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The Oshawa Times, 3 Sep 1960, p. 7

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oer, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 3, 1960 Editor Dial RA 3-3474 4 _ veils and they carried cascades of | (white chrysanthemums and pale David Hoag Weds Beverley Wilson In Bowmanville At Bt. Paul's United Church Bowmanville, recently, David Austin Hoag, son ol , and Mrs, Norman 8, Hoag of Osh. awa, took as his bride, Beverley! Anne Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Clarke K. Wilson of Bow. manville, | The Reverend H. A. Turner of- ficiated, The wedding music was| played by Miss R, C, Osborne. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a street length dress of guipure lace over| nylon snd satin, skirt caught up by a white nylon rose revealing the nylon and satin, A! tiara of guipure lace held her shoulder-length vell and she car. ried a cascade bouquet of pink carnations, Mrs, Patricia Van der Gasst of Midland was the matron-of-honor and the bridesmaid was Miss Barbara Wilson, sister of the bride, They wore pale pink nylon pink taffeta designed with fitted bodices and full skirts, Their head dresses were matching pink tulle A pink carnations, Mr, Frederick Hoag acted as hest man for his brother, Usher. ing were Messers, Russell Wilson and Donald Jeyes, A reception was held in Bt, Paul's Church hall, To receive, the bride's mother wore white or. ganza over blue printed silk with white accessories, The bride. groom's mother assisting was in bone-toned organza over printed cotton with matching accessories, Both wore corsages of roses, For the wedding trip by motor By Wallace Mr, John Bailes McDowell | and Miss Carol Dolores Lewls, whose engagement Is an. nounced today plan to be mar. | ried on Saturday, September 24, in Christ Church (Anglican) Berry, Kingston Stouffville, The bride - to « be, who 1s a graduate of the Hospl- | tal for Sick Children Toronto, is Lewis of Stouffville Mr, Lewis and the Brillinge and the late to Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec, FF {the bride wore a pink cotton dress | with white accessories and a white orchid corsage, The newly ' wedded pair will live In Oshawa, SOCIAL NOTICE | Mr, the daughter of Mrs, Donald | 0 6en's | finance, | Bridal Showers 'For Marlene Stroud 'Soon To Be Wed | Miss Marlene Stroud whose marriage to Mr, John Mason is to take place next Saturday, Septem. ber 10, has heen entertained at several pre-nuptial parties, Among those who held miscel laneous showers was Mrs, David Collins who arran a party for former school friends of the [bride-to-be at her summer home at the lake, King her | Miss Dorothy Giroux, street west, was ass f the Misses Antoinette, Peggy and Katherine Giroux, af ia miscellaneous shower at their home attended by the staff and |tormer employees of Jones and Greer Law Office, | A miscellaneous shower was | given by Miss Catherine Mason| assisted by two other bridal st tendants, Mrs, Bryan Logeman|; and Miss Bandra Stroud, The party was held at Miss Mason's ome on Finucane street, Mrs, Thomas Mackay, Fernhill boulevard, was hostess at a mis ' cell sh A fet ad by £ Mrs, Thomas Solomon and Mrs, # John Mackay, After the rehearsal next Fri- day the bridal party will be en- ertained at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Christopher Mason, Finu-| cane street, By le Roy Toronto rospective bridegroom, son of | Mrs, Thomas Howard we | THE STARS SAY Dowell of Oshawa and the late the | By ESTRELLITA McDowell, attended University in | and | rere | By ESTRELLITA | FOR TOMORROW course of ce Doris Cherry Wed |.ii've of" peak aw. so i To Colin McMillan A i, ROSS ARTHUR Son of Mr, and Mrs. John Mn R Cooll Bint snd Mps, Bint, Montrave avenue, is Ross | Gordon OmAS 8 Brea th 4s grandson of Mrs, Ross Mae. Arthur. Ross celebrated his | Kenzie and Mrs, W, G, Miller, first birthday on August 16, He | all of Oshawa, is the grandson of Mr, and | ~Phote by Ireland |be blonde, Each strand gels a {careful grooming from the dis trict forest ranger, including a weekly sham so thet it re- mains soft and sensitive, | The blonde-haired machine fs {might be a good time to make| 'Long, Blonde Hair | long-range plans, As for the day| Tells The Tale [itself, it favors social functions,| At Holy Trinity community enterprises and oute| To Forest Rangers {combined with a bundle of sticks door pursuits, A generally pleas ant period! FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, In a double-ring ceremony In Holy Trinity Church recently VANCOUVER (CP)--A strand|to produce a picture of the fire [of hair from the head of an un-|{hazard in all parts of the forests {known English blonde determines| The sticks are pre-dried to zero whether campers can enter the molsture content, and cut to an Doris Lenore Cherry became the your horoscope indicates that, ENGAGEMENT | WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY the bride is the daughter of Pictured after their wedding | Mr, and Mrs, Walter M, Busz- recently at Northminster Unit. | Mrs, Mary Voege of Oshawa wishes to announce the engage: ment of her daughter, Nancy Catharine, to Mr, John Leo Obst, son of Mr, and Mrs, Paul Obst of West Berlin, Germany, The marriage will take place on Sat- urday, September 24, 1060, at 2.90 o'clock in St, John's Ukrain lan Greek Orthodox Church, Osh- |! awa ENGAGEMENT | The engagement is announced | of Carole Dolores, daughter of Mrs, Donald Brilling Lewis of |the bride of Hugh Angus Colin Me-| Millan, The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Cherry, Oshawa, and the bridegroom is|job or money matte # Mrs, Quebec, Mr, James McMillan, late Mr, Harold Forsythe played the|tively "dull" periods for system. |atzing and reorganizing---taking|long--are imported from England son roeque, of Hull, wedding musle, The bride was given in mar. Edward |riage by 18he wore a waltz-length gown of Mr, Thomas and while, except for brief periods in/™ October, November and Decem-|" | ber, the aspects will not be par-| | ticularly stimulating eturn to thelr jobs, La-|1961, you could still make the|the fire hazard the| balance of this year and the early tracts or {part of next prove profitable, if|graph machine, for either one of the forestry service's most rs until mid. important devices for computing stage. The hair con:| expands in a hydro. moisture content is less than 16 measuring the per cent, and the sticks show less forests, or whether loggers can exact weight of 100 grams, They {also help to indicate when twigs, The long strand is mounted in brush, bark and grass, or other "flash fuels," reach the explosive When the blonde hairs say |you use the next few months to/molsture content of the atmos. than five per cent, the ban on The Reverend H, G, D, Rickey| build firmer foundations, Make phere, Each lookout station has forest visitors is clamped on until performed the ceremony whilelup your mind to use the relaslone of the machines, And, above all, don't look forimarket The strands--about 14 finches|-- |the long-range view in all plans, since experts got tired of looking Schultz, | Don't expect immediate returns, for Jong blonde hair on the local water in the summer heat, to rain comes HOT WEATHER NOTE People should drink more ""nee the loss through perspire minski and the bridegroom Is the son of Mr, and Mrs, John Muir, all of Oshawa, y ror | what's unreasonable, | For best results, the hair mus: ation. white chiffon over taffeta with a Personal. affairs are under| | A ed Church are Mr, and Mrs, | result bodice of chantilly lace, A pearl fond! auguries and, except for should take a definite turn for| Alan Robert Muir. Formerly Stouffville and the .'te Mr, Lewis, to Mr, John Balles Me-| son of Mrs, Thomas|j§ ~Photo by Robert Aldsworth Miss Pauline Faye Buzminskl, | Many Hostesses For Dianne Elizabeth Fraser Miss Dianne Elizabeth Fraser, shower with Mrs, Entertain Merrie Mac: Dowell, Howard McDowell of Oshawa} and the late Mr, McDowell, The| marriage will take place on Sat | urday, September 24, at 11 am,| in Christ Chureh (Anglican),| Stouffville, AT HOME i Mr, and Mrs, George King, 612 whose marriage to Mr, Philip Ed- Donald and Mrs, John Nailor as-| Rosmere street, Oshawa, will be ward Duncan was solemnized in sisting, | 8t, George's Anglican Church this afternoon, has been feted at sev. stool was made at the T. Eaton day, September 10, from {Company by Mr. Donald Hillock, 5:00 and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m, on the eral pre-nuptial events, The presentation of a kitchen Miss Elaine Richards and Migs manager of mall level, | Sandra Mason entertained at a kitchen shower at which bride-clect was presented an electrie floor polisher Ivan Richards assisted with the serving, The girls from department 212, of the T. Eaton Company Limit. ed, held a shower at the home of Mrs. Rodney Connolly, Presenta tions of an electric mixer and three place settings of the future bride's china were made, Assist: ing Mrs, Connolly were Mrs, Bert Hardy, Mrs, Gerald Shangraw and Mrs, Jack James Mrs, Robert Whiteley and Mrs Gory Ferguson entertained at a personal and miscellaneous shower buffet luncheon was served, Mrs, Ronald Gourley was hosts ess at her home for a kitchen shower at which a deep fryer was presented to the bride - to « be Mrs, Harold Gourley and Miss Elizabeth Gourley assisted in! serving Mrs. Thomas Cinnamon of Whitby held a miscellaneous CHILD GUIDANCE with A Mrs, Stanley Fraser entertains] the €d for her daughter at a trous senu tea, The future bride re- Mrs, ceived In buttercup yellow or. vena with a corsage of orchid gladiolus petals, Mrs, Fraser| wore peacock blue peau-de-sole| with a shell pink corsage and Mrs. Willlam Duncan, the pros. pective bridegroom's mother, | wore a sheath of turquoise or ganza over taffeta and a corsage in pale pink Mrs, Malcolm Adam, grand: mother of the bride-to-be, Mrs, Thomas Cinnamon and Mrs, Mal: colm Adam Jr, poured, Miss Crystal Adam and Miss Jay Whiteley assisted in serving Miss Arlene Adam had charge the guest book. Miss Elaine Richards and Mrs. Gary Fergu: son had charge of the trousseau| room, Mrs, Robert Whiteley, the| shower gifts and Mrs, Merrie] MacDonald the wedding gift} room Mrs, Willlam Duncan, mother| of the prospective bridegroom,| entertained at a buffet luncheon following the wedding rehearsal of Early Guidance Is Needed In Budgeting By G, CLEVELAND MYERS The school child and his par. ents are fortunate if, by the time the child is in'the second or third grade, he has learned to operate well on a budgeted allowance. It seems that most school chile dren, even those in their teens, have money doled out to them every day or so, on request or demand by them, Often the de mand is made just as the child is hurrying off to school AMOUNT OF MONEY The amount given him may be to cover certain stated needs plus an added sum for pocket money, The latter is usually meant for sweets and other cats to be pur chased on the way I'd venture the guess that there's a total of a quarter of a million dollars of pocket money given to school children during one week of school, It's not un. usual for a youth in high school to display to his pals five or ten dollars of spending money--a na- tional disgrace! TRAIN EARLY Beginning with the first grade give your child, on the first day of school, what you are sure he will need for necessary, regular expenses Have him check with you dur ing the week on what his regu'ar needs are. Then on Monday morn. ing of the next week vou might give him a total amount to cover these needs plus a small amount to spend as he pleases. Usually the latter amount will be far too generous, Make clear that the total weekly allowance may be revised up. wards later as greater ne arise; and that as for a school play or for special needs musical, sods 1 Allowance a special amount will be forth. coming, EXTEND GRADUALLY Of course, if your child is in. clined to spend the whole week's allowance the first day, you may have to begin with a day's allow- ance, extending it gradually to cover a week as he proves sul: fleient responsibility If your child is over eight or ten, he may be more able to oper ate on a budgeted allowance than if he were only six. By the time he is in high school he may he able to include the cost of some of his clothes, and handle well an allowance for a whole month, DEFINITE SUM Of first importance is that the total amount he definite, that it covers specific budgeted needs plus a small amount for pocket money, and that he makes it last for the designated period, Then there should be a regular day for supplying the allowance, always with the right amount in change on hand bulletin, "Allowances", may be had by sending a sell addressed, US. stamped envelope to me in care of this newspaper.) PARENTS' QUESTIONS I'm a sophomore in high sthool and study very hard but barely make passing grades. Have you a bulletin which might help me? A. Yes: "Tips for Students" (to be had by ending a selfad. dressed, U.S. stamped envelope to me In care of this newspaper) Old stains on serviettes and tea towels can usually be re ved hy soaking in a warm mild bleach solution, then wash 8 \ happy to receive their relativ friends and neighbors on Satur. 2:90 to occasion of thelr 25th wedding anniversary, AT HOME Mr. and Mrs, Howard Willson, ! 625 King street cast, will be at} home to their friends and rela. tions on Saturday, September 10,'F from 2:90 to 4:30 and 7:00 to 9:00 F p.m, on the occasion of their J golden wedding anniversary, | Natural Fibers 'Treated With 'Special Finishes By ELEANOR ROSS When man-made fibers began appearing in ever - increasing numbers. in yard goods, home furnishings and apparel depart. ments not too many years ago prophets of doom foresaw an un. timely. demise for such old stand. | bys as colton and linen, The syntheties certainly p ered In an easy-care era for de 4 4 lighted homemakers, and it did| glosing add to ity Avncal I by seem in the realm of possibility] 9°" gned for sizes 46, uw, 40, 4 that even such an established and| particular finish, but also how to universal favorite as cotton might! launder the fabric #0 In the wake of nylon, and the It's wise to save all any other test-tube miracle fab: (, veresh your memory when the \ a garment is no longer new, A But special finishes saved the|cman metal file box kept nea day for the natural fiber fabrics! your laundry area will be of gre RATURAL FIBERS, T00 ato op | M88Istance should you have any 2 qualms about how to launder the another of the synthetics--such| yon" natain thelr finlsh properties as wrinkle-resistance,| gona finishes are actually im crease. or pleat-retention, smooth] ued" hu laundering "h "hand" or feel, spot: and stain. One example is "Zelan the resistance--are impart ed bY durable water-repellent finish ap chemical or mechanical treats plied to a wide range of fabri ment to natural fibers after they|" ginoe dirt robs a Zolan « f come from the loom and before| O54 40an - '- they are made up into garments, | This leisure or sport shirt Is | knitted with Beehive YLoopella yarn on very large (No, 5) needles, As you may imagine, ush.] It will knit up 'quite quickly y Side vents and one-button neck | | 1 ( 1 leney, yeh tags fone [tiara held her fingertip veil and] a noiof period during September,|the better next April, Single? {she carried a white Bible crested| wyon it would be wise to be tact-| Look for a new romance, and| | {honor | (white hat, Her flowers were white] cerned, land green - tinted |cessories and a pink carnation|your part to maintain harmony, SIDE VENTS Would you like to obtain the knitting = instructions? Simply nd a stamped, self-addressed nvelope, plus ten cents for indlin to the Needlecraft wartment of this paper, res | ting Shirt with Side Vents, let No, CW-133, ed fabric i becomes heavily solled, pressing also has a renews set on this finish, ultra im. he of its water repel yt Light p ng elle Thorough rinsing is portant for a garment pecial finish, because even a race ol uct left in the fabric can reduce the efficiency of the finish, Rut remember that easy-care loes not mean no-care, If you fol low the manufacturer's instruc. tions to the letter, you should get the promised results, | [dress with red rose corsage and| | (White accessories, {dominate others and your ten.| 1 | stains, {these suggestions, When cottons|doing your best in spite of these, ! {household bleach, For removal of Istaing from {nylon or otheg man-made fabrics |oxygen bleach solution, hould he laundered bes |e - -- | with al soll or the washing prod. | Patricia. Juch PIANO CLASSICAL o POPULAR 7 dust Dll RA 5-4567 OSHAWA with red roses, | ful in all relationships, you should possibly marriage, during No-| Miss Carol Tilling was maid of find such matters running/vember of this year or June of| wearing lime green or-| smoothly--particularly where so- next, ganza over taffeta with a small] cial and family interests are con-| A child horn on this day will be intellectual and self-possessed, chrysanthe. | A child born on this day will be| but may be too susceptible to| mums, | ambitious, trustworthy and en-|{lattery, [dowed with a great sense of Po. | = Mr, Gegrge Wright was best| ooo gi ility, man, {DAY AFTER TOMORROW SCHOOL OF DANCING A reception was held at the| Monday's aspects are some. home of Mr, and Mrs, Victor what adverse, due to the position Tilling, Bruce street, For the oc-| of the Full Moon in Pisces, Most caslon, the bride's mother wore persons will be under stress and a powder blue dress, white ac-|fecling a bit of anxiety, so do D.E.A.--M.D.A, Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton, Acrobatic, Kinderdance and Pre-School, Registration: SAT,, SEPT, 10th 10 AM, to 1 PM, at the MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE STREET, OSHAWA Information: RA 3.7253 | FOR THE BIRTHDAY "™ a | If Monday Is your birthday, iA Souple opt Bh vedding! yo chart shows characteristics ' : ~some of which may have to be ling the bride donned a red print| "played down" in the months! ipad--notably your tendency to| corsage, Mr, and Mrs, McMillan are|dency toward Irritability when making thelr home In Oshawa, [things go wrong, Try to cultivate ---- -- patience uring the om 2 months when your progress, bot GRASS STAINS AWAY! monetarily and jobwise, may not For the removal of grass only be slow, but periodically res Miss Pat Ellison, has tarded through setbacks, By| and linens are grass stained, rub however, you will not only coun liquid detergent into the stain, | teract adverse Influences, but | let stand a few minutes, then|Will help to build a more solid wash, If not harmful to fabric op|foundation for the future, From color (test first) sponge staln/hoV until November, Jet you| lightly with alcohol, Wash using| Slogan he: Look ahead! It will pay since, with year's ending, | you will enter an excellent period {for making long-range plans Lo , N wash using a mild powdered oxy: Look for notable progress in mid gen bleach, For stubborn stains, Travel and some stimulating so lot fabrics soak for several hours jal activities should enliven the or overnight, in a mild powdered months of December and Janu ary, and all of your Interests! silk, wool, rayon, RENT an Automatic NATURAL GAS "3 thus elevating them to the easy- care standards set by synthetics The word "finish" covers a meat. deal of territory, making It next to impossible to generalize, High-quality finishes--regardless of their type--are durable or, at any rate, lasting through many sudsings SOME AREN'T PRACTICAL On thé other side of the coln, KARN DRUGS HOLIDAY HOURS you'll probably run across some Iso-called wash-and-wear finishes | { which break down after but a few launderings. As in anything else, standards of quality vary. You'll soon learn | which finishes live up to their {promises and which don't, Sunday, Sept. 4th Open 12 Noon to 8 P.M, It is imperative to be a careful reader-of tags or labels when you buy a garment or yardage with a fabric finish. The information is important because it not only tells you what to expect of tha Ballet Tap-Balon REGISTER WiID. Sept. 7th 4707 PM FOR FALL TERM IRENIE HARVEY ACCOM, 424 King W, RA 3.6122 J ea BALLET Ri COTA TAR Ld Monday, Sept. 5th - Labor Day Open Morning 10 AM. - 1 P.M, Open Evening 6:30 P.M, - 9 P.M, for your present furnace" . « Whatever its type ...whatever its fuel only 'SD BO monthly Free Installation . . Free Burner Service ENJOY AUTOMATIC HEAT CLEAN « DEPENDABLE SILENT « LOW COST Your gas company does not em- (Consumers as ploy door-to-door salesmen nor mation on dealers licensed to ine 48 SI = N " *Subject to gas company approval SIMCOE ST. § RA 3-3468 ne stall natural gas equipment call or write the Sales Department. telephone canvassers., For infor aaa oasis is sass RIM SY. YF

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