TEER ERE a ST Shas tas: = nissan a ARLE! .. Supermarket ob-Stories We Why NEW YORK that a superm tired of hearing "Do you have partment for dc put our pcoch on "Hey, Jack, 1 way to the ! in 47 sec standing st: ord?" "The bo supposed to con night but you take back nd nds and AP) rket ¢ PONY COMPETITIONS PLEASE VISITORS AT JILL JARRETT, LEFT, AND MARGO WILS Ww | cents? Your machine must be |broke, I figured it in my head at $23.44, You better add 'em up in "Yeah, get the buns and baked beans here, Mabel, and we'll get the frankfurters at that new {supermarket 10 miles down the road. They're a penny a pound ; cheaper there." hat) "41 don't .1. cMmbed into al compartment don't ¢ meat oursel it your oks red bottom?" eem Remarks! roast? Vp : when frozen not but his teeth are chattering and he looks kinda blue. Don't you have any place where 1 can thaw him out in a hurry." "I own the drug store up the block. Now that you people are selling aspirin, I don't suppose know your junior Ve food nampurger on top but tock ev thing When are n in?" arrested to ) rad movie ing to put that wise I an woman bea elish, she de down with her ind carry and 46 A Caro! Oshawa life of a Guide from aved the baby girl in Buffalo, N.Y., but nothing was known about it in Oshawa until the Guide Commi Mrs. R, E Wilson, re a letter from the child parents telling her about it The couple Mr, and Mi Frank Filipsri, started the letter by saying they would like to express their sincere thanks the Guide organization to Oshawa guide, ( Evans, in particular The parents wrote that two - year - old daughter, Sandra Filipski, had fallen against their rerator and knocked herself : The mother tried child round by pouring on face but she topped breath Girl Evan sioner § ceived to and rol Girl the their refri sense 0 bring the cold water turned grey ing In a pan mother ran outside creaming child" and Carol who was ing an aunt and uncle apartment on the floor above downstairs e if could help her and he the said my in an te se she CLEAR Immediately Carol THINKING Mi opened Filipsk the child it her fingers Ir wrote lenched teeth p child's throat a pulled out the he had suffocating her tongue which lowed and which was her "We are sure that had & not| wal CAROL EVANS | HISON, 7, OF NEWTONVILLE, ON PRINCE IN PONY COMPETITION Oshawa Guide, 16, Saves Baby Girl | ran # FAIR List Prizes For Events The following is the program for the band concert which is to be presented Sunday night in the _ dhe Osha Ties ---- McLaughlin Band Shell by the SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1960 PAGE NINE Band of the Ontario Regiment; Lieut, ¥. J. Francis "0 Canada" 1, March: "Enchantress' _,'BIG CROWD AT NIGHT H. White 2. Overture: "Napoleon" Bilton 3. Serenade: Winkler 4, Vocal Solo: (A) "The Holy City" Adams, (B) "Morning" | Oley Speaks, Soloist: Mrs, L.| French accompanied at the piano! by Kelvin James 5. March: "Voice of the Guns -Alford 6. Cornet Duet Orde Hume 7 Selection : ** Sanderson's Songs' W. Sanderson 8. Waltz: "Nights of Gladness' C. Ancliffe 9. Vocal 7 | Music" E. Grieg {to the Rainbow" -- Burton Lane 4 a tC) "My Hero" Strauss, Solo- 10g dily since the gates open- ist: Mrs, L, French accompanied/ed Thursday afternoon, at the piano by Kelvin James There seems to be more of 10, Air Vasie: "Rockingham" everything this year. Crowds 8. Trenchard, jostled merrily on the midway, 11, March; and the fair was crowded in the Rimmer, evening 12. Hymn Tune: Mar-| However, the main attraction garet" Broadhead lof a Fall fair is that it gives Regimental March: "J ohnifarmers the opportunity to have Peel, their animals and produce ex- God Save The Queen hibited, and judged thereby im- provisg out Canadian livestock Coin Club Holds Meet The grandstand show ran con- tinuously from 1,30 to 8.30 p.m The bleachers and surrounding area seemed to have a constant group of interested spectators, The August meeting of the Osh-| The master of ceremonies for awa and District Coin Club was the afternoon program at the Iheld at 92 Burk street, with the grandstand was Ted Spencely of president, Grace Steinfield, pre: indsay. He emphasized how siding, The secretary4reasurer, pleased he wss with the after- Beverly Treleaven, read the noon performance minutes and distributed to the The official judge for the horse members coin press news from racing at the grand stand track ther agencies, and a warm wel: Dr. H, Stevens of Bowman come was extended to all visitors. yijie assisted hy Allen Dickenson Arrangements were made fori oc sount Hope fall and winter meetings to-be f held at the Oshawa Arena, Bill exhi ite jan or # » Ibi of the Royal Coins and ann Blackie k Stamp Shop gave the club a run down of the over publicized Am erican 1960 small date cent, Rob ert Pritchard displayed a rare collection of beautiful Roman coins of the Bible, some dating back to 441 B.C. and explained their relationship to different saddle horses Bible stories. Included were such| q.. 5.40 coins as Augustus Caesar, the was J coins used at the time Joseph boro paid his head tax, the tetra drachm of Tyre, the type Judas received for the betrayal of Christ, the tribute penny, the widow's mite, and many others The me ng closed with a lunch served by Fay Pritchard, M "Neapolitan" | Starr | ol | "The Titlarks' The Oshawa and District Fall Fair was officially opened at 3 p.m. Friday by Labor Minister Michael Starr The crowds have been increas- Bolo: (A) "Strange (B) "Look "Punchinello" "St, the light horses Ivan Cochrane GOOD SHOW Judging the light horse entries was Bob Moggach of Galt, In the light horse clhss were least 11 road horses in one 14 ponies in one class, and at least 11 ® v at class Yon for the heavy horses Whittington of Bailie- Later, he said, "It was a individual horses brought out and the would bring credit to good show were well livestock any fair.' Almost 300 sheep were exhibit ed on Friday, coming from Bar rie, Bradford, the Niagara Penin- sula, as well as the farms from this area About half of the sheep exhibit. ed at this fair left Friday for the Central Canada Exhibition at Ot- tawa, where they will be shown prior to being shown at the CNE Toronto Judge J. M., Fisher of Caesarea, judged about 11 breeds of sheep. Ocean Tragedy Still Mystery ST, JOHN'S, Nfld, (CP)--An- other sea drama off the New foundland coast remained a mys- tery Saturday as the search for the supposedly unsinkable coastal vessel Jeannie Barno was called off Search officials terminated the search Friday night after four planes had covered an estimated | 39,000-square-inile area off the {coast of the province's Avalon peninsula, All but one of three persons {aboard the Jannie Barno were {found, There is still no trace of | Richard Penny, 35, of St, John's, skipper of the steel-hulled vessel which disappeared six days ago en route to the French islands of |8t, Pierre et Miquelon from 8t. * [Lawrence on the south coast, The bodies of his son, Richard Home League {Jr , 11, and seaman Frank Marks, 41, were recovered earlier in the TO PREACH HERE Rev. W, F Riding, MA, | D.TH, son of Mr, and Mrs, Wil- | liam Riding, of 260 King street ' as ster Granville Jimmy, I already pushed you east, and minister at around the store three times Avenue PresbYterion chu Now lemme get in the cart--an lcago, , Who w D C vad push me." d| in St, Stephen's United Church 'I was just on Sunday at the summer big stock of church hours of 10 am, when thi and, wom he OSHAWA TIMES PHOTO | you'd mind If I put In a grocery counter," standing by that canned grapefruit! woman comes along naturally, being a has to pull out the hottom can I don't want a bandage--I want a lawyer." {week by fishing vessels, "What do you mean these are | Search officials are puzzled no-deposit bottles? 1 carried all Holds Meet over the fate of the 50-foot vessel, i8 of them four blocks." The regular meeting of the gal-|The most popular theory is that "I had four children when Iiyqiion Army Home League was|she was rammed by a larger ship in here, and I don't care ify 04 mye Major Rankin led in/when proceeding blindly without ir closing time, I'm BOIDE the singing of a few choruses, [radar in heavy fog Sunday night four when I leave Mrs. Charles Cathmoir made off Trepassey, a busy trans-ocean Imade the announcements shipping lane, Mrs, William James led in the devotional period. Mrs, Ernest Sargeant led in the singing of the Hymn, "Praise My Soul", followed hy prayer by Mrs. Charles Langfield The Seripture was Mrs. William James Mrs. Ernest Sargeant gave a few highlights on her trip to Eng land Mrs, Charles Langfield poke of her vacation in the Owen Sound district. Mrs, James save a reading, "His Master. piece" Mrs. William Short Jr, led in the singing of the hymn, "When We Walk With the Lord" in A NO came t 18 yo to have read. by thinking, fast our girl San been fortunate to Mr. and Mrs clear ion heen for ble ac dra would have be alive today Filipski A letter Mi think membering been in Bi the holidays respon wrote oon Mrs wil for she received the Wilson phoned Carol said Carol had to minute bhefore' re that she had even iffalo July 21 d and when asked the baby, said on a Moscow Calls Ike Hypocrite LONDON (AP)--Radio Moscow today accused President Eisen. has been a hower of "monstrous hypocrisy" now a com- because of his expression of re- Mr I. Daley's! gret Friday over the 10-year sen Ro district, tence imposed on American U-2 has one pilot Francis Gary Powers \ he A Soviet broadcast asserted gold tord. the president knew in reality the he. can Sentence was a humane one and said he was shedding 'crocodile tears." 'Now that about re Oh, that Carol anybody about Ving expected Wilson ays she to write never to Mr it For he Girl pany 13th O five year Guide leader and in awa land rol more company. ( has 22 ble for her \ "emer ency nurse," aid" for says 1 that her "child vork for the U-2 flight has fallen through, the U.S. leaders have begun to masquerade as humanitarians, shedding tears over the fate of the man who carried out their sordid work," English-language commen added » radio said It was the opin independent observers that on similar charges in the wid have been sentenced nparably more severe Mc \ and made it baby home nurse ible he badges that po her to revive the "1 remembered being tole rom lack of Carol 16 and Mr rice street nd a Grade 12 dent at O'Neill Collegiate ar Vocational Institute. John 114 The CNR maintenance de- partment and the R., B, Ben nett Construction Co. are come Judging Is Started Opens O-D Fair geommen The dancers will also be onling. Some of the beautiful Trish Saturday's grandstand program;|Hemstitching was exhibited by also on the program will be 2 Mrs 8, J. McCully, 308 Nassan pipe band from Oshawa, street, We were told that Mrs. In the building where women's McCully is from Ireland, homecralt exhibits were display. The Junior Girls' exhibit dis. ed there seemed to be more of played many beautiful items, All everything this year, girls exhibiting work, in this cor- There were 170 entries in the "er of the building were under baking exhibits, Judge, Mrs, H, 19 Officials at the exhibits stres A. Dickenson of Mount Hope, GL CLL, 100, (hat, #0 £0 frond paid tribute to the high qualit ; ' of the baking entries this Sus y exhibit, she need hot belong to An interesting sidelight to the! *Y hand crafting association, or regular displays were the hand- organization, We were told that crafted artificial flowers that fait oiiicials would be hlemsed Uf were used for decoration, Also|;. ih used for decoration were dolls in handiwork in this exhibit, beautiful hand made garments, HIGH STANDARD Something new in the women's! The Women's associations and building was the Irish Hemstitch. church groups maintained their Big Tie-Up | at Seaton some rather Threatened At Buffalo | One of the more interesting ex- {hibits near the entrance is the sweater display, including some of the bulky knit sweaters that are used for curling, and general winter outdoor wear Two of the ladies who are look- ing after these displays are Mrs, |G. Brown, and Mrs, J, Davis, both of Oshawa, BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) An table exhibits were very good her major tieup Saturday considering this season has been (hr eatened Buffalo's grain indus poor for growing produce. OvVer|tyy as a union local composed of 80 exhibits are shown in the hor- grain weighers and inspectors tieultural building. | went on strike in a wage dispute Sa . " The 40-member Internationa DANCE PUPILS «..... |Longshoremen's Association Lo Labor Minister Michael Starr,| of ' cal 1622, whose members are in his address opening the Osh responsibl fe ating 3 wa Fall Fair, said, he was "only ponsible or inspecting and awa weighing all grain entering or too happy to come to the opening| .. ino ine nort rejected a con of the fair," He recalled when hey... "orer "from the corn ex- used to be a director of the fair change Friday and voted to He also mentioned it was nice| gp. : that half the directors of the fair" A union spokesman said thel vame from the city of Oshawa 1...) rejected the corn exchanges and the other half from the sur-| secon of'a one-year contract v hich rounding community, {provided for an eight-cent hourly Between the races and other wage increase, and an additional grand stand activities, the pupils|$4 monthly contribution to the of the Harvey Dancing Academy employees' hospital and surgical performed on the outdoor plat: insurance plan, | seized 3,000 counterfeit Canadian form Waterfront grain operations| $10 bills, 150 counterfeit $100 bills, | woo wen {were halted two weeks ago by a and 200, counterfeit American $20 | three-day wildcat strike involving bills in Montreal and a few other about 500 members of an ILA| Quebec cities, {s / MICHAEL STARR The flower exhibits in the horti- cultural building are beautiful Some of the visitors to the build. ing thought the flowers were even better than other years. The vege Phony Money Probe Pressed MONTREAL (CP) RCMP Superintendent Rene Belec sald Saturday 'satisfactory headway" is being made in the investigation of a ring that is making "tf! hest counterfeit bills I hs ever seen." He said about 100 persons, in. cluding some key traffickers, have been arrested in Quebec during the last three months' pursuit of the ring's "operators and lackeys."" In that time police had also Mr, Stephen Senators local at 13 grain elevators, | One of the biggest strokes came The dispute which touched off| Aug, 13 when the RCMP arrested | the walkout was resolved, and the| three persons and found $10,600 in cent hourly wage increase, | central Montreal, One of this season's oddities In the American League has been * the whammy Washington Sena- At B anville arly Wy has been over 500 Loa Ya a Poi BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Ro-|costly to have the hard coal rafl- But' Wynn pushed his season's|tarian George Stephen, owner of|ed in from the U.S, than te have tors continued their mastery over|and fuel oil business for his fel- "Besides", says Mr, Stephen, the Yanks to hoist Chicago White low Rotarians at their luncheon|"Canadian hard coal is of an Sox to within 1% games of first- meeting Friday. inferior quality to that mined in who has won more games than employee of the Bowmanville|!onnage delivered by his come |any other active pitcher in the poundry until 1957 when hg pany is delivered during the sug. |AL, edged the defending cham-|y, oni "the fuel business. mer 'months, He said the reason breeze at Kansas City, That gave| ob . n geocc (cost to the consumer, Wynn a 08 record and his 200th FOC, BF No Rg in The speaker showed colored victory, but it's the first time ' . A slides of the Reading Anthracite the break-even mark, attributed the At senamline th gs i Washington made it three|/small resale of bituminous coal i# graded petonting sia and if straight over the Yankees with alin this area to the lack of dock stripped", He sald the size an two-run, two-out single by Bob|tucky. The speaker sald soft coal oh Stephed, ali Yejcribing [Allison in the eighth inning It|is the chief source of industrial tie MINING Su Phiri el ng Si was the Senators' ninth vicfory|fuel, due to Its low cost, coal described the fuel oll rela Detroit defeated Cleveland 5-3] He has the franchise in Bow-|Ing of the oil from the time it is in the only other game played. manville for Reading Anthracite, [refined until it is delivered to the Baltimore and Boston were idled|which is railed in from Pennsyl-|consumer for use in the home or | 4 Grain Elevator Managers Associ-| counterfeit Canadian currency in 0 J nx ation later agreed on an eight-|a raid on an apartment in north. | Un lankees : Meet Rotarians ge tors hold over New York Yark- 5, Another. has been the fact pitching record to the winning the Stephen Fuel Co., outlined Canadian coal brought in to Bow- side Friday night and the Sena-|the operation of the retail coal manville, place New York. : Mr, Stephen, who was giving/the US, |" Wynn, the tough right-hander|pis classification talk, was an| About one half of the yearly pion Sox a bit closer Friday|™ x0. ing to the speaker, the/for the amount of coal ordered [night with a seven-hit, 1001.10" 0 coal still accounts for a|during the summer is the lower : p {business is the sale of bituminous e May 20, whe > had a 2-1) : rO0asSl i [Ee od fay 8 Sid n he ara f|coal, commonly called soft. coal. mining and processing plant in record, that he's heen clear 0 enn, He outlined how the coal apili manvi y ic (hardness of coal has definite ef» | #2 decision on the five-hit pitch. facilities at Bowmany ille, What is 2%" ba A ing of Camilo Pascual and albrought in is railed from Ken- fects on Its burning qualities, in 15 games with New York this business, = season HAS FRANCHISE He ouflined the various process. by fog vania, Mr, Stephen sald it is less'factory, by PRR PPB a h PL TEMPORARILY REMOVE RITSON TRACK road track renovation will be complete in about four weeks, «Oshawa Times Photo | bining efforts to temporarily re- | has 'been torn up, the base move the existing track on Rit- | line will be laid. Oshawa Rails | son road. When the old track | way officials expect the Ritsos