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The Oshawa Times, 1 Sep 1960, p. 2

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9 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, September 1, 1960 " STREAMLINED SID MONTREAL, Aug, 81--8poil- | ed sidewalk superintendent at ed sidewalk superintendents-- | a downtown Montreal construe: Closed circuit television and a | tion site in touch with happen telephone commentary in Eng. | ings 160 feet ghove them, When lish and French keep pamper | there's no work going on, the Geneva EWALK SUPERINTENDENT cameramen shown here takes | panoramic shots of the harbor and Mount Royal, ~(CP Wirephoto) Trade Talks May Affect Canada By ALAN DONNELLY posed to create a common tariff Canadian Press Staff Writer ainst goc from' outside, Gen OTTAWA (CP International ll peaking, it he done trade. talks which may have a averaging existing tariffs of major influence on Canada's fu six ture ¢ business at s would involve a raising of Geneva today by Germany and Belgium Forty countries will be repre Netherlands and Luxem fifth pe r ne and reducing igher General ree- tariffs of France and Italy Trade That could put the squeeze on for Can- Canada, since about three-quar and ter madian exports to the access area to the low-tariff coun ltr There have heen proposals that § to open The sented at the gotiations of the ment on Tariff One of the big ada 1 be pre po improve Can in to the European Common Mar face of a pending tariff shuffle by the six to form a custom union The and goa of ¢ go to erve hl ible oods West Germany France, Belgium, The Nether lands, Luxembourg and Italy buy around $3500,000,000 worth of Canadian goods annually, espe cially key exports lik wheat tal d chemic eta, wood pulp and NORTH BAY (CP) The Canadian negotiating team Gan digns and Americans at Geneva is headed hy Hector Making a preliminary lal sur B. McKinnon, Canada's Mr, Tap. vey of the propo ed Grand Canal, iff for man sears, who eame which would link Hudson Bay y ¥ y Gres " out of retirement to handle this and tiie Great Lakes tough, demanding job The Grand Canal proposal ls an abbreviated form of the Grand HAS WIDE EXPERIENCE teplenishment and Northern De Mr, McKinnon, 70, retired last velopment Canal, which, if a year er 20 years as chairman cepted by the Canadian and of the Canadian tariff commis ited States governments, the sion, He has been Canada's top up sald, would ultimately man at all big post-war interna. solve the water problems of the tional tariff negotiations Great Lakes area from a naviga. The G meeting economical, and social garded here as perha ndpoint important trade conference since 'ssentially, the canal proposal the war, Predicted to six or would divert some of the waters months, they wn even of the James Bay watershed to to a year, the Harricanaw River through will they follow the Quebec to 'the Ottawa River, ctice bargain. Trout Lake, Lake Nipissing and uctions on a tit. eventually through the Georglan for-tat is, but they will also Bay system into the Great Lakes be dealing with the thorny prob The survey group de a brief lem raised by the creation of the stopover Wednesday at nearby Europ Common Market Trout Lake, In the party were T Can ha made clear it|W, Kierans of Sudbury, who with want ymmon Market coun brother, Maj, 0, K. H, Kier tries to the GATT bai Ottawa, masterminded the Ea before making any Dan; and John BR, Adams, a pub tariff anges that hurt Canada, !!Sher from Washington who has liseussed the with mem FEAR TARIFFS of the U.S, Congress and ad Crux of the Canadian concern stration, » method by h the six Market countries pro TWO BILLION » plan has been proposed as Hamilton Girl uu sulin Wins Contest | 10 te $2.000,000,000, "We have estimated that with. TORONTO (CP)--Joanne Kan eva of Hamilton won the girl's viding out providing alds to navigation scholarship for plana accosdion at the Canadian National Exhib tion music competitions Wednes day Jack W. Relmer, London, Ont and Steven Kumorkiewiez, St Catharines, tied for the boys scholarship, In open plano competition Ronald McDougall, Owen Sound was victor, Pamela Blackshaw Owen Sound, was first in the Bach plano competition, 17 years and under, #ix A group of are aer ( l are mal the A eva re. |! most nine ght stretch out N nly past GATT tariti ing for b of Y la he ( ta come ng table ible C matter hers min is wl Common major new power facilis es to take complete advantage of the new water, 4,000 cubic feet a second could' be added to the Great Lakes at a cost of $200, 000,000," he said, This portion of the Grand Canal proposal would treat water as a norma! Canadian export, he added, Some of the benefits which Lost Farmer Returns Safe | DAUPHIN, Man. (CP)-A 72 year-old retired farmer, missing since last Thursday in the dense bushland of the Duck Mountain area in northwestern Manitoba, walked out safely Wednesday Dimitroff Bovachuk of Sclater was found trudging along a roa about 40 miles from where he went into the bush to pick ber ries ; Mr, Bovachuk said he wasn't frightened because "lots of peo ple have lived for 40 days with out getting out and 1 figured 1 could do it too" He he pulled m to co wt the will Rppeal Abduction Charge CHATHAM (CP) Lawyer Harry Daniel sald Wednesday Carman Secibetta, 19, of Hamil: ton, plans to appeal a conviction for abe ing a 13yearold girl from nearby Dresden, Mr, Daniel said Scibetta has requested that papers necessary for filing the appeal be forwarded to him at the Ontario Reforma. tory at Guelph Scibetta was ence in J d from traini rd with 3, of Ham same » him given a six-month Last week he minimum ® t se said branch trees when ed to as It was not fr ton, © 3 g Scibet up and Ram ured Hag 7 7 on the later § pino ersville, charge recaj near Rn jordeal, va k ate uk ate six should extend some of tariff reductions to Canada outside countries last spring Fi Fleming indicated might make re in tariffs But he so warned that Cana dian tariff policy would be guided by the extent to which the Common. Market deprive l dian exporters "of advantages which they previously enjoyed for which Canada has paid in four rounds of general tariff ne gotlations in GATT," the thelr and other In a speech nance Minister that Canada clprocal « Cang or James Bay Canal Survey Started derive from the sald, Include n to Hudson Lakes and Canada would Grand Canal, he Seasonal navige Bay from the Creat the area beiween; Hydro-electrie power ments in the Rupert River, Bell River and Georgian Bay areas The James Bay lowlands could he converted to. forests by drain age canals, and the James Bay area would be opened for eco nomie development, Movie Fans May Not Get To Vote TORONTO (CP)--People are expected to give most p 1 for Sunday in Toronto may not be allowed to vote on the question it was learned Wednesday The Municipal Franchise Ex. tension Act gives a vote to British subjects over 21 who have re sided in Toronto a year. This in eludes roomers, students and young people coming of veting age. This new list of voters is ex pected to total 61,000 These voters, however, are only allowed to vote for eity councillors, not money bylaws or public questions City Solleitor Palmer Kent said an amendment to the aet might be sought at the coming session of the lature, expected to who sup ort to po: movies legisla pen in November, The expected such as locks, and without pro- date of the plebiscite is in De. the men were arrested," cember, New Health Dept. Division TORONTO (CP) A now division has been established in Ontario's health department to provide rehabilitation assistance to physically ill and disabled per- sons, Health Minister Dymond sald Wednesday, Early stages of the program will apply chiefly to mentally ill and tubercular patients needing assistance, Regional offices w at Fort Willlam, North Bay Hamilton, Kingston, London and the head office in Toronto, ill be located develop EMERGENCY MEASURES Reds Prepare For Defence ry a Regular readers of this eolumn groups, In units of more than pean yards building Great Lakes have no doubt wondered if the|1000 people, requiring more then ching 'for North American firms, urgency exists to merit their in- one self-Help group, the head of The newsnaper says the volume dividual aetion to prepare to take the institution or enterprise Is re- of work flowing to FEuropesn protective measures against the sponsible for over-all ant 8ir- yards hacks up a warning to the possibility of a third world war, |eraft activities and he BPPONLS federal government by shipbuild- By reading the following article|the heads of the Self - Defence jpg firms in the lakes area that it is obvious fhe Russian Gov- Groups from among his Senior they would lose the business if ernment 18 preparing thelr do subordinates, section heads or some form of increased ald was fence, branch chiefs, not established, This article entitled "Survivsl] The head of each Self-Defence| A lake ghter of maximum Operations in the USSR", was Group hes a staff consisting of 8 dimensions--730 feet by 75 feet-- written for the Canadian Army property officer, a liaison officer, costs $6,000,000 to build from the Journal by Major R, E, Aksim, and a political deputy, He &ls50 keel up in Canada, British yards CD, Canadian Intelligence Corps, has up to eight teams of spe- do the same job for shout $5, gt the request of the Direciorate eiplly trained personnel to per- 000,000 and Furopean yards ean of Survival Operations and Plans, form the necessary protective do it for shout $3,750,000 { Army Headquarters, Ottawa, work, There is a team of six! FEuropesn building for Cana- | "The Soviet authorities have charged with the maintenance of dian firms now totals about $13, for a considerable time been order and observation; a tesm of 000,000, Leitch Transport Com aware of the need for defensive seven fire-fighters, a seven-man pany, a subsidiary of Upper precautions which have to be team of anti-chemical defence Lakes Shipping Limited, Is hay. taken to avoid complete devasta- workers, 8 six-man rescue squad, ing a former U8, T2 tanker eon tion in the event of a future War two first ald teams of four men verted to a lakes vessel at the lin which nuclear weapons might each, a shelter team of five, and Schleiker Werft Company in be used finally, a veterinary squad of five Hamburg, Germany The over-all anti-aircraft de- men, The actus! number of teams! Hall Corporation of Montres! 1s fence of the country is the re- will vary according to the pre- building a new Great Lakes ship sponsibility of the Anti » Alreraft yailing situation, Por example, in Britain for about $5,000,000, Command (PVO Sitrany) of the ghelter teams would only be ere-l There are other advantages [Armed Forces of the UB8.R. ated In cities and towns having British ships are allowed a 40 {This authority provides an air ghelters, and veterinary squads per cent greater depreciation al. |warning service and has at its on the sis of one for every lowence by the government than disposal anti - aireraft artillery, herd of large cattle between 30- Canadian, although there is an fighter aircraft and other means 100 head, In rural areas with a accelerated depreciation system of repelling an enemy attack, Alipopulation of 200 » 500 persons, here the local level the responsibility all purpose groups are establish Upper Lakes shipping owns a for providing anti - aireraft pro-led, and in places with less than major interest in the Port Weller tection rests with the loca! anti- 200 inhabitants even smaller Shipyards Limited, Company of aireraft defence organization) groups, known as separate units, | ficials have indicated the yard known as MPVO (Mestnaya Pro- gre set up, may return to a repair slip as it tivovozdushnava Okhrana), The The duties of these teams are was when It began operation I 15k of the MPVO is to provide self-explanatory, In the event of Both the Port Weller and Colling. the means to protect a locality an air raid warning they are to|wood Shipyards Limited have from alr attacks, to clear up any proceed to thelr action stations|no work in sight after 1961, damage resulting from an attack|c, that in the event of an actus] -- _-- | and to restore the necessary serv. paid developing they are ready fn} lices as quickly as possible so that perform their tasks, The elvil normal life can_be resumed, For population, in this period, are to this task the MPVO employs local carry out preparatory tasks to resmirces, reduce fire hazards, to protect ' | Won't Close ah eeifle. Guien 3 on food or animals, These taste Jb | Plane Plant C1 clude the extinguishing of lights eality of an impending attack and) and fires, the turning off of gas notification of the All Clear; the or electricity and the assembly of OTTAWA (CP Pro provision of eamouflage, and | protective clothing, respirators! duction Minister O'Hurley said supervision of the necessary and other equipment which might wednesday that the alreraft Haley Station, will remain in Europeans Are Taking Ship Trade TORONTO (CP) The Globe end Mail says Canadien and | a Defence blackout; the organization of fire: he necessary for their welfare p ris factory at fighting as well as of clearing and protection during the actual! nose Renfrew and rescue operations; the under: air rald, When the actual alert operation taking of anti-gas defence andi is sounded, therefore, they &re| pominion Magnesium Limited decontamination; the constrie-| ready to proceed to thelr shelters) which leases the plant from the tion of shelters for the popula-lor seek protection as best they federal government, had heen re tion; the provision of first ald, can, [ported ready to close the plant medital and veterinary care to] pop the duration of the attack today hecause it has been operat those injured from the alr; thelihe various teams have full nu-ling at a loss maintenance of law and order In| thority over the population and, "That's out," Mr, O'Hurley told the area under its jurisdiction, [are responsible for all possible reporters, "We will he announe In order to aceomplsh these safety measures in their respect: ing the placing of new contracts assignments, a chief of MPVO is ive domains, When the All Clear with the plant that will not only appointed for the area, elty, town| is sounded the people will remain keep the current working force or settlement, This official sin thelr shelters until such time of 100 men on the job but eould usually the head of the local evil as the rescue teams make it pos: provide employment for some of administration, or one of his sen- sible for them to leave the shel: those who previously were laid or officers, He has a staff and|ters by removing any possible off" maintains llalson with the mills/ rubble, or completing the neces:| Refofe the government tary anti-aircraft command, He|sary decontamination and give doned the Avro Arrow jet inter. has complete: authority in the/the order for evacuation, The {ceptor program 18 months a event of an alr raid as far as|fire-fighting teams will of course! (he plant employed 400 protective measures In his area|be assisted hy the fire . fighting ; are concerned, To assist him In|services of the municipality, and his task he has at his disposal|the group responsible for the civil defence groups known as maintenance of order by the 8elf . Defence Groups, These police, groups consist of about 48 people] The concept of defence, there S and are organized on the basis| fore, is based on self help at the| tar S 0 ay of one group for every three to local level, rather than on the use| even hundred people, varying of some type of flying columns : FORT SMITH, NW.T, (CP) from the smaller figure in thinlyIt is not known whether or not The second annual Northwest populated rural areas to the this rather elaborate organization | Territories buffalo hunt starts to. larger one in heavily settled cities has actually heen set up through day and towns lout the country, but Mr, Khrush-| Forty + five of 100 avallable Solf-Defence Groups are organ-|chev ls reported to have stated hunting licences have heen res ized as required on the basis of that there are 2 million tratued served and the two outfitting lis the nearest convenient units.|eivil defence workers now In theloences have heen taken up, These might be apartment Soviet Union and that an addi Organized hy the game branch blocks. factories or Institutions,|tional 6 million are heing tr \Ined lof the department of northern or rural settlements, The senior annually Working on the ratio of \ffairs and national resources, of such units, the fac. one team per approximately 00 the time limit for the hunt has directors, or the apartment population, however, the 22-mil:iheon extended two weeks ' lion figure quoted would indicate! Yrunting is to stop Nov that this has probably been when Jiecence holders y ted chiefs of the| achieved.' their one-huffalo I" ally spp . | .Selthelp 1a the key to the | 1,ast year, when the hunt was Canadian nuclear elvil - defence pald on an exnerimental basis with "Flying Columns' known as| hare were 30 licences available; Survival Battle Groups supplied mye 99 hunters who went out each Protect Man | the army to move in Where| a buffalo i local EMO is unable to cope with| Protects d in Wood Ruffal | I m 0 ums the problem ond Hullaa nA LTo the ganization of munleipal Hotel Dark Join of Siteat Slave MONTREAL (CP) -- A fudge Emergency Measures Organiza:|yivioiing until there are an esti ordered Wednesday that an as-|tlons are progressing slowly in mated 3.000 ranging butside tha sault vietim be given 24-hour po-|Ontarlo County due mainly '0 the jy da fae of "the 17.800.5¢ iy | ection to protect him(lack of public interest, It 1s the| oh "co » ! from reprisals, | responsibility of local councils to i! Chief Judge Roland Paquette form such defensive organiza - ordered the" nol e MO after tions Until such time as interest ; CIGAR ROLLERS | Guy Gilbert testified he had been/ed organizations or citizens Jhurmese spinster clgar rollers told "only this morning" he|Eroups present petitions to the : oot to a Prnosed soclal secur. would get "an even worse beats elected representatios request BY ac to provide materaity bene: | ing" if he did not withdraw a Ing action, the building of jocal) : : fumplaiet against Ns alleged at tions in municipalities will pro. | ACKers Three of the seven persons geod A A iy Which may prove five men and two women--Qils| = 7° : bert says beat him up Aug, 206, appes for preliminary hear ing, Four are being sought At first Gilbert said he was not| sure Plerre Bourque, 26, Antoine Hamel, 21, and Robert Genereux, 21, were members of the gang "He was certain enough when| erown prosecutor Maurice Laverdure told the jndge, Questioned by Judge Paquette, Gilbert told him of the threat, "You have nothing to fear," Judge Paquette told him, "Now| {look at the accused and answer| me truthfully if they are mem. bers of the gang who assaulted you," Gilbert sald they were, Before sending them to trial Sept, 7, Judge Paquette turned to the three and told them: "It will be just too bad If anything LEAVE EXRIBITION a ever happens to the complainant | in this case." officials tory block managers, heads of institu | tions, or principals of schools are 30 or have limit hageed pr Canadian National Exhibition AUGUST 25 TO SEPTEMBER 10 (EXCEPT SUNDAY) Direct Into the Grounds RETURN INCLUDES FARE 2.60 ADMISSION For children's rates see your Agent LEAVE OSHAWA 8:30 AM, ® HIGHEST Y10.30 am Y11:30 am, LEAVE WHITBY 8:39 AM, | ¥7:39 a.m 9:39 am | HAY THE ARISTOCRAT OF R 30 P.M, SAT, & LABOUR DAY ONLY Y5:30 pm Y&:30 pm 7:30 pm 8:30 pm { { 30 pm. 10:30 pm, X11:00 pm VOTING AGE Y=Aug. 25th. to Sept. Sth, also Sept The minimum voting age of 21 10th, | ahan. £0, PRIME RIB Cut From Red Brand Beef TRACTOR EXCHANGE PORT COLBORNE, Ont, (CP) A tractor firm here offered a brand new diesel tractor in ex change for a 1918 Fordson tractor in good working condition, first Full Agreement At UNESCO Talks By ALEXANDER FARRELL (end 8 UNESCO fund should be! SHERBROOKE, Que, (CP) Canadian Press Staff Writer [established to help fight i, Clint Woodward and his pephew MONTREAL (CP) The sec. 4, There. should be a better have a deodorized pet skunk ond UNESCO world conference working relations hips between called Peter which thrives 03 on adult education ended pine people in adult education and the cheese, days of discussion and debate artists and producers ted Wednesday in 8 spirit of har. with the mass media of informa. mony and without a single re tion and communication, 1 fs corded difference of principle, possible for radio and television The conference president, Dr, programs, newspaper articles J, Roby Kidd of Toronto, director and films to be good in their own of the Canadian Adult Education right and still have educational Association, put it this way: Value, "There has heen a remarkable development of good feeling here . in the last three days," C nst t1 The conference, first of its kind 0 Tuc on gince the on gathering in Elsi S . nore, Denmark, brought together t ris A more than 200 delegates repre- a gain senting 61 countries and 51 non. LONDON, Ont, (CP) Ken governmental organizations, Martin, president of the London The highlight was a Canadian- Building Trades Council, said sponsored resolution ealling upon Wednesday night work will re. all governments to work toward sume today on construction pro dissrmament and the release of jects where work halted Wednes- more resources for education and day morning, ~ other peaceful purposes, id announcement followed the © a {signing of a contract between the GIVE FERVENT SUPPORT Laborers' Union and Kepie Broth. % The resolution was Introduced ers Construction Company, sub- Tuesday by Senator Donald Cam- oontractors at one of the pro- aon 2 Alberta, lender, of he jects, Work was halted when the dian delegation, and passed {rades council pulled 300 con unanimously after 10 minutes of struction workers off the fob he the most impassioned speech: a. co several non-union wreekers making hear at any time in the were employed by Kepie Broth: Several delegations, including a those of Russia, the United States and various Afro Asian and Latin-American countries, spoke in support of the resolution, Full agreement also was noted on the following major issues: 1, Voluntary agencies must be given a place in the work of adult education, especially in areas of creative endeavor where government control can lead to sterility, Government help Is Indispens- able, however, in the financing and stimulation of education 2, People should recognize adult education as a normal part of education and governments should regard it as an integral part of the educational system 3, Dliteracy is an urgent prob. lem in more than half the world | BURMA ROAD | The Burma Road, bullt ps a wartime supply route to China, may soon be linked with an 8,500 mile Asian highway, | PET SKUNK DRAPERIES § BROADLOOM '€ INTERIOR DECORATING COMPLETE SERVICE PHONE RA 8-4681 NU.WAY RUG SALES 174 MARY STREET The Latest in SMARTLY STYLED FOOTWEAR | For Boys, Girls and Teenagers Did You Know « + + In the main Dining Roem of the GENOSHA HOTEL you con nave a Full.gourse Dinner for ONLY 95¢, [013174 8 0) peau Valle TONIGHT GOOD FOOD Business Men's Lunch 12 - 2 Daily Air Conditioned DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL CONFIRMS In Order to Give Better Service and Better Fitting We will continue to be CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON MODEL SHOE STORE 32 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH CORNER OF ATHOL ST, PHONE 5.1521 TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS RA 8-6201 04 SIMCOE ST. NORTH NO, 1 ONTARIO NEW POTATOES 6-QT. BASKET EXTRA FEATURE GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS QUALITY MEATS © SIRLOIN, ROUND, T-BONE uw 89° RED BRAND BEEF ¢ b. 39 30 A y Xe==Immediately after Grandstand Pers years for United States elections forma : 1s specified in the constitution, LEAN MEATY (Daylight Time) nm passengers travelling es will transfer at To xhibit 'ar t rege nto Bus F. RICHARD 136 SIMCOE N, The Examination of And Glasses Fitting of Contact Lenses Children's Visual Training For Appointment RB EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Terminal ta buses running inte the nds, Tickets and Information at OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 18 Prince Street, RA 3.22 Qrol STANDING 6th or 7th PRIME RIB BONELESS BEEF SHOULDER PEAMEALED BLACK, 0.D. | AT COLBORNE eyes Lh] WHITBY HARRY DONALD LTD. 300 Dundas St, E MO 8.3473 ase Call RA 3-419) TURKEYS BLADE-ROAST COTTAGE ROLLS FRESH KILLER OVEN READY AVERAGE 68. DAVID'S----REG, 29¢ 8.0L, BISCUIT PKG, MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE XX 99+ JAR CHRISTIE'S BROOKSIDE BREAD 2: 35* LOAVES Delivery Service Fhop. for your $20 ond over Free "od hove it $10 to $20 -- 25¢ elivered. oy |, $10 -- 35¢ Under $5 -- 45¢ OQASTS ALL AT THIS EXTREMELY LOW PRICE 49. 19 anvwhere in AB, Oshawa

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