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The Oshawa Times, 31 Aug 1960, p. 6

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She Oshoron Times [Fs Published by Conadion Newspapers Limited, 86 King Si, £., Oshawa, Ont, Wednesday, August 3), 1960 TV Influence Inquiry Federation's Proposal The Canadian Home and School and Parent-Teacher Federation is urging the Board of Broadcast Governors to under. take prchensi ch into the effects of television on the minds aad personalities of children -- continuing, longterm research into the cumulative effect of TV over a period of years, The Federation believes, quite rightly, that CBC "audience research" and short-term, unco-ordinated research carried out by universities and individuals does not meet the requirements, It is suggested that the BBG set a minimum budget for the project of £62,000 annually --& mod- est sum when one considers that it is Just one-tenth of one per cent of the par~ liamentary grants expectsd to go to the CBC in 1960-61, We doubt very much if television ex- erts any strong influence on the persons ality of a child, but this is purely » per sonal opinion, unsupported by evidence, We think, too, that parents themselves have the best possible control over the TV viewing of their children, since each set comes with a built-in censor = the little knob that can be turned to put the picure on or turn it off, If parents are worried about the amount of time thelr children spend befofe a TV set, or about the content of certain programs, surely they have enough gumption to limit the time and eliminate the suspected pro- grams themselves in the home, without running to the state for help, Nevertheless, information is needed on the effect, if any, that TV and in particular the unrestrained violence of some TV programs have on children, Without it, only guessing is possible, If it is shown that the effect is bad, argu~ ments for upgrading TV programming can be based on some solid evidence instead of conjecture, If it is shown that there is no appreciable effect, TV can be eliminated as one of the scapegoats for increased misbehavior by juveniles and young adults, To be fully effegtive, however, the re- search should not be confined to Tv viewing. It should also cover the parents' influence on the viewing habits of the children; it could compare, for example, the habits of children whose parents ree gard TV as "pacifier" and those whose parents have encouraged them to take an interest in sports, hobbies and books. Moment Of Horror Many will lose their lives on Canadian highways during the next holiday week. end, To most of them death will come quickly, There will be no long-drawn-out period of suffering, or fear, A moment before their sudden obliteration they will be happy, carefree, Perhaps the skies will be clear, and the heat of the day tempered by the 70 mph, rush of air through the car windows, The stimue lating "holiday feeling", accentuated maybe by a few drinks and the thrill of speed, will surround them with a glow of pleasure right up to the end. The frozen moment of horror just before the crash will be short, An instant of agonizing realization as the tires fail to grip on a curve, or another car flashes into sight at the brow of a hill, and then vs + final darkness, If unnecessary death in any form is tolerable, this will be an easy way to die, Except for the unlucky ones who linger on for a while in hospital, there will be no prolonged pein, no dedpair, no remorse. The dead will be at peace, Only the bereaved, the mutilated and the ruined will know lasting pain, "It is possible to avert the mass tragedy that we expeet and dread on Ontario roads over the holiday," says F. H, Ellis, general manager of the On- tario Safety League. "Safety can be bought, and we are asking for donations from every motorist over the holiday, A donation of a little extra time, and a little extra thought. "We ask each driver to give a few extra moments on his vacation trip, so that he doesn't have to take senseless chances in the never-ending tension of trying to get ahead of the car in front, If he starts his journey prepared to give up a little time to the commen good, he will drive relaxed and arrive relaxed, "And if he will give a little extra thought to the needs and convenience of other road users, as well as to the avoids ance of danger for everybody, our highs ways over the holiday will be a lot safer, and a lot happier," Money To Keep Score "Egghead millionaires" is the name given by Fortune magazine to & "newly emerging American type, a breed that now numbers about a hundred young men, One of their common characters istics is a lack of interest in their riches, The new millionaires, all in their thirties or just beyond, are scientists turned industrialists, This kind of man, says the magazine, generally prepared in college to spend his life teaching or doing research for some big company, but his career was transformed by the cold war and the birth of the space age, with their premium on brainpower, A yen to be independent, an idea and con- fidence in his own scientific ability led him to quit his job, rent a loft and angle for a military or space agency subcone tract. Money, a lot of it, often followed, The egghead millionaires "pay little attention to their wealth and couldn't care less about keeping up with the Joneses" Muny still live in the modest homes they bought years back. Most still drive aged autos and dress casually if not carelessly. Their wives seldom wear furs, One, Arch Scurlock, 40, worth The Os avn Times ¥. L, WILSON, Publisher and Gencral Menage €. GWYN RINSEY, Bditer The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times established 1871) and the Whitby Gazette ond hronicle (established 1863), is published daily Sundays and statutory holidays excepted) Members of Canadian Daily Newspapers Publishery Association, The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Circulation and the Ontaria Provincial Dailies Asso ciation, The Canadian Press is exclusively entitiea to the use for republication of all news despatched in the paper credited to it or to The Associated Press or Reuters, and also the local news published therein, All nights of special despatches ara als reserved Offices Thomson Ruilding 428 University Aven Yoronto, Ontario. #40 Catheat Street, Montreal, P SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carriers in Oshawa, Whithy, Ajax Pickering Bowmanville, Brookiin, Port Perry, Prince Albert. Maple Grove Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, Liverpool, Taunton, Tyrone, Dunbarton, Enniskillen Orono, Leskard, Brougham. Burketon aremont Columbus Fairport Beach, Greenwood, Kinsale, Raglan, Blackstock, Manchester, Coboyrg, Port Hope Pontypool and Newcastle not dver 45¢ per week By mail (In province of Ontario) outside corren delivery areas 12.00; shewhere 15.00 per year, Average Daily Net Paid as of April 30, 1960 some $10 million is quoted as saying: "Money doesn't make you any younger or any happier, Making it is sort of a game." Another equally affluent, said: "It's competition that makes things interest ing, and money is just the way we keep score." Still another, David Bakalar, 35, claimed he did not realize he was es pecially wealthy until a Fortune writer confronted him with figures showing he was worth $150 million, It's refreshing to learn that there are people, in this materialistic age, who take pride in achievement rather than money. At the same. time, people who make a great deal of money have a responsibility to put that money to work. The magazine article, unfortunately, does not say what the egghead millionaires are doing with the money they accumu- late and ignore, A very large part of it, of course, will go in taxes, but a good deal will remain, If it is ploughed back into business, all well and good; then it goes to work creating jobs and wages, A millionaire may arouse envy with his possessions, but he also has respons. ibility to spend a lot of his money, Bible Thought I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us~Roman 8:18, Pain and disappointment, tears and sorrow are only for a few days or years, There is no suffering in heaven, You may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect--Romans 12:2, Can you think of three words that would better describe the sort of life you want? "Good, acceptable, perfect" is the life yielded to God, We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us -~ Roman 8:37, Sometimes we fell frustrated over everyday life, afraid of the future. The answer isn't to wish we were someone else, but to trust God. BY-GONE DAYS 38 YEARS AGO Duncan Campbell, Oshawa phe. tographer, wes honored hy have ing two pictures hung in the CNE photography selon, They were "Steel Jaws", a study of GM machinery, and "Ice Formation", John W, Worrall, setive mem: ber of Oshawa Kiwanis Club, died suddenly at Christie St, Hospital, Toronto, Fire during threshing opera- tions destroyed a barn on the farm of W. D, Dyer, Columbus, Canadian Legion Brass Band won second place In the CNE brass band competition, The Junior Fair at Oshawa wes sponsored by the Kiwanis Club in co-operation with the Dept, of Agriculture, J. 1. Boston and Col, RB. B. Smith were instrumental in making it such a success, Donald Bouckley, King St. W,, was the best boy baby under one car old and Yvgnne Gordon, Division St, won the best baby girl prize at the Oshawa Fair, The greatest quantity of walter to pass through the pumps in one day since 1929 (two and one-half y tlion gallons) was recorded at the pump house, The Varcoes were declared 1935 champions of the Oshawa and district Junior Softball Assocls- tion and won the Gordon Le Fevbre trophy, Mary Reid won first prize ot the amateur night contest st the Oshawa Fair with her sword dance, Arthur Edmunds, lormer Cana dian boptamwelight champion, was drowned at Syoms beach, Bowmapeite, alter diving from # at The Juvenile fyte band and Queen Mary LOBA nem u pom ienie at Lakeview Park at rs, McKnight, the oldest lady present, was presented with 8 framed picture, Fire wr Wesley R. pf gs appointed a director Dominion Fire Chiefs' Associae tion at a meeting in Brockville, Alex G. Storie and Harry M. Black, Rotary Club members, gave their impressions of their tour of Great Britain, ------ -- PORT PERRY FAIR LABOUR DAY eo HORSE RACING e LIVESTOCK SHOW eo MIDWAY eo GO-KART RIDES Soturdey Night Shew in Memoriol Gerdens Puy. al; REPORT FROM U.K. "Little Elections' Occupying Leaders By M, MCINTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) Correspondent For The Oshawa Times LONDON ~ With parliament in recess for its long vacation, party leaders are now giving some thought to the "little gen- eral election" which is looming up in the not too distant future, There are eight seats which will have to he filled in by-elections for the House of Commons, The party leaders have been consid. ering the best time to hold these elections, and according to the best information available around Westminster and party head. quarters, November 24 is likely to be the date of these eight contests, Deciding factors In the choice of dates for the by-elections are the present parliamentary recess and the holding of conferences by the rival parties in October, Although there has not as yet QUEEN'S PARK been any formal discussion be- tween the parties, it is conceded that there Is a general desire to clear the decks for action at a time which will be mutually eons venient to all of them, DATE FOR WRITS Because of the mutual desire to expedite the voting, it is ex. pected that the writs for all elght by-elections will be moved in the House of Commons when it re-assembles on October 25, The procedure is that the gove ernment whips would make the motions In the eases of Ludlow, Bolton Fast, Pelersfield, Cars halton, Riverton and Mid Bedford. shire, where the seats were last held by Conservative members The opposition whips would aet in the case of Ebb Vale and Blyth, where there were larg: Labor majorities in: the last general election, * Stage Set For Hot Byelection Fights TORONTO-The Conservatives got the jump in the by-election, They were slow getting down to work, The Liberals and CCF wore active early in both Temiskaming and Simcoe Centre, But when the gun went the PC's were first off the mark They had their nomination meetings scheduled for a week ahead of the other two pariles And so thier candidates will be in the field with a seven-day ad. vantage HOT FIGHTS? These should be important eles tions And they should be hot contests, But there is some question whether they will The stage Is set There has been a feeling that the government is beginning to fail a bit The Liberals have been hol stered hy wins in other provinces, And the CCF has a fresh glint In its eye through the promise of the new party, NOT READY? But the actors may not be ready, One "senses" -- and It Is no more than this--that the Liberals aren't They don't give the impression of being in condition yet for an agressive battle It {8 hard to think of anything they have to offer which will sway voters They do have a better organi gation, But they haven't any pro. gram to speak of They are a fighter who has got his wind in shape but who still has to develop his punches, THE CANDIDATES? Much, of course, depends on the candidates selected And this particularly applies to the CCF In Temliskaming If they can get a good man in the field in the northern riding they should stand a good chance. This is good CCF territory, The same is not the case In Simcoe Centre, however The party has never been able to get out much of a vote in the riding based on Barrie In a couple of elections it did not even bother to put up candi dates, ; Finally, there has heen no word to date of any particular grudge against the government in either riding PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM It Is strange that in this me. chanized and electronic age slot machines are still operated man- ually, Why aren't they rigged up 80 a person could press a button and lose all his money with greater ease? The north generally is a bit ups set these days, but Temiskaming has fared better than most of the northern seats in government fa Vors, And at least at the outset of the campaign there is no great local issue In Bimeoe Centre The Issuing of the write would bring to an end some eviticlem which has been directed al the government because the Ludlow ll seat has been vacant since April 5, when the sitting member, C, J, Holland, died suddenly. It has been charged that no seat should be left vacant for so greal a length of time, There will be 8 three-cornered fight in this constituency, with the Conservatives, Socialists and Liberals all ready with candi. dates in the field, In the general election In Lud. low last October, the Conserva- tives had a majority of 7346, OTHER SEATS The probable Yneup In the other seven seats is as follows Bolton Fast -- three candidates likely, but none selected as yet, Conservative majority in 1950, 2732, Petersfield -- Conservative and Liberal candidates have been chosen, but no Boelalist as yet Conservative general election majority, 15,409, Carshelton--The Liberals have a candidate in the fleld, There are about 100 aspirants from (he Conservative nomination, The So- eialist candidate has yet to be named, Tories' 1060 majority, 18,244, TIVERTON + A Liberal is already in the field, with Con. servative and Labor nominees yet to be chosen, Conservative 1059 majority, 11,878, Mid-Bedfordshire == Conservas tive and Liberal candidales named, with a Soelalist yet to he nominated. Conservatives' 1059 majority, 5174, EBB Vale « Only the Con. servative and Labor parties are expected to name candidates for this seat, In which Aneurin Bevan, Labor deputy leader, had a majority last October of 20,002, Blyth -- This will also be a straight fight between Tory and Labor candidates, with neither chosen as yet, Labor majority in 1950--26,404 FOR BETTER HEALTH Cerebral Stroke Recovery Due To Three Main Factors By W, W. Bauer, MD Research into the causes of cerebral hemorrhage or stroke is developing more and more Ideas as to how this calastrophe ean he prevented, But in the means time there will continue to be individuals who suffer this condi. tion. How well they recover af terward is due to three principal factors, First there is the extent, the severity and the location of the stroke, Some massive strokes are immediately fatal; some lesser but still severe ones leave exten. sive paralysis, speech disorders and disturbances of sensation; some relatively small strokes in vital center may also be fatal at onee, But -- and this should be realized hy relatives of the vietim = there are many strokes from which a large measure of recovery is possible, under ape propriate treatment, Therefore the first thing to do is call the doetar, hecause prompt and adequate medical treatment is the second important factor, The third factor, and its ime portance cannot be minimized, Is the co-operation of the family, Many stroke patients, even those who seem severely affected, can make a considerable comes back with the right help and co- operation THREE KEYS The American Heart Associa tion lists three "koys" to success ful rehabilitation after stroke 1. it must hegin as soon as poss sible after the stroke; 2, it re quires co-operation of doctor, pa tient and family; 3. It may also requipe other community re soprCes to help. Let's take a clfser look at the three keys Key 1: Stroke patients are no longer allowed to stiffen up and become paralyzed: massage and other muscle treatment is begun at once so that muscles do not deteriorate. while nerve recovery is taking place, This helps retain flexibility and reduce deformities, Key 2: The patient must have the will, and the patience, to re. cover, It may be a long and hard row back, but determination wil do it if it can be done, The en. couragement, help and sometimes challenge of the family 'Is essen. tial. Above all, the patient must not be allowed to look upon him. self as useless or hopeless, REHABILITATION Koy 8: Some communities have resources which ean help in the rehabilitation of stroke patients, These include medical specialists, hospitals, rehabilitation centres, speech retraining centers in schools or in the local hearing societies, and in some fortunate communities the vocational workshops where necossary re. training of lost functions can take place, The whole attitude toward stroke has changed from one of passive acceptance and hoping for the best, to one of active treatment and trying for the best, Also, there is now drug treatment which may help to prevent future strokes, and surgery also has developed which may forestall impending strokes, The whole outlook Is brighter, QUESTION FOR TODAY Dear Doctor Bauer: I have a book in my possession that I re celved while being treated for tuberculosis in a sanltorium six years ago, I would like to know if It ig safe for me to give the book to a child now, T, C,, Ninois A: Yes, The fear of books and other objects handled by patients with communicable diseases grew up in the early days of rea lization that sometimes such ob- Jecls might convey . infection We nov know that in the case of tuberculosis, prolonged intimate personal contact between two people is necessary to transmit «he germs from one to the other, Germs do not live on dry sun faces like the pages of a book Libraries now circulate books which have been handled by per sons with communicable diseases, after letting the books stay out of circulation for a few weeks, OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS TAI SR, Are Pierson Windows In Your New Home Plans? :) +. 28% more view and prowler-proof too! «+ + the window you've always wanted . + both beautiful and practical, A new, Ider outlook without sash or crossbars iding the view. Window washing's so iimple = a finger touch lifts out Pler son's two panes, You clean the outside inside the house -- no more windowsill PATENTED acrobatics, And, Pierson's own patented locking device means maximum secur ity. Ask your architect or builder or write to address below for Free Booklet, Pierson THE ORIGINAL "FULL VISION" SASHLESS WINDOWS Visit OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS for EXPERT ADVICE On Building Your New Home Downtown Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH---RA 8.1617 LIMITED ® 9 TELEPHONES TO SERVE BOWMANVILLE----MA 3-2130 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS | Main, Office and Showroom COURTICE--RA 8-161) YOU eo AJAX--ZEnith 2-9600 Downtown Showroom Open Friday till 9:00 p.m, ---- '

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