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The Oshawa Times, 20 Aug 1960, p. 8

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SOCIAL NOTICE | CLEVER AND CAPTIVATING FOR MANY OCCASIONS 5 HE TE ! ) gagement of their elder daughter,|" Susan Jane, to Mr. Robert Gor.| don "Jock" McKay, Toronto, son & of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Syer ' McKay, Minden, Ontario. The marriage will take place in Christ Memorial Church, Oshawa, on Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 Saturday September 17, 1960, at - -- 11.30 am 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 20, 1960 | ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Ross M. Ander on wish to announce the engage- Crago-Smith Nuptial Rites te pier, Satie io » oak Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Held At Tyrone United Church William Gibson, all of Oshawa : 7 The marriage will take place on 4 The marriage of Christina headdresses and carried chrysan- Saturday, September 17 at 3.90 vy Marguerite Smith, daughter of themums in contrasting hues, p.m, in Albert Street United Mr, and Mrs. George Lloyd Miss Donna Holmes, niece of the Church TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH Smith of Bethesda, and Lorne bridegroom, was the flower girl PILE PRED | pn Sei ; William Crago, son of Mr, Fred- in Whe nylon and lace with a ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is an- | Science degree with honors in erick Lloyd Crago of Oshawa and white flowered headdress and Mr. and Mrs, Harold W. Honey nounced today of Janice Mc- | geology, He is an employee of tire late Mrs, Stella Crago, was carried a basket of yellow and of Port Perry announce the Donald, only daughter of Mr the Department of Mines and solemnized vecenily ai Tyrone bronze chrysapthemums, Masier engagement of their daughter, and Mrs, Ross M Anderson, Yechnical Surveys and has United Church Richard Smith, brother of the Helen Joyce, to John Maurice and Mr, David Whiteoak Gib spent the last three months in The Reverend Geerlon 10k - bride, was the ring-bearer, Green, son of Mr, and Mrs, son, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- | the Yukon, The affianced pair hurst officiated, The wedding Mr. Keith Crago acted as best Norman Green of Biackstock ' liam Gibson, all of Oshawa. both graduated from Oshawa music was played by Mrs, Gor- man for his brother, Ushering The marriage will take place on The bride-to-be graduated in | Central Collegiate. The mar. don Brent and Mrs, Lloyd Down were Messrs, Bob Edgar -and Saturday, Sepiember 10. 1960, at June from the Atkinson School riage is to take place in Albert sang Donald Smith, 3 o'clock in Port Perry United of Nursing at Toronte Western Street United Church, Septem: Given in marriage by her A reception was held in the Church. Hospital, Her fiance graduated ber 17, at 33 ym, 1" . father, the bride wore a wallz- Tyrone hall. To receive, the MARRIAGE from Queen's University in ho) Toll, Yoromia length dress of tulle and lace de- bride's mother wore a dress and, mp0 PA I meal : allace Berry, 4 Th marriage of Margarel May receiving his Bachelor of | Kingston signed with a scalloped neckline jacket ensemble in brown linen yo. o puiledee and Lorne Cecil ' 2 and long pointed sleeves, A head (rimmed with white lace, while MacMillan, both of Oshawa, war dress of rhinestones and sequins accessories, and a yellow and .iamnized on Friday evenin: held her fingertip veil and she white corsage. The bridegroom's Ay qu. 19. at 7.00 p.m. in the 0 N A L S carried a bouquet of red sweet: stepmother assisting was In ca000 gf Ardrew | heart roses and orchids printed turquoise taffeta with cp oh vith the Reverend Miss Joan Cowling, cousin of while accessories and a white George Telford DD. officiating Mr, and Mrs. George Puckettider states, sightseeing in Yellow- the bride, was the maid-of-honor carnation corsage Jr. and family enjoyed a visit to stone National Park, Glacier Na in vellow, The bridesmaids were Later the couple left for a wed Sarasota Jungle Gardens during ifional Park and Chicago where Miss 'Nelly Raaphorst and Miss ding trip to East Ontario and the THE STARS SAY their recent vacation on Florida's (hey particularly enjoyed the mu. Linda Smith, sister of the bride, United States, For travelling the Lower West Coast, The vis eum, : both in lime green. All wore bride wore a powder blue nylon By ESTRELLITA mingled with flamingoes identically styled street-length and taffeta embroidered sheath NE" . 7 other rare wildfow! from every One way of letting your friends dresses of nylon chilfon over with a blue nylon stroller-length ¥ ~ By kS1 RELLITA continent roaming freely in these know that you are back from rayon taffeta and net, The neck- coal, white accessories and an oR 10 1ORROW vob will. 2ov world - famous gardens, Other YOUr vacation is t6 call the social lines swathed with pleated nylon orchid corsage. The newly wed- Ty Re rou | nj A Bees Will 8OV=i points of inte in Jungle Gar- department of The Oshawa Times chiffon ended in flying panels at'ded pair will live in Bowman persona' retationsnps on Sun- dens were hundreds of unusually (RA 3-2474) for an item in the the back. They wore feathered ville day, The day will be a fine oneloglorful tropical plantings, huge personal column for which there in which to encourage new friend royal palms bordering jungle is no charge. News of social hip%, strengthen old ties and to) (rails and brilliant macaws and events, showers, teas and an- | CHILD GUIDANCE participate in social and pecsea cockatoos which pose with visi-iniversaries as well as visitors tional activities of any type tors for pictures from out of town are always i is HR BEN (ide Ps a ing the P.M. look for some good welcomed 4 . 4 ews Mrs. D. R. Barnes and Mrs 1 of an old fe . By nted, cotton-belted, cuff Dreamy, moss green silk or- | line that doubles for sleeves. | GC d t Wh A H 1 f ] news, . ; ae au ; . : n old favor. | ley-orinted. cotion-belted, cut: Bap hal Solas 1 Teaver. ran paren S 0 Are Ir1eiPIUl ror mae smrupay ¥red Lloyd, both of Oshawa, of Mrs, E. G. TLegue. Division o manufacturer ganza, draped and shirred into If tomorrow is your birthday, the Ontario Unit of the Canadian gireet, who has been sf ying at Cancer Society are acting as cc- . . A WwW your ope indicates a ha The Holiday House, Bracobrids Ie Not Al ays Appreciated Yous horogeape indicates 3 happy conveners for the Canadian Na Bay repay vin Bracobridge, lt ¢ oo % tional Exhibition Art Gallery next * By G, CLEVELAND MYERS [accompanied by their parents; of currently in a cycle which should Friday. Oshawa and branches, Mrs, Ernest Blair, Rits he exceller aa oy ! ) air, Ritson road such grandparents who may slave|® ©X¢¢ llent from a material| .." rc represented as follows: south, has been " 114 4 : : : H Y D F I t 1 There are a few bad grandpar-| Such graf y Ji ths . standpoint if you refuse to indulge! 's ;. dis te . . ending a few Women's Building at Oshawa Fair How You Dress For an Interview irr "wise de ior ine youn fami wich does 05200 un, ine pic os, Pikering, i "4, "3. day's Campers th ge cipline | and guidance of their drudgeries , larly during September and Oc-|g ivi "Boaverion: Mrs. P. 8. of Mrs. Rosa Boyce, Mr, and Mrs, 1 I I t t G ti b oung Srandehiidren Who pam Nor d 1 hear al the grasd tober. Carelessness then could off-| (pop . Mrs, J gt Park Mrs Ernest Blair and sons, aul and Full of First Class ntries S mpor an n 2 ng a 0 per them are partial to ig 1 or 0 k eae abou he Brac set the gains possible this month, Georae, MoLauziiin: Bowian. Boyce, are attending the wedding everal children in a fami y, an paren s who k me the grav in mid-December and carly 1961.| ville. Mrs. © us a Nal {of her niece, Miss Shirley Boyce, the! Among the organizations sub. August the month of theyour slip fits well in the bodice Who even drive the parents to children and their parents 0-00" Good opportunities for business Stanley Dunn, Mrs, E. R. Thomp- 0 or. Charles Davidson at { e ratively and companionably, who Cs nitting exhibits are Westmount vear when young women start|and is not too low cut, Avoid let divorce era ) , PR TIR 4 inc hn, A ] : Campbellford, today, Mr, Bo cs WA and the Women's Institutes thinking of job Vacation is'ting petticoats show at the nem! 1 often get letters about suchjoften do much to stabilize the expansion are indicated within son, Mrs, 8. G. McMurter, Mrs, y Shirl | : . " no. grandparents family, Yet there are many of the first three months of 1961. |S. Saunders, Mrs. W. B, Syer; Dial Will usher for his cousin. of Shi ey rook and Kedron over for June's high-school and nd hep ¥ tern eye on strag- 8 ppep often 1 hear from the|such Job interests will be under fine Port Perry: Mrs, Leonard Col ™ he need'oworl commillee is college grads. Summer secreiak gling shoulcer.straps a or Wi psn' eve "zat Yotiors ener SHmull during most of the next hear, Mrs, Fred Raines, Mrs, Rj P h Sh and pret dressed composed of Mrs, G Brown, Mrs. jal courses are finishin he! Hosiery--These are best in neu Erandsmoties ho dossiit Believe hg gut Jotters J om, parenst 12 months, and there are splendid Farle Bryant, Mrs, Louise Pat pe eac erbet I". Grant, Mrs, F., W. Steele, Mrs, warm weather doldrums are com hades, Take care to have didn these children or treat who i the YY ranch with influences for domestic relation. ferson: Oshawa: Mrs, T. Murphy, Mrs HA. Dicken Hil am Dodwell and Mrs. A. M. ing to an end and ; business seams straight--seamless hose thom kindly or humanely or dis: Jan provi and acod Books who "hips and affairs involving family Mes. Dy Robertson was, Co Hot-Weather Treat e firms are preparing to take on a v solve this problem. A wise cipline them wisely pin . "A ecurity, The current month, mid. Elliott, Mrs, . alker, Mrs 1 abhen ds, and Mrs, George e domestic science commil-inew crop of employees for the joh.hunter carries an extra pair gover these grandmoth- ips ne gtanle nila. 8 December, May and June wiil bg John Dyer; Whithy: Mrs. Hugh Nothing sets more "10-0-0h's" 1s Mrs. J. Davies and Mrs. pall rush of nylons In her bag, in case of ers often want me to send bul fo olimb to higher levels of at notable for sentimental matters, Nichadl, Mrs. D. Hill, Mrs, Wand 'a-a-a-h's" and satisfied lip- H. Goulding and the junior] 000 00 100k at vour initialla. run leitns, even personal advice, t0\{ninment, And who ever tells of and early January gives prom. Roland Hunter, Mrs. Jack Me. | smacking 20 .a home-made job interview can be crucial in| Suit or Dre his should he the daughter or daughter-in-aw.| those grandparents, who, often at|ise of Increased popularity and Avoy, Mrs, J. Hope-Brown, tesh peach sherbet, This one committee, Mrs, R, Gimb and Mrs, Lloyd Johnston n , as a rule, to do . | {made according to the following ieciding whether you get the simply tailored, cle ' a1. This I refuse, as a rule, il great sacrifice, help put grand. prestige, as well as new oppor: . 2 dwi p an , ' rend red, clean and well Soi 1 would be glad to send Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Pearson recipe could not be easier. Also nd ck ¢ position vou want ays Sara pressed. Remember ny children through college or get|tunities for business expansion, p rol ig § , . ' i! di bby la lliams, Pers 1 Director. emember, It 15 linej ying or even personal advice them started in a busizess or pro-. A child horn on this day wil have returned from visiting theirlit is comparatively low-calorie. ( dainty knitted eac a William ersonne rector. and color which create the pro . the Jdves if they| RN § Pi ¢ horn on this day V sister and relatives in Edmonton. | Use soft-ripe fresh peaches for nfants, cotton dresses "Often the interviewer makes per effect, not the price-tag. Use '° the parents themseive |fession? You and I know there be self-confident, friendly and dy-| Alperta. ie puree d and smocked, and Luncheon Menu up her mind before you have high colors in accessories, Father wiote ne requesting Xe oe of| 47 many such grandparents, (Romie in bublic eulines. Mix 1 envelope unflavored rdigans IF thet Ww 2av tev. 201 Weal" aid a word than in outer-wear, For your|y." erandmothers who still go,| MOSTLY DOWNGRADED ON aintaln 4° down to-amrtls alti. Members of the Mary Liliout gelatine with % cup cold water 16Te 18 any lime 8 § ' Sara Williams should know major garment, select a shade of ayen long distances, to care for, Most! hat's write Maintain a down-to | attl- Smith Mission Circle of Firstiang le; stand a minute, Place to show off her talents as a . "tod ve ars | grey ue ; even long dist ) ; Mostly what's written about {ude on Monday. Don't go to ex- Baptist Church met at the home ] ' During the past (welve years, grey, blue, brown or black the rest of the family when a new| srandparents describes the fe P i | gelatine bow! in a pan of hot at Beroming ! . | Rrandparer scribes the 1eWiiromes but follow routine with of Mrs. Walter Nickerson, re |" . most becoming to|pahy comes, or of the grandpar- who are not good ones. Like care. An excellent Mereury as- cently. Ti eT a Sy 'R h water to melt, Combine 1 cup are, { ht 4 vy @sricently, The president, Mrs. HOb-lg,qar 9 tablespoons fresh lemon hostess and cook, it is when he's he has interviewed almost three whichever entertaining a group of other . o : hired vou. If a white Har or blons , arents| i tea towe braided Ey thousand young women and hirec a white collar or blouse ents who bhaby-sit for the parents| rime in many newspapers, it, ov ring : A . . Wedspreads avd women at luncheon, This menu| © e054 indred for posts, Is worn, It must be spanking or who welcome the grandehil:| makes interesting reading for pect may bring unusual news by ert Moon, opened the meeting juice, 2 cups fresh peach puree (1% pounds), 1 cup milk and % mast be prey {0 behold. and ranging from clerical assign. [resh dren and care for them even withi many people, The assumption Is ual or other forms of commun. vith prave: aw on dhe devotions 3 ( 4 unusua, or "iments to junior executives Shoes--Wear a classic style. [the mother, following a divorce. |that all grandparents are like|'cation. 4 nteresting nhali-hour Wa sli. cn00n salt, Pour into a freez- neous section cious, too, and should not look : i ditt 1 : | "Seldom do parents write of the|these few. Yet you and I know p me . spent with the minute book of 30 i ' fancy satin and (go fattening, Fresh Peach Salad, Dres ing properly for an In- They should fit well, be nicely randparents A ro Trost And hor os . FOR JRE BIRTHDAY bisth years ago and many members|i"8 tray. Freeze until almost cushi 3 { . % , lerview does not require expen . \ 3 lhe a , f Monday | our birthday, wi ) ore recs " i ¢ ishions, oven mit for instance, with some thin htt ' V Pi Re out Polished or brushed, show nol ji,siegs for long weeks in summer| I wish more young parents who ay 1s yo thday,\who have passed on were recalled. |firm. Turn into mixing bowl. Add . 1am and chicken mnger sand sive clothes," our chart promises occupational s. Nicker: vos ; : ol There's no price-tag on correct Tun-down heels or worn tips'to the grandchildren, sometimes read this column would write to Yous paar: P and a Soup sharp ip Nickerson Liosed the meet:(| unbeaten egg white. Beat with tion I viches. For dessert, possibly an i Fi : me of the truly fine and wonder. £0 ng with prayer, The hostess serv. slectric displa girls' old-fashioned pound cake and Appearance Simplicity ean THEIR ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED ful contributions to the welfarc|UPtrend in your financial status od refreshments and a social time|"" Sleotri Or Tolary. egg beater oidered pillow iced tea or coffee gp age eat Ly hes [and happiaess of their families during the next year. Do not, | followed. until smooth and fluffy, Finish ;ements and cakes! To make four serving w Rh vou Nave the ri ht ual {by the grandparents, and let me however, alow undue optimism wy and Mrs. S. J Simpson freezing in two trays until firm fresh peach ad pee Ane EE A Ty uh, pass this information along, Tio lead you info extravagance or|Nassan street, and son. Robert and ready to serve. Makes about e section has a fine halve 4 big soft-ripe peaches i 8 ' wish there were sermons from ! . and Mr. and Mrs. John Si : ints chocolate Mash 1 package cream cheese|Viewer's main concern Is how the pulpit and articles in religious speculation during September OF have returned 3a J Inps0n pins: ---- otoring vacation that took them as far as 10 y cake vou ton far apart from the group iehve or i your position, Radium Hot Springs Alberta AL TORIA (CP)--A group of ree and small ples and minced celery, 3 tablespoons ar apar the g ' have ia the modern family, Domestic ial anil sentian- They all toad Nas, ¢ 2.126 children, seven and eight de bread. backed by chopped unblanched almonds, aYou will not be chosen A (My bulletin, Some Suggestions omestic, social and se ntimen-| Fy tried y swim in the|yoars old, now are present at vod fry fam neh of salt and about % tea.| Here are the twelve points Sara to Grandparents, may be had by tal relationships will be under" Tot oh Wu ? Vas steam: | university classes "here. They poon grated horseradish, For|Willlams advises every job ap {sending a self-addressed, U. S.|oyoollent aspects during most of in the o 1 © glad of a dipiform a demonstration group in \ 2 »s plicant to bear in mind, as she stamped envelope to me in care . . : he cool pool nearby. As well! conjunction with a special sums erving, fill 2 peach halves|J ' Phi the year, with emphasis on ro- as visiting hake I v8 of this newspaper.) J ' ha ) I ouise and Banff mer refresher course for teach- mance during the balance of this they drove through 12 of the borers. month, in mid-December, May and June, During September, try reversinle ade hirtmaker, palsley ide, Flip it and presto, solid. 0 cvirted dress with a *'Y" ing Toronto Fashions Week at | trimmed haped, widely collared neck the Guild of All Arts Ga pais Women's Building a I Veal well A line ariety ol waked good piekle r------ tificial flower ar Fore Ontario, lor Georgetown for do and lowe had time placing the win ippliqued and pleced hackground for the | cloth embroidered 15 ed ru ff fruit. cake t es ¥ and sponge cakes and and blend in % cup mayon.|Well you will fit into the organi ¢ pnw | journals on the positive and con- October or you could weaken md many var. haise. Beat smooth. Add 4 cup|*ation. If your appearance set | structive place more grandparent each vith cheese mixture and put to- dresses for an appointment v | HOUSEHOLD HINT ether to form whole peach Undergarments--A well fitted H ; PARENTS' QUESTIONS ile I prole lace sal Jreens 4 g Pp { a PSS F 2 53 wal profes. Place on salad green A al girdle and bra are essential | Q. Would you expose the child 1 six or seven, to mere -jingles just cleaners use, If dressing. blend '4 cup thick sour{Contrary to the Hollywood idea wean add vinegar, cream, '4 cup tart jelly and athe girl who over-emphasizes any i ¥ for their music? to avoid tension and don't overs | yleohol or horas but few grains of Salt. Garmin fala past o her Jigure rately Bets the v ko A. No; he ought to hear realltax health | y ip | é PM 1 sh aspoer PS ue ( eer Ouse or dress J \ KDI" pS DAS 1 THE | eaves with fre il raspberric |1ob a sh ) e 0 s ; i poetry which expresses ideas in| A «hild born on {his day will be | {| berries or other fresh berrie top are worn, be careful that 7 ) fewer words and with more - : 4 imagery and emotional appeal | Versatile, ambitious and a loyal CANADIAN DOILY | 3 [Tan could be expressed in prose. friend, PARENTS - YOUNG PEOPLE ! 174 RITSON ROADS. Moa Registrations are now being accepted for SPECIALS FOR MON., TUES. AND WED. the AUG. 23, 24, and 25th Yr. and Mrs, John David Fl tario, The wedding day is set Ine tds Lhe. otnsmens of | Ue coring Vil pace FALL TERM MARGARINE °* 4 89 thelr elder daughter, Susan | Christ Memorial Chure 3 dine, oS "cordon | am The Toure A ad Now CHICKENS "iii" 1 37¢ prospec ive br idegroom is : the i Mh mae then _ . OPEN i NG CHICKEN BACKS FRESH 4 LBS. 25¢ Son of dr. and Mis. Gordon = Photo M. Russell Reid, To TUESDAY, SEPT. 6, 1960 BEEF BOLOGNA FRESH ob 31¢ AT THE HEAD LETTUCE "™" 2,0 19° y ; Mao Mange | SWAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE || ORANGES tice 3, 100 Lil Eight Day School Courses from which to choose CUCUMBERS GHERKIN ber 79¢ 3 -S 005 SCHOOL OF DANCING Mode A ant and methods. Personal, Indivis CUCUMBERS PICKUNG DILL A 69 dual instructions in major subjects. Over 100 Gra. ' D.E.A.--M.D.A. duates placed in 1960. FRESH DILL 2 BUNCHES 29¢ Evening Classes -- Tuesday and Thursday Evenings PEPPERS RED HOY §¢ Ballet, Tap, Toe, . . iti Character, Baton, 7:00-9:00 p.m, -- Tuition $15.00 per month PEPPERS GREEN SWEET 3 ok 19¢ Acrobatic, ACT NOW! GET THE FACTS! ITALIAN : PINT Kinderdance and CLIP AND MAIL THE COUPON GARLIC nox & 9° Registration: 5 Co: al . - : a - a -- . . RREAD CHRISTIE'S BROOKSIDE 2 ives 23¢c am interested in ®t Jpecialine usIiness raining offere SAT., SEPT. 10th by the Oshewa Business College. i BUTTER FRTIN SRADE LB, 64 10 AM. to 1 P.M. Clall _'|| COFFEEBUNS £0 'wah 34¢ Evening Closses at the | ' Please send full particulars to MASONIC TEMPLE [| rm ee. We SHOP And SAVE At... one whos. 1 rw for bu 91 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA MW amen : I, GLECOY . n » the Need t Depar co h vel 2 oly send a | Ment of this paper, requesting Int tion: % 0 the Wil, 4 ve fof SOR Wis HOROP, Fefuusn nformation: RA 3.7253 : CASH YOUR BABY BONUS CHEQUES HERE! with any decor, this doily | stamped, sell . addressed en- | ¢91]1.B,

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