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The Oshawa Times, 8 Sep 1960, p. 9

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MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL [arpsors set 2 [JSC Opens Campaign THE OMA TIMES, Thunder, Spent 8, 19909) of cold rebellious dg- cation through a USC scholar! b atlers are soseerned STOCK UP FORTHE WEEKEND! ¥ % T . testation and refusal to oblige » » uous nt fof 2 pezavs lars Are SoMesrIAd Advised 0 See Marriage Expe pose sel ack For Friendship Dollars Korean child te walk miles to] pects become more than gener: 3 i . Je bs mg oil 1 school, shoeless, contless and os. Along husingts lines, mai, muc » ; i h {ou ve muy By ELIZABETH MOTHERWEIL which 25000 layeites were sent hungry, fers ¢oncsrned 4 ul Dery and x 1 ushand's proper sex responsibil. v ; , : . . : Canadian Press Staff Writer to Arsh refugee babies In india, seven USC mobile To Straighten Out Prob ems les: and much to atone for to OFTAWA (CF) -- Wanted: Since 19 the USC has shipped|hospitals bring medical praeti- wird swing snd, in your priviaig ude, in having witlessly dam 4 | hat ie Iie, romance, snd the possibility Dear Mary Haworth; What is(nine years ago, when the rift in| aged her capacity to share a de-| Friendship dollars" (0 hatlle nearly 9000000 Jonnds relief tioners to villages where disense i" den marriage are indicated { a riage first became evident, cent love life with you, on a self hunger, eold, fllness and ignor- supplies. Their distribution In the js rampant in November; also in mid-1961, your most candid opinion ol a man vr Bhd over with a mar. respecting besis v ance, mame of Canada has saved Uhl "tng agency's modest Besdquar| Goo prado or end wile whe ks Ol i we 9 ol $ : é ' b eoun 9 . ' The Unitarian Service Commit- numbered lives Ig 78 Sparks Street, Ottawa, \ : t Shopping OR a nosh married donor to Salon nelplal : Sy septeves 107 maintained. br oon tee of Canada has oe By 2st asing bas nocessition | opp the Rorve contre for World| Sosy na hed 1, early Hine. at The Family Food Contre ot 75 wan : | 5 akes being ; . | 40 000 tar. |f 0 has progressed to imag- bilitat ale } 4 1 i for almost 25 years, For the last! of possible mistakes being made;\ pyle; hy wilely submission (o/Mas deadline for a $2 it i A Bvelief and rehabilitation Pro- gomestic affairs should rus hep eight or nine years she has used) and how to correct them, so 85 0lyude masculine aggression or Bet in is 1960 campaign opening inative eithety programs 0 grams. (pily for mast of the year ahead 174 Ritson Rd, §, -- The Best for Less jimost avery ig ogg Pir ju Rg ie Hie wh » Mia masculine hilt. Huda re money will be used by the a Ee ackmanovh "Ii is ~aktapt fot rig} ee wil arm's pngih, elore at, | rex er heartie 8 heory. : g { ul Pr Bon, i Tus normal | please you, This course of action have hy youl vi v course lall - Canadian relief agency difficult enough to combat some| THE STARS SAY Month and the Pt Ali which | Free Parking Open fo 0 pm, Dally When 1 tried to talk sense to! is still open to you; and it is the Min AAS iii Ron Bs sick; | founded by Dr. Lotia Hitschma- of the basic enemies of our time lasting well into 1961, should boost per, 18 months 6go, her reaction course I advise you to take, |oh (VCC UL Srowheating A nove of Ottaws, a onetime refu-|--lack of food, of medical gid and By ESTRELLITA your Job and economic status tre was 0 violent and emphatic that! 0 IMPERSONAL? fies are stupid, useless and de- gee, (0 continue is expanding clothing and shelier; but it i dously. Do make the most of I vowed to drop the subject fore-| If a marriage expert were|structive, They ean't help your program of assistance to over- much more diffieult to strike alleen woronpow opportunities then--especially if Specials For Thurs., Fri. and Sal. ever. But about a year later 1 0 th cussing seas needy, the very root of the problems that | 4 you have a chance to launch new, an and. a y {given the truth, the whole truth|cause any more than 4 2 ! Es | An 8ll around good day! Mos! tried again ang dit 1 could get and nothing but the truth about|eowld eure pneumonia. The only| The USC directs #5 per cont of haunt our friends in Koreas, Iie ions' wit he congenial, ang) Mut sound, ventures Aro at ove 10 say?" That's| your behavior as a husband, he logical step in the direction of jis aid to children and supportsdia, Hong Kang ang Groves b0-' fhere is indication of some good| A child horn on this day will [ how it still stands despite sey. might discover that you had light is for you to consult those! nore than 60 projects in Asia, | d8y~lack of knowledge and 0p ou from afar, During the P.M. (be warm-hearted, and intelligent is. eral subsequent efforts of mine|ceased long #go to court your specialists you want Maude 10 (0 'Middle Fast and Europe in portunity to fend for them: gneooial and property matters but will not work well under or . {age {wife in an adequaiely symps-|see MH. the fields of child care, educa. selves will be under fine aspects, and if | ders, CHRISTIES store a real marriage . {gers i eh io Sestore 8 16 Na I age, tried thetic appreciative spirit -- thet] Mary Haworth couns e158 tion, health, community develop. In remote regions of Greece will also be a good period In ¢ time after time to persuade her|nurtures marriage, + through her column, not by mail ment and large-scale feeding and|the USC has raised living stand-| which to deal with superiors, MISSIONARY SERVICE BROOKSIDE LOAVES to talk to a marriage counsellor) Perhaps your disposition, bel . personal interview, Write her|clothing, ards hy instruction in improved B AY 1 MONTREAL (CP) Mother or our family doctor, but oe jor fhe fighting hegan was just in care of this newspaper, Money donations are aug farming meth Bhi gifts of FOR THE BINTHDA) birthday Marie Gontran, me of the fwd flatly refuses. Each time, how-to take her for granted 4s a Cas: - | mented by gifts such as clothing, livestock and seedlings i Rs Toiliaatas thah lors of Montreal's Institute of Ouy ever, 1 would threaten to leave! ual eonsolation, impersonally em- land the y Sith of hundreds of | your horoscope hal you y of Sion, has just marked 60 CARTON ® } reel i esult, maybe HOUSEHOLD HINT The story repeats itself every: can achieve a great deal during i hig go hea I Reaighe raced: a" Tonal, Takers o Always store sharp kitchen volunteers across Canada who!where USC enterprise is in ae- this next year of your life, You|years of religious life Born in ed ont ar 2h p fee L ¥ ge i r , i y i" rently i py 1 Quebee City, she served at a mis REGULAR 12 IN PKG, y p Jeary knives in @ container separate make possible such enterprises tion : | are currently in a somewhat dull} ' : youd Nraighian oy BR ATL hy WR fran, Tomi iv other kitchen utensils, las this year's "layeite lift," in! Given the opportunity for edu cycle where both business and'sion in Brazil for 42 years LL PKG, LJ to the refusal routine, | -- -_-- - pops - ne, "ben 1 resend to LOVELY FASHIONS FOR NOW THROUGH COLDER WEATHER MATCHES "he nox 17° force her to see a marriage coun- sellor, such a look of fright eame pir 3 ts esis | SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 7 | 5) | | | |B Pan orev rosy || KLEENEX 7 = 1.00 a cto wer) BK Nh NIGHT CHOICE MEATS She reads Jo A Ly day and you are my last resort, | Persiana" Jackets She may listen to your opinions; | Aen A ; L ; - UNTIL 9 PM. he sure doesn't pay & tten- xurious Rar S. pay my 4 cs RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS We have a teen-age daughter i FER al home and the bickering and 4 4 4 i For Fell and Juarreiing on A a Holng ws Winter Smertness TWO MODERN STORES IN OSH AWA My wife gives no heed to this| % N sven de g there isl a t Na n a y Tt to dn - ] J ; : Charming Style J it, Please, what can should be 14 2 pry ie done? 1 en + o Tike i pled . AY 5 o ; / I A Savings-Priced | |) Y longer L.W (9 Yn w FAV SOTA, : 5 2 a LOIN ROASTS OF NOT CLEAR WHO'S AT FAULT J 3 4 5 u ' 8 / f Dear L.W.: It remains to be g : wh 3 p § TENDERLOIN END c determined who is the chief of-| * J ( \ ) ¥ 7 | [TH fender against marriage in this / EX : \ ! A ; lr fo y ® instance, you or your wife g ' Vd Fy } A man who finds himself in the Voy . . 1 TRY Nag DEVON RINDLESS BREAKFAST situation of being rejected con } . v ? J: } SLICED . sistently by his wife, when hel / { ¥/ 8 k REG, $1,981 YOU SAVE OVER [ wants lovemaking, has evidence pe? hid ¥ b 30 9 1 ' Novelty Feather ih. that somebody, or something, is \ ' A h . ; fasion Toine: tL Aid ; seriously wrong f ; J : > es to win admiring approval! LEAN BEEF But it would be rash unwar v ¥ ¥ 3 4 Ch slo ranted presumption to leap to the] 2 v Wy ( hole . of = white; colours . conclusion, or act on the theory, . . a é Speciall 8 that the wife is all wrong ' - h a P,P oF JET HANDBAGS FRESH PORK his sex attitudes, from the start hy 4 4 . SLICED 0 Samia should have dono " iy y . 4 SPECIAL! "MELLO - SOFT" Vinyl Smart! Becoming LI V ER Lb, 35 - he f. that's soft and so leather-like! Choose your new Fall Handbag now from Buller R lovely assortment of styles New 'Hi h-st les' ' ' MAPLE LEAF SLICED PEAMEAL Sh ads / || BACON . 89° Choice Fruits & Vegetables FOR FALL & LATER == Deep tone Velour fashioned into such feminine and flattering Millin ory , +, It's fun te try on the different models, and select your most-becoming! Zeller Thrift Priced! SIZES 10 TO 20-~Elegant "Pretend fur Jackets and Coats that look like fur are cosy as fur and cost a S [ 3 N L! . y i i SEEDLESS far less than you would expect to pay for such charming models, Choose ; 5 \ §' : : 7 ¢ now! J 4 \ \ 4 ; Y Ht Les, woop 9 " AL AAR NN | FS A coRN coum rn tur 480 ELECTED | FEE REY ARYAN | Al At RE-FLE convention of | Fi Ka il A A J " Sunkist ORANGES 4 a Pos, 49¢ the Loyal True Blue Associa. oy i i i ¢ Hi it b i Diver. ~ JAG: Jp mAs © gt it | Ht HEAD LETTUCE ™™ 2 ,/».28¢ Willard Spencer was re-elected d ' 5 " J i 4 \ , p al deny irene wont wi | dy : WRENDEZVOUS" || GRAPEFRUIT <%= g._ 2g¢ worshipful mistress of Victoria % an ' J i Lodge, LTB, No, B85, aE L 5 ; \ NYLONS TOMATOES CHOICE oe Special pavers GR AANA 7 | Special! Smart Fall Styles ys VR igi Priced to Save You 22% | | MC tro sizes Pe NY Sizes 10 to 18 Stosk up New for Seasons GAY FALL GINGHAMS = in RE A) Speer the becoming styles sketched, i of fine quality combed cotton, y [H pair These "Shirtmakers' will be your favorites now through win BLUEBERRY PIES "flit ww 39° 11 " ter they're smart-and-prac I TERYLENE tical! And 50 tiny priced! : PEAS YORK FROZEN a. 39¢ Reg. § ! din BLOUSES 3 Jon - 2.98 : 7 21> || Chicken Noodle SOUP 2, 23¢ wate. nt, pei. Trimmen itn Bh) Stas \ sR) COFFEE o-0!, ane so 8c contrasting embroidered motif q 4 4 Rea ite or or oat Grong : 2 v || MARGARINE ** *o" ne 73° Value! ROIN 99 No ps Granulated SUGAR 8 . 39° CO-ORDINATES . ® Rog. 2.00! Save over 26%! (| roan 2 oeas = oi Loo FOR FALL! © Well-known Brand P. : TOMATO SOUP "** i 23¢ WINTER-RIGHT ! ¢ CARDIGAN -- Long-sieeve | STYLES FOR LADIES & BRA SPECIAL! Wi classic-styfed Cardigan of | YOUNG.-MISSES! -- Black | cotton with slightly pad Full line of spices and pickling supplies ie 3 < SIZES 9 T0 17 lence textured Yon. patent leather, leather and ded pleated cups non : 4 x oose from white; lovely velvety suede in comfortable surf waithand. Sues A i / cup, 32 to 3 up, o : new Fall tones, Sizes a1 Pumps" for Fall 'thea Win v x t hs 6 R ; x Rs : FULL LINE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES 14 to 20x ) 4 19 Age Hatter YT. (NOT TEXT BOOKS) . ter! Come and see the as ing! New-Season Monays W - N A sortments! Zeller - Thrift Saver » . e SKIRT -- All-Wool "Seals | priced! skin in black, beige, loden, I WOOL COATS beautifully Slim-fitting style; seat lined ¢ led "perma-finish Sealskin A air 8 1 tor g batter tty, Ses 10 DOWNTOWN {] SHOPPING CENTRE bi Rang Brg © 16, 21 SIMCOE ST. §. 226 STEVENSON RD. §. a ny a cs or | via. A oN A 220 FIEINE WA Jaaqe Shop and Save at LEE GIS CELA RI NICE | GLECOFE'S "i = £ Fresh as all outdoors! ------------------------ The sunnysweet flavor of Blue Bonne! Margarine Is country-fresh «= makes just about everything taste ben ter. Good for growth, be. cause it's all vegetable Buy it in the handy Yellow Quik package. Blue Bonnet MARGARINE SPREE EREREDS

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