TH OHAWA TIME, Saturdey, August 20, 1940 HOME OF 1 THE WEEK 4 T |Get Channel 1l=Bamiltop CBLATY | whmway Channel T-Bufisle WROCKY Channel S~Rochester | WeRTY Channel 2--Buliale WHEN Channel 6-Toronts TV Channel A-Bulfale SATURDAY EVE, | 6-"Sit Back With 50 neh" VM. "0 [He 51. Sawronce Worth | TA | A=Film Featurette ! 1115 wilight Theatre 1:50 P.M, He wv. Orel Roberts he CR (08 a Family Playhouse 4 . 2:08 PM, The Menten | Hehe Church Tn | tumor Magnnine 215 P.M, Ym Festuretia emily Playhaise 2PM Holler Derby American Legion Conyenhinm Bavky dowes B00 PM, uve 1 To Beaver | 4 Derby | Be Mr, Fixit | $~Casey dunes hidh PM, News. Bparts Fhe Rifleman i 7 FM, | Hmtbuesn's Park Report By BERNARD DUFRESNE Canadian Press Sali Writer LEOPOLIVILLE (CP) ie # capital city of sharp con trasis Example 8% omeeptration ! b-Berigl Dramas 12:00 NOON 1~Bugs Bunny T--Restieny Gun B2-Truth or | Consennencss | d=News; Weather 12:15 PM, b-Matinee b-Bpenker of Ihe House 12:30 PM [le-News Thaove That Bok sa-1t Could Be You NET s=saren for Tomarvow With 12:45 PM, proper.' {1 Movie Matines Individual A Gomiding 14ght pecially gardeners : io PM hays, are faithfully tending aban Te Abint ¥ aces doned home beVFeature Movie bMest The Millers will return hesutiful garden doned Belgian home It is a eity without humor escort Don't laugh, it's Congolese, s&s This A Ghansion soldier dug in with his Bren gun on the | of an shan Example: A white girl burst out laughing in a night club and reprimanded her im and house hopeful the owners They smile greetiags ELEVISION LOG Congo's Capital City Of Confrast (they tno, are planning lo leave but many are quietly trading Congo Francs, nol sccepled oul side of the country, at the black market price of 8 frases to the United States dollar. The offices) rate is 30 Lo the dollar During the evening Leopold ville Is too quiet for comlort giving the impression something is about to blow up The native districts are dark ened, Albert Boulevard, the main street, is lighied with gracelul sireet lam bit practically de sorted. A few whites and Congo lege sip heer in sidewalk cafes One Canadian officer with the UN foree in the Congo said the capital 1s "8 voleann dormant now, hut it could explode al any Heating Men recommend SELKIRK CHIMNEYS 'cause they're y /] FACTORY-BUILT! L-Mid-Day Matines 1:40 PM, "Divorce Hearing Phe World Turns 146 PM, News fo passing whites In groups, however, they seem sullen, especially when they see whites passing native sections where there are some shanly dis triets and modern, low-cost hous ng MANY LACK There is heavy unsmployment among the Congolese wiiee the Vuropeans fled the inuntry when rioting followed ils treaty of in dependence with Belgium Seores of those oul of Jobs gather about United Nations headquarters hoping to get work drivers, messengers or elesn Ope n Hearing | T=Ted Mack Amaieur ! Boland Lite Theatre y i da rots " Hayy | hi MARES i i Pn dos . 4 | S=Dennis The Menaes BeoBengsl Lancers . ee: i ' i pie 4g | B= Highway Patrol | 2=Fumily Mayhouss ! EN . Lo | Emmis 'Wan. Dawson 4 pM a" " | 780 P, mM. 1A Country Calendar mT 4 ToMik Gin Theat LT | Stories of the Century | 52 Pro Yoothall " 2:00 PM, Ie eh Clark "0 PM Yoray In Court | 28m SPUN | yi a-Moliday Edition =Adventires With Perry Mason | 2-Bpeak Up Nol [7 hin PM ith P.M il ed [eign Hint B=Yesterdey's News 20 PM | T=High Hand Movie S=Man From Inierpols | Gale Storm 5:30 PM, | Lavetts Yours ilesdn the Law House Party Yokmave It To Beaver mm rm b-lafe and Death of Beat The Clock Calonel Blimp Ar. bid--Man and The Yount Doctoy Challenge falone ot Wanted, Millionaire 8:4 » 0100 P.M, Pm, I16-Gregt Movies Telawrence Welk BaThe Depuly S| de=Adventure Series 9:30 PW 5 Lawrence Welk Show | 4=Have Gun, time." There Is 8 great deal of con fusion in the Congo administra. | tion. Natives scratch their heads! aver electronic office vard index ing machines. The cards are strewn every which way HEAVY PATROLS ince the skirmishes Congo army this week Chanaign UN troops doubled along Albert diers stand In pairs every sires! corner The Canadians speak of (he Ghang soldiers as "a most res suring sight in the Congo." The Cihannians hehave like Britich Guardsmen under British and native officer The other troops in the capital are Bwedes who also appear to he capable soldier Living costs here are about the same ax in Canhda excep! tha! food prices sre shoul 25-per.cent higher There appear dance of food but little The sun rarely shines through the continuous winter heal haze over the city. The mornings are cool, the evenings warm, but all the while there Is stifling hu midity 4 JOBS of Chimneys are # specialized product just like a furnace, Chimneve need to be designed and built right find hotter performance « quicker draft and eon with patrols have heen Blvd Sol al almost the ol right With a Selkirk vou'll from furnace steadier draft HOME DESIGN NO, 108 The den, which may be used as an emergency hedroom, » fireplace, and plenty of win DINING ITEHEN bk dow space are bul three of the 81 AY wee 81s 9790 ( 3 --- f ! which help to make " ---- - | | | david Grist 2-Upited Fund rm hi JOLY 116 News Magazine T=Matty's Funday Funnies Derg or bd Blooges A=Film #-Crime Doula hid P.M Conservitnry of Musie Ls Temlame Kanger hBiienpe be Felln The Cat sin P.M wily b=Faee Te Nation Bugs Bunny snd Travel 600 P.M, kana Suspense 0 I=Boh Cummings Shaw | V=American Bandstand 10:00 # M | 'T=Bruve Eagle $= Banshall Tdubilee USA, | S=Disney Presents Shimer) J - , Bb Filibey home. The corner picture win bmlunamake . Veet or Mall dow front not only adds 10:80 "MM, 2=Pooule"s Court bBerinls eauty hut offers ample oppor ' ' CLs l He pwn ms 6130 P.M, x 400 PM Rit " > y wo ive | HmPapeys tun fo drape and BThe Habel He Mr. Adams ana Eve | Buckskin dEdge al Night arrangements, Note d=Law and Justice | STL y the chimney design NOB, 936 sary | A-Harbor Command Sith Century So Checkers and PM, Can Can Standard | vhieh out 1 win Walter Cronkite 145 PM costing fhe Bullding Editor, OF 2. p S=Avard Theatre ToeBroken Arrow ah PM, new Enclosed please tind 51.00 for which sesd me Book of 6=Feature Panoramas Tied PM i LT M, ' A hres Bloo | dDennls The Menace " 4 No need to clean a Selkirk either, The factory. You save on you'll ; wh He ars Phere 1s strikingly modern ar ehltecture 1a the oily----mainly tall apartment hui ld ings eon fructed on large 1hfool pillars A few of the many construction projects abandoned by the Bel glans have hben mesumed, Boal hullding yards on the Congo iver have heen back in opers tion tor & few days Of the 22.000 Belgian poldville while the new wis still a Belgian colony 2,000 remain today TRADE CONGO FRANCK They refuse Lo say whether Extra Funds To Assist 'Road Work TORONTO (CPF) An extra $2,000,000 has been approved by Ontario's treasury hoard for the capital grants construction fund to give municipalities additional money to continue road construe: | tion programs, it was announced Friday Highway Minister Cass sald the extra money will not allow municipalities to complete the original construction programs planned at the beginning of the year, "But it will permit the smaller | municipalities to work without a break until the end of the con: | struction season," he sald Road construction programs in 11:00 P.M, 715 PM {some municipalities were halted HAD E3=Newsi Nr several weeks ago when the| 0 ay Mia 118eDon' Messer Show | PrOVInCial road subsidy fund ran) 11118 PM, T==Cheyenne out I 4--Charlle Far inthe 3-Riverboat Show Movie $100 PM News 11:8--Ann Sothern Show 1 PM 4=The Tex built design keeps the flue clean hills, and important with a clean Belkirk chimney foalures om more this cost design 8 favorile families with Be a hud ' nh Slaaning Study the fine slep-saving kitchen arrangement with a« ess 1b the rear door, The bath s also well planned and easily allable from all parts of the home generous 8 large LIVING Di ih 4 ' dining ares adds 1s " y appeal of this papular honk of feel snler SEE YOUR LOCAL BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE o) SELKIRK METAL PRODUCTS LTD, 10, MAM ONT iNew TWha Da Yeu rust Hucehull From Thess Boots Verdiet 1s Yours gets BATA 1H § i YX closels room dimensions and ng an ahun ariety Map fn he the MelGiee and in Leo republic only WINNIPEG BROCKVILLE 625 WAIL 87 NORTH AUGUSTA RD RESIDENTIAL « COMMERCIAL + INDUSTRIAL CHIMNEYS in arious amp too pleasant od extends LL Now elow, a 60 Book YA (os > Mo ¥% Beautify your home the modern, func tional way, clean, durable ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS last a housetime. Inquire now and enlarged House Designs Beleotion of Homes for ( $1.00, Contains Including two-storey 106A 2News; Weath dow as planting hox Sports her | » A A TRA Bullders' hu eprints B-Hescus B ' iy of pha} i Oshawa Times, 11 nther Knows Best MONDAY » 8 are obtainable In 11:18 P.M EVENING angda for this Design No Oshawa, Ontario Yad y Y B=Film Vesture vallaf ia A whale Show bl itpale avallable al addres T=Playhouse Overland Trail HeWamily Theatre of House Designs entitled "A N sleet y =Rparts Fiayhouse g n " A New Belection of Low Cost 180 PM Ha Hail of Muste =Rneo's Cartoon Slory Homes For Canadians," (Please make remittance payable SMavie | US, Marshall Book to The Oshawa Times.) | a NEW ana ' $00 P.M ails p W, Sunday Showcase 4=Big Mag Show dM Bullivan 51 » 6130 PM, B=Musie On les TCantain Gallant fel urtoon Parly #=Woody Woodpechey Wwioe 14 designs 1 one A Name 1 News and Mi and i Mrs. North News and VBI ish AM Aris Patrol NDAY [am Encore FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE oii =| life: §8-Chevy Show By ROGER C. WHITMAN onan Nunes | 0K Theatre y an Sela 80 PM, T=Herald of Truth To=The Alaskans S=Hard Ranch Lorey storey and nueh u evel home plus Address informal and efu lon or term Order our Also Included in Book 1s full information on te orde the building require ments Early Show d=Western S~Highway Palrel 6115 P.M The Vikin #30 "M. | Family Theatre Today 1060 day how blue REMOVING MOLD QUESTION: Due to the umimer paint the haseboard in PAINT from bat will mals roosting, spread on the roosting areas In the aftie, algo discourage these ani | é=Alfred Hitoheock Sea rb Ranch 10:00 FM, B45 AM, Ian Prangisco Beat #=Man To Man { f-Hotel De Varee Bd-Loreits Young It is not harmful, but is 9:00 AM, Lucille Ball and unpleasant to their feet, The|u=Rev. Oral Roberts | o product 1s avallable at some|' Way { 1 Arnage ( the large garden supplies and hard-| harden ware dealers | S=Farm Home and CLOSET WALL MOLD Garden $15 AM, QUESTION: One of our bed:| *"Moguns Qespel rooms has a closet With an outs| (1. mis Is The Life side wall which develops mold | 7... Mission during the winter, The wall is ¥=Tim MeCoy painted plaster, Our house is a SCattonh Playhouse two-storey, wood siding, full base Aud AM ment, How can this condition he corrected ANSWER: If there Is no mols ture seeping down from the damp door my moldy ns the windows and THE HOME WORKSHOP jit this paint mold? ANSWER: Thoroughly serub the painted surfaces with a stiff brush and lution of house hold chlorine bleach, rinsing well { afterwards with clear water. Ven tilate and alr the room as much as possible on dry days | DEEPENING STAIR TREADS QUESTION: 1s there any way to make stair treads deeper? We have Just bought an old farm house and the flight of stairs to the bedrooms and bathroom has very shallow treads one feel like d side i 4 ways ws wood to use for these as iL takes ANSWER: | a fine finish and ages well, Clear there Is no way of making the white pine would also be suitable treads deeper other than having With the tracing guides on this hew staircase built pattern you can reproduce every BLACKENED SILL Sete " Yite avait rick - QUESTION: We want to refin ' $ } " B ish our window sill in the kitch our cherished antiques, If en, Because of moisture dripping Saw Is used to cut out the down, there are black stains on there will be less work in finishing the varnished sill, How can these the edges than if a coping saw giains be removed? 1:6:42 Weather) News | Be=Huntley-Brinkley Report 7100 P.M, fTabioid Bee'The Four Just Men twDeath Valley Days 8=The Vikings has become anything I ean apply that will 10:80 P.M 11=8aber of London Jon Not For Hire "Outlook What's My Line Phil Silvers Show S~Lork Up remove | 4] | | Plays Chosen em ---- «.. For Stratford STRATFORD (CP) Three Shakespearean plays and a new| Canadian drama have been se. lected for the 1061 Stratford Shakespearean Festival Artistic director Michael Lang: ham announced Friday that the 14-week season from June 10 to Sept, 23 will be the longest un. dertaken to date The Shakespearean plays are | Corlolanus, Love's Labour's lost, and Henry VIII, Mr. Langham will direct two plays and Henry VIII will be di- rected by George McCowan of Toronto, The Canadian drama is To the Canvas Barricade by Donald Jack of Oakville, It will run for four weeks One of England's top clasaleal actors, Paul Scofield, will play the title role in Coriolanus, Other castings will be announced later, The 38.year-old actor has played many Shakepearean heroes at England' {] Stratford. upon: Avon, {1 2 y FOR YOUR CHOICEST BROOMS AND TEA CUPS __PATTERN 23) Wr " AHO b-Father Knows Best fio PM Feoter Gunn Celebrity Talent Noouts 0:90 P.M, 11:6--Swing Gently Yor Adveritures In | Paradise §8-Algoa Theatre =Drama 10:00 P.M, FE Summer Npecial A=The Red Nalloon Comedy Showease 10130 P.M, HAR Rober Herridge making ty 1 Maple probably the am sorry tn say STOP FEEDING THAT MONEY~ EATING OCTOPUS a Jig pleces TR TE News) Weather, Sports LAERLE LB. | V=Playhouse S=Sports B-8ports Reel 11:130- P.M, 11=Late Show 6 Philip Marlowe 83=Jack Pare Mystery Theatre Y=The Living Word SChristian Neoience S=Cowhoy Theatre Late Show LIE [i M, 10:15 AM, Camera Three 11.6 -River Boat attie, the mold may be caused by | =Indusiry wn Parade | §=10entre J---Rourhen Sheel condensation on the wall, which 10:30 / M "MONDAY hp Talan of Wells Brave Theatre warm, humid house air seeping § Christophers 7 Bubtaln AM into the closet, Remove the mold &=Unele Jerry Aa Today | +3 by scrubbing with a stiff brush 11:00 AM | &=Newsi Roundup ' and household bleach, rinsing| §=Church Rervies Rls AM, well afterwards with clear water,| #=This Ix The Life 4=Captain Kangaroo B=The Big Rascals Pun H chaser, available at large house 11:30 AM, ' P00 AM wares dealers, may prevent the s-0#f To Ady HeRomper Room development of mold, This is a $=Camera Thre S=Ding Dong School rod-shaped heating tube, Just| 12100 YOON 4--Popeye's Playhouse plugged into an outlet y= Boe, Desh ' which uses about the equivalent! s--Musical Intariude LL AM, of a 25-watt bulb Or fur out! 8&=Family Playhouse Y=Romper Room the wall and place blanket insu.| $--News B=Rurns and Allen S=Gene Autry d=Life of Riley an |] Cing J Bie traning the Paliary sie the varnish with varnish remover, | finishing with Insulating or g¥P:| g.nateline UN 10:00 AM. bd hgh ) : dasemning pi following label directions care-|sum wallboard Film Featurette Dough Re Mi Mshing, for which directions are |r ily Then apply wood bleach or 12:30 PM given on Pattern 231. This pattern a hot, hie solution of oxalic! TILE LOOSENS ON CONCRETE 11~News is 50 cents or it will be included acid (poison) liberally aver the| QUESTION: Our home is on a Good Life Theatre Tow Rib Show . : ' 8. News Conference Jack Nare can Reproductions for $1.76. Ad- night, rinsing it thoroughly next her tile In the kitchen but it 2:45 PM, 11:00 AM dress orders to The Home Work day with clear water, When the keeps loosening, Is there any | HeAssignment Ottawa | 11Jane Gray Show shop Dept, The Times, Oshawa. wood is completely dry, smooth|way to make It adhere perma-| lf soci au Price Is Right with "000" sandpaper and wipe 1:00 P.M, lave Lucy off dust, Refinish as desired d=Lamp Unto My Fast Is very cold, when contacted hy Brave Theatre R100 AM Installing an electric damp iim Pesturette hi30 AM, electric Bugs Runny F-Trouhle With Father Is used, The operations In order) yewpp Remove the present lation between the furring strips, | 12:15 P.M $=Checkers in the packet of Early Amerl sizing and allow to remain over concrete slab, We installed rub: | Now comer TO nently? This Ts The Life 11130 AM, _ Hl=Rob MoLean Show modernize and slash : 11 ANSWER: A special type of [Hain Star waterproof adhesive must be | I'he Forest Industry is so im portant to the Canadian economy that acre burn an acre of burned pay Sheques and burned forest products, Den't burn a hole in Canada's pockets book by being careless with fire every ed 1s forests mean thousands of Canadian workers, Forests blackened by fire do not provide jobs, wood, or Protect our wood, fish producing plant the 806 that all may jobs for bush Green recrea nd game FOREN] henefit on BATS IN BUILDING ATTIC QUESTION: Can you suggest something for getting rid of bats in the attie of a building? ANSWER: To keep bats out of a building attie, or elsewhere close all possible erevices through which they might enter iey can be driven out by burn ing a sulphur eandle (he very careful of fire hazard), Rats are attracted by light. At night, open attic windows at top, and turn automobile headlights up to draw the bats out of building. A color used for rubber tile on concrete | in contact with the ground, This| iz available at large floor cover | ing and tile dealers QUESTION: What can we use| on our basement concrete floor| to harden i? It Is starting to powder ANSWER: Prepared liquid ce ment hardeners are available a masonry supplies dealers; follow manufacturer's directions, Floors treated with this type of hardener Sir Robert Kirkwood, of the Jamalea turers' Association, eased the situation of malea industry only s ghtly KINGSTON, Jamaica (CP) Glut Of Sugar | HARDENING CEMENT FLOOR | 'Eased Sli chairman Sugar Manufac. | sald Friday) A recent sale of 40,000 tons of sugar to the United States has [ the lightly CHANGED NAME Island The 1956 LONG VIEW the 1.300 foot in New York hars| From formerly Redloe's the coast of Nova Scotia, days, top of bor on which the Statue of Lib: Table Mountain in Newtoundiand erty stands, | Island, was renamed Liberty Is: miles distant, land by an act of Congress In Brunswick for 33 years until his| is seen on . Ja: Keep our forests green less gelatinous preparation used for discouraging unwanted birds '¢ can later be painted pss ------ WE MANUFACTURE PRECAST CONCRETE APPROVED FOR ALL MUNICIPAL AND TOWNSHIP BY-LAWS. QUALITY IS UNCONDI- TIONALLY GUARANTEED, DELIVERIES ARE MADE ON TIME CAPACITIES AVAILABLE: ® 400 GALLONS * 500 GALLONS ® 600 GALLONS ® 750 GALLONS ALL IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER " CONCRETE pooklt PRODUCTS LIMITED OLiver 5-3311 The sale was negotiated after | the United States drastically re {duced its imports of Cuban su! | gar last month I Sir Robert, just veturned from! fia sugarselling mission to Rrit iain, said the industry has also [| been affected hy her wages, | lower revenues for molasses and | | rum and a decline In the sucrose (content of the canes, This year it wan taking 10 tons of sugar| cane to yield one ton of sugar, | compared with 9.5 tons last vear il He estimated the total sugar] ilcrop this year will he 415.000 I tons | 'Book Publishers | To Stand Trial LONDON (Reuters) --London' chief metropolitan magistrate is sued a summons Friday against the publishers of an uaex | purgated British edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover, the contre il versial novel hy D. WH. Lawrence The summons, under an ob [| seene Publications Act passed last vear, was granted against| Penguin Books, paperback pub lishing campany, on the app! tion of the director of public prosecutions Penguin Books later nounced it would ask for ing t realt Phot an the Professional advice is an essential factor in selects of security ond well-being. Consult you favorite LET YOUR REALTOR (tl od dL ME Welelel Tel qh doll) a! ) nil "YOUR OWN HOME PHOTO CO-OP FOR PAST ACTION IN BUYING OR SELLING A HOME he home where your family can share a sense or and see his up-to-the-minute selection of o Co-op homes in any ared you wish Consult a Realtor Today OSHAWA and DISTRICT REALESTATE BOARD SILENT fuel bills with a TIMKEN V7 X72 CONVERSION FURNACE Tired of bumping your head on overhanging pipes? Sick of looking at an octopus of ungightly pipes cluttering your asement ? Change now to a Timken Silent Automatic Conversion Furnace, You ean have this furnace installed and still keep your existing burner, You elimi. nate expensive installation cost, You enjoy controlled, luxurious abundany heat night and day. And as bonus, you have a nl ody modern basement you can use as a smart workroom, living centre or playroom. Don't wait until the busy season, Phone or wile we now for FRER HOME HEATING ALY. SIS, NO OBLIGATION. Jl McLAUGHLIN HEATING A DIVISION OF McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIE 104 KING ST. W,, OSHAWA S LTD. RA 3-348) [08ae 10 be tried by Juy. +