [{Mrg, R. Davidson, 99 Harmony road north, She has had a summer job 'pointed a commissioner of Bush-|since leaving school and is leav-| fal! to do honor science most probably, although she thinks it might be languages, which she enjoys as well, "men last year to start a scheme ing for Queen's University in the | id A | Charge Lai mysteries, Mongolian nor white The minister said he has de- cided to spend £5,100 immedi ately on Bushman development, The money will buy tractors and other farming implaments, ce: ment, dam and water boreholes. | When proceedings ended, the| Bushmen gave the minister aj demonstration of archery, singing { ind dancing, | edges gens and members both, The for. mer appreciate being canvassed only once each year instead of being called upon hy every agen. vy individually, The agencies, by uniting their appeal, can avoid| compounded campaign and ad:|aantain Sydney Hermant of Tor! 8 ministration costs Allocations promised to agen: cles by the Community Chest are {based on pledges as well as ac| tual cash received, For this rea.| son it is important that pledgors| do not renege, If the agencies do) not receive the amounts they| have been counting on, their ad: vance-planned programs must be restricted Therefore H is most encourag ing to hear that when the 1960-6 campaign begins late this fall, there will be almost no unpaid balances from the previous year.' | [sidered one of the world's raclali\ag arrested and lodged in Bow: | being neither Negro, | {nounced Tuesday by the Cana. of the midway. Car Theft | BOWMANVILLE (Staff Michael McAuley, 122 Dixon street, Ville La Salle, Quebec, manville Police cells early today on charges of car theft from Oshawa, Melvley was stopped at High way 401 and Solina road by To- ronfo detachment OPP Constable Samuel Smith, He was turned over to Bowmanville detachment Constable Murray Joynt, He will he handed over to Oshawa City Police today, McAuley was found driving a 149 Oldsmobile owned by Mike Bashusky, 245 Fourth avenue | Oshawa, Mr. Bashusky reported | the vehicle stolen from his front ¥ lawn at 6.15 a.m, today. SENIORS TEAM TORONTO (CP) -- The eight. # # | man tennis team to represent| Canada In the international sen. jor tennis matches Aug, 19-20 in Lake Placid, N.Y, was an dian Lawn Tennis Association, The team, under non . playing'$ onto, &: Donald Bauld, Halifax; John L. Bonus, John Bassett, J, N. (Bun) Cooke, Toronto; Lance V. Damant, Dr. George Leclerc, J. E. Nadeau, all of Montreal, TWO PALS ON LEAVE Fp, eg he Blu bin Allan Anderson, 18, of 310 | school in Oshawa and attend. and Gorda obinson, Niagara) Adelaide Ave. E. (standing) | , Falls, Ont, The senior players are, and Frank Henry Ring, Ty 53 | 8d OCVL, They Joined the army 45 years or over, wil "St. Who grew up to- | together June 24, 1958, Allan ------------ | gether in Oshawa, are both | Went to Calgary, Alta. Frank CRIME PEAK home on leave his® wee™. | went to Kingston then to Peta. JRMINGUAM, Eanvland (CP) Allan will go to Germany, as | wawa, where he is still station. Thic Midlands city had a record) part of (he Unite! Nati ed. Allan is a member of "The *** seiminal ofiences last year,| force, in the fall. Frank is on | Queen's Own Rifles", Frank is n increase of more than 1,000) s'and-by duty for the Congo. | a member of the Signal Corps. over 1958, Both attended the same public --Oshawa Times Photo 18