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The Oshawa Times, 30 Aug 1960, p. 10

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Montreal sculptor Robert | the 13-foot abstract Roussil stands beside one of | Montreal Museum of Fine Arts his latest works (left) which | which had approved his orig- he says depicts "man in space | inal drawings, but officials re- ~4he spirit of man in the mod- | jected the finisti2d project when ern world," Roussil designed | they saw it, Roussil promptly for the By BORIS MISKEW Cc fan Press Staff Writer EDMONTON (CP)--The unpre. cedented post-war growth of Al- | |berta has left its municipalities with debts among the highest in Canada, despite provincial assist. i | ance of more than $1,000,000,000 in grants and loans in the last 11 | | years, "|" The total outstanding debenture debt of all Alberta municipal and school units for municipal, '(school and hospital purposes is i |$384,875,881, This is made up of 1|$271,435,235 for municipal pur- || poses and $113,440,646 for schools, i|" The high debt was created by !!demand for various services b '|the population increase, especi- {|ally after the discoyery of oll at Ledue fin 1947, Municipalities plunged into debt by building || schools, hospitals, streets and by {1providing larger police and fire * | protection and welfare services, || BIGGER ASSETS { Municipal Affairs Minister A, |J, Tooke says the government | realizes that the municipalities have large debts but, he added, "they also have something to |show for these debts," "In 1950 only 39 of the 65 towns in Alberta had water supply sys- tems," Mr, Hooke said, "Today & | B4 of the 87 towns in the province L 'have waler or sewer systems | either installed or in the process \ | of construction," £1 A total of 71 of the 138 villages ~excluding 18 summer villages-- now have water systems, and 79 have sewer works, Mayor Elmer Roper of Edmon- ton agreed the municipal debts v HEP {are high but, he sald, refusal to | accepted, Called ""Competl- \horrow funds to meet the demand [ tion," the sculpture, made |gor sepyices by an increasing pop | from elm wood, stands seven | lation would deter the growth feet high, of municipalities, ~CP Photo) ~ | POPULATION SURGE made another (right) which Russ Leaders Top Authors By JOHN MILLER Browns and Jones" of the Soviet MOSCOW (Reuters) -- One Union--but it also has a Robin. Stalin, two Lenins, five Voroshi- son, a Parker, a Johnston and lovs and eight Khrushchevs are 13 Millers among the 120,000 per- listed in M 8 best-se sonal numbers listed, v seller ~ tal"s 196 le A the capital's 1960 telephone dir Only 15,000 copies of the dir- id Edmonton's per cap- ectory have been printed, But] Je said | $468 the nigh H # Post-War Growth Brings Alberta Debts to $66,000,000--o0r nearly to the total of the 1953 province's! budget of $154,743,686, The province bud- eted for record expenditures of 28,600,000 in the 1960-61 fiscal year, Deputy Municipal Affairs Min- ister A, W, Morrison said that in the last 11 years, including the 1960-61 fiscal year, grants and low-interest rate loans to munic- atitics total more than $1,066, How the modern Arctic pur. veyor follows in the tradition. of famed explorers is told in this story by Tom Fairley, 41 » year - old Toronto author and student of the history of the North, who returned re cently from a visii to the Canadian government's Con. tinental Pi Shelf Project, Written for The Canadian Press By TOM FAIRLEY ISACHSEN, Sverdrup Islands (CP)~Frenk Hunt of Ottawa, a rugged Newfoundlender serving with the federal government's Continental Polar Shelf Project, has done survey work In many This figure--~which roughly to- tals the amount the province re- ceived from oil and patural gas royalties and from the sale of leases in the last 13 years--in- cludes $762,946,435 In the form of direct and indirect financial as- sistance and $203. 104.008 in the e ans, form of government loans oats of Canads, PER CAPITA GRANTS None has been more satisfying Alberta leads the province inithan his job here ihis summer, per capita municipal grants, Mr. following the trail of a Jeune Morrison said, Norwegian who discovered and In 1050 the Alberta grants to. mapped ©lles Ringnes Island 60 talled $20.47 compared with On-|yesrs 8go, tario's $18.62--the second most| Hunt's pleasure comes from generous province, he said, Que- ithe knowledge that he is the bec gave the lowest per capita|direct successor of Gunnar grants to municipalities, its 1gachsen, and that there has been| amount being $1.57. nobody in between, Isachsen did| Of the total debenture debt of his discovery work as a member| $384,875,881, the property owners'|of the Norwegian Polar Expedi| share for local improvements to-|tion of 1808-1902, After that the tals $40,569,538 and is sell.liquid- island lay almost totally ne. ating, The debt of $87,081,450 for|glected until this year, when public utilities is revenue-produc-| Hunt and others came to launch ing In addition to being self-lig- Canada's long-term program to| uidating, survey and examine sclentifieally| Mr, Morrison said the province|the 1.500-mile Arctic frontier| supplied $242,543.23] of the total|from Greenland to Alaska, debt and through its guarantee| 9 is responsible for an additional COMBINED RESULT $61,086,766--borrowed through the| As far as map-making goes In government » sponsored Mune. | this sector of Canada's third ipal Financing Corporation--or a ocean coast, the whole story lies total of $303,629,997, in the combined work of Isachsen A it, From the Canadign "This leaves local governments|8nd Hunt, Fr with a net responsibility of $61,.| Arctic, Isachsen went on to a brilliant career which included 25,804 to groups other than the survey operations in Spitsbergern © overnment," he said, | provincial gov 4 --|and command of a Norweglan | for many vears, Russians have Canada--was created to a great managed without a directory, by|axtent hy the expansion of the carrying eround with them their five city-owned utilities in the friends' numbers jotted down in|face of an expanding population, diaries, Edmonton's pop. lation has Moscow post office, however, | been tripled in the last 20 years-- regularly publishes a directory| increasing to 270,000 in 1960 from | providing addresses and tele. | 30.000 in 1040, not including the phone numbers ranging from that| Mr. Hooke sald that in 1967 of Premier Nikita Khrushchev's| provincial grants to munieipal- |secretary to @ side-street drug ities totalled $85,000,000 while |expedition that eircumnavigated POPULATION RISES | Antarctica, He died in 1930, VIENNA (Reuters)--Radio Tir-| A decade later a Joint US. ana claims that Albania, smallest Canadian Weather dlalien was sot P up here a ni ' Communist country In Turope,| cy Gircachsen" became a house has the continent's fastest-grow: old word to the men serving here ing population, In the first three and to their colleagues down months of 1960 the population in. South in the Canadian and Us, creased by 15,258 to 1,506,200 weather services, And now it representing an annual growth of (isis pilots, and techniclans of 'store, low-interest rate loans amounted means home to dozens of scien: nearly four per cent, the Polar Project which has is eclory The bulky, blue-covered diree- Follows The Trail Of Arctic Pioneer THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 99, 1960 § the element of b Sanger hes not been dispelled, S mation here is still relative, Ti 4 Arctic surveyor must have in ready reserve the same qualities 8s his forerunner, So Hunt needs to be, and is, 8-man who could duplicate Isachsen's exploits, Wd Ringos Iafand so Sherted was the basic map of the whole unnar lsae 8 work region opened ap by Sverdrup art and a collector's item, The and his 15 men, Afte rthe Becond original mep comes only with World War the Isachsen section Sverdrup's (wo-volume narretive revised from air photo- of his expedition, occasionally soy listed by old-book dealers, The inew map next yesr, based on first base - camp beside the weather station . bn Isachsen was a novice at cam 4 Wied he came up here in| on the discovery ship Fram, wes but he developed rapidly into one| graphs, without benefit of {new ground survey, Jour: st tory, about three inches thick, was sold out in a few days after it -appeared on news stands and street bookstalls, The Stalin, the Lenins, Voroshi- lovs and Khrushchevs are, how- ever, private individuals, None of the names of the country's top political leaders or members of the capital's diplomatic corps ap- pears, FEW COPIES For 13 rubles (about $3.25 at the official rate of exchange), Russians can wade through 930 pages of personal telephone num- bers, those of communal apart ment buildings, directions on how to use the telephone and a dozen pages of advertisements, | By far the most popular names | in the directory are Ivanov, Side. rov and Petrov -- the 'Smiths, Lr One call brings you the wonderful world of warmth FOR DETAILS ON Esso OIL FURNACES OR BURNERS CALL OSHAWA RA 3.2679 Elsewhere call your nearest Imperial Qil sales effice Engineered for Modern Living Low Down Payment Easy Monthly Terms 5 Years to Pay Guaranteed by Imperial Oil | Budget Terms IMPERIAL E€ssSO PRODUCTS SCHOOL DAYS - SHOE DAYS - BUSY DAYS Such busy feet! And with each step the 52 soft little bones are growing and forming lifetime the protection of good shoes properly fitted. Good shoes, well made. over lasts scientifically designed for children ¢ feet. are gold by your better Shoe Guild Stores which have many new styles to choose from-at various prices, too! Whats more, they understand the importance of careful fitting, SAVE AS YOU DRIVE You can't help but save on the peppy 4-cylinder Vauxhall "overs square" engine, Its outstanding engineering assures you long life and trouble-free driving, With the economy carburetor you'll forget all your worries about gas cone sumption--you get up to 40 miles per gallon, Irevision only added to the won. Arctic adventure, coastline, This island of 4 who backed his expedition, and ering what he hed to work with, ogists' favorites in the current|® helicopter which ean draw on [UV Nation Tote wil ba {ee frozen avavel and silt, angle-measuring has not changed made Tast summer In the shadow dogs, driving 8 sled bearing up size of a typewriter that meas the lake moving exnosure after It took him a month to make around Ellef Ringnes Island, a ® colorama display in Grand expedition was done later, at|wayg the key men of his group, oh Isachsen's section of Canada|on exact geographical positions, | year made off with 1,800 head of ki ® d ® | skimping and saving! Ball-Race steering to help you of Captain Ofte veils atrong On Ellef Ringnes strips of coast Frank Hunt's survey, will have s of 700-800 miles from the were edjusted and detail was none of the same sroma of his. p's winter harbor in Jones edded but the island map stayed Lory, except for those who look Sound, off Balt Tay, he Iosesed Muth a8 Tiachson drew i, Thelbevond Jt nto the ennale of and mapped hundreds of miles of B 5 mies 0 'der of men He Fran Hum ot) square miles is one of his dis- the accuracy of the original sur- . coveries, Bverdrup named it after vey, "A remarkable Job," says C d P k Ellef Ringnes, rs Oslo brewer, Hunt of Isachsen's map, "'consid- ana 1an ar 8 ' fave the name Cave Isachsen to| He was a first-rate surveyor," | Colorama s farthest , Jutting into the Arctic. Ocean at 79 degrees MODEBN AID Intest survey. NVW YORK (CP ~The orth, 's ids. For transport, he uses © Maligne Lake in Canada's Jas. Ellef Ringnes 1s one of the geo.?" * BICS. TOF LEANSPOM, w tured in a "colorams" display In west for oil and gas fn the|S0% Caches laid down by Or New York's Gand Central Ter. eo ands, Ther are promi, Arcri, Lo extend is range, The Cl, Vout, Ct, Lo Io ge on oath ae arnt | navigation, The theodolite for The Malivne Lake pleture, much since the start of the cen. of the Queen Elizabeth Rance in ARDUOUS EFFORT tury, but Hunt has another gad-|Jasper park, is the work of Peter The Norwegian explorer trav-|gel Isachsen never dreamed of Gries, Pacadens, Calif, photos elled on skis the tellurometer, a device the grapher, who spent two weeks at n with a team of six to 700 pounds of supplies. Often, cs precise distances electronl. exposure until he got the desired away for months at a time, he cally, up to 40 miles, Me probed along the ice - ay In three clear July days Hunt] This marks the first time a Ca. channels between the islands, [surveyed a series of points right "adian picture has heen used in his survey-circuit of the island,|job eomparable to the one that|(entrel, where it will be seen at He made other historic sled jour. occupied Isachsen for a whole/the east end of the concourse by neys between 1808 and 1902, yet| month, the many thousands of travellers his biggest job for the Bverdrup| [ike Isachsen, Hunt fs in many|¥I08 the terminal, home; combining into one map| the Polar Project, Next winter CATTLE RUSTLERS the observations of all the explor-| oaptographers in Ottawa will use] SANTA FE, Argentina (AP) ation, patics over a fract of his surveyed points to pin down Police in this Central Argentine abou A square miles, overlapping strips of alr photos province say rustlers in the last was added to the Canadian map| Arctle survey work has| cattle valued at $100,000 from the in 1908 and for nearly 50 years it'changed greatly in 60 years, but'big, British-owned Bovril ranch, THERE'S NO SKIMPING ON PLEASURE That's the big difference with Vauxhall «= it has the total visi bility of wraparound windows -- into that tight parking space -- a low centre of gravity to give you a wonderful feeling of steady, smooth control over the roughest roads. ------ -- A REL, patterns. Now, particularly, they need conectly designed and -important- \/ For continued better shoe-fitti afternoons ATTENTION the Better Shoe Guild stores of Oshawa will continue to close Wednesday ng service by EXPERIENCED shoe fitters each week at 12:30 p.m, MEMBERS OF: NO SKIMPING ON COMFORT That means sit-back-and-relax comfort for five passengers, With Vauxhall there's no struggle to get into the back seat, four wide open- ing doors provide easy entrance and exit, Comfort-cushioned seats and steering column gearshift are two of the many other Vauxhall luxury features, SAVE FOR THE FUTURE Vauxhall holds its value for years ~=you couldn't make a better ine vestment, From its rigidly cone structed body--with rustproofing body dip, to its sleek and hands some appearance -- Vauxhall has everything you expect in a General Motors car, And there's continent. wide service, too, SAVE ON INITIAL COST Always an important consideras tion when buying a car, Vauxhall is more considerate than most, Whatever make of car you own == a look at Vauxhall will make you think hard about your driving future, and you couldn't make a better decision than to visit your Vauxhall dealer = Right now! NO SKIMPING ON FEATURES There's not enough space to list them all but here are a few to tan. talize you . , . A Canadian-size heater designed for the frostiest winters , . , two-speed electric windshield wipers , . , top quality rustproofing body dip for years of wear and "just new" good looks. Victor Standard 4-door Sedan, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUR *Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" "BURNS Corner King & Simcoe RA 5.4611 DAVIDSON'S DANCEY'S | 31 Simcoe St, N, 18 Simcoe St, S. RA 5.3312 RA 5-1833 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 PM. in ITS PRICE... NONE MATCH ITS VALUE Vaurhall BRMAN CAR BUILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS, ,, SERVICE EVERYWHERE IN NORTH AMERIOA See your local Vauxhall dealer CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED 266 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED Whithy, Ontario CA

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