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The Oshawa Times, 31 Aug 1960, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES Wednesday, August 31, 1960 ' BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT pRTES | 1odays Stock Market Lisiings on Toronto Exchange Japs Would Buy, Net Net Net Net sales Wighlaw 11 a.m. Ch'ge Sack Sales Wigh Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Hock Sales Wigh Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Block Bales High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge . Web Kop 5 Ws 28 1% Belcher i vi vi I nam we 0 4 Poets 223%. Eo 122 IE 2 ind Problems 5 ¥ " 1 2 2 Magn #00 ' LL By FORBES RHUDE from Japan into the Great Lakes, Canadian Press Business Editor and the Mitsui Line, which plies One of the problems of Japan- 10 Montreal, ese trading companies is to find An lino representative sald 'real Canadian sources of sup. 'WOo-way cargoes have become so Loly." says Shigeru (Sid) Oue, as- heavy that the Great Lakes serv- sistant director of the Japanese '¢€ has been made a separate trade centre, Toronto entity and divorced from the Mr. Oue states that offices of sefvice to New York, the trading companies in Tor Ihe Masashima Mary ~~ the onto and Montreal want to do MOst recent outbound sailing-- business both ways--buying as CArried about 7.500 tons of (well as selling--and "are really "#80. The current Takeshima looking." Maru will have a similar cargo, However, he added, often when Shipments on the Masashima al 2 2 2 : : a they see something they want to Maru included about 2.000 tons Deer Hom 0 2 2 2 Yorta 33 ; } buy, the Canadian firm is a sub- © asbestos; nearly 1,000 tons of " 4 0 sidiary of an American company hides; synthetic rubber, baled whose export business is handled Scrap eopper, brass and alum- {from across the border, num; and 26 cases of business | The business of the Toronto or Machines Montreal trading-company agent Inbound cargoes include ply. he continued, is to build trade Wood, canned goods-- especially lout of his own office, and the "ca food and mandarin oranges sale often fails Just because of Jo. --and the generally wide vari» cal unavailability of the product, ©'Y of Japanese goods now om Mr, Oue--a native of Vancou the Canadian market, {ver made his comment while TRADE, GOES UP J a q 4 showing newspaper men around phe iy ) i ; a : : lino ships are of 12,000 Jellicoe 1 1H Af) , 4 the big Japanese exhibit in the..." ony™ move than 500 feet donmith Canadian National Exhibition long. In view of their size, the | The exhibit--while showing . Viwigld line embarked on the serv- vide variety of goods--empha with some sense of "risk," |sized Japanese industry, a con ing ibm 5 4 | following introduction of the {trast to earlier years when mos! service last fall, made a care a B00 : : Igoods shown were of the novelty ful port study during the winter FAVA A p 4 ; N . 0 14 : H varie! thay i W/ £ : 4 dt i hy 0 3 4 ) ) 1 s ! ' a nd d are displays by th "Now, they're as happy as a COMPANY v ow i ) } pl. 2000 38 38 38 f AR J Sal 4 H i Paded are. G8p AYE "lark," says Mr, Oue, "with trade : W 200 $5 3 ) ) I Lorado v " " d Iino Shipping Company, which rd trade maintains a monthly service NDI JST STRIALS n. Int ¥ MO Paper Re TE DEATHS mounting steadily In the women's building of the Industri Cn aa hs an. a U.S. Nickel Industrial MARKET PRICES Highway Dept. 3 fi moi we Mi rei reflecting the Ki- . Out ut TORONTO ACP Chursing Yester) wpies For Coins P FRAT and Dyuer pi: prices Gives Contracts For or 10 years--1940 to 19650 vere reported unchanged today North America saw little silk, OTTAWA (CP)--A strike and Expanding TORONTO (CP)--Potato prices! TORONTO (CP)--Awarding of With the result, says Mr, Oue, ver-increasing demand for ' y y at a ) row h , 4 y . vere reported unchanged from 13 contracts totalling $1,160,242/that a generation has grown up anadia Mg MMi or An phony ) ; Monday : Was Btmounced Tueulay bY thew "od ugg ows hat le 5. nickel from the United States the European Common : {Ontario highways department Fe er Yislorg know silk when Nor A. Parker master of and the European Free Trad TORONTO (CP) Wholesale The largest--$228,574---went to|thes iy A " £omments, but Ale nile tndiaiorie biel fruit and vegetable price changes Johnson Brothers of Brantford younger one hig pnger other coins ure made d Tuesday more rapidly in the las Were quoted today at: Blueber- for grading, granular base work ih be an. ay if they are night the strip ere bought than in Canada or 1 according to quality; au hot mix paving on Highway|F! from the U.8, because of ship: State , National Industrial Proccoli, $1:1,25 per 11-quart bskt; near that town, 95.9 . f 4 ring b Lee 33.50 a i oi ading, culvert and granular . . ments of unstamped coins being Conference Board sald Tuesda I¢ v per 36's; onions held up in Britain by the sea Be cornering thantla turin §1.65-1,75 a bag; plums 75.81 per base work on No, 471 develop. istrict an men's strike. paring ALAR fiequart basket; tomatoes, 50-60, ment road in the Chatham dis output from 1953 to 1958 leve Privat 9 US. . I 5: cents per 11.qiqart basket, Other trict will be done by F. A, 8Tone » pir Loins rom bi A Srolled the board said the Common Mar prices were unchanged from house and Company of Sarnia ns nickel were produc CRAAY: ket output had increased by 157 Tuesday $199.727. Canada, which provides 75 per per cent and the association n A $05,475 resurfacing contract cent of the world's raw nickel guinut had increased 125 per {went to Dinsmore Construction Shee Event supply, has suddenly found a cont. In Canada and the U.S Printin Trade Iv imitod of Windior p great demand i ie Kod YOU manufacturing production had in g Contracts for winter sanding] TORONTO (CP)--Charles J, SPende-piatn Lente ig the creased only 117 and 112 per cent B C . {and salting included one of $47,- Shore of Glanworth made a clean vear to take American coins and|Terpectively uys anadian 550 to Cookson Construction of sweep Tuesday of the grand the introduction In increasing Simcoe, champion awards in the Cots. numbers of nickel-gobbling ma MONTREAL (CP) « Canada's! Stonehouse and Company also wolds sheep judging at the Cana. -. . chines like parking meters and Prehistoric n hing industry has joined the!veceived a $28.000 contract foridian National Exhibition vending machines buy nadian" campaign, supplying, treating and storing] Lloyd Ayre of Bowmanville : | Ty nat . weened 8 vi high: three { four rand Mr, Parker said the Canadian Brig. G. 8. N, Gostling, presi screened sand in various high-iwon three out of four gran ? i nickel has heen processed at the JIOTIES oun {dent of the Graphic Arts Indus.|ways department patrol yards in/champion awards for his Hamp. i rate of 11,000,000 coins a year : tries Association, called for sup- the London area, shire Downs a a oma . 5 ll doubled to 22,000,000 this year--in| WALLACEBURG (CP) Alport in a statement Tuesday, ---- ---- . ------------ England because Canada does Mastadon's tusks and bones, per-| yo gaid the Canadian printing HEAVY THINKING IN KITCHENER not have the equipment to roll Jrs Loom Yeu A ol, Were iu industry is "caught in a tighten. the pure nickel ing squeeze" between aggressive FOR [0] :{3 ne 1 eh championships Week play. Both Canadian and United The search for the remains of United States selling methods ong tournament which started | States players are competing ONG SOUGHT the giant beast was directed by and low-cost imports from Eu. \Y/ YoF Ne], LONG- ant bea i Saturday involves 10 rounds of ( cp Wh photo) Dr, Gordon Edmund, curator of rope and Japan at Toronto's The association speaks for 500 GO POWER- CARD OF THANKS aes - : -- SPEECH SOLUTION Hi Yenebre eum printing companies and 55 manus a | The bones and tusks were dis | facturers and suppliers of paper TE ' MUIR e und 1, t t 1 [INGS We stern ARititude VANCOUVER (CP) Dr, | overed in the bank of a diteh ink and printing equipment, H Eugene Forsey, research dis [where several years previously! Reig, Gostling's statement also rector of the Canadian Labor !S. R. Balkwill, a W illaceburg announced a meeting of the asso. " High School science teacher, had ciation in Winnipeg Sept, 14-16, He Damaging In East Congr 58) Canada's | ected about 2% bushels of operates printing plants in Nis dren J », greatest need is for green |... after drain diggers uncov: agara Falls, Ont,, and Brandon, Your lending NTREAL (CP) One of, Martinez said the three plan to] Daize bags ered them Man, \ oF + $= | neighbor" from p to appeal the deportation order, He Interviewed on his arrive i 02.00 hree Cubin exiles flown bac) eal po order, Fis gn Bi Buide coast-to-coast, in > ofl Montre ro ew York after! ial 1eir plight resultec rom 'uesday, ll Forse p PM Please Montreal from N | o the fact their passports and other| plained that the soundproof E V 1 S I O N I Oo G Canada & Hawaii ' au be 13 in unsuccessful bid ) the document wd been sent to] ing material should be placed colu p nited States sald Tuesday night friends in Miami, Fla, when they! qguer the heads of all those |CHCH-IV Channel 1l-=Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6~Toronts three are heing taken to Ques attempted to enter the United planning to make speeches | . | City to await deportation State oy 1 |WKBEW-TV Channe] 7-Buftale WROC.TV Channel §---Rochester | r= aw during the nexe six months, INANCE COMPANY mada They would have the docu Dr. Forsey is here to ad. [WGR-TV Channel 2-Buffale WRE V Channel 4--Buffale OF CANADA LTD. Manuel Martinez sald an ments returned to support their dress the National Federation nal officer from the Cana- appea of ( madian University Stu: [WEDNESDAY EVE, 9:00 AM, Playhouse i | YOUR VACATION CASH dian immigration deparimenti . officials of the immigration des! dents on 'labor and national 5:00 P.M, Romper Room t=Bozo'y Cartuan StOry IS READY! | Hook \ slr ? + a ying Dong School . ruled the anti ( Fo EXUES partment could not be reached development H=Fam Theatre Ding Dong School Bed " . 9 ter \ b welll | 4=Pope hould he deported after a day 108 Corman 8=Traveilin Time | baer oe Sot Get $50 to $2,500 Today! ring 4 Hired "The three made two bids to en | 4=Hozo's Cartoon | 9:30 AM, "Big Mag Show PHONE RA 8.6283 il alrpor er the U.S, where they hope to Huge Tobacco Story Hook Movie 5:30 P.M, r . Simeoe St, §, 29) 2-The Big Rascals Romper Foor 11 : a) organiz § " L ) over : a om om | ocky and His v oc . ze 4 movemen or 5:15 PM Burns and Allen Friend pecial Home Backs Govt. dn CBC Stall Im, oe sir 4% "* Crop Predicted dein | EES in pe, | SD [2 TH ha Gen, Jose Pedraza, 57, chief of 7=My Friend Flicka 10:00 A.M, | 6:00 P.M, ff under former president Ful BRANTFORD (CP)-~Canada's S=Huckleherry Hound 5. 9-Dongh Ra | 11.6---Metro News elix The Ca Renrieve G t R : Snel B itista of Cuba, is among large taba 0 rop in listory i 6:00 P.M. ee IK Early Show e S alse pected to be harve ( 11.6=NeWws g : And, aries 3 - y ? : I'he hin act he bors veur in southern Ontario Early Show 52 ay Your Hunoh 6:15 PML : : : : ks OTTAWA (CP An img a the LT mi and Wh Ontario growers have -about| ghway Pi ¢ wig 1 Prva a Eve across-the-board increase five | up Monday to U.S, immi 120,000 acres in flue-cure tobaeeo 113 M. Sas he art p38 2M , ration officials, seeking political with a value of more than $80, al Price 1s Right 3-4-2~Nows: Weather cent fr le wages for 1,400) 20,0 0 000,000. Although the agriculture ul 1%, M, 4=I Love Lucy 6:45 P.M, » employe the Canadian |" In "(heir first attempt two department predicted a light {=FAmLy fate nb Ml AM. | S-Muntiey +" Brinkley \ ks ago they were picked up crop, growers in Norfolk and] 4-News: Weather | iii Ao | Jat » U.S. border patrol at Hi Brant counties, where harvest is 6:45 P.M, Serial Drama Ge ! Vt,, and sent back about half complete, say the crop Ue NEWS aklo 12:00 NOON | 11 Wanted Dead or is the biggest ever Report 11=Rugs Bunny and | - Alive i ecommend y l ! . 7:00 P.M. Friend | &~Tablol | 7--Restless G Leave It To Beaver | Tabloid Restioss Gun ation boa | CROSSWORD © 77IE [ SwTahlold 82 Truth or Topper . SEQUENCES Shotgun Slade I'he rd wa p to dea VL ! S=Chnnonball Consequence | PWS pather 5 P een the CRO | = ----re------ ¥ ---- | 3=Muamm ii Weather 0 15 ¥ M, 24, Man's Von he NE BL LE Ry Back To School Values Ricks 8] | bo Speaker of the House Family Theatre Picture Machine Operat fh lee 4 n\ name 4 12:30 P.M, 7 Rlack Saddle | : i (W New Hob Cummings ors of the United States and ( , Featlie £ < ox {POSS ) ) } For A Summer Love That Bob | The Detectives wda, Prof, Bora Laskin of r § Very 25, Part of 21 A rR ive That Hob Olympic. Games Fashionable Luxury nto was chairman, J. W, Healy 1 7 ma tennis Dramatic Series | 7:45 Search For | 8=Law of the Plainsman ' 1 " 2. Go a ated A js Tomorrow 45 PM, s res he corpor ton aq DOR | : 8:00 P.M, 1 PM. PET Ist Quality 400 Needle 1 and Guy a oR #1, Farucle N Movie Matinee 8:00 P.M. Montreal, the 3. Small ley, an ol {ot § M, ~Guiding Light 11-6-Deputy : land x Fa! AI Live A Borrowed 1:00 P.M | Donna Reed | vtialledl by both sides in the dis 15. § skit B. Pole trains Yesterday's Ai Ne We and arciet 4 J N Piaxhaune, My chool Conifer 31. Strangely 3-The Price is Right | i--Alvet The Millen. | Plecha, | { \ : Nace Th x 12. 8 N 7. Mr, Franks : 2-Mid day matings | 1.6-Star Playhouse addition to the as 16.1 ] Through 2, Strike an 1 M, | 7-5--Real MoCoys Si 8 n the uni and company again 2 Telegraph Nn (poss) a . ii : t--Ringoe [ iki to \ umt 1 1 7 ile stric! te 80. Inquire ' awallan Eye b 2--Producers' Choice i . on a lump-sum retroacs 17, Exile ' 34. Related 80. Inquire 3~The Hawaiian } Kustes: Choi eg. 98¢ pair air X yayment of $2000 20, Irritated te hi 36. Russian 40. Lawyer's S-Habpy M. n M, { ONLY dd on a A Closeup pro rated on 22. Playing (ree river eharge 9:30 PM, Joanne. arson Show orvice mm cards 11.68 Tate ig 5-3--Rachelor Father bh eT 26. Amb ) ' a 1y Iw i~1've Gol a Secret Fou 4=Zane Gray Theatre > June 26. Are S 7 Tat 9:30 P.M : hieft : WM, Stel a 10:00 P.M. | w by ig 11.6-Man From | ree as iC u er ; First Pores | vie Blackhawk ent is ex 27. On ome 7 7-Sea Hunt Lavat > ; il . 7--Untouchables nore than ag go This Is Your Lite | ¥3 3.3--The Wranglers Ctart New : 000 u your as u a0 P.M. ~Nouse. ¥ Mua N. | With each pair of hose additional was 2 Secure the A Case For The y 4 AL 1-I'm the Law Yor 1Creast re recommended fo ald of - Court i Many ', % ain : arpenter help 30. Gate rl y 7 T=Interpol Calling l +H , She 3 t of Groucho Bursary vr : A Li de ie " : Nridze AA 7 > Man Hun Ho h . {Adventure Theatre > 1 7 3=Four Just Men --¥ Bet Your Life Q 3 walle nereases fo ar 32 Tuts . 1:00 P.M, bhi mn: PM, N44 a) ouse lat irpenter ar 33, Youn 4 Hh6G4 New D 1n Week In wvsiem use tu apolar, - 7 Hea an popes A aoe sn | BOBBY SOCKS -F lay house 100 PM SE" SERPENT 9. Ablaze tr : , M=Ruky a 3 done territory || With Stretch Action Cuff LAKE WINNIPEGOSIS, Man spirit. 7. Aq 1 Late sh Ea ndutand 100 P.M, aes 3% to 1 (H pair n } : al {aate Sie h 11-96:3-4.2- News; Sport Cl 3 Oliver h ins) J 42, Type of Boe Yack Parr "The hte Ai 1:15 PM ' ONLY at th Manitol k ys 2 automobile Film Festival JEL Pay T=PMavhouse 43. Cent THURSDAY Lo die Ba Viewpaint 44. Turns ee 8:08 AM, f- Now i |] v deal % " AM Shop with contidence y | Located In fy " \ f Night Ww where you see this N . The H ] seal of sotistaction NY e Hoan of ' New |] viugp W > as 1 DOWN 8:15 AN THURSDAY EVE, |° Ea \ Downtown Oshawe Ve dé an A 1. Lure " 4-Captaln Kangaroo a: M. hea BLL appearance for the l 2:30 AM. 4 " | Mrnations ee ea | *~Fun House y ' oad

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