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The Oshawa Times, 19 Aug 1960, p. 4

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, August 19, 1960 4 UNERAL CORTEGE AT ST. G EORGE' Simple Service 4 i on 8S ANGLICAN CHURCH | | Frankford, den, were weekend guests of his brother, Ernest Colliss, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schumm,| Dick and Jimmy, Girard, Ohlo, are visiting with Mr, and s. Tom McGuirk and family, 15th Wedding Anniversary a HE par- MAPLE GROVE - Nearly 40|Preston, after holidays with Mr. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Both- relatives of Mr, and Mrs. Rob-|land Mrs, Tom McGuirk, Kathy well, Sr., on Tuesday evening. ert Barraball gathered at the McGuirk returned home with - ------------ home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell{them for a holiday away from Gimblett on Saturday evening in home, honor of the Barraball's 15th Mr, and Mrs, Charles Green- wedding anniversary, The event ham and Carole toured New York was in the form of a dinner| State and stopped at many points party, Mr. Roy Barraball of|of interest including Watkins Glen Orono acted as MC and a pres- state park which is well worth entation of a trilight lamp was seeing, Carole Greenham is made by Mrs, Sid Barraball, also| spending this week at Smetzler's of Orono. All expressed their|Baton Twirling Camp at Wat good wishes to the bride and kins' Glen, New York. | room of 15 years, and as the ¥ goon were married during the] SUNDAY DINNER war in England, with none of the| Mr. and Mrs, Jim Laverty and groom's relatives present, they | family were Sunday dinner guests were given the full wedding day|of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Boyles, | treatment, complete with deco-| Wallace Point, near Peterbor- ti trailers, |ough. rated Car Ad tin A at Cnard.| Miss Mildred Snowden and her visited Mr, and| nephew John Pritchard of Mono-| Mrs Kuhnke on Frida eve-| tick were weekend guests of Dr, Mes, Ken Rule y | and Mrs, L. H. Coates, Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gow, Janet| Mrs. Tom McGuirk, John and SHIPPING CLASSIC EDINBURGH, Scotland, (CP)-- "Seaward the Great Ships," a d ary film on ing on the River Clyde, has been se- lected to represent Scotland in this year's Edinburgh Film Fes. tival, It has already won a diploma in the Venice film festi- val, TOMORROW ALL COLOR SHOW! sity and in this respect ™» mF NEW UNIVERSITY | behind England and Wales. FALKIRK, Scotland )ep)--A| campaign has been started tol" " establish Scotland's fifth univer. DANISH UNIVERSITY sity in Stirlingshire, The cam-| The University of Copeshages paign leaflet argues'that Scotland|in the capital of Denmark was badly needs a residential univer-| founded in 1479, Na one BUT NO ONE ETE FLU CURR UTR LL after the start of each performance of PSYCHO TO-DAY AT: 400 4:25 6:50 and Ken, enjoyed a fishing trip| Barbara Lee accompanied by| to Sturgeon [ed on Sunday P Mrs T. Comber, Margaret and Mrs, Edith Davies, Taunton, Joanne visited at Lake Joseph) spent Tuesday with her parents, and Footes Bay, Muskoka, last Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cookson, | Wednesday Mrs, 8, G. Niddery, Hampton, RETURN HOME {was a tea guest of Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs Norman Gimb-| Clifford Swallow and Mrs, F lett, Mr. and Mrs, George Gllroy| Ashton on Sunday | and sons, all of Columbus; Billy| Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brooks | Medland, Brooklin, called on Mr. | spent last weekend in Flint, Mich and Mrs, Russell Gimblett and|igan, and attended graduation) Sharon on Monday evening exercises at General Motors In| Gordon Finney is a patient ip|stitute on Friday when their son| as § Somes ty UNO CONTE wd WAR WAR cet ty WONT BLANK , God by SORE PORE { 1% A ton tion coun on tice the - s-- is proven for| serviced residential the zoning bylaw will be amended to make this area a res de 1] area. He said it is up to the lann board to decide 1e bylaw should be amend- then make its recommenda tions to council | addit Areas sisters g whe ed The 25th program by some of the chil Lloyd|dren, a little song by Marie Van and Eunice H(nter (nee Mal-|Camp, a couple tap dance num colm) of Port Perry was cele- bers by Mitzi Malcolm, a song brated by their friends and rela-|by Denise Malcolm, a duet by tives on Saturday evening at the Cindy and Karen Malcolm ac home of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill| companied by Ruth, and a solo Van Camp of ®RR-2, Nestleton. [by Aunt Mary Van Camp assist The floral adornments, corsage|ed by Aunt Ida Taylor, who had for the bride amd the bouton. also accompanied some of the niere for the groom were pre-| earlier numbers. Of the about 50 sented by Miss Brenda Malcolm present, Mrs. Mabel Hoskins and and Master Dale Van Camp, daughter Mae of Calgary, Alber Other floral decorations as well/ta, were the furthest from home as monogramed (25) candlesticks and were welcomed after an and an anniversary cake in the absence of so many years shape of 25 were most suitably - arrayed for the occasion. A spe cially concocted address was PORT PERRY wedding anniversary of see CHANGE RECOMMENDED Councillor Cornish pointed out the board made the change because it was recom- mended the Department of Municipal Affairs Reeve Garnet B. Rickard said the would definitely be re. residential when the need dential development has ed nning ' by e area roned re prov to Budaj protested "all the the taxpayers get council and especially planning board is a waste of the taxpayer's nd at ted she could additional services in the south Preston. area, as there is a ved road in that area see No ale road good pa Ray. Rati Well." the Att To 16, of were nd itrol ag ¢ SKY-WATCHING MYSTERY PETERBOROUGH (CP) in strange red lights that F -- - (Oshauwa Times Photo | Zone Bylaw Girl Struck Amendment For W.-H. Moore |p. c..1 got naxe . PICKERING (Staff) -- The late| Noted among those in attend Y ' L 1 d W. H. "Billy"" Moore was laid to|ance at the service were Hon Xp alne rest Thursday in the churchyard| Michael Starr, federal minister of R . lof St. George's Anglican Church|labor, and James 8. Duncan, ecoverin HAMPTON (Staff) -- Mrs. B. where he had worshipped so|chairman of the Ontario Hydro Budal, secretary of the Darling- many years. He rests beside his Commission lownship Ratepayers' Asso- wife who died several years ago.| Pallbearers were Anthony and PRA KERING Sai) andy el Thursday afternoon ask The simple funeral service was| og in:, > shael Tay-|¥ 12, age 9, daughter of Mr. and ed for an interpretation conducted by Rev, H, 8, Shepp | William Moore and Michael Tay Mrs, Gus Plitz Jr. of Sandy of "deferred residential" zones in herd, DD, rector of St. George's, | lor, grandsons of Mr, Moore, J. Beach road, Pickering, is recov the township official plan and he was assisted by Rev. Boyes, Harold Mitchell, Walte ng in the Ajax and Pickering Councillor Sid Cornish, a mem-|E. G. Robinson, a former rector| Lynde, Stan Briggs and Maurice| General Hospital, after being bit. ber of the planning board, said it| of the parish | Cohen, Flower bearers and son-ten by a rattlesnake last week was the board's intention, when| There was no eulogy. Many|orary pallbearers were R W end at Point au Baril, amending the bylaw, to make the| tributes had been paid Mr, Moore Main, Albert Fralick, Kenneth Georgian Bay Cou "aren, south of the wa./in his lifetime and his death | Roberts, John =, Dr. i ;| Wendy had been spending the tershed, an agricultural zone for|Prought forth many others from, Gilford, Le Fi Shiels 4. Rickard) oaokend with her parents at the time helng {those who had known him. 'and Meger Lonan [cottage when the incident occur- When the need red anal She had been swimming and bserve t then walked up on the rocks of {the island to look for her parents . | and vho were picking {blue berrie Anniversary | On the way she went around a {large rock, and there the snake struck her. She turned around and could just the snake's head in the grass, A later search failed to find the reptile She ran screaming to her par- ents, They found a mark on a vein on her right foot which was paining her. Mr, Plitz tried to ex- tract the venom by sucking the wound, but soon the leg was pain. ing above her foot and beginning to swell She was taken a nearby store and there the parents were told to take her at once to the hospital Parry Sound At St. Joseph's hospital, Wendy was given seven shots of serum, N il five In the foot, one in the hip and one in her arm. Her leg had read by Harvey Malcolm and 0 Juveni e swollen twice the size of the other the presentation of a coffee table > fr om her Bile to her knee and an electric frypan by Nor D | t | endy Is now out of danger man Van Camp ne Winilda e inquen S 2 wupects to Jehan home this Malcolm, followed by the read: ' y vie | Weekend, She sald the snake ap ling of the special oatie card VICTORIA (CP) A Turkishipeared dark in color, but she secretary con-| yi vo Tyoct Mr, Merrill Van police official visiting here sald I se only its head. ded, "1 got the answer to my| cn Anh yresentation by|that his country has no juvenile - p------------------------------ { 4 {Camp. Another presentation bY! gain ie roble tion, but it doesn't mean 1 juency p m on | the children of the celebrating arahmet Evin, chief of the = | -------- couple, Nola and Jamie Hunter,|mp,rkish national police commun wo urt was a beautiful chest of silverij.gtion branch, said in an inter:| ' LONG WISTORY {flatware, Evening Star pattern, yjew here that Turkey had The famous Gothic cathedral and still other miscellaneous joarned a lot about rearing re-| [] at Lincoln, England, was|gifts, to which the room ex- gnectful, law-abiding children, | otor 1 30} founded in 1078 pressed his appreciation. A short! "Our police have no trouble| B---------------------- ---- - - "| with juveniles. A Turkish city of |the same size as Victoria would] have a force of 300 compared estro e Tro I 3S] S arage with a third as many more here, | There is a single police force of | . * 13,000 for all Turkey AJAX (Staff) Robert Noises At Ni ht "The Turkish family is strong. Well, 23 of Sackville street The children respect their fam. |ronto, and Dorothy Hodder, ily--~even the monied children, | Rushbrooke Ave., Toronts, HAMPTON (Staff) Darling-| punks to come in and use his : a fownship Reeve Garnet B.|equipment to fix their cars all| consent until they are grown up ing Hospital for cuts and abra- d Thursday afternoon hours of the night." and get married | sions they received when thrown that council will investi- Mr. Evin is touring Canada|from their motor cycle on No 2 ee what can be done| EXPENSIVE EQUIPMENT and the United States studylog| Highway near Glengrove road, noise in the Mitchell's] Mr. Blanchard argued there police methods Pickering, about 9.30 p.m. Thurs. area at aight are two service stations near his | day Rickard made. this prom. | home and a bulldozer parked { Police sald the motor eycle Mrs. Anna F. Boyce, aright beside it. He said there is NEWS IN BRIEF {driven by Attwell was easthound s Corners resident, after 88 much noise around his place| and was In the act of passing a molained that cars are be- as Mrs. Boyce ever has to puf| {ear when it crossed in front of ing repaired at a service station{up with. And, he doubted very| x them as It made a left hand during the night much if any gas station owae Two | turn The two were thrown Councillor Harold C. Muir said {would allow everyone to come t sounded more like a job for|and use his equipment at any-| 2 | lice rather than the coun-|time of the day or night. "They Thursday were reported by at Attwell was g/dents who were watching for the|scription of the car United States balloon satellite,| cap was picked up at the scene Echo I. The lights travelled from| A search of the district garage equipment cost ted Mrs. Boyce bring a money." Mr. Blanchard said signed by several area| "Well they're using it" sidents to copneil and it could| Boyce snapped. n possibly pAS§ an emergency | "What do you want us to do speed, yl to control Ne noise. jfabout it?" Mr, Blanchard During a warm exchange be-| queried. tween Mrs. Boyee and the deputy-| 'I doa't expect you to do any reeve, the complainant charged) thing about it today, or even for Mr. Blanchard does not have to/a month, or for a year, the sam put up with aaything like the as everything else around here, noise around our place and, that's| Mrs. Boyce answered ,. [duced to 14 ships in harbor and trouble with this coun | She said she did not feel it| na at anchor in the bay. cil, No matter what the taxpay-| would be asking too much to re ers complain about, council feels| quest the service station owner nothing wrong around the/to close, or to stop the car re- township.' pairs after 11 p.m. Oscar Hammerstein II, 65, re- throats of nine Moslems at a vil "Afte all," she sald, "we Township clerk Walter E. nowned author, lyricist and the-|) in the Ouarsenis Moun'ains don't mind if the man wants to Rundle said if council wished he atrical producer, was described] Thursday have been Killed by sell gas all night, but surely it's/could investigate the possibility|by his doctor Thursday as a French forces, French military asking too much to h him of an hours-of-business bylaw for|"very sick man" because of re-|auhtorities reported T h ur sday permitting these youngithe towaship. 'curring stomach cancer. {night, y-réeve A. L. Blanchard all, Dem epu Mrs they said. LESS HECTIC HAMILT (CP)--Activity on the Hamilton waterfront returaed \imost to normal Thursday after several hectic days. A "traffic {jam" of 22 ships had been re description was found and the {the scene of an accident and {driving on a temporary permit without a licenced driver with him Charged is Stephen Pomazak, 6 of Glenview road, Pickering. the whole § | QUICK RETRIBUTION ALGIERS (Reuters) -- Seven {Algerian insurgents who slit the HAMMYRSTEIN ILL DOYLESTOWN, Pa. (AP) there not stop » PARK PROJEC members toured the park study improvements that be made to the facilities. Next T OF AJAX ROTARY do, which will be much less than they would like to do. The park land is owned by the de- week the members will meet |/ velopers of Ajax, Duffin's again at the park and they will | Creek Estates Ltd. and that decide what they can afford to | company allows the club 9 otarians enjoyed is week at Rotary at the lakefront at the th of Duffin's. Creek. Ro Park is a project of the glub. After luncheon, the | to can operate the park as a project. The company is inter ested In a much larger de velopment at the laketrond which includes a golf course --Photo by John Mills service IH F Y 'ark AT Jax | | A They do nothing without parental treated at the Ajax and Picker | flashed | clear and the cycle went into the| across the sky at about 2:30 a.m.| north ditch where it caught fire. | able to give Ser-| {may be using the air, but after|lcast three Peterborough resi-|geant Richard Bodley a good de-| A and a hub| was | cast to west at a very highmade and a car answering the| driver was charged with leaving] ADDED ATTRACTION! | he Bowmanville Hospital with an in | Ken graduated as an engineer {fected knee Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mann, Caro-| | Mr, and Mrs," Ed. Johnston,\lyn and Jimmy enjoyed a holi- Kemble, Mr, and Mrs. Fred|day trip through United States to) | Hurlbut, Owen Sound, visited virginia and the Allegheny moun- Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. iains Cliff Swallow | Vietor Cookson won several Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Snelgrove,!first prizes with his horses at David and Murray, Windsor; Mr.| Peterborough Fair including the | and Mrs. 8. 8, Morton, Maple Grand Champion prize Grove, were Sunday guests ofl wap ang Mrs, Ed Holmes have |Mr, and Mrs. Tom McGuirk and voturned home after week's {family holidays with friends at North | Mr. and Mrs. James Brayley Bay {and family have returned home! wy | after holidays at a cottage near, | Lake Erie, | Mr, and Mrs. Steve Doyle were among those who attended Peter borough Fair on Saturday when their daughter, Mary Ann won| first prize in the baton twirling| |solo, 10 years and under, Her team, the Bluettes, also came | first winning a trophy and crests. | Mr, and Mrs, Howard Waldroff |and. family, Trenton, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken| Kuhnke and Sunday evening visi-| tors were Mr. and Mrs, Miles Staughton, Oshawa | Mr, and Mrs, Alan Parker, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Charles |Grigg, Oshawa, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Swallow a and Mrs, Roy Colliss, Min-| DANCE PARTY DON PIERRE end Mis Orchestra | PAVILION 0, » 0 WARNER BROS, TecumicoLon | LAST TIMES TODAY: "IT STARTED WITH A KISS" (Restticted) "ASK ANY GIRL" wo ma ILTMOR To accommodate the many exhibition visitors to Toronto, who will want to see the motion picture experience of a lifetime, there will be a, . . MATINEE DAILY 1.30 PM. AUG. 24th to SEPT. 10th EVENINGS AT 8 P.M. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED MATINEES 1.30 PM. WON, THEY, FRI, ORCHESTRA $1.50, LOGS $173 SAY. & NOLIDAYS, ORCHESTRA $1.00, LOOKS $2.95 INCLUDING TAX ALL SEATS RESERVED and Mrs. Fred Ashton last Thurs. |day | Mrs. L. C. Snowden was a guest at a party on Friday evening at the home of her cousin, Mrs Elmer Wilbur, Hampton Mr. and Mrs, Mervin have returned to their NOW PLAYING Feature Times -- 1.30 -- 3.25 5.25 -- 7.25 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9.20 FROM THE WOMAN ATEN * SHE CALLED MOTHER | COUNTRY MUSIC NIGHT oll SHE LEARNED THAT DANCE EVEN LOVE CAN HAVE AN EVIL SIE! FRIDAY -- TO w= Chuck Fortune AND HIS BAND FEATURING PLATA Is Wismer AIR CONDITIONED home in LANA TURNER Jimmy and Johnny ANTHONY QUINN Admission $1. Shuaes art | RED BARN | | LLOYD NOLAN a ; a MATTHEW CABOT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT /RAY WALSTON UNIVERSITY: --- \ SOUTH ONTARIO AGRICULTURE SOCIETY 53rd Annual Fall Fair TONIGHT And TOMORROW AUGUST 19, 20 ALEXANDRA PARK SHAWA GIANT i. MIDWAY | 3BIG ACTION, ADVENTURE & COMEDY HITS! | ROCK HUDSON BARBARA RUSH JEFF MORROW HARNESS EXHIBITS RACING EVENTS FRIDAY AFTERNOON TROPICAL Fist AND SATURDAY FUN FOR *THE AFTERNOON WHOLE FAMILY ADULTS CHILDREN 50¢ 25¢ MUSIC STUDIOS Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments WILSON & LEE LIMITED CLARINET HAWAIIAN GUITAR TROMBONE VIOLA CELLO ACCORDION SAXOPHONE VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO TRUMPET Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion at $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during that period which is taken home for practice. WILSON & LEE L MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-4706 BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8 TONIGHT! Show Starts At Dusk SEE THE TOP STARS IN THIS YEAR'S BIG ACTION PICTURE! JOHN WAYNE DEAN MARTIN RICKY NELSON = RIO BRAVO TECHNICOLOR®, Form WARNER BROS. ' NT we WILLIAN REYNOLDS « ANDRA MARTIN « JEFFREY STONE win Rase Marie + Hans Conried + Bill Goodwin + Howard Miller A UNIVERSAL: INTERNATIONAL PICTURE . Soste SHOWINGS NIGHTLY--RAIN OR CLEAR CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTOON

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