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The Oshawa Times, 2 Sep 1960, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridoy, September 8, 1968 BIRTHS | : GORDA and Mrs, Beith} Gordon (nes Daisy Slessor) on Tues-| day, August 39, 1960, wi the OUaws| Civile Hospital, 8 son | DINGMAN ~~ Earle snd Jean wish to announce the Wirth of # son OB Ther day, August W, 1968, 7 hs. § wis, # Oars General Hospital. A brother for Nell, Cathy snd Debbie PRESTON My. ahd Mrs. Royden ON ~ To Mr. Preston of 80 Harms AvERUE, FREOVRCE| son, Howard Royoen Ophaws Genersl Hos wh the birth of thelr Camphehl, at pital on Thursdny, September |, HORT = Charles apd Barbara wie Dippy to announce the prrivel of their , William James 7 hs 10% ous, on Tuesday, Aukust @, 1966, at the Port Perry Community Memor: il Hospital. A brother for Bonnie Lyn, DEATHS Today' TORONEN 11 AM, STOCKS By The Conadion Frese Torontss Block Fxehange hep (Runtations 0 cepts unless marked §, 2 y WF pd ot, xd Exdivh A ted ddd teas INDUSTRIALS Soles Wh bow HI Anti Ww $e " Alta Gas ThE S27 48% Alka Gas pr 45 $1064 i06 Alls Gas wi 3557 #95 B95 Alg Cen wi Ww Alsmini wn " " » hs HB 03s #4 56 w M7 A He © did 5 #il Viiv Block bo oh HORBE ~ red into rest widden ty in Oshawa, Ontaria, on Thursday ember 1, 1060, Laurpce Earl Nes 6 Hobbs, beloved husband of Janet col and son of Mrs, Leis Holme, snd brother of Mis, Gordon Maddock (TRF lene) and Arthur Hobbs, Oshaws, iH bis 25th year. Resting st the Armstiong Funeral Home, Oshaws, with memonsl service in the chapel, Saturday, Bep tener 3, at 2 p.m, Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery, MeCLENNEN = In the Oshawa Gen eral Hospital on Thursday, September 1, 1960, Florepee May MeAuhlf, be loved wile of the late Fred B rt Lennan and dear mother of Josephine, Mis. A Cox, Kingsville, Ontario and William, Oshawa, in her 76th year Resting at the Mcintosh - Anderson Fu neral fame 182 King Street Kast, for service in the chapel on Baturday, Bep tember § at 2 p.m, Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery TRUEMAN, Olifford § After » 1% i Berhington Cal Pow Can Cem © Bapk Com 110 Can Brew Bh C Cel 81 pr 10 € Coljeries 20 CF Frid 78 C Hydro Car 10 Cdn Ind Gas 10 Cdn nl 0 Cdn Tie A #0 § CFR 710 Con Gas 850 Creative Tel 90 Dist Beas as D Bridge 1% I Dairies iH D Fndey 26 Dosen i 25 short iliness at the Oshaws General Hospital on Friday, September & 1960, Clifford Sloan Trueman of 810 Palace Bireet, Whithy, beloved hushand of Alle Weston, dear father of Arthur of California, USA. dock of Woodstock, and Robert of Port Hope, dear brother of Mrs, A. C. Adams of Fort William Mrs, A, Cowan of Barrie and Harold of California, in his Thth year, Resting at the ©. Town Funeral Chapel, Whithy, for private service on Sun day, September 4. Interment Clare mount Union Cemetery, Minister the Rev. 8. Armstrong GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all RA B-6226 390 KING STREET WEST LOCK'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements floral requirements for eccasio OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 and all OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of all types, 1435 KING ST, E Ph. RA 8-311) or RA B-8876 IN MEMORIAM GRIFFITHS In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Annie Griffiths, who passed away Beplember 4, 1966 We miss your smile and cheery ways, Please God just let her know That down here do not forgel, We love and miss her » Dom Blores Dom Ter 70 Learn Russian Scientists Told | KINGSTON (CP) -- Canadian physicists must acquire a greatel command of Russian to keep pace with Boviet developments in research into the mysteries of nuclear energy Canadian delegates to the inter national conference on nuclear structure at Queen's University here also said Thursday (hal .| physicists in Canada require het study or ter research facilities for of the forces In the nuelel cores of aloms English is the universal lan guage of the physicist hut rapid advancements in Russia, espe cially in the field of auclear whysies, had made a command of Pryales essential to from other countries, PAPERS NOT AVAILABLE Dr. R. L, Graham, a physicist at Canada's Chalk River, Ont, atomic establishment, and other Canadian delegates said a eon papers ave not being made avail: able in English, Many Canadians at ment over the federal govern nancially at gonstruction of a high atoms, The Chalk River atomic eentre is equipped with a machine, known as a tandem acceleralor, 0. whovingly vemembered hy Margaret, Cyril and grandehiidren, HAYES ~ In loving memory of & ar brother and unele, (Joe) Albert illiam Hayes, whe passed away Rep 1488, aver 8 emetinered by Trens and Ohare, Murray and Glenna HAYES ~ In loving memory of » dear father, Albert Haye ho passed AWAY One Year age today, September 3, 56 The rolling stream of life volls on, But' still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voles, Of the one who once sal there «Hadly naw Carolyn HAYES = In loving memory of a husband and father, Albert William (doe) who passed away September 3, 18486 Calm and peaceful he is slew Sweetest rest that follows § We who loved him sadly miss him But trust in God to meet again Sadly missed hy wile Mona, daughter Pat ping, AB and HOSKIN In loving memory of » dear brother, Gordon, whe passed away September 3, 1864 There is never a day that passes hy Hut eur thoughts reach out ta you Never a Joy hal comes our way But we We miss your love, your cheery ways Please God, Just let him know That we down here do not forget, We lave and miss him so. Toa dearly loved to ever be forgot: lary of the founder of the firm, a only line ta visit inland ports on book a direct regular basis ten by his brothers and sisters, Ken neth, Anna, Marie, Shirley, Betty, Jack, Gary, Donna and Joanne HOSKIN +» In loving memory of aur beloved son, Gordon Wesley, who pass ed away so suddenly September 3, 1054 in his 33nd year God gave us a wonderful son. Ta love through his boyhood days, But on the threshold of manhood He came and took him away Dearer to us than words can tell The son we lost and loved so well Not a day do we forget you, dear Gordan, In our hearts you are always herve, For we lave you dearly and miss vou, As i ends 'the wixth long year w8adly missed and lovingly remem bered by Mather and | CARD OF THANKS BLIGHT - We wish (0 express our sinpere appreciation and thanks 1a our relatives, kind friends and neighbors for the numerous beautiful gifts, cards, bouquets of flowers and congratulatory messages recaived hy us, on the aed slon of our golden wedding anniversary and heartfelt thanks ta all whoa can tributed to the useful community gifts P presented 0 us on Whis special aces ston, Ella and Jack Blight BULKOWSKE = 1 would like to th my friends and neighbors wha h been so kind and thoughtiul with cards and flowers during my two stays in hospital. Especially my immediate fam fly, Fathers Coffey, Herviald, Pereyma and Father Frank fram Si. Gregory's, Dr. Glazier and Df. Welshaum, Miss Storie and all the nurses and ward aides. They were wonderful, in 2A Room 205. God bless you all Millie Bulkowski ank ave RICHARDSON = We would lke express our sincere thanks ta De Dr. Grant, Dr. Stocks and nurses and ward aides of 2M eneral Hospital neighbors, v and friends for thelr kind thou silts flowers and cards Feceived QT daughter Sandra while in Oshawa Gen eral Hospital alsa to the George, Joan Richaydson ALSR.C, TRADE MONTREAL (CP) = Montreal Alouettes announced Tuesday they have traded a college draft ehoice to. British Columbia Lions for Prime Villanueva, one-time alb America quarterback and de feasive halfback who hecomes a Canadian pest month, wish you could share it toa, | whi¢h ean hombard the cores of atoms with particles having en: ergies of up to 10,000,000 volts, The United States has a 6,000, 000,000. volt machine in operation | Tae: and is building one of 20,000, 000,000 volts, Russia has a 10,000, {000,000 volt machine and is build {ing one of §0,000,000,000 colts, Several physicisits, who asked" oo : ! pemiska Copper Mines (Que {mot to he quoted, sald lack of re pao) Lid 8 bd ended ne a0 the smile | search facilities in Canada 1s one oq $860,607 missed by son Bill, daughter | 'Name Changed By Publishers The announcement of a change of name from J. W, Deyell Print {ers Limited to John Deyell Lim ited was made at the 25th annua meeting of the shareholders of the company recently held at Lindsay, Ontario making the an company, in [nouncement, stated that the new and Australia, but the Atlanttva. sell here kh Ws wi nn = physicists | siderable volume of Russian| | the con:| ference e x pressed disappoint: | ment's decision not to assist firlthe new concept of nature that this time In thei nuclear esearch is providing energy | machine to study the nuclei of (hings that \ Canada D. M. Alloway, president of the s Stock Market Listings Bet em hee Li » id Black Blawin Bilverwd A Bin pen at oed Blast Can sielnbg A» 8 Viop win Bwien Thorn Frans iin Gwe Fur-higim BE Yor Slay pr ¥ Fin A rr Can Fl Vie G Tr Walk GW Weston A West A wi Yepith na Curb Wigh tow 11 dad Ws Ws $ine 18% Ws 4 Biack From Fest Fanny ¥F ¥ rain Frost A Gat 5 wr G8 Wares wr Gratton A Gh Vaper Gr Wek 6G Gr Wek vi Greyhnd Guer Tr Harder Horne Filia Hughes 0 wr mp Bank Imp OF #4 Ind Accep Inglis int Ui Inter Pl intp BH Iny Syn A Kelly A Lahatt Lakeland LaohCa A Lahka B Lh GB pr Lan Hos MB and PR M Leal MHI Mex LP Mid-West Milt Brick Molson B Maoare Nal Dmg or N Hos A North Slax p NO NGas Nor Phone Overland wr Page Hers Bales wi I" wh 2 Oh bug £ Mairam Paper Pup Can Dey € Ex Gas © Homesld € Husky Cent Del Fargn Gr Plains Home il A HB OME Jump Prd Landa Medal Fae Pele shin pe Mig mum y Gas BUSINESS SPOTLIC Wigh Low 11 877% on Toronto Exchange Slack Baise Wigh Low bi Aeiliom Te Awtiet Yad Berry Ad 7s Bilem € wis 14 Bopan od Lahr dor dad L Om I Sore Net om Ege "1% i ive om Was 1% Black Bini Un his Warne Warne Sales Wighlaw 1 a.m EW gp A i i Va woe 1s 1s 1m 3 Ww Th T% Th Th kid » +f We + [BE hk » " "w » $ivn 1h Ld # is " 103 Abacus ih Advnepte Ampl Hare A Arcadia Al £ Cop Tangs Vailh Am nh ih oe Melntyre ML. Wight Mui uM iti Murfny M Bew Alger MN ineken New Hosen N Mylemn Partai N Culstrm N Goldert North Can North Can peminks Valine wis Biwiorne Brogl Reef Balt ® Camp Chik © Chih wi €N inca Cin Ther Can kErin Irsevry Halliwell Marten PREFERENCE (quality In women, with sense of on fashion survey says humor in second spot, and good for elegance ae & top figure and legs ranking third hy Pe Vn ALAM) HW Pick Crow "ue Cop o Metal Rix Athsh Bowen Cop Hyanar Wyanar Bin Ant Batellile Bherriid Bisine Bleep RB Bylvanie Teck H Uit-Bhaw 0 Ashesion Ventures Willroy Willaey Yule Losd Yk Bear Young HG Yenmae Marewh i Mand B Nastia Coles Daering IV Aragon Demian Fagan Fatima ' Fohiahes Gren Mines 260 $18% Genex ooh 17 Giant YK x4 200 §10% GF Mining 4000 18 Goldray ish Gunnar "Th Gunnar wis Wh 1% Hoek $io4 ie Us won 4 oh 1s on 2 A190 #78 His a bh 1h 17h U 17h 1s Bn EU Lal of which Canada them in touch with the appropri: trade corporation, some late Czechoslovakian fore gnihave representatives in HT of the reasons why Canadian physicists leave Canada to work in the United States and other countries EDUCATIONAL GAP One of the world's figures in the study of matter| Czechoslovakia, a said children are not getting world trader from whichever enough scientific education 0 side of the Iron Curtain she op-| prepare them for the nuclear erates, is the biggest foreign ex | world of the future at this Canadian Dr. Aage Bohr, a theoretical ny iional Exhibition physicist at 'the Copenhagen In stitute of Theoretical Physics, Bhe is showing told a press conference that he lines of goods is practising what he preaches Hes, J welry, selentific instru hy preparing his three children me nts--everyihing, in the wards two hoys and girl for thelof the exhibit's literature, "from coming nuclear age, pins to automobiles Dr, Bohr, son of Dr, Nils Bohr,| She is aiming at a higger slice {head of the Copenhagen Institute of (he Canadian market for ma and 1022 Nbel Prize winner i0ighine tools and machinery physies, said it is important thal iiems in which she does a busi the genreation now growing up here of about $500,000 an should have a greater apprecia tion of what to expect when man has mastered more of the secrets of nuclear energy and put them lal sales to work, This could only he dane 87,000,000 by giving children more basie|irom Canada education in science that, Children today, he , . . {not acquiring through BIGGER SALES POSSIRLE Jaroslav Merel, commercial consul in Mantreal, says bigger of the/sales ean he made both ways ' Pr To back up this belief, Czecho Bohr told reporters, slovakia has heen a pretty steady exhibitor at Canadian fairs In Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, In return, Canada 1s NET EARNINGS _[Vikoher i rr: Cons y THE CANADIAN PRESS (fair at Brao which will run for Bathurst Power and Paper Co, [two weeks from Sept, 9 | fi mos. ended June @0 Yi you want to do business," $621,453; 1050, $801,250 IMr, Merel says, "vou must show KH, Frosst and what you have, That is why we r ended May 814 are here," $1.16 a share Canadian products in whieh $1.14, [Czechoslovakia is interested in lelude aluminum, ashestos, cop per, Nickel, hides, seeds, ehemi:| Voals and synthetie rubber, She is (os, ended June 0 also interested in eertain types of | 1080, $560, tin maghinery, including machinery | for making artificial textile | Direct Shipping ™ To Rustralia MUST RE COMPETITIVE A potential order for paper = making machinery failed when TORONTO (CP) Inland On:|the award went to Britain be tario ports received | to Australia general potter their frsticause of what Mr. Merel termed cargo line Thursday whea the opredit conditions of price and Swedish ship Antaretie Ocean un loaded and loaded cargo at the port of Toronto Two shipping ready operate Shown By FORBES RHUDE | leading Canadian Press Business Editor! determined hibitor year's familiar ware, tex her glass ness nually Last Crechoslovakia's were her imports about half year to to Canada some while were sald, were education my children interest me,' I talk to Com 1960 1960. Charles pany, yea a4, 045 34, 085 | $664,208, 1060, $117 { 1060, $1,772, "If your prices are competit ive, he added, "we ean buy many things, We, ten, have 1o he competitive when my Wo companies al between Canada we name would perpetuate the mem: fix express service will be the name well known in the manufacturing industry Mr. Alloway also announce the appointment of Percy Floss, {previously of Oshawa and former ly assistant manager, to the post of manager, Other officers ap pointed were V. A, Henkelman; |seeretary, and K. W. Wendland, treasurer, both of Oshawa, ' MARKET PRICES -- | TORONTO cream and were reported Monday | TORONTO (CP) fruit and vegetable reported unchanged nesday., | TORONTO (CP) Potato rices were reported unchanged from Tuesday (CM hutter print prices unchanged from "Wholesale prices were from Wed Bank Interest Drop Continues [| OTTAWA (CP)--The Bank of Canada interest rate continued its sharp decline Thursday, set ting a twovear low of 226 per cent with the sale of $95.000,000 in 91-day treasury bills. This was a drop of nearly a quarter point from last week's 2.50 per oent The rate, an indicator of eandi tions in the short-term money market, thus continued an almost wabroken decline fram 3.48 per cent on July MH The rate, minimum charge by the central bank an its infrequent loans to chartered banks set al one-quarter of one per cent above the average viel on the weekly sale of 9ldlay treasury hills Thursday's bank rate compares with a record high of 641 per Aug. 13 last year and the record low of 1.12 per cent July aA, 1s ent {| tralian Churning Grant For George Zegelin, assistant Aus trade commissioner to Canada, said here the ship eav Theatre School ried 99.00 army surplus rifles ta be Cunveried 16 hunting fui el QTIAWA (CPL A HO Chine by ART Sib ha grant for the establishment of a avathelio Tubher olars and national theatre school, to be pn 4 located in Montreal, was among The Atlantirafix line will use! be Ais three ships on the regular run a4 number ? af disburse ne \ L] An the next ship will load synthetie nounced Thursday hy the Can r at Sarnia \ ada Couneil [ The school, which will give in OFF TO OLYMPICS struction in both English and MONTREAL (CP) Canada's French, opens Nov. 2 under the seasoned Oly mpie equestrian artiste direction of Jean Gascon team wound up a manth's train and Powys Thomas, One ing at Hudson, Que., and left each vear will he held at aboard a KLM flight Wednesday ford in conjunetion with far the Summer Games ia Rome, | Shakespearean K estival I'he aireraft had special accom A $27,000 grant goes to modations for the team's six Canadian Players to help horses that group's Canadian tours GS AZ UEW TR) on DOORS OPEN 11:30 p.m. FOR ADVANGE TICKET HOLDERS session htrat the the with SUNDAY MIDNIGHT ONLY ! JERRY WALDS Er Ay i entertainment Offer youve Hag in, years ADULY ANTE TANMENT TP RTTTr amet. DON'T STAND IN LINE ! ven EF hic 03 BUY TICKETS NOW! Czech Goods SYM) I AtCNE Mr, Mercl suggested that those interested In business In Czeeho slovakia should his office in Montreal would pul write which Ballet Tap-Baton REGISTER WED, Sept, 7th 4707 PM, FOR FALL TERM IRENIE HARVEY ACEM 424 King W RAD, BALLET THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER CAR RA 56122 COTA TAP BINGO FRIDAY, SEPT, 9, 8:30 P.M, SHARP $7,500 TOTAL PRIZES INCLUDING If Won In 52 Numbers A Special, Up fo 1,000,00 Hi-Lo Jackpot 12 Games ot $600.00 3 Specials for $450,00 15 Beautiful Free Poor Prizes COUNTRY MUSIC NIGHT DANCE FRIDAY TO w= Chuck Fortune A BRAND NEW AND HIS BAND FEATURING i Ji d Joh 1960 FORD immyan onnny Admision 8%: 5 15 Beautiful Free Door Prizes BM °°" | PETERBOROUGH | oom RED BARN | : THE BIG GAME OPEN AT OPEN AT MEMORIAL CENTRE 7 PM TMM, KINSMEN. IY 3 B10 ACTION, ADVENTURE & COMEDY HITS! "THE - LAWLESS BREED" IN TECHNICOLOR ==STARRING--- ROCK ° JULIE HUDSON ¥ ADAMS ABBOTT COSTELLO MEET THE IWISIBLE MAN MUSIC STUDIOS Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments WILSON & LEE LIMITED ACCORDION SAXOPHONE VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO TRUMPET ® CLARINET ® HAWAIIAN GUITA © TROMBONE ® VIOLA e CELLO Our §-week beginner's course on the accordion at $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during that period which is token home for practice, WILSON & LEE LTD. JOIN THE CROWD FOR AN EVENING OF DANCIN' AND ROMANGIN' Q TUN-FILLED NIGHTS 4 WEEKLY FRIDAYS comm RECORDS UNLIMITED ($reg Doncing) CKEY's == Sweet sound of the sixties CHUM's CKLE's Sound of the sixties Big show radio We have them all hi-fi SPACIOUS DANCE FLOOR > BLE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 600 SATURDAYS DANCE PARTY (couples only) DON PIERRE i fil Reservations * w TA rr ---- ond his orchestra (itm RA 3.2143 Musie==Dinners--Shows w OSHAWA DRIVE Complete Catering Facilities Cecil B. DeMille s Maste F 4 whe De or To + reo be hy ol To Fon Oot nf oh of Teh betsy © ovo wo He str 4 Done 1d ie 0 oy oe V1 . 0 hove! Pete PLUS ADDED OUTDOOR ACTION! DON'T MISS OUR SCREAMFEST OF HORRORS SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, SEPT, 4th! z A TRIPLE MONSTERPIECE TO ; THRILL AND CHILL YOU! ALWAYS A (COLOR ( MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST, NORTH RA 5.4706 ACCLAIMED BY EVERYONE... EVERYWHERE! Walt Disney's Greatest Motion Picture Entertainment! OE WT MOOREHEAD CORCORAN MILLS a Panna Davieind by van Vint Rawdon To as a aay ad enh ONE OF THE BEST OF DISNEY'S NATURE Pw FEATURE AT , 1:00 - 3:40 6:25-9:10

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