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The Oshawa Times, 1 Sep 1960, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, September 1, 1960 ixise THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [2:2 1---Ascountonts Eo (13--Gordening & Supplies| 18--Loon Wonted (H=- Rudin Repairs ____(32--Articles Wanted (41--~Room & Boord | 44---Houses, Apts, Flats 44e--~Rooms For Rent For Rent " vite hoy ver centrale Bow CLANCY'S Oniarts ~ J Acenimiing CLASSIFIED AD RATES wiA "io Wh tor ¢ ROOM wud bowrt, ve ders 4 week bt Se ese re | WOM 0 private home, very bervices oiler el Wines a Hass) . Ww OUR SERVICE CALL silver al , We, 4, "4h, 'WH, private home, b lew Mocks from BG third LITRE maliress, Wi BAREMAR, | J His As % wats o les GRANDVIE MONEY TO LOAN INCLUDES ALL THOSE |b % py y [A pus TWO room furnished periment, th " be LIF, EORYERIERCES, "hn #1COME, A i wid Wikahen, sik: v SOD SUPPLIES $2,000.00 to $80,000.00 for Pm mr Weonted KOO snd Vows tor we youns gen. iow), 0. Cia welcome. WA Voiks,__|ONE Luinished Tui, wd Kien, oa ' td We spuciolize In Al fertile immediate loon on First ond EXTRAS ployme o temen App 1 Park Hond Bor or |FURNISD bed . Wibing Foo, ol Breel, Phone BA 32973 RYIONS sas 248 ized field sod, Prompt de Second Mortgeges, Agree . EXPERIENCED Indy desires parttime |< ie seg preferred Phone Hs LARGE furnished room, meer hotwil SCOUT ars oma liveries for Oshowa ond Diss ments for Sole, on vecent ond v + Some doy service pe. oo a clewning 0116s | ROOM wad breskian vi agu Bevo jos #08 schools with use of KAFREE, BVH W not poid within 7 doys the trict, Field loading for trucks improved property, residen: + + MI tubes checked a viagat pos x, i we Tra le Immedintely, WH b6, Cringe rote wil epply, €r6 and special rates or con tial and industrial eity, subs Picture tube cleaned eens married woman would Wie spsie, "Funsimo Vill "et 7 414d Folor, ove, WulliAn cop. | INGLE rooms, Gentlemen omy Above rales apply only 1a original traets, when ond country, and Sum. es Rok, wierably office clesning, Phone | 841) rH pes bathroom a How 195 Celina Btiest i LOR LX ; dors 107 Consecutive insertions RA 8.8111 mer cottages + Tuner cleaned, W s 4400 cr | EXCELENT okra and room for Bon | 7% whl Hores 16, | ATTRACTIVE forviohed roams. a od Auditors, Cedar i Bide i" Ge ant Insertions ordered ol 6 Ll a ? needed YOUNG Indy with wood experience we (elman, Bay worker, si Sonvenaneah | IRHREE room wniurpished basement able in rusts home, a Birest, Oshaws, Onis later dare soratitutes a new origin ---- Summerland Securities Lim Complete set-u wires housework, Wve 266 Hhron Adult family, Caditiae Avenue South, B | spasiment with private hath and en North, 57 pm i : ' i] ew ited, 112 imecoe Street #2 WOR of rest sles 4 9m La | ate Apply #0 Monash Avenue. BA spwiy decorated, Wn basement, hele Professions! and Business hist) CROSS WN : 3 months guaranties w-- -- R00) bosrd for youn soem with kiehen, Bil CORYERIERESS, Comins, T8 7.80 per month for § lines dolly Roth Oshewa, Phone RA FORTY-venr old Indy, with profes | HOU a A igh TRA 4 diem | FRREE oom peli-coninined apart Private entesncs, One mints fro aio 17 A ka wdditional line $100 per SOD SUPPLY 5-3568, DO IT NOW wionsl experience In care of eniidren, | ons homer sepasite Wd | ent, utilities paid, parking, BA A816 shopping contre, 16 Fernhill Blvd, K awh, ould Jike position five-day week Will [home privile ' control oly hea ca 5 LE home nekr south plant nd YALE" [7 $ "ah Initial id abreviotion, Al rolled fertilized sod eut 19--~Personol Beautify Your Home do Yani _hossework, RA 440 (horme Fan b J to middie age shetainer, ONE lovely Woppished room, i penile FALE, A i ond & vgn, gure, counts as 6 resh dail mil dative A YOUNG German woman would Ve lgosgn snd room WY ion prefer for full care of boys, B and 12, man, priviie Rome py pris Fi Co. ios. n Wonk 4 i} word or charge | 5¢ additiong) fresh daily, prompt delivery, RIDE wanted trom Ossws oF Whithy Impros Picture Quality housework, by the dey, Coll KA 80116 | POARD and room, gentlemen pistes [courte Ju carn of ba onan A by ry € in Ba 'i 4 How Xv . po) Contd Ada $67 only Special comractor 1016s, Cm, Yokon baht, wround #45 wiles § pm, twin eds, Slows to downiown, BA | Gshawa Times BEDROOM Tormiohed aewil aevoriial Friedlander, ny CPA, "i Jen by oe ha RA 5-8504 | ---- - | HA A TOWER GENTLEMAN with own cement mises | boh FHREE © room, uninrniehed spariment, in comiortabie adit home, two bathe $5, Rearwae $12 y y |WAGARS Driving Schoo Govern would, rd work, free estimate, Phone! uoom and hoard fer four hove with | LIRA entrance and hath, Bad park. rooms, near Simcoe bus sefviee, B | y PATIO STONE Fo Leones ro lily Inared. fi duel con Call us for a free sstimats, BA wll Sonvesences, home KA bos |i, central, no children, wvailaiie Mary Street, BA S914, . 1g N ros LL AL nis WANNING V, WAWRE, Waren, || © The Ounans Times shell not be FLAG STONE | Wai a F6--Female Help Wanted | oon cos torsos ene (Reh 1127 Bark ond South big LR Solicitor, Notas, " to ble fe shell J. ? EN oc [WOULD anyone knowing the where P KOOM and hoard for ladies or penile. | APARTMENT =~ three - room, Base. heavy Out, private entrap 1 i 0 % y, Mo) .y I} responsible for srrors In advertise ETOME PLANTERS #houts of John Mags, please comm OAFETERIA = general work, Whithy, | men, single and Animas rooms, close Wi ment, Heavy wiring, suphosrds, sult TY antennas and parking, hone elute, Bruge V. Mae ments submitied otherwise then In ROCKERY STONE cate hy phoning EM 30718 in Toronts hours. 5.90 pom, to 9.90 pm. five-day |Sewnlown, RA § #3643 | couple, one ohild, 210 Chadburn Birest. | BST25 Block, wv King sree Lan, WA bab J wor 1 y » o ! 4 Residence: din) 1A 5 writing, nor Sor me * hon one Supply ond lay MoraninG "4 Willan Siound dug ( week, Apply Box 11, Oshaws Times ROOM and hoard for Iwo gentlemen, IFHREE - room uninrnished partment; HURL unfurnished poms, privae 7 ) Wor beyon f rh ( us 0m 10F Ohe ud he TE EVISION y home wooked mens, Wn clean, Quiet heavy wiring, we - room furnished hath and entrance, Josxrn HANGAY, GO Ri padini for 0 no oy or 0 SHAWA HA 43401 if - Aegon ah, CO end sine | German homes, Apply BL Park #4 apariment, aduits, 72 Cadillae Bouth Adit Pa couple, 140 Gibh Btn Ky Kast, Omawe, RA sw, | the advertisement in which erro GARDEN SERVICE FASGENGRR wind ike Tide To Bev RA B.678) | Went {South STORE, central location, good sie, for pp frm rvy gg Tp re ir] os dunia, R gars. pnd nao ieserve the rig tl . 2 YY rad ¢ Bindly # |EFFICIE 4 mast spy business, reasonable rent GE DONALD BLAKE Downy I 10 classify advertising according 18 . RA 3.3222 ee | WA BOH73, 171 BOND ST, EAST |FRIGIENY Msnograper lo Jk ian | 83-=Wanted To Rent ___|RA #128, 145 Bimeoe South room, business Judy proervea, est and isn ws wu A it East, | Ws own classification wr sdvrttine X URORA SAND & OAR leaving fo ; Fa tv E AAT oo Johns Manville Co. 144, expisiied TWO storey. house by Hverhmant THREE : room apartment, heavy uty n Phone 39348 elephone usinenss A S801 Heal: " oH SUSIIRY SAYRE \ f sland, Fr an secommodate five orelerred oF IRLERVIEw, €R # | Suite, be twins: Wrne MF, | wir anponrds In the Kitchen, Dak . dance, HA #9 ments The Times will not ke held AY passengers. Good sober driver, Phone| TV, RADIO SERVICE emp, ATIanlle 2-413) On ee worms, | On, Papuly 184. reniell TWO partly furnished Hosea a ponsible for mor a then IAN | 3 Fa hy hod CTW YY roger A (4 is ot A m i" & : then GRAVEL KA 5.5158 EXPERIENCED waitress, full or part | Yoronto Birest, close to Shopping Centre or (ham, couple Juri he Apply 46 Ad Bick od § ; 7 p 10 Allowance for your old 2 phone RA B-565%, 4 or, ele, 13% Bimeoe Street North, 1 occupi The publishers endeayour Br Sand, Crushed Stone, [RIDERS WANTED -- "00 Pontiac leaves! $10 d ory Hme, Apply Ritson Drugs, 864 King WANTER ~ three - room, self-cmiain Office HA 8974 Residence KA b-8542 fssup iF Uh ad rn ng y i1ar Road Gravel, Pit Run, Munday A Friday, ut i ' Horome| Picture Tube Breet East (ed ground hed PAriment, by quiet [SIMCOE Bireet Routh, (hird floor, 4 LAkGE front Jodioom, and. ho, f . . orrdetly Dit assum » Hahility CAR R Sarting Aughs ute 1 Prana | ILLY experienced hairdresser want: |couple, ahstainers, November 1, Write | nished apartment, vacant August 1, for housekesping room, grok ' " Daim a onih rg bel WW any inace os on "or y Som VA . AM FA RM R D, Hr W Venn Tord puiolt, MO TOWERS Hi y re BO tod | Box 8, Oshaws Times one or (we adults, BA 55662 of telephone, parking. BA 3-415 - ice, RA 8-0064 of ndvertisement are contained Phang bile Operator . A Tv w Com ittin, OUR > room aperiment, suitable for BEDROOM, suitable for Indy teacher therein, - 3 A HYPNOTHERAPY relieves ne rvans| 8 different types to choose |¥8 WEEKLY plus private room with (WANT 4 g foniarie Ay ng b pl th or two children, self: or purse, May use siting room and THOMAS M, RUNDLE barrister ol} mpile .} gonvenlences, In exchange for house: inom, near King East st Ritson, res: [couple with one 4 If desired. Phone eltor and Notary Publie Ad | [tension permanently, ¥ou learn (0 ¥6.| from All heavy gelvenized keeping duties for business couple with | sonable, Flease phone BA 85677 contiined. Apply 197 Rosehill Blvd, | kitehen, part hoard | ir ) A) 4 lax, sleep hetier, gain confiden | LA A0676 myenings Bireet East. Phone BA # | 14 H 16-gouge steel Installed | shildeen KA 57408 ---------- MODERN electrically equipped, two or -- ousehold Repairs This dynamic therapy ean ge --r A JOHN A, CAMERON, harrier, So0cl | 8.8 Trod PON ain aa ea fren with @ 2-year warranty WOMAN ss assistant suik, with cook | @d=~Houses, Apts, Flats rarity Cream Rood KOVELY Tarnished vim, "oil gen tor and hotary public, 10% King Sieset| B==Bullding Trades {PAINTING snd Secorating. Fre from bad habits, Inibisl Consultations | Sere: moved $10.00 |e experience, Must he de oendhs| For Rent Whithy, MO #522 A Ey A one HA S00 East, RA 32200, NHA snd PRVME (WATERPROOFING specials Fool io males, work guaranteed LV 7748 free, Institute of Ethical Hypnos, 1 NIENNGs Moved , » [ have good. character relerences. | LARGE furnished ight h I' Marignges arranged | Star. Fondo BL ad Ontario Bireet, Oshaws, BA b0I71 tendy position, No late night work, Ap [THREE apartments "close 10 shopping Liam Business addy. preferred Wear 5 R | [] t F $ J RALER JONES, BA. and Thomas 37.1 1058 Bowmanville CALL JOE, BA 6444 for carpentry, v Len & Lou' 8 TV | {ly Hose! Lancaster, Oshaws |eentre, ull conveniences, frig ani save, | figh School and Hospitel, Abstamers,| 85-~Real Estate For Se Grace, Associate Harvisters and. Sol. | KUT plumbing sid" Tesha suitor, |Linting ana handymon, Work #uaran SWORE order cook, ala wares with ie. (ne Imipvoom averiment, $100) please, Phone A 39348 |WIROR Dingalow, three Bedron gitors, 190 King Street East, KA 86446, | pions' HA 69581, Harold R ark ELECTROLYSIS RA B-5804 or RA 5.7844 [tome experience, Apply In gersan. | ORE SHE CR sean on hep. |VERER duplex, eomplelely "separate, fairly central, north distriel Private Mortgage loans available IAd., plumbing, heating oh and paper hanger, Interior ' David's Drive-in Restaurant, Whithy | There 1660 Call AA for Ted Cun | 98 Charles, central, south of Oshawa. sale. Apply Box 847 Oshawa Tim pi GREER, murphy and MacDonald, Bar (Ing, #55 Simeoe Street South terior and plastering, Free est) Removal of superfluous hair FREE SURVEY MU B-4066 [ninkham at KA 66544 oF RA 5-2908 Clinie, five Slrome, sunpaareh, Avil LARGE lot, 9 Trontage By 100 risters, Bolioitore and. Notaries Buble, | At GARVENTRY = kilohan" sabineis, |W 42244 Marie Murduff will be in |3 Ww. i WOMAN between B95 wilh exiit |Join A. J. Wolahood 14d. Wir hie no Br (devin, in well built up residential bas #6 King Street West, BA §:4717, Russell 700m ATi ' y 108 : 9 -- ence In general office routing, includ thon, Suitable for ehureh or elu J Murbhy and James A, MacTonsld, |Top coneme Baruges, Ne Jib Loo vi RNITURK pepalied and re uphols Oshawa, Sept } 3h end iid 43 omens Column . (mg fxpink, banking and "hoskkeciing | Shouing Contre, Jooms id Wath, DEAE YRER * room ApATImUNt, 6103 10 hu, ing, BA 34434, 916 Leslie Street i ered, Bee ou i 4 ave "hone enoshe ote on SPECIAL! Heat purmanents, $8.50, (experience helpful, Apply in writing 4 $60 monthly, heat, rights and water In | GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Boligi. (WH #6143 ing, Bruce B, Dalton, 75 Charles Street, " . hus link; stove and refrigerator sup: 4 {THREE - PLEX, good stueco, for, "sles 11 Simeon Breet' South RA 3.7918 these dates for appointment, |Cold, wave 8600, Fuge Nalrdrossing, kiving full vide To not 50, Cah: LL ein or only. wh €nildren cluded Avaliable Sept, 1. Phons "A apartment has separate ent isl BRA 32278 Hestlione hon - hi A Avallable middie of Sept. RA S-8077 rg, ele, Iarge lot, EArARe, 2 5 UN local chimney cleaner. Chim t confidence, J 4 J. M, Greer, BA, 8e., Ter OSHAWA EMERGENCY ¥0 4 4 ----- v - TWO - bedroom apartments, $95 per rte, $17,900. $5000 down, good ter ence V. Kelly, PA a ) bs 98. DA SERVIC bullt snd repaired, Rh Wings 21 rsonal Service |24---=Market asket REPONSIRLE woman for Light house Two Wo-shom apartments, ed Shes month, festu stove, refrigerator, [5105 per month income, Tindall Hot DRAIN SERVICE |'nstaied, furnaces = yaeuum FeO IEA Tover suliarel Tnauire about the | 5 work and help with ehildren, lye in, |F090M #partment, furnished op Tnek washers, Orvers, bAmbOG | Estate 48 Hond Bireet West, WA B [ nad AM BANTEDO, Harristers, |estimates. BA 5.2007 on Puritron machine at Oshawa, Beauty |VORN for ale, 10g Jer dogen, Fick Phone RA 5.9784 nished, RA 3-421) drapes and adequate parking. Located | ---- solicitors lens" funds avaliable nr { p | 4 |Your own "rrots, be per hushel D 9, 0 first mortgages, 30 Bimeoe Bireet North, Drains cleared without Al PAINTING PECORATING by Supply Wholesale, 18 King Street East |Bpanish onions, he, each, Bring con. |HOME for Christian widow, under 80, | Af HELOR Rariment, furnished or th Jvorth Cabal. Call Ln Satternn of HA 5.0066 Charles , MeGibhon, QC; digging tradesman, Interior Ar exterior, (HA LAWN mower and outhoard motor re-|iainers, W. Eymann, % mile east of #8 housekeeper for widower and two ay ly sieve. ry Ve Enel ¥ ' ' N.H.A., RESALE Edgar ¥, Bastedn, QC {tone work guaranteed, Free estimates, | ooh Sud sharpening serviee, Rossland | Nicholl's Garage, Courtice, 0 ehiidren No ohjestion to two children ' NOAY ALAS " | wie 4: Go north to honl teachers preferred. Phone B Subdivisi HUMPHREYS, Bovel iii Electric Drill Service | KA B-2056 _ |Bports Centre, 63 Kossland Road West, | firsb corner Confidential particulars to Box 13, Osh. | 35009 L APARTMENTS = two « room and four Meadowerest ubdivision, ty Bovehyn and Hillman, Md | KA 37488 or RA #1734 saws Times h poom, well-contained, private baths] Brooklin, 3 bedroom ranch $ Barristers, Boligltore KH Hum ) ' CHESTERFIELDE and old chairs ve -- - - phreys. Qi: 6. § UALR BA WA RA B.265]) savared Hip pa Get the be of for less 25.Pets & Livestock od ROOMS only, or room And board, week: | kitchens with sinks and cuphoards. Im type - brick bungalow i ly or mont pi Athol Birest u i HA 66184 or HA Hillman, LLB: 364 King Brest East meee | #1 Modern, Upholstering, 92614 R For Fur Store 4 ; Jhon hy, Apply #60 Athol J Inafiate POsSESSION monthly includes principal, Phones: Office, RA B51177; Res, RA Blreet North, Call HA B:6481 for a free RY A ABROWN German Shepherd, just over ist anyiime . Lod Toone Ofte, RO 41 Ren a gy Building Materials estimate BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN [year old, friendly, nice pel, free to » GROUND floor apartment, two and hall | APARTMENT = four toms, 1003] Interest ond taxes, $1650 Maney ta loan NEW pine lumber for building, reason oRESTERFIELDE Febulil. Tenovered, Chick lots half ehicko #ood home. KA B-6478 Some office experience, also roams, unfurnished, private entrances | King E Ground floor, $50. Poskes down, full price $11,825, 39 CREIGHTON, PRABER, DRYNAN anal "ole. Telephone RA 58652 ke new, Why pay more? Our rales ANICKen plate, hall CHICKEN | gsaim MONTHOLD hound; white] to assist in selling, Phone [and bath, central, adults, aise furnished | sion Sept 1, Adults, &, Hancock, Ferguson Ave, OL 5-4488, MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No Oo " Frias ve reasonable. Satisfaction ATA with french fries, i fish and and brown, $15, Phone RA §-3688 Thursday. 11 AM. far inters bedroom, Apply 335 King Strest East, (51708 - Er ---------- tary Publiv, Bank of Commerce BIAK., iness ppor uniries feed, Mats ween rebuilt, Oshawa Ub: chips, hamburgs, hot dogs BOARDING, trimming, bathing, defi : MODERN three roam apartment, [FOUR - room, sell - contained apart 8 Bimeoe Breet North RA 50408; 7, K hoistery Co, 10 Bond Street West, Dial ilk shak t ne, Wauhen Rd FH bath ellen, view Thursday _afternoon, large kitchen, Also three + peom base: |ment, heated, hot water supplied, Glee I or Tease: Modern new los milk shakes Ing. Wauhena ' 2.70" wo modern three Erelihton, GC; N Fraser, Ge ia A oR al Bd JL LR LBL MODERN GRILL ENGLISH bulldog pup, thoroughbred RA 3-792) Bn wh a rar: | Irie. Jane, NeWly foeornied, duwniowh | Dynan, 6G Murdo hy HA mort, add Added AREY Th and. heath Bo ii J 4 \ ' 4 -- 0th with separate entrance, hone [location, suitable for couple enson aes arranged i rand hatedre hi PLUMBING and heating pipet 001 WE DELIVER--RA 5:3887 |seven months old, Apply 957 Lakeshore HA 2.8816 a adiate 'wecunaney in| bedroom bungalows ad hand furni wo --- nad, # 5.4 4 é Optometrists i. N ; ally Instat anak Tob nabie Fates REGINTERED wire-haired fox (errier JEWELLERY SALESGIRL ox, hadroom hase on fulet roel de ssbb li idan one year old, one -- Load of i) kin Plea i net 4d H 4 A A . N Orth Oshawh, close ta hospital, imme: ¥. 1 @ y TT ps pv RA C008 : { hoki oe ARE CORIAEY information and estimates free on a A LAWNMOWER & ENGINE pupnies Champion stock, Papers sup: REQUIRED diate possession, Apply 423 Leslie Street | GROUND floor, two unfurnished, one with garage, on 5, WH, TUCK, RO, optometrist, Please | type of plumbing, Dial KA 54841 SALES & SERVICE plied, RA 5-2635 E | ferred but y bedroom, heated apartment, eeniral, ay accounts at downtown Dominion | FISKING and Hunting camp aris, | Foley J 2 & 9 BEAUTIFUL haby budgies. ready fo Kperianced preterrec w FOUR . yoom unfurnished apartment, | private entrance and bathrooms, heavy water and sewer hank or 74 Burk Street. invalids ex: | lodges, lakeshore land for Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Tils liraining talking strain kooly Mrs | NOt necessary, permanent [couple only, immediate possession, 208 | DIESER Epi Boe SE a veel, / amined al home, Dial RA 5-457 | ment," restaurants, seryiee M00 0 Brand, Bluin Breet wait" TRL position. Apply between 10 |¥InE Street West, Call between 1 10 [THA bie evenings close to four ccrn= stores, in booming Kawartha Lakes : - lers, Used Engines Bought 7 pm RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of aplom (GEG "107 FEN SH ; FURNACE SALES and Seld, Autharized Clinton, . gm. end 8 pm, 10 Bums |e ati ed, [110 = LARGE three = voom -- kell-6on ers, Price $12,400 the examination of eyes, nontact | tained downstairs apartment, newly Simcoe any othe . Pi lect, H " 7 TWO « room furnished apartment, self | Laundry tubs, 243 Bruce Street, Fhone 7 Surveyors 12--Dressmaking Mackie Co, Ltd Blvd, 5, Phone RA 5.4633, one collect, Hampton, COWax 5.8781, oontained, one eid weleomed, Avail: |MO B6367 after 6 accept half cash, -- ---- - mens | MBFEWIL Fur Farm, Tyrone hie now, 878 King West ME N ki Able ng i Wes APARTMENT = [wa : room, hed « sil DONALD WH, TROLLOVE, Bnisris |DRESINAKING and alterations. "r A 5 5954 WANTED = Immediately, good used SALESLADY FIVE « voom apartment, built in cup: [Hing and kitchen with bulitin orp MO 8- 5366. Land Surveyor, Adel Cleanout Services ec ND ce twa - vow corn planter with fertilizer far hourds, oll furnace, separate entrance, | boards, sinkshare bath, heat, hydro ---------------- East HA 54881 #16 Adelaide' Avenue 1 Jeasdod A Attachments, any make, Will pay top gavage, elose to Oshawa, COlax | included, Private entrdnce, upstairs, 1 » [4 i | $7 labor plus parts - b price, Phone OL 8.301 Exclusive Sportswear Sho DONEVAN ANT FLRTROWMAN, "0 13--Gardening Bt SUPPHRY e ToieP HOBBY SHOP Sa I P I Mr ree | nae RA $00 Si South 'GM, Ren DOUGLAS L arin Land Survey p il n ar pating, sidewal y i - a " i ndein iree-hadroom | . printing, "us Voor Sree Bash "RA i RE AA and | 15==Instruction NOW OPEN AT 27 Fuel & Wood LL Experienced in selling sport hungalow, immediate possession, op: | MODERN a » roy hriek home, Ls ANY kina of garden work by expert hd pant Be rit Aen 16 BOND ST, N DRY hardwood ends, suitable for fur wear desirable, Good appears So. A HRW SAH ($100 mon Witte Hox 1 Oshawa GOWER - -- ap, Roya cadem ' 00H, Hi , firepl , Mi " fore ' fi. J. HORTON and Asso flr rensonahie rates, RA B:150) ian, Fekister now, 464 King West, RA Complete [ine of Hobby |i delivered, Frans ik fate™ "#8 once and references essential, |S ooRiTal one Pedrpom apart: | Times 4 RE LT o R 0140, nek h - , 4 Go Credit Jewellers Ltd, 32 King 4 138 Bimooe North (at Eaparae), folio, Bowes and Cocks Limiied Lauson Power Products, Pin 2 Farmer's Column ' Private hath, Phone KA 53166 ii FBR { svenings by appointment, RA 8-419 ip Peterborough, Riverside lou AND SERVICE dor Service, 8B) Central Park |EAD farm stock pieked up prompily 5 W decorated, heated, use washer and and $1 1,600, Will tarla Land Surveyors, Pp al En 3 ineering, 306 Dundas ot West, | FOR weed killing, spraying and pron. |5:0133 Craft for all ages Sa ary In accordance with ment, 870 monthly, immediate posses: | THR room apartment, private t hithy, MO 5.5001, Ajax 788 ing of your shrubs and evergreens, piANG. Class na ponul for -- slon, couple only, Lloyd Realty, 101 Sim: | home, tiled hath, no ehildren, please, ! for complete Garden Service, Call RA | forbear oanichl Boe ora oe Te RA 8-3631 28--Summer Properties ability to sell, Apply in per con North, RA #6123 abstalners only, possession immediate 8--Building Trades B00, Oshawa Homa LAndscaming. | |poiuntion contatt Patricia fuck - wo aledom collage, Luke wie won, FURNISHED (hres « room apartment, br Deavy duty wiring, HA 5.2677, 180 + $1,500 DOWN i ) i 3 teacher, Bndent eaunseiior, 4 b ' ! utilities paid, $65 per month, suitable J room home: In excellen BULLDORING and excavating, Dial Hi) JVaTH . ro 0 yo pH ViOw onl BOAT OR TRAILER small boat, Special for September, $40 / for two people, wood location, RA 6.3004, (NEW home, three bedrooms, recrey | Wi ; | v J R d MO 63818, Free estimates, Taylor Wre ICE LOAM TRL Tehrn aapariante, hy inte STORAGE weekly, Wititahall 26063 GNE ART ENTar R love. [HOR room, Phone RA 33676 condition, located in praterre | 0 ] i IN itson South, love F Lt a rae thy FOR SALE [PIIVATE teacher, student sounselior FORT PERRY Lake Keugow Take-| Oshawa Shopping Centre [iv ives rooms. private hath, Soult lock: [NFORE for Tent = Main Sireer, weil] 07€9: 4-pe. bath, stoel In ALE types "BUITAIRE vonairn, olin, 9 6 year orienge, hy INtRFVIeW ORlY vill ia M UAE nottafio, private, thise hedsatiid | ems tan, Apply 836° MoNaukhion Avenue, |estahlished barbershop, centrally lo:| Basement, hot water oll hat, eavestraugh, ehimneys, fireplaces, side. . i g ) Act ROW 1 iage © one, ain ji Mah Thiet, SUIY SqUIphe 0 RA 5.8765 gated, sultable for other small business storms, screens, garage, (108 walks, stoops. HA 8:0084, Gordon May GRAVEL oh Fike [LILLIAN Mas Marsh Dancing Bohool,| Street == Cement block build FHM, Sauder to Yilapidey EARN THIEE = voom house for rent, newly | "hone HA 3-434) after 8 wm to school and transportation, ATL, Kinds of Building and Tenaire. Alt Back Filling (kA LIAN Mag Marsh Lancing Schon ing, dry and clean, reason FIVE room Jotteds, sll conveniences, deonrated, close ta bus stop, 338 Bilalie [BACHELOR apartment, furnished or un Full price $11,900, Please A euphaard, Jecrantion ranma, 15 Leve fichaol, Hegiatrationi Hatarday morn able rates. Book now, Phone [fer Fox's Beach Lake Datrympia, RA EXTRA MONEY PN we" "her informacion. Phone gi Ri BL el Ag gall Jolly Wallace, RA y hy ng, Sept, 10, sone Temple, RA A ' hy or, euphoards, one ar two lady soheo ; Free extimates, RA 5.6037 RA B 2 1 ob Hine, a ay Orono 1852 or write 84700 Agents, Clubs, ete Sell ATTRACTIVE three room apartment, |'eAchers preferred, Phone RA §-8617 8:4651 E DENT COTTAGES, amps, James, horenie » Canada's finest Xmas cards, [nearly new, completely private, new | DOWNSTAIRS four - room, self-contain $7,100 FULL PRICE GARAGES - | mr Toa northenst Taronte For fas lit Novelties, ete Over 250 refvigerator and stove, laundry facili [ed apartment, With fireplace and base - ' : ene OSHAWA ACME LEARN TO DR IVE ORONO, ONTARIO Be Tl rent, ean, Tor fee Ul tom 8 includnig Deluxe, |Y°% reasonable vent. Phone HA 8-4863, | ment, RA 6-610 Compae ' 4 room bungal We EXHIBITION SPECIAL At the Oshawa Driving School mem (1106, Wealtors, Pelerboroush, Riverside] Religious, Velvet, Chrome, FURNISHED, three « room hasement FOUR + room AFR: around floor, he wi % Suit Tox 852, - - \€ awe LA Adhd PRET " Modi ' apartment, private entrance and bath, [all vonvenlences, couple preferred wil vale driveway axes 20 10% OFF HAULAGE | | D, [Licensed by the Palice Commission 23--Redio | Repairs | Everyday and Personal cards, [Phone RA 30800 after 8 pon. [consider small baby, Apply 450 Hitson Please call Sally Wallace, A \ Fully trained instruetors TV, Fadia, oar vada repairs. All Wraps, Ribbons, Toys, Books, Road South RA 8.4651, COLONIAL HOMES LOAM 8 \V El Standard, Automatic cars makes, Thompson Electronics, 187 El MARJACK LODGE Dolls and Jewelry, Many TWO rooms, for rent, In quiet home FILL TONE lott Avenue, HA 3.0798 (Fred) STURGEON LAKE Gift items, Prompt Service APARTMENT for ederly fady, or diel couple, res SPLIT LEVEL 134 SIMCOE ST, § RA 3.3508 RA 8.009] S 3 i For ay aaa a) ; sonable rent, Phone RA 82308 Yd vera ake: tan aid RA B-4614 3 Day or Night Fishing, ewimming, ete, samples _ on approval, write Large two bedroom apart THREE Jains and hath, Jrivale a finished recreation room, This friendly atmosphere, abun W. VV, Jeandron Greeting ment, In apartment building, trance # " Rireet, available 16-Insurance OF HAWA ' p « Sept, 1, Apply 804 Frenoh Street, NA is a very compact home, has { ] ™ y ol Card Co. 253 Ki LI: kitchen equipped, Simcoe St, ) DODD & SOUTER 4 SRE RRE 4 on _ 4 dant home eooked meals, ard e] ng at ' N 100 IPE ha 320TH patio, Pierson windows, coms PAINT WALLPAPER For complete garden sery A \ iA Mg An Re bod ELEC | RONICS wo clal ie § Ry Shilgron Hamilton, Ont i $100 monthly TURNIsHRD Pasement apartment, on plete with storms and screens, i r ( ( ( anal RerVie ol eal] hurstonie s PQ. BP . Taunton ad Hast, Pref NW 0 ¢ 1 0 PAINTING & DECORATING ice and maintaining Be! 0 AL your home, eal) RA B-5284 LY YA # or Q. Duns 37--Maole Help Wanted RA 5 3302 eons br twa gontlomon, $68 manthly P wh payment only $800.00, CONTRACTORS sodding and fall planting ---- Se | FULLY GUARANTEED 0rd a4R+4 - ineludes heating, hydro, COlfax axes $246.55 aot 6%, A { q Ny ¢ 0 3 pal buy, For appointment to For free estimates -call Call Y= Money T oan h RAD -- " TWO men to wo Kk, five to nine p.m 1.2108 real \ y DAYS MO 8 8231 . ; y To L TV, == RADIO HI-FI 280~~Trailers duly, for #50 por week, Box 4, 'The OFFICE SPACE APARTMENT = Trader Twe=raem| see, please call RA 8.4631 a4 - RA 8 6 66 [Fins and spoond mortgage, sale PARTS AND SERVICE FOR BALE Traller, 40 x 0, ily | ors LL with stave, fgerator, washer and and ask for Ossie Martin, EVI NINGS RA 5 7426 OSHAWA | ei newts Parola od and sold: Ken " lenuipped, Ineluding TV. Twa bedrooms. to] ah men at ance No Sxpert FOR dryer n 1 hie Smmedistely Phone 107 Bvion St 8 o a als f ' Ju Aud Henk, Barristers, 3 Kin one With bunks, 83000. Terms, N, Chek, [SRe® _REOBRRATY, Avera HA S333 or after § pm, RA 3.7406 905 Why op LANDSCAPING [ita Fast a Sih TV TOWERS [hihi a, Wl RENT DOUGLAS L. Cl hn 2 N Mo Biv a ve a Fd FOR RENY pont taller py woek 3H hide yOu use $35 . 850 a week in addi 440--Rooms For Rent ¥ p AWLEAS 1) i Pp LLU \ A o p IFF BROWN | LANDS( wehased, NHA mortage arvanged A0-ft, self supporting tower Accomodates six people, Phone MA tion 10 YOUY Present eATHINES? Supply Passenger elevator service. FURNISHED room with home privil GOWER Ww Ap | 1 GRAVEL & SAND PING ghton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur hi Consumers in Oshawa with the large eges, 10 minutes' walk from SGM, RA rooms, SERVICES vol Hat dip galvanized, No paint TT ------------ Rawleigh line, Start earning immedi New building, Centrally lo. [3:2408, REALTOR ER \ A i ding, 2 & LENT erie avaiaie toioa| Complete with new Waves [29==Summer Properties diately. Write' Rawlolgh's, Dept, 1910 | 0 © FEE SECEDE ao fois ed rem------ LOAM 106 \ : ) dip \ Mortgages] Master all-ehannel antenna For Sale #03, 4008 Richeliew, Montreal ate habrhibhib * [kitghen, refrigerator, bulltin oupboards Secor marta ay of kale ParehAted Total price, installed and NOY wanted for full time store work Moderate rent, Leases now [and sink, all eonveniences, Apply 887 ) A | ¥ f rampt Deliver ¥ Wee Apply M. F, Swarts Baa ster and No guaranteed for year, $59.95 HRONDALE Haliburton Highlands, fav Apply 2798 King Street Rast available Ritson Road South ST E PHEN | eonty Fr estimat tity Publi, 268 King Bast, Oshawa ' ) ished cottage on Devil's Lake, 330 ft WAITER for beverage roam, clean out : NEWLY decorated, & furnished rooms RA 8 8951 | ED KNOWLTON HA 346 A frontage, one mile from highway, hy: |¥ \ 8 olor In hasement, bedroom with Kitchen, all i Qf 4 TV . a dra. Cash oor terms. W. Lancaster, [90Urteous man, with good character h DO ) - , RA 5.6047 WE HAVE clients' monies available NTErprises [wm ris Stroet, Port Credit, CI #4180! | oferencen, ~Amply Hotel ~ Lancaster, conveniences, Private entrance, One J 604 { is on first and second mOrtEREes " Oshawa H T M Jini from, shobping centre, 3 Fern hi vi BUILDERS : nA also purehase of marttiges and 253 Drew St 30---Lost 8 Found LOOKING for a DATher, Hood wakes REALTOR \ nents of sale. Louis 8 Hyman, . oT > . . 3 cl by Pald holiday Apply Plas Horh LARGE room and Kitehen upstairs, un . C wie tiled bathreom sup BY ( IAWA Go, AT King Street East, Oshawa, HA RA 3.3553 LONE = Woman's 1ntie puree, contain | Shop, King Bron Hass beads Plata furnished, new hardwood and tile floor, 187 King St. & Ried ang lsed, compiete GARDEN SERVICE . . [Ing money and apticles, urgently re: | Theatre suitable for one lady, RA 57043, 991 with four fittings, Large A t VICE quired. Vidiity Harmony Road South mr Athol East RA 8-466) color range. 90c sq. ft b) And Power Store. RA #0006 Contact T ILSON TWO large rooms, completely furnish First glass tradesman, Phone 3 LANDSCAPING MONEY T0 SPECIAL A i AES hdewalk bievie JUNIOR CLERK Ph bp RA 3 3474 i oo a. esenAn. gi Sturdy doom storey and a a ' all 3 . serial danny ast vieinity Chureh i . eat, Hah ntinuous hot water, pb § anytime peclalizing in fall Colborne Streets onl RA 1408 i one of WASH WA Nine and vn at] half brick home an Somerville RA 8.1 177 and planting | LOAN ON FAMOUS -- " , - Te downtown and Shopng Contre Street in North End, good and AxreuIne 3l-Articles For Rent FOR Adults only, RA 8a residential area, Living room, . RA 3-3222 id | FURNISHED chen, © lini oom, le odern WwW WARD Monies for all tyes of mon SAMPSON RENT your camping equipment ve ACCOUNTANTS OFFICE SPACE er it hig with hitohon, RA oe 0 Tom ae oil Ww COMP | for first and Suwrainents tram the Milla. Special PUBLIC FURNISHED Tight housek heated icoly land f ) n 4 gage or ist an 5 ne rates far month of August. RA #aa0). | " } SHE moms, lg ousekeep eated, garage, nice! - BCT ING BY OMPLETE BBR BB TV TOWERS wali OFFICE WITH PARKING LOT, [In for gentlemen 301 Colina Street. scaped' grounds. This is exe 5 CHINE GARDE N ¢ ERVICE | o including vacant lands; 32---Articles Wanted Ie Phone RA hie), . cellent value at $10,700 with HATS wn 4 TILE Gardens | discs : orm me 'y ge for 40 dower Heuture with ital bill av rrigylant hid 2.4.6.ROOM UNITS. LARGE attie room, Twin beds, dwring only 31.700 down payment, Y NTARIO landscaping, Ww ub. tee u H an second 0 Nades «id 0 celle opportunity oF : Hoge, quiet distrigh, Apply & Drew media FORELRSIC MO 8-256) removed ages a greements channel head. $59.95 com, WANTED young man to train for ac CENTRAL LOCATION, [oF phone RA ha, . 10 8:284 IMO 8 300 RA 8.1798 10 soit "Rutchand. Aanle pletely installed and guarars SCRAP IRON. POULTRY counting degree wiille. sat. SINGLE anlahed toam, "wae of i ESTATE SALE «l C \ J hk od ¢ a 26 14 3 King Street teed year AND FEATHER TI ; Ph ehen and washing machine, clean, quiet Good Inco Prop + for the h ; bh L CES one ! 300d Income Property for PO. BOX 329 ast, Oshawa, Telephone RA ing, Apply Mine, sential RA 41% handyman, This old but . | CALL GRANT | 3» RA 8-8180 | RA 3 2040 RRS 3374 | 5 T. HOPKINS & CO, DICK BRADLEY TORRE frou pmurnahed" on (money-making home has 3 sohool, hus and shopping, Phone RA self-contained units, now fully PRECAST 2 | 18a--~Maortgages {collect 172 KING ST. E S400 after 4 rented at $130, Only $9.» FOR S0D FIRNT marigage mor ted OSHAWA TV OSHAWA. ONT | RA 8-1 296 KITCHEN and bedroom, furnished 800 with $2,000 down FINEST QUALITY [roam briek WA DY SHAW 3} ms [AWE OR OF two gentlemen. Close to ONCRETE y eA Awa, , £3 341) GIBBONS ST 5 f 38--Mal F le Hel Shopping Centre, 61 Grenfell Stveet Good 2-storey modem @« REASONABLE RATES {or . eit, 3008 Bathurst AUTO WRECK ING CO Male oF Female ep | CLEAN single room, alse double room room home in: North-east Phone HA 31703 wr i Wanted pin a Rag gentiomen, vert area, Qil, hot water heated, ol Ear SEPTIC TANKS MO 8.30158 PANY, 18a--Maortg ages | SIDEWALK SLAB | Want cars for wrecking, alse. |X FRRIENORD GARvassers 10 saver FRA, garage, aluminum COLOR ABS - stan iron and. metals, etc, Oshawa With Mew sais a | 2 WEEKS RENT [save ops moni fowaned swam | orms and screens, Large COLORED PATIO Flower ing and ! ropic al bought. Open Saturday all [Wn commission, Call 81 Burke Street, | 45 central, RA TOA or 1 Oshawa Ried living, dining room, modern DURA STEPS Foliage Plant day. Phone I a -- Moder a bedroom apart. South, bath om R) a saed beth . ge Qnis 2A 5.21% f0 "OR -- ment, 3 03 Graydon h TWO farnished Heh housekeepin rooms NQ price 3 ix CURBING ' (RA +231 | wy Bl OL R E a Room & Board TOAMS, QoRveRient, n Christian nd with reasonable terms call WELL TILE We still have a good selection | FOR GENTLEMEN single and MO 8-4770 abstaifiers only, Phone RA 88864 RA 3.3778 RA 8.4661 ot plant boxes, X MONEY AVAILABLE CEDARDALE [Rivkin Twneheh poked: Ra" aden, 0 ees [IL WEEKLY, Wo tirwiahen room Listings Urgently ote Fond arate beds, breakfast i desired. RA APARTMENT = IRON METAL LTD Ly List Co-op Through ) Street at Lansdown This Off 2 Miles Rout ot Orhan LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS PAPER~--RAGS | ROOM and Board for wenioman, 080K Joras. Hving ond dining rea MANOR ice - N n RA 5.3432 A | building, Immediate posses J | LIMITE D ! BOW MANV ILLE Al l IE D INVESTMENTS CO. FREE PICK-UP [Nea Rion aM an deniiawh | sion : trically AT Yaa hes ri RESIDE 2A 8.4) Soot Ame, Sood meals, lunches | N tor OC p» 28 OLiver 5.3311 51 KING ST, | RA 3.3993 | RESIDENCE -- RA 5.4159 chen. sinsie beds, Sneday weok| GOWER-----REALTOR | Son doi 45. BROOKLIN Whade trees and patted rose FOR SCRAP ROOM far ane oF twa gentlemen, sop TWO BEDROOM central WW Bruce Street beiween 43) Needed 3 , 1st and 2n¢ DRTGAG | Fg WY poy . ka a | CONCRETE VAN BELLE GARDENS ind 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS { IRONS=--~METALS Ane Cent and ay A ada | Four blocks north of King BUCKINGHAM | 5 ai CURRENT RATES AEN € IBRAVE [08 ar day worker, home Privileges, near ya Aoi hy a APARTMENTS | Call PRODUCTS MA 3.87 57 L 3 OPEN ATL i AYS ALL DAY | Shoring | Sone, Oshawa Please | Stove and fridge, sound-proot 3 boron Fuk ice | ; : OPEN EVENINGS) Member Ontario Mortgage Broken' Association 100 ANNIS STREET ot bobbi abi Joi Pon! RA 8.4651 RA 8.8476, | Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board { ' l \

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