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The Oshawa Times, 30 Aug 1960, p. 12

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Women's Editor Bt, Andrew's United Church Brown snd Miss Barbara Vergy. was the setting for 8 wedding on son, They all wore identical full Saturday afternoon, August 27, skirted sireet-length dresses of when Donna Jene Tiling was mint green silk organza over silk united in marriage with Kenneth faille, The slim bodices was sy). Waller Ferguson, ed with portraits necklines and The bride is the daughter of short sleeves with white gloves Mr, and Mrs, Richard William They wore matching flower ban » 1 PLEASANT STOPOVER WHILE ON VACATION mountain resort in the Athabas. kan Rockies, Osh are --"-- ¥ielder "A BONNY OSHAWA BABY and Mrs, Wilfred | Mrs, Adolph Knapp and Mrs, | Knapp, RRR 2, Osh , is Tim+ | Joseph Dixon, Oshawa, and othy Jay, Timmy celebrated | great-grandson of Mrs. Thomas his fi fay on August 11, | Gurney, Oshawa, He is the grandson of Mr, and ) ~Photo by Ireland fon of Mr ri At length By JO ALDWIN( the ilar meeting Army Home C28 Fabric Plays A Big Part In Decorating The 4 | By ELEANOR ROSS to the many Interesting uses of | M times, one esn get vosllylishiios | youse in the mood so ! 5 economics), clever snd practical work some changes in the home ; | ; decorating idess from business decor, 7 pieces, What proves a good bar! Washable yardage st modest ! 4 in and 8 practical notion for|prices includes practically every / and business eolor, any pattern and any weave sometimes desir Jo Aldwinckle, ecor DINING " toy, I ; agro grrr g Wl ACL de Beha d ih 9 a (7 nieres your 4 THE OMAWA TIMES, 7 vn August 39, 1960 1) {They are liked for all types of room or dining ares, | A 5 interior architectural ef) in! It's a bright idea to make two F erguson-Tilling Nuptials / and doors, And they often prove slipcovers for the dining room 4 WJ much less expensive snd even chairs, Thus one can change chair H | d I A ft Ce ; iV more decorative than more solid ovens 4 fo Somplement Various mn ma | a ngs. Quite 8 luxury ides e nn e oon remony 4 4 wi 8 few yards of but one that ean be attained eas: / I # unfinished wall of an! A dining room chair slipcover sitic room, The fabric lends color usually calls for 8 minimwn of Land Interest, and can he put Inio fabric--often tie-on pads for backs the washing machine ss often us and seats are all the fabric neces. need be, iy. | The covers or tie-ons could be A small area of the living room meade of interesting, Inexpensive ean be set off with separste hang. materials and would contribute a Tiling of Oshawa and the bride. desux with elreular shoulder- ings to create the fusion of a great deal of fresh, colorful groom 1s the son of Mrs, James length veils and carried cascades separate foyer, A dining space charm to family festivities or Verguson of Oshawa and the of white and tinted ehrysanthe- can be crested with fabric hang- parties, Spring green or yellow | The double ring ceremony was Mr, Gary Ferguson was hest i | ean be made into two rooms with look, used with ching line or performed by Dr, George Telford man for his brother and ushering = ia few yards of pretty material place mats and a centerpiece of end the wedding music was : Donsld Tiling and Mr, _ | draped down the center, | Rowers, played by Mr, ¥, Kelvin James, Charles Powers, | This is an especially, good de-| When you use your best china, Mr, and M pictured Given In marrisge by her] The reception was held in the vice i you don't favor a room let the chair slipcovers pick up of Toron'n and ( vernal da | | H s street, | J We ~CNR P gown of earnation white chantilly ther received with a pink hati the decor of a room, if you ean maybe, you could pick up fabrie J. ¥. Rupert, Grierson street, - CNR Photo {a pik tulle ih bor and taf end pink snd white accessories, | literally remove the alls" and with 8 pattern that repeated 8 "er I} (feta, Three tiers of tulle hord was the bridegroom's hen replace Hem, Y ford motif in your china " ise i qd w led the front of mother who ehose a beige sheath A dark paint job may become iis isn't a budget - breaking HUIprise Meeting He sion. ol motes adiviafily ge a boring but, if ft is on 8 rigid|iden at all and, as for the sewing la cascade of aecordign pleated beige accessories, Both wore cor P d ' 1 M [met frills, The brdice was de- sages of pink roses, replaced hy Something more de | ple stitching thai sven 8 beginner. natn Oi F ch Seen en With i sealloned neckline! For the honeymoon trip fo sirable, Yet this isn't so with ¢|seamstress could run up on the Ie ominate n as 10n sh e In me league lend long sleeves, A ol wn of ir-inoints north the bride travelled Tabrie wall", $o give # thought! machine, -~ KLE Jersey Is fer HTT Bb did we | ridescent sequins held her waist in a white sheath dress with pink P F R S 0 N A L S ! At the aeent Te 4 the & a } cade of small red roses and return the couple will live in | les Cathmoir | White chryeanthemums, Oshawa ng of a few! Mrs, Robert Brough of Osh-| Out of town guests were present! My, and Mis James! awa wes matron of honor and the from Hamilton, Toronto, West of Barasots, bridesmaids were Miss Dianne' Hill, and Buffalo, New York, 0 Can 3 Dial BA 3.3474 al i, | our own § plans, place of permanent, rigid walls or three interchangesble sets of instance feed fabric car be hung lly snd inexpensively, slong [FINE ROOM DIVIDERS late Mr, Verguson, mums, ! | ings, too, And the children's room| covers would give a light and airy | father the bride wore & full length UAW Hall where the bride's mo. divider, Also it is easy to change one of its dominant hues, or Luscious Vineyard Col pf UsClous ine yar 0 ors . y he hell skirt and the back was of wall, it must stay until §t ean bel involved, it would be mostly sim- Of Interest At S.A. vell and she earried a nnd white secessories, On their ¥red J, Nevery seen for over 33 years and they Florida, are the met Mr, Peterks for the first | guests of Mrs, G, E, Ansley, Ross: time, In Saturday's paper, a {land road west, {typographical error made it ap- ry | . ,, [pear thet the sisters had been #1 Miss Helen Bedford of Cal separated for three years only, gary. Alberta, formerly of Osh. | awa, 1s visiting Miss Elinor Wil Mr, and Mrs, G, P, Morison, Division street, have heen vaca | tioning In Buffalo snd distriet;| Mr, and Mrs, Willlam Magee, London, Ontario, snd points Gladstone avenue, and Mr, and) around Lake Erle, | Mrs, Harry Van Volkenburg Taunton, returned on Saturday| Mr, and Mrs, Charles Cath. from a four-week motor trip dur-|moir, Park road north, returned ing which they travelled 7400(on Sunday from a trip to the miles through the north western! British Isles, They went by Jet| United States via Yellowstone te London where Mr, Cathmoir Park and across to Seattle, Wash: (was a guest on a special BBC| ington and Victoria, British Col.| television program, then up to the [ymbia, They returned by way of (north of Scotland, where they Banff and the Prairie provinces visited relatives In Aberdeen and i { In Penticton, B.C, they visited Dundee, It wag Mrs Cathmolr's| © the Reverend and Mrs, Wilfred first visit to her hushand's home| | Irwin and in Edmonton, Alberta, and Mr, Cathmoir's first since he| [they visited the Reverend and came to Canada in 1928; a mem- (Mrs, Phillip Houghton, all former orable holiday for them both, residents of Oshawa | Jiliem emen's, neva ¢ heen h ! f { n had charge Purple the collections n ihn) Bu nal period which Yonks | en 00 The afte on. The! nied n dark d been teped pre FRY meeting, and many cup iced when 5 Lhe var: et fem son, Rossland road west {1 { ed to t part Included a ! iin Belling. Thine"; ter read a poem "1 Mrs, William ading, "Recipe with an extra a hrowns to abl rant th melt alth er enre {apny Day" neal y "p h pamos ike caramel, Amber Marmalade |v on the' gol Made With Honey |"3"hofm: "i tis wand" "vas hy Mrs. Charles Cathmoir Breakfast Delight . Lith butt [ a1 ot tn he 3X + t ' 3 B 10t 10 he out 1 "Take Time Wisgely was ' 1 hy | William James his has heen an on. for good eit done |} f : and Mrs f and oran haeeco, and vieuna and- « to th ind d lupin and rus f { { {1 Owe Y {, "Since 08 | ( een es and | geptionally jules tore the flavor in a honey malade for use at any time, leading io oupg thinly sliced peeled grapefruit i ) re 1% cups thinly sliced oranges a member ng a hymn and lowing the vith peel \ William Allison led in pray in units of plum 3% cup thinly sliced lemon or, Mrs, Rankin gave a talk on grape a d Ame aan) with peel the verse, "A Merry Heart Doeth ) ns, colors and tex cups water Coed, Like a Medicine", and ne edding last Saturday afler- tures follow a definite pattern cups honey ench one was given a capsule I at Northminster Ynited One way of letting your friends Jor coats there are soft, brushed (8 oups sugar with a Bible promise inside, A y [Chureh Mrs, Hines and Mrs, [know that you are back from wools and mohalr, velours and!" Wash fruit, wipe dry, Peel und! hymn wes sung and Mrs, Rankin | Colauhéun are sisters of Mr, M wo. | your vacation is to eall the social deep textured (weeds, section grapefruit, Do nol use| d in prayer, q Donald and Mrs, Ball is his nlece department of The Oshawa Times Boucle tweeds sre used for membrane, Slice. oranges and! Than were expressed to # A 3:8474 for an item in the suits and dresses and there are lemon with peel apd measure Major Rankin for taping the pro Miss Margo Karon McClennen| personal column for which there A ' i aw many smoothly woven lambs: after slicing, Add water and al: gram. Tea was served by the whose marriage to Mr, Jack Wil-|1s no charge, News of rocial| ©8¢ Was solemnized recently In wools which carry on to evening, low to stand overnight in a large! Rainbow Group, liam MacDonald took place in|events, showers, teas and anni.| All Saints Anglican Church, -- i S---- Northminster United Church last|versarles as well as visitors from| Peterborough, when Constable Word has heen recelvad from Mr, and Mrs, Jack MacDonald, Scotland by Mr, and Mrs, R, G.| Nassau street, have had as week. | Collison, Bloor street west, of the| lend guests Mr, and Mrs, John|death of the former's nephew, {Mines and Mr, and Mrs, Karel Mr, James Wilson, Whitburn, | Ball of Guelph and Mr, and Mrs [Mid Lothian, and of the death of| David Colauhoun of Toronto, They the latter's aunt, Mrs, Geovge |attended the MacDonald-McCleny|Borble, Stonehouse, Lanarkshire, | ir and mar nes ol d "Happiness" hanner PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY Mrs, Robert G., Woodcock of Peterborough, Constable Clark is the son of Mr, Earl Clark of Oshawa and the Inte Mrs, marriage of Oshawa Inter. preserving kettle, Next morning cook until peel is tender (ahout 20 minutes), Again let the fruit stand about 10 hours or over night, Then add sugar and honey, boil rapidly until the jelly test is reached or preferably until a thermometer reads 80 deg, F above the temperature or holling water, The time required for bolls ing fs arvound 30 to 40 minute Amber marmalade Is mild. flavor and very nice in texture, This makes 12 glasses GERMAN MIGRANTS a 7 : Nt div i TO LIVE IN BOWMANVILLE George Lloyd Smith of Beth. seda and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, -Frederick Lloyd Crago of Oshawa and the late Mrs, Stella Crago, Photo by Hornsby Pletured after thelr wedding recently at Tveone United | Church are Mr, and Mrs Lorne William Crago, The bride, the former Miss Chris 1 tina Marguerite Smith, is the | daughter of Mr, and Mrs, {Saturday afternoon was h mored lout of town are always wel Donald Earl Clark, RCMP of | by the engineering of General Mo |eomed, tors when. she recelved a steam | electrle Iron, {Mexico City and Las Vegas, | Mr, and Mrs Athol street west, have returned] from a vacation at Atlantie City, | N.J., and Winona Lake, Indiana, | George Treland While on a summer vacation In Furope, Mr, and Mrs, Steve Barbarie, Ritson road south, spent a holiday In Paris with Ottawa, formerly of Oshawa, | Clark, The couple will live in took as his bride, Barbara Jean | Ottawa, Woodcock, daughter of Mr, and |~Photo Products, Peterborough Compared to buying psd ASPIRIN In tins of 12 Tablen aN | Messrs, Ronald and Raymond | 1ay, Willlam street east, have re-| turned from a threesweek visit to 7 on TRADE MARK AEG, wt HY EE a0, Curtains and Carpeting Relate were among one large group. of immigrants to Australia from West Germany early in 1060, Mrs Barbarie's sister Mra # Ditferent Styles of Furniture Rudy Peterka, whom she had not | RS [ There's a fresh approach to|baked rocker upholstered In a Your itire fontined to ont |gelecting furniture for your home, | color-related fabric print and un Ro ou wonder Al youl Saou) | [whether it's a chalr or a bedroom |derscore-the warm atmosphere of ny} Joi Siaing room . bide - | suite, that makes furniture shop. Colonial with a modern reproduces you're noi sure your rod d F il Si. [ping easier -- and more fun, [tion of an old-fashioned lamp, a tke that Buffet and pot you Road) amily oix 87¢ | [* It's an emphasis on an in: special Colonial conversation HG Borne Spa d Hn joa N 100 TABLETS 4 dividual approach in decorating, piece such as a dry-sink, spice *°* URE ' la new accent on buying what you commode, can he an attractive wood-warm 2 TABLETS 2024 vasLers 32' | ; | ' " ) the living room or flat. | like and achieving & personall It you've inherited a dandy|ioveh in y touch through the blending jiter a hallway entrance and even FAST RELIEF of armchair that father Just loves, it sy style \g \ ' » act as a room divider | [ various furniture styles and types doesn't mean you can't indulge Col Kev factor: in tving FROM HEADACHE, DISCOMFORTS OF of wood, rather than slavishly your whim for the elegance of olor 18 a key factor In ying| COLDS, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, sticking to look-alike pleces French Provincial, The "old" together your Individual approach AND RNEUMATISM This mix-and-match approach chair becomes the focal point of| to how you furnish your home. If means you can blend old pleces a grouping in one corner of the|you are hesitant about color or and new, combine the elegance room, perhaps as a reading area toi ber fur lof formal furniture with the lights heside the bookcase, You tie it style, remem jor that most fural- sealed slimness of contemporary into the basle provinclal and for. ture stores offer a free consul: stylings, There's no more Worry mal room through watching your| tant service to help you plan your that every stick of furniture has olor scheme and accessories, [purchasing and to suggest how atch exactly pSIEN, WOO \ to match exactly in design, Wood| qhere's also mo meed to keop'to make the most of color, SPECIAL! |] | For example, If your chester {fleld suite Is modern, it a lequally well with a traditional plece such as an occasional chair with a winged back and valane led skirt, The recom can he tied {in with some modern coffee and | lamp tables and the whole thing {wrapped up with a personal {touch through lamps and acces sories and plotures that reflect both a modern and traditional flavor, Perhaps you like Colonial fur niture; but feel a roomful might he too 'folksy er that the Co» i lonial ploces that eateh your eye | won't "go with your modern | decor, But there's no reason why | you can't satisfy your personal * ALICE BROOKS {preference and carry out both close up = dramatic themes, It's possible to pick up tanes! Crochet 'a cloth your contemporary leanings yin this design, through sofa, tables and color of leganee---pin g/drapes and carpeting, Then add eh hackevound, Colonial interest with a wing « het directions ng: 40-inch goes | | HEAT GOT | SPECIAL! | SPECIAL! LIMITED TIME ONLY Exciting Hair Color and Styling! Make your hair your featured attraction of the fall season ! Let our experts use their magic touch with after summer hair conditioning . , , exciting new hair color For to nee RA 5-8631 Uincents HAIR STYLING 110 King St. E. Free Parking at Rear Introductory Offer Town & Country Self Storing Door i n No, 30 " « FIVER CENTS i pattern (stamp } to The Osh 1 Arts Dep Print plainly PATTERN ntrenlece in nd THIRT d TRY Superfluous Hair : PERMANENTLY. REMOVED By Elestralysls ane the newest, fastest Kee Contury Series shortwave, revealing your true self, of wony and emban Ask us about SUMMER VITAMINS FOR EXTRA ENERGY ONLY 39.95 Installed LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST, RA 5.4432 EVENINGS RA 3.2707 £ ) New § : bY Wf \ ut rassment AA FREE Consultation MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Genosha Hotel, August 3031s wll PHONE RA 3-464 [au t . h the newest for appointment on these dates tsend 33 conls now! OUT! Our Rr Needlec talag TIREE FREE | Mu id galore heme furnishines CHARADES ¢ of | Ant h fabrie LLL) Regular City-Wide Deliveries 28 KING STREET EAST RA 3.4621 inette of Mantr pre ted in the fall ¢ of the Association of ( y ( 1) $ in Mo shed by Marie | August 3 t 0 I walsh | d atreal on une "8 Gos 2 v W

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