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The Oshawa Times, 29 Aug 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 19, 1960 El Pay arn HE Rs SRR ENGINE IN THE BACK Montreal. Fach of the | no convenient hills te derby, 1 than than than a level course, since there were | her own pusher, 'School Tax Discussion CATHARINES (CP) of education to taxpayers will be for deleg Municipal had his than while i i) con Griffin Antenozz box Lois Janet a soap Prehistoric Skull Found In Africa (AP) Dr I B had expeller 1 during tants in the un over [than east-end pus derby in 8ST rising pal I tople cost WASHINGTON Mr. Zinjanthropu teeth, They gleaming white They still shone brightly in a remote sun-baked gorge in East Africa when a British archeolog ist discovered a 18 - year Zinjanthropus" remains buried tools next to a crude campsite beside gig a lake some 600,000 years ago The National Geographic So elety has hailed the find as a sensation, It said Zinjanthropus {s the world's earliest known human some 100,000 years older than two other famed primitives--the Pe king Man and the Java Man Zinjanthropus--or East M ed in fantastic jungles yeaiey ga "We in Tanganyika, in what the up-|. ered the nearls heaving earth of the intervening minus only the lower eenturies has now left as the; aided in soft rock Olduval Gorge. |expansion and contraction of tht municipal {rock had cracked the fossil A HARD LIFE into with an The young man. had to battle| more than 400 fragments." glant animals, a prehistoric pig Leakey as big as a rhino, a sheep tower- question about dating ing six feet at the shoulder, a Cover 600,000 fantastically huge baboon, and a ®o0logists know the. age bird seemingly larger than the fossils nearby. And Zinjanthropus 2 12-foot high moa of New Zealand. ls 18 because | wisdom teeth better Fossils of these creatures were vet skull P found near Z The discovery search nearly Leake chie ites Ontario the Cors Kenya Dr. Leakey had been prow knees the old years, uncovering and Ix and of ndon Museum robi were immense day his on and wife Mary ng $ har over rocky mm extinet gorge for ancient! mittee established to study problem in the reasons for they were and gives some how they might be Between 1953 and hoard exrenditures Instruction 108 of anim n and makeup," hunting a human When the big day came July 17 1959, Dr was il Mary spied those teeth back to the ¢ husband I've got I've got him! Telling Africa gpg ut (ie ghtmarish but some size increasing suggestions Leakey in camp She sped 86 per cent teacher salaries, accounted 58 per cent in 1958 teachers' salaries rose cent and secondary tht more than 40 per cent DU. for school purposes rose dis 50 per cent complete skull report Jaw should hout 1outin him! to her I've got him 35 about find for aphie, the in the SOON than I'he ance said be . more a Was given by governments, the not dis Arch Dr sa Lhe school a union shop, sald teachers 1e ' entire had become committee the y back year than average is janthropus ommend a res climaxed three schools a grant for renovation of decade old revigion of Toronto Bands 'Win Honors aren la tions educational take of grants Heavy Losses, Railway Quits ST, CATHARINES Niagara, St, ( onto i ay ( lump sum GALT annually tr Toromo bug first n and the spon and bands took : yosition (CP ond and Ry aa al The T'o Sta amp with junior placed first Township 82 81 division res itharines \ Com In the De La veraet Sec ompany \ halle subsidiary, will surrender its mu ham Scarlett nicipal franchise The company said it fered extensive losses for ber of ation failed The rail transportation Dalhousie Merritton and It firs at buses and bu Sept. 1 here S61 1961 has suf a num C8 first nd Sarnia Bishops Meet At Hamilton HAMILTON points and 83. and a girl band with Je onto ters third with 7 Lionettes, third F.eonomies adm year and 10 ease in ope ration nhac the problem ] vide city, Port Township Thorold since 1879 ed horse drawn electric streetcars buses way he for this Grantham pro cp '40 tives then to study the diocesan cle ] 1 In Canada to make report iestions and ons for the treatment t of drug addicts Committee reports on development of Anglican congress Toronto A 13-2 The company arines-Port be ta Lines said the St Colborne service wer by Canada Coach tending the meet Ltd the | and an equal cor nsive dele it Ing su at ha lt are red here and ng of the ilitation Anglican those tarted Mec. for the ersity ar will held Annual to Charge Waste Ot U.S. Grain WASHINGTON (AP nvestigators Sunday charged in excusable waste and lax atten tion to conflicts of interest in the vast U.S. grain storage program The n q education greater unity with the Pre ocia epartments being Church of Canada held A report by Canon A secretary missionary Senate Of the church also H. Da Appointment of a general sec. Eeneral I'he post be at the emd of 1969 handled by other retary be made society, savs few of our people the indications for task of the changes place in the world today." Among these he lists independent. countries crease of nationalism; vival and revision lig often Too aware came vacant sharply worded report, and has been of signed by four Democrats and ©! two Republicans, climaxed a year-long investigation by a spe cial agriculture: subcommittee headed by Senator Stuart Sym ington (Dem, Meo.) The report noted that stored farm surpluses climbed from less than $1,500,000.000 in 1952 nearly $10,500,000,000 this year with storage and handling costs pendent mounting from $268,000 a day in' A 1952 to about $1.253,000 now. The report questioned the use _-- CTE TP CHARD upiform rate for grain 36 SIMCOE N 1 official missionary {ually revolutionary n benefits are the pension pointed by The new been proposed plan commission the primate in pension program endorsed pension by ap- 1967 ha general the the ancient the guise m; scientific and ti Canada the board, A 1968 by of undér nationall synod pro- ligion to posed are incre ligiaus and ldrer YW benefits allowances for de. increases and e itself nical advances special committee appointed of 'sects' in BLACK, OLD. AT storage throughout the country," saying this allowed some to make ex orbitant profits while others per forming" a necessary service "are denied a chance to make any profit at all." he The report said checks "possible conflict of interest sit nations among officials and em ployes have been totally inad equate" until the congressional inquiry got underway During the inquiry, which gan in May, 1950, three agricul ture department officials vigned COLBORNE Examination of eyes on tting of Cc t Le Atvd Glasses nto Children's Visual Training be For Appointment Please re RY than The ig unemployed and seeking work mu the Education eosts will eome be- and| ore the convention in the form most of a report from a special com the!fence amd I'he report poiats out be re-examined, he sald cos! a PLACE IN THE WORLD controlled, 1958 school!" had increased mainly for Elementary per teacher Taxation more 5' sift the although province, either to the boards or teachers belonging to) « Ontario Teachers Federation, establishment The have of glant greater job security, guaranteed high ual wage, longer holidays and pensions of of capital rants for purchasing sites and ¢ the payments r than debt charge contribu place was taken by Guelph Toronto Gran Princes the incofrporat mmend include H \ plan be 1 1963 and conversations looking to i by terian Church and the United of the church are Philip's the many taking newly In re re of population tech mneursion Work And S Combined In By ALEXANDER FARRELL Canadian Press Staff Writer | MONTREAL (CP)~The Rus- sians are putting their cards on the table at the UNESCO adult education conference here A booklet made available dur ing the weekend to other delega tions and the press explains the philosophy, organization and pur poses of adult education in the Soviet Union To the question of the resped tive roles of government and pri vate agencies in adult education, a major subject of discussion at this conference, the booklet pro vides a clear-cut Soviet answer It says an extensive system of evening and correspondence schools, both general and special ized, has been organized to pro vide adulis with the opportunity of studying while continuing their work, mation of society into a Commu-| nist society, now making head way in the Soviet Union, involves the education of the wide masses of people, the developing of their consciousness and the raising of their political and production. ac- tivities "The the Soviet volved in agement workers and peasants in Union are directly in matters of stale man they discuss drafts of the most important state laws take an active part in the draw- ing up production plans for thelr factories, state and collec tive farms "Under these conditions around education becomes only a necessity but 'a vital need the citizens of the country AGREE ol all not for NOT ALL Conference debales indicate. a feeling that INTEGRATED SYSTEM y on the state and adult The which ueation is extreme one, not provision higher many other coun and vocational train trie | integrated with the Richard Atiyvgalle of India, con of public education secretary, sald adult ed The booklet is published hy in the broadest sense Is Soviet ministry of fn nstrument for the evolve Russian, French and ¥ rticul kind o The booklet fhe that Predicts High Unemployment While it would thus far Russian jew ed system include an {or tion fully shared b full item edi n tate 53 ference ueation an edu not ir idea ment of an iety, Its SAYER transfor soc central is dle to think Can remain neutral in the Canadian defence too closely those of the US are to be equipped nuel arms, the decision them should be made by authorities alone, he Tough must VANCOUVER (CP wa government-backed policies | be put into operation in Canada event of & war to meet the threat of eh un employment and economic nation by the United States | nomic adviser Walter L, | of Toronto said today He told a national the National Federation of ( dian University Students that employment has become a ser ain a ous and frightening problem n "The fact is that when 4.7 per world cent of the eivilian working force many and an of the est in onably ada mic foree hould not be dom eco integrated with If ( with to anadians Gordon ir use seminar of Canadian una- said un f( determined to independent inadians free Ir are and interdependent be a need for university students ngly active inter of all an will pe e there more inerea politics on the d middle part he rea the can in we in July summer he to the| pertain that the number of people A 5 5 ociation convention which opened here to who will he without johs nex winter will be very high indeed To stop the trend under which "a staggering number of our dynamie industries have into foreign hands de foreign policies must » or On Tiny Atoms KINGSTON (CP)--8ome 400 of the world's leading nuclear scien tists open a six-day conference here today to discuss the small est thing known to man--the nu of an atom from 24 countries are luding Ru Yu Poland interest in soly of atomic energy barriers freely chairman of the Canada's 1955, has Gordon, commission economic prospects he thinks 'Canada thing to eantribute troubled, weary world as arate, independent nation with no axe to grind at the expense of any other country anywhere," Outlining the best for Canada in the next 26 he said governments in this country have always played an important and sometimes a dominant role |in economic affairs | Despite their inherent faults governments provincial a well as federal-must be pre pared to take the initiative if we are to remain free and inde pendent and if we are to have a level of employment throughout the country." Unlike the U.S., Canada numerous co-operatives controlled hoard terms of '"free" enterprise, | Mr, royal on in sald | * cleus Dele ol pected or core Om ¢ fo thi 16 1 in, avia and Their common Ing the mystery transcer political hey ¥ exchange ideas at the conference in the hope that this will pave the way for new discoveries on the structure of \atoma, ( The delegate ng the whole course Vears won't he discuss \tom---their talks I'he nucleus protons with a positive electrical charge and neutrons with no electrical charge Particles with the same charge normally each other, but the protons nucleus of the it scientists want with repel its 0 and n the rovernment thinks rather sald In the private sector however many of ( largest panies were and rected hy people who reside its borders, n do nol, and "mixed to know he in n than Nuclear know the and the tt gether them physicists want to shape of the nucleus which hold it to information will give knowledge of the matter and the forees This reater ition universe More com di outs) ¢ inada's controllec YM Pos of side than 400 different nuclel be found in nature or made the laboratory. The latest nucleu the core of an of hydrogen, It so light it takes 17,000,000,000,000 ounce LOSING GROUND "Whether Canada can In the atom that New Phys. Ed. Program TORONTO (CP)--Ontario Minister Robaris said 1965 his department completely revised Hines for n we like to is admit 1 losi or not has been i or sure both eco ally, To re fuse to recognize the situation will lead hecoming a or less helpless satellite of 18° teadily on rable me of her nomically a is independence and pol Two-Gun Tony Gets His Grouse coin (AP)--| have a Scottish al a man to Fdu to will phy school cation Scotland the thal BALMORAI Word went Highlands toda bie ckoned with a dir or two-gun T rong-i the Canadian National the smartest on the that the push button a range oop! ufficient ty 30-1 activity with more unnpin \ \ providing Lhe tL must Royal Fam I'he This quite an achievement tablished by the provin for the former photographer, Un il government was expected to til he married Prince Margaret pelease its findings this fall we seldom toted anything more | ire, that one of lethal than a long-Tom len concerns will he to But grouse shootin wal and physical major events velopment in he 'My concept is much Family's annual vacation in Scot land. So soon after his springs more than play hockey well running round program childy in all grades is stalking the Hi Arm shot luncheon at Exhibition leave ileal leisure activity re fold al moors without phy And tate worket out ), long rated bes be found t in the physical fitness study com mittee e thelr keep de said feel main one of 1 me of the Royal halance," of fitness being able excell in the time honeymoon Tony went lo tailor get rigged out or push-up in the obligatory shooting outfits The Next came the 12-gauge shotguns a $450) each and four weeks ban \ ing away at clay pigeons in London shooting schoo! His progress at that not spectacular On the moors kill has come and ported del or to hd department was concerned purchase of two! with health habits of children, 150 guineas! particularly eating habits of teen "At the present time we have an inter-departmental committee was composed of officials from the " department of health and depart Nis ment of education who are giving question of eating examination Robharis's speech was re he pre in advance of a stage however on tremendously Margaret Is re umabhly the | de whole ad 3 ke. a} " Princess \ & close A 150d to else So, pres is evervbody except IPOLSE very Rugs need cleaning? n ye R Fast -¢ ' AL SEGERS RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS 442 MILLER AVE, RA 5-7488 | made Big Conference 'Doukhobor 'FABULOUS FAKER (Chief Back KRESTOVA, B.C, (CP)--Blefan Sorokin, bearded spiritual leader of British Columbia's Sons of Freedom Doukhobors, returned U S SR to the Doukhobor heartland Sun- day to be met by about 400 of it is an effort to make possible his people and some disrobing the free and full association of demonstrations whieh aroused all citizens in the furthering of his ire human society," Another Indian delegate, Mathur, director-general of All India Radio, said Sunday night that the intellectual is not keep ing pace with the average man in India's developing society Mr, Mathur said in an inter- view that 'the great need and thirst for education in India pro vide a mighty challenge to men of talent and imagination "The challenge should be all the more attractive because i comes from a society that is de veloping along liberal and Dem- ocratic lines," ID PARTICIPATION He feared the possibility of the small native intelligentsia becom- ing isolated in the new India, un- le they chose to play a greater part in making it They were not scious of their role He that the field of audio ual media uch a YONKERS, N.Y, (AP)--A fabu- I lous imposter who finally J. C. his people--the first he has had gaeurday with them in eight years--40 8 (he norg he always sought to be few words in each of several ap-| iy life, Ah pearances i Stanley Weyman, 87, who spent He was interrupted by sirip-iyaif a century posing as every pers at a meeting hall among ghing from a foreign diplomat to the shanties of this Slocan Val-| ine "nan in charge of Rudolph ley village, He told the Freedom: yu ienting's funeral, was slain by ites he would refuse to speak If) ohhers while serving as a night they continued to disrobe, motel manager, Disrobing is 8 common 0Ceur- go had taken the job only a rence at Sons of Freedom ral ooh ago after an incredible lies, often used as a form of Ppro- ..oeer of fakery which saw him test bul sometimes in approba- making presentations of royalty tion, the White House, receiving vel fully con ald in Sorokin limited his talks with honest job was shot and killed blood apparently dylug as dodge service, Imposter Dies By Gun wow to fake the manners of the took an feebleminded, take pills to raise and otherwise pressure He and six students got jailed for that operation, Relax in Comfort TALLY-HO ROOM AIR CONDITIONED Hotel Lancaster DRIVE TO geauValley TONIGHT broadcasting and movies little at tention has been paid to the ed ucational value of popular enter tainment his throu bring radio might he concerted Overcome attempt to educationalist and the or film producer together "The men who actually control entertainment, who finance and plan the program should be to that they have a role in education," he h the feel his BOVEI Nos the sal ' FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL CONFIRMS n, ALL OTHER TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS RA 8-6201 GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 926v2 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8.6451 or RA 3-4131 OSHAWA ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY legislation The Ontario attorney-general's at regular admission are illegal Quebec is the only allows Sunday movies IS a leadership | hi principal of Lebanon nations School of ordered in pre-rial examination go ishing in jail for his fantastic He has been living in Uruguay (wo robbers at the Dunwoodie | STARTED YOUNG Escapees Stephen Weinberg, as a leen-ager he was a foreign diplomat WINNIPEG (CP)--The super variously as a doctor, lawyer, convicted murderer Ronald Me-| tries, associate of silent film that mental institution in 1953 Valentino and a United Nations said custody that year and a search| career which he didn't. fake The hdspital official explained draft dodgers during the Second » hation or "elopes,"" his papers Ontario Branch if he has not returned to his in " | repeated its opposition to a per-|was done to fulfil this legal Sunday Movies Canadian Conference on Bduca Dr, R. H, Tavener said a story than Phillips says Sunday movies member federation at their an|that McCorquodale, later in Toronto on Sunday, and he made it clear that the federation! year-old Calgary girl, had not a vote. of the business-sponsored| staff members did not believe he that he senses a. strong feeling BH. O Barrett president of | case was closed by marking Me] Toronto city eouncil has ex ' | prov CCR's failure to acknowledge the| search failed | pro It voters approved participate officially with + the Sunday movies man of the CCE, told the meet-| Palesti hecause there vacuum in d es ne West Lorne Hig! and y wi RIN proved creation a special Robbed, Beaten, denied this, He also said the hensive plan for volving strictly professional mat. study formation of a "Palestine Waring, 76, who was beaten ther [for every Tom, Dick and Harry| After a week-long meeting here reported In at Sorokin came here after an In- youl salutes as an inspecting definite stay of proceedings Was ,erioer" and spending years lan in Vancouver of his libel sult flops as a big shot against the Trail, B.C. Times, weyman was gunned down by for eight years, Motel, apparently after he put up M t Si a fight, | g Weyman, whose real name was in 1910 managed to persuade nN "" some government officials that Discharged In the ensuing years he posed intendent of the nearby Selkirk VINE ace, naval Sheer, dive Hospital confirmed Saturday that|mat from Var Corquodale had heen a patient in stars Pola Negri and Rudolph and had been written off as 'dis. correspondent, direct charged" after he escaped from One of the high pints of failed to find him was operating a school" for Teachers Fi ht lthat under Manitoba law, if alWorld War, He taught students g mental patient is released on pro | must he stamped as discharged Mayor Asks | BRACEBRIDGE (CP) The stitution by the end of a six Ontario Teachers' Federation has| month period, The writing off manent Onlar branch of the|vision | TORONTO (CP)--Mayor Na tion in the Calgary Albertan disclos : EN b v Ta might remove the chronic com The of the 44,000-ing the escape was correct, but} aint that there's nothing to do nual meeting here Saturday, victed of the murder of a wants the public to decide it in not interested. in helping form been regarded as psychotie |" Phe mavor said Sunday in his participating In a provincial Dr. Tavener said that because weekly resume of civic affairs was psychotic, the file on the cor this type of entertainment federation, termed "a colos- Corquodale's papers "dis ' " yressed almost unanimous ap piece of impudence the| charged after widespread F al of holding a plebiscite on ' | the question sachers' consistent refusal to [the gquestio the eity would Co Arabs Want Kurt Swinton of Toronto, chair ing that his organization is try ing to form an Ontario branch education . (AP) {which Donald Thoma SHTAURA, ) Arab League have ap president of the Ontario Second " ary School Teachers' Federation, | committee to draw ap a compre: regaining Po Old Man Recovers agenda for the next conference|@stine . of the CCE in 1062 lists topics in] They sald the committee should. HAMILTON (CP) ters entity," or state, and a Palestine left bound, gagged and blind | "Yet there Is a clear Invitation army to come hf and say his piece on|of nine Arab League ministers, Sunday, any educational subject whether|a final communique was Issued. Mr, Waring was abducted by improved will be confined to the nucleus. he 1s qualified to speak or has|Sunday which declared 'the Arab two men: Friday night after he is composed of any experience in education at Palestine people are the rightful had deposited the day's receipts in the safe at the bakery wherg L] all," owners of Palestine," was driven to where his attack == he works, He deserted fleld ers beat him after they bag he was carrying {only cake orders | Hospital officials sald Mr ing was suffering a black Ad 4 ORIENTAL | (face, wrist and ankle bruises tQUATOR > | CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC AMIROON War many details of the incident The assailants slipped tape FABON Fa] over his eyes and his mouth, He spent most of the night working his mouth, lonely loose from near the the tape Residents CONGO REPUBLK morning | An employee of the bakery for {80 years, Mr, Waring was due to retire at the end of this year NIKITA TO CALL HELSINKI (AP)-S8oviet Pre mier Nikita Khrushchev will pay an official visit to Helsinki Sept 3, when President Urho Kekkonen | celebrates his 80th birthday, the ! Finnish foreign department. sald Sunday night, ANGOLA then have to apply for provincial department says Sunday movies province Arthur folded in a fleld overnight, was) condition He was unable to give police Dine In Good Taste AT THE GENOSHA HOTEL "| Our coffee shop and main dine ing room sompletely eir-son- ditioned, hi DRAPERIES BROADLOOM found a contained eye, INTERIOR DECORATING ; COMPLETE SERVICE field heard his cries for help in, the PHONE RA 8-4681 NU-WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREET | CONGO FORCES ON MOVE Army units of Pre. | Patrice Lumumba, black have advanced to with. miles of northern fron rebellious Katanga a Katanga Army spokesman said today, He said Katanga troops of Premier Moise Tshombe, while arrow, have advanced to the border to meet Lumumba's forces (AP Wirephoto) Congolese mier Arrow, in 20 of nee, 54 SIMCOE NORTH Tuesday and Wednesday Only! Sensational Meat Features SLICED 20 Breakfast BACON 29 SKINLESS NO MUSS...NO FUSS NO INCONVENIENCE «..and 5 years fo pay! EP § small down pay aan ~ nd ws Nile oy 10.00 nenth will install @ brand new fully guarantesd OF Furnace in your hame WIENERS STEAKS "LEAN MINCED BEEF Why not let us give you an setimale, 43 KING ST. WEST LANDER-STARK OIL LIMITED makes it easy for you to have a LANDER-STARK OIL LIMITED OSHAWA Whatever yout sawn for wanting @ il "sa sep towards mproghy the walwe of your a brand new furnace, bet» oft the fob for you. sooihiy, vo and with the least upset to your daily rowine, tly, economically docde now pay for elf" In economy ond safer heating in low monthly pays o thinking wd lot ments aver the next § yeors only 0 well payment i required ond your + 10 need to wait wow furnace will be guaranteed for @ Wolt yoor, with ofl service colts and any ports ond adiustments completely fram, PH. RA 5.3589 a

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