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The Oshawa Times, 19 Aug 1960, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, 2 IY Ge Gi 2 \ August 19, 1960 Chief Says 01d Folks (Can Drive | TORONTO (CP) oldest ex police chief James Dickson, 92 persons should be drive cars as long as physically fit But elderly drivers should dis- qualify themselves when they feel they are slipping, he adds. Mr. Dickson, who retired in 1928 after 30 years service on | Toronto's police force, was reply- ing to a Metropolitan Toronto po- lice commissioner, Magistrate C 0. Bick, who says drivers over 75 years of age should be banned from the road. "I don't agree with him." said Mr. Dickson. "I'd be driving to day if I hadn't had an infected 'foot. My mental and physical 7 faculties are good." The motor vehicles branch of the provincial depariment of transport says there are six per sons over 90 licenced to drive in Ontario. After 75, an eye {esi medical certificate and a police report are required each year in addition to a road fest and a quiz on road rules before they can re new their licences Building Men Back To Work p workers will Need Tariff Judge Should Decide For Soybean Land Expropriation CHATHAM (CP)--'The Ontario| EL Soybean Growers Marketing] TORONTO Board exnressed fears i|of a man's the Canadian Federation of Agri-| Thursday by ture's select culture is weakening in its DE pledged support of soybean pro- C a fi ducers who want tariff protec- harles J ames, "Racket Buster" Hired In Chrysler Inquiry NEW YORK. (AP) --A law firn which includes former "racks buster" Thomas E. Dewey member entered the investigatio 10 of Chrysler Corporation's official are Thursday The law firm will co-operate with Chrysler's general counse' and certified public accountant who have been looking into the doings of Chrysler officials since spring All officers and key personnel of t ig auto maker will have 1 the iE of the last 10 years|Mington scrutinized; according to a state- | "CVE! for ; ment by Chrysler President L. L alleges man Colbert Colberl"s a d will be pn, Colbert sa mor and ip I'he law firm is De ne, Bushby, Palmer ne of Wall Street egal organizations a dispelled Ballan Wood known (CP)--The privac; land was deba the Ontario legis! committee on lan om the judge first?" said Lloyd Letherby, Progressive Conserva- ve member for Simcoe East. T00 MUCH POWER Mmembers of the Progressiv Y Conservative member of Lamb |22reed 'hat private have too ton East, took exception to jeompanies hay section of a bill concerning com IT Sxvopristion, le S x riatio ¢ ye ennel 0 orn- Densation foublic_ authorities. He wall newly-appointed counsel for opposed the idea that a public au {the committee, said the commits thority may enter land without|te® in its deliberations will first . be » ha : { consent of the owner--even where| ave to decide whether it wants A. E chairman of theif is necessary for maintenance the bill passed. board, said this year's soybean|of an essential public service, | You'll fiad tha various groups crop is expected lo be 87 per cent] A man's property should be want little extra privileges for of the normal crop, which is esti-| protected, Mr. Janes maintained themselves in expropriation mat- mated at 6.4 million bushels If the land owner refuses, the jes er le jdded, siting the Hydro- Net profit on soybean produc-| public authority should be made ng owe Commission and fion in 1959 was 11.1 per cent fo get permission from a county | Sepals ie sain lower than in 1958, the meeting court fuge, duced during thelto bring together all e Jad 1 rodue r last Ne En of the legislature, 2! expropriation into one statute. states that a public authority may| it : pre sent, there are several also enter a property where it is|Statuies conceraed with land ex- necessary for the immediate pro. Propriation, tection of life or property. | : - "TOO MUCH POWER' Wait Word 2 From Union "We shouldn't give out foo much power," r, Janes said Who would be responsible to de clare when there is an emer a p rot natural gas and telephone com ST. THOMAS cP) T. W. Clift, 3 neral manager of the strike panies have been known to go bound Canadian Timken Limited on private land without the con ; aca iy ser Limite eat of the owner and damage 8 sail Thursday the the property ympany is awaiting the return The best way protect the Of union representatives who 2 military property owner to guarantee Walked out of a meefing Wednes men, all bilingual, for service at {hat the public authority justifies day P UN headquarters in Leopold-| jis actions if it trespasses, said' "They ¢ ille to carry out tasks assigned jjighways Minister Cass, com- and they ve are willing to y UN mittee chairman resume negotiations,"' he said A nc five food serv Even if the section was not in Members of Local 4906, United: section personnel to work outithe act, he added, the public au- Steelworkers of America (CLC), of Leopoldville in the routing of|thority would be obliged in the involved in the seven-day strike, the proper food to the proper UN|public interest fo {trespass in received a $1,000 donation Thurs- { units--so that the troops of con-/times of an emergency ; day from Local 1123 in Canton. countries don't end up 'What about a policeman chas Ohio, The Canfon union also foodstuffs foreign to their Ing 2 crook across the lawn promised a $100 cheque each would he have to get permission week for the duration of the Toronto's Samuel says elderly allowed they gos has tha as 8 hetle commitiee gas utilities first made many pow- Dewey reputa of in New tion. 8 Officials estimate a cent-a- pound tariff would mean a $2.46 bushel price for Canadian wers. They want comparable protection with imported meal and oil. on as a special prosecutor rangsters and politiciz York city A major stockholder slong" with two ers d ns Sol Dann stockhold- in Wil name a re company. This suit activities other a to court Jolley the illegal Newbery $750-a-month plant has In addition to gnation, an obscur buyer at a Detroit been fired. The company also has instituted a in Michigan against an associate of Newberg Full Canada Force In Congo In Two Weeks By DAVE STOCKAND pecialized signals outfit Canadian Press Staff Writer fogether at the reque t OTTAWA (CP All the soldiers of the UN and designated the 57th Canada has United Canadian Signals Squadron which numbers 193 officers and. men of 82 will handle Canadian headquarters UUN requests for men are he res followed a di statement special meeting of Chrysler rectors. CHARGE KICKBACKS The investigation an oul growth of the recent resignation of William Newberg as president along with charges of "kick backs, payola and side profits" among executives. Newberg has, agreed to return more than $450.000 to Chrysler Only by a complete was told investiga in the 4 gency He agreed with Gordon Innes Liberal member for Oxford, that ered chosen for MEO are scene A tion ervic the ( expected the taff x here Half the 4 mnel com fo police is EF oo Givi CAUSEWAY biggest jobs in- building the Trans Highway around Lake is construction of a ACTOSS Haviland | 4 Congo po lho tami, ) causeway north of Marie, Ont The shown here in an aeriak photo to be ready for the opening the Northern Ontario sec ON TRANS-CANADA ceremonies 17. : know where to reach us hovcott has heen A bout house construc vorkers were today, ending started three weeks and here 6,000 ments jobs igned. The TORONTO ( and try apartment no contract {nov ndu return > that We hope force and equi by end September tion due fo One of the nada al mn Sault Trans-C: Wawa Ste causeway the i tion me n the ther was for Augu sought higher hours and better safety measures The walkout climaxed several months of un- rest among immigrant construc tion workers who said they were being exploited through under payment, long hours and no hol strikers wages, shorter volved to work ealls ions t Canada Superior causeway INTERPRETING THE NEWS al Sept, 16 he 0 or a spokesman said is the of authorized 500 UN strength strike had tied up an esti Parliament mated $100.000.000 worth of proj CP Ww has rephoto dispatch of armec forces pers duty. The the army commi up to tributing nel for Congo !ributing with combined of ment and Workmen were fold to return , by the seven unions co-operating some 1al die Reds In West CAS Problem Rights Bill In Assault KITCHENER forney om Thursday CP Harold Canada's nev during Crown Daufman quoted bill of the hearing « At in a drive to organize immigrant workers The unions have pledged. however, not to work on any projects with non-union con tractors Five unions the or ganizing drive and four of them have signed agreements with as * sociations representing the trades initiated days. Charles president Irvine, Canadian the Operative Plas terers' and Cement Mason's In ternational Association (CIL( and leading man in the organiz ing campaign, said it was only with some difficulty shat the men were persuaded to return to vice of 175 RCAF per in the Congo on that onnel participating operation borders number GROUPS arm SPECIALIST The bulk of strength is Gen. Carl Von Horn of Sweden the UN forces commander, asked Army Service Corps ma- his transport officer, Maj Ribbans of Oftawa was or an ior Reg chosen Goodiellow Discusses strike Local 4815 of the Canada Iron Foundry here also voted a $100 donation Wednesday. Relax in Comfort 'ALLY-HO ROOM work He 50 a majority of contractors in afl assault charge again a trade. Concrete contractors are pa Ka 1k, a hote wal ter, but the till holding out that case was dismissed, Kauk, how ni In © ever, had to pay the cost ONE GROUP RESISTS Harold Griffin A general return to work thrown out a been blocked because the con Kauk, 5¢ contractors refused to sign Now have been sign individual agree or By KEN SMITH Canadian Press Staff Writer Enrique edly refe Americans st people fis Orcuzar, ra ed Wednesday the Communist as "'essentially the Western a remark overshadowed smacks more of a neutralist than the other important questions a pro-American approach facing the Organization of Amer Orcuzar has lnan States at its meeting in San the earls Jose, Costa Rica press America's The question for more U.S aid and tha officially does nol Referring to the need of improv-| mitted alcoholic. has been come up until next week, but ing living standards in Latin/for the last OAS delegates give the impres- America to guarantee political Kauk he sion of dealing with the Vene- gtability. he told the U.S serve Griffin ruelan-Dominican Republic dis-| «yw, to was a trooblemaker pute, several foreign ministers : Ss Susy ; have interjected thoughts on the funity the great republic Crown Attorney Daufman read Question of communism in the of the north that the time has ng from the bill said The gov Athericas arrived foi the real ernment , . . will recognize the dy ; A Ra dignity and worth of the human These asides could be causing yrgency of this American prob person . . . the security of the shied Songs in the hearts of 10m and to contribute toward its|person and guarantee egual-| ests in the u nited Fale to help ; solution with the same vision and ity before the law and protection in the search Bit future as.ron AUTOMATIC MOVE generosity. with which it by the law." auts, and they seem to have a istr: fl slight edge over the men, an As expe:ted, delegates who tom Magistrate J. R. H. Kirkpat- 5 ia Svat . have es i thoughts on Com- tributed since 1945 to the recon: pick said. "Mr Griffin has been American scientist said Thurs struction of the European coun Y " 2 day munist moves in Cuba haves." ion " roy 4 before me more times than I Dr. Randolph Lovelace eome out flatly against any po es . . care to remember. But I have Lovelace Foundation for: Medical in). on . . never seen him injured." sidin ' tential overt bid by Russia or od . oF Education and Reséarch, New €hina to extend their influence I'he magistrate said, however t he 4 Mexico, told a space symposium into the Caribbean or Latin Bo Shot he hotel has heen given a pub bere the tests so far have shown America ic licence to sell beer and is obliged to serve anyone with the B P li Eastview er pe : TORONTO (CP) Ontario Agri culture Minister Goodfellow, act ing as minister of municipal af fairs. said Thursday he will meet the mayor of Eastview early next week in Toronto to discuss the town's financial affairs and its tudents could qeorinorations on a departmental higher grades at interim report | The report, released last Fri- day, called for the appointment of an acting auditor and acting treasurer by the municipality. | Lorne Cumming, deputy minis- | ter of municipal affairs, said he has received the two names, but| vere 1old teach- could not release them until the ke a two-weeks, ex-| department and town council paid course at Toronto.|reachéd a mutual agreement. the course to students) "Any further communication Willson Woodside of Toronto. der than 60 per would be nominal, with cars and with council will have to be on national director of the UN Asso The Type A diploma would equipment supplied by auto deal- a confidential basis to be fair to ciation in Canada, was, named permit students to enter Grade, ers everyone," Mr. Cumming said. head of the interim committee. 13, while Type B would merely Instruction would be provided Mr, Lavergne is also Progres- Mr. Woodside acted as chairman|show students had completed out of school hours--24 hours sive Conservative member of the of a meeting of representatives Grade 12 work. Students with a classroom theory and at least|legislature for Russell. / for 16 organizations called fo dis- Type B diploma would not be en- eight hours actual training. Gov-| The interim report was the Te- cuss Canadian participation in titled to continue ernment grants are available) sult of an investigation fcllowing charges by ratepayers that town the campaign, The principal vote on the only the classroom training. p finances were being mismanaged I'he Canadian will olution Saturday, last will he avail- carry out an educational cam- the conference Ontario high schools . -H Strike paign on of food and There are 419 high HAMILTON (CP) A strike that women have certain advan- : This is a point for the U.S population attempt to Ontario. price who behaves himself | durance ican republics have shown could NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP was averfed at International tions for the women were that however, could be seen in Chile's/automobile The unidentified he fired a warning mn : gad reactly at Russia, it could also shot. then &| Thursday, Peel County council Kill d N 4 The $1,600,000 heen Weaver Coal Compa first white last Oct e tages : 4 although it might be a hollow one ] They are lighter, use less oxy-| Stimulate the FAO's since countries with the national not intoxicated. Al campaign should be treated equally He said 12 volunteers were scarcely be expected to embrace --A 15-year-old boy was shot by selected to undergo the testis a policy that would turn them a city patrolman Thursday when Harvester Compdny of Canada Thursday as 425 office workers they should be under 35 vears of sharp warnings against any coun- youth was in good condition in age, less than six feet tall and fry trying to make Latin America hospital a ricocheting second y,,. 1} Init } ors DIG af y he United States shot struck the youth in the approved a brie to the fed hile's acting foreign minister, thigh government asking the White Hanged idle for the g freighter 3 NAIROBI ago, but the executed for the least gro Mustunge Police Debate Different Grade 12 Levels Oy A re acatior on to be as Grade top-ri and move 12 graduates a larger here Thurs > op " conference DRIVING INSTRU CTION Schools High school driver-safely pro grams were urged by representa- the department of trans- AIR CONDITIONED Hotel Lancaster o Latin Jack said the return was decided on that contractors who had signed and their workers not be penalized had over trate Hemispher has Concern bid would to he hotel said Was of local by i subjects as early 10 the lead ir LONDON olu- offer a » conference taken crete a group invited Spacewomen Are Sought STOCKHOLM (Reuters) Women have been undergoing 9 or ion calling 0 nd Griffin on ng him w A policeman foi they side and « ged ing intoxicated. Gri out- a Anti-Hunger Committee OTTAWA (CP) An committee was named Thursday to organize a freedom - from hunger campaign committee for th Canada as part of an interna calling tional drive sponsored by the gor students Food and Agriculture Organiza- Pyne A for those tion of the United Nations per cent: Type B cent 01:3 74 I Ko) peau Valley TONIGHT nto the school het king anking stirred an day mierim cpa wario Headmasters As An hour-long 1€ niroduct wo 1) fo made veer communism call be to ad jail ha h of economic ffin, -an lower Grade C iment ummer Secondary in a \ al week. said had orders not Griffin ociation to because debate followed tives of wisk take this oppor port The ers a resolution of diploma Grade 12 60 pense on of wr for t pes pring could ta leaving th oy those it to consider er for un of GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 9262 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-6451 or RA 3.4131 OSHAWA ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY con- of the for committee re day of Driver-training able in 65 in September schools in Robert Barrie problems and will interest in f 0 rman Oakville suggested lim should be m ler high would George Pew con ference che ited vocational introduced into schools, If smaller Irish Judge For Cyprus DUBLIN judge was the and persons courses Bowman, principal of High urged the conference to discuss secondary school summer courses for stu- dents who fail one or two sub- jects 'and wish to progress to the next grade He have is s schools chool, Indian Raps Constitution MONTREAL (CP)--Chief Peter Diome of the nearby Caughna waga Indian reservation says the federal government illegally trying to make his people Cana dian citizens He issued a statement day describing as 'just plain falsehood" a reference in the speech from the throne last week that said Parliament had Indians voting rights 'without any their traditional rights Seek Seaway Harbor Depth PORT CREDIT (CP While Dine In Good Taste AT THE GENOSHA HOTEL hoards success" said some =xchool had "reasonable With Such conrses providing raises ranging from $3 Ito $25 a week. | Earlier this week the members of United Steelworkers of Amer- ica Local 4592 gave union offi- cials the authority to call a strike vote. The union and the company had disagreed over the| inde. existing rate structure. (Reuters considered of the the An Irish today for high court Republic of is Breweries Plan Merger LONDON (CP) Three pendent British hreweries are ne- gotiating a possible merger, and a London newspaper says one of : woaner says one of Central Canada 1e reasons behind it is the "ex- pansionist policy" of E. P. Taylor Exhibition Open of Toronto John Smith's sley and Yate's idency justice Cyprus became independ ent from Britain Tuesday. The Irish nment nounced TI it O'Briain the y of of anal Thurs eral vhich Our coffee shop and main din- ing room completely air-con- ditioned. gover an had for offered to Cypriot gov dock rsday night vears Cartierdoc of rock had until unloaded salt given two with his * consent (Reuters convicted after hy A British by an all Ihursday became the As man in Kenya to be : constitution | ee no the murder of a Ne why an hould wo! Your federal franchise and for wo ake his nationality ax a North!' American Indian and become a Who WI tigen he post an Irishman ernment The w» acrifice of the an Iroquois who knows ou ourt of Cyprus will Greek Turkish ing a neutral judge the v two nigh « company vw NU-WAY RUG & CARPET SALES Broadloom wall to wall, Rugs, Carpets, Stair Runners. years dropped village resident the dock for can reason of accept composed two Iroquols Spokesmen for Tadcaster, Barn Canada Castle Breweries, all in the north| i of England, say the firms are|8rassy parkland along the Ri- 8 3 J bustlin considering pooling their com- Se Canal hecame 8 husine bined assets of £15,000,000. Their ie metropolis in is ght] roducts would contiaue to be Ad 2 heen a judge since pri No , The 67th annual fair, an eight- Jung sold under separate labels | a = Before taking up law, he qu. Nn hp Ye say day event with more than $50,000 Wel laved an active' part in the «walt, owe nro nls {, SAYS: in prize money, will be opened Irish war for independence from Apart from Pationa tea jor me officially by Mayor Harry Hayes Britain tives, there seems little doubt), Calgary at 6 p.m. the expansionist policy of | An estimated 500.000 visitors Mr. E. P. Taylor, the Canadian will see exhibits of 190 organiza- U.S. Minimum Wage Now $1.25 OTTAWA (CP) The Ceniral Exhibition's 60 acres of when priot judges, one father of for the killing househoy Kamawe Canadian el gen in respiration, need less food istic spirit and aversion to for- which were the same as those for into satellite countries police said he ran away while approved a three-year contract . d have at least 1,000 flying hours a pawn in the cold war Patrolan Port Credit harbor's first cargo . harbor be deepened to a seawa 200 tons Thursday. engineer protested the use Peler Poole, 28 and have a fine psychological en- eign domination that Latin Amer- men. The minimum qualifica A possible rebuff for the U.S., being questioned about a stolen Thaddeus Kaczmar. am as pilots Although this rebuke hit di- cayk said In two years was being unloaded depth of 27 feet The 12-acre dock was leased to White Jury coal hoys of vpriot judge hanged 12 of NH neutral preside over court storage judge will have hold office two Estimated cost of deepenin six the harbor $3,000 000 vole and for to 27 feel he "1 maintain that vou Canadian dog claimed al hi Evidence Heard In Sabotage DEEP RIVER (CP M. Norreaa of North Bay, was remanded Thursday in magis trate's court until Sept. 2 on a charge of damaging an electrical system in a building which will house Canada's first atomic power plant tario's Hydro's Des Joachims Norrena pleaded not guilty to generating station on the Ottawa the charge and took the witness River. It is some 150 miles box to deny that he had cut two! northwest of Ottawa power-supply wires in aa area beneath the control room of the reactor With the reactor househoy veut O'Br M3 lihrew stones citizens have an outdated demo dn ha cracy You believe in democracy through representatives while chief stitulion must conform fo our con the right to that I nece the spot Our people have correct a chiel and sary if from our lo depose him on he insists on erring away constitntion Fallout Risk Less Than Feared WASHINGTON (AP) evidence about the fallout from nuclear indicates the threat from radio active strontinm may be much less than once estimated--even in the case of an all-out nuclear war Edward go into operation for ahout year, the two wires which cut were not hooked power supply The $30,000,000 atomic plant L] were any Installation by our own mechanics 174 Mary Stre to experimental mg being built at Rolphton, aear the site of On 15 New behavior of explosions vole v Democratic be available toward RA 8-4681 rvs presiden id to agree to coverage in his 900,000 workers still 20C NEAR COMPLETION Work on the plant is nearing still under completion but the atomic re- construction and not scheduled to actor itself has not yet been fully installed. No fissionable material | was involved ia the incident Norrena is charged under Sec- tion 372 of the Criminal Code with mischief causing damage to ft Dutch Film 50s m-- -| Hits Area ar of.1n = genes) layed o | PETERBOROUGH (CP)-Sam ples taken from a tree cut down last week have confirmed that the tree-killing Dutch elm disease has arrived in Peterborough |official said Thursda Although the disease nearby ns of | Hope, Peterboroug 148 now country This was reported Thursday by a rocky said Thursday a Columbia University research team which has kept' close tabs on fallout for a number of years Radioactive strontium is the most feared ingredient of fallout because it can cause hone can cer and possibly leukemia if takgn into the human body in sufficient quantities in the Dr. J. Laurence Kulp and two associates, in a lengthy report the technical journal Science, say an analysis new data from various sources suggests the fol lowing That A-bombs and H bombs packing the total punch of 3.000,000,000 tons of TNT dropped on the northern phere in an all-out nuclear ultimate mtr hone: reaches a The Only Drug Store Open DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SAT. EVENING, AUGUST 20, 6 to 9 P.M, WILL BE TAMBLYN DRUG STORE 6 KING STREET EAST RA 3-3143 The other downtown drua stores suaqest that you make sure you get your prescriptions refilled before 6 pm. Saturday of edch 1~~l venience Brewery king s0 far concentraf: tions and firms with space in the ing mainly in the north is €3-| coven exhibition buildings and couraging these get-togethers another 80 concessions on the| Taylor owns several breweries grounds n the north of England and Featured displays include an WASHINGTON AP) The Scotland [RCAF CF-104 jet interceptor, a Thursday night passed | sunlight powered car aad an| John I. Kennedy's bill RS PLEDGES FUNDS {eight-foot iron robot. | t the minimum to 1 3 PLEDGES FL NDS. | Hollywood actress Dorothy La-| $1.25 an hour from $1 and giving WASHINGTON (AP) The| mour "will highlight the grand-| about 4,000,000 more workers pro- United States has told Ghana that|stand show from an improvised | tection under the U.S. Wage-Hour $30,000,000 from U.S. sources will| stage that straddles the Big Four Act. The : t Jing | Ottawa Rough Rider 55-yard line. Kennedy : ; INAICINK| A teenage rock "n' roll show tial candidate, h the $170,000,000 Volta River in-|ill take over the grandstand to- out Oo u the als dustrial project in that African) night and Friday before the reg « ! v sid i ; bill by about The state department ular show begins Monday. Fhe measure ha the loan will bej road ahead. It back to the| provided when the Ghana govern: | House, ol Reps sentatives, w hich ment satisfactory ar-| PASSEC. & IUCh '6SS comprehen)... . ent with a 'group of pri- sive version in June That meas- for ure would increase the wage| vate companies - of floor to $1.15 ahout 1, an aluminum 400,000 aluminum and cover construction of new workers melter wet ncent Roche. an employee of Bechtel company, said he Norrena cut some wires "I saw him cut them," he said I heard the snip but I didn't kiaow how many wires were cut." Norrena said there was *'ani mosity" between himself and Roche after his appointment as a upervisor He said he knew that the layoff was coming, George Renaud, an electrical superintendent the! the Bechtel aid trontinm did not whe laid off Roche the in 8 KING EAST MARY ST. OSHAWA PORT PERRY A. E. JOHNSON OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined--Prescriptions Filled PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT YUkon 5-2383 RA 3.2721 saw of an even il CANDY SENT BACK FROM GREECE hit and ha Anastas Vasil Pappas, 36; of 3 Hamilton, a Greek war hero, looks at a $1.50 parcel of candy he sent to his mother in Flor. ina, Greece, but returned him because h mother not pay $2 received him of his mother's death Pappas felt that fusal ¢ the parcel to | aili conld factor He N to prote same day he received a letter telling | Mi re the tow Port ndsay were customs un hemis-| been free from the hy : ung : to g to his Aung wat disease carried tiny hark for conee ition of Norrena 1 he ng mother was a contribu: | pant, tha ) company in the of people her death and The elm disease has h ail ; Je eem upset wa except n areas relat ~nd avoid any incon customs du { to the Greek Breadin close to the explosion point the arce!l the ernment hrou « h CP Wurephoto le ure has been found Ontariue vould not permis denied that he ha exceed the | personal grudge against Norrena an maximum ible eoncentration. |

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