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The Oshawa Times, 7 Sep 1960, p. 6

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dhe Osharoa Times £6 King St. E, Oshawa, Ont Published by Cor y Mewspope imitec 17646 Pegs 6 Wedneidey, ep Z, b o 'Authorities Were Blind To Rocket Pioneering A £1.000000 settlement for infringe tion of the Guggenheim Foundation and ment of patents was recently made hy mn the next few years ms directors Stipe the UB. government to the estate of Dr plied more than a quarter of a million Robert Hutchins Goddard who, 40 years dollars for his research in rocketry and ago, was ridiculed as Moon-Mad God- jet propulsion The million-dollar settles : dard for sugaesting in & scientific paper ment just made by the American gove that it would be possible to shoot a ernment will be shared by his widow The one-time #and the Guggenheim Foundation, to each of whom he had assigned hall his rocket to the moon teacher of physics and science at Prince ton University wrote that it would be patent rights possible to note a rocket's landing on the Copies of Goddard's patents were moon by exploding flash powder, The available at the patent office for 10 Russian's moon rocket sent back such a cents and although his own government signal in 1959 pretty well ignored his work the German Goddard, who died in 1945 at the age FO ket organization found it most ine of 62. started his rocket research in 1912 SUUctive Germany was first to have } 8 (e any God- by working out ways to improve the antidank rocket, and many of God performance of British and US, life dard's ideas were incorporated in the v ' World Tockets that landed on London, The patent claim against the US, military services dated only from 1951, when saving rocket At the end of War One he had devised a rocket-laun- cher with which, he claimed, infantry soldiers could knock out tanks; the 4 military establishment paid it little heed ME siles-and infringed Goddard's patents although it finally came into use as the "7 the use of liquid-fuelled rockets to bazookes of World War Two, In the 1920s, on his Aunt Effie Ward's farm now a golf course near "Auburn, Mass, Goddard was firing off liquid fuelled rockets and so alarming the provide a sustaining flow of power. in- stead of merely an initial explosion Dr, Goddard was not really ahead of his time but it is interesting to note that his support came from private sources and that government the legislators, neighbors that he was forced to transfer § the bureaucrats and the military estabe xperiments fe cl Jew A his experiment » a ranch in Ne lishment lacked either the imaginas Mexico, The publicity, though derisive, tion or the flexibility to appreciate his did bring Goddard's work to the atten. achievements, United Nations Growth The rapid emergence of new nations Jordan and Laos where the UN helped as a result of the collapse of colonialism to restore calm by the device of estab may, before long, change the complexion lishing UN representatives, In Korea, of the United Nations for the first time, collective armed action, In no great time its membership Is under the authority of the international expected ta reach around 120 countries, community, was taken to stop agrression, making it the most, widely representa In the middle east, the UN established tive international organization in history, the first truly international police force, This is the forecast believed to have Thus the UN has been remarkably been made by the UN secretariat in successful in meeting all but its major planning for future activities assignments, And here, the organization It is of interest to recall that it was is not at fault, There has never been a 15 years ago in June since the United "real peace" between the great powers t to maintain, As Henry Cabot it has brought neither world peace nor Lodge, United States ambassador to the amity, Yet its development has been UN, has explained; "The UN cannot encouraging, 'its accomplishments signis by peaceful means, force a major power Nations was formed, During that period for ficant, its failure understandable against its will to abide by the principles Membership has increased from the of the Charter as it is a defect of original 850 to 82 members and by the members" end of 1961 it is expected that UN Here is the primary reason why the membership will be close to 100 UN has not been able to advance with Reviewing the history of the United disarmament or nuclear weapons cons Nations the Milwaukee Journal recalls 4,.1 resolve the Berlin dispute, work that uncounted millions have been gut the far eastern problems, coordinate assisted to independence and self efforts to better the lives of all men, government, The UN has stimulated, It has been effective in other ways "as we J I" 4: 0 Lo] Hys, rough subsidiar rganizations, af through subsidiary organizations, ad o.oo It has served as town meeting vances in health, education, wellare, of the world, where the nations can bring gricultur d industr t has done agriculture and industry, It has done complaints and disputes, And it much to protest and further human and UN in the when negotiations have broken eivil rights, It has co-ordinated the och down elsewhere, that they can be cons action of nations In communications tinued, Someone has called the UN a transportation 'and finance There is "It "permanent summit is here that uniformity in exchange of weather forecasts, thanks to the UN. The first on powers large or small that are out of Braille library in the middle east came | ; ing inte being with UN help, The UN helped Asia establish its first DDT fac world opinion can be brought to focus Whatever its weakness, the UN re. presents the best hope for a just and lasting peace, As Ralph J, Bunche has sald realistically, "It is, after all, not only the best we have; it is all we have," tory and ita first penicillin factory Even the record in bringing and main taining peace is a commendable one, The UN has brought about the peace ful settlement of disput kept many an explosive situation under control, and 0 E : J Vi set up the most comprehensive program ther ditor 5 ews of action for peace ever to be under Canadian Scotland Yard taken, (Sault Star) The record stretches back to 1046, and is written in Iran, Greece, Kashmir, Indonesia, Palestine, Korea, the Suez Had we, in Canada, a similar institus tion to Scotland Yard, where officers trained in the science of detection of area and, most recently, in Lebanon, orime are available to assist in local cases, life would be a lot easier for our local police. Professional crime has The Mshama dimes A whed such a high standard nowadays : hat a lot of it is beyond the level of Fob WILSON, Publisher and General Manages education standards 0 lice re AWN Ee ut ¢ dards in our police forces, Tr » wa 3 Value Of Humans (Milwaukee Journal) he 4 ] The declining value of the individual Ax ¢ 1 50 widely deplored nowadays that we gla » 4 counter trend with particular in 88 action, Cynics used to disparage the A humanity by declaring that a man was i made of 94¢ worth of commen chemi \ cals, The current quotation, computed SUBSCRIPTION RATES by Dr, Albert L. Lébninger of the John Hopkins School of medicine (reported Pick { in the Scientific American) with proper Ly attention to ilation, is $5.66 : » EE KEE Bible Thoughts yoo Averdge Daily Net Paid None of us liveth unto himself and i ' dhieth to himself. Romans 14: 2, as of April 30, 1960 Our lives are the gift of God. We fail if we do not live by the law of God. We' Must give an account of our doings to ( W ut Him all is fheility they started serious work on ballistig OTTAWA REPORT Commonwealth Talk Thrill For Member Patrick Nicholson is on vacis tion, His guest eolumnist today is Dr, P, B, Rynard, Conserva- tive MP for Orillia, Ont, The session of Parliament so recently ended was one of Can adn's longer one Convening 03 January 14th, It was pot pro. rogued until mid-August, a period of approximately seven months It was a session notable for long hours and the transaction of a rent deal of husiness, The program of legislation was #a lengthy one and discussion of estimates occupled a great deal of Lime It made history for as a result of the deliberations, Canada now has a Bill of Rights, a guarantee QUEEN'S PARK Curious Spending By Governments TORONTO -- Where does a frill lie" The department of education runs two summer camp One of them Is to train grade 11 students in athletic leadership Yet gymnasiums do not qualify for capital grants under the edu cation assistance program MANY BOOKS You can gel government pam phleis on everything from grow ing plants to how to build a house of earth Some of them are very sump tuous booklet There are at least a dozen Yoenok-hooks issued by various departments Many of them are printed on the very hest of coated stock and are full of color plat You can't tell what they cost Th not revealed in the Publie Account But they for the most part are hetter quality than you can get in the hook-stores or on the news stands And they are distributed free WHERE LINE? Wastelful® Not a hit of it Nobody denies that these things have value fut there is a question whether government should be doing them, Where it should draw the line on spending BY-GONE DAYS 23 YEARS AGO John H, Lee, trombone soloist, won first place and the gold medal, at the ONE. Mark Cordy, euphonium soloist, George Hood, cornel soloist, alse won prizes A total of 190 teachers and ap proximately 5000 pupils were reg istered on the school roster in ! Oshawa. J. C, Fetterley, prinol pal of Mary Street School. was transferred to South Simeoe School and F. Lyeett to Mary Street School as principals Thomas Knox was appointed a member of the Parks Commis aon Rotarian Stanley Forbes, Dis trict Governor of the 27th Rotary Internationa paid an official visit to the Oshawa Rotary Club While threshing aperations were under way, a large barn owned hy Fred Holliday of Whithy town ship, was destraved hy fire James Coakwell, age 87 y } WAS harmess maker ounding distriel for 60 y had « yed barns we ( M Leal Farmey tual We Wy ce oltered sprinklers 'l WANNA STEER' great experience for nadian for it provided an oppor tunity to meet and know the head ATTENDED WEDDING thrilling experience ding of Princess Margaret to An- jan party was in the United As your representative a member of the I was privileged to sent in the front row of the marriage altar saw the royal fam- The Queen Mother, truly with her down the aisle doing his best to sel the bride at IMPRESSED BY LEADERS 5 greatly impressed by the leaders attending the New Zealand, spoke strength and obviously s growth of his coun try which now numbers 12,000,000 Malaya was represented while the official lan. vIn Malaya is "English population Is made up of Chinese, government workers, misers, pe nti ito I OWNers and workers in ged in the professions, in plants and farming, py Is a limited democracy niin was represented hy Neh. a nation numbering 500 protectorates of Nigeria and Rho. also were represented as 5 South Africa, the majority of whose population is Negro, In this learn that fivessixths of the people of the Commonwealth are colored gixths are other than of Christian religion money from OHaw 5 constitutes more than ones quarter of the world's population as a family and talk over common problems as a a great force for 150 we can he loose about let us hope it always will ACCIDENT FALLS are a major cause of uo. accidents which results in FOR BETTER HEALTH Even Under Hypnosis People re Pain MD pricked several times and that he was to say whether he felt anys but the student ap CONDUCTED RY ment was conduct , the right arm did feel ym the moment the pricking the right hand began to you're hurting me," experiment shows, acemy rocent article in the Ay hives of General _Psyehlatey, " ciceived and experienc od as um and evoked a negative ction in one portion of the sub Sic the new fhe Sojciive 54 mie 5, possibitity now exists that, 20 years aller the raids in which the ares was | desolate, the northern hid d ings of St, Paul's will emerge from their desolation To the sonth and south-west of the Cathedral, however, there sre REPORT FROM U.K. Bombed-Out Area To Be Developed By M. MeANTYRE HOOD Special London (Eng) be forgotten, but in the comm" Correspondent tee rooms, negotiations were go- Hhey sue A Vating fot 3 move For The Oshawa Times fog mn, ol velopment. Tourists gaze at them, Church Com. seeing in them relics of the greats LONDON -- Mier 16 years of missioners at thet time owned ..c uur of af time. The stumbe desolution, of caverns sur- iwothicds of the Y 0 fing block is the ownership of the rounded with br walls, and volved, The rest 46d 10 the [ong and nothing can be done with a growth of weeds and Corporation. Long and un all of it is sequired by sume br , the homb shatiered ares negotiations to enable the Com 4. Mesnwhile, the brack- north of $. Paul's Cothedral Js to. missioners to sequire the Dalance 'oy' sud snes remain, 1o mock sé eloped 5 extensive , There were 'mportant A ares, which was levelled 16 the dechkions lobe made shout hg. ev Progiess wiich Io belug ground in successive air raids ures for the of loans to made with restoration of this his. while the famous Cathedral sur- implement the , There toric and extensive section of the vived, will arise imp were of details to be city blocks of buildings, settled, ' Mi of this area of land is own. ed by the Church of England WORK NOW COMPIRIE Commissioners, After protracted a eSommilite the now negotiations with the Corporation which has on the City of London, the final Coc, "wl socicion of the Com. singes have been reached which mon Council of the City, It Will mike possible the restoration assured that this decision will be this valuable ing site, fis meeting in mid-October, the T8vorable, and the Church Com- Common Council of the City will missioners are planning to start be pr d with on actual construction work in Janu how fo implement plans for the development of this historic site, VIVE SEAR WAY PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN It is now five years since Sir will Holford dh pubis FL i May rg Woo FROM DANGEROUS GERMS ing of the area on an ambitious scale, His plan was described as Street dirt tracked into the house ond lodged in the one of the most remarkable carpet is harmful to children playing on' it, Your rugs things in development in London should be cleaned regularly, in this generation, Action was slow in coming as every deta') Call us today for a free estimate. of the plans was checked by offi. cinls of the City, In 1958, after a five-day public inquiry, the Min ister of Town and Country Plan ning gave his blessing to the pro- RUS & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS posals, but three major changes of details were made in the pro RA 5 442 MILLER AVE cess, The scheme then seems to These Outstanding High-school Students have been awarded BANK oF MONTREAL canada centennial #3 scholarships for the To commemorate the Centenary Province of of Canada's Confederation and the 150th Anniversary of ONTARIO 967 Canada's First Bank ...in | EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EEE EE EE AAR EAE EE EE EEE EE EE EE EE ER EE ER EEN MICHAEL ANTHONY CHURCH JAMES DOUGLAS McGHEE Northview Heights Collegiate Institute Thornhill District High School Willowdale Thornhill SARAH ANNE DOYLE JUDITH ANN MILLINGTON London South Collegiate Institute Earl Wig Collegiate Institute London illowdale RICHARD HALL ELPHICK CATHERINE ISOBEL REID Alderwood Collegiate Institute Earl hg Collegiate Institute Toronto ilowdale BRIAN SUSUMU KAWASAKI JEAN MARY REILLY Alderwood Collegiate Institute Richview Collegiate Institute Toronto Islington MARY ELIZABETH KRUG LEE SCOTT SIMS Havergal College Malvern Collegiate Institute Toronto Toronto LINDA GAIL McFARLANE ROBERT SPENCER DAVID THOMAS Burlington Central High School Leaside High School Burlington Leaside OWEN WHITBY Eastwood Collegiate Institute Kitchener NE EEE EE EEE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE RR NNER RY | These thirteen promising young Ontario a higher education in fields where they will students are among the 50 from all parts have the opportunity -- through. scientific of Canada who will shortly begin thelr research and pursuits in the public service college careers in the Arts or Sciences = to contribute in some notable way to the at the Universities of their choice under common good of the nation in the years the Bank of Montreal Canada Centennial ahead, Scholarship Plan, Each of these students To all of these students we extend will receive a scholarship of $750, in this, warmest wishes in their endeavours to the first year of the Bank's seven-year Plan, qualify for the additional valuable scholars We, at the Bank of Montreal, congratu= ships to bé awarded each year until 1967, late these exceptional young people. We ~~ when the Plan culminates in Canada's are happy to assist them in their pursuit of ~~ Centennial Year. HERE ARE THE ADDITIONAL AWARDS FOR WHICH THESE STUDENTS MAY QUALIFY: 48 SCHOLARSHIPS OF $1,500... 2 BANK OF MONTREAL CANADA In the Spring of 1961, the top 16 of CENTENNIAL AWARDS OF $5,000 these 30 students will each be awarded In 1967, to culminate this seven: : \ neyear a BofM Scholarship of $1,500 for plan, the two top students--one in Arts second-year university training, and one in Science-will be chosen, from In 1962 and 1963, provided at least all 30 original participants in the plan, good second-class grades have been 10 receive the Bank of Montreal Canada maintained, these same students will Centennial Awards of $5,000 each for a each bo awarded a Bof M Scholarship further year of study anywhere in Cane of $1,500 per annum , + , leading to ada or abroad. graduation in 1964, Thus 10 each of these two winners = if 2 4 they have been participants throughout FELLOWSHIPS OF $3,000... the plan --the Bank will have provided . 3 0 the Sprig of 1904, the rap sight of financial assistance amounting 10 $19,250, these 16 students will each be awarded a Bol M Scholarship of $3,000 for one year's study anywhere in Canada or 2orond. Scholarship Students are chosen on merit In 1965 and 1966, provided a satisfac alone = academic standing and charace tory standard of work has been maine ter == by independent selection commits tained, thes tudents will each be awarded a Bol M Scholarship of stoop 1608 of faculty members of Canadian per annum for further Study leading 0 Universities. THE B of M HAS NO PART their Doctorate, WHATEVER IN THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEES ¥ We nh cases a this exper

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