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The Oshawa Times, 8 Sep 1960, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Continuing very warm snd humid, with Isolated thunder. showers late Friday afternoon or evening, THOUGHT FOR TODAY If you are middle-aged, running around with young people won't make you younger but it will keep you from growing old, dhe Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1960 Pon ce Daemon, Otay VILLAGES AGAIN FACE FOREST FIRE THREATS r Be TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES VOL, 89--NO. 208 Sa Another Meeting On Winter Jobs OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis. construction no longer ean he | ter Diefenbaker scheduled an- counted on 8s the powerful em- | other cabinet meeting today, the ployer of man-hours of labor it | third in three days this week has been, wrestling with the prospect of The government has been dis- |: People Abandon Hamlet Homes HALIFAX (CP) ~ Forest fires smoke began to affect the eile raced in on seven communities | dren, Mass evacuation began, in three Atlantic provinces Wed:| Since then, some families have nesday night, foreing residents to moved back into their homes flee and causing heavy property while othres have been driven » WITH HIS FINGERS making Fastern Kasal "Mining State" of the Congo, displays the of the soldiers of Kalonji's vol unteer army holds corner of mounting unemployment in the appointed, he said, in the relat. months ahead, ively small number of applica Labor Minister Starr an- tions it has received--800--~in a inounced Wednesday the munici. special housing incentive plan} pal winter works incentive pro- designed to make work during} gram, designed to increase win- the coming winter, He said ap-| ter jobs in local areas, will start plications may increase before six weeks earlier than originally the program's eut-off date, Nov,| |intended, He said further megs- 30, loss, | Women and children ran from! fires which closed In on the northern New Brunswick fishing communities of Bale Ble, Anne and Escuminae. An early report sald two houses had been burned a8 the flames advanced wader near-gale force winds, | Ten miles east of Bale Ste, out, The fire that raced in on OM Perlican had been iin smouldering bush and dry turf since last week when rain halted the flames as they ap through tal TERROR PREVAILS rosched the homes spruce stands, f Confusion and fright struck the the "V" sign, Albert Kalonfl, | Jioio'c new flag in ceremonies | flag, provisional president the | at Elisabethville, Tuesday. One Interference Charged By Congo Government [the same chaotic state, with both|said a Catholic bishop had been {men claiming fontrol over thelfound in Kasai province disguised of army and neither knowing for! PA wreaka lsure where the troops would @% @ general of the breakaway "mining state," opposition mem- ber Mzezi Landa walked out of of ~AP Wirephoto LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuters) The Congolese government today accused the United Nations fnterfering in Premier Patrice Lumumba's conflict with Presi- turn in a showdown, ures to make work are under active consideration by the gov- were received hefore the pro- ernment, gram started Sept, 1 "The matter is continuously be-| the government will make direct ing too far to say that no day have committed purchasers with goes hy that does not include incomes of up to $7,600 to buy consideration of some possible or hefore the houses are built, It is projected action at the federal designed to counter speculative evel," he said | building HOUSING DEMAND OFF | yoms FOR 165,000 Public Works Minister Walker,| Mr, Starr said this housing a few hours earlier, told repori-| program is one of five major ers that housing demand seems steps already taken by the gov- to be slackening, and that house ernment to meet next winter's m-- m |unemployment emergney, Th municipal winter works incentive program, earlier extended to in | Most of the 800 applications Under it, } fore the cabinet and it is not go- mortgage loans to builders who! | § ; | § po | Anne, the fishing village of Res- Newfoundland fish ing familes euminac wos threatened again Wednesday, sending them #| Fach village has a population down the streets with only the i of about 250, Most of the 85 fish-| belongings they could carry, The {ermen Jost In a June 20, 1050, manager of a freighting firm in storm sailed from Escumingc| Carbonear, 30 miles east of the {land Bale Bie, Anne, | village, awakened most of his 100 Half the fishing folk in Old | employees and urged them to go Perlican, a fishing village of 1-/to the isolated village to help in 000 on the tip of Newfoundland's|the evacuation Avalon Peninsula, left their| In Nova Scotia, where forestry homes when a fire that had been! officials could give no estimate smouldering near the village for| of the extent of damage and de 'la week burst into new fury, struction to valuable forests, ne HOSPITAL PATIENTS FLEE | (omiminities were fn immediate The 40 patients of the village . { hospital were reported evacuated ¢ while flames licked up the side dent Joseph Kasavubu and warned of "important decisions' to be taken tonight on relations with the UN, The accusation came in a com- munique as troops and police pa- trolled the streets of this uneasy capital and Lumumba and Kas vubu continued their behind-the- scenes struggle for power, The Senate today refused to al- fow Lumumba to address it untill Foreign Minister Justin Bomboko| bad spoken, of the sign. e i», bs non-anni laration ousting Lumumba as premier, had disappeared after escaping a police attempt to ar| west him in a hotel this moraing, FIRST FROM CABINET Foreign ministry sources said] Bomboko also had been dis missed from his cabinet post, Albert Delvaux, another minis. | ter who signed Kasavubu's dec-| laration, defended his action as) uite legal in a speech to the nate, | When Lumumba tried to speak] following Delvaux's address, sen-| ators protested and Vice-Presi.| dent Joseph Okito ruled that Bomboke was the next listed speaker and no one could speak before him, He then adjourned the session until the foreign min ister arrived, The government issued its com munique attacking the United Nations while troops and police kept close guard on the national assembly building It said the Congolese govern ment "notes with astonishment the interference of the United Na- tions In the conflict between the head of state and the government of the republic." Lumumba already has pro tested to the UN against the clos ing of Congolese airfields and the shutdown of Leopoldville radio the main outlet for his speeches to the Congolese people. | The first round of the battle between Lumumba and Kasa ended in a draw Wednes when the National Assen validated their actions in firing each other from office, The assembly vote, 60 to 19 left the political situation here in « lig Today's government communi-| que claimed that Lumumba and his government still have the backing of both the army and police and that the situation is in hand Lumumba addressed the sembly for two hours Wednesday before it voted, denouncing | everyone from the United Nations | to the Roman Catholic church, He charged that the UN had| violated the sovereignty of the| Ongo, Lumumba also accused Catho. SOA Belgians & eolonialists of plotting other against him, At one point, when Lumumba Hees Urges Three-Way Trade Ideas TORONTO (CP) Federal Transport Minister Hees today told the Canadian National Exhi- bition's directors' lyncheon that if Canadian goods are to sell competitively with foreign goods three segments of the economy must co-operate Government, management and labor must be constantly ques: tioning themselves if Canadians goods are to compete at home and abroad, he said, Government, in its efforts to please both manufacturers and primary producers, must balance requests of higher tariffs from countries which import primary produce from Canada | "If we lowered tariffs to please] our primary producers, we would/ put many of our manufacturers out of business," he said, He urged manufaciurers con: stantly to examine the ratio of production costs and sleling price and to avoid profits which could price them out of markets Labor must ask itself if produes tion is increasing in proportion to| the increase in Mr, Hees' remarks were re- leased to the press in advance, | Big Plane Swap Could Be Scrapped the assembly shouting and gestie- ulating at the premier, REPORTERS SEARCHED Armed guards ringed the build. ing as the assembly met and set up roadblocks to cut off traffic in front of the premier's house, Re-| porters were searched and their| documents checked, often upside down, Lumumba sald a eommission States authorities are gradually| of members of the government losing hoje o sementing a multh and "other wise men" had been/million -dollar military plan set up fo wits the it|swap with © A op i y between and Kasavuby,|sige there will be no hig' eargo | ereased its contribution to 78 per WASHINGTON (CP) United! #nce work for the winter months, clude municipal publie buildings, | be Bhs : now will provide jobs for 165,000 . workers, directly and indirectly, HOWARD COOK 18 one of The government has also in-| the Miamians taking early | storm precautions as he hoards cent from 50 for trades training | up the large front windows of "a 't| HURRICANE WATC seasonal do-it-now publicity eam. palgn and scheduled more fed. eral construction and malnten- I - "ike of the building, his business place on | In Prince Edward Island, four hearing from the weather bu. (forest fires, driven wildly reau that Hurricane Donna 1s (winds which repeatedly switched a definite threat, {AF Wirephoto) direction, bore In on the scat tered farming communities of Enmore, Freeland, Foxley River and Bideford, The communities are in an area 30 to 60 miles west of Summerside, H Mp, Starr urged individual nd municipal and provinelal governments to get behind the cate winter) Florida Awaits At last report, the fires were completely out of control, and several homes in the communi ties had heen evacuated, Forest fires In all four Allantic provinces have followed an off New Highway | Section Opens TORONTO (CP)~Unrestricted travel on the new section of the Trans-Canada Highway Sault Ste, | Marie, wi mitted after 7 p. tarlo W announce north of be pers Ways nine cons ay. For the last Thonth traffic on Lake who opposes Lumumba's strong central government and favors a looser confederation of states, Meanwhile, the UN appeared to have successfully blocked flights by Soviet planes which had been carrying Lumumba's troops into the Kasal to fight forces, led hy Albert Kalonji, which oppose Lumumba, BIRTHDAY Col, R. 8, McLaughlin, Osh. awa's leading citizen and dean of the Canadian automotive in. dustry, who is today recelving the congratulations of his host of friends on the celebration of his 80th birthday, Still hale and hearty, Col, McLaughlin main. tains a keen interest in the life of the community and in the industry which he helped to build, Inquest Probes Death Of Former Jail Head OTTAWA (CP)-The immigra. himself Tuesday eight days after; "My husband would never tion department said today examination 'of its records failed to disclose any information which would have made Aleksander Laak ineligible for admission of Canada as an immigrant Laak hanged himself in Winni peg Tuesday night after being aceued by the Russian news agency Tass of being a Nazi war eriminal A department official said Wed nesday Laak was given a police security check before being al lowed to enter Canada WINNIPEG (CP) Fear of communism aroused by munist propaganda was blamed today for the death of a 53%} year-old Estonian who hanged | CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1133 FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6574 HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 ( V sald later caused we'd better clear it wp." gested in another interview that her husband did not kill him: loot laeld, { an a Soviet news agency said he commit had been chief of a Nazi mur der camp, Various motives were ad vanced for the hanging of Alex Laak, tonian was found in the garage at his home, chief of the Es whose body former state prison, Dr, I. 0, Fryer, Manitoba provincial coroner, first ruled it an obvious suicide, However, he that the matter had "quite a disturbance and An inquest was ordered to Com. start today at 12:15 p.m Daisy, tearfully lamed charges made through he Soviet news agency Tass and reported in Canada, "These stupid, stupid Cana. lians," she cried, "They want o tell everybody---they want to wrint, and broadeast, what the Russians tell them." VIDOW DENIES SUICIDE Distraught, Mrs. Laak His wife, der sug « prison director in question bought a heuse in Canada with suicide, or if he did, he'd have at least left me a note, He .always left me small notes, "He was alone in the house for an hour ar so, Someone might have come and told him something, . . "Anyone who has gone through what he has gone through would not have com. mitted suicide for something like that, It was only Communist propaganda and anyone who's lived under Communist rule knows what that's like." Laak sald after the Tass broadcast Aug. 29 that he was the man referred to, but de: scribed the report as propa ganda, He denied the charges He said that when the Ger mans occupied Estonia, he was director of the state prison from 1942 to 198 but was not cone nected with a torture and mun camp described by Soviet agency said The from his term as camp tar, | plane purchases in Canada if the! deal doesn't go through | In fact, some U.8, officials are impatiently muttering that the| proposed deal, involving Cana-| . dian-made CL-44 cargo planes ies Aged 73 and U8. made ¥-101 Voodoo jet| ' fighters, is heading towards the! TORONTO (CP) -- Dr. Alaniloday on a course almed at the scrap heap because of Canadian Brown, ene of three Canadian Florida straits, coolness to the plan, [doctors who developed the infant| A hurricane watch remained in The embarrassment for certain food pablum and who at 31 be. effect for Florida's heavily-popu: Canadian officials here is that/came physiclan-in-chief of Tor-|lated lower east coast from Mel they have been repeatedly plead |aiie's Hoanital or Siok Children, bourne to Key West, ing for production-sharing con. died Wednesday night in Toronto! A. AY tracts at the U.8, defence depart: General Hospital, He was 78, ign y Vay Shireatesed. High ment and now are confronted, Dr, Brown, who retired nine | oast of central Cuba with a case where the U8, is will-| years ago, guided the affairs of 4 SH ing and Canada less so, [the chiliren's hospital for 82) Raging seas were building up In the midst of modernizing its years and under his direction itn the Hahamas, Tides were ex huge military transport fleet, the became one of the best known|Pected to reach four to 12 feet U.S, air force has expressed will:| éhild treatment and research cen. above normal in some places, |ingness to acquire about 83 or 40|tves In North America CONTACTS SEVERED Lo anes pn \e | At a gathering of medical men |"%" adh y of the i] Manes progiesy & his There was no word from May- 000,000, providing the RCAF purchases about 65 of the U.S, McDonnell F101 twinen gined jets for about $100,000,000,| Famed Doctor MIAMI (AP) Donna, with at least 156 dead In the southeastern Bahama Islands 'Once Stewardess Woman Vanishes | TORONTO (CP) Mrs, Syl vetta (Sylvia) Tait, 19, a former |airline stewardess who disap: peared from her apartment 12 days ago, Is being sought by po lice, Congo Aid Urged UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (AP) Her husband, Donald Tait, algeoretary-General Dag Hammar representative of the Australia guinid today called for Security Broadcasting Company, sald his Council action to halt the flow of wife Is In need of medical care. |guiside ald to warring factions He has offered a reward of $100 iy the Congo, [these forces are an obstacle to [the re-establishment of law and | order, | Hammarskjold devoted a mas (Jor part of the report to his pro The call presumably was di-|posal for international financial od against the Soviet Union aid to the Congo, | Belgium, ituat 3 8 Vv ° Hammarskjold also told the 11. Po that BU Rhy gig Bn power council in a special Post-|gram of military and technical midnight report that it may be aig "may very soon he put in necessary to disarm Congolese | joonardy or even nullified unless military units temporarily since pertain steps are now taken to stabilize the financial position of the Congolese government and to lay the foundation for the future growth of the Congo economy," NO COUNTY NAMED The secretary-general did mot say which country is sending military Supplies into the Congo independently of the UN, News dispatches have reported that a fleet of 14 Soviet troops transport planes, trucks and about 200 technicians are in the Congo to help Premier Patrice Lumumba put down secessionist "rebellions," A spokesman for the Katanga provincial government sald Wed- nesday considerable shipments of arms are being received from Belgium Washington reports said Ham marskjold already has com. plained privately to the Russians about the amount of Soviet aid arriving ia the Congo, He is said to have received an indignant reply that the Soviet Union is only trying to help restore onder. | | The council is expected to meet | {Friday or Saturday to consider! Hammarskjold's new report {which urged a renewed appeal to {all countries to refrain from ac {tions which might aggravate the situation, for information leading to her re | turn, Ine Mr, Tait said his Brazilian-born| wife picked up her passport at| the immigration office at Malton | Alrport Aug, 27, the day she dis-| appeared, but did not board a plane, | LATE NEWS FLASHES New Russian Arms Proposal Expected WOODSTOCK, Ont, (CP) Russia will present a new disarmament plan when the United Nations General Assembly opens later this month, Wallace Neshilt, parliamentary assis. tant to External Affairs Minister Green, predicts, He said: "The Russians are undoubtedly going 'to present a new disarmament plan with much fanfare. My own feeling 1s it will be a genuine move, I think it will he a proposal of real substance," Behind Schedule On Congo Planes OTTAWA (CP) The government is more than three weeks behind schedule on its commitment to provide Caribou transport planes and. their erews for the United Nations Congo force, it was learned today. Officials said two Caribou and thelr crews were trained and ready to fly to the Congo Aug. 13 but that they have not yet left Merchants Wamed About Cheques A counterfeit Unemployment Insurance Commission cheque has been discovered in Bowmanville, It was cashed at a store, and deposited to the Bank of Montreal. The Toronto branch of the bank returned the cheque, Sept, 2, with the notas tion, "counterfeit benefit warrant", The warrant was payable to Donald W, Stacey, 13M Don Mills Rd, Willowdale, Ont The two signatures on the face of the cheque, are believed to be F, P. Harris and J, E. Watson. Bowmanville Police Chief Bernard R. Kipney has warned all merchants not to cash cheques unless they know the persons involved, | | | Tass, | the had "Word On Storm Hurricane her stormy wake, raged through a hamas, and-on pattern for 12 days, With rapid wind, temperature and hu- d {midity changes, about 120 fires new Wig in Taland and Srooled Is have given firefighters a heotic[siretch is scheduled at Wawa time, Sept, 17, It is the first highw etn 24 3 a.m, Blaced tie su J00-square-mile area west offlink with the outside world wor 00 f |Bummerside was designated a)ihat iron mining comm aot. 800 miles southeast of disaster ares last week whenl4,000, . ny am -- --- wens neta 1 ymilton Thugs Rob Mail Truck an hour and was expected to con. | tinue in that direction for the next| 12 to 18 hours, A vast area was affected by| the slorm, Hurricane winds| howled over an area 125 miles to the northeast and 80 miles to the| HAMILTON (CP)--Two armed came out from behind a parked {southwest of the storm centre. men hijacked a mail truck Wed: car," Mr, Linge! said, Gale-force winds reached out 260 nesday night in downtown Ham:| "He looked like a drunk so flton, kidnapped the driver and braked, slowing the truck, He escaped with six bags of regis-|then waved what looked like a tered mail, gun, Jumped on the running Although the exact amount {s{board and hit me over the back not known, the bags may have of the head, contained bank shipments adi ra PPED TRUCK Official opening miles to the northeast and 140 miles to the southwest, STREETS CLEARED In Nassau, capital of the Ba. residents were ordered the streets and Red Cross omergency stations were set up the 108 could be Ih the thousands "I wasn't going to argue, J in all districts, 0} dollars, police sald, have a wife and two children, so Rains, which took a heavy toll| Detectives later found the aban: IY stopped the truck," the driver of lives In Puerto Rico, continued |doned truck and 41 bags of mail gantinyed to pour out of the great storm, [WOrth 810.000, at the foot of "Then a second man came up Thousands of Florida's gold Strachan Street West, and they made me get into the coast' residents, along the 330-| Jessie Walter Lingel, 26, told back of the truck. The first man mile strip from Key West to the|police he left the main post office drove while the other kept a gun Cape Canaveral missile centre, |in downtown Hamilton just after|in my back all the time," awaited word from the weather(9 p.m, with a load of mall for| Mr, Lingel said the truck was bureau whether hurricane warn:|the TH and B station on Beckley driven to a spot near the CNR |ings would be posted, The area|Street, yards, He said he was pushed was put on hurricane watch Wed:| "I had just rounded the corner|from the truck, then a car pulled nesday on to Beckley Street when a maniup behind the truck, | | | | | PLANE CRASHES ON PEAK Smashed plane of two Las | of Panorama City, and Hern | downdraft apparently caused Angeles area men lies on jage- | bert Spearman of North Holly | the light plane to drop suddenly, ed rock ledge near Apple Val: | wood were injured when plane | O'Brien crawled from Wrecks ley, The pilot, Harry O'Brien, | crashed just after takeoft, A | age and waved for help, 5

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