12 THE OSHAWA Th , Fridey, August 17, 1vew Second Trawler Body Found ST, JOHN'S, Nfld, (CP) -- The body of a boy believed to be from the missing coastal vessel Jennie Barno was found floating in wat. ers off Cape Race on the prov- ince's south coast late Wednesday || [by a fishing trawler, The body was en route here for positive identification, Capt, Richard Penny and his 11-year-old son, Richard Jr,, have been missing since Sunday on a trip from St. Lawrence, on the south coast, to the French islands of St, Plerre et Miquelon, The body of Frank Marks, 41, the only other person aboard the chartered vessel, was located Monday in Trespassey Bay, the same area where the fishermen found the body of the young boy. Says "Muzzle" Hydro Men TORONTO (CP)~The Oatarle CCF party charged Wednesday the Ontario Hydro-Electric Power (Ramen ) go Vo 7" ETT os ven Cl' employee ui deve i i TTELLYOUZ . AE ---- , : hl aris HOW YOU Te THE ; 5 REMEMBER // . yo 78LL i HAT 0.4. THANK . fobiive FIR DONALD DUCK g ; i them of their right to pa oe 4 A Hil re. Iu A A ' is political ee he COP ! i 3 (IW i { ' ' v) statement of the execu. 4 PONT REMEMBER, EY 7 y yA IN \ 41 : i : om tive eriticized Hydro for a letter i i JR' fit 2 PL . sent to employees over the signa. ? a Wie] J | g oh ture of J, M, Hambley, general " r . . i manager, 3 The letter said that "employees of the commission should mot seek elective political office in either dominion or provincial governments, nor should employ. ees become candidates for mu. == AND WONDERS WHY HER FEAR . niclpal council, , , , Similarly it LIEF « » \ h is desirable that employees re GAVE WAY TO RELIEF / . ¥ J) 4 frain from actively participating in such Soitical campaigns," The CCF executive said it con- sidered the letter "an attempt to muzzle Hydro amployess, to de- r = asi "AND IF YOU THINK THAT prive them of their eivil rights of 1 WONDER : a You oi DOESNT INCLUDE THAT HALF freedom of assembly and assocla- IF TIE) Know vy RES JUMP IN, CORRIGAN = A A MLLION BUCKS tion." 3 WERE EADY TO TAKE Wf "If Hydro is embarrassed over in receat scandals, this is surely a strange kind of backhanded apol- ogy," sald Peg Stewart, CCF pro- vineial secretary, Says Potholes Can Be Cured THETFORD MINES, Que, (OP) Potholes that appear in roadways after a tough winter can be pre- vented, the asbestos Industry FOR DRIVING COMFORT AND DEPENDABILITY i ney FROM THE jirip road more than 100 yards Choose A Goodwill Used Car curr Mis moToRs LTD. | Znsvss THE LONE RANGER NOW, YOU GIRLS WAIT INSIDE AND LET THE MASTER CHEFS HANDLE THE pr, BARBECUE -- SECRET AGENT X 9 TR © IMR, King Festures 5 atbesios Sore ai Ly tougher and springler, and less likely to be attected br, oat | v wi BUT WHEN TH' STORY | | [4.2 SLIP IN A BOOKMARK heaves, the major eause BOOKMARKS PARTS. TN BEDy LATE il | GETS REAL SCARY. AN' LET IT 60 yd holes, YOUR AT NIGHT uve BROAD DAYLIGHT Quebec roads \ ' y WHO YOU CALLING AN IDIOT? | AR Pinard has sent provincial high. NLY BUZ I ' BLANK Vy Ti. HAVE YOU kow WEVE GOT sroRv.e A id. ) way experts to observe the test ize 4 at o So. GRANDMA? f ; strip at Thetford Mines, Reports HIS BUNK, . ~ ' T YOU KNOW N; \ A q 4 i pr j on wear and tear will be made 4 ' NEC | R Bi 4 over the next few years, ® fe) WH Youngsters Go To Sea VANCOUVER (CP)--Captain ' AWE Tonnis Toures Hay Sick Ie h I Wi BER Nel 1) master of his ship, the Atlantie i he AY ort \# rT | JENGA | Sunbeam, but his two small BonT oer Cut 0 Lf Bol | sons know better, BY 98 / Nicholas, 9, and George, 8, know that every member of the 15,000 - ton freighter's 35 - man crew is their devoted servant even if a crew member does administer a spanking from time to time, The two boys joined the ship with thelr mother five months ago at an English port, SEA-GOING MISCHIEF The boys are mischief afloat except when asleep, or when their mother is giving them = , Te Yas schooling for four each por 1. THA VERY'WELL / BUT IT MORTIRES /| 5s A A, "morning. J EULIE=T MEAN, YOUR MATES | ROA NLS ME a LN i) | YOUR DUTY= BUT B on the Sunbeam's voyage TOP MESSIN' AROUND AND SIGN A INVOL FORE ] 27 iN Japan, George 8 STAT COMPLANT WARRAT FL \ MOVE UNTIL You SIN] | THEM NOT TO WALK 3 / : here from Japon ge den disappeared in mide i . Y OH, Siren Y I DET SR TA Err I) MR sat | ici wa ot Pasi ll 7 A ag Ma RY ANY N was found hiding under a bunk: | A | ' A % bY 9 ¥ Oro Ws . On another occasion he fell rofl le Ae. Ni Zh 8 >, AY rt fi | backwards 10 feet down a \ 7 oN - tion : a Veer i | gangway. The crew quickly | oi 3 ; Shira TNE ANB ai : ¥en Pf I A S| \ By TN ¢ . J BRICK BRADFORD LUST ONCE ,, IF GOOFY)| COULD ONLY KEEP HIS MIND ON «3 HIS JOB! gathered to make sure he wasn't hurt, LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY ori ESACEA RINKERS he CLEANERS Walk Diner risus RA 5-119 MICKEY MOUSE "The Best In Town" UI \ BUSTER'S A TRAINED ANIMAL, BUT HE'S UNPREDICTABLE | HE COULD TEAR HER TO PIECES 00 "SPECIALLY SINCE SHE CANT ROY ROGERS | Distributed by King Features 819 : Dd SVE | 'J said a LITTLE squirt!®