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The Oshawa Times, 2 Sep 1960, p. 9

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Vin SUPPORT BLOOD blood should make it possible for the hospital to take care of brought Mr y eT 4 a> - GENERAL MOTORS FOREMEN Oshawa's blood donors Thurs- | Cross Blood Donor Committee, day provided the Oshawa Gen | which organizes the monthly eral Hospital with enough blood | oye gaid 347 bottles of blood Stroud, chairman of the Red ' turn out," he described it, The IN BROOKLIN 130 Exhibits At Flower Show By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT BROOKLIN The August Flower Show of the Brooklin Hor ticultural Society was held Mon day night, In conjunct with the business meeting I tian Education Hall United Church The number of entrie numbered those of More than 130 shown in the adult pections. All the bloon good quality. The was excellent and the was keen Mrs, Mabel Richard Conebear acted as Judge Johnston, president of awa Horticultural Soclet attended congratulate Brooklin group show, choice rangements PRIZE WINNERS The list of prize read by Mrs, Cyril fows Asters, double blooms Mrs Mrs. Frank Bray liday Asters, single blooms Mrs Mrs. Sydney Charles Pilkey. Container of RIM eolors Mrs, Sydney Mrs, Burnett Jamieson Green Dahlia, 1 bloom ~ Mrs Dahlia, cactus Mrs, Norman Alves Dahlia, 3 miniatures Jamieson, Mrs, Charles Mrs, D, E, Hamer, Basket of Dahlias nett Jamieson, Mrs Alves Gladiolus, 1 spike Joel Aldred, Mrs, Mrs. Erie Green Gladiolus, 1 spike L. Hall, Mrs, Eric D. E. Hamer Gladiolus, 1 spike Frank Bray, Mrs Gladiolus, 1 splke, mauve urple -- Mrs, Frank Bray, Mi § ani Wieck, Mrs. Leslie | Gladiolus, 1 spike Frank Bray, Mrs Mrs, J. Aldred Gladiolus, 1 spike, any color Mrs, Frank Bray Leslie Hall, Mrs. Charles Gladiolus, 3 spikes . Mrs, Norman Alve fie Hall Basket of Gladiolus more than 12) Mrs Mrs. Leslie Hall Calendula, 3 any accident vietims in over the long weekend, Eric 3 nett Jamieson, Mrs Green, Mrs, Young Marigolds, African, Frank Bray i, Mrs, D. E rigolds, French Burnett mieson ank Bray, Mrs, C, Wick Petunia, double blooms Vir Frank Bray, Mrs, Eric G Mm C, Pilkey nia, single, Frank Bray Mrs. Sydney ruffled Mrs, Frank Bray Mrs. C. Wick f Sweet Peas--Mrs Mrs, Norman 3 blooms Mrs, Joel Hamer 6 blooms Mrs on i the of Brooklir Chris Ma vi fa TV Pet Vir Hamer Petunia exh blooms Mrs, D Loc E ky fringed Mrs , pe | or 3 blooms Green er Lockye Mrs. Leslie Hall tainer of Annual Phlox Mrs, Burnett Jamieson, Mrs, Eric Green Phlo " Eric Contalr Sydney the Osh J) A 1 on its xhibits hid perennial, 1 head---Mrs Hamer, Mrs. Sydney Loek-| Mrs, Frank Bray Roe bloom, any color «| Guy Stevenson, Mrs, D, E Vit Wick ot more than 5 blooms Eric Green, Mrs, Sydney Mrs. Cyril Wick Dahlia flowering Mrs. Norman Alves Stevenson, Mrs. Bur. on winners Da d ( ¥ I mix D Mi Hame red r Zinnia, 3 bloom Mrs tt Jamie Zinnia cactus - flowering {| bloom Mrs, Frank Bray, Mrs Fred Holliday, Mrs. Erie Gree Zinnlas, pom-pom flowering blooms Mrs, Frank Bray, Mrs Burnett Jamieson, Mrs, R, V Young Modernistie arrangement for hall Mrs, Eric Green, Mrs Burnett Jamieson, Mrs, Norman Alves. Arrangement Using Adrift wood ee [seme Guy 8 m Lockver Mr 8. Erk fecora type Norman Alves 1 bloom large Mrs. B Wilson, BO white Leslie red Green Mrs Mrs Mrs reen yellow Eric ( t Flint wa street a Hal ink -- Mi Hy B. Jamieson, JUNIOR SECTION v Zinnlas, mixed colors, 3 blooms H. Stanley, Roberta May Lock yer Marigolds, § blooms Gordon Wick, H, Stanley, Roberta May Lockyer | Dining Roberta Stanley Display, vegetables yer a drink Mrs Rur-| Mrs. Erie Green, Mrs, D. E, » . Norman! Hamer, Mrs, Norman: Alves (Drink Makes His din-| Mrs. ing room Mrs. Erle Green, J Ww B Hall, Mrs. Cyril Davies, Mrs, Norman| eg ork etter The best bloom in the show hill boulevard, was fined $10 and Peace Rose" was exhibited by costs or five days in jail when special prize of two tickets to the|trate's court Thursday morning International Rose Show, Toronto.| on an intoxication charge {at the apparent lack of Interest|off testified that MeGrad in the Junior Classes, Only three|found lying on Bond | McGrady told the court leg's going on me and Jesse Marsden Port was also fined $10 and Autumn arrangement for Alves James McGrady, 78, of Fern Mrs, Guy Stevenson, who won aihe appeared in Oshawa Me Keen disappointment was felt] Chief Constable Herb exhibitors entered this contest [west lawn makes it work better", 10 days on Intoxication char Mrs Ww on ture 14 min Mrs arrangement Lockyer, table May H mixed (not Eric Green using six varieties of Roberta May Lock § Mr blooms 'Hidden' Children Go To Hospital They saw horses, dogs, cows and sheep, but no pigs," said provincial constable Joseph may | Balen, who brought the children irn to here, "We hunted all the way." TORONTO (CP developed children Sick Children's Hospita day night for tests wh show the way for their normal lives The three 18, and Glenda Dicke from Tecumseh, near were kept indoors mother for 11 years The 240.mile trip was highlighted by a pig Spacemen May Eat Bugs STILLWATER, Oki Space pilots heading for distant off planets may get their meat and potatoes as a stew of tiny wale animals and plants Swarms of this he grown in a some 30 gallons gists suggest From this mw space man would about 2! } a quarter and the called The tilized inder a Three ret SEE FLYING SKIER The failure to find a pig was made up f when the cruiser passed the ( dian National roo a oort ub voter) fl NV AT KIN CONVENTIO rch for kite "I never saw three kids thrilled," said the policeman Bab children will undergo tests Oshawa will help doctors decide With Mrs, 2 best form of treatment, Doc.| Motor to Kel heliey ¢ they are utfer ing umbia They w i from a gland condition tional conve Clubs they 1 Se to 11 and plan to return to Oshawa on Sept. 14 Connie 18, Gordon jon, 13 Windsor by their a s0 Bobig, president of Kinsmen Bobig | The {which the t a ns the hospital before a it be months are completed cial said --- After the children were dis covered their mother, Mrs, Don ald Leach, said she kept them in Czechs Running fe could the house because she feared ther children would laugh at Ransom Racket? TORONTO that the Crech mont AP) water @ , ank k 2 only athe! family three other all norma has cp on s pound rans Liverpool-Toronto |r o te Business Visit Y wy bh 7 th fit 0 da |] | ie rest ) p hoslovakia Bro mer algae 163 Mr W ymmunist water th " Ww TORONTO (CP)--Five Liver. fu ssmen are sax 8 on a visit ( 11$50.000 1 wo major] waste prod 1 0 Se nd oc the ates In M IMME 8 comme Toronto ¢ will be Parkman M of the nutria farm of Com-lwas told th up C peiden "nonsense." ( past pre am b einar FIRST ON THF TORONTO Wright To Thursday as the member of the force. : FORCE Pp { ¢ of ¥ n he visit!e 4 ate [ for his Prague. A " | Stroud sald, Seen here are | I of five General foremen who attended In Bt. Gregory's Audi B three the Motors the elinic torium during the afternoon hn ENO ATME | { | Boat ero operators beware! you see a bright pink flag, ed with a white diagonal, floating on the water, don't in it Stay away from it Ih kindiver there is a in the area, It has been that no boat should within 100 feet of this warn flag use which has en sanctioned by the Ontario ter Council headed by K Grant, RCN make skindiving a hazar sport pecially boats with propellor blades CLOSE CALL wrt Stephenson 0 flag means tipulated come ing the of Unde 1 ( nman Boa dous slashing HAD Ri n, of 87 Stone sald today he call" when ap boat steered right up to his warning flag "to sce what it wa Mr. Stephenson is one of n than 20 skindivers in the Qsliawa area He street awa had a recent "close We re id other drivers have had pericnces. Some have been injured, The flag is usually WI Meeting | Postponed HAMPTON Church | be resumed next § ) with Rev: ( loronto, in charge. Mr, Rudd a peaker and has been here on former occasions services nday at 1.30 am n Rudd of slendid endic he Women's Institute meeting been postponed from Sept, 6 Tuesday, Sept, 13, It will take orm 'Family Night" with a pot luek supper Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Cryder- {man, who have been living in the Harold § home in the west | village for several have moved to their home ward the south end which they irchased Mrs days at Tobermory Mrs D White the of Hosken Smith Meaford, Owen last week C. White Mis and | Mrs M Crook Awa £ South € 8 were visitors with Mr Sam Dewell last week Lee and Martha , Spent the week. grandparents, Mr » Smales I. R. Reynolds a day or two eek as guests of Mr, nvi Mr ses La Os A spent aere last w "Plan To Hold Dahlia Show Fhe Oshawa Times | SECOND SECTION On Tuesday OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1960 PAGE NINE | The first meeting of the fall season for the Oshawa Hortlcul- tural Society will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 6, in the E. Al Lovell Public School on Centre| street at 8 p.m., when members| of the Pickering Society will bel the guests of the Oshawa Society. | Mr, and Mrs. W. F Palmer, | of Highland Creek, who special | jze in the culture of African violets, will give an illustrated] lecture on their violets, Allocation Of Ice Time Big Problem The problem of supplying ice Richard Branton, has arranged a quest it was discussed at a meet Dahliz Show in conjunction with ing of the Children's Arena Com- the meeting and has a number mission, Thursday, {time at the Children's Arena to The chairman of Special Shows, all of the organizations who re. HEATED DISCUSSION Propose Jr. Hockey For Children's Arena A letter from the Central Coua- before it burned down, and be ell of Neighborhood Associations sides, we can't listen to all the| {sparked a hot discussion, on the rumors in the world." | possibility of Junior "B" hockey! people who are concerned over the skating facilities for children. He continued: "It Is our duty to of specimen classes as well as| Ald, A Walker suggested, the Oshawa Times Photo | arrangements in which Dahlias| chairman are predominating. The president, Lloyd Johnston, the commission at ! welcome to non-mem- sentatives from all hockey groups| extends a vers who wish to at meeting to hear Mr. Palmer or to view blooms, tend this and Mrs the Dahlia of the commission should call a special meeting of| which repre-| using the arena meet to discuss the use of ice time, Ald, Walker sald, the unfortu- nate part about allocating fce| {time is that there are so many| Discussion was then discon. bring crowds out on Saturday being played at the Children's tinued until Commissioner Kurelo| nights." Arena this year. The discussion took place at the regular meet introduced the following motion, "If Saturday Is not being vsed | Alderman Walker concurred, {*Yes, It is our concern, that Sat g of the omission for He for children skating from 8.30 to urday nights be used." Children's Arena Thursday, when 10.30 p.m, that consideration of a letter expressing concern re- the entry of the Junior "B" hock. DON'T WANT SPECTATORS dren's Arena would be used for Junior "B"" hockey was read, The discussion of Junior "B"' nings was |garding a rumor that the Chil-ley club be given." Chairman Wilson sald: "I don't Why doesn't he say Saturday eve ning?" ; Mr. Wilson added: "I think the finest thing would be one night a {see why he stipulated the hours, Week as family night, when par- nts could skate with their chil. le dren. We are encouraging active N AVOID THAT FLAG Give Skindiver's lag Wide Berth {leagues requiring time and many| hockey on Saturday eve boys are playing in more than| prought to the surface at fhe in- one league, "One of the reasons) gistence of commissioner William | we are so crowded is the dupli-| Kurelo who tabled a motion on cation of players, and it should|the subject, { be up to minor leagues to cor-| Mr, Kurelo maintained that rect this," he sald since the arena skating attend. Commissioner William Xurelo! ance fell off on Saturday evenings suggested, "private groups, such|after Christmas that the Arena as church groups, should concen-/could be used for Junior "B" trate more on the training of| hockey. | younger hoys in hockey, He sai " they could 2 a : Geliey. He sald, PRIMARILY FOR KIDDIES : ay amy Chairman R. E, Wilson argued and concentrate on boys|y..i' the arena was primarily as there are hun oy gon children, and it vas up . to the commission to devise some Chairman R, E, Wilson said this) oane for increasing the ottend. |1s the biggest headache the Com:| gnoe of children skating on Satur: {mission has, in trying to juggle day evenings, He suggested, a (all of the leagues who want ice family skating night might be In {time Into the schedule {order, when parents could bring Commissioner Kurelo said the! thelr children to the arena end reason why there Is such a dupli-| gkate with them ration of players on the various When the letter was first read, {leagues is that, "they all want|the commission members didn't to win," and that the teams are|feel they should discuss a letter {more interested In winning than which was based on rumor {they are in developing players, However, Alderman Albert] and giving boys a chance to play | Walker suggested, 'this Is a com. hockey, mission, and neighborhood asso- ciations have a big stake in the| use of the arena." Alderman Hayward Murdock | suggested the letter should be re. | celved and filed until soch time las the subject was officially {brought up in a meeting of the commission, Commissioner Kurelo then ask. For Brooklin Kindergarten |e misery By MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT a meeting, BROOKLIN Owing to the, +n | large number of pupils, number: CHAIRMAN OPPOSED ing over 60, enrolled for the com.! Chalrrhan Wilson then exclaim mencement of the school term, in ed 1 am definitely against and Kindergarten class at Meadow will fight against junior hockey, | crest Junior School. it has been They were the ones who turned d little kids out of the other arena, class into two sections, and ap CELEBRATING | BIRTHDAYS point an assistant teacher, Pupils, whose names are in the category A to M, are requested to attend morning sessions at 9 a.m, Puplls' names in the NZ Congratulations and best wishes to the following resis dentg of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth. days today: category are requested to attend the Afternoon Sessions commence. Sandra Nimigon, 111 Cedar St., Whitby; Linda Kelemen, ing at 1.16 pm, RR 2, Oshawa; Mrs, Nelson Parents please note this new arrangement to avold confusion, Bryant, 250 Mitchell avenue; Thomas Palmer, 317 Guelph Paint Job street; Keith Fletcher, 282 La I P » d Salle; Eric Howard, 359 Osh | mounted on a buoy or small boat, and is easily recognized. | S raise awa Blvd, south; Mrs. Rose Kuzenko, RR 1, Hampton; Mr, Stephenson sald skindivers| Billy Kuzenko, RR 1, Hamp swim at various points all along ton; Dave Mills, Gemeral De- |the Oshawa Lakeshore, He and {some others are Interested in livery, Oshawa; Alfie Wil- kins, 104 Hillside avenue; | {starting an Oshawa underwater club. Ald, Hayward Murdock moved Joe Williamson, 337 Buena Vista; Yvonne Morrison, Myr TWO MAIN VALUES that payment be made to the con.| tle; Grant Derry, 770 Cam- "A club would have two mala|tractor for the painting job, The| bridge street; Mrs, Helen values", he said, "First it would|tender for the painting job,| Blackwell, 203 Ballard; Mrs, | provide for the 'buddy system' of accepted at their last meeting,| Wm. Bradbury, 306 Athol St. | swimming. No diver should swim was for $2791.80 by the firm of| E.; Mrs. Louise Grant, 477 alone Jack H. Marlowe. Athol St, E, | "Secondly, it would give novice! Alderman Hayward Murdock The first five persons to in- | divers a chance to learn from moved that tenders be called for| form The Oshawa Times of | thosé who have had more exper-|{oil to be used for heating the| their birthdays each day will | lence," {building Mr. Stephenson sald he has had The manager's report, read by many occasions to worry about Secretary Manager Bill Smith, of Shift System | | The commissioners of the Chil. dren's Arena expressed pleasure, at their meeting Thursday, about | the good job that was done on the painting of the arena sion of her birthday | Miss Florence Werry spent a few days in Toronto last week, Don White, Oakville, visited his mother, Mrs, W. G. White and aunt, Miss Nancy Johns, last Week Mr, and Mrs. Fred Holroyd (Jr,) were surprised and pleased when Corporal and Mrs. R . Henderson, of Calgary, who have recently returned from Germany, dropped in for a few days visit prior to returning to their home. | When away they were in Eng. land, Scotland, Paris, Rome, Vienna, Lichtennstien, Austria and Switzerland, Callers at the and Mrs, W, G, Wilbur and Mrs. J. Hewson on Sunday were: Mr and Mrs. Carl Wilson, Taunton; Mr, and Mrs. Ray. Wilbur, Deb bie and Michael, Miss Marjory Wilbur and Miss June Wilbur § and friend, of Toronto 3 Mr, and Mrs, Merwin joy spent Sunday at land, Toronto Mrs K. A weekend with Mr Regent Theatre good for a four-week period, The current i attraction is Walt Disney's the water. "It is too easy for/the arena has been the busiest them to get iato difficulties." | since the opening of the building Reports on birthdays will Many divers, including Mr, Ste-|The arena is in use five nights| pa received only between the : rs of 8 a, m, their skindiving equipment. An:| The commission hosts o am. and 10 am other interesting facet of this thanked Bill Smith for the won. | sport Is underwatet photography. derful job he had done at the | " walers ning, They sald it gave the te Admits Theft ----- ===! publicity that money could : not and Mrs. Ken Caverly, They PUY | Miss Lulu Reynolds on the occa. Secretary manager to make prep: | | arations to have ice in the arena | for the last weekend of October, v { . . | Fdward Joseph Cosgrove, of | Toronto, pleaded guilty in Magis. trate's Court Thursday morning receive double tickets to The inexperienced divers going into!said this summer's activity at "Pollyanna, | phenson, do salvage work with each week during the summer members RA 8-8474. ! Spearfishing is illegal in Ontario] Roller Skating 'Queen contest eve: {sited their relatives here and The commission authorized the Of Je elle and securities from the home of Stewart Storie, King street east. | %| Cosgrove was remanded one a | week for sentencing The theft occurred Aug. 1 and police say entry was gained by breaking glass in a rear ! door, Some of the stolen goods { have been recovered, police said Cosgrove is now under sen- tence on a fraud accommodation charge. | | Bugust Customs | Are Increased Collections of customs, excise {duties and taxes for the port of | Oshawa totalled $8 835,200.30 for | August 1960 being slightly higher than last August when the col lections totalled $7,567,285.20, | The breakdown of the August 1960 figure is as follows: import duty, $813,228.96; total sales tax, $5,263,704 total excise tax, $2,756,480.39; excise duty, $445.50; sundry collections, $1338.75. home of Mr 1 Mount. ventre Ise} the JR ASSUM 5 PASTORATE t , Prescott home he Bo Newly »rrived in Oshawa this Mrs. Jack Davidson and Pam. Week to become pastor of the ela, Oshawa; Miss Linda Harris,| Free M 'hodist Church, Erie | street, is the Rev. W, A. Me- Caverly spent and Mrs Reynolds at Belleville Recent callers at x were 8 0 CONFER ON DIVORCES {eroft; Nicholas Klinger, Toronto; | Betty |Mrs to a charge of stealing jewellery ; participation in skating, We don't NOTICE OF MOTION want spectators. If this arena Alderman Walker sald: "1jwas built for spectator sport, we couldn't vote for that motion, We would have larger bleachers," nt present have very little notion| He continued, "If we couid have of what our situation is going to Saturday skating, we could elimi. be his winter." He then suggest nate th®home and school skating ed, Mr, Kurelo make a notice of nights, They wouldn't require a motion so that the commissioners special night," would have a little time to thiak| "At no time do T want to see abou the matter, {any boy put out of skating at Mr, Kurelo then introduced a'this rink so that an older person notice of motion which read: can play hockey. This rink was "That at the next meeting of the designed for children, What about commission the possibility of the! the little girls who like to skate?" introduction of Junior "B" hoek- he asked ey club using the arena Saturday The meeting was adjourned night be considered." {with discussion of the issue to be Mr. Wilson then suggested "the | expanded upon at the next Central Council of Neighborhood meeting of the arena coms Assoclations represents a lot of mission, 60 New Teachers In Public Schools More than 60 public school, and ris, Oshawa; Grade 5, Miss Gail 15 secondary school teachers will Empey, Brantford, take their first classes in Oshawa, Duke of Edinburgh School: next Tuesday, Grade 2, Miss Sandra Gaskell, A week after-school starts, Sep- Oshawa; Grades 3-4, Miss Las tember 14, the Oshawa Board of moine Love, Madoc, Education will meet all the new- Harmony School: Grade 1, Mrs, ly appointed teachers at a recep Arlene Brackerow; Grades 2.3, tion to be given at Adelaide Mrs, E, D, Mackay, Port Hope, House, Trustee Mrs, C. C, Lee, E, A Lovell School; Grade 4, chairman of the board's public Miss Shirley Clifford, Fern Glen, relations committee, will arrange and Miss Donna Dean Dodge, Co- the reception, | bourg; Grade 5, William J, Hane a cox, Port Union; Grade 7, Mrs, HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS Ann Hooper, Oshawa; Mrs, Karen Me new secondary schoollRidgely, Oshawa, and William eachers are: | Ped O'Neill Collegiate and Voca- Petér Finlay, Lindsay, G tional Institute, Guy Drolet, To Miss I . ronto; Mrs, R, D, Heard, Whit- by; Miss Lorraine Murphy, To-| ; ronto, Miss Diane Pappas, King: 5 Adelaide ston; Miss Irene Shannon, Mar-| on mora Oshawa Central Collegiate In- stitute: George Torjan, Brace bridge, and Charles Sawyers,| York Mills, Dr, F, J, Donevan Collegiate Institute: Thomas Hodgson, Ban:| rade 1, $8 Marjorie Purdy, Bowman. ville, McLaughlin Schools 1, Miss Janice Johnston, enelon Falls, and Miss Norma Sawyer, Oshawa; Grades 4.5, Miss Mary Jane Sanderson, Is. lington; Miss Maureen Cooke, North Simcoe School: Grade 2, Miss Isobel Johnston; Grade 8, Miss Carrol Marvin, Wellington; Grade 6, James Murray, Scar. boro; Grade 8, Mrs, Kathleen Foy Miss Donna Robinson, Toronio; BA, Long Branch; Mrs, Margaret Mrs, Dorothy Grosart, Oshawa:! Kylie. ' Hugh Harrls, Toronto; Miss Eliz 'Queen Elizabeth School: Junlor abeth Fanning, Toronto, and Mrs, Opportunity, Mrs, Ethel Sandy, Helene Reeves, Oshawa, OMEMEE: Kindergarten, Mrs, ™ Mrs. Frances Hendren, Peter PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS 4 .. : ny The new public school teachers Porough; Grades 45, Miss Joyce are Ritson School: Grade 2, Mus, Albert Street School: Grade 11, Elma Flewell, Oshawa; Grade 3, Miss Donalda Schneider, Sun. Miss Norma: Ann Hurl, Midland: gridge; Grade III, Miss Mary Grade 4, Miss Jacqueline Kitto Joulse Forder, Oshawa. Port Hope, and Miss Susan Dr, C, F. Cannon Public wpnioe Oshawa, " School: Grade 1, Miss Anne' oy : Sunset Height School: Marle Saunders, Toronto; Grade ¢ . 4. Miss Rosemary Austin, Port 4 George Hiemstra, Whitby; Hope, and Miss Porothy Caughey, onde 7, jis Dogg Jacksons Ameliashurg; Grades 56, Miss Betty Jane Crosses Cohoura: Judith Hobbs; Grades 7.8, Wil. Grade H Miss Valerie Hawke. liam Gauley, Angus; Miss Bever- Port Dover. ' ly Stanzel. | Westmount School: Grade 8, Cedardale School: Grade 2, Miss Marilyn Storms, .P Miss Pamela Stones, Kenogam! Grade 4, Wayne Stubbs, Orillia; and Miss Karen McDowell, North| Grade 5, Miss Beverly Ann Bull, Bay: Grades 4.5, Miss Dianne Oshawa. Phillips, Port Hope; and Mrs. Jo-/ Wilson Road Senior School; anne Kerr, Oshawa. | Principal, Donal Felder, B.Sc, College Hill School: Grade 2,|B.Ed., Scarborough, Marie Widdls, Lindsay;| Woodcrest School: Grade 2, Grades 6.7, G. Dale Simpson, Miss Patricia Millar, Powassan, Oshawa, |Grade 4, Miss Mary Jane Vilneff, Gertrude Colpus School: Grade Peterborough: Grade 5, Alan H. 1, Miss Margaret Munro, Peter. Bracey, Whitby, borough; Grade 4, John F, Mur. USIC N phy, Sault Ste. Marie; Miss Eliz. MUSIC DEPARTMEN Yale dee abeth Spence, Kingston, {partment, Mrs, M, Drynan, Oshe Conant Public School: Grade 1, awa, has been appointed assist. ! Joan Sanderson, Toronto; ant music supervisor, and Edward Grade 4, Miss Carol Louise Os- Oscapello, teacher of instrumens trander, Picton, Ital musie, Coronation School: Grade 2! Where the class is not specified, Miss Elizabeth Clement, Port the teacher has not yet been as- Grade Hope; Grade 4, Mrs, James Har- sighed. TA A EI A CEE Monaghan; Mrs. Gertie Millan, of Ottawa. Mr, McMi! Hayes, Bowmanville; Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Prescott, Burketon: lan has served as pastor of the Ottawa Fifth Avenue Church Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilroy, Philip Douglas and Stephen, Columbus: | for the past nine years. He was Herb Prescott and Roger and! born in Ireland, edu od in the Mrs, Geo. Irwin, Enniskillen and| former Annesley College at Ot- Mr and Mrs, J. S. Eddyvean, tawa and spent a number of his young years preaching in Orono Mr. and M Merwin Mount. Belfast. Mr. McMillan succeeds R. E. Dargan who has joy were among those who at. tended Blackstock Fair been transferred to Toronto. TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney- General Roberts of Ontario said today he has called a small group of Ontario lawyers to a confer ence Sept. 12 to diseénss tighten. ing legal procedures in divorce cases. Recommendations of the rotiference, he said, will be sent ¢ rules committee which de- on laws for Ontario's Rev cides | courts FE AIR SCHOOL Station Portage la Prairie, Man, FC Houston, son of J. W, Hou. ston, 845 Mary street, Oshawa, is in training at Statiyn Portage during the summer Anonths, ~RCAF Photo AT ADVANCED Flight Cadet Sam Houston, 22, a fourth year student at Royal Military College, King. ston, prepares for a flight in an RCAF T-38 jet aircraft at the | Advance Flying School, RCAF

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