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The Oshawa Times, 22 Aug 1960, p. 13

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3y THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, August 33, 1960 13 Afivt Estate For Sele 45---Reol Estote For Sole |45--Real Estote For Sale 45---Real Estate For Sale A47--Automobiles For Sole 50---Articles For Ta ioe DOWN, immedinte somession " METEOR option Musk | BUILDERS "and home ners. Fecha A home on Mel anEhin Biv hone new 196 t oblem economic.' roy, four ysis + No, 2 rr By om "i ain downstairs KASSINGER sell, Telep A 8 eee | OKIE tops, Key' . Duiislo FY ed om [the_pro om nal ston rs Ye miles east of OU hawa limits, Large end one sige room up. Nature! fire | "5 CHEVY. four door we FRIGIDAIRE, Westinghouse, | esian 10 J, he government needed. eaptifidly landses +4 lot, natural fire piace, ofl heated, good garage, Full miles, price $2100, Phone R itor, MeClary, used ings or { washers, 340 up. Kelly's, 22 price 50.500. One morigage on Tes sonable terms, Ernie Holmes Realtor, 'WM DODGE sedan condition, le 2 dev 4 Kong Breet Fast. BA 3283 of - oF best offer, Must he sold, S opinent 8.095 | ing, brand I ng | kee, nee av | Boguinr $080, i RA 5639 dow ' : 57 BUICK, four door hardtop, we ona | Wn. i ay of living is terribly Jow OUR MONEE wy Hos RA 85.1837 | Six Si bungalow, garage, ail # i I pm Handy Andy, "WA 84111, own mortgage, Phone BA 8.1837, |iented, hardwood snd tile floor, & KEEWATIN Wie, automatic hate. ha 4 nc | vi tn wen 3 g taliead, 1s commiitied to "yard and mat be raised." Said the Femnd balm, ras. svom, Yaundsy Suh ity Rag , Drive ff, Inew, finest made regular marks an end to 60 years of | ship," 1 has oated segregation [eminem doors, rms # screen ' ' ws, $300 DOWN 148 Willicroft Street, RA 58188, "| fice, $1495 Phone MO 84517 Frid iro fam, 9pm, Handy way marks relations heiween whites! to the point of admitting Africans resmirees but we heed the es LOOK 111 NEW income nome on 255 acres or jeas| This lovely 6-100m home with finished recreation room, den |S GLOEMOBILE "Super MW", ip and blacks in the self-governing to the multi - racial University ralop hem, vy w LS Wf desired on No. 7 and Mo, 12 Hwy,| ond basement garage on ground floor, hos 3 lorge bedrooms, |ped, bew offer, Can he financed. Tele. CHERTERFIBLD sw iie, i Brit colony, {College in Salisbury, training Al oa During the 1950s more overseas | Commercial zoning ares, 15 minutes) dining room ond modern kitchen with fon end notural stained |Phone RA 58504 {foam cushions, self covered deci rh Now * tal poured into Souhterm Combination aluminum storm | rem Oshawa, 7 bathrooms. 3 kitchens conboords 4upiece. tiled bath with vanity, Mony extros includ |AUSTINMEALEY sprite in Ai send ght Kelly's Pumiare. wd" Spine | he proud boest of the British rican doctors, allowing Africans Rhodesia at 8 faster rate than" ond screen windows, forced (Permasent wenings, sss con bak | CMPOISIED, GRICE TURE SEI MI a immediate posses. [ion Inv mileage, sleo meer, forced srr el hore» uth h African Police thet no shot| entry Info certain hotels, and ini gy oh African territory, oir heating, completely de- | Write hox 842 Oshaws Times sion, For further porticularg coll; fo sell, Phone MO 3.5670 JING | furmi ure? Well yd been fired in anger against fuk eatignt ng means of giving Outstanding project was construe - " Ai #5 PONTIAC '50 Ch, runs good, ws, ete, For top eash offer, ad ind African populati rieans unity in trades (ion of the tol Knriba dam on the coroted walk-out bosement, y - FIVE" room brick bungalow, iarie cudlent Hiren, radio, * ng West Motors, | JLres. Prince Sireet, Phone BA 81131, tince conquest of the territory He open only to whites, Zambesl River, Mmed af provid Six-room solid brick bungelow | rooms, hardwood, tile flooring, naturel jeetitnl te Shopping Centre two-ysars old fini 'on caphoArs, rim, Asking $12, 5 ONEVROLET deluxe sonch, ow | 00 8, ammunition and honing sup. 1806 has been shattered, Money and experience of dedi- ing hydro-electric power for new RA $0012 rt a O [lias white, radio, expert says its "per: | Riek Rew on Te hor 10" pant! A slow breaking down of tradi. cated white welfare officers have industry, ' ed RB - hedroom "modery ROVER 100m eet" merhanically. $995, King West | ea West, RA 50811 ore tional color barriers In recent been used fo start African home A prominent African jou W. T. LAMSON hor " fiye rooms, two-piece bath down, | Motors, opposite Shapping Centre o hi, h ¥- ears now Is i vershadowed by ownership schemes, build hos Wily doubting any human EA ESTATE LTD, [snd nr dot faucviace bath up A | 0 PONTIAC Biraio-Chid, _ two-dosy| WAT. runabout, two decks." wind: |VEAFS ROW C8 5 Verh injured wi pitals, schools, concert. halls, An'motive In white moves avira A 5. ge ST Auley, Realtor, 2 Prince treet, RA RA 5- 6588 standard gear shift, A-1 condi on. 78 many extras, J HP Johnson trailes,| (he afiermath of riots in African| Agricultural extension program oN oy, was partial) nl 82510 or MO W565, i p-- PD ct An 1m hd RA 5-548 suburbs of Balishury and Bulae- 8imed at enabling "improved" | agreement with Bir Pagar y: 4 STUDEBAKER sedan running y gp, le $tores -- fires, Dal. | wayo, The spotlight of world farmers to purchase and on views, If Africans ood $50 DOWN ~ new brick home, three shape, 850 or best ofler. Two ear 108, % . earn bedrooms, recreation room, immediate 47 Automobiles For Sele Yadios and radiator for '50 Pontine, RA brie pe odie opinion, hitherto focused on South| freehold tenure, in Bulawayo one enough money, send their chile possession, Phone RA 3907h [#0 CHEVROLET fmpsin convertible 55055. _ PANGLOS Savinus uring cir he Africa, Kenya and the Congo, now| butcher grosses more than £2,000 dren to school and live well, VIVE mooms two siorey house, DMA Gr driven Mies Hew. only "5 BELAIR conch, ORE owner, excel: wrnitire Sale, Bunk ber, eiaht| includes Southern Rhod It $5,000) 8 year, owns an £8,000 other problems might sort them- miles, only $3205. Low down Fr, ag {lent condition, everything in good) hi nd a lal [Front Street, RA 58435 {Bow 3 at Hilltop Motors, RA # arin Bam avenie. THA hee complete, wale price. $58; (| phe (roubles came a time oy and a late-model American! selves out, However, ultimately' . AL ESTATE LIMITED {EXCELLENT six +» room rig brick, |'sh CHEVROLET two-door, J eon | 34821 |irexsen, discontinued ticking, priced for) when the white-dominated terri-| "48 | education was even more ime. REAL A i [clorey and half with three . room base: dition, Areal collector's Jem. Very ii GHEVROLVT sedan, wxeellent eon. | Quick sale, $16.88 up, Brniontn top auilied | jopial government appeared to be| But the average African wage portant KING ST. E DIAL RA 8.4678 LL apartment, i tarke bright rooms, | rare car, Asking $600, Hilltop Motors, | gion" wit) finance from 6 to § p.m | continental oles, ingle aren. eo | paving at Teast Wp service fo the 1* still about £11 a month com- "Education Is the key to our - ean as ih A y jr 40 # hee [Iargn Tandseaped Jot, fruit Vrees ANd) griin situ a pra us atsatdel pe NT oe | Chron Street eal of "partnership" between pared Yith a ivatage wits Yu: political. and wir) OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAY gnvaie, on Bimeos Steael North. AWK |gholutely spotiess 30,000 one swner bid MIA Bini Bag gg Ro | DOMINION Appliances (a division of he 200,000 whites and 2,500,000 4500 FE y Jie) emancipa on he sa ing only $16, 900 with ey, | ilen, previous owner's name on tough Drive, Whitby, after 8 Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's Africans, Segregation, once more African Living expenses generally that litical emancipation in Le x 10 on bungalow, Co-op listing, W. MeAUleys | is" Bargain priced at only $995, wit {Murket, Hampton, A complete Nine of Jgidly enforced in Southern dre lower and rent often is sub. itself not ne complete BUILCING LOT -- Jackson Ave, == 41 00 Svar Neultor, 28 Prinet Street, RB iow down payment, Hilltop Motors, RA a NAMM aydromatie, radio, white: | appliances at hard to beat prices, COI Aine than in South Africa. |» |sidized, Some Africans are on prolly . X " | B.6091 & racrifiee, best offer, ¢ i ef. | fax $2241, p qd v FIVE rao Danks ow, sunroom WE iy WTO, 30000 Actual les, exinl 30 BATHE (GRID paris snd Frain Tov ail makes) ¥88 being relayed and Afric andy Young lists ue few So in AL ming Voth Mier sud conditioned, aluminum storms, screens, | oo on Ties 81 Admirsl Road, |' DODGE four-door automatic, radio, 1 1 f were beginning to en some ; A REAL BU sell his home very soon, |LYMDEs, garage, 'hardwood floors Ap: {Adan Wi aaa mirsl Road, | wotone Best otter, RA 8133, 308 0) wiinger tybe washars, 4 ho motors, a 4 lo olor 1¢ fihodesia, while there are African opinfon which rejects compro Owner transferred from City ond must se Vy Ime. very Joon, {oi 151 Nassau Bireet LX TATRA len Wangan | Drow" iret : - wasters and 'stoves, Paddy's Markel would appear mow those efforts Members in the federation Par- mise, Rank-and-file, semi-skilled S.room brick bung OU OT oo [LARGE roomed. 3% Morey brgK homb uiiey 430 p.m: RA. 5-300 {ALLSTATE Aula inwirance, Save up| Mampion, CO 32341 : might have bes too litle, too liAment which also sits in Salis-| whites, such as railroad workers, ing, decorated ond landscaped, Asking price only 1200, [Dive drive, garane, very eenteal|'#h PONTIAC conch, mood Fanning, | 0 Ber Cent BI oe ee aris ia TW MOULDED plywood P Slow---and possibly too late, {bury, Chief significance of thisisee African advancement as & TOWNLINE NORTH hove Hh 5-340 [clasn, tatio, ARG heater, $120, Tele 52802 a Rog controls," skits eto. The issue is 'vhether the social, 2" tien] advaneemen' seems to threat to their own security, pre. & a crace. Natur! fireplace, hot woter with oil [PYACIOUS suburban 56 room rick v Aid 50 MORRIS Minor, in ood condition, | Best offer, RA 8.4014 after 12 | political and economic gulf be- have been 'that it exists at all, serve a militant unionism based | S.r.om hon garage 0 place, {custom built home, walkout basement, [54 OLDIMOBILE automatic transmis: phone MA 5.5108 Bowmanyille i - or Sir Edgar, no ing a rapid rise on the color bar, and argue they j p 00 Lig iF roid J a hone MA 3-6 OWA AUGUST Fuiniture Sale now ont tween white and black can still] : heating, $9,000 with $2,000 down farge Hollywood kitchen, builtin sto on, two ton whitewalls, eustom ' iin the Afri hirthrat ith ited high {und oven. vanity twindows, Many more radio, sli power equipped, in perfect| 8 FORD deluxe, push button radio, tremendous savings! Floor covering | he merged Into & true partnership rican bhirthrate with alare entit to higher pay than" . ear, Clearance of discontinuad patterns, 95! as envisaged by Britain in cre. P| resulting danger of a lowering of Africans because of higher pro." hers, snow tires, one owne CRESTVIEW GARDENS [extras One NHA 6 per cent mort [ponder Bacritice, Apply second house wis i", Shih BO IE tnt par (oor AThoTi(e Phadenty ; | Hoge, No agents, RA 3.4113 north side from Garrard Road on Ross. (perfect eondition desks, $19.95; Serta. and Beverly| ating the Federation of Rhodesia living standards. has considered ductivity, New home: in this area are now starting, Model home nearing 2 . {land Road West, 7 {LOT for sale, 78 x 200, between Whithy |58 CHEVROLET automatic, one owner smooth top matiresses, re $50.50 957 {1 " ne ath ot us show you just how good a home you con get i i000 , in real Kood ccidition, Must be veg 5050 and Nyasaland in 1953, Or w cen fie Let u w you Ju we 0 9 {and Oshawa, Fiizabeth Crest Avenue, '5h DKW 1000" hardiop, as new, hilly esr, Ip real go half price, $20.05; coffee and ond, rising tide of black national for only $12,600 with $1,256 down, or os low os $700 down 81700, Apply 255 Athol Kast equipped, $2660 new Jel for $1860, (sold. MO 8.8504 es To Tansiens Wem ror any | if vou Call this office for an appointment os the number | IIEICK bungalow, three bedrooms, | We older car, RA 8.1610, {Vin WAU "motor "Bike, AL eondition, includes table and lamps, 399, Wilson ism in Ghana, the Congo and in| i fairly eentral, north district, Private|™ -- Phone RA 39447 | Furniture, 20 Church treet, _ | neighboring Northern Rhodesia ore limit:d at this price A * Tia site, Apply Box B47 Oshawa Times |780 CHEVROLET, 4000 miles, Will ac. FOR BAL. = Spanish Electrio Guitar, | and Nyasaland aso sweep South-| 0 0° . : TRI-PLEX | commEnciaL o8 fi. frontage for sale | Ww | L L | S [cept trade. Apply 63 Drew iret (solla he, in A HS ok |ern Rhodesia? Or will the white pani oH Chase} He=livuiion CBII-TV Channel 6~Toroms Just listed -- brick triplex ~-- just 7 yeors old -- excellent con. |ar Fk on King' sires: Weel, apposite 28 = WHY. | population draw closer to the IV Channel 7--Ruftale WROC-TV Channel S--Rochester d " n : Jone hn ity . Total he Joa! $18,500 with $8,700 | Shaphing Sauirs, Phone RA 0-4999 after 4 Automobiles Wonted FIRKE-GLAM boat, 9 regu H] i isso whites south o the Lis. WGRTV Channel 8 Rutile WREN-TV Channel) 4-Buffaly ' | ' a fk ' 1057 BELAIR in perfect condition, will| now only #990, windshiel Woering, 0 strengthen the white | down, After 5:30 coll Dick Barrioge at 5-6243 ax room insubbrick h ome. with kor M 0 TO R S pay top price Phone TUrner $2304, | running TB 1g ax rawr ering, perv. | ha Tiengthen LO MONDAY AT mp, AFTER 5:30 CALL-- stantial down payment, Phone RA i Ji g oy) Although a British colony and EVENING 11=Romper Room 5.00 PA iin 52230 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want| 0d eo fam, . , - . For Your Lr i ah osts WA | Andy, RA s4111, part of the federation, Southern 5100 P.M, S-Ding Dong Schoo) t1~Family Theatre Dick Berrioge--5-6243 Joe Maga--5-9191 ' " INCOME home, ht room stucco | ; p -| Rhodesia has been Internally self-|1..pamiiy Thest Evercit Elliott--3-9290 Marion Drew=--B-4678 [hause, large ot. #6 Brock Sireet Eas, | AUSTIN CAR [ra sim ee, Be doced ws. care ptvwoed| governing since. 1923, The white on atari utaris Rint - . Phone RA 30175 or RA 3.3156 | GOOD ASSORTMENT Y £ "| paceship bout, equipped, WA #5924. | ei(lers, many of them originally | 3 Fiayhouse wc as Viol Ae + HOUSTON"S GARAG |TV TOWERS, 40-foot self supporting from South Africa, are mostly of | *~hom® OF * | 7=~Romper Room FOR BALE « Ajax, close to shopping ' tre, school and hus, hungalow with 1 ho argo. kitchen, three bedrooms, four: USED CARS AND SERVICE STATION [iunrie vend Installed 'and sunventeed | British stock and are responsible s--Three Stooges &=Burne and Alien '™. piece bathroom, finished recreation . for one year. $57.95, TRIO Television, |for administration of African af 5:15 PM; 2~Cheokers 6--Here's My Pot room, with fireplace, beautifully decor RA 5. 0331 BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM: [RA 8.6781 _ (faim, 10:00 A.M Big Mae Show ated, antenna, storm and screens, 2 Shedd Q PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MAYTAG, world's Targest manufactur i waier end sidewalk ~~ tarred road, Whites own about half the land, 3 5--Dough Re Mi 5:30 P.M, Many other extras. WH 2.2065 y ee MOTOR TUNE - UP AND |er laundry equipment, auton.atic wash: | including some of the world's] 7--Captain Gallant 11=News REALTORS CHARMING four.room bungalow just FINAL GENERAL REPAIRS ofs, from $2497 dryers $175 Now 00 | richest Rom Re Mari 1=Captain Galley Seciiosvitafe Pride "Roky wna north of hospital situated on a quiet display at Kell, 3-Woody Woodpecker residential street, In perfect condition, 67 KING ST. W Street East. KA 8-3183, {000 maintain a Ligh standard of 7-~Morning Show 6-fky King ' FARM PROPERTIES LR hy a rid RA 3.7822 WAY fever allergy mufferers, new por. 1iving amid a pleasant sub- ' Rll 62--Play Your Hureh 4~Republican Convene. . 100 ocres Just south of Port Perrry about V4 mile from paved [furnace storms and screens, 'three CLEARANCE - -- ee table lectrofilier removes # per| tropical climate in the skyserap, 7- hh Nass mM raw aed. Y : | lece bathroom, hes duty wiring cent alr borne dust an up, of f shury an H M, road, Stately seven-room red brick house, sheltered by mople (piece bathroom, heavy duty wiring SPOT CASH Kelly's, 32 King East, RA Mig " y oh 11 Jane Gray Show 6:00 P.M, and spruce trees, Large bonkbarn, with stable recently reno- A / - : I v 3 8 decorated and is listed at only $8500. SALE PAID FOR COINS, stamps, collector's sup) Africans still live mainly in 52-Price Is Right 11:6~News .d, Listed ot $25,000 with $8,000 down; balance one mort- |A low down payment will buy, See Bought and sold ot. Royal Colt. nd © 30 AN pu [Btamp Store, 64 King est, Wanted! country reserves, but since the| $= 90 Po 11:30 AM, lvanhos g-ge ot 6%, Let us show you this property and make your [this one by ealling Bob Stevenson at G | Btamp RA 86288 8, D, Hyman Real Estate ood clean cars, Trade up a "i ' M, # pennies, 1922 to 1026, nickels, 1985, 1926 war there has heen a steady flow H=Family Theatre I=» ob Mol.ean Show 3-Highway Patro) offer, Owner living in Toronto, Coll Ray at RA 8.5107, WELL-KEPT two - Worey six-room NEW USED or down, Liens paid off far six, also Victoria coins In good {nin the cities for work in new 1-Family The i) Melanh $ 615 P.M, tusted near church, school ) . - 100 ACRES ADH shoppin. Rensonably priced. Tere: or DODD MOTOR SALES (KpivINATOR ~rebiscrelor Trevis factories Hete Africans reside in) 3 ir ral Drama t=Cater MY ® f ith lent bill. [phone RA 8.5625 14 PARK RD, §. 1244 it, mutomati asher 12|8€ --- H M, H R in village of Bott Perry. S90 ry th, xceliem gg pg rer TERMS TO SUIT 2 RA 3.942) $ pound capacity, S0dnch electric stove. Mpopoma in Bulawayo or Harare |11-6.48~Weather; News |11-Cartoons t-pamiy Theatre ' Whitby and Oshawa Thickson Road, YOUR BUDGET y Excellent condition, RA 54452 in Salisbury--but there was an B-Huntley- Brinkley T~Restless Gun S=Today = 1060 modem SONY En/enten: bankpom with. high Sabling, could be [nies view. Reasonsbls, RA 37682 BROADLOOM, | Sitters wail| absence of tension in daily living.| ™*%' an of 044--Newas Weather ~v easily renovated, Spring-fed stream starts on farm aved roo | plaque fm Den q nsequences 6:45 PM. this | / Officially Southern Rhodesia's 4=News; Weather ' . on two sides, With a little work and imagination this form could | 46----Real Estate Wanted 60 FORD CASH [mark ining, aly. Portugal main, CACC ALY, SER Govern. o 12:15 PM, 2 Hamiey Brinkiey Report be o real show place. Listed ot $25,000 with $7,000 down, | orem sao or FAIRLANE SEDAN FOR YOUR CAR Key's iA #3108, 35 King [rvs you, ment, led by Sir Edgar White- Matinee -5107 fo ngements to inspect, i 2 § Call Ray at RA 8-5107 for aren Po Rome wilh wil Cuan For 109 Stents 6 cylinder economy only VAN HEUSEN [occAsionar 'tabies by Pepsier. & |" Tv oh "Speaker ob the House 7:00 P.M. 100 ACRES -- $12 000 w altor, 26 Prince ply cropsbanded veneer, solid walnut 50---Articles For Sale V=-Nowsi Weather H M, 6--Tablold ' RA FH L. No 8.5765 $2295 frames, oil finish, no peli anne, sep, | FV= i 7:30 P.M 11.-News ~The Rifleman North of Port Perry in the Little Britain area, this farm with |= ---- « MOTORS end or cocktail, 920.95, RA 85183. |TEAVING town ~ Household articles | ! M, 7~Love That Bob 4--Burns and Allen on eleven-room red brick house and 55-foot bankbarn con be i ; AUGUST pargains on inp furni- two dressers, beds, end table = Don Messer Show | §.2.1t Could Be Yon Show h 12.0 h half cash. 70 ood duet We are in desperate need of ' 149 KING ST. W. ture, bookcases only #9 ce th sny |ete, 035 any time, TuChorenne on &~8earch for Tomorrow | & Sergeant Bllke bought for $12,000 with half cash, ocres good productive 60 CORVAIR Mull piece of unfinished furniture, Students' | GOMPLETE bedroom suite, reason-| 5.8. River arrel Show 12:46 PM, 7:15 PM, loam presently seeded down. Balance cedar and hardwood, Two 2 homes in the West end, desks, S14; chest of drawers, $17; [Loi 000 condition, Ike new. Phone Rivero ~y 11---Movie Matinee T-News: Weather oko: 5,00; $ / H springs located in the posture area, Estate sole, so immediate one with good down payment, SEDAN hookeases, 13.09 Jonny reser, W330i | A 12921, . [13a An. Bothyrn Show Guiding Lut ite) 1% P.M. possession may be had. For further particulars call Ray at RA Less than 700 actual miles board $16; room divider, $23, Wilson|TWO electric trains, complete with | nthe an YmAbout Paes Summer Playhouse 8-5107 If you can help call Only Furniture, 20 Church Street, whter towers, crossing bells, switches, | 30 P.M, J-Abomt nee 53-Laramie y "on LLOYD AYERS OAFE-COD Colonial chesterfield sulle ie art ole, Phone WH 3334 | ya-niver Bont d=Moot The Millers =Film Featurette "ns LOTS IN BEAU VALLEY $2195 FOR YOUR CAR reversible foam Jubner eushions, nu s a hn or, ane deat, with (onan, | va eof Wale Beat | a. Mid-Day Matinee 8:00 PM. ed removal alan il 359, [als tral yy 'elephone + ' : Select your lot now for immediate or next-year building. We REALTOR---RA 3.2254 Save $30. Kelly's RA 85180" rep 30 4 H-~Chevy Mystery Show - would be pleased to show you the lots and plans of many '60 FALCON OUTBOARD motor, new Scott 3.0 W,P, 52--Legal Fill ao Best ~The World Turns 4~Kpike Jones . 1 i tract tyles, F | tion of a i TRADE UP OR 20° ih} trie fan, 3 -- 100 P.M, : 8:30 P, different and attractive styles, For a personal inspection 47 Automobiles For Sale 3 ont Corelle, tetra fan winds. f2-Peter Gunn hi IM, 7=Wyatt 45 Beua Volley please call Carl Olsen at RA 8.5107 or RA 5:3412 |i o6in Fairlane Victoria: two.door, DELUXE COACH DOWN 100 TV Apecial 317 consoles, + CITY OF OSHAWA 4=Celebrity "raient ay a Co §3-- Playhouse evenings hardtop with completely overhauled i 9 oor, spotless inside and 'out. Omy| C%* thon 4000 miles. Only LIENS PAID OFF [ilnss" at" baiway "iilevtion. od 9:30 P.M, a non] NEAR NORTH GM, PLANT Hg a down 'payment, Hiitop Mos $2195 Simos North. RA Sau Hillsdale Manor |'#z8vine dently 4~Drama_ Series 11:6-While We're' Young WE pay highest pric ny the eily for 7--Adventures in 7 Rifleman Conveniently located to centre of city, schools and bus, Large |TEi GEV, sedan. excellent condition WILBAK MOTORS {used furniture, Pretty's Used Furnis Paradise M. 4] entrance hall, 28' combination living room and dining room, |twotone, best offer, Telephone RA ' ture Store, RA 3.3271, 444 Simooe South, Home for the Aged sa-ieos Theatre I=Movie §=Rishard Diamond naturel fireplace, 10° x 14' modern kitchen with rubber tile |3-3735 or 332 Gliddon Avenue 59 CHEV. LOWEST prices in "Town! Baby ears "10:00 P.M i 3-90 Minute floor, Four bedreoms on second floor each with ao separate = OLDE four door hardtop, BISCAYNE RA 5.0732 DE adsl: Sanbeld Hiya, 417.00 TENDERS FOR PRI haba «hetre Piabnoise closet, Attached gorage, oil heating, Owner will hold mort. |BEOTECE LRN AN a od dash, ous Perfect in every way, Only 30u--Trficles Tor Solc gut. ¥19.88, wpring-flled ond maitreates, 3:00 arty a 0 i " gage on convenient terms, For more Information coll Roy [tom radio, $400, take over payments Artic : ' 7- Beat The Clack Flintoff at RA 5.6165 or RA 5.3454 evenings Apply 64 Charles Street, RA 8.4008 $1795 BNE ree she Sao Sib. Sonera if and strollers, 33.00, Wilson Fuini: BREAD MILK nap ... 1a Neat He Clon prt Muay % 5 OLDNMORIL fully equipped. Tels: into youth bed, Lloyd baby carriage, | - 4=Millionaire ; y ¥ YPEWRITER, 14" / Theatre 5.2201 | TYPEWRITER, 14 3:30 P.M, 10:00 P.M, HARMONY HEIGHTS RE-SALE phone RA 5.9736 aa Phone RA TEM oa ion. stat AND FUEL OIL 3 Tombaine Heriory NaN 11=Four Religions '" a U 1088 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent ndi / R, Gilson, 17 pSuble foot, new M0 Two-year-old bungalow on Eastbourne Avenue, just a stone's {tion, $650 Phone CO 3.2020 igi | 59 FORD | condition. Phone RA 5.0694 MO AON - 4=June Allyson 7=Who Do You Trust I=Aloos Presents throw away from the new public school on Harmony Read |v SHEVA ee Pr ACCORDION, "Salantl Special 180 REFRIGERATOR, fern stands, steel 11:00 P.M, 6 - Rackground ~~ Comparisons North and adjacent to St. Gertrude's separate school, N.H.A. | mui Swe tone. Telephone RA | irc RLANE 500 [hass, % size. Price 8123, Phone RA |feri. Wiitors, drapes, bithroom ehem. Sealed tenders addressed to [176842 News: S2-From These Roots mortgage carries for $93.00 monthly including taxes, For fur. 88102 0 HARDTOP |[s 4828 table, mantel clock, electric wall olock,| the undersigned and endorsed Weather, Sports iS a Seri ther particulars, call Carl Olsen at RA 8.5107 or RA 5.3412 |5i PLYMOUTH, also '51 Wuick, priv Fully power equipped HAY Tfaver sufferers! Inquire about Dial RA 8.8845 4 "Tender for Bread", or as the | , LA N. 1 Bugs a and Tul J0:30 PM. evenings vate, both In good condition, Phone RA the Puritron machine at Oshawa | WRECKING building, south of Osh.| case may be, will be received | gi Friends Coronado 9 5.5355 or RA B-5875. Can be seen at 1038 | 2495 Beauty Wing 11 J islesale 15 King awa. Clinic on Charles Street, Some| until 5 p.m. D.S.T, Sports Reel T~American Bandstand Lohans Stidmaaht » 1 p . 3 1 King West anytime | {material for f= Playhouse BUY OF THE WEEK i0 ENVOY four-door sedan, fully| CAR radio, "Klectrohome", § volt, $20 [PAINT . Interior, exterior, 83.08 gallon, THURSDAY, 11.=Late J PM. 3=Fibher McGee and Jee P. M, News) A custom-built five-room red brick bungalow, located on Dieppe |equipped, gleaming black finish, cus / Phone RA 8.8612 after 6 p.m |All colors, Guaranteed, fiat, ios Molly b A ' Bren bi St, just west of Wilson Rd, Extremely large modern kitchen tom red trim, only 1200 miles, New car 60 RENAULT AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. |Oshawa Hardware and Eek, kL AUGUST 25th, 1960 $SThib Meriows 2-The Thin Man Weather; Sports with tiled walls, double sink and natural stained cupboards warranty, only $1795, Low down pay: DELUXE 750 SEDAN Prompt service. Free estimates, Order | Church Street. T6, f h \ Mystery Theatre 4&=The Rrighter Day ih ' ble ida, ] o + (ment, Hilltop Motors, RA 8.6891 Brond Or) now for early delivery. Char "and table | Fr ax sows RTT or the supply of bread, milk TUESDAY 4 0 PM, years 0 on pletely furni w uminum Ms an automatie, tristone paint, perfect me.| $ VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, anor, shaowa's new 200- H WM. a Friontiy Glant screens and lovely garden, Listed ot $12,900 with $2,000 down; Only $395, Hilltop Motors 1398 parts, attachments, brushes, nes RETR GARR " PE bed Home for the Aged. Par. Hrs Jad AN. A Budkakin Night balance on a first mortgage. Call Ray ot RA 8-5107 to inspect, ol. teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free. |Kelly* floors RA ticulars as to quantity and 4~News: Roundup y ) . Kell i 3---Checker ftentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv {ONE a specifications regarding fuel 8115 AM. eckers and RA 5-6165 RA 8.5107 CLEARING AT DELUXE SEDAN able, Phone RA 8 | = With automatic. One owner COMBINATION erib, youth's single 8 iladale Manor, 185 ils re am n : necessarily accepted. OLIVER portable typewriter, one year| arn ob TV towers, paving, Oshawa, ont. Ss / ee 391 anytime. fiat : | S7 CH EV. uly i 2 " ii reason: tion, algo Norge x . oll may be obtained from ¢=Cantatn Kangaroo 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA ONLY do able, Mist sell, RA 8-473), W. D. Johns, Superintendent 8130 AM, MEMBERS OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD bod, with two mattresses, blond, like| All aluminum products w= 10% DOWN | $1395 new. also white metal poriable shower. | Doors, windows, shower doors, Lowest or any tender not CROSSWORD PUZZLE 3 ] '89 Pontiae, VB, automatic, | I | One contract, nothing down, A Mh \ FIED | 5 vivo stir | "56 DODGE [i sholo"i"Eha"iieti "| For tres ovmres sls Auguat 22nd, 1960 1200 A nom SEER '87 Studebaker, Silver Hawk, | SEDAN DINING room suit, wold black wn ALUMA SEAL co hh BARRAND, ole 2. Gold (8p) CUE OCR '86 Ford, Victoria, Hardtop Automatic and radio. Onl able MO 03408 Sy Sn, S_--, ' 50 C y hy § Mary's pet 8, Trade route Ne Ba y FOR RENT -- Two furnished rooms, FOR ALE -- 164 ou. ft, freezer, al-| | : v ; die. Only : : 3 RA 5.9365 ANYTIME 20 Centre St., Oshawa, Ont, AO AURA So 0 ty WA 8 Tig" "ue Tomy | '39 Olds, hordton oll pow $895 pA - ar | tia GE Phone. MO Baaro. Whitby, | FOI TRS ered fone: 8 am. + 9 pm, Handy Andy. RA| SEE HOME APPLIANCES THE BANKRUPTCY ACT a of radium Bh fini ) OTL TARO LU TA PARCEL 1, TRANSPORTATION wanted -- Would (00red. (rig. and vangelto supplied, | ' OSHAWA LTD tives ) €) NE 0 ear sho ning p J v Wago! 10 ] or storm 5, WO y . o)'e) RTA vit Not HE, BIT Weg 55 METEOR [suction iia oo oaecor SOUTH FOR SALE a alshed, suitable for 1 or 3. For Informa: vo ---- SICKROOM eauipment, fore rent and | Domestic and Sage lable Sept, 3 parking nlv 821 Dundas Street West, Whith MARIAN AUTO | modes, health lamps, canes, crutches, |==- SHA AR i COBOURG RADIO ping oentre. Phone Foodarama, no de COBOURG, ONTARIO BUYING OR SELLING SEE oma s TOM TED CAMPIN $695 OE le ie, i suits MARINE STORAGE orang of Regs mati MEME id 8 theguiar | condition, Telephone RA 3.4408 and SUPPLY Ltd, Tubes; Parts and Accessories, Two rooms furnished it| gs poy 2. door Station | Ban { ing Whitby! 6 a.m. anyone interested | Hone MO 34623, ' ¢ doo please phone MOhawk $4487 Whitby, [FOR WENT Sleeping rooms or Tight id Chev. fwerdoat SEDAN Fhone RA 3.4869 FOR for Carolina [HARDY EEANTRILIE) DR RENT housekeeping rooms, with conveniences, | 55 Pontiac 4.door deluxe Two-tone green ond wh A0KART, 314 horse power, $140, Tele OR FRIGIDAIRE FOR WENT = A cabin, 2 rooms, fur (Apply 30 Trent West, Whitby 'S4 'Pontiae: Aidan ai en and white RA 39383, M0 Grenfell Street, | SALES AND SERVICE ton, call MO R243, Whi R RENT = Furnished bodsiil ' Ly 8} ny EAR py and Lihontie: ine siove ard | 50 Pontiac 2-door $795 for Mle hospital beds, Salely sides, ASSETS OF =Twa - room uni private entrance. Suit adults. Ap wheel ehalrs invalid walkers, com. | 3 ings, MO 83188 PRIVATE sale Snacioun sheraom ' also roll.away beds, and oribsi reason WAN iy angrier. . alo 3 Tam : able rates, daily, weekly or monthly, a Ti Mtoatind, BOL Mi% i rercaten, gue window, sires) 25 GRENFELL SY. 55 PLYMOUTH [fe item Ne Frame | OUTBOARD AND TELEVISION 8. apply M: wk Reid Shop, tached garage Near schools a and shop: | . RA 8.5179 COACH IK | MOTORS FOR 250 DIVISION STREET : . ~ wom | One owner, Real val t SEPTIC SEPTIC TANKS oie Dui pe . ---------------- | : ue o evel, upright combination Toe tanks mater § die id ririg, two doors, Kelly's RENT Chestnut We one » CREME cold wave 36.95 tregular| HOLIDAY ' Ria. and set by 'magminat! vit M ITLYOTRIO refrigerator, a! Brooklin, Ont, OLive 5.3641 Radice and T.V, Sets, Mouse~ Py aru i i 5 E | E T MOTORS 33 METEOR [condition. Phane , ------ Ll hold Appliances, Sewing Ma- _---- 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA SEDAN USED tires, most all Maes TY and up. SALE chines and Accessories, Elec. FOR RENT Uust East of Wilson Road) With gas saving overdrive. |B. _F. Goodrich Stores. R# 54343 tric Lamps, Clocks, 0) Valve FOR RENT = RA 3.4494 Res, 5-5574 Only ; [ATR conditioner, portable $49 up, de. Aluminum 'Products of the at Cost -- $3,421, Two-bedroom suites in Whit. $545 [Mumiditior, automatic humidastat nay | best ally ot the best PARCEL 2. TV. and R : dies 13,000 cu Jyear wananty.| prices ully guaranteed, ond Radio by's modern apartment build- Tents Ye per wk | Relly's, 3 floors, 33 King Bast 4 Test E ie ing, ventilated kitchen, win. Boots & conces $15 per wk SABYAN MOTOR HFT. 8 moulded plywood paceship| Double, hung. windows only ARE Quipment--$1,371.20, dow drapes, range, refriger. | 1) [oruiser 39. 33 Im Mercury complete . ARCEL 3. Office and Store otor, laundry facilities, all OUTBOARD MOTORS SALES LTD. 52 CHEV. [Xin steering and Su. skis, "ete. Lymer Aluminum Co Furniture and Fixtures services, TV outlets, parking, rer 318 POT WR | rUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN RR ee rare RA 8-538% $974.33, etc. Rent $90. A. J. Schotz 3 +o $18 per wk, | SALES and SERVICE DELUXE SEDAN [aaulins, xleeping bags, lanterns. sates " me | ~~ INSpeCtion on premises 10:00 Realtor MO 8-3337, contect sree: 328 per wk, 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH With radio, Only [ahd Toncals. 0 hava. Hardwars w%d| Now is the ti AM. August 24th, 1960, J. A. Daly MO 8-4775 even $40 per wk, "" OSHAWA, ONT $195 [Eloctric, 8 Church Street. RA S76. | | ie time to Tendon to Jenglos certified h VICTOR 21" console television, com H cheque for of the ings. BOAT AND TRAILER WITH " Tel: RAndolph 3.3461 pletely TECUON $119 _---- if de. have 9 beautiful home offered, to be submitted be.' $38 per wh, | [sired. Alto a number of ather good used with aluminum doors fore 5:00 p.m. D.S.T. August FOR C.L.L. PAINT van 33 a hog ANDY NAGY'S VAN HEUSEN frets to Sore from. Meagher's, 3 King and_ windows, bes t 29th, 1960, to the Trustee, D dd 2S We oho rent owas, lanterns BODY SHOP [bo Teeard pigpers, ampilhars and de quality, lowest price in DATED 2 Taranle dis 18th cots, sleeping gs, ete, RCE 5S N2 humidifiers or information call 2 3 £ \ = 0 outer DKW MOTOR he's RA 3343 town. Quick service Telephone EMpire 4.8261 v a WILDE RENTAL S | SALES & SERVICE Ni MOTOROLA TV" cansele model, 47. Sea eazic fallpaper Store . FING W : ; ihe, also, all channe DUNWOODCO LI 48. Chatter nN laanes Sure Sales & Service | 408 KING W., OSHAWA AP KING ST. W. [rear ra on an ow ol of Alex Vajda RA 3-985! YTD Liarrep, MO 8-523] 1418 Dundes &, M0 83226 |. RA 3.7132 | OPPOSITE BREWERY |Ra" imu vw ™ * 9% Every job guaranteed. Jove 20% 320 80r seme

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